365 Daily Affirmations

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❤ 365 Daily Affirmations

Louise Hay

I open the door to a new year. I close with love the one from the past. Is past. I leave
behind all sorrows and wounds. The door opens and I know I'm safe. The process of
Life will support me every step of the way.
1 from January
I release the past and live the present
2 from January
I am willing to grow and change: Every moment offers me a wonderful opportunity to
be more myself.
3 from January
I choose to recognize the magnificence of my being
4 from January
Everything leads me to rewarding and satisfying experiences. I create for myself a life
full of rewards.
5 from January
I am very well organized. Life is simple and easy.
6 from January
It's always easy for me to change. I am flexible and ductile.
7 from January
What I give is what I receive back. As I give only kindness, only kindness is returned
to me by others.
8 from January
I want to learn to love myself. I am willing.
9 from January
I do new things and start exciting companies.
10 from January
I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of an ever-changing life.
11 from January
The past has no power over me. I know it is past and I live only in the Now.
12 from January
I see my guidelines clearly. I make changes without feeling embarrassment or guilt.
13 from January
With joy and ease except all difficulties.
14 from January
Wherever I go my experience is one of love. My life is full of beings who love me and I
express my love to all of them.
15 from January
I look beyond the fears and limitations of others and accept each person as a unique
and wonderful being.
16 from January
I am at peace with my sexuality. I accept myself without reservation, with love and
17 from January
I know that the process of life will bring me the highest good.
18 from January
I recognize that awareness is the first step to healing or changing. Every day I
understand it better.
19 from January
My thoughts are creative. I constantly have new insights and discover new ways of
looking at my world.
20 from January
The answers within me come easily to my consciousness.
21 from January
The others are not wrong: they are different. We are all one.
22 from January
The effectiveness of power is always in the present moment. I live in the present, free
and happy.
23 from January
I am fully capable at all times. I accept myself, and create peace in my mind and in
my heart.
24 from January
No job is below or above me. If something needs to be done, I do it.
25 from January
I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life.
26 from January
I love my body. With each passing year I feel more relaxed and attractive.
27 from January
I deserve the best and I accept it right now. All my wants and needs are met without
even having to ask for them.
28 from January
I openly and freely express my creativity.
29 from January
I am willing to give up the ingrained habits that create negative conditions in my life.
30 from January
Everything I want, I receive. I find satisfaction in all areas of my life.
31 from January
I am my best friend and I love everything I see in me.

I cooperate with life. The earth is still and silent: it is the inactive season. But I know
that life bubbles beneath the surface. I take advantage of this time to go inside myself
and do my homework there.
1 of February
I know how to speak on my behalf. I use my power.
2 of February
Love is always the answer to heal in any aspect. I love myself exactly as I am.
3 of February
I know how to express my emotions at all times, sincerely and openly.
4 of February
My body reflects my mood. I am a healthy and upright person.
5 of February
My life reflects each of my thoughts. Since these are always positive, life gives me
only good experiences.
6 of February
I always arrive on time, easily and effortlessly.
7 of February
My mind is powerful. She creates my experiences. My ability to create good in my life
has no limits.
8 of February
I don't need to earn love. I deserve it simply because I exist.
9 of February
My creative abilities and talents flow through me and are expressed in deeply
satisfying ways.
10 of February
Wherever I am, I am safe. I create my own security.
11 of February
I'm in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.
12 of February
Every experience in my life is an opportunity to grow.
13 of February
The love that flows from my heart floods me, cleansing and healing my entire body
and my emotions.
14 of February
The more I love myself, the more love I feel for others. The more love I give, the more
love I have to give.
15 of February
All my relationships are harmonious: At all times I only see harmony around me.
16 of February
I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of room for me to
grow and change.
17 of February
Everything I undertake is a success. Like a magnet I attract all kinds of prosperity to
18 of February
Safety and power are mine. Every decision I make is the best one for me.
19 of February
I love who I am, what I am and what I do.
20 of February
The past is the past and cannot be changed. This present moment is the only one I
can experience.
21 of February
I am at peace with the elements of nature. There is no “good” time or “bad” time: there
is only time and my individual reaction to it.
22 of February
I stand in the truth, and I live and move in joy.
23 of February
My wonderful thoughts create my wonderful world. I carefully choose my thoughts.
24 of February
I trust myself. I know that life sustains me and protects me.
25 of February
They pay me very well for doing something I like. I know I can be as successful as I
choose to be.
26 of February
I am willing to discover in what aspects I need to change.
27 of February
Today I am cleaning my mental house to make room for new positive thoughts.
28 of February
I am a magnificent and divine expression of life. Love surrounds me and protects me.
29 of February
This day brings me fabulous experiences. I take responsibility for my experiences.

The winds can blow around me now, I am safe and secure. Nothing can harm me
because I know who I am: a unique and wonderful being. Serene joy invades me. I
know what I'm worth.
1 of March
I infuse myself with love and enthusiasm.
2 of March
I pay attention to my body's messages. My whole body breathes health.
3 of March
I laugh at myself and at life, and nothing can harm me.
4 of March
In all my experiences I proceed with wisdom, love and naturalness.
5 of March
I am open and receptive to new sources of income.
6 of March
I'm excited about life. Everything about me is energy and optimism.
7 of March
Every moment offers me a new and wonderful opportunity to be more of who I am.
8 of March
Today I choose to free myself from all resentments and hurts.
9 of March
At all times, I only see harmony around me. I am safe and secure.
10 of March
Wherever I go, my experience is one of love.
11 of March
Compliments are offerings of prosperity. I accept them with grace and willingly.
12 of March
My masculine part and my feminine part are in perfect balance and total harmony. I
feel comfortable in my body.
13 of March
I think positive things because every cell in my body responds to every idea I think
and every word I say.
14 of March
I look within myself to find my treasures.
15 of March
I am aware that what I don't want to change is exactly what I need to change most.
16 of March
We all change, and I accept that everyone changes.
17 of March
Joy, joy, joy. With love I allow joy to flood my mind, my body and my experiences.
18 of March
I trust my inner guide. Whatever you undertake will be a success.
19 of March
I feel loving understanding for my father.
20 of March
Today is a wonderful day because I have decided to make it so.
21 of March
I accept perfect health as the natural state of being.
22 of March
My understanding is clear, and I am willing to change with the times.
23 of March
I create my own reality, and I choose all the people who are part of it.
24 of March
The inner power that breathes in my body is the same power that provides me with
everything I need, with simplicity and naturalness.
25 of March
My body wants to stay active and healthy. Exercise is a pleasure for me.
26 of March
I am free to think wonderful thoughts. I control my own mind.
27 of March
Love flows through my entire being, touching everyone I meet and leading me toward
greater compassion.
28 of March
Everything I am looking for I already have within me.
29 of March
I forgive others, and now I create my own life the way I want it to be.
30 of March
I go beyond the limitations of human thought and stand on the side of the infinite
Divine Mind, where everything is possible.
31 of March
Life is eternal and overflowing with joy. I am an eternal being.

Welcome, Spring. The time to sow new seeds turns into joyful expectation. I know
that everything is in a correct Divine Order and that everything happens at the perfect
time and place.
1 of April
I overcome my parents' limitations and am safe. I'm free to be myself.
2 of April
I am tolerant and compassionate. I love everyone, including myself.
3 of April
I only say positive, constructive and kind words.
4 of April
Now I am free from all struggle and I am at peace.
5 of April
Life created me to fulfill myself. Today I release all expectations. I know that Life will
take care of me.
6 of April
There is no person, place or thing that has any power over me, because in my mind
only I think.
7 of April
Every experience I have benefits me. I am in a process of positive changes.
8 of April
My body represents perfection. I am healthy and pulsating with energy.
9 of April
I rise above all limitations. Divinity inspires and guides me.
10 of April
I am mentally and emotionally gifted to enjoy love and prosperity. Everything I do
satisfies me completely.
11 of April
I am a wonderful person. A sense of humor and joy contribute to my overall well-
12 of April
Life only offers me good experiences. I am open to the new and changing.
13 of April
I am always able to make the right decision. I recognize my intuitive capacity.
14 of April
Every change in my life can elevate me to a new plane of understanding.
15 of April
I am very happy about the successes of others. There is plenty for everyone.
16 of April
One miracle after another happens in my life. I accept miraculous healings in my life
and in my world.
17 of April
No past way of thinking limits me. I look forward to the future with enthusiasm and joy.
18 of April
Here and now I choose to expel all negative, destructive or terrifying thoughts from
my mind and my life.
19 of April
Inside me I see a being full of love and beauty. It gives me security to look inside
20 of April
My life and everything around me improves day after day. I am getting closer to my
greatest good.
21 of April
When I create peace, balance and harmony in my mind, that is what I find in my life.
22 of April
We are all a family, and the planet is our home.
23 of April
I focus on positive thoughts because the ideas I have and the words I say create my
24 of April
I feel euphoric with happiness, in harmony with the totality of life.
25 of April
In my relationships there is always a wonderful harmony. The person I am now
looking for is also looking for me.
26 of April
I use my power wisely. I'm strong. I am safe. Everything's fine.
27 of April
Life sustains me every step of the way. In the most complete and comforting way, it
feeds me, clothes me, provides me with a home and affection.
28 of April
I feel overflowing energy. I feel full of life and dynamism.
29 of April
The Universe fully supports everything I choose to think and believe. I think positive
30 of April
I am a person worthy of love. I am a wonderful being. I'm loved.

The new vegetation fills me with joy. The change and surprise are manifest. The
awakening of life covers everything with beauty. It is a delight to contemplate. I marvel
at my own body. It's time to strengthen your health
1 of May
I am always given new and precious opportunities.
2 of May
Today I accept and live the abundant Life that the Universe offers me.
3 of May
I chose my mother because she was exactly the person I needed to make me
capable of learning and growing.
4 of May
My heart is open. I am ready to abandon all resistance.
5 of May
The changes can begin at this time. I am willing.
6 of May
I appreciate and value everything I do. I am worthy as I am.
7 of May
It is my right to live fully and freely.
8 of May
I accept that my income will constantly increase. <I lead a comfortable and beautiful
9 of May
I recognize my body as a good friend.
10 of May
In my world, the creative power is me. I express myself in the most creative way
11 of May
Coming from expected and unexpected channels, good floods my life today.
12 of May
Love is the miracle cure. My love for myself works miracles in my life.
13 of May
I have the perfect living space: it's safe and filled exclusively with thoughts of love.
14 of May
I am one with the power and wisdom of the Universe. I have everything I need.
15 of May
My ability to create good in my life has no limits.
16 of May
My happy thoughts create my happy world.
17 of May
I breathe freely and fully. I trust the process of life.
18 of May
I possess my own set of talents and abilities.
19 of May
Today I release my anger in a positive way. I love and value myself.
20 of May
I keep my thoughts focused on what I want to experience.
21 of May
I am willing to change all my criticism habits.
22 of May
In equal proportion I have been gifted with love, harmony and joy. In perfect balance I
welcome life.
23 of May
The Ocean of Life is prodigal in distributing its goods. Excellent opportunities await
me everywhere.
24 of May
My vision is clear. Now I create a life that I am happy to look at.
25 of May
I let my love flow freely. My supply of love is endless.
26 of May
I give my body nutritious foods and drinks, and I exercise it in a pleasant and
pleasurable way.
27 of May
I am at peace with my world. I am at peace with myself.
28 of May
I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I begin to become everything for
which I was created.
29 of May
I feel comfortable with everyone I meet. All my relationships are healthy and
30 of May
I forgive myself and set myself free
31 of May
I thank others for the kindness they show me. Praise and gratitude overflow me.

I am open and receptive to love. In each person, including me, I look for the positive; I
see perfection in all of them. There is harmony in my relationships. I express my inner
love and harmony and find it in everyone around me.
1 of June
I understand and love everyone. Love makes me feel at ease.
2 of June
I find praise and joy in everything I say and do.
3 of June
My life overflows with joy and is constantly improving.
4 of June
I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance of the Universe.
5 of June
I create my own experiences. As I love and approve of myself, and as I love and
approve of others, my experiences are getting better and better.
6 of June
All my friends understand my needs. I have many friends who love me.
7 of June
I make time to do the things I like. I go out and experience life in a new way.
8 of June
All my wants and needs are met without me even having to ask. Everything is fine in
my world.
9 of June
We all do the best we can do with the understanding, knowledge and information we
10 of June
My mind is an instrument that I can use any way I want.
11 of June
New and happy ideas circulate freely within me.
12 of June
Forgiveness is a gift I give to myself. It is easy and rewarding for me to forgive.
13 of June
I respect my parents, and they, in turn, respect me.
14 of June
All my experiences are opportunities to learn and grow.
15 of June
I consider myself a beautiful person, appreciated and worthy of being loved.
I am proud to be who I am.
16 of June
I accept myself fully and create peace in my mind and heart.
17 of June
I deserve to enjoy life. I ask for what I want and I accept it with pleasure and joy.
18 of June
My home fulfills all my desires and needs and I fill it with the vibration of love.
19 of June
Today I release my doubts and destructive fears.
20 of June
People love being with me, and I love being with people.
21 of June
It is my right to participate in the abundance and prosperity of this world.
22 of June
I am one with the Universe and the totality of life. I can learn and grow without fear.
23 of June
Difficulties no longer make me bitter. I solve all problems with ease.
24 of June
I am an open channel for creative ideas.
25 of June
I am a competent and organized person. My efficiency is more than enough to do my
26 of June
With love and joy I accept my sexuality and my way of expressing it.
27 of June
I am capable of facing and carrying out anything that comes my way.
28 of June
I choose to experience the sweetness of life.
29 of June
I am a firm person. I continue what I started and I encourage myself with love.
30 of June
My life continually improves.

I declare my independence. All the answers I need are within me. Now I trust my own
inner wisdom. I trust me to make the best decisions in everything I do.
1 of July
The love of my heart joyfully floods my entire body.
2 of July
My life reflects good, and I receive only good in return. I am the serene and calm
expression of life.
3 of July
I always work with and for wonderful people. I love my work.
4 of July
Now I am free from the past. Freedom is my divine right.
5 of July
My mind and body are perfectly balanced. I am a harmonious being.
6 of July
With love I accept my decisions, knowing that I have the freedom to change.
7 of July
I constantly have new insights and find new ways of seeing the world.
8 of July
I move forward with confidence and ease, knowing that everything is fine in my future.
9 of July
I am an increasingly nice person. Others consider me affectionate and forgiving.
10 of July
I am responsible for all my experiences.
11 of July
People respect me, and greatly value everything I do.
12 of July
I radiate love and sympathy. I am a beautiful person and everyone loves me.
13 of July
I keep my eyes wide open so I don't miss my best opportunities.
14 of July
Now I attract new friends, interesting, kind, responsible, tolerant, fun and generous
15 of July
I know that Divine Wisdom and Prudence protect me at all times.
16 of July
I love life! I look forward to every moment.
17 of July
All my problems come from the thinking patterns that limit me. I effortlessly solve my
problems by choosing positive thoughts.
18 of July
My home is a haven of peace. I put love in all its corners, and it responds to me with
warmth and comfort.
19 of July
I express my emotions in a happy and positive way.
20 of July
My wealth has no limits. Love, laughter and comforts belong to me.
21 of July
I thank life for its generosity. I am very lucky.
22 of July
I leave all control in the hands of the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life.
23 of July
I grow beyond my parents' limitations and live my own life. Now is my turn.
24 of July
I free myself, and I free all the people who are part of my life, from the old wounds of
the past.
25 of July
Well-being is the natural state of my body. I only think about well-being.
26 of July
My life is a joy. The Divine Mind guides me towards achieving my goals.
27 of July
I have all the success that I decide to have.
28 of July
I respect and protect my body because I care about my health.
29 of July
I open my heart and sing the joys of love.
30 of July
Divine peace and harmony surround me and dwell within me. I trust the process of
31 of July
I am in total harmony with my environment: the sun, the moon, the winds, the rain and
the earth.

I relax in the summer heat. I look at my life and only see beauty. Everything is in full
bloom and it is a joy to watch. Nature is calm and peaceful. It is a time for reflection.
1 of August
I now radiate health, happiness, prosperity and spiritual peace.
2 of August
I go beyond my old limitations, and express myself freely and creatively.
3 of August
I trust my Higher Self, and listen to my Inner Voice with love.
4 of August
I open myself to inner wisdom, knowing that in this Universe there is only One
5 of August
When I listen to my inner self I receive the answers I need.
6 of August
Expressing emotions is healing. I can be vulnerable without fear.
7 of August
I open my awareness to all the wonderful possibilities of life.
8 of August
I am safe. It's just a change.
9 of August
I recognize that my body is an amazing and magnificent mechanism. It is a privilege
to live in it.
10 of August
Inside me I see a magnificent, wise and beautiful being. I love what I see in myself.
11 of August
Everything I need to know is revealed to me.
12 of August
When I truly love myself, everything works in my life.
13 of August
I am responsable. Now I regain my own power.
14 of August
I feel good being just who I am. At all times I approve and accept myself.
15 of August
I relax and recognize my own value.
16 of August
Wherever I go, I travel safely. On my travels I always find kind people who help me.
17 of August
I release the need to blame myself and others.
18 of August
The people in my life are actually my mirrors. My world is a safe and welcoming
19 of August
Today is a stepping stone toward new consciousness and greater glory.
20 of August
I'm very well. Life is easy and blissful.
21 of August
Freedom and change are in the air. I throw away old ideas.
22 of August
My body takes me everywhere with ease and effort.
23 of August
I surround myself with people who love me and who only see the good, in me and in
my environment.
24 of August
I breathe in and, with my breath, I send life to my eyes, to see everything with
understanding and compassion.
25 of August
I am one with the Power that has created me. I participate in that power to create my
26 of August
Work and play in my life are in happy balance.
27 of August
From Divine Intelligence come all the ideas I need
28 of August
I see the best in others, and I help them bring out their best qualities.
29 of August
I understand my parents' childhood. Now I know that I chose them because they were
perfect for what I had to experience and understand.
30 of August
I have been created to succeed, and I am grateful for the success I have today.
31 of August
The more I help others, the more my prosperity increases. Where I am, everyone

I awaken to new energies. The holidays are over, classes start. Commerce and
industry bustle with life. It is a time of great prosperity, harvest time. We collect the
fruits of what was sown in spring. I feel in harmony with the seasons.
1 of September
I create peace in my mind and trust my inner wisdom.
2 of September
My work is stimulating, fun and very satisfying. In it I use my talents and abilities, my
creativity. I work with and for people who I love and who love me.
3 of September
The people, places and things on this planet are connected to each other with love. I
feel at ease in the Universe.
4 of September
Every bridge I cross takes me to a higher plane of realization.
5 of September
Wherever I am, I choose harmony and kind communication with others.
6 of September
I appreciate everything I do. I am the most important person in my life.
7 of September
We all do the best we can do with the understanding, knowledge and information we
8 of September
I joyfully keep my inner child safe at the center of my being.
I love him and take care of him.
9 of September
Every moment is a new beginning. My life is Beautiful.
10 of September
I am a compassionate and understanding person. I forgive and forget.
11 of September
With my loving attitude I help create a world where loving one another does not imply
any danger.
12 of September
I follow my inner star and I am a shining example of love and light.
13 of September
Everything I think is “wrong” with me I transform into positive affirmations.
14 of September
I inhale the precious breath of life and let my body, mind and emotions relax.
15 of September
I carry on my life with ease and joy.
16 of September
I'm glad I adapt so easily to the ebb and flow of my life.
17 of September
I am sweet, kind and patient with myself. Others reflect the love I feel for myself.
18 of September
I forgive with love and release the past.
19 of September
I have a healthy and happy body. My body is always working towards optimal health.
20 of September
Today is the future I created yesterday.
21 of September
I'm glad to know that I have the power of my mind to use it however I choose.
22 of September
In my life everything works, now and always.
23 of September
My thoughts are peaceful, serene and centered.
24 of September
Good comes to me from everywhere, from all people and from all things. I feel happy
to be who I am.
25 of September
The doors of wisdom and knowledge are always open to me.
26 of September
I constantly have new intuitions. My future is magnificent.
27 of September
I feel safe living. Life always provides me with what I need. Everything's fine.
28 of September
The Ocean of Life is prodigal with its abundance. Whenever I need something, I know
I will have it.
29 of September
Forgiveness makes me free and light. I forgive everyone.
30 of September
The decisions you make throughout this day will be the correct ones. I only desire that
which will bring me the greatest good.

I observe the changes of season. The leaves fall from the tree at the right time. This is
how beliefs and habits that no longer serve me fall from me. Change does not require
any effort from me: it occurs automatically because I accept it.
1 October
I leave my old negative beliefs behind. The new ones will be more useful to me.
2 October
Each of my actions attracts abundance. I am a magnet for Divine Prosperity.
3 October
I give myself permission to be everything I can be. I deserve the best.
4 October
I hug myself with love and compassion. <I accept my way of being, special and
5 October
I feel strong and capable of all situations.
6 October
I love myself and reward myself with complimentary thoughts.
7 October
I release the need to blame anyone. I accept others as they are.
8 October
This is a new day. I am a new me.
9 October
Everything happens to me at the perfect time and place. At every moment the correct
divine action occurs.
10 October
I take pleasure in my own expression of life. I am a perfect being just the way I am.
11 October
I turn every experience into an opportunity.
12 October
I can confidently be flexible enough to understand the points of view of others.
13 October
I have the divine right to obtain satisfaction in all aspects of life. I am worthy of
14 October
I sail peacefully through new experiences, new directions and new changes.
15 October
I easily get rid of what I no longer need.
16 October
I have the total and absolute support of the Universe.
17 October
Relaxation serves my body as a time of repair and rejuvenation. The more I relax, the
better health I have.
18 October
It is easy for me to defend my points of view.
19 October
Every experience I have guides me toward a greater capacity for understanding.
20 October
My income is constantly increasing.
21 October
Every problem has its solution. For me, learning is easy and fun.
22 October
I am willing to grow and face my feelings.
23 October
Others respect me because I respect myself.
24 October
Only what I no longer need disappears from my life. Everything around me has a use.
25 October
I look forward to the day's adventures.
26 October
Life inspires me with confidence, security and joy. Only good comes to me and only
good emanates from me.
27 October
My heart is open. I express myself with affectionate words.
October 28
I take pleasure in what I have and I know that new experiences always await me. The
Universe gives and I receive.
29 October
I have unlimited options on what I can think about. My mind feels free and light.
30 October
Today I am willing to recognize my beauty and my magnificence.
31 October
It is my right to express myself creatively in enormously stimulating ways. Today I will
have a great time.

I bless my wonderful life. With joy, pleasure and gratitude I accept all the good that life
offers me. I know that the Universe will provide for all my needs, which will be a
source of happiness and joy. Every day I am filled with admiration and thanksgiving.
1 of November
I appreciate all the good, everything that is provided to me with love.
2 of November
Today I lovingly take care of my body, my mind and my emotions.
3 of November
I continually find new ways to look at my world. Everywhere I see beauty.
4 of November
I bless and wish prosperity to others, who in turn bless me and wish me prosperity.
5 of November
I see a world of peace and abundance coming. I feel the harmony and unity between
nations, and I contribute to creating them.
6 of November
There is time and space for everything I want to do.
7 of November
I am surrounded by loving people and it is easy for me to express my love to others.
8 of November
I know that life is wonderful. I only see good things in my future.
9 of November
I love my family and my home. They provide me with sustenance, warmth and
10 of November
I count on my life to be good and happy, and it is.
11 of November
My thoughts of peace create my world of peace.
12 of November
I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. I have plenty of room to grow and
13 of November
I give life exactly what I want it to give me.
14 of November
To every negative thought that crosses my mind, I say: <Get out!>.
15 of November
Life is like a happy dance for me.
16 of November
My body is ideal for me in this life.
17 of November
I release this ingrained habit of falling behind. I always arrive on time everywhere.
18 of November
I look fabulous and I feel fabulous. Here I am ready to receive everything good!
19 of November
I release all concepts and competitiveness and comparison. I do my best and enjoy
being myself.
November 20
Everything I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. My intuition is
always in my favor.
November 21
Now I receive my good from expected and unexpected sources.
November 22th
What I want, I ask for. I know that everything I need will always be there, waiting for
November 23
I trust that the Power that has created me will protect me at all times and in all
November 24
I happily help whenever I can, to ease the burdens of others.
November 25
I rise above all limitations. Divinity inspires and guides me. Love heals all life.
November 26
I am a special and wonderful person. The more I love myself, the more tension-free I
November 27
I am a patient, tolerant and affable person.
November 28
I often express gratitude and appreciation, and hope for things I can be grateful for.
November 29th
I ask for greater understanding and intelligence, allowing me to shape my world and
my experiences with knowledge and love.
November 30
I see how everything around me radiates abundance. I live now in love, light and
happiness without limits.

He gave me love. Let us give each other the most precious and healing gift: that of
unconditional love for ourselves and for others. Love is powerful, it heals and brings
peace. Together let's create a world where we can love each other confidently and
1 from December
I enjoy everything I have and open my arms to all challenges.
2 from December
I open new doors to life. There are always new territories of love before me.
3 from December
I find myself in the perfect place and time. I'm always safe.
4 from December
MY life is a party, an experience that I share with everyone I know.
5 from December
Life supports me; It only offers me good and positive experiences.
6 from December
My inner search is rewarding and provides me with many answers.
7 from December
I learn life's teachings easily and effortlessly.
8 from December
Love intervenes in all my relationships, from the least important to the most intimate.
9 from December
My life begins with gratitude and joy.
10 from December
This planet is my home. I lovingly care for the Earth and all the living creatures that
populate it.
11 from December
I am always the perfect age for the moment in life I am in.
12 from December
I open my home, and welcome my guests with love and music. For me they are like a
loving family.
13 from December
I am willing to release old beliefs that no longer serve me.
14 from December
My heart forgives and frees. With confidence I love myself. Inner peace is my goal.
15 from December
Every experience is perfect for my growth process.
16 from December
I am an organized and productive person. I have a lot of energy, and I enjoy putting
order in my life.
17 from December
I release all habits of criticizing. I overcome any feeling of not being a sufficiently
capable and creative person.
18 from December
I am kind and patient with myself as I change and grow.
19 from December
I use my Inner Wisdom to manage the affairs of my life.
December 20th
The path to love is forgiveness. With love I left the past behind and focused my
attention on this new day.
December 21
I widen my boundaries in order to encompass only positive experiences.
December 22th
All my friends were once strangers to me. So, I welcome all the people who join my
life today.
December 23th
Life reflects all my thoughts. Since I make sure they are positive, life only brings me
good experiences.
Dec. 24
It brings me joy to take care of myself and care for others.
December 25th
I am the joy of life, which is given and received. I am an offering of love.
December 26
The Universe fully supports everything I choose to think and believe. Divine peace
and harmony surround me.
December 27
I release and I release. I willingly get rid of everything I no longer need.
December 28th
With thoughts of prosperity I create my prosperous world. I attract prosperity.
December 29
I feel comfortable in my body. I am health that radiates.
December 30
I'm independent. I do everything I want to do. I try new ideas. Today I am a leader.
December 31
I bless everyone and everything. I radiate joy and share it with others. It's time to
laugh, sing and dance.


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