Theater Script About School Bullying - School Compositions

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Theater Script About School Bullying

Submitted by • June 1, 2015 • 1,783 Words (8 Pages) • 11,227 Visits

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Original from:

Ruben Osvaldo Reynoso


David La Roche

May, 2015


Original from:

Ruben Osvaldo Reynoso


David La Roche


4 girls 5 boys

Presenter (enters the scene, stands in the center in front and addresses the audience in a serious
and formal tone).

Presenter - Good afternoon, I want to thank you for your presence on behalf of the cast, for
coming to witness this show, which we have performed with the sole objective of informing the
public, what bullying is. This malicious behavior of certain students, who aggressively interfere in
schools, and with discriminatory attitudes, towards their classmates, who try to study and be good
people and respectful of their peers.

Despite the helplessness of the justice system, the victims continue to move forward. I
want to tell you that the vocabulary used in the play is offensive and it is very likely that many 1/9
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will feel uncomfortable, but our intention is not to offend you, the intention is to use qualifying
terminology that aggressors use with their victims.

Without further ado. With you, the actors.

First act:

Stalker 1: (He enters the scene dressed and defiantly, stands in the center in front of the
stage, looks at all the spectators and shouts in an aggressive manner.)

What's happening?

What's happening? I said...

What are you looking at?…

What are they looking at me

If I didn't give them permission...

I hate them…

I hate you all

They are losers, fat, skinny, (in a mocking tone) they are lazy faggots, whores hahaha

Sitting there thinking about enjoying a stinking play,

Decadent old men... What are you looking at me for? (defiant) What are you looking at me for?

They don't like me talking to them like that... (Sneers) nana nana, faggots!!!

(with aggression and anger he shouts): I'm going to do whatever I want with you, I'm
going to make your lives miserable! Every minute you're here, you're useless, useless, useless,
useless, useless and stinking faggots...

That's what you all are. Four deformed eyes

Don't you like me talking to you like that? For what I care about, you are nothing of mine, you
are not my family.

Now it's at school, tomorrow it'll be at the office and then like a damn neighbor hahaha!
Well, welcome to my world. What, are you going to accuse me of your mother? Do you think
you can stop me? Don't screw me, no one screws me... and no one is going to stop me from
doing what I want.

Nobody, did you hear me?!!!!

I do what I want and when I want, and if someone doesn't like me talking to them like that,
that's okay. 2/9
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(The boys are sitting in the audience, THEY STOP)

Girl 1: Hey, why are you insulting us, what did we do to you?

Stalker 1: Fuck you…..

Girl 2: You call us useless.

Stalker 1: Shut your mouth, bitch.

BOY 1: how do they allow so much aggression? It's supposed to be a play!

(The boys begin to approach the stage)

Stalker 1: (makes fun) poor faggot, he didn't like my role... hahaha (he runs off the scene and
the boys gather at the foot of the stage)

Second act:

Girl 3: (enters the scene backstage crying and sits in the only chair on stage)

Girl 1: (gets up and approaches, then the other 2 follow her) what's wrong with you? Why are
you crying?

Girl 3: I can't take it anymore!(cries)

Girl 2: what do you have? tell me….

Girl 3: They make fun of me, they hit me all the time

(The other 2 boys and 1 girl enter)

BOY 2: Maria, here you are! - (looks at the boys) - and who are you?

BOY 1: We just came, we were sitting there, an abuser appeared and insulted us. We are
looking for someone to take charge of this situation. It is unbearable!

BOY 3: Stop, stop, you don't have to be here, we are developing a play.

Girl 1: I know, but it turns out that the bullying scene turned out to be very offensive to the
viewers. It seems to me, don't you? (addressing the audience)

Girl 4: I don't understand you, although that is the idea, that the public would experience
firsthand how bad it feels to be attacked by a bullying action.

Girl 2: But was so much aggression necessary?

BOY 3: But the bullying scene comes later. 3/9
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Girl 4: The idea is for the public to understand that until it happens to you, you cannot
understand it. It's like a toothache until it doesn't hurt you, you don't give importance to the other's

BOY 4: (disguised as another stalker 2 enters the scene)

BOY 4: (ANGRY) But what do we have here? A meeting of know-it-all smartasses (he starts
looking at them all) along with the mongolic Maria? And yyyy, what are you doing here?

BOY 2: We're doing a play.

Girl 3: That's what I told them, but they don't believe me.

Girl 1: What role does he play? (to boy 4)

BOY 3: He represents the bully

Stalker 2: I'm totally aggressive grrrrr.

Girl 2: So who was the one who was the stalker?

(Everyone says I don't know) (Bewilderment)

Girl 1: Because a person came here who insulted the entire public and you didn't see anything, who
is responsible?

(The presenter enters)

Presenter: But guys, what's happening? (points to the others) they don't have to be here.

Girl 2: Oh, don't we have to be here? And you? Don't you know who it was that insulted us?

(Those who play the actors get angry and decide not to continue with the play)

Girls and boys: (dialogues are distributed)

-We do not continue,

-Everything was ruined.

-We will do it another day.

(the boys who entered from the public stand to the side)

-We will have to rehearse more.

-I said that we had to hire a director.

-This happens because improvised things don't work.

Presenter: (enters the scene) But guys, take things calmly... (addresses the audience). Excuse
me ladies and gentlemen, but we must interrupt the presentation, or rather, it could not even 4/9
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begin. A confusion has been generated... of which I do not know the origin. Know how to apologize.

(Stalker 1 enters)

Stalker 1– (looks at him) what's what, animal bug?

Presenter - And who are you?

Bully 1: I am the person who insulted this entire audience

People in the audience: If it's him... He insulted us.

Presenter - I think you owe us an explanation.

Bully 1: - Yes and I'll give it to you, I'm not a bully, I'm just a student like anyone who comes to
study with his books and meets with his classmates, now from classes, but in the future they will be
friends who will never I will forget

(The others move away and he is left alone speaking to the audience)

The bullying or harassment attitude that I took when starting the work is what many boys and
girls, every day of their school life, have to endure, and likewise, they continue to attend school.
Bullying or bullying is a reality that all of us here know...

But the worst thing is... That perhaps some of those who are here practice it.

And the worst thing is that, also, a few of us who are here, it is very likely that we know who they

I am not going to accuse anyone of their attitudes, or say what to do about it, the only thing I
ask is that the harasser reconsiders and stops his attitude, because it is very easy to hurt a person
who is only trying to be useful in life. Sometimes with words that seem harmless in everyday life,
such as: negrito, marico, boba, mongolica, potato nose, avocado eyes, x. (jokingly). On other
occasions with gestures or attitudes or in the worst case, blows, physical abuse. Remember that
violence has many ways of manifesting itself.

I invite those people who insult and laugh at others and with violent attitudes pretend to be
powerful and respected, to think that if they want to attract attention, they would achieve it easier
by being good people.

Human stupidity, which I may be exercising at this moment, has a cure; If one does well, one
respects one's neighbor, it is so simple, so... simple…. like shaking hands

(he approaches one of those next to him and shakes his hand).

Can I shake your hand? 5/9
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(The other looks at him and accepts to which he responds “of course” and shakes his hand)

(And then he greets another and another), (and says) now I invite you to sincerely shake
hands with the person next to you and you will see how good it feels...

Come on, come on, all you can have is shame

(The others go down to the public and greet everyone they can by shaking hands)

Presenter: Thank you all for coming and have a good day

(The cast applauds)



Born in Arequipa in 1931, Oswaldo Reynoso is one of the most prominent novelists of
contemporary Peru.

He completed his studies at the University of San Agustín in his hometown and completed
them at the Enrique Guzmán y Valle University, La Cantuta, in Lima, where he graduated as a

There he taught as a teacher for several decades while developing intense literary work.

Although the fact is little known, Reynoso began as a poet with the book Luzbel (1955).
However, Reynoso found success thanks to fictional prose.

His book of stories The Innocents (1961) was and is a dazzling success, as it incorporates, for
the first time in the 20th century, the language of young people from large cities. Some thought
that since youth language changes at an accelerated rate, this book would soon be forgotten.
Exactly the opposite happened. The reason must be sought in the attitude of the novelist, which is
different from that of the lexicographer who records words.

Reynoso manages to penetrate the way of thinking of adolescents, looks at the events from
that perspective and that is why he has an audience that is constantly renewed.

He actively participated in the famous literary magazine “Narración”, writing fiction and
encouraging young writers to pursue literature.

He lived for many years in the People's Republic of China.

Owner of a refined literary technique, Reynoso shows his great verbal mastery in the novel
The Beetle and the Man from 1970. Subsequently, for twelve years, the novelist lives in China.
During those years he wrote In Search of Aladdin (1993), a short story with an arabesque theme,
and The Immortal Eunuchs (1995), a novel that recovers his experiences in the Far East.

Oswaldo Reynoso's fictional prose is characterized by presenting a large number of characters

with colorful prose of deep lyrical breath. He currently lives in Peru and 6/9
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continues with the same strength as always.


• Luzbel (1955), poetry

• The Innocents or Lima in Rock (1961), stories

• There are no miracles in October (1966), novel

• The Beetle and the Man (1970), novel

• Finding Aladdin (1993)

• The Immortal Eunuchs (1995), novel

• The joy of skin (2005)

• The Three Seasons (2006)

• In Search of the Found Smile (2012)

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