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The close relationship between physiology and pharmacology is a science, as such, it
has its origin and development in those areas of scientific knowledge that have
influenced biology and its related areas. This leads to considering knowledge
throughout its evolution and in each era as support and support for what is known today.
In no way should the contributions of ancient civilizations be disregarded, they
generated knowledge that is ratified and revolutionized. (1)

Pharmacology is the science that studies drugs in all their aspects: their origins or where
they come from; its synthesis or preparation, whether of natural origin or not; its
physical and chemical properties, using tools of organic, analytical and theoretical
chemistry; all its actions, from the molecular to the entire organism: physiology, cell
biology, molecular biology; its way of locating and moving in the body, a branch called
pharmacokinetics; its forms of administration; its therapeutic indications; its uses and
toxic actions. Clinical pharmacology is the application of all this knowledge to the
patient: it is the study of the beneficial applications of chemical agents to prevent,
diagnose or treat diseases or unwanted physiological processes. (2)
Physiology of pharmacology, when administering the medication, it begins to alter a
function or process. This pharmacodynamic action. The human body simultaneously
begins the process of absorption, distribution, and possibly biotransformation, and
ultimately elimination of a drug or chemical substance after administration. The body's
action on a drug is known as pharmacokinetics. Paramedics must consider the principles
of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics when deciding whether to administer a
particular medication. (3)

Knowledge is essential because it is impossible to determine the changes produced by
drugs if the normal basis of the organism is not known. On the other hand,
pharmacology constitutes the study of physiology, because, through the modifications
induced by drugs in tissues, organs, and systems, it is possible to establish or make
deductions about their functioning.

1. Juan Diego Maya. MEDWAVE. [Online].; 2017 [cited 2019 Noviembre 8. Available from:

2. Abel Hernández Chávez. AccesMedicina. [Online].; 2015 [cited 2019 Noviembre 8. Available

3. Alejandra Espino. Prezi. [Online].; 2014 [cited 2019 Noviembre 8. Available from:

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