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Technical specification
Hidrocantábrico Electrical Distribution, SAU 1

Final Documentation Electrical Installations



1 .- Object

2 .- Scope

3 .- Methodological Development

Remember that this Documentation in PAPER FORMAT may become obsolete. To consult
updated versions go to the Web

Responsible Date

Drafting 24/10/2013

check Network Projects 24/10/2013

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Hidrocantábrico Electrical Distribution, SAU 1

Directorate of Environment, Sustainability, Innovation and Quality

Approval 24/10/2013
Technical specification

I have energy Technical specification
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Final Documentation Electrical Installations
ET/5112 Ed.
Hidrocantábrico Electrical Distribution, SAU 1

The purpose of this Technical Specification is to define the documentation that must be provided by
the “turnkey” contractor company at the end of the construction work of a high voltage electrical
installation for Hidrocantábrico Distribución Eléctrica, SAU. (hereinafter HCDE).

2 .- SCOPE
This Technical Specification applies to the construction of new high-voltage electrical substations or
new underground high-voltage lines, designed by the Network Projects Department of the EDP
Projects and Communication Directorate.

Listed below are the different documents and information that the “turnkey” contracting company
must provide upon completion of the work. Said documentation, based on the requirements of
IT/1052, must be delivered within a period of no more than two months from the commissioning of
the installation.

1. Plans according to the end of work (As-Built)

2. Photos and photomontage
3. Calculations
4. Technical Dossier
5. Quality dossier
6. Environmental Dossier
7. Passive Fire Protection Compliance Report

The following sections indicate the main considerations to take into account when preparing each

3.1 Plans according to the end of work (As-Built)

Once the work is completed, the contractor company, with the help of the documentation modified
by hand during the work, will carry out the as-built document, generating the “According to the End
of Work” edition.

All plans must be updated according to the installation actually executed.

Of each plan, two copies will be delivered in digital format (dwg and pdf) and two copies in paper, one
in original format and another in A3 format for general and mechanical plans and A4 for electrical
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Hidrocantábrico Electrical Distribution, SAU 1

Final Documentation Electrical Installations


The plans according to the end of work must preferably be saved in Autocad 2000, a version of
Autocad that uses the viewer of the EDP HC ENERGÍA document management system (Art-e) and
must take into account the following HCDE technical specifications:
- ET/5003: Plans: Signature and Classification.
- ET/5004: Plans: Normal Formats.
- ET/5005: Plans: Graphic elements of the formats.

The following plans will be provided:

- Generic plans.
- Blueprints of Earth movements.
- Blueprints of civil work.
- Blueprints of structures.
- Blueprints of mounting.
- Electrical plans.
- Auxiliary systems plans (video surveillance, intrusion, fire protection, etc...)

3.2 Photos and/or photomontage

Two CDs/DVDs will be delivered with the photos that have been taken throughout the execution of
the work.

In the event that a photomontage of the work has been made and can be provided by the contracting
company, it will also be included on the CD/DVD.

3.3 Calculations
All studies and calculations carried out and approved during construction will be compiled in a folder
called “Calculations”, which will include at least:

- . Electrical Substation

- Geotechnical studies (if applicable)

- Foundations of structures for equipment, buildings and mooring frames
- Calculation hypotheses of structures and supports and their corresponding calculations
- Calculations of the planned busbars from the point of view of electric field and mechanical stress
- Study of support insulators including their mechanical and electrical characteristics.
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- Buildings Page5 Out of
- Study of the drainage network
- Lighting calculations Ed.
Hidrocantábrico Electrical Distribution, SAU 1
- Insulated cables (ampacity/short circuit)
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Hidrocantábrico Electrical Distribution, SAU 1

Technical specification

Final Documentation Electrical Installations


- Grounding mesh (measurement of ground resistivity (if available), calculation of the intensity
dissipated by the mesh, calculation of the characteristics of the main mesh and the step and
contact voltages, singular points,...)
- Aerial ground network (critical distance, critical atmospheric current, protected zone, …)

- . Powerline

- Geotechnical studies (if applicable)

- Structural calculations of the chambers splicing
- Support foundation calculations /structures
- Intensity calculations
- Calculation of induced stresses
- Downloader calculation
- Calculation of power cables low voltage
- Junction chamber ground network calculations

Two copies will be delivered in electronic format and depending on the volume of documentation,
the delivery of a paper copy will be assessed with HCDE.

3.4 Technical Dossier

A Technical Dossier will be prepared with information on the materials and equipment that make up
the installation and that have been supplied by the “turnkey” contracting company. Two copies will
be delivered in electronic format and depending on the volume of documentation, the delivery of a
paper copy will be assessed with HCDE.

To facilitate the handling of documentation, a first classification of the materials and equipment will
be made depending on whether they are related to civil works or electromechanical assembly. In a
subsequent classification, the documentation will be organized based on the physical location it
occupies in the installation.

The dossier will try to include all available information about the materials and equipment that make
up the installation, including:

- Sheets or Manuals of technical characteristics, including the degree of reaction to fire according to
the SI Basic Document of the Technical Building Code of all construction materials
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- Quality reports Page7 Out of
- Assembly manuals 8
- Conservation manuals and maintenance Ed.
- Internal electrical diagrams Hidrocantábrico Electrical Distribution, SAU 1
- Dimensional and detail drawings of all elements
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Technical specification

Final Documentation Electrical Installations


- Name plates
- Catalogs
- Original software
- Automata logic

In Annex 1 of this specification, an example of an index of the Technical Dossier of an electrical

substation and the Dossier of an underground high-voltage line is proposed as a guideline. Likewise, a
help table is included with the documentation that should be included for the materials/equipment
that can be found in these facilities.

3.5 Quality dossier

A Quality Dossier will be prepared with all the quality information related to the construction work of
the facility and the materials and equipment that are part of it. Two copies will be delivered in
electronic format and depending on the volume of documentation, the delivery of a paper copy will
be assessed with HCDE.

The documents that must be included in this quality dossier will be, among others, material quality
certificates, factory test certificates, materials on-site controls, PPI's, test protocols, commissioning
tests, regulatory reports, non-conformities, audits,…

The quality information on materials and equipment included in this dossier will be organized in a
similar way to that discussed in the technical dossier section, with a first classification depending on
whether the material/equipment is related to civil works or electromechanical assembly. . In a
subsequent classification, the documentation will be organized based on the physical location it
occupies in the installation.

Additionally, it must include the following sections:

- PPI's
- Trials and Commissioning Tests
- Regulatory Test Reports
- Nonconformities
- Others

As Annex 2 of this specification, two indices of a Quality Dossier are proposed as an example, one for
a high-voltage electrical substation and another for an underground high-voltage electrical line.
Likewise, an indicative table of the documentation that should be included on the
materials/equipment that can be found in these facilities is included.
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Hidrocantábrico Electrical Distribution, SAU 1

Technical specification

Final Documentation Electrical Installations


3.6 Environmental Dossier

All environmental information generated throughout the construction of the facility will be compiled
in an Environmental Dossier, of which two copies will be delivered in electronic format and
depending on the volume of documentation, the delivery of a copy in electronic format will be
assessed with HCDE. paper.

The scheme and documentation that must at least be included in this dossier will be:

A. Electrical Substation

1. Waterproofing and watertightness certificates (only if applicable):

- Identification, plans and documentation of the characteristics of the leak and spill
containment systems of the transformers (including auxiliary transformers) and the
generating set.
- Certificate of waterproofing and tightness of the transformer oil collection tank (including
auxiliary transformers) and the leak collection pit of the generating set.
- Certificate of tightness of the existing tanks in the facility (supply and sanitation).
2. Gases and dangerous substances (if applicable):
- Accreditation of SF 6 volumes contained by equipment (if applicable)
- Accreditation that fire fighting systems use authorized gases
- Accreditation that refrigeration systems use authorized gases
- Technical sheets of dangerous substances that may be available on site
3. Waste management:
- Updated waste control book
- Waste management delivery notes and tickets
- Waste acceptance documents
- Hazardous waste management DCS's
4. Environmental Monitoring of the Work:
- Check-list of inspections carried out during the work
- Record of work incidents
- Any other environmental information related to the work (incidents, audits...)

B. Powerline

1. Certificates of waterproofing and tightness of existing tanks in the facility (only if applicable)
2. Gases and dangerous substances (if applicable):
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Hidrocantábrico Electrical Distribution, SAU 1

Technical specification

Final Documentation Electrical Installations


- Accreditation of SF 6 volumes contained by equipment (if applicable)

- Accreditation that fire fighting systems use authorized gases
- Accreditation that refrigeration systems use authorized gases
- Technical sheets of dangerous substances that may be available on site
3. Waste management:
- Updated waste control book
- Waste management delivery notes and tickets
- Waste acceptance documents
- Hazardous waste management DCS's
4. Environmental Monitoring of the Work:
- Check-list of inspections carried out during the work
- Record of work incidents
- Any other environmental information related to the work (incidents, audits...)

3.7 Passive fire protection compliance report (if applicable)

In order to comply with the internal specification ET/5077 of “Functional criteria for passive fire
protection in HC Energía substations in Asturias”, upon completion of the work, the contracting
company must deliver a report on passive protection against the fire of the installation, where the
following information will be collected:

- Description of work carried out, including photographs of the installation before and after the
work carried out.
- List of products used (Technical sheets)
- Testing of the materials used
- Representation of the work carried out on the floor plan of the facility
- Guarantee of the work carried out
- Other data considered relevant

In addition, the certificate of compliance with Royal Decree 1942/1993, Regulation of Fire Protection
Installations, issued by the installation company of the installation's fire protection system, must be
included, which must be signed by a competent qualified technician, and detail the installed
detection means.

The documentation related to fire will be completed by providing in the Technical Dossier the
certificates of the construction materials, where the class of reaction and resistance to fire of the
same must appear according to the classification made in the SI Basic Safety Document in case of
Fire, of the Technical Building Code. At least, this information must be provided for the load-bearing
and enclosing construction elements and for the materials of the false floor, false ceiling, coatings
and metal carpentry.
I have energy Technical specification
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Hidrocantábrico Electrical Distribution, SAU

Final Documentation Electrical Installations


2 copies will be delivered in electronic format and depending on the volume of documentation, the
delivery of a paper copy will be assessed with HCDE.
• I have energy


1. Civil work
1.1. outdoor park
1.1.1 Drain Sheet
1.1.2 Drain Pipe
1.1.3 Concreting joints
1.1.4 Waterproofing materials
1.1.5 Prefabricated pipelines
1.1.6 Cable conduit tubes
1.1.7 Road curb and rigolas
1.1.8 Tile
1.1.9 Perimeter enclosure
1.1.10 Automatic gate including sensors, motor, key, remote...
1.1.11 Metal manhole covers
1.1.12 Tramex transformer grilles
1.1.13 Prefabricated manholes and manholes
1.1.14 Fire walls
1.1.15 Chest pâtés
1.1.16 Hydrocarbon Separator including level control and alarm
1.1.17 Deposits (water, sewage,…)
1.1.18 Others
1.2. Buildings
1.2.1 Waterproofing materials
1.2.2 Primer materials
1.2.3 Sealing material
1.2.4 Paintings
1.2.5 building panels
1.2.6 building pillars
1.2.7 building roof
1.2.8 Copper tubing
1.2.9 Technical Floor
1.2.10 Technical Ceiling
1.2.11 Metal Carpentry
1.2.12 GIS Building Gate
1.2.13 Windows
1.2.14 Intumescent Grilles
1.2.15 Locks
1.2.16 Ceramic material bathrooms
• I have energy

1.2.17 Bathroom sanitary material

1.2.18 Rest of building material
2. Electromechanical assembly
2.1. outdoor park
2.1.1 Metal structure and screws
2.1.2 Outdoor Lighting
2.1.3 Cables of power
2.1.4 Cables of control
2.1.5 Cables of copper
2.1.6 muddy
2.1.7 Parts of Connection
2.1.8 Terminal Bottles
2.1.9 Insulators
2.1.10 132 kV autovalves including discharge counter
2.1.11 MT autovalves
2.1.12 Pfisterer Terminals
2.1.13 Grounding boxes
2.1.14 Grounding material including connecting parts
2.1.15 Neutral grounding switches
2.1.16 Neutral grounding resistance
2.1.17 Others
2.2. Buildings
2.2.1 Interior lighting
2.2.2 Building air conditioning equipment (heating and air conditioning)
2.2.3 Fire detection equipment including switchboard, pushbuttons, sirens and sensors
2.2.4 Security installations (CCTV, access control, intrusion) including switchboard,
security cameras, sensors and public address system
2.2.5 Domestic hot water system
2.2.6 Water chlorination system
2.2.7 Grounding material
2.2.8 SF6 extractor including electrical diagram
2.2.9 Bilge pump including level control and diagrams
2.2.10 Safety material
2.2.11 Warehouse Shelving
2.2.12 Amurid repellent
2.2.13 Fire extinguishers
2.2.14 Lightning rod
2.2.15 Overhead Crane including electrical diagrams
• I have energy

2.2.16 Generator Set including engine, generator and electrical diagrams

2.2.17 auxiliary transformers
2.2.18 Trays
2.2.19 cabinet benches
2.2.20 Auxiliary services cabinets
2.2.21 Magnetothermal Automatic Switches
2.2.22 Relays
2.2.23 Accountants
2.2.24 Battery rectifier including internal electrical diagrams
2.2.25 110/48 Vdc converter
2.2.26 Inverter 110/230 Vac
2.2.27 Protection cabinets
2.2.28 Bus differential protection
2.2.29 Others
• I have energy


1. Civil work
1.1. Layout
1.1.1 Tubes for cable laying
1.1.2 Pipe union joints
1.1.3 Tubes for fiber optic cable
1.1.4 Tubes for special situations (perforations, crossings,…)
1.1.5 Tiles
1.1.6 Curbs on roads
1.1.7 Chests prefabricated
1.1.8 Caps of manholes
1.1.9 Fences
1.1.10 Others
1.2. Junction chambers
1.2.1 Materials of waterproofing
1.2.2 Materials of primer
1.2.3 Materials of sealing tubes
1.2.4 Concreting joints
1.2.5 Grilles
1.2.6 Stairs
1.2.7 Locks
1.2.8 Subtract camera material

2. Electromechanical assembly
2.1. Layout
2.1.1 power cables
2.1.2 Control cables
2.1.3 Copper cables
2.1.4 Clamps
2.1.5 Supports
2.1.6 Terminal bottles
2.1.7 Pfisterer Terminals
2.1.8 Grounding Boxes
2.1.9 Autovalves
2.1.10 Grounding material including connecting parts
2.1.11 Others
2.2. Junction chambers
2.2.1 Splices
• I have energy

2.2.2 Bilge pumps

2.2.3 Security camera
2.2.4 Lightning
2.2.5 Auxiliary Services Cabinets
2.2.6 Grounding material for junction chambers
2.2.7 Safety material
2.2.8 Trays
2.2.9 Others
Detail drawings
1. Civil Works
sheets Catalogs O&M Manuals
1.1 Outdoor park
Drain Sheet x x
Drain Pipe x x
Concreting joints x x
Waterproofing materials x x
Prefabricated pipelines x x
Cable conduit tubes x x
Road curb and curbs x
Tile x
Perimeter enclosure x
Automatic access gate x x x
Metal manhole covers x x
Tramex transformer grilles x x
Prefabricated chests x x
Fire walls x x
Pâtés x
Hydrocarbon Separator x x x
Deposits (Sewage, Water,…) x x x
1.2 Buildings
Waterproofing Materials x x
Primer materials x x
Sealing material x x
Paintings x
building panels x x
building pillars x x
building roof x x
Copper tubing x
Technical Floor x x
Technical Ceiling x x
Metal carpentry x x
GIS Building Gate x x x
Windows x x
Intumescent grilles x
Locks x
Ceramic material bathrooms x
Bathroom sanitary material x

(1) If the detail plans are already included in the as-built collection of plans, it is not necessary to include them in the
Detail drawings
Manuals of
2. Electromechanical Assembly Technical sheets Catalogs O&M
Rating plate
2.1 Outdoor park
Metal structure and screws x
Outdoor Lighting x x
power cables x
Control cables x
Copper cables x
muddy x x
Connecting parts x x
Terminal Bottles x x
Insulators x x
AT autovalves x x
MT autovalves x x
Pfisterer Terminals x x
Grounding boxes x x x
Grounding Material x x x
Neutral grounding switches x x x
Neutral grounding resistance x x x
2.2 Buildings
Interior lighting x x
Building HVAC equipment x x x
Fire detection equipment x x
Security installations (CCTV, access control,
intrusion) x x
Domestic hot water system (thermos) x x
Water chlorination system x x x
Grounding Material x x
SF6 extractor x x x x
Bilge Pump x x x x
Safety Material x
Warehouse Shelving x
Amurid repellent x
Fire extinguishers x x
Lightning rod x x x
Bridge Crane x x x x
Generator Set x x x x
auxiliary transformers x x x x
Trays x x
Cabinet bench x x
Auxiliary services cabinets x x x
Magnetothermal Automatic Switches x x x
Relays x x
Accountants x x x
Rectifier - batteries x x x x
110/48 Vdc converter x x x x
Inverter 110/230 Vac x x x x
Protection cabinets x x x
Bar Differential Protection x x

(1) If the detailed plans are already included in the as-built collection of plans, it is not necessary to include them in the Dossier.
Technical Detail drawings
Manuals of
1. Civil Works sheets Catalogs O&M

1.1 Layout
Tubes for cable laying x x
Pipe union joints x
Tubes for fiber optic cable x x
Special situations tubes x x
Tiles x
Road curbs x
Prefabricated chests x x
Manhole covers x x
Fences x x
1.2 Splicing Chambers
Waterproofing Materials x x
Primer materials x x
Tube Sealing Materials x x
Concreting joints x
Grilles x x
Stairs x x
Locks x

(1) If the detailed plans are already included in the as-built collection of plans, it is not necessary to include them in the
Detail drawings
2. Electromechanical Assembly Technical sheets Catalogs O&M Manuals (1)
Rating plate
2.1 Layout
power cables x
Control cables x
Copper cables x
Clamps x x
Supports x x
Terminal Bottles x x
Pfisterer Terminals x x
Grounding boxes x x
Autovalves x x
Grounding material including connecting parts
x x
2.2 Splicing Chambers
Splices x x
Bilge Pump x x x x
Security camera x x x x
Lightning x x
Auxiliary Services Cabinets x x x

Grounding Material of the junction chambers x

Safety material x
Trays x x

(1) If the detailed plans are already included in the as-built collection of plans, it is not necessary to include them in the Dossier.
• I have energy


1. Civil work
1.1. Civil works materials
1.1.1. Concrete
1.1.2. Bricks
1.1.3. Mortar
1.1.4. Zahorra
1.1.5. Gravel
1.1.6. Rebar and iron
1.1.7. Bolts
1.1.8. Lanes
1.1.9. Tramex
1.1.10. Checkered plates
1.1.11. Other materials
1.2. outdoor park
1.2.1. Drain Sheet
1.2.2. Drain Pipe
1.2.3. Concreting joints
1.2.4. Waterproofing materials
1.2.5. Prefabricated pipelines
1.2.6. Cable conduit tubes
1.2.7. Road curb and rigolas
1.2.8. Tile
1.2.9. Perimeter enclosure
1.2.10. Automatic access gate
1.2.11. Metal manhole covers
1.2.12. Tramex transformer grilles
1.2.13. Prefabricated manholes and manholes
1.2.14. Fire walls
1.2.15. Pâtés
1.2.16. Hydrocarbon separator
1.2.17. Deposits
1.2.18. Others
1.3. Buildings
1.3.1. Waterproofing materials
1.3.2. Primer materials
1.3.3. Sealing material
1.3.4. Concreting joints
• I have energy

1.3.5. Building paintings

1.3.6. building panels
1.3.7. building pillars
1.3.8. building roof
1.3.9. Copper tubing
1.3.10. Technical Floor
1.3.11. Technical Ceiling
1.3.12. Metal carpentry
1.3.13. GIS Building Gate
1.3.14. Windows
1.3.15. Intumescent Grilles
1.3.16. Locks
1.3.17. Ceramic material bathrooms
1.3.18. Bathroom sanitary material
1.3.19. Rest of building material
2. Electromechanical assembly
2.1. outdoor park
2.1.1. Metal structure and screws
2.1.2. Outdoor lighting
2.1.3. power cable
2.1.4. control cable
2.1.5. copper wire
2.1.6. muddy
2.1.7. Connecting parts
2.1.8. Terminal Bottles
2.1.9. Insulators
2.1.10. 132 kV autovalves
2.1.11. MT autovalves
2.1.12. Pfisterer Terminals
2.1.13. Grounding boxes
2.1.14. Grounding material
2.1.15. Neutral grounding switches
2.1.16. Neutral grounding resistance
2.1.17. Others
2.2. Buildings
2.2.1. Interior lighting
2.2.2. Building air conditioning equipment
2.2.3. Fire detection equipment. Certificate issued by the installation company
• I have energy

2.2.4. Security installations (CCTV, access control, intrusion and public address system)
2.2.5. Domestic hot water system
2.2.6. Water chlorination system
2.2.7. Grounding Material
2.2.8. SF6 extractor
2.2.9. Bilge Pump
2.2.10. Safety Material
2.2.11. Warehouse Shelving
2.2.12. Amurid repellent
2.2.13. Fire extinguishers
2.2.14. Lightning rod
2.2.15. Bridge Crane
2.2.16. Generator Set
2.2.17. auxiliary transformers
2.2.18. Trays
2.2.19. Cabinet bench
2.2.20. Auxiliary services cabinets
2.2.21. Magnetothermal Automatic Switches
2.2.22. Relays
2.2.23. Accountants
2.2.24. Rectifier-batteries
2.2.25. 110/48 Vdc converter
2.2.26. Inverter 110/230 Vac
2.2.27. Protection cabinets
2.2.28. Bar Differential Protection
2.2.29. SEL relays
2.2.30. Others
3. PPI's
3.1. Civil work
3.1.1. Excavation Building 1 - Earthworks
3.1.2. Excavation Building 2 - Earthworks
3.1.3. Excavation Transformers - Earthworks
3.1.4. Transformer 1 foundation
3.1.5. Transformer 2 foundation
3.1.6. Foundation of the fire wall 1
3.1.7. Foundation of the fire wall 2
3.1.8. Foundation of the building 1
3.1.9. Foundation of the building 2
3.1.10. Type C1 Channeling
• I have energy

3.1.11. Type C2 channeling under the road

3.1.12. Type C3 Channeling
3.1.13. Channeling Output Section 20 kV to Box A1
3.1.14. Channeling Output Section 20 kV to Manhole A2
3.1.15. Channeling Entry Section Cables 132 kV
3.1.16. Drain Channeling
3.1.17. Concrete Work (Firewall 1)
3.1.18. Concrete Work (Firewall 2)
3.1.19. Access Roads
3.1.20. Interior Roads
3.1.21. Perimeter Closure
3.1.22. Verification of plumbing and toilet installations
3.1.23. Other PPI's
3.2. Electromechanical assembly
3.2.1. Metal structure verification
3.2.2. Verification of Grounding Installations
3.2.3. Outdoor Switchgear Verification
3.2.4. Muddy Check
3.2.5. Auxiliary Systems Verification
3.2.6. Verification of lighting and power installations
3.2.7. Other PPI's
4. Commissioning Tests
4.1. Grounding Installation
- Mesh grounding resistance measurement.
- Measurement of step and contact voltages applied throughout the substation
4.2. BT cables
- Verification of general cable conditions
- Checking continuity, succession and identity of phases
- Insulation resistance measurement
4.3. MV/AT cables
- Verification of general cable conditions
- Checking continuity, succession and identity of phases
- Screen continuity and resistance measurement
- Cover dielectric strength test
- Main insulation test oscillating wave method
4.4. Switchgear
- Functional tests, with verification of field signals, switchgear maneuver orders, locks and
4.5. Auxiliary Services Transformers
• I have energy

- Extentof theendurance of isolationbetween windings AT-BT

- Extentof theendurance of isolationbetween windingsAT-ground
- Extentof theendurance of isolationbetween windingsBT-ground
4.6. Auxiliary services
- Auxiliary Services Alternating Current 400/230 Vac
- Auxiliary Services Direct Current 110/48 Vdc
4.7. MT cells
4.8. AT Bays/ Positions
4.9. Other tests
5. Regulatory Test Reports
6. Non-Conformities/Incidents
• I have energy


1. Civil work
1.1. Civil works materials
1.1.1. Concrete
1.1.2. Bricks
1.1.3. Mortars
1.1.4. Zahorra
1.1.5. Filling material
1.1.6. Sand
1.1.7. Gravel
1.1.8. Asphalt agglomerate
1.1.9. Rebar and iron
1.1.10. Bolts
1.1.11. Tramex
1.1.12. Checkered plates
1.1.13. Other materials
1.2. Layout
1.2.1. Drain Sheet
1.2.2. Cable conduit tubes
1.2.3. Fiber optic cable tube
1.2.4. Pipes for special situations (directed drilling, crossings, driving...)
1.2.5. Concreting joints
1.2.6. Waterproofing materials
1.2.7. Prefabricated pipelines
1.2.8. road curb
1.2.9. Tile
1.2.10. Metal manhole covers
1.2.11. Pâtés
1.2.12. Others
1.3. Splicing Chambers
1.3.1. Waterproofing materials
1.3.2. Primer materials
1.3.3. Sealing material
1.3.4. Concreting joints
1.3.5. Locks
1.3.6. Rest of material
2. Electromechanical assembly
2.1. Layout
• I have energy

2.1.1. Metal structure and screws

2.1.2. Wire ofpower
2.1.3. Wire ofcontrol
2.1.4. Wire ofcopper
2.1.5. Low Voltage Cables
2.1.6. muddy
2.1.7. Connecting parts
2.1.8. Cable holders
2.1.9. Terminal Bottles
2.1.10. Pfisterer Terminals
2.1.11. Insulators
2.1.12. Autovalves
2.1.13. Grounding boxes
2.1.14. Grounding material
2.1.15. Others
2.2. Splicing Chambers
2.2.1. Lightning
2.2.2. Security installations (CCTV)
2.2.3. Splices
2.2.4. Grounding Material
2.2.5. Safety material
2.2.6. Bilge Pump
2.2.7. Trays
2.2.8. Cabinet bench
2.2.9. Auxiliary services cabinets
2.2.10. Accountants
2.2.11. Others
3. PPI's
3.1. Civil work
3.1.1. Pipeline Execution
3.1.2. Execution of the splicing chambers
3.1.3. Other PPI's
3.2. Electromechanical assembly
3.2.1. Cable routing verification
3.2.2. Metal structure verification
3.2.3. Verification of Grounding Installations
3.2.4. Outdoor Switchgear Verification
3.2.5. Splice Verification
3.2.6. Auxiliary Systems Verification
• I have energy

3.2.7. Verification of pumping system in junction chambers

3.2.8. Other PPI's
4. Commissioning Tests
4.1. AT cable
- Dielectric Strength Test of Cable Insulation (AC)
- Partial Discharge Test (PD)
- Cable Sheath Dielectric Strength Test (DC)
- Cable Capacity Measurement Test
- Phase Order Verification Test
- Test for measuring the resistance of the conductor and the cable screen
- Grounding Connection System Verification Test
- Impedance Measurement Test
4.2. BT cables
- Verification of general cable conditions
- Checking continuity, succession and identity of phases
- Insulation resistance measurement
4.3. Switchgear
- Functional tests, with verification of field signals, switchgear maneuver orders, locks and
4.4. Grounding Installation
- Mesh grounding resistance measurement.
- Measurement of applied step and contact voltages
4.5. Auxiliary services
- Junction chamber control cabinets
- Junction chamber pumping system
- CCTV system splicing cameras
4.6. Other tests
5. Other tests
5.1. Tightness test of the pipeline and pre-chambers
6. Regulatory Test Reports
- Ground measurements report and step and contact voltages report
- Report of final tests carried out on the finished lines
7. Non-Conformities/Incidents

Material On-site control

1. Civil Works Delivery notes Certificates Quality Certificates tests
1.1 Civil works materials in general
Concrete x x x x
Bricks x x x
Mortars x x x
Zahorra x x x x
Gravel x x x x
Rebar and iron x x x x
Bolts x x x
Lanes x x
Tramex x x
Checkered plates x x
1.2 Outdoor park
Drain Sheet x
Drain Pipe x
Concreting joints x
Waterproofing materials x
Prefabricated pipelines x x
Cable conduit tubes x
Road curb and rigolas x
Tile x
Perimeter enclosure x
Automatic access gate x
Metal manhole covers x
Tramex transformer grilles x
Prefabricated chests x x
Fire walls x x
Pâtés x
Hydrocarbon Separator x
Deposits x
1.3 Buildings
Waterproofing Materials x
Primer materials x
Sealing material x
Concreting joints x
Building paintings x
building panels x x
building pillars x x
building roof x x
Copper tubing x
Technical Floor x
Technical Ceiling x
Metal carpentry x
GIS Building Gate x
Windows x
Intumescent grilles x
Locks x
Ceramic material bathrooms x
Bathroom sanitary material x

2. Electromechanical Assembly Delivery notes Certificates Quality Certificates Factory/site tests
2.1 Outdoor park
Metal structure and screws x x x x
Outdoor lighting x
power cable x x
Control cables x x
copper wire x x
muddy x x
Connecting parts x x
Terminal Bottles x x
Insulators x x
AT autovalves x x
MT autovalves x x
Pfisterer Terminals x x
Grounding boxes x x
Grounding Material x x
Neutral grounding switches x x
Neutral grounding resistance x x
2.2 Buildings
Interior lighting x
Building HVAC equipment x
Fire detection equipment x
Security installations (CCTV, access control,
intrusion) x
Domestic hot water system x
Water chlorination system x
Grounding Material x
SF6 extractor x x
Bilge Pump x x
Safety Material x
Warehouse Shelving x
Amurid repellent x
Fire extinguishers x
Lightning rod x
Bridge Crane x x
Generator Set x x
auxiliary transformers x x
Trays x
Cabinet bench x
Auxiliary services cabinets x x
Magnetothermal Automatic Switches x x
Relays x x
Accountants x x
Battery rectifier x x
110/48 Vdc converter x x
Inverter 110/230 Vac x x
Protection cabinets x x
Bar Differential Protection x x
SEL relays x x

3. PPI's
3.1 Civil work
Excavation Building 1 - Earthworks
Excavation Building 2 - Earthworks
Excavation Transformers - Earthworks
Transformer 1 foundation
Transformer 2 foundation
Firewall foundation 1
Foundation of fire wall 2
Foundation of building 1
Foundation of building 2
Type C1 Channeling
Type C2 channeling under the road
Type C3 Channeling
Channeling Output Section 20 kV to Box A1
Channeling Output Section 20 kV to Manhole A2
Channeling Entry Section Cables 132 kV
Drain Channeling
Concrete Work (Firewall 1)
Concrete Work (Firewall 2)
Access Roads
Interior Roads
Perimeter Closure
Verification of plumbing and toilet installations
Other PPI's
3.2 Electromechanical assembly
Metal structure verification
Verification of Grounding Installations
Outdoor Switchgear Verification
Muddy Check
Auxiliary Systems Verification
Verification of lighting and power installations
Other PPI's

4. Commissioning Tests
Grounding Installation
BT Power Cables
MT cables
HV cables
Auxiliary Services Transformers
Auxiliary services
MT cells
AT Bay Tests/Positions
Other Tests

Material On-site control

1. Civil Works Delivery notes Certificates Quality Certificates tests
1.1 Civil works materials in general
Concrete x x x x
Bricks x x x
Mortars x x x
Zahorra x x x
Filling material x x x
Sand x x
Gravel x x x
Asphalt agglomerate x x x
Rebar and iron x x x x
Bolts x x x
Tramex x x
Checkered plates x x
1.2 Layout
Drain Sheet x
Cable conduit tube x
Fiber optic cable tube x

Pipe special situations (drilling, driving, crossing,…) x

Concreting joints x
Waterproofing materials x
Prefabricated pipelines x x
road curb x
Tile x
Metal manhole covers x
Pâtés x
1.3 Splicing Chambers
Waterproofing Materials x
Primer materials x
Sealing material x
Concreting joints x
Locks x

2. Electromechanical Assembly Delivery notes Certificates Quality Certificates Factory/site tests
2.1 Layout
Metal structure and screws x x x
power cable x x
Control cables x x
copper wire x
Low Voltage Cables x x
muddy x
Connecting parts x
Cable holders x
Terminal Bottles x x
Pfisterer Terminals x x
Insulators x x
Autovalves x x
Grounding boxes x
Grounding Material x
2.2 Splicing Chambers
Lightning x
Security installations (CCTV) x
Splices x x
Grounding Material x
Safety material x
Bilge Pump x x
Trays x
Cabinet bench x
Auxiliary services cabinets x x
Accountants x x

3. PPI's
3.1 Civil work
Pipeline execution
Execution of the splicing chambers
3.2 Electromechanical assembly
Cable run verification
Metal structure verification
Verification of Grounding Installations
Outdoor Switchgear Verification
Splice Verification
Auxiliary Systems Verification
Verification of pumping system in junction chambers

4. Commissioning Tests
HV cables
BT cables
Grounding facilities
Auxiliary services

5. Other Tests
Pipeline and pre-chamber tightness tests

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