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Illustrious Characters of Zulia

The Mara Indian

The fable about the Indian Mara (who lived on the Island of Providencia), according to which, upon
being wounded in a fierce battle, a Spanish soldier exclaimed "Mara fell. "Mara fell" and which,
due to phonetic distortion, gave rise to the word Maracaibo, is just a legend. However, whether
legend or reality, this character has been part of the heroic heritage of the Zulian people.

He was born in Cuenca, Spain, in 1470. He discovered the Gulf of Venezuela and Lake Maracaibo.
He is considered the most important discoverer after Columbus and the first conqueror. He was
Governor of Coquivacoa, the first province created on the mainland.

Ojeda married the daughter of a chief of the region who was baptized with the name Isabel, and
with whom he had three legitimate children. Historically they represent the first legitimized
mestizos of Latin American origin.

He was born in Ulm, Germany. In 1528, he was named the first Governor and Captain General of
Venezuela and in 1529 he founded Maracaibo.

According to legend, Zulia, of probable Motilón origin, married Guaimaral, son of a famous chief.
They both fought against the Spanish and when she died in a confrontation, her husband, in his
pain, while walking, baptized rivers, towns and regions with the name of his beloved. Zulia...
Zulia... Zulia.

Forty years after the first foundation, Maracaibo was founded again by Alonso Pacheco, with the
name of Ciudad Rodrigo. Pacheco was born in Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain and served as Lieutenant
Governor and Chief Justice of the city of Trujillo, Venezuela.

Governor Diego de Mazariegos (originally from the city of Zamora) was not satisfied with the
depopulation of Ciudad Rodrigo and sent Captain Pedro de Maldonado to repopulate the site.
Maldonado founded the definitive Nueva Zamora del Lago de Maracaibo in 1574.

Among the thirty-five men who accompanied Pedro de Maldonado was Captain Rodrigo de
Argüelles, a native of the province of León and a true resident of Maracaibo. Together with Gaspar
de Párraga he was the author of the Description of the city of Nueva Zamora and terms of the
Maracaibo Lagoon, the first and most valuable historical document that described the city of

Don Francisco Ortiz and Doña Inés del Basto, wealthy farmers from old Castile, arrived in Nueva
Zamora from the Maracaibo Lagoon around the year 1600. They were the first great benefactors
of Maracaibo. They built the hermitage of Santa Ana and the Hospital (today Central Urquinaona).

Son of the re-founder of Maracaibo Alonso Pacheco, Juan was born in Trujillo (Venezuela) and is
one of the first Creoles who performed meritorious in the conquest of the territory. During a six-
month pacification campaign, he put an end to the threat posed by the concentrations of Indians
on the Lake and at the entrance to the Maracaibo bar. He was responsible for the death of Chief

Bravo chief of Zapara Island, last of the resistance to Spanish colonization.

First Governor of the province of (Mérida de) Maracaibo.

1768-1835 José Domingo Rus

Maracaibero faithful to the Spanish monarchy, but considered the first great analyst of the Zulia
region and supporter of autonomy.

Second lieutenant of the brown militia, native of Maracaibo. In 1779, he led a (thwarted)
conspiracy against the Spanish government.

The most progressive Governor in colonial times. The beginning of the industrialization of Zulia
was due to him. His remains rest in the hermitage of Santa Ana.

Hero who participated in the battle of Juana de Ávila where he lost his life. Born in Cuba.

He was born in Maracaibo on October 24, 1788 and died in Paris on August 23, 1845. El Brillante,
who was in more than 400 military actions, reaching the rank of General in Chief and described by
Bolívar as the most serene Army Officer. One of the great figures of national independence and
our greatest hero.

Born in Los Puertos de Altagracia, she fought against the last Spanish Governor Francisco Tomás
Morales, of whom she predicted "if he doesn't capitulate, monda", for which she was arrested and
whipped on a public street mounted on a donkey that toured the streets.

Born in Cuba, he governed Maracaibo for 15 years. He was very loved and respected. His wife
Doña Inés was the Liberator's wet nurse.

He was born in Maracaibo on July 3, 1810, and died in Madrid on January 4, 1860. Prince of the
"Zuliana Letters". Full member of the Academy of the Spanish Language. He was also an engineer
and Artillery Captain.

Doctor, initiator of mathematics studies in Zulia.

As Governor in charge (royalist) he declared the independence of the province and its annexation
to Gran Colombia on the glorious date of January 28, 1821, known as "Pronunciation of

Padilla was a New Granada patriot (commander of the squadron) who together with the
Venezuelan Manrique (chief of operations) triumphed in the Naval Battle.

Royalist military man who became Field Marshal. Last Captain General of Venezuela. He
capitulated in the "House of Capitulation", also known as the House of Morales.
Poet called The Swan of the Lake, Brigadier General, Minister of the Navy, deputy to Congress. He
belonged to the first Venezuelan romantic generation.

Maracaibero leader, president of the Sovereign State of Zulia. Together with Venancio Pulgar he
promoted Zulian adhesion to the federal movement.

He was born in Caracas but settled in Maracaibo, his "adopted homeland." One of the most
versatile "universal men" in Zulia. He was an engineer and founder of the School of Engineering, a
doctor, professor of Medicine at the University of Zulia, a graduate in Philosophy, a doctor in
Political and Social Sciences, and a professor at the School of Law. Governor, founder of the Bank
of Maracaibo. He was fluent in English, French, German and Sanskrit.

He was born in Genoa, he lived in Maracaibo since he was eight years old. One of the most
important figures in Zulia medicine. Founder of the Chiquinquirá Hospital. He left an extensive
literary work: narrative, essays, theater, biography and historiography.

The most controversial Zulian leader. Military, politician and diplomat in support of the
independence of Zulia.

Born in the state of Falcón but raised in Maracaibo. Founder of abdominal surgery in Venezuela,
controversial positivist, Darwinist, rector of the University of Zulia, writer, politician, minister. He
cultivated literature and oratory.

Doctor, writer who distinguished himself as a prolific poet (more than 20,000 sonnets).

Noted lawyer, judge, educator, journalist, parliamentarian and writer.

Lawyer, writer, prominent public man. First rector of the newly founded University of Zulia.

Scholar, teacher, journalist and writer.

Danish businessman and merchant, great Bolivarian. Founder and president of the Commerce
Club, and the Chamber of Commerce. Promoter of the Táchira Railway, the electric lighting of
Maracaibo and the Bank of Maracaibo. Member of the Charity Board and the Lazaretto. Founder
of the Bolivarian Museum of Caracas.

Lawyer, writer and journalist. Author of the first documentary history of Zulia from its origins to

Educator, writer, storyteller. Pioneer of women's voices in 19th century literature. The first woman
from Zulia to edit a book of stories and to publish plays and essays in magazines and newspapers,
both local and abroad.

Natural from Perijá. One of the first engineers in Zulia. Builder of the Bella Vista tram.

The most recognized representative of poetic nativism is born on March 6 in Maracaibo. This
educated and cultured character (who studied Medicine and Law) used to say that he did not
aspire to be a "doctor", but rather a "scholar", which is why he did not receive the respective

Visual artist, considered the most important painter of his time.

One of the most important doctors of the time. Teacher, journalist and writer.

Doctor, journalist, writer and writer. With the closing of LUZ he dictated the famous phrase: Zulia
lightning in the middle of the night.

Journalist, storyteller, playwright and poet.

Journalist, poet, narrator, playwright, literary critic, humorist and chronicler.

Journalist, writer, top historian of the region with his five-volume work History of the State of

Doctor, journalist, writer, considered the most important literary critic in Venezuela.

Lawyer, politician, writer. He achieved the Hydrocarbons Bill. He created the first geological map
of Venezuela, carried out the first economic census, created the General Directorate of Statistics,
the Technical Service of Mineralogy and the first Law on Tourism.

Essayist, pianist and historian. She became Director of the National Library in Caracas and the first
woman to join the National Academy of History.

Progressive president of the state of Zulia (he was born in the state of Lara), probably the ruler of
the time (1926-1935) most committed to the progress of Zulia.

He was born in Trujillo. Journalist, prolific writer, poet. He enlisted in the Foreign Legion in 1914.

Utopian visionary. Lawyer, economist, engineer, politician, painter and writer. Author of the
phrase "sow the oil."

Lawyer, teacher, poet, short story writer, literary critic, essayist, playwright, parliamentarian,
journalist, professor, rector of the University of Zulia, and one of the most outstanding
personalities of cultural Maracaibo of all time.

Lawyer, dentist, politician, diplomat, writer and teacher. As President of the State, he prepared the
first urban planning project for the city.

The "singer of all time", author of "El Cocotero". The greatest singer-songwriter from Maracaibo.

Born in Russia, settled in Maracaibo in 1950. Pioneer of dance teaching in Maracaibo.

He was born in Betijoque. Writer, journalist, historian and chronicler of the city. His work is a
mandatory source of reference for any study on Zulia.
Lawyer, politician, diplomat, journalist. First Labor Inspector in Zulia, author of the first work on
the living conditions of oil workers, signed the first collective contract in Venezuela. Co-owner of
the newspaper Panorama, founder of Momento magazine.

She was born in Ciudad Bolívar, living in Maracaibo since 1935. Multifaceted writer by trade, poet,
essayist, writer of plays.

Medical researcher, physicist, creator of the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC),
inventor of the diamond scalpel, researcher of the NASA "Apollo" program. Polyglot, scholar. He is
the most prominent scientist in the entire history of Venezuela. Pride of Zulia.

Brilliant writer. Diplomat, poet and playwright, hardworking fighter for women's rights. Author of
the lyrics to the hymn of the Virgin of Chiquinquirá.

Graciela's first cousin. Writer (poet and narrator); As an avant-garde poet, she was a rebel for her
times. Today his work is being vindicated. The State Library is named after him.

The "Monumental of the Zulian bagpipe".

1939-1969. Ricardo Aguirre

1906-1956. Maria Calcaño

1904- 1987. Graciela Rincón Calcaño

1924- 1999. Humberto Fernández Morán

1915-2000. Mercedes Bermúdez de Belloso

1906-1975. Carlos Ramirez Mac Gregor

1904-1986. Fernando Guerrero Matheus

1904- 1998. Irene Levandowsky

1899-1971. Armando Molero

1897-1961. Hector Cuenca

1892-1948. Jesus Enrique Lossada

1887-1959. Ramiro Nava

1887-1928. Ismael Urdaneta

1883-1955. Vincencio Perez Soto

1882-1971. Lucila Luciani de Pérez Díaz

1882-1949. Nestor Luis Perez

1882-1931. Jesus Semprum

1881-1951. Juan Besson

1881-1927. Elías Sánchez Rubio

1880-1927. Elías Sánchez Rubio

1874-1921. Marcial Hernandez

1873-1947. Adolfo D`emaire

1872-1928. Julio Arraga

1871-1926 Udón Pérez

1868-1960. Hermocrates Parra

1865-1886. Julia Anez Gabaldon

1860-1947. Pedro Guzman

1856-1921. Christian Witzke

1856-1925. Octavio Hernandez

1849-1907. Francisco Ochoa

1844-1889. Jesus Portillo

1840-1920. Ildefonso Vazquez

1839-1921. Francisco Eugenio Bustamante

1837- 1897. Venancio Thumb

1834-1901. Manuel Dagnino

1832-1893. Gregorio Fidel Mendez

1825-1873. George Sutherland

1822-1881. José‚ Ramón Yépez

1823. Francisco Tomas Morales

1823. José Padilla and Manuel Manrique. Victors of the Naval Battle of Maracaibo.

1821. Francisco Delgado

1815-1889. Blas Valbuena

1810-1860. Rafael María Baralt

1798-1813. Fernando de Miyares

1796-1828. Ana Maria Campos

1788-1845. Rafael Urdaneta

1788-1822. José Rafael de las Heras

1788. Joaquín Primo de Rivera

1770-1821. Francisco Javier Pirela

1678. Jorge Madureira Ferreira

1607. Chief Nigale

1607. Juan Pacheco Maldonado (first Creole hero)

1600. The Ortiz del Basto family

1579. Rodrigo de Argüelles

1574. Pedro de Maldonado

1569. Alonso Pacheco Jiménez

1561. Princess Zulia

1529. Ambrose Alfinger

1499. Alonso de Ojeda

The Indian Isabel

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