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1. Author: SURNAME 1 SURNAME 2, First Name 1 First Name 2

2. Faculty: XXXXXXXXXX

3. Race/Cycle/Shift: XXXXX-XX


The title of your research project must be presented, which must include (a) the specific
topic to be discussed , (b) the group or collective with which you will work , (c) the scope
or place of your research , and (d) ) its temporary variable.
“Discrimination against Andean women in Peruvian commercial advertising during the
last decade”

Other examples:

 “ Bullying in the Peruvian public school: the case of 6th grade students. CE
primary school José Martín Loayza of the Cerro Colorado District in 2012”
 “Perspectives and imaginaries of the students of the Law School of the IV cycle of
the UTP-Arequipa on citizenship (2013)”
 “Recycling and solid waste disposal practices of residents of the Yanahuara
district (2010-2012)”
 “The political participation of the women of the Glass of Milk Committee No. 34 of
the Cerro Colorado district, 1992-2000”
 “The use of social networks to expand economic opportunities for the Aceros
Arequipa Company in the last semester”
 “The importance of human capital in the business development of Margarita SA
during 2011”
 “Initiatives of good business management practices of Banco Continental in the
city of Arequipa: the case of the “My Own Business” project in zone B of Alto Selva
Alegre during the months of September to December 2012”

5. Research proposal:


The research project proposal must include: (a) state the problem and the reason for your
research. (b) What questions and questions are raised. (c) What objective or objectives
they pursue. (d) What is the work methodology to be used. (e) What resources and
instruments they plan to use. (f) With whom and where do you plan to do it. (g) Schedule
and activities. (h) What they intend to achieve with this research (justification).
During the last decade, commercial advertising has increased enormously in the country,

especially that exposed through open-signal television. A large number of goods and
services are exposed and offered to the population through television channels.
Regardless of the company or company, what stands out at first glance is how it is shown
to the Andean population through these commercials. In some cases they are shown as
poor and without any type of resources; others as happy, innocent and good-natured
people; and even as violent people, who steal and harm the population. In the midst of
this amalgamation of forms, the image of the Andean woman stands out, who has been
portrayed as a submissive, dissatisfied person, a participant in her own domestic
violence, and even with little formal education. Under these brief considerations, some
questions that arise are: Is this image of the Andean woman projected in television
commercials real? Under what indicators or information do advertisers present these
commercials? What do women think about these commercials? Are they commercials that
minimize women's strength, ability and knowledge? The objective of this research is to
analyze what imaginaries have been built about the image and figure of the Andean
woman through the media in the last 10 years. For this purpose, we will review material
and written bibliography on discrimination and racism, commercial advertising, the
Andean world and gender theories that, together with the review of videos of the
commercials, will allow us to achieve our objective. At the same time, we will conduct
surveys and interviews with women and men of different ages in the main square, which
will allow us to learn more about the reason for this imaginary about Andean women. The
time that we have allocated to carry out the research, which includes everything from the
compilation of bibliographic and audio-visual information, the preparation and
application of interviews, the systematization, the analysis of the information to the
writing of the same, will be carried out within a period 12 weeks. Thus, the research we
propose will allow us to know to what extent discrimination is present in society, and
what are the mechanisms by which discourses and imaginaries of Andean women are
reproduced, which will allow us to give recommendations and propose alternatives to the
problem. raised.

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