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The most widespread, used and translated version of Sun Tzu's work

into several languages is the one originally published in 1963 in

Analysis of The Art of War from an England, which is preceded by an extensive essay by Samuel B.
Administrative approach. Griffith, which constituted his doctoral thesis, defended at the
University of Oxford, and who also produced what is considered the
“Despite its age (5th century BC), Sun Tzu's book contains many most consistent translation of the original in Chinese.
teachings for business in the modern world”
In recent years, the contribution of these teachings is being seen in Unlike Clausewitz's book "On War", which has several hundred
“more mature disciplines”, of approaches and knowledge that can pages, Sun Tzu's collection of essays does not exceed 100 pages,
be applied in business and company management, in the face of
distributed in 13 chapters, with a very condensed exposition. Among
dissatisfaction with the knowledge available in this sphere, to face
the topics it addresses are: Estimates (for war), Making war
the new changes and trends in the environment, which have put in
crisis the paradigms that for decades were used as “guidelines” for (approaches and organization), Offensive strategy, Dispositions,
the management of organizations. Energy, Weaknesses and strengths, Maneuvers, Terrain, among
others. In a few pages it presents suggestions on: philosophies,
As happened at the beginning of “scientific management” and, in strategies, tactics, organizational recommendations on war, among
later years, especially after the war, when management tools others.
generated in the military industry (operations research, critical path,
econometrics) were incorporated into the civil sphere, generating Philosophy and strategy.
the “school of administrative sciences”, the specialists turned, once The essential difference about the main philosophy of war between
again, to the study of military classics. Clausewitz and Sun Tzu is that, for the former, victory in war is
Compared to other literary works, the most referenced and revered obtained with the “destruction of the enemy.” For Sun Tzu the most
military classic by specialists is Sun Tzu, Chinese philosopher and important thing is “to achieve victory without fighting.” For this
military man from the years 400-320 BC. His essays, collected in reason, Lidell Hart suggests that humanity could have been spared
“The Art of War”, have been republished multiple times in recent much of the damage suffered “if, in the wars of the 20th century,
years. There are also many books that use his teachings for business the influence of Clausewitz's military thought had been completed
management. As for example, the book “The Art of War for with the teachings of the Chinese philosopher.”
Managers”, Gerald Michaelson “is the world leader of Sun Tzu's Consistent with this philosophy, Sun Tzu attached great importance
strategies” who proposes “50 strategic rules to succeed in the to prior knowledge of the battlefield, the enemy's forces, their
business world. These lessons synthesize the business side of Sun disposition on the ground, as well as effective intelligence work.
Tzu.” Assimilating this to the field of business, specialists reiterate that, to
formulate their strategies, companies must know in depth the
In the presentation of a version of the book in Spanish it is said situation of the markets, the strengths and weaknesses of their
“many key phrases in modern business management manuals are, competitors, as well as have a precise diagnosis of their strengths
practically, literal quotes from the work of Sun Tzu (changing, for and weaknesses. internal. “The main reason why the wise general
example, army for company, or weapons for resources). )”, that is, conquers the enemy is prior knowledge,” says Sun Tzu.
the “presence” of this author is older than one might think. A very recurring phrase from the Chinese philosopher for specialists
In 2004, an International Symposium “The Art of War” was held. in management issues is: “Know yourself and know your enemy.
Applications of Sun Tzu's Strategies in business. Filmmakers have not “Know the terrain and the climate.” The inferences of these ideas for
escaped the “boom”, in the film “Wall Street”, by director Oliver the management of organizations can be summarized as follows:
Stone, the character played by Michael Douglas, for which he won
the acting Oscar, refers to the teachings of Sun Tzu that he applied in • Be clear about our strengths and weaknesses, to be able to
their successful businesses. organize our resources for an effective battle. On a personal
level “Know thyself”.
The author and his work. A comment. This is the first of the emotional intelligence skills,
According to scholars on the subject, the “discovery” of Sun Tzu in one of the most widespread management approaches in recent
the West is somewhat surprising. For centuries his thoughts were years.
unknown to the military themselves, who would benefit the most • Know the weaknesses of competitors to be able to “attack”
from his ideas. Lidell Hart, British military specialist, in the Preface to at the points where they are most vulnerable (neglected market
the edition of “The Art of War” laments that it reached the West segments, insufficient after-sales service, late response to
during the period of the French Revolution, in a poor and little- customer demands). Sun Tzu advises “If you want to be sure of
disseminated translation. He states that the military theorist who winning, attack a place that your enemy does not defend.”
exerted the most influence at the end of the 19th century and the
beginning of the 20th century was Clausewitz, “despite the fact that
the Chinese philosopher has a clearer vision, a deeper intelligence
and an eternal freshness.” (Sun Tzu, 2001, p. 9 preface by Hart).
• The “terrain” must be understood as the “market”, which allusion to certain dumping strategies, for example: why win a
in addition to competitors is made up of clients, commercial market that we ourselves have destroyed?... Therefore, Sun Tzu
systems, etc. The “climate” is identified as the “environment” clearly points out that "what is of utmost importance in war is to
where technological, economic, political, social, environmental attack the enemy's strategy; the second best is to break his
trends, regulations, etc. are present. alliances through diplomacy; thirdly comes to attack his army."
Planning, actions and alliances. Regarding alliances, Sun Tzu recommends:
Other aspects that Sun Tzu presents are: the concentration of forces,
the attack and the contingency plan. Concentration of forces refers • Prevent your enemies (competitors) from joining together
to establishing a superiority of forces at the point of attack, to oppose you.
regardless of the size of the enemy army. It is a "relative • If there are powerful alliances, avoid attacking them.
superiority", where we detect that the enemy is weaker, or where • If you must attack, first separate your enemy (competitor)
we can generate a weakness through strategies that deceive him. from your allies.
• Use your own allies skillfully.
Regarding the attack, Sun Tzu suggests that the strategist must • Don't choose allies that don't suit you.
analyze whether there is a real need to carry it out. It proposes • Know how to keep an alliance and when to end it.
analyzing whether there are other options that do not involve Role of leadership.
attacking, which can often weaken us or leave us in a more
complicated position. It also suggests analyzing whether the attack The topic of leadership does not escape Sun Tzu's attention.
can be carried out “without bleeding us out,” do it in a “profitable” Regarding this, he states: “And for this reason, the general who does
manner, and whether we have advantages, whether numerical or not seek personal glory when he advances, nor does he care about
otherwise, that give us a good chance of success. avoiding punishment when he retreats, but whose sole purpose is to
protect the population and promote the best causes of his
Finally, Sun Tzu highlights, with great wisdom, that it is essential to sovereign, It is the precious jewel of the State... few are found of this
formulate a strategy for the creation of a contingency plan, which character... "
will serve as a backup, in the event that the forecasts and the first Among the qualities of a good general he points out: Sun
plans that we prepare fail. Tzu.
The core of Sun Tzu's philosophy on war rests on two principles:
• He fulfills a mandate from the sovereign to mobilize the
-The entire Art of War is based on deception. people and organize an army.
- The supreme Art of War is to subdue the enemy without fighting. • When he sees the right course, he acts, he doesn't wait for
From these principles, some lessons emerge that can be summarized • You must trust your ability to control the situation, as
as follows: circumstances dictate. It is not bound by established procedures.
• Appreciate timely changes in circumstances.
• Employing too many strategies can lead to losing the • A wise general in his deliberations must consider both
battle. According to Sun Tzu, the best strategy is the simplest favorable and unfavorable factors.
and best focused, since overly complex strategies can confuse • It carefully examines the dangers implied in the
members of one's own army, compromising their chances of advantages and the advantages related to the dangers (its
victory. similarity to contemporary management theories could be
• It is wise to use resources based on the expected result: “turning problems into opportunities”).
the battle of the modern company has many fronts: • By taking favorable factors into consideration, you make
communication, products, marketing, etc. Each of them requires your plan viable; By taking into account the unfavorable ones,
intelligent use of resources. you can resolve difficulties.
• Great armies first become invincible and then defeat their
enemy. The teaching of this maxim is clear. A company cannot He also points out what he considers to be the “five qualities that, in
succeed on the external front if it has not first done so internally, the character of a general, are dangerous,” which are:
conquering its employees, conquering the terrain of best
practices. • If he is reckless, they can kill him. (He makes a difference
• Deception is a very effective weapon. According to Sun between bravery and recklessness, the latter can be interpreted
Tzu, a constant curtain of deception must be generated, so that as thoughtless behavior).
the enemy never knows what is really happening. In this way any • If he is a coward, they can take him prisoner. Elaborating
action will be surprising for the enemy, thus achieving an on this, he states, “Those who value life above all else will be
advantage for our army. overcome by hesitation. The hesitation of a general is a huge
• Subduing the enemy without fighting is the supreme disaster.”
excellence. For the Chinese general, "the best policy in war is to
take an intact state; ruining it is inferior." In this we can read an
A comment. In a similarity with managerial concepts, it can be In the presentation of a version of the book in Spanish it is said
identified as “the value of deciding, assuming the risks that this “many key phrases in modern business management manuals are,
implies.” practically, literal quotes from the work of Sun Tzu (changing, for
• If he is irritable, they can make a clown of him. Clarify this example, army for company, or weapons for resources). )”, that is,
by expressing “He who is easily angered is irascible, obstinate the “presence” of this author is older than one might think.
and hasty. Does not consider difficulties. "The essential thing in
the behavior of a general is his firmness." In 2004, an International Symposium “The Art of War” was held.
A comment. The control of emotions is the second of the Applications of Sun Tzu's Strategies in business. Filmmakers have not
Emotional Intelligence skills. escaped the “boom”, in the film “Wall Street”, by director Oliver
• If you are eager to defend your reputation, you have no Stone, the character played by Michael Douglas, for which he won
attention for anything else. the acting Oscar, refers to the teachings of Sun Tzu that he applied in
• If you only fear losses, you cannot give up temporary their successful businesses.
advantages for long-term gains. (A similarity to management
concepts would be “focusing more on threats than on possible The author and his work.
opportunities,” as a negative behavior).
According to scholars on the subject, the “discovery” of Sun Tzu in
The lessons that can be drawn from the work of Sun Tzu far exceed the West is somewhat surprising. For centuries his thoughts were
the possibilities of this commentary. Furthermore, the level of unknown to the military themselves, who would benefit the most
“compaction” (conclusive and didactic syntheses) with which their from his ideas. Lidell Hart, British military specialist, in the Preface to
ideas are presented allows each person to make the interpretations the edition of “The Art of War” laments that it reached the West
that are most useful for their purposes. Knowledge of this work during the period of the French Revolution, in a poor and little-
exceeds the specific interests that military personnel, managers, disseminated translation. He states that the military theorist who
professionals, etc. may have. and, at the same time, integrates them exerted the most influence at the end of the 19th century and the
all. beginning of the 20th century was Clausewitz, “despite the fact that
Analysis of The Art of War from an Administrative the Chinese philosopher has a clearer vision, a deeper intelligence
approach. and an eternal freshness.” (Sun Tzu, 2001, p. 9 preface by Hart).
The most widespread, used and translated version of Sun Tzu's work
into several languages is the one originally published in 1963 in
“Despite its age (5th century BC), Sun Tzu's book contains many
England, which is preceded by an extensive essay by Samuel B.
teachings for business in the modern world”
Griffith, which constituted his doctoral thesis, defended at the
University of Oxford, and who also produced what is considered the
In recent years, the contribution of these teachings is being seen in
most consistent translation of the original in Chinese.
“more mature disciplines”, of approaches and knowledge that can
be applied in business and company management, in the face of
Unlike Clausewitz's book "On War", which has several hundred
dissatisfaction with the knowledge available in this sphere, to face
pages, Sun Tzu's collection of essays does not exceed 100 pages,
the new changes and trends in the environment, which have put in
distributed in 13 chapters, with a very condensed exposition. Among
crisis the paradigms that for decades were used as “guidelines” for
the topics it addresses are: Estimates (for war), Making war
the management of organizations.
(approaches and organization), Offensive strategy, Dispositions,
Energy, Weaknesses and strengths, Maneuvers, Terrain, among
As happened at the beginning of “scientific management” and, in
others. In a few pages it presents suggestions on: philosophies,
later years, especially after the war, when management tools
strategies, tactics, organizational recommendations on war, among
generated in the military industry (operations research, critical path,
econometrics) were incorporated into the civil sphere, generating
the “school of administrative sciences”, the specialists turned, once
Philosophy and strategy.
again, to the study of military classics.

The essential difference about the main philosophy of war between

Compared to other literary works, the most referenced and revered
Clausewitz and Sun Tzu is that, for the former, victory in war is
military classic by specialists is Sun Tzu, Chinese philosopher and
obtained with the “destruction of the enemy.” For Sun Tzu the most
military man from the years 400-320 BC. His essays, collected in
important thing is “to achieve victory without fighting.” For this
“The Art of War”, have been republished multiple times in recent
reason, Lidell Hart suggests that humanity could have been spared
years. There are also many books that use his teachings for business
much of the damage suffered “if, in the wars of the 20th century,
management. As for example, the book “The Art of War for
the influence of Clausewitz's military thought had been completed
Managers”, Gerald Michaelson “is the world leader of Sun Tzu's
with the teachings of the Chinese philosopher.”
strategies” who proposes “50 strategic rules to succeed in the
business world. These lessons synthesize the business side of Sun
Consistent with this philosophy, Sun Tzu attached great importance will serve as a backup, in the event that the forecasts and the first
to prior knowledge of the battlefield, the enemy's forces, their plans that we prepare fail.
disposition on the ground, as well as effective intelligence work.
The core of Sun Tzu's philosophy on war rests on two principles:
Assimilating this to the field of business, specialists reiterate that, to
formulate their strategies, companies must know in depth the -The entire Art of War is based on deception.
situation of the markets, the strengths and weaknesses of their - The supreme Art of War is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
competitors, as well as have a precise diagnosis of their strengths
and weaknesses. internal. “The main reason why the wise general From these principles, some lessons emerge that can be summarized
conquers the enemy is prior knowledge,” says Sun Tzu. as follows:

A very recurring phrase from the Chinese philosopher for specialists • Employing too many strategies can lead to losing the
in management issues is: “Know yourself and know your enemy. battle. According to Sun Tzu, the best strategy is the simplest
“Know the terrain and the climate.” The inferences of these ideas for and best focused, since overly complex strategies can confuse
the management of organizations can be summarized as follows: members of one's own army, compromising their chances of
• Be clear about our strengths and weaknesses, to be able to • It is wise to use resources based on the expected result:
organize our resources for an effective battle. On a personal the battle of the modern company has many fronts:
level “Know thyself”. communication, products, marketing, etc. Each of them requires
A comment. This is the first of the emotional intelligence skills, intelligent use of resources.
one of the most widespread management approaches in recent • Great armies first become invincible and then defeat their
years. enemy. The teaching of this maxim is clear. A company cannot
• Know the weaknesses of competitors to be able to “attack” succeed on the external front if it has not first done so internally,
at the points where they are most vulnerable (neglected market conquering its employees, conquering the terrain of best
segments, insufficient after-sales service, late response to practices.
customer demands). Sun Tzu advises “If you want to be sure of • Deception is a very effective weapon. According to Sun
winning, attack a place that your enemy does not defend.” Tzu, a constant curtain of deception must be generated, so that
• The “terrain” must be understood as the “market”, which the enemy never knows what is really happening. In this way any
in addition to competitors is made up of clients, commercial action will be surprising for the enemy, thus achieving an
systems, etc. The “climate” is identified as the “environment” advantage for our army.
where technological, economic, political, social, environmental • Subduing the enemy without fighting is the supreme
trends, regulations, etc. are present. excellence. For the Chinese general, "the best policy in war is to
take an intact state; ruining it is inferior." In this we can read an
allusion to certain dumping strategies, for example: why win a
market that we ourselves have destroyed?... Therefore, Sun Tzu
Planning, actions and alliances. clearly points out that "what is of utmost importance in war is to
attack the enemy's strategy; the second best is to break his
Other aspects that Sun Tzu presents are: the concentration of forces, alliances through diplomacy; thirdly comes to attack his army."
the attack and the contingency plan. Concentration of forces refers
to establishing a superiority of forces at the point of attack,
regardless of the size of the enemy army. It is a "relative Regarding alliances, Sun Tzu recommends:
superiority", where we detect that the enemy is weaker, or where
we can generate a weakness through strategies that deceive him. • Prevent your enemies (competitors) from joining together
to oppose you.
Regarding the attack, Sun Tzu suggests that the strategist must • If there are powerful alliances, avoid attacking them.
analyze whether there is a real need to carry it out. It proposes • If you must attack, first separate your enemy (competitor)
analyzing whether there are other options that do not involve from your allies.
attacking, which can often weaken us or leave us in a more • Use your own allies skillfully.
complicated position. It also suggests analyzing whether the attack • Don't choose allies that don't suit you.
can be carried out “without bleeding us out,” do it in a “profitable” • Know how to keep an alliance and when to end it.
manner, and whether we have advantages, whether numerical or
otherwise, that give us a good chance of success. Role of leadership.

Finally, Sun Tzu highlights, with great wisdom, that it is essential to The topic of leadership does not escape Sun Tzu's attention.
formulate a strategy for the creation of a contingency plan, which Regarding this, he states: “And for this reason, the general who does
not seek personal glory when he advances, nor does he care about
avoiding punishment when he retreats, but whose sole purpose is to exceeds the specific interests that military personnel, managers,
protect the population and promote the best causes of his professionals, etc. may have. and, at the same time, integrates them
sovereign, It is the precious jewel of the State... few are found of this all.
character... "

Among the qualities of a good general he points out: Sun


• He fulfills a mandate from the sovereign to mobilize the

people and organize an army.
• When he sees the right course, he acts, he doesn't wait for
• You must trust your ability to control the situation, as
circumstances dictate. It is not bound by established procedures.
• Appreciate timely changes in circumstances.
• A wise general in his deliberations must consider both
favorable and unfavorable factors.
• It carefully examines the dangers implied in the
advantages and the advantages related to the dangers (its
similarity to contemporary management theories could be
“turning problems into opportunities”).
• By taking favorable factors into consideration, you make
your plan viable; By taking into account the unfavorable ones,
you can resolve difficulties.

He also points out what he considers to be the “five qualities that, in

the character of a general, are dangerous,” which are:

• If he is reckless, they can kill him. (He makes a difference

between bravery and recklessness, the latter can be interpreted
as thoughtless behavior).
• If he is a coward, they can take him prisoner. Elaborating
on this, he states, “Those who value life above all else will be
overcome by hesitation. The hesitation of a general is a huge
A comment. In a similarity with managerial concepts, it can be
identified as “the value of deciding, assuming the risks that this
• If he is irritable, they can make a clown of him. Clarify this
by expressing “He who is easily angered is irascible, obstinate
and hasty. Does not consider difficulties. "The essential thing in
the behavior of a general is his firmness."
A comment. The control of emotions is the second of the
Emotional Intelligence skills.
• If you are eager to defend your reputation, you have no
attention for anything else.
• If you only fear losses, you cannot give up temporary
advantages for long-term gains. (A similarity to management
concepts would be “focusing more on threats than on possible
opportunities,” as a negative behavior).

The lessons that can be drawn from the work of Sun Tzu far exceed
the possibilities of this commentary. Furthermore, the level of
“compaction” (conclusive and didactic syntheses) with which their
ideas are presented allows each person to make the interpretations
that are most useful for their purposes. Knowledge of this work

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