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Course: English 1

Teacher: Maria Luisa, Cerna Guevara


Escobar Diaz, Andrea Quentasi Huahuachampi,

Marie Rodrigo

(AC-S12) Week 12 - Task: ¿Assignment – What’s their daily routine?

Hi Andrea. Hi Rodrigo, how are you. I am fine thank you. Remember the twins in the
class? Oh, if Iremember them, they're Lisa and Mary. Yes, yesterday we were talking. And
what did they tellyou? They told me they have to wake up very early to get to class. What
time do they wake up? They start their day at 6 a.m. And what is its address? They live at
6 Cumberland Street. Oh, sowe live close to them. That's why I was asked to drive them to
college. Okay, so we'll all get toschool early. Ok let you know that tomorrow we pick them
up at 6:30 in the morning. Ok Andrea, see you tomorrow. Okay, see you later. Goodbye
Junior. Goodbye Rodrigo.

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