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NEW H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni i i ae é} a apo AMERICAN EDITION = to talk about everyday ond leisure activities - to talk about chores cond jobs + to talk about past events / situations = to talk about plans in the near future = to distinguish between habitual actions and current activities = to talk about what people wear in sifferent countries ‘round the world 0 talk about birthday traditions in diferent ‘countries +10 talk about rules of ‘etiquette around the world =t0 talk about actions {you are supposed and not supposed to do to talk about table manners = to talk about experiences someone had in the post ~ to ask and answer for how tong someone hhas done something = to tak about cctivties @ person has/hasn’t done yet eee iesuct to talk about the materials things ore mode of 10 talk about the origin of products cand where they are produced / grown ~10 use linking words Simple Present (adverbs of frequency) Present Continuous Simple Past Post Continuous Future be going to Ree Object pronouns Verbs with two objects Should / Shouldn't Imperative Ree Present Perfect, Have you ever ..? Yes, |have/ No, | haven't. ve never How long have you ..? We .. for / since We .. $0 far. haven't. yet Cees I's /They'te mode of Passive Voice (affirmative) (Questions-Negative) Ws /They'te used for leisure activities Adverbs Chores Verbs Nouns Adjectives Phonics: {sf takes, mops, makes 121 goes, irons, iz] dances, changes ‘al hug, luck, colorful fa straw, cloth, cotton feel lap, chat, wrap Nouns Verbs Adjectives [Adverbs ‘Outdoor activities Phones: /ax/ exciting, outside Materials Jewelry & accessories Body parts Nouns Verbs Food and drink Adjectives Phoni Jo! look, wool ‘Ax! food, toothbrush Jou! telescope, headphenes, ovocode, Musie (song about one’s ‘octivites in their spare time) Social Studies (reading about the jobs of the past) Language Arts (writing about {your spare time) History (reading about schools inthe past and schools nowadays) Social Studies (learning about people's clothes from different ‘countries, learning about birthday traditions in different countries, learning about rules of etiquette around the world - South Korea, Brazil, Chino, etc, learning about {table manners, reading about the Sapporo Snow Festival) Home Economics (reading about o traditional dish of o country and writing about a traditional dish of your country) History (reading about The Tower of London-W8) Music (song about life experiences - what people hhave done) PEE. (reading and tatking about ‘outdoor activities ike rock climbing, white-watereafting, horseback riding) Social Studies (eoding about Boy/Girl Scouts) Language Arts (making “My Adventures" poster) Home Economies (reading and ‘talking about how to make ice ‘cream and chocolate chip cookies) ‘Social Studies (reading and tolking about products produced / ‘grown in cifferent countries, {talking about animals that tive in different countries, reading about sik - WB) Science ((eading and writing about an imention) History (eading about the history of money) Value Appearances can be deceiving, eee ctr i rssae ae = to talk about Used to (Affirmative) ‘Musie (song about how humans fhow life used to prehistoric times sed to ive in prehistrie times) be in the past Used to (Negative) | Ptaces History eading and tolking about = to talk about Used to (Questions) | Adiectives hhow Salt Lake City used to De ond things that didn't Verbs | how itis now, reading and talking Use to happen There used to be... | Means of transportation | guout the sctecs reading about inthe past and Nouns the Queen Mary - W8) hrappen now Words related tothe | are (making o mini lip book") ~ to as and answer Aztecs about things that Phonics: used to happen Jee! asirnal, bad, hang in the post that Jee! gocden, streetcar, ro longer happen ‘apartment Ja thousand, allowance Nes OLN Cig ge ee ae) = to talk about “ingas sibject | Words related to the | Geography (reading about en of different climates/ | of verbs poles countries, climates and weather actives in adverbs onditons, wnting abovt your diferent counties |99.t0r ote, Yer Country. eading about deserts | dh = to tolk about ite ie 1 love, we) 3A @ day trip ce, enjoy, ie ‘Science (reading about the 300d at+ ng Amazon Rainforest ond the =o give information ‘about the Amazon | too / enough + " ‘animals that live there, reading rainforest ‘odjective + ‘bout the Tembé Indians of the Amazon - WB) to compare two | full infinitive Value ‘of more animals i fave faith in aoe compas Silent vowels ave fh in {00 as + og] + 0s yourself an ever ive up. Deemed to converse about | Prepositions of time | Nouns. ‘Musie (50g about art listening g preferences, feelings, | (on, in, during, Adjectives to different types of musi 9% experiences from... tO. fer) | Kinds of music ‘Are (eading about famous fh “to\develop an Verbs bulengs, making a callage, @ cuoreessond — |featvectowses toes teoing cba Poss on 33 enioument of ot {who / that) Phonics: Children's Museum of the Arts - WB) - to give information | relative clouses dabouta person? | pecuve cats Silent vowels ond « thing /a place consonants in asentence, Relative clauses Value ‘avoiding repetition | (where) reat others the = to learn how to use Lp [way you would ‘question tags, Question tags like to be treated Ree ee eed ~ to learn about space | Have to (Affirmative/ | Words related to space | Science (learning about of “to talk cbaut Questions / Negative) | Verbs astionomy, astonouts ond 9 hs obligation lack Places planets, reading about ‘of obligation ie to Adjectives the eclipse - WS) @ im = to talk about Would you like to ..? | Nouns History (reading about the ay obligation in the past | That would be nice. /| Phonics: Smithsonian) ~ to provide Id love to. a0! shower, mouse, information on ''m afraid can't. / Sownidod hhow to issue, don't think so. | ow smeke, bowling, hero accept or refuse an invitation / offer ular Connections. ‘Musie (song about saving the ‘of environmental environment) problems. i ‘Science (reading about air ~totalkaboutsolutionsto | Conditional sentences | Adverbs pollution ond talking about eniccrment pobiens |e 1 how to sve the environment. to make promises on : reoding about Greenpeace, decsions zero conctonat |/ pubis tuck) king a booklet about - tomake guesses and ay tum, barry the environment) hypotheses \ nar to talk referring to conditions and their rests }-to talk about general. Value tts Always play fir Module 10 * Healthy body, healthy mind _p. 95 -toreport statements, ] Reported Commands Musie (song about accidents commands and and Polite Requests ‘ond treatments) paite requests i PE. (reading about tiathletes, -totalk about health, | ported Stterents talking obout sports and fitness, fitness and esting a ee tncous) | Phonics: reading and writing about a habits fev weight, sprein sport) Reported statements |/ay decide, advice Jean will fax! cerobics, yogo, local CLIL_p.105 / Grammar Reference p.l10 / Word list p.118 / Irregular Verbs p.120 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES @® ineercutturat awareness = critical thinking E& — autonomous tearning Ba communication Si | cooperation Fs ceectiviy 2S 5 personat and sociat responsibility EF 5 ictiteracy ee ee School Work q) early collect comic books @ Listen and match the verses to the pictures. Then sing. G) Sing a song Sue’s week 4 From Monday to Friday a How often do you dance? Twice a week, twice a week Ihave a dance class. From Monday to Friday What do you usually do? 1 usually watch DVDs | listen to music, too. “On Saturdays and Sundays What do you never do? I never get up early I don’t go to bed early, do you? And what about your spare time What are your hobbies, Sue? I sometimes make model planes ‘ | collect comic books, too. CoO @ She usually watches DVDs on Sundays. She doesn’t usually watch DVDs on Sundays. Does she usually watch DVDs on Sundays? —_Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. How often do you have a dance cla Ihave a dance class once / / three times a week. @ Read activity 1 again and complete the sentences about Sue. 1. Sue has a twice a week 2. On weekdays, Sue usually or 3. On the weekends, Sue never early. 4, Sue's hobbies are making and collecting . © Talk about your spare time (sports, hobbies, etc.). Ido karate. What do you do on Thursday afernone? ee } A 7 He de pci | ee ee a —~s office take the kids check e-mail iron to school Ge Listen and answer. Who is taking the kids to school? Then read. G> 8 Smart kids Gs \ dust I's Monday morning at Carla’s house. Mom: Roberto, are you still in the bathroom? What are you doing? Do you want to be late on your first day of school? Roberto: No, Mom. I’m brushing my teeth. Mom: Why are you checking your e-mail now, Theo? You have to go to work. Dad: I'm not working today, remember? I have the day off. Mom: Oh, yes, that’s right. You're not going to the bank today. What time is it? Carla: It's 8:00. Mom: Oh, no! I’m late! ROBERTO get out of the bathroom now, please! Roberto: I’m combing my hair, Mom! | want to look nice on my first day of school. Dad: Relax, it’s OK. You can leave for the office now and | can take the kids to school today. Mom: Great idea! Roberto: Well Mom, what do you think? Everyone: Oh, Roberto! Ha, ha, ha! qe mailman low oo im mopping the floor now. = ‘Are you mopping the floor? Yes,lam./No,tmnot. | ¥ mop deliver letters I'm not mopping the floor now. @ Read the dialogue again. Write D for Dad, M for Mom, C for Carla or R for Roberto. 1. Who is checking his/her e-mail? 4, Who is combing his/her hair? 2. Who is staying home? 5. Who is eating breakfast? 3. Who works in an office? 6. Who is taking the kids to school? 8 Read and complete. Use the Present Continuous. Man: 1) (look) for Mrs. Marlow. Woman: She's in her office. She (2) (type) some Letters at the moment. Man: —_ [also want to see Mr. Stevens. Woman: He (3) (check) his e-mail, but he'll be here in a minute. @ Ask and answer. What does Mrs. Davids usually MONDAY MORNING do on or, mornings? USUALLY NOW ss is she doing now? )_ a BN. a 8 Now look at activity 4 and write. 1. Mrs. Davids usually takes v] but now she's Richard 2. Richard 3. Miss Jones @ Our world , (9 { = gated P change typist furniture factory @uisten and read. Then match the pictures with the paragraphs. Write (a-d). @) Social Studies «JOBS OF THE PAST Times change and the world changes, too. In the past, people worked as typists, basketmakers, milkmen or ice sellers, but today these jobs do not exist in most places around the world. What are these jobs? 89) A Lot of changes came with the computer. In the best, there see mate typists | © They typed letters on typewriters; but now most people use Basketmakers were people who made ree baskets and furniture. Now factories other example is the milkman moke these things and people toa He was the man who brought fresh them in big stores or malls. 2 tena Obl shouses. People z T~ _ left the money outside their door You see, people didn’t always have Ice sellers, or icemen, sold ice in the streets on hot | _ tefrigerators, days. But now everyone has ice in their refrigerator. Q Read again and write T for True or F for False. 1. Typists typed Letters on typewriters 2. Bsketmakers sold their baskets to factories. CO 3. People got their milk from the milkman in the past ml 4. People left the money for the milkman outside their door. 5. In the past, people bought ice from stores. LO ‘Mr. Brown sold ice in the streets when he was young. Did Mr. Brown sell ice in the streets when he was young? Yes, he did, / No, he didn’t. ‘Mr, Brown didn't sell ice in the streets when he was young. Sally was working. Fred wasn't working, Was Mark working? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn't. He was shopping in a supermarket when he met a young man. J © Play a memory game. s | @ (Me. Roberts | (/Mr. Stevens (Mr. Lewis milkman teacher typist ice seller mailman | (deliver /mitk (teach History) tupe /tetters _ {sell Vice deliver / letters What did Mr. Roberts do He delivered (when he was ve) € mi, He was. @ Listen to a dialogue between Ryan and his dad and circle a or b. G 1. In the picture, it’s Ryan's 4, Ryan's Grandpa met a factory a. Dad owner while b. Grandpa «a. he was selling milk. 2. Ryan's Grandpa was a b. he was shopping. , mailman 5, Ryan's Grandpa's second b. milkman job was 3. Ryan’s Grandpa a. at a supermarket a. didn’t want to change jobs” b, at a refrigerator b. wanted to change jobs factory © Talk about what you and your classmates were doing when the teacher entered the classroom today. Use the Past Continuous and the ideas in the box. When the teacher * talk tered the * do my homework entered Ne seat classroom, | was reading my book. © draw a picture —— @ Let’s talk a band babysitter concert order I'm going to stay home on the weekend. | look after Are you going to stay home on the weekend? —_—_Yes, !am. / No, I'm not. train I'm not going to stay home on the weekend. @ Listen to three people making plans for Saturday. Write T for True or F for False. 5) 1. Peter's brother is a basketball player. 4. Jason is going to spend time with 2. Peter is going to go to a baseball his neighbor's children on Saturday game on Saturday, 5, Jason is going to order a pizza. 3. Stella is in a band. She’s going to play 6. Jason is going to watch a mavie the drums in a concert on Saturday. with his friends this Saturday @ what are your plans Yor the weekend? Ask and answer, Use going to and the ideas in the box. . * go/concert What are you going to 'm going to train with * watch / band do this weekend? + my soccer tear * watch / movie — * play / sport * watch / go to a game * sleep / late * look after / little brother/sister * visit / place / somebody * go out/ friends * spend time / family * stay home / relax Sad teeby What are you going to do? oe ating Who are you going to be with? * train What (do you think) it's going to be like? @) PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat. then check (v). €) takes | dances | goes | changes isi | v7 7 v Tal v (Project Language Arts @ what does Neal do in his spare time? Listen and read. ® . To: [ sent | From: [ Subject: | My spare time. Hi Tom, How are you? I hope you're fine. I'm writing to tell you about what I do in my spare time. Neal I don't have much spare time, but when I do, I try to have fun. On weekdays, T usually take my dog for a Write walk after I do my homework. T often play computer ~ what you games with my brother, Danny or T listen fo rock doon weekdays. Write who you do the music. vi activities On Saturday mornings, T usually help with the chores. with T dust the furniture in my room and I mop the floor. Saturday evenings are cool! I meet my friends and we go to the movies or to a fast food restaurant, Write what We always have a good time! On Sundays, T usually go you do on to restaurants with my family, but we also visit other weekends places, My favorite place is the zoo. I love animals! Write soon and tell me what you do in your spare time! Say how much you Bye for now, like these Neal activities. «+ Organize your paragraphs. First write about what you do on weekdays and then about weekends. * Use the Simple Present. « Use adverbs of frequency (always, often, usually, sometimes, never). Reading time naughty stick @© what do you think schools were like in the past? Listen and read. © SCHOOLS then ana NOW For most of the children today, school is like a second home. But in the post, schools were very different from today. ¢ and girls 6 satin ? different ree eLL ES Dares of the classroom. Classrooms were very big and the windows were usually very high. Students couldn’t see outside! One teacher often taught more than 70 children, so teachers were usually very strict. ‘They had long sticks or rulers and they hit naughty > students with them. Clossrooms are big and comfortable and usually they have a lot of windows. Boys and girls can sit together. Teachers are nice and friendly with children. You can tell them your problems and they can help! friendly problem oa ee Cee students didn’t have | | : . All students have books, computers and notebooks. Most schools also have libraries and computer - é ene rooms. ‘ (Students learned the . ¢ celal [etait three Rs: Reading, ¢ WRiting, and ARithmetic |.” 4 ELT e © Gnath). Once a week a / cess} ¢ they had geography, NN Sty rc ¢ history and singing. Girls A] science, art, * also learned to sew and ae koererolF ¢ do housework! studies. © Answer the questions. 1. What were classrooms like in Victorian England? 2. What did teachers have in Victorian England? 3. Why did Victorian students write on slates? 4. What subjects did students do in Victorian England? 5. What do all students have now? 6. What subjects do students do now? t's chat Let's chat How are teachers today different from teachers in the past? Would you like to be a student in Victorian times? Why / Why not? How do you think schools may change in the future? (Review 1 Eis @ Read and circle. 1. Craig: What do you do / are you doing in your spare time? John: | make / am making model cars. Craig: How often do you work / are you working on your model cars? John: Two or three times a week. 2.Fay: Are you getting up / Do you get up early on the weekends? Sue: Oh no! | usually am getting up / get up at 11:00. 3. Mot Dad: Jane dusts /is dusting and Mike mops / is mopping mm Listening | Q Listen to a mother and daughter talking and circle. : What are the children doing / do the children do now? 1. Kelly / Steve hos karate class on Wednesdays. 2. Kelly has karate class twice / three times a week. 3. Kelly has a dance class on Fridays / Wednesdays 4. Kelly has / doesn't have a dance class today, 5. Kelly / Steve has a soccer game on Saturday morning. © In pairs, ask and answer questions and complete the weekly schedule about your partner. Then talk about what you did yesterday. MON What do you do in | are time, i TUE your spare time? what |" my spare time, |. WED do you do on Tuesday afternoons, y afternoons? What did ade THU you do yesterday? Be Ie FRI _ SAT SUN TRC) f poses 4 wel > Chae > cotton leather sandals cloth colorful straw @iisten, read and match the pictures with the paragraphs. in South Korea, women wear a hanbok. This is a shirt and a very long skirt. Sometimes there are letters or flowers on it. In some parts of Peru, wornen wear colorful skirts. They also wear a jacket and a cloth over it. They have colorful hats, too. In some parts of Mexico, men wear plain cotton shirts, pants and leather sandals. They wear straw hats called sombreros, to0. They also have a colorful serape over their body E @ Talk about what you like to wear, as in the example. you | lke to wear my red skirt. {tke to wear my jeans " | wear them to school I wear it when I go out. Pussy yys This dress is very nice, There are colorful flowers on it. @ Smart kids Ade @ uisten and write the name of the country under the pictures. Then read. 1% Fay95 Johno4 *Ruben* Fay95 *Ruben* John94 Fay95 John9a “Ruben* ® ossmae Po MES Cl a Tat Ey fice y “- Welcome to the birtha@ayszehat Yoxs Hi everyone! Happy birthdoy! “Hil Happy birthday to ustl! Hello. Did you get lots of presents? Yeah, my parents bought me a bike. My parents gove me a skateboard! I got some butter on my nose. What??? Oh, it’s a tradition here in Canada, we do it for good luck. | got presents, too! Do you have any birthday traditions? Here in the Netherlands, we give candy to all our classmates and the teacher gives the birthday child a special hat. Mine was blue. “Gabby:)” has joined the chat room... Fay95 Gobby:) Fay95 Hoppy birthday Gabby! Do you hove any birthday traditions in your country? Well, it’s my 15* birthday today and in Argentina, girls have a huge parly and they dance the waltz with their father. | hope it all goes well. chat room waltz tradition USERS ONLINE Foy95 *Ruben* John94 | LOO & Jo Andy sent me a message. E ‘Andy sent a message fo me. Q@ Read activity 1 and answer the questions. — 1. Whose birthday is it today? 2. Who got a bike for his/her birthday? 3. Why did John94 get butter on his nose? 4, Who wore a special hat at school? 5. Where is Gabby from? 6. What is Gabby going to do at her party? 6 Listen to a boy talking about how he celebrates his birthday in Denmark. Then find three mistakes in the picture. > @ Look at the people below. It’s their birthday today. Choose presents for them and tell em war Karen Frank | Kelly sondals leather bag cotton T-shirt colorful scarf jacket What are you going to give Karen? I'm going to give her a colorful scarf. / a Pm going to give a colorful scarj to her. a @Q) our worta v 2 ey 2 chopsticks kiss on the cheek gift. __ shake hands hug @ Read and listen to the following advice for travelers. Where does the information come from? Circle a, b orc. G a a b. (A book about traveling to different countries ©. (Advertisements for trips to South Korea and Brazit_) 3 | Social Studies | le a In SOUTH KOREA It's a good idea to take a gift when you go to someone's house for dinner. Fruit and chocolates are nice gifts. Use yellow or pink wrapping paper because these colors bring "happiness". You should offer your gift with two hands, You can write a note but not with a red pen because it's bad luck. After you finish your food, you should put your chopsticks Cnn Mage eth gear: Ca Latte] Conese twice on the cheeks. Serco ae eat You should arrive at least 30 minutes late when you visit someone's home. It's impolite to arrive fe earlier. You should take a gift, too. If you can't SY take a gift, send flowers the next day. It's a good idea. be on time FT voli #inpolit You shauld use pink wrapping paper in South Korea. wrapping paper You shouldn't write a note with a red pen in South Korea | @ read and answer the questions. ———$—$_— } 1. Why should you wrap gifts in yellow or pink paper in South Korea? 2. Where should you leave your chopsticks after your meal? 3. How many times do Brazilian women kiss? 4. Should you arrive on time when you visit a Brazilian home? 8 Listen to some travel tips when visiting China and write T for True or F for False. You should move your hands a lot when you ———————_ speak in China. You shouldn't say “no” when you're in China. w . You should always be on time in China. x It's polite to take flowers to someone's house in China. 2 In China, the number four is lucky 2 You should give a gift with two hands in China, @ Now talk about your country. Say what you should/shouldn’t do in the situations below. Use the ideas in the boxes and your own. School At a restaurant and during a meal * raise your hand to speak eat with your hands * chew gum clean’your mouth with your shirt * talk when the teacher is talking * talk while you're chewing * be 15 minutes Late for class ® talk on your cell phone «stand up when the teacher comes in the classroom —_« talk when someone else is talking In the street * throw trash in the street * throw your gum in the street Put a napkin on your lap. Don't talk with your mouth full, es Qe Talk in groups of three. One of you is going to a formal dinner. Look at the actions below. Discuss what to do and what not to do at a formal dinner. Use your own ideas too. Q listen to a girl talking to her father about a formal dinner. Listen and put a () for formal dinner Put your elbows on the table. * put your elbows on the table * weor a hat * put a napkin on your lap * talk with your mouth full * put your cell phone on “silent” what she did and an (X) for what she didn’t do. G) ) ) PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat. Then check (v). Did Zoe... 1. wear a hat? 2. put a napkin on her lap? 3. put her elbows on the table? 4, talk with her mouth full? 5. put her cell phone on “sitent”? straw lap hug tuck | cloth | chat | wrap dessertspoon napkin What about lap No, Don’t put your elbows on the table. ) my hat? cotton a Jal v v 20 aati: (Project _, Home Economics : } @ listen and read about a traditional dish. G ESO CAASASAF Hhurritos Everyone loves Mexican food. Burritos are one of the most popular and delicious Mexican dishes. You make them by folding « tortilla, which is o thin round piece of bread, and putting meat, small red beans and cheese in it. You eat burritos hot. Always begin with a topic sentence. Write what ingredients ['| Burritos are very popular in many ports of the world now. Explain youneed. || You can find burritos in restaurants or as street food. where you 4 fi In the U.S.A, people add other ingredients and make the amine aad burritos even bigger. They add things like lettuce, tomatoes, etc. Each burrito tastes different. | love burritos! They are delicious! = End with an interesting sentence, perhaps expressing your opinion of the food. "writing tip oo ~\. To make your sentences interesting, add details to the basic piece of information. r e.g. Burritos are one of the most popular and delicious Mexican dishes. ... a thin round piece of bread ..., small red beans. @ Reading time yy , = snow sculpture slide @ what do you think a snow festival is? Listen, read and find out. G What is the Sapporo Snow Festival? talgU me mC ren aai held a year in Sapporo, Japan. It’s in February and lasts for BNE CUE e IC erate adalat ac EMO ecg SMA ACN AN CAM en A ATC But how did this festival I oegin? TE in 1950, six high school boys made six snow statues in Cre any ie RCN mean and that’s how it started. Some years there isn’t enough snow, so trucks bring in snow from outside Sapporo. The sculptures are usually buildings, animals or even people. In 2004, there was a statue of Hideki Matsui, the famous baseball player. . Social Studies bands on ice stages, ice slides and a huge maze made of snow. You can also * CMa pale eyo RNa ate aCe cg important sight. You can get a good view of all the Pataca carats mV at Odori Park, At night, they inate enter} UConn tantra what can visitors see there? Visitors to the festival can enjoy concerts by be nt @ Read and answer the questions. 1. How long does the festival last? 2. How many people visit the festival every year? 3. When did the first festival take place? 4, What happens when there isni't enough snow? 5. Who is Hideki Matsui? 6. Where's the best place to see the sculptures? 7. What happens at night? chat Let's chat Would you like to go to the Sapporo Snow Festival? Why? Why not? Do you like making sculptures out of snow or sand? What’s the most popular festival in your town/city? (Review 2 @ Read and write the words. 1. These are shoes we usually wear in the summer. 2. The Sapporo Snow Festival is famous for these. is. 3. Aslow dance that is danced by two people. Ww ____ 4, You use this to clean your face and hands when you're eating. .n. 5. You do this when you hold someone in your arms. _h_ ow QESEED Qe Listen to John talking to Aiko about Japanese culture. Write T for True or F for False. G> 1. John is going to Japan with some friends. 2. Aiko is John's friend from Japan. 3. John shouldn't use wrapping paper. 4, John should give the gift with two hands. 5, John shouldn't open his gift in front of his Japanese friend. 6. John shouldn't hug or kiss his Japanese friend's dad. r © vou are meeting a person for the first time. Look at the phrases in the box and, in pairs, talk about what to do and what not to do. Use your own ideas too. Don’t hug and kiss the person. Shake hands. 24 i f i i ij ; i Sing a song try win experience contest parents travel @ tisten and match the verses with the pictures. €> Life experiences What about me? What about me? Will | ever get the chance? My sister has won a talent contest She really can sing What about me? What about me? I can’t do a thing. My brother's tried bungee jumping He said it was fun What about me? What about me? When will | do something fun? I've traveled to the moon I've had turtle soup I've met a movie star ve driven a sports car P've played for a famous team well, | can always dream ... can’t I? @ Read the song again and write T for True or F for False. Loo 1. The boy's parents have traveled to France. Ive visited (have visited} Peru. | 2. The boy's sister didn’t sing well in the talent He/She's seen (has seen) a bear. contest. They've been (have been) to ‘South America. 3. The boy's brother has tried bungee jumping ——— 4. The boy has been to the moon. © Talk in groups of three about your experiences. Pvemeta Ive been to China.) renee) snare) % 23 i D sr ee Me we Ge 9 a) eagle climbing boots nest. rock climbing helmet @ Listen and answer. What happens to Mark? Then read. Fay and Mark are on a rock climbing trip. Mrs. Red: Have you two ever | been rock climbing? Mark: No. We haven’t been rock climbing. | think it’s hard. Fay: This is our first time. Have you all remembered to bring your helmets with you? Yes, | have. haven't. It’s OK. I can give you one. But I've bought climbing boots. Here they are. Later... Mrs. Red: This next part of the mountain is dangerous. So, | want you to follow me, OK? Mark: I'm tired. Fay: Sit down on that rock. Girl Be careful Mark. We're really high up now. Girl: Has he fallen all the way down? Fay: No, he hasn't, But he’s made some new friends, i itip LoS remember Hove you ever climbed a mountain? Yes, Ihave. / No, haven't ) ye = | haven't climbed « mountain. We never climbed a mountain, mountain —<———_—_——_—— SS = = ——* @ Read and answer the questions. 1. Has Fay tried rock climbing before? 2. Who hasn't remembered to bring his/her helmet? 3. What does Mrs. Red give Mark? 4, Why does Mrs. Red want the children to follow her? 5. What do the girls think has happened to Mark? © Read and circle. . 1. Tim: Have you remember / remembered to bring your helmet? Fay: Yes, | have / haven’t. 2. Craig: Has / Have Jimmy and Leon ever seen an eagle? Lenny: No, they have / haven't. 3. John has / has never traveled by plane before. This is his first time and he's really excited 4, |haven't bought / buy climbing boots before. Are they expensive? @ Listen to an interview with a rock climber and answer the questions. Choose a or b. @ 1. Has Ross ever been rock climbing in South America? 3. What happened to Ross last year? a. Yes, he has. a, He broke his leg b. No, he hasn't. b. He broke his arm. 2. Has Ross ever climbed Mt. Everest? 4, What has Ross seen? a. Yes, he has. a. A snow leopard. b. No, he hasn't. b. A mountain lion. @ Ask your partner. Then report your partner's answers to the class. Place a (¥/) for yes and an (X) for no. mm) Have you ever Yes, | have. / No, | haven't. / Bs LJ seen an eagle? Thave néver seen an a) — © Our world es Boy Scout @ Look at the pictures. What do you know about Boy / Girl Scouts? Listen and check your answers. & nature = badge uniform 2 © Social Studies My name's Jake and I've been a Boy Scout for three years. We do lots of activities and we get merit badges. Right now I'm trying to get my coin collecting badge. I've found most of the coins | need Have you ever heard of Boy but I still need a few more. ‘Scouts and Girl Scouts? Well, scouting started in 1907 as a way to teach children different skills like first aid, surviving in nature and working in teams. Today, there are over 38 I'm Erica and {'ve been a Girl Scout since last year. I've made lots of friends with the Girl Scouts and we million Boy / Girl Scouts have a lot of fun. We are outside a from 216 countries. All Boy ¢ lot and we explore nature. We do 1 Girl Scouts wear uniforms @ ~~ lots of exciting things like hiking, and they get special merit eo lee canoeing and I've been camping badges when they do well three times so far. in an activity. : @ Read again and answer the questions. 1. How many Boy / Girl Scouts are there in the world? 2. What do Boy / Girl Scouts learn? 3. What do Boy / Girl Scouts wear? 4, How long has Jake been a Boy Scout? 5. What badge is Jake trying to get? 6. When did Erica become a Girl Scout? 7. What does Erica find exciting? 28 LOO & How long have you been a Girl Scout? x | @) different survive } outside . 48. a ve been a Girl Scout since last year. oF first ai Wve been a Girl Scout for 2 years. vk © read and circle. Ive found three coins so far. mg 1. Mary has been a teacher for / since three years. 4. Jim has had his dog for / since last month. 2. [haven't been rock climbing for / since last summer. 5. They haven't seen Mark for / since two days. Maybe he's sick 3. Mr. Brown has been here for / since 11 o'clock. Jack Mary [_ ] © Look at activity 4 and say what the people have or haven't done. - Jack has : explored a cave and... Let’s chat What do you think of scouting? Have you ever been a Boy / Girl Scout? Would you like to become a Boy / Girl Scout? 3) Let’s talk whlte-waier rafting horseback riding make a shelter cook over © a campfire Jack hasnt bought a tent for his camping trip yet. wild animals E I me ab 8), 1) Listen to the first part of the dialogue and answer the question. Where is Chris? How's everything, Chris? Have you done ‘any sports so far? No, we haven't tried white- water rafting or horseback riding yet, but we have ~ learned how to make a shelter in the forest. @ listen to the rest of the dialogue. Check (7) what the children have done so far and write an (X) for what they haven’t done yet. ©) ADVENTURE CAMP ACTIVITIES 1. try white-water rafting . 5. explore a cave 2. try horseback riding 6. explore the forest 3. learn how to make a shelter in the forest 7. take pictures of wild animals 4. cook over a campfire 8. learn first aid | @ Talk in pairs. imagine that you and your partner are at different adventure camps. Look at activity 2 and say what you have done so far and what you haven't done yet. Have you Yes, we have. / No, we explored a eae haven’t done that yet. 14) ) PRONUNCIATION EE € Listen and repeat. Then check (Vv). . girl | exciting | win trip | first | outside | wild foal v AL v bi | Vv 30 | You need: ¢ (] §$ Ge scissors. magazines white cardboard glue. markers (Project Planguage Arts” a 7 0 ‘Make your own “My Adventures” poster. picture of yourself | C 1. Draw a line and divide your cardboard into two parts. Draw a happy face on the left-hand side and a sad face on the right-hand side. 2. Think of some adventurous things you have done and write them under the happy face. Glue pictures from magazines or draw pictures next to each of these sentences. 3. Think of some things you haven't done but would like to do and write them under the sad face. Draw or glue pictures there, too. Q@ Talk about your poster in groups of three. I've tried horseback riding and I have traveled to China so far. 4, Glue the picture of yourself at the top of the cardboard and write your name. T haven't met anybody famous yet. ve seen a \ybody famous y a Reading time dummy studio Q tisten and read. Is the old house haunted? Charlie and Desmond were outside an old house. They visited the place every week. “Look! There's a light!” said Charlie. “What was that noise?” said Desmond. “1 think it’s haunted,” said Desmond. “You really think so?” asked Charlie. ! “Yes, I do. It's late, Let's go home,” said Desmond, The next morning, Charlie went to his uncle’s store. Mr. Freeman said to Charlie: “Take this bag of food to 13 Dark Road, please. It’s an old house. Have you ever seen it?” “Y.,, yes,” said Charlie. He was scared but he took the bag and left. Charlie knocked on the door but there was no answer, so he opened it. He slowly walked into the house. It was dark and he bumped into a person. Charlie started screaming. “Help! Help!” But the person just fell to the floor. It wasn’t a real person, it was (( a dummy! What's going on here? he 3 aa thought. G 5 AC er ed J special effects delivery boy haunted Suddenly, someone said, “What are you doing here?” “Los hee Pm the delivery boy,” said Charlie “Sorry, I didn’t hear you. | was making some special effects,” said the man. “Special effects? Like a movie?” asked Charlie, “Yes. Come into the next room. I’m Larry Bent. Welcome to my studio,” said the man. “Wow! I've never been in a studio before. So, now I understand all the strange noises and lights,” said Charlie. Charlie and Larry spoke for an hour and Larry told him about all his movies. On the way home, Charlie thought, Haunted house, ha ha. Wait till I tell Desmond. SETI) Appearances can be deceivir @ Read again and answer the questions. 1. Where were the boys? Who is Mr. Freeman? . What did he ask Charlie to do? . What is the address of the old:house? . Why did Chartie scream for help? Who was in the house? . What does Larry Bent do there? Let’s chat Do you like action movies? What is your favorite movie? Do you like movies with special effects? Which movie has the best special effects you have ever seen? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a (Review 3 WD @ Listen to the dialogues describing different things. Choose a or b. 1. What has the boy never tried? 2. Where has the girl been? 3. What have they made? @ Read and complete. Choose a, b or c. yl 1. Jenny went riding last Saturday. It's raining . Take an umbrella a.rock ——_b. white-waterc. horseback with you. a. outside b. so far c early N . My brother is a Boy Scout. He has about ‘twenty . His favorite is the coin 6. My are teachers. They work in collecting one. ‘that school over there. a. uniforms b. badges c. helmets a. parents _b. eagles c. dummies w Don't worry. | know Icon help him. 7. Don’t ! The baby is sleeping a.first cid b. nature nest a. remember b. survive c. scream 0 4. Scuba diving was a fantastic Paul Stevens makes great effects. a. delivery _b. contest c.experience a.different_b.haunted ——_. special a eree LTT La | i { © Class survey. Go around the class, ask questions and find out who has done the | activities below. Complete the table. has won a competition. a competition? has been camping. has traveled by plane. has seen a wild animal. has cooked a meal. has tried white-water rafting. has been to a soccer game. has eaten an insect. Yes, | have. / No, | haven't. 34 | _Mesertel wart Q) 6 G2 OSL ORE wool silver belt ri @ Do the quiz. Then listen and check your answers. G) T.. It’s made of silk and you wear it around your neck, a. a scarf b. a belt c.achain 2. They're made of plastic and you put them in a computer. ! a.cellphones —_b. DVDs c. books BRAY) 3. it’s made of wood and you write with it. We a.apen b.opencil —_c. a pencil. case They're made of leather or wool and you wear them on your hands ip a. hats b. sweaters c, gloves They're made of metal and you drink from them. a. cans b.glasses —_c. spoons It’s made of paper and you can read it every day. a.anewspaper b.awebsite —c. anapkin | ee It’s made of gold or silver and you wear it on your finger. a. a ring b.awatch —_c. aglove This jdckef is made of leather. “rey it a T-shirt? a It’s made of cotton and you wear «) {| @ Look around the classroom and say. No, it isn’t. —— Lf That's right! it a shirt? D) sor kids a ie 2 v SS | mixture ingredients freeze melt @ tisten and answer. Where are the kids? Then read. Mark, Carla and Fay are on a school trip at an ice cream factory. Mark: Wow. Is that milk? Man: Yes, that’s where the milk is mixed with other ingredients. Fay: Yuck! That’s a lot of milk. Man: Yes, a lot of milk is used to make ice Carla: Oh look, chocolate. Mmm, | love chocolate. Man: That's where the chocolate is melted. Then it’s added to the mixture. Fay: Look! They're adding strawberry flavor to that mixture, Delicious! Man: Here, the nuts are cut into small pieces and they're added to the mixture in the end. Fay: Oh, so that ice cream is ready. Can we try some? Man: That ice cream isn’t ready yet. They have to freeze it first. Now, let’s go to the next room. You can have some ice cream there. Man: So, kids what's your favorite flavor? Mark: Well, | don’t have a favorite flavor. | like strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, mango, banana... " alla Lod & flavor Alot of milks used to make ice cream. The milk, cream and sugar are mixed together @ Read again and write T for True or F for False. 1. Fay loves milk. 2. Carla likes chocolate ice cream. 3. Fay doesn’t like strawberry ice cream. 4, The chocolate is added before the nuts, 5. Mark likes all kinds of ice cream. oO Complete the blanks with the Simple Present Passive of the verbs in parentheses. 1. Vonilla______(add) to the mixture to give it a nice flavor. 2. The mixture (ut) in the refrigerator for a few hours. | 3. Cricket (play) in England and Australia. | 4, Computers (use) at this school 5. Tigers (find) in Asia. | 6. The chocolate (cut) into small pieces and then it met, 7. Hundreds of cell phones (buy) every day. @ A class is visiting Mr. Welding’s bakery. What ingredients does he use? Listen and check (V) the correct Sees @ a | @ talk in pairs. what do you remember about Mr. Welding’s famous chocolate chip _™ cookie recipe? First the butter is melted. Then the sugar is added and... Our world 2 3 : produce ry { What's the answer? * 1 m0) honey eaten by bears? ‘Welt, honey (5) eaten by bears. ; (2)________cotton ever made from hair? But cotton (6) made from hair. { @) bananas grown in France? And bananas (7) grown in France. io paper made from plants? But paper (8) made from plants. © Talk in pairs. Student A: Look at the map for one minute. Student B: Ask questions about where food Close your book and try to is grown or where the animals are remember the information. found to test Student A. k " ne Pe. Canada - polar bear ‘ China ie panda ‘apples . Ni tice 5 ‘Australia Peru ‘ eo z Zi mangoes = ama kangaroo No, they aren’t. * Are the id ee ™ found in Peru? Yes, they are, — © Let's talk & &) == er o ™ kettle headphones telescope _—tgothbrush pot i 0 ¢ ea Apen is used for writing, ) > £ i Scissors are used for cutting paper. “ =D scissors @ Look and play. Use the verbs given. 1 Ws used for be make talk brush. change cutting e; f inifer_) : ge - Yes, good job. i | | i j { i | | ij i i | ())) PRONUNCIATION : Listen and repeat. Then check (). -. ' food | look | telescope | headphones | wool | toothbrush | avocado Jol v - i u/s v | Jou! v 40 (Project Science | Listen and read about Natalie’s invention. Would you like a Robo-Trash-Eater in your house? > In the frst paragroph, write the name of your invention, what it looks like and what it is made of. In the third paragraph, write why you think it is a good invention a 7 My Invention! This is my new invention, Robo-Trash-Eater. lithe second it’s a machine that looks like a dog, but it's paragraph, made of metal and plastic. I've painted it ails abou brown and white. what your Robo -Trash-Eater walks around the house en and. picks up all the trash. It can eat almost al eet everything, so it is used for keeping is used for. the house clean. I think it’s a fantastic invention because it helps us keep our house clean. We also throw away less trash, so we protect the environment. Writing tip co Pee ely Do not write very short sentences. Use linking words Use and to link similar ideas. It's a box and it's made of plastic. © Use but to link opposite ideas. It can walk but it can’t run. ; « Use s0 to express result or consequence. we have already said It picks up trash so it’s good for the environment. ¢ Use because to express reason or cause. It's a great invention because it helps kids with homework. © Use also to add something else to what | We also throw away less trash. bill stone shapes round @ what do you think? Read and write T for True or F for False. 1. Some people used shells to buy things in the past. 2. All.coins were round in the past. 3. The U.S.A. is the only country that uses dollars. 4. All European countries use the euro today. 5. Credit cards are also called plastic money. @ Usten, read and check your answers in activity 1. G> In the past people didn’t have bills or coins. They used stones, shells, seeds and even salt to buy things. People first used: coins 2,600 years ago in Lydia, Asia Minor. They mixed gold and silver to make them, Coins became popular in Europe and Asia soon after that. Early coins were very interesting. They weren't round. In Olbia, «a city near the Black Sea, they had some coins in the shape of a dolphin or fish. The first Chinese coins were in the shape of shells and tools. In Thailand, they had coins that looked like rings. & The Chinese started using paper money in 1000 CE because their coins were too heavy. become look like The name dollar comes from a silver coin called « thaler. In Europe people used thalers for almost 400 years. Today dollars are not only Australia and in other countries! Of course all these dollars are different from U.S. dollars. BE the euro. The euro is used by millions of Europeans! Not all European countries use the euro, though. Today, the euro is used by over 320 million Europeans! Today, credit cards are used by lots of people. These small plastic cards are used instead of money. That's why they're called plastic money. The first credit cards appeared in the early 1950s in the U.S.A. and now people all around the world use them. © Read again and answer the questions. 1. How did people buy things in the past? 2. When did the first coins appear? 3. In which city did people use coins that looked like dolphins? 4, What were the first Chinese coins like? 5. Where does the word dollar come from? 6. Where is the euro used? 7. When and where did credit cards first appear? chat Let's chat What do you know about the money in your country? What is the money in your country called? What is your opinion of credit cards? Do you collect coins? (Review 4 oe WEED @ Listen to the descriptions and check (VW) a or b. G 4. a b @ Look and say. What is a pen used for?) Se pen corn made of a phone tigers used for What | a telescope a tng 4 found coffee credit cards ‘Where— joe toothbrush a chain - abelt avocados Cie © Look at activity 2 and write affirmative sentences. 1. Apen is made of wRwn r | 2 Sing a song P Sm, # thousand humans animal skin mammoth spear barefoot prehistoric @ complete the table with past activities done by early humans and present activities done by modern humans. Use the words in the box. Then listen, read and check your answers. PAST PRESENT 1 oncavewalts | 1. oven 2 over a fire 2 jeans j 3. around barefoot | 3. food from the i 4. with spears supermarket i 5. animal skins 4. on paper The way we used to be Humans have come a long, long way Early humans used to go around barefoot From prehistoric times until today And cook over fire in the rain Don’t you know Today we use an oven Thousands of years ago And we travel the world by plane. They lived in a different way Early humans used to paint mammoths Than we live our lives today. a P All over the walls of their caves } Early humans used to hunt with spears Today we draw on paper They used to wear animal skins We're different in many ways. Today we go to the supermarket } And wear T-shirts with jeans! | LOD | Early humans used to wear animal skins. We don’t wear animal skins today. | © in.what ways were the lives of early humans different from ours? Close your books and discuss this question with a friend. Use ideas from the song and your own. We buy our food from "Yearly humans used to “he superman j hhunt for their jot) “ L - 45 @ Listen and answer. Why is Kevin upset? Then read. Kevin is a new kid in the neighborhood. Carla: Kevin: Carla: Kevin: Carla: Kevin: Carla: Kevin: Carla: Kevin: Carla: neighborhood backyard apartment huge 4 What's wrong, Kevin? | miss my old neighborhood. Come on. It isn’t that different here. Well, | used to live near a big park and | used to go skateboarding every day, There is a park in our neighborhood. Yeah, | know. But it’s very small. | can’t go skateboarding there. Oh, | see. ‘Also, | didn’t use to live in an apartment. | used to live in a house with a huge backyard. My friends and | used to play baseball there on the weekends. But now I can’t do that anymore. | just stay home and surf the Net. Well, 'm sure you didn’t use to have a mall near your old house. No, | didn’t. But | don’t care. | don’t like hanging out at malls, Cheer up! There are a lot of things we can do in this neighborhood. Come on, Pll show you. LOS se hang out cheer up miss When | was younger, | used to goto the library for | a show surf the Net care ifraton. dn use fe su he Net, but now do. ew Read and check (¥) the pictures that show what Kevin used to do and have in his old neighborhood. © Look at activity 2 and write sentences. 1. 5. 2. He didn’t use to live near a small park. 6. 3. 7. 4 8. iscuss the questions and then write sentences. | used to play tennis when | was younger, but ! don’t anymore. a | didn’t use to play tennis but 1 do no ur world -— (ow st (pe me! population se - 7 = = luxury carriage streetcar grocery store @ Listen and answer. What means of transportation did they have in the past? Then read. @) a History | WED ate to keTS Le Tar ae R Tae Fy | Place with a population of eT Xe ele a eta different and quiet then, Today, it’s a city with over NT ye er yd LS ee rene ae In the past, there used to be alot of carriages and streetcars on the streets, There weren't many cars or any buses back then. There used to be only a few houses and no modern buildings, luxury hotels and highways like today. There weren't any big malls or supermarkets, but only some restaurants and grocery stores. There used to be a theater though. People loved going there! 48 ~ ma se Nat = @ complete the chart about Salt Lake City. There used fo be a lot of carriages and streetcars on the streets. a THEN NOW + around 6,000 people Me @e and © cars and buses and other means of transportation (3)e° #0 few houses and buildings and @eo on malls, supermarkets, restaurants, theaters, etc. (eo oon aay alll (3 There used to be one school in Lakeview, but now there are two. ———__ © Look at the pictures of the town of Lakeview and discuss. oe wets Op RR Z « laptop trumpet allowance country entertainment BOO ot Yes, she did. / No, she didn't. @ what did Grandma use to do? Listen and check (v7). G @ praw a table like the one below and write questions based on activity 1. Then ask and answer questions with your partner and compare your answers. -—- x es io Did she use to sing? Did she use to ... © write similar questions and ask your teacher / parents / grandparents. What did they use to do for entertainment? ) )) PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat. Then check (Vv). backyard | animal | thousand | band [streetcar | allowance | apartment Jel v Jal Vv /al | 50 i (Project an Today, animated movies are made mostly on computers. However, in the past wy things were different. Animation studios needed many people to make an animated movie. You see, for every second of the movie, they used to draw twenty-four 3 pictures! A different picture for every single movement of the character. After that {= they used to photograph each picture and put them together to make the movie. ‘TED q z Z You need: \ MM Q@ Make a mini “flip book”. pieces of paper N Choose a character/ 3. Flip through the pages and Staple the papers together. “object and draw it. For see your characters move! every movement draw a separate picture. ~ 1. Fold the paper in half. © Make up a story for your character. Think about the questions below and write your animated story. (What is hismer nome?) (Where did your character ga?) (Who did he/she go with?_) 7 > id ironiLe aay What did they do there? ) Did they ike i?) canal lake @ Read and match (a-f). Then listen. G warrior The AZTECS a. The Aztecs, or the Mexica, lived in the 14, 15% and 16" centuries in what is now central Mexico. In fact, Mexico City is where the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan used to be. c. The Aztecs were great warriors and trained from an early age. Some warriors wore animal skins to look like jaguars and some wore a helmet with feathers that looked like the ~ head of an eagle. They wanted to 3 scare their enemies. century capital > enemy ~ y exist Jaguar chili peppers cocoa e. The Aztecs ate a lot of corn, beans and squash with chili peppers and tomatoes All these are still very popular in Mexico today. They used to eat insects, too. DUCTS Cec Tent Ret ees ee eee (ae erates ey illest egu st tes: octet ee pee DRL Ret neh eet ee ees drink. The emperor Moctezuma Il drank TT ec inrael ister Et @ Read again and complete. 1. Another name for the Aztecs is - 2. The Aztecs built their capital on in the year 3. People used to travel on the canals. 4, Some warriors wore animal skins to Look like and 5. When playing tlachtli, one of the rules was for players not to use 6. The Aztecs ate things like with and 7. Moctezuma's favorite drink was Let's chat What other (ancient) civilizations do you know of? Where did they use to live? Would you like to live in their time? Why / Why not? Neo) SO clag @ complete the sentences ai 1. Mammoths are Don’t walk around Cell phones didn’t vawn It was a nice experience. 6. Come here. Let me 7. ive in avery neighborhood. | don’t lik 8. There was an earthquake on the isand a 9. Beth has bought a new It 10. My sister lives in New York now. | don’t see her often. | really 11, We live in the 21st o— WED Tina started screaming when she saw the We went around the city in a horse and (Review 5 ind find the word in pink. onimals Wear your shoes. fifty years ago. you my pictures. e noisy places. years ago. has four bedrooms. her. @ listen to three dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a, b orc. 1. What did Jenny use to like most about her old house? a. the huge backyard b, the quiet neighborhood 2. Who used to work in a grocery store? a. Ken 3. What did they find in the a. dinosaur bones b. Ken's dad cave? 'b. animal skins c. the stores that were close c. Ken's grandfather c. paintings of mammoths © in pairs, talk about what you used to do and didn’t use to do five years ago. You can use the ideas in the box, or your own. Five years ago, | used to eat a lot of candy, but I don’t anymore. What about you? Me too. But five years ‘ago, | didn’t use to speak English very well. at @ {he four comers of the Barta @) - top ay e. <} polar bear bottom @ listen to the song. Where do polar bears and penguins live? g ya SS), A@®@ K Sing a song lonely believe Loo & Drinking a lot of water is good for you. ove playing tennis with my brother. Start doing your homework! Helen can't stand playing in the snow. ‘My parents go skiing every winter. Diane is good at drawing polar bears. S$ “potbe we Q Use the prompts to talk about Sao * 1 can’t stand living here in the Arctic Do you want to go swimming in the Antarctic = Everywhere | look it’s just ice and snow i Aas freezing cold and nothing can grow -= Pm lonely up here in the North, What's it like your end? winter, * be cold * play in the snow * g0 ice-skating © walk on the ice * wear warm clothes * make a snowman: * have a snowball fight * sit by the fire BAiv’s not much better, believe me my friend , @ «Z) It’s so boring and there’s nothing to do te jing in the South Pole is very boring, too. is this the right place for a polar bear? PALet’s move buddy! Do you know where? Pm on the top of the world but | feel down Pm on the bottom, we need a change now! Do you like | v winter? Not really. | hate being RThat’s a great idea. It’s warm and sunny there. a cold. But | like having °F See you there! See you there! 4 snowball fights. storm rope slippery rough calm @ Listen and answer. Where are the kids? Then read. @) (6) Smart kids < CE SBE =| Mark, Fay and Carla are going sailing on a lake Fay: Are you sure this sailboat is big enough for four people, Carla? Carla: Yeah, it’s fine. Mark: Four people? Carla: Yes, my brother is coming, too. We aren’t old enough to go sailing alone. Mark: | think a storm is coming, Pete Is it too rough to go sailing? Pete: Don’t worry, it’s calm enough. This is a lake. Do you get seasick easily, Mark? Mark: Me? No, | love sailing. Fay: You look a little green, Mark. Are you Try standing up. You'll feet better. feeling OK? I can’t. It’s too slippery. Mark: Not really. | feel sick, J: Hold onto the rope. LOTS alone We can't go sailing. The water's too rough. | The water's to0 rough to go sailing. v | seasick sailboat We can't go sailing, The water isn’t calm enough. | ot The water isn't calm enough to go sailing | © Read activity 1 and write T for True or F for False. 1. Fay thinks the sailboat is too big. 4. The water is calm enough to go sailing. 2. Pete is Carla's brother. 5. Mark feels seasick 3. The children are too young to go 6. Mark wanted to go swimming in the sailing alone. lake. Use the ideas in the box and talk in pairs. One student makes a suggestion and the other must make excuses why they can't go. Let's go sailing today, eel — We can’t. We aren’t old enough to go alone OK, let’s go No, it’s too swimming in the lake. } cold today to —- go swimming * cold swarm tall * rough * good scalm easy sold * hard, etc. * young @ Talk in pairs about a trip you went on or about something you did. Say why you liked or didn’t like it. I went windsurfing ; with my brother Realy? id last weekend. Not very much, You see, the sea was too calm. 6 Our world P e & tropical rainforest large pebonaus @ Read the text and match the ; ie paragraphs (1-3) with the titles (a~ i title you do not need to use. Then listen and check. o. fetes Gen ore o. (its full of different species b, (What's it like there? cUt's ous is 2 Peer o. How dangerous is it? ) ould visit a “A . fF Science Amazon Rainforest pea TH The Amazon rainforest is in South Kinerica. Most of itis in Brazil ond Peru, It is a tropical rainforest with a warm climate and Lots of rain, temperature is around 80% all ed round. It gets 0 ga der in the winter. climate Lao +p The temperature today is higher than it was yesterday, eae Ithink snakes are more dangerous than frogs. Russia is the largest country in the world, Oleander is one of the most poisonous plants in the world. @ Read again and answer the questions. 1. What's the climate like in the Amazon rainforest? 2. How many species of insects live in the Amazon rainforest? 3. Are piranhas more dangerous than anacondos? 4. Which is the most dangerous insect in the Amazon rainforest? © complete with the correct form of the words in parentheses. 1.Yesterdayitwas__ (Cloudy) than it is today. 2. | think frogs are one of the (ugly) animals in the world. 3. | think rainforests are (interesting) places than oceans 4, The temperature in Spain is (high) than in Norway. 5 (dangerous) insect in the rainforest is probably the mosquito. @ listen to a science teacher and check (7) a or b. 1. Where are most frogs found? 2. How many frog species are there? more than 5,000 a more than 5,000,000 |b a 4. Which one is the Goliath frog? Dm © hot-air balloon jeep mountain biking This jeep is as fast as my dad's ci Camel riding isnt os dangerous as mountain bikin @ Read the information. EXPLORE THE GOBI THE SAHARA DESERT DESERT EXPERIENCE * 4-day trip = teweek trip ‘* mountain biking * sand skiing + jeep tour + camel riding in the Khangai Mountains SINAI DESERT ADVENTURE * 4-day trip * 2-day camel riding trip + scuba diving in the Red Sea * hot-air balloon ride * 3-day camel riding trip * jeep tour * explore underground houses @ work in pairs. Use the adjectives below to compare the three adventure trips. Then, decide which trip you would like to go on. Yes, but a A jeep tour isn’t as hot-air balloon exciting as a hot-air ride is more . ee ride, dangerous, right? Sate» ney yi4 © Listen to two people talking. Which desert trip from activity 1 do they decide to go on? write @® [ @) PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat. Then underline the silent vowels. > é j vegetable temperature alone careful different climate lonely middle amusement park (Project [L_Seosreony *) 0 Listen and read what Donald wrote about his country. Have you ever visited Canada? If not, would you like to? > Draw a map My country: Canada In the first of your Canada is the second largest Paragraph, country. country in the world. It’s in write some 5 North America, Generally, _ general Canada has long, very cold get information Bear Lake winters with lots of snow and ‘about your short, cool summers. country (e.g. where Canada is a beautiful country with lots of mountains and Lakes. The highest mountain is Mount Logan, in northwestern Canada. It’s 19,551 ft high. There are about three million lakes in Canada. The Largest Lake is Great itis, size, the climate). In the second parcaraphy Bear Lake, in northwestern Canada. write about the There are many plants and animals in Canada. There geographical | ate bears, moose, beavers, deer, eagles and many more. There are also polar bears in the north. The maple tree is probably the most well-known tree. features. In the third paragraph, write about the wildlife. 1u give. Don’t just list names. You can do this by trying to answer questions like: the wildlife: raphical features: a wert rs ‘the most important © Are there many plants and animals? geographical features? What are some of the most important r ‘© What's the highest mountain / largest plants and animals? al Lake / longest river? Where are they? _* Do you know anything about them? «How high / Large / tong are they? .—__ Writing tip ~~ When describing a country, try to expand 6A the information yo clue search fountain submarine @ iisten and answer. Where was the treasure in the end? Then read. > Professor Brian Tarragon was almost at the end of his long adventure. He was trying to find the lost treasure of King Militus. It was a difficult treasure hunt but he loved traveling to the four corners of the world. A year ago, when he found the first clue, he was in the college library. This clue took him to the driest place in the world, the Atacama Desert. He found the clue in a cave. It took him to @ temple deep in the rainforest of Cambodia. He spent three days in the rainforest with bears and tigers trying to find the treasure. But in the end he just found another clue. This clue sent him to the North Pole and he found the last clue in a block of ice. He melted the ice and the clue read... Seatch the deep and wet slippery stone friend Ifyou find Maria's pet 6 Mereyour search willend Sn a De esieemenniill Tarragon thought for a few minutes and then “Maria?... Deep? That's it! The Mariana Trench, the deepest place in the ocean.” So, the next day he traveled to the Pacific Ocean. He spent almost a week in a submarine looking for something made of stone like a statue, a lost city, anything. But he never found it so he stopped looking. 62 | | college temple shout push ‘A month later, Tarragon was back at the college. He was sitting outside the library with a student named Charlie. They were having sandwiches by the fountain when Jarragon saw something under the water. He looked again and dropped his sandwich, “The treasure is here at the college!” he shouted. i “what do you mean?” said Charlie. “Don’t you see? What is the name of this library?” Tarragon said. e “St. Maria’s, but...” said Charlie but didn’t finish his sentence. I | Tarragon was too excited to wait and jumped into the fountain. “Look!” he said. Under the water Charlie could see a small statue. “It’s a statue of a frog,” said Charlie. “Yes, a slippery stone friend! Maria’s pet!” the professor shouted. He was getting more excited! He put his hand under the water and pushed the frog. The water in the fountain stopped. Soon the fountain was empty and a hole appeared at the bottom. Tarragon looked inside and he couldn't believe his eyes! “1 traveled the world and the treasure was here all the time,” he said. aT @ Read again and answer the questions. 1. Whose treasure was Tarragon trying to find? 2. Where did he find the first clue? 3. What is the driest place in the world? 4. Where did Torragon find the last clue? 5. Where is the Mariana Trench? 6. What did Tarragon find at the Mariana Trench? 7. Who is Charlie? 8. What did Tarragon see under the water? 9. What did he do? 10. What happened when Tarragon pushed the statue? »¢ chat Lets chat Do you like riddles and puzzles? Do you like treasure hunts? Have you read any adventure stories? Did you like them? (Review 6 “Ge @ Listen to three dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a or b. G> 1. Why doesn’t the boy want to go on the hot-air balloon? a. It’s too dangerous. _b. It isn't exciting enough. 2. Where is it warmer? a. In the car. b. Outside, 3. What does Paula think of mountain biking? a. She hates it. b. She likes it. e a and Carla are cousins, Look at the pictures of their houses and make comparisons. Use the comparative form, the superlative form, (not) and the adjectives in the box. Elisa’s house isn’t as big as Carla’s house. © Think of the weather in your town/city today and make sentences. Use too or enough, the prompts given and your own ideas. - It’s snowing today! | like Hk imming, skiing, but there's nat enough "bin eo. snow to go skiing yet. ——_— Sing a song L sculptor - sculpt circle square art gallery @ Read and complete. Listen and check your answers. Then sing. sculpt AR! Friday) gallery) artist) Wood |llpaintings 1 aC URS RC On Monday and (1) afternoons I take art classes after school a During the lesson we draw, paint and (2) e (3) is fantastic! | really love art! In January, February, March... | love art, I love art! The day before yesterday, We went on a trip to the art (4) It’s open from Monday to Saturday There are (5) and sculptures to see. i j In April, May, June, July... | love art, { love art! a a My favorite (6) is Pablo Picasso = He was a great painter and sculptor & He drew pictures using circles and squares. | He made sculptures out of (7) and metal In August, September, October, November and December | love art, | love art, I love art, | love art! RT ETI In the momning/attermoon/evening The art gallery is open from Monday to Friday. | In May/Spring etc. ‘The museum is open on Mondays from 9:00 fo 5:00. During the summer The library opens atter 9:00. | @ Find examples of the prepositions in the song. © Class discussion. Talk about a place you have visited (a country, a museum, etc). Use prepositions of time. During the summer | went to Paris. | stayed there from June to July. On the first day there | went to the Louvre museum. | saw many sculptures and paintings there. } > — —— hk member rack _hip hop fan club jazz classical | @® Smart kids @ Listen and read. Carla: How was Katy Smiley’s concert, Fay? Mark: Who’s Katy Smiley? Does she sing rock music? Rock and . jazz are my favorite kinds of music. Fay: Oh Mark... Katy is a famous actress and she sings pop songs. She’s the girl who plays in a popular TV program. At the concert, she also played on a piano that was white and gold. She's very talented. Look! And she sang “When | look at you”. It's my favorite song. Carla: Who's that boy who's holding the poster? Cool poster! Fay: That's my cousin, Pete. He won a poster that has Katy on it, He won it in the raffle for Katy World members. Mark: What's Katy World? Carla: It’s Katy Smiley’s fan club. Did you win anything, Fay? Fay: Well... | got a Katy Smiley T-shirt. But look here. Carla: AAAH! Is that Katy who's signing your T-shirt? Fay: Yes! |’ll never wash that T-shirt! @ Read and answer the questions. 1, Does Katy sing rock music? 2. What musical instrument did Katy Smiley play? 3. Who did Fay go to the concert with? 4. Did Mark go to the concert? 5. What did Fay win in the raffle? Katy Smiley is the girl who / that plays in a popular TV program. | She played on a piano that / which was white and gold © Read and complete. Use who / that or which / that. Angelina Jolie is the actress played Lara Croft in the movie Tomb Raider. 2. Van Gogh's “Sunflowers” is a famous painting isin a museum in Germany. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a famous Walt Disney movie came out in 1938. 4..K. Rowling is the author wrote the Harry Potter books. @ Listen and write 1-5). AZZ @ Listen and complete. Write classical, hip hop, jaz. 1. Dora's dad's favorite kind of music is 2. Dora's favorite kind of music is 3. Dora and her dad went to a music concert. 4, Uncle Dan took Dora and Alice to a concert last year. © Tolk in pairs. Use the ideas below and your own. ‘An actor who/that played in Troy. Na Our world ey comma are building garden steel brick sphere @isten and read. G tiful buildings The Taj Mahal in India is a building of love. King Shah Jahan built it in the 17" century for his wife, after she died. He was so sad when she died that he decided to build the most beautiful building in the world for her. It took 22 years and 20,000 workers to do it. It’s a place where tourists can visit 22 different areas and lots of gardens. Fact oe ehhh i A. The Chrysler Building is a skyscraper in New York City that opened on May 27, 1931. Itis 1,047 ft tall. Van Aten designed the building. it's made of steel and bricks. In 1928 there was c competition in New York City to build the tallest skyscraper and the Chrysler Building was the tallest one for eleven months. It’s also a place where there are many offices The Atomium is a building where people can enjoy ‘an amazing view of Brussels. It opened in 1958. It's 335 ft tall and it has nine steel spheres. The sphieres symbolize Science. Tourists can visit only : five spheres where they can find exhibitions and a = Gas j | cafeteria, There’s also a kids’ sphere where school groups can spend the night. Andre Waterkeyn was the architect who designed it. l . eon-ea Loa zi ee Qi Isa place where there rs, ’ design are offices. architect view exhibition lis a sphere where children can sleep, @ Write T for Taj Mahal, ¢ for Chrysler Building or A for Atomium. 1. It opened in Brussels in 1958. 2. Aking made this building 3. It's a place where children can sleep. 4. It's a place where there are offices now. 5. It was the tallest skyscraper for some. months. 6. It symbolizes Science. 7. It's a place where you can visit 22 different areas. © Look at the example and write sentences. Use where. 1. It's/ gallery / you / see / famous / exhibitions It's a gallery where you can see famous exhibitions. 2. t's / building / you / enjoy / nice / view 3. It's / restaurant / you / eat / Mexican / food 4. It’s / place / you / see / strange / animals 5, It's/college / you / study / art © Think of a place and play a guessing game. Use ideas from the box as well as your own ideas. we buy pet It’s the place where s & It’s a pet store! © Think of a place that you like and write, in your notebook, what you can do there. Use where. connect | Let's fal v Mids \wl | microwave acrobat show magician clown LO GS Peter is an acrobat, isn't he? Kate can do tricks, can’t she? Ted likes salads, doesn't he? Your cousins went tothe park, didn’t they? Fred isn't a magician, is he? Linda can‘ play volleyball, can she? Your brother doesn't speak French, does he? Your friends didn't go to the beach, did they? @ Guess and match. went / to the moon magician played / Harry Potter — Daniel Radcliffe wrote / Hamlet Pablo Picasso painted / Guernica Neil Armstrong does tricks Shakespeare makes / people laugh clown sculptures movie theater acrobats museum movies circus exhibitions art gallery magician show @ Play a game in groups and check your answers. I think it’s Daniel It’s someone who played Radel isn’t it? in “Harry Potter”. It’s a place where. It’s @ thing that a> € 2 a” (@)) PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat. Then circle the silent letters. > "—- I do too. qe I i hour sign microwave college use circle design pictures different listen | (Project @ Do you like collages? Listen and read. Then discuss. G Collage Todoy, lots of artists use collage to make their works of art. But what is a collage? To make a collage, artists use pieces of paper, cloth, wood, metal or other materials and then they glue them onto a piece of paper or canvas. Making « collage is not new; people made them in China around 200 BCE and in the 10" century in Japan. In modern ar, collage started in the beginning of the 20" century with George Braques and Pablo Picasso. @ Muake a collage and display it around the classroom. You need: t ee choose from: colored paper, newspapers, pictures, a large sheet of cardboard scissors glue buttons, flowers ete. 1. Cut the paper or other materials in 2. Put them onto the cardboard to form shapes. Shapes. Glue the pieces / objects onto the cardboard, © write about your collage: 1. What is the title of your collage? 2. What themes are in your collage? 3. What materials did you use? 3. Give it a title, L @ Reading time j stay close whisper _ security guard @ Listen and answer. Who played the last trick? Then read. >’ It was Wednesday morning and Jack, Sandra and Ben weren’t at school. They were with the other i] fifth grade students outside the new museum of Egyptian art. Their teacher, Mrs. Clark, asked them to stay close to the group and follow the museum rules. There were different works of ait itiside the'milseum. There was sculpture, pottery and paper art. The kids saw some beautiful paintings and statues, too. The guide explained everything to them. He showed them pictures of kings and queens of ancient Egypt. Everybody was amazed. There was also a room in the basement where there were Egyptian mummies, but the guide told them that it wasn’t open to visitors yet. Ben had an idea, “Why don’t we go to that room and see the mummies?” he whispered to his friends but they refused. “We will get in trouble, Ben,” they said, But he didn’t listen to them and he decided to go all alone. When no one was looking, he went downstairs. . L play a trick pottery The door wasn’t locked so Ben opened it and. walked in. It was dark and there was a smell. Suddenly, he saw two white faces in front of him. “Oh no the mummies woke up! he screamed and ran to the door. But then he heard some people laughing. He turned and saw Jack and Sandra taking their white scarves off “We played a trick on you!” Jack said and they all laughed. Just then, the kids heard a strange noise, then a scary laugh “Ha, ha, ha, hal”. “Who's playing a trick now?” asked Sandra. “Nobody, we're the only ones down here,” said Ben. Then, they saw a door open very slowly and a bright light. “A real mummy!” they all shouted, The kids were so scared they ran out of the room. They found the other students but they didn’t say anything to Mrs, Clark because they knew they would be in trouble. Then, they saw a security guard talking to Mrs. Clark and looking at them. “Look! He has a flashlight. It was him!” said Jack. Mrs. Clark came over to the children and said, “Next time, stay with the other students!” “Don’t worry, we will,” they all said. os 8 a | (VTS treat others the way you would like to be treated. @ Read again and answer the questions. 1. What grade are Jack, Sandra and Ben in? 2. What kinds of works of art were in the museum? 3. Where was the room with the mummies? 4. Who went to the room with the mummies first? 5. Why was Ben scared? 6. Why did the children run out of the room? Let's chat Have you ever played a trick on someone? Has someone ever played a trick on you? When? What happened? Do you think that following. rules is always important? Why? / Why not? (Review 7 @ Read and write the missing words. Tlwon'tp ‘on you again! Sorry! 2. There’sane __ on Salvador Dali there. 3. He likes drawing ¢__ ___and squares. 4, That building is made of s___ 5, She teachess UE @ Listen to two teenagers talking about a new place and complete. ea 1.Anew opened in their city. 2. James Sullivan is the who designed the new library. © 8 3. The library has floors. 4. There are two 2 ea 5. It has a ‘on the Internet. ep © The library is open from Monday to from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. eae) © Make sentences and play a guessing game. Use who / which / that / where. Is a place where you ie Rares aes 74 binoculars astronaut scientist Do a quiz SH @DOCL spacecraft space suit space Solar System eclipse moon exercise @ 00 the quiz. Then listen and check your answers. How many planets are there in our Solar’ _5. Do astronauts have to exercise every day System? in space? aveight b. nine a. Yes b.No Which planet do you have to use 6. Where do astronauts have to eat their binoculars to see? food from? a. Neptune b. Venus a. a bowl b. a bag Does an ‘astronaut have to wear a space 7. Has anyone ever cooked in space? suit in the spacecraft? a. Yes b. No a. Yes b. No 8. How do astronauts wash? What can’t you seein a solar eclipse? 1. They take a shower: b. They use a. the sun b. the moon wet sponges. LOO & Astronauts have to exercise every day. Do astronauts have to exercise every day? Yes, they do. / No, they dont. @ Read the table below and discuss what you have to do to become an astronaut and a space scientist. You have to go to What do you have to | astronaut? | space college to become do to become a(n)... scientist? an astronaut. You have to go to college to become a | use a telescope go to college Vv Vv space scientist, too. study a lot v Vv ao be good at waiting x x be good at math v v tike adventure Vv x ‘ be strong Vv x , train hard v x x v 5 [snore E> &) 2 — € keyboard mouse press printer recipe @ Listen and answer. Why does Fay’s Grandma want to use the computer? Then read. (> Fay: What are you doing, Grandma? Grandma: I'm trying to turn on the computer. i Fay: You have to press this button. Grandma: OK. Fay: What do you want to do? Grandma: | want to make a cake for my friend Olivia’s party. I’m going there tonight. She told me about a website with lots of recipes. Fay: Do you know how to surf the Net? Grandma: No, this is my first time. Do | type what | want on the keyboard? Fay: Yes, but first use the mouse to go here. Then, type the name of the website, Grandma: There we go. Hmmm, let me get a pen so | can write some recipes down. Fay: You don’t have to do that. You can print them out on the printer. Grandma: That's good, thanks. | Fay: No problem. | Grandma: I'll go make my cake now. Fay: I can help you, Grandma. Grandma: No, you don’t have to help me anymore. | know what I’m doing in the kitchen. | Fay: OK, then I'll download some music. 76 download print 4 turn on. LOOK] You don't have to surf the Net to find a recipe, | $s have a recipe book. gk Brian doesn’t have to buy a new mouse for his 5. computer. | can give him one because | have two Q Read again and write T for True or F for False. 1. Fay's grandma is going to a 4. Fay’s grandma doesn’t have to write friend's party. down the recipes. 2. Fay told her grandma about 5. Fay's grandma needs help in the a website with lots of recipes. kitchen. 3, Fay’s grandma hasn't surfed 6. Fay's grandma wants to download the Net before. © complete the sentences with have to, has to, 1. Mom, you 2. Brian 3. You 4. Tina some music. don’t have to or doesn’t have to. cook dinner. I'm making pizza buy a new printer. His dad couldn't fix the old one. give me this recipe for the cake. | want to make it, too. type this letter today. She can do it tomorrow. @ Listen and check (V) what Sue has to do. 1 2 3 ay] 5] turn on the buyamouse — buy a keyboard buya take the keyboard computer computer to the store Look at the ideas in the box and talk about what you have to or don’t have to do at school. We always Yes, but we don't | | have to do our | have to type our | homework. | homework nd —— information / Net a * clean / classroom Doms ye BE EY HF hero study take exams accident @ what do you think firefighters do? Listen, read and check your answers. G) everyday heroes Sam West interviews firefighter, John Marey. Sam: What did you have to do to become a firefighter? John: | had to study and take some exams. Then | had to train very hard. OF course, | also had to exercise every day. Sam: | see. So, we all know that firefighters put out fires. Tell us, what else do you do? John: Well, we also help save people after earthquakes, car or home accidents. Sam: So, what's the most dangerous thing you've ever done? John: Last year, during a fire, | had to rescue a S-year-old girl Frova a basement. The whole house was on fire and the walls were falling down. Sam: How did you rescue her? John: | had to break down the basement door. - There was so much smoke that | couldn't see anything. s I could only hear the girl crying and that’s how | found her. Sam: It sounds like a hard job. John: It is. But | love it! Sh wae Me i. Jane has to train very hard every day because §, » she wants to win the gold medal. E —_—4 ‘We had to take our car to the mechanic last rescue cry smoke week because we had an accident, @ Read again and complete the sentences. 1. People have to study, ____and train very hard to become firefighters. 2. Firefighters help people during fires, == or accidents, 3. John Marey‘had to rescue a young girl during a(n) 4, The young girl was in the 5. He found her because she was 6. John Marey his job, © complete with have to, has to or had to. 1. Mymom___ mop every day because the floors get dirty, 2. What time do you__be at school in the morning? 3. We cook something. The children are hungry. 4, My sister work very hard to become a firefighter. After three years, she has become a great firefighter 5. We be quiet. Dad is sleeping. 6. Toms tired because he___study for an exam last night. @ Usten and put the actions in order. Write (2-6). @ a. Alan cut wood. d. Alan woke up at 5:30. 1 b. Alan made a fire. e. Alan fed the cows. cc. Alan had breakfast. f. Alan studied for a test. © Read and say what you had to do today. I’m very tired. Today | had to wake up at six in the morning. | had to take care of my animals and water my plants. Oum@ ZA Qa planetarium aquarium bowling alley skatepark stadium LOD Would you like to go to the planetarium? © That would be nice. / I'd love to. | @tm afraid | can't. /| don't think so. |have to study. @ listen to the dialogues and check (v) picture a or b. G Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 1. Where are the kids going next Saturday? —_3. What is the girl going to do on Sunday? @ 2. What time do they have to be there? © talk in groups of three. Would you like cate tnte teeen to... with me? lent A: invite the others to go ‘Sure... somewhere with you. = { ccept the invitation. fuse the invitation and give on excuse, i i ¥ i )) ) PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat. Then check (). GD smoke | shower | mouse | bowling | hero | download hav! Vv hou! |v Student ‘Student 2 (Project P Language Arts eae @ listen and read the text messages below. Explain your Hi, Anna! How are you? !havea -e=—_—roblem. problem with my brother. He always uses my computer to download games, but he never asks me first. Last week, he downloaded five new games onto my computer! What should | do? Ask for help. Hi, Betty! Hmm... that is a problem! I think you have to talk to your brother. : You can tell him to ask you before he Anna } ses your computer. | _ Give advice You're right! I'm going to talk to him after | finish my homework. Thank you, Anna! Writing tip ere We use before and after to talk about. the order of events. e.g. You can tell him to ask you before he uses your computer. 1 e.g, I'm going to talk to him after | finish my homework. ee US es aaa Smithsonian A great place to learn | ‘The Smithsonian is a complex of 19 museums, 9 research centers and a zoo. There are museums in New York City, Virginia, Washington D.C. and Panama. ytriiontes The National Air and Space Museum is the most popular of all with over 6 million visitors every year. It has the largest collection of planes and spacecraft in the world. Here you can Scoala Umit araa eh Tee e Reames Apollo Lunar Module spacecraft that astronauts traveled to Leonor tay Natural History The National Museum of Natural History is full of animals, from insects to whales and everything in between. You can also see dinosaur bones and visit the Insect Zoo. The museum is open 364 days of the year and it’s free to visit. president important visitor Art Te Cree ene. vee ectM Se Leol cero iy trerssemelenifutges ‘American artists. There is also the National Portrait Gallery. Here you can see Ramtec et tity . You can also see portraits of all the American Faoote font nelle tani ee American History ‘The National Museum of American History has an amazing collection of important items from American history. You can see one of the first flags, the famous Star-Spangled Banner, and the hat m= =4 Abraham Lincoln was wearing when he died. Q Read again and complete the sentences. 1. research centers and a make up ‘the Smithsonian. 2. The Wright Flyer was one of the first 3. Astronauts traveled to in an Apollo Lunar Module. 4. You can see the bones of dinosaurs at 5. In the National Portrait Gallery, there are portraits of American, 6. The Star-Spangled Banner was one of the first American > chat Lees chat Do you like going to museums? What's your favorite museum? Would you like to go to one of the Smithsonian museums? What do you think you would like the most? — Gace (Review 8 @ listen and circle. Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 The children want to go to the The girl can’t go to the bowling alley (1) aquarium / zoo. There are with the boys because she has to do a (2) whales / dotphins there. They can (5) science / history project. Last week (3) feed / touch them, too. They're going she did a project about the (6) moon / Solar || to learn interesting things, and they're System. The boy thinks the science project going to (4) buy posters / take pictures, is more (7) interesting / boring. Tah ea a) @ You are inviting your partner to go out. Write and then act out the dialogue using some of the phrases below. * Would you like to :.:? '* That would be nice, # I'd love to. © I'm afrai Student A: Student B Student A: Student B: Student A: Student B: Student A: Student B: lid | can't. *| don't think so because l have to. Let's / How about... Invite your partner to the skatepark. Tell your partner that you can't go because you have to clean your room and then study, Suggest going tomorrow. Tell your partner that you can't go because you have to take your sister to the bowling alley. Then invite him/her to come to the bowling alley with you. Say yes to your friend. Suggest meeting at his/her house at 7 o'clock. Tell your partner that you can’t because you have to be at the bowling alley at 6 o'clock. Suggest meeting at his/her house at 5:30, Say yes to your friend

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