Technological University of Santiago Utesa: Names: Maria Georgina Cuevas Ruth Dilenia Castillo Leonidas Mateo Tejada

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Area of Sciences and Humanities Psychology Major

Maria Georgina Cuevas
Ruth Dilenia Castillo
Leonidas Mateo Tejada

Practice Psychology 1

Analysis of the Current Situation of Mental Health in the Dominican Republic

Lic. Grisel Severino

San Felipe de Puerto Plata

Dominican Republic
November, 2016

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects the
way we think, feel and act when we deal with life. It also helps determine how we
handle stress, relate to other people, and make decisions. Mental health is important at
all stages of life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood. That is why Law 12-06
that promotes our mental health has as its main objective to regulate the right to the best
possible mental health care.

Therefore, the purpose of this work is to present an analysis of Law 12-06 Mental Health
and compare it with the reality that exists today.
I. Origin of the study of mental health in the Dominican Republic
The Psychiatric
On December 30, 1886, the Health House and Asylum for the Insane, known as the Santo
Domingo Asylum, was founded in the city of Santo Domingo. In 2011, Dr. Zaglul
describes that at the beginning there were 33 mentally ill people.

The Santo Domingo asylum was the initiative of the priest Francisco Xavier Billini, who
requested the ruins of San Francisco for these purposes.

The staff consisted of a religious superior, a cook, a shrink and an assistant. This is how
the old and well-known Padre Billini Psychiatric Hospital begins to operate

The advance of medicine has left its traces on the Padre Billini Psychiatric Hospital, which
from a mental hospital where up to 1,500 patients were admitted who received turpentine
and electroshock as treatment, and which operated in a wooden house surrounded by
barbed wire. It has been transformed into a center where bars were eliminated, love,
respect and humanization are preached, it has a recreation area, a social work area and
provides community health services.

The General Directorate of Mental Health DGSM

The General Directorate of Mental Health of the Dominican Republic is responsible for
managing the guarantee to the entire national population of their right to access mental
health care in a comprehensive manner, through the implementation of Public Policies,
Programs and Programmatic Networks of the System's levels of care. The objectives of
which are to promote the institutional reorganization of the General Directorate of Mental
Health and ensure compliance with Law 12-06 and the National Standards for Mental
Health Care.
It develops public health programs aimed at promoting mental health and preventing
psychosocial problems and mental disorders, promotes and coordinates mental health
programmatic networks with a focus on first level care, based on social and community
participation, developing a series a communication strategy for the promotion of mental

II. Mental health news in the Dominican Republic

Analysis of the current situation of Mental Health
After analyzing the objectives that frame the mental health law 12-06, and comparing
them with the existing reality of our country, we realize that the vast majority of children's
objectives are not met, not even 20% of them, Of all the institutions we visited, only the
social rehabilitation center, former Father Biliini, is the only mental health center that
comes close to describing and fulfilling these objectives.

The sad reality in which our mentally ill people live is very different and is what is part of
our daily lives, we see them every day everywhere, in most cases, they are poor people,
they walk the streets, dirty, naked, hungry and ragged, as if they had no family or
mourners, for them garbage is their food if someone, out of charity or solidarity, does not
stop to feed them.

These unprotected human beings, marginalized by society, suffer cold, hunger, sleep in the
streets and parks and as if all that were not enough, they suffer ridicule from people who
do not understand their situation and there are many cases in which they are abused.

Others are cared for by a family member with little knowledge and in precarious
conditions who, if they are aggressive, decide to chain or lock them up; they have no one
to give them their medicine or care for them with dignity. This is the reality of the
mentally ill in this country, mainly in Puerto Plata.

The psychiatric patient also has the right to live with dignity, very different from the sad
panorama that they live and that can only change if those of us who are aware of the
reality, especially the Dominican State, together with the professionals and relatives of
people in that condition, decide work as a team to achieve a better quality of life.

To achieve this goal, in force in countries in the region, it is most recommended that the
State, through the Ministry of Health, assume its responsibility, as ordered by Law 12-06,
on Mental Health, which aims to regulate the right to the best available mental health care
for all people and that administrative provisions be made for the creation of psychiatric
departments in all public hospitals throughout the country, not only in Santo Domingo.

In relation to the reality that Puerto Plata is experiencing, we can say that of the centers
visited none meet the objectives described in said law, since there are not even private
mental health centers, much less public ones.

Relatives who have mental health patients have to move to Santo Domingo, since they do
not have the support or service to treat their patients, and they have to pay for private
primary care, since in the hospitals here and in the centers The mental health units are only
in name, this has been proven, since they did not even want to receive us to give us
information on how said unit operates in this province.

Currently 25% of the population suffers from mental disorders.

Of 100 people who go to the general practitioner, around 24 or 25% of them are suffering
from some type of mental disorder.

This was stated by psychiatrist José Mieses Michel, who said that the figure shows that the
prevalence of behavioral disorders in the population is high, the most frequent being

The director of Mental Health of the Ministry of Public Health explained that this situation
has led the National Mental Health Program that executes the portfolio to train general
practitioners on the subject of mental health so that they do not overlook patients with
disorders without referring them to a psychiatrist.

III. Perspective of Mental Health in the Dominican Republic

Mental disorders represent 22% of diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean, as noted
in the recent 2009 mental health assessment (Assessment Instrument for Mental Health
Systems of the World Health Organization (who- aims), for neurological and mental
disorders that were reported within these regions amounted to 8.8%. This shows a drastic
increase in the incidence rate of the countries located in that region. The Pan American
Health Organization (PAHO), in its 2005 study on mental disorders in the community,
states that there is an annual increase of 1% in affective psychoses, 4.9% in serious
depressions and 5%. .7% alcohol abuse and dependence.

Within this framework, the majority of services available to populations in need are
located within capital cities and in urban areas. Although most services are centralized,
rural areas due to lack of availability of an office.
The Dominican Republic, which was one of the six countries evaluated by the WHO,
which reported that rural users are clearly informed in the use of both inpatient and
outpatient services (who-aims).

In the Dominican Republic there is no explicit national Mental Health policy, however, in
2006, during the launch of the Mental Health Law, the Secretary of State for Public
Health, Social Assistance (SESPAS), made a statement proclaiming the principles and
objectives to improve the mental health of the Dominican population.

During this year and in compliance with part of these objectives, the Service Enabling
Standards were developed and approved and the National Mental Health Care Standards
were updated.

There is also a list of essential medicines that includes anti-psychotic medicines,

anxiolytics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers and anti-epileptic medicines.

The allocation of resources for mental health in the Dominican Republic is very low in
relation to the needs and demands since only less than 1% (0.38%) of health care
expenditures by the Dominican Republic is dedicated to mental health. the Secretary of
State for Public Health and Social Assistance (SESPAS) of all expenses invested in mental
health, 50% of them are directed to the national psychiatric hospital, thus confirming the
weight of this hospital which is detrimental to outpatient services and primary care.

IV. Law 12-06 on Mental Health in the Dominican Republic

Health is a right of every citizen, the Dominican state has the responsibility to preserve,
protect and guarantee it with access to the corresponding services, with quality and equity.
Law 12-06 aims to regulate the right to the best available mental health care for the entire
population. It contains four titles, three Chapters and 83 articles.
Its objective constitutes the legal framework for the promotion and respect of the rights of
people with mental disorders, while at the same time it constitutes progress for vulnerable
people who have been excluded from health services and treated with discrimination in
Dominican society.

What this law does is regulate the right to the best available mental health care for all
people and to the implementation of programs that can promote the well-being of the
mentally ill. At the same time, it establishes a national Mental Health network structure
available with three levels of care that must be included in the service network that
includes the modalities of outpatient care, promotion of mental health and prevention of
mental disorders, as well as surveillance actions and follow-up of patients covering
emergencies and home care.

Articles 49 and 50 establish that no treatment can be administered to a person suffering

from a mental disorder without their informed consent except in the cases provided for.
Informed consent must also be the consent freely obtained by the patient without threats or
undue persuasion, after providing the affected person with adequate and understandable
information, in a form and in a language that he or she understands, regarding the different

1- Institutions visited to the Mental Health Service in Puerto Plata
Ricardo Limado Hospital Puerto Plata
The Ricardo Limardo Hospital is a public service institution for the population of the
municipality of Puerto Plata, offering them a team of doctors specialized in general
medicine and in different areas of medicine (pediatricians, urologist, gynecologist,
pulmonologists), for the benefit of health. population physics.
Regarding mental health services, it has two psychiatrists: Dr. Morrobel and Dr. Martínez,
who offer consultations in an office shared with a urologist. They do not have a secretary,
only a nurse who assists them. The physical environment is unsuitable, very small and
with poor lighting and hygiene, there is no privacy between the patient and the doctor
since everyone hears what they say.
According to the data that we were able to collect from secondary informants, since the
specialists refused to give us the necessary information, the most common cases are
anxiety disorder, depression, bipolarity, mood disorder and schizophrenia.
Psychiatrists use the cognitive behavioral method for patients with mild cases, organizing
a program of tasks and order of life. All treated cases are medicated by the doctor with the
consent of the patients and their families. There is no confinement regime since if they
require it, they are left in an observation room until the medication takes effect and then
they are sent home. .
Hospital does not carry out any campaign for the prevention, care and promotion of mental

Doctor Bournigal Medical Center

It is a private health services institution equipped with a group of specialists in different
branches of medicine, including psychologists and psychiatrists.
The information obtained was from the secretary and the intern assistant of Doctor Judith
Morrobel, who informed us that she treats patients on demand and families who can afford
the service offered, she does not accept insurance.
The most common cases are schizophrenia, dementia, depression, bipolarity, Alzheimer's
disease, panic disorder and anxiety.

The most used therapeutic plans are the medical model, the cognitive-behavioral model
accompanied by medication with the consent of the patient in some cases or the family.
The center has a detention area with bars and authorized people specialized in mental
health, for patients who go into chronic crisis, especially those with schizophrenia and
panic disorder. The center does not offer the population a prevention program or mental
health care.
The doctor personally offers talks to institutions about stress and depression, but only by
contract or by demand. The physical plant in very good condition.

Ministry of Public Health, Provincial Health Directorate of Santiago

There is a national mental health authority in the Ministry of State for Public Health and
Social Assistance (SESPAS) that provides advice to the government on mental health
policies and legislation. The mental health authority is also involved in planning services
and monitoring and evaluating the quality of mental health services. Mental health
services are integrated within the general health network.
During our visit to this institution we were able to prepare all the questions as required by
this investigation and we were able to verify the following: We are welcomed by Licda.
Gendy Muñoz, Enc. from the Mental Health Department and the first thing they inform us
is that they are subsidized only by the government of the Dominican Republic, they do not
receive help from any other institution. At the time of our visit we were able to confirm
that the physical plant is in excellent condition.

1-Participation of Psychologists in these institutions

They have a team of psychologists and psychiatrists, who work for free providing this
service. In that physical plant they do not provide medical care services, they receive the
information there and go to the scene of the incident and then refer the patient to one of
their units in the nearest hospital so that they can be treated.
2- With what therapeutic plans, types of plans, programs and campaigns do you
carry out in prevention, promotion and mental health care?
This institution works with different types of rehabilitation plans and programs. They
currently have 21 polyclinics and 6 hospitals. They are also responsible for ensuring that
the laboratories work with quality. These programs work with a survey that is carried out
in the community where the affected person lives, then the institution's psychologists refer
them to the hospital and they receive psychological or psychiatric care completely free of
They currently work with the Healthy Parenting program which they take to schools
aimed at 8th grade students. 4th grade, these talks are coordinated with the regional
education department, according to the young woman who attended us, they train a school
employee and provide him with all the necessary information so that they can give the
talks. In these talks, conflict management issues are discussed, talks to nurses, doctors, and
unit promoters, with the aim of training all personnel who deal with the patient, so that
they receive quality care.
3-What research has been carried out to design prevention and care policies? All
their research work is done in conjunction with the community leaders of each
neighborhood and according to the immediate needs, a survey is carried out and
therapeutic plans are prepared, all focused on promoting quality health.
4- How is consent for treatment achieved?
Really, everything is done with family consent, since it is essential that they agree, since
they must give a lot of support to the patient and in many cases when they do not deserve
to be hospitalized, they immediately take medication and take it to their family. Also, the
patient, if he is conscious, can give his approval for the treatment.
5- Internment regime?
The different mental health units that belong to this institution offer treatment and
confinement as long as they need it, they are admitted until stabilized and then sent home,
in chronic cases they are referred to the social rehabilitation center (old 28), the disorders
The most common are bipolar, anxiety and panic disorders. See attached photos
Cabral y Báez Hospital
Located in the city of Santiago, it is currently in the process of remodeling, so it was
impossible for us to obtain such an interview with the mental health department, but even
so this department is operating in a depressing manner and the mental health unit is no
exception. , which currently operates in the patio, but as Mrs. Felicia informed us, all the
psychologists were on vacation, a very strange response because we understand that
everyone should not leave at the same time.
According to the attached photos, you will see how the mental health unit is operating in a
depressing state and at that time there were only young students doing a psychology
internship from a university with a professor next to them.
It was impossible for us to obtain more information regarding how this mental health unit
works, which has nothing to do with everything stated in the law.

Description of the Padre Billini Social Rehabilitation Center

Father Billini Social Rehabilitation Center, currently remodeled with the firm objective of
giving a better quality of life to its patients whose mental health is affected, in a chronic
state as we were informed by Lic. So and so, he informed us that minors are not accepted,
nor are people with mild category disorders. All patients currently in the hospital are in a
chronic state; there are currently 76 inpatients (42 men and 34 women). Everything around
this institution is in very good condition.
Before they were called pavilions, now they are called modules and each one has a name
of people who were significant for this project to be carried out. Currently there is no crisis
intervention unit, since they are not providing that intervention service, they are intervened
in the different hospitals and then if they cannot be stabilized, and require hospitalization,
then they arrive at the center, otherwise they are returned to their homes. relatives.
Each unit has a nursing unit, 24 hours a day. Each room is registered by name and they
only have two beds, different from what it was before in that there are 13 people in a
room, they have a record in each room of their patients, so they know what medication to
take, each room is equipped with two beds, lockers , gallery, and private bathroom.
They have a recreation area with seats and a television. Where they can recreate, they also
have green areas that they use to plant it, the inmates themselves do it, it serves as therapy,
they grow it and eat it.
Each area has its dining room, and they can do it with dignity, to which the young man
informed us that the food was very good.
The objective is that they, within their condition, can develop by learning to do things for
themselves, as is the case of a young man who falls asleep wherever he wants, they put a
little star on his bedroom door and so he already knows that That's his, so he can identify
that that's where he should sleep.
They get up between six and seven in the morning and go to bed at 8 at night.
The government is subsidized 100% by the government, but there are institutions that
donate items (pampers, towels, sheets, clothing)
1-Participation of Psychologists in these institutions?
This rehabilitation center has 6 psychologists, 2 Psychiatrists and 9 technicians.
2- With what therapeutic plans, types of plans, programs and campaigns do you
carry out in prevention, promotion and mental health care?
This place is oriented towards rehabilitation, so psychology itself is not seen, but we can
say that crafts and garden work are used as therapeutic plans to help patients, patients are
also worked on cognition, memory concentration, emotional support is given in case of
loss of a family member and we work a lot on emotional stability.
3-What research has been carried out to design prevention and care policies?
That therapy area used to have the crisis intervention unit, which he tells us was terrible,
but now there are the workshops, a painting area, occupational therapy, music therapy, a
drama and dance area, a sewing workshop, a beauty salon. and barbershop not really to
wash their hair but rather educational, to teach them how to do it, all these activities are
included in the program after doing a survey with the inmates and they are asked what
they want to do, then the most voted activity, This is requested to be included in the
4- How is consent for treatment achieved?
In relation to consent, the inmates arrive there voluntarily and after having been diagnosed
in a chronic state, they are re-evaluated individually and it is determined what therapy will
be worked on apart from the medication prescribed by their psychiatrist, and work is
carried out. in combination, many times achieving short-term results, other times not so
much. Of course, the patient must agree and the responsible family members must also
agree, as established in the law, art. 49, and that is how it should be exercised.
The vast majority of inmates are abandoned by their families, who even leave their IDs
thrown away and are never heard from again, so treatment is determined by the center's
medical staff.
5- Internment regime?
According to the Law, whenever outpatient approaches are not possible, the patient must
be admitted to a care center, and in this case the first condition for the patient to be
hospitalized is that he or she has a chronic pathology, and that at the time of being
admitted evaluated, the doctors determine that he be admitted to the center, and it is very
important that he does not have a family or that his relatives demonstrate that they do not
have the necessary care to take care of him. And it must be tried by all means that he
enters voluntarily, since in this way a much more effective recovery is guaranteed and he
can be reinserted into society, since what is sought is for mental illness to be seen as any

Comparative table of mental institutions

Institution Guy of Amount of Physical Policies of

Institution Psychologists condition of Prevention
and the
Ricardo Hospital Publish 2 Bad No

Center Doctor Private 1 Excellent No

Dr. Bournigal
Ministry of Publish ???? Excellent Yeah
Public health
Cabral Hospital Publish ??? Bad could not be
& Baez determined
Center of Publish 17 Good Yeah
Social Father


Mental health problems of concern in the Dominican Republic

By: Prensa Latina | 5:55 PM
SANTO DOMINGO, Oct 20 (PL).- 60 percent of Dominican patients treated in mental
health consultations present disorders due to the use and abuse of harmful substances,
including alcohol, drugs and medications without adequate indication.
At the same time, experts, cited today by digital media, warned about the increase in
anxiety, depression and schizophrenia in young people.
These sufferings, they stated, are a consequence of social marginalization, loss of hope
and individualism, among other factors.
Every day the number of children and adolescents who at an early age choose suicide as a
solution to their frustrations and problems of social integration grows, said psychiatrist
Carmen Ramírez.
He explained that the behavior is understandable in Dominican society, which is marked
by the absence of values and few opportunities for development.
For her part, Annabel Espinosa, from the Padre Billini psychiatric hospital, the only one
specialized in mental health in the country, pointed out that care services for these
pathologies are insufficient.
New model of mental health care in the DR strengthens the rehabilitation of users. The
conference “New model of mental health care in the Dominican Republic”, organized at
Funglode, had the participation of prominent Dominican doctors, including Ángel
Almánzar and César Mella.
News number 2
New mental health care model in the DR strengthens the rehabilitation of users.
(Santo Domingo, September 1, 2016).- Dr. Ángel Almánzar, director of Mental Health of
the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), explained that the new mental health model seeks to
reverse the current pyramid, so that services are focused in primary care centers and in the
reintegration of users.
Dr. Almánzar said that they are working so that what was the Padre Billini Psychiatric
Hospital, known as 28, can be converted into a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center, where
they will work with users to restore their mental health and reintegrate them into families
and the communities.
Almánzar spoke in these terms at the conference “New model of mental health care in the
Dominican Republic”, organized by the Center for Health Studies of the Global
Democracy and Development Foundation (Funglode), in which the former president of the
Republic and president of Funglode, Leonel Fernández. In his presentation, Almánzar
added that the aim is for these highly complex centers to continue providing care and to
expand the coverage of services. That is, from going from less than 1 bed per 100
thousand inhabitants to no less than 2.5 beds.
They will also focus on ensuring that care rests mainly at the base of the pyramid of health
services, which are the first level health centers.
He said that they are trying to ensure that user care is systemic, so that after a “Crisis
Intervention Unit discharges a patient, he or she is not left without care, but rather there is
follow-up from the nearest Primary Care Unit, which will ensure that the corresponding
treatment is applied and thus avoid another crisis that leads to a new hospitalization.
As challenges of the new mental health model, he mentioned the management of greater
budget allocation and raising awareness among managers of the National Health Service.
César Mella ponders new mental health model
In his comments at the conference, César Mella, general director of the Dominican Social
Security Institute (IDSS), stated that “we are facing an unusual event, but one that has
been expected for 40 years, which was to convert a mental asylum into a center of dignity,
otherwise exclusion and human rights.”
The prominent psychiatrist considered that important challenges for this mental health
model are those users who wander on the streets, the continuity of teaching, research and
strategic planning, and the possible overflow that may arise from the care possibilities,
when the model be more known.
Carlos de los Ángeles, head of Mental Health at the Moscoso Puello Hospital, said that
almost no one dares to say that what is happening is a true revolution, “because we have
gone from the paradigm of the asylum model to that of mental health care that implies
human rights. , hygiene, preparation, and dedication of the staff.”
De los Ángeles explained “those of us who promoted this revolution are taking advantage
of the consensus leadership of Dr. Ángel Almánzar and we have managed to enter the
hospitals and modify things and move forward,” he stated.
Dr. Fernando Sánchez Martínez, former rector of the Autonomous University of Santo
Domingo (UASD), moderated the activity, which took place in the Funglode auditorium.
The director of the Center for Health Studies, Gustavo Rojas, offered the welcome words.
He said that they seek to influence the dynamics of the Dominican Republic with ideas,
policies and thoughts that help build an increasingly just society.

News number 3
Posted by COMUNICACION on November 02, 2016
MS guarantees control and sanitation of the Cabral y Báez hospital

Santo Domingo.- The Infection Committee is active for disease control at the José María
Cabral y Báez Hospital, where administrative measures were prioritized in order to reduce
the impact of seven cases of tuberculosis detected in that health center.
In a press release, the Ministry of Health highlights that among the actions are the
separation of patients through triage, enabling an isolation area where ventilation and
lighting are guaranteed, use of N95 masks for all health personnel, prioritizing the areas
critical, emergency, internal medicine and other areas.
Likewise, the application of an initial evaluation and establishment of a monitoring
protocol. These measures are applied in coordination between the mental health team of
the Ministry of Health and the Hospital.
He adds that support was scheduled to reduce anxiety in the staff who work at the
Hospital, while investigations are underway to establish the mechanism of transmission.
Likewise, interviews were completed with the cases and interventions are maintained in
critical areas.
For its part, the National Health Service committed to delivering the repurposed areas to
the hospital as soon as possible. With this measure, work in some areas of the hospital can
be normalized.
The Ministry of Health and the SNS reiterated that both institutions are committed to the
proper functioning and health of staff and citizens in health centers and to this end they
use all their efforts to improve services.
General Directorate of Strategic Communication

National District, Dominican Republic;

November 2, 2016
to the General
Directorate of Mental
I PROMOTE ° doLUD For more information call us 809-
541-3121 Ext:2332

First person interviewed
1. What her name?
Ivette Sandoval
2. Do you know the mental health law 12-06
I have heard about her
3. Do you have a relative who suffers from a mental illness?
An aunt
4. What is your diagnosis?
End-stage Alzheimer's disease
5. How has having your family sick in the country affected your family?
At first we couldn't accept it because she was very young when the loss began. We have
suffered from the lack of money. Her children abandoned her because they couldn't
stand the situation and her brothers are the ones who help and take care of her.
6. Is your mind currently being treated?
Yes, Doctor Corporán
7. Have you attended a hospital seeking care for your family member?
Time to go through a crisis?
Yes, we always go to the medical center, others to the hospital when she has an anxiety
attack that throws everything away and doesn't eat or sleep.
8. Do you know other places where they can provide help to their relative?
Yes, in the capital we once took her to the beginning of her illness
9. How do you describe the care your relative receives? good, average, oh no
very good?
Well… that depends on where you take it.
10. How do you cover the cost of your relative's treatment?
Her brothers help her and a government pension, she worked in a school cleaning.
11. What changes has the family had after treating their relative?
There is sadness, when we see her now and know what she was like, it is very hard, and
her children do not hurt her, that is even sadder.
12. Have you thought about admitting your relative to a help and primary care
center, where trained personnel will provide the corresponding care?
Not yet. It is said of those places that they mistreat and the one in Santiago is very
13. What is your opinion about the continuity of assistance provided by medical
personnel in the country.
Assistance in Puerto Plata for people with mental problems is very scarce because it
depends on the economic condition of the family.
Second person interviewed
1. What her name?
Maricela Gomez
Do you know the mental health law 12-06
No, I didn't know there was a law.
2. Do you have a relative who suffers from a mental illness?
Yes, my sister Ana María
3What is your diagnosis?
4. How has having your family sick at home affected your family? It has affected
the family a lot since my family has also gotten sick due to the situation with my sister, it
has completely affected our emotions and also the worry that is generated every day
because of how expensive the medications are.
5. Is your mind currently being treated?
6. Have you attended a hospital seeking care for your family member when going
through a crisis? Yeah. To the Ricardo Limado Hospital, but there is no care that I can
say that has benefited me with this matter of my sister, they referred me to Dr. Morrobel
at the moment she is caring for my sister, at the Bornigar medical center the
consultations are 2000 pesos and when my sister has a crisis she has to be hospitalized
because the doctor admits her to the medical center, but you can only stay one day since
it is very expensive and we do not depend on many resources.
7. Do you know other places where they can provide help to their relative?
Yes, close to the capital, but there is a hospital for inmates and we prefer to have my
sister here.
8. How do you describe the care your relative receives? good, average, oh not very
good? Good although the payment is a lot
9. How do you cover the cost of your relative's treatment?
All my brothers collaborate with my sister's treatment, although it is difficult for me and
my family to go through this situation, since psychiatric treatment for my sister costs up
to 20 thousand pesos a month, she has insurance but the medications do not have
coverage for illnesses. mental health, and only cover 3,000 pesos in medicine per year.
10. What changes has the family had after treating their relative?
It has had a balanced change because when there is no money to cover the medicine it is
chaos as my sister turns around.
11. Have you thought about admitting your relative to a help and primary care
center, where trained personnel will provide the corresponding care?
No, because she wouldn't be better off anywhere else than with her family.
12. What is your opinion about the continuity of assistance provided by medical
personnel in the process of improvement treatment to your relative?
That they should be flexible and charge you less, oh help with a plan so that your
medication is at a low cost

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