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Border School

Saint Gabriel.
Language and literature
Professor Beatriz Figueroa


COURSE 8th year. DATE:


3 points accomplished 1 point
2 points
CONTENT The topic was covered extensively; The theme was well developed, The topic was covered limitedly;
The central idea is well developed but not extensively; the central the central idea was
and organized according to the idea was developed in a limited inadequately developed; The
characteristics and elements of a way; The ideas were presented ideas were not developed or
horror story. with organized.
Some development and The characteristics and
organization. elements of a horror story are
The characteristics and elements not evident.
of a horror story are slightly

ORGANIZATION Uses a variety of complete A variety of complete and There is a predominant use
of incomplete, slightly
sentences and paragraphs creative sentences emerge; redundant sentences with
developed with creative, clear, paragraphs with some inappropriate use of coherent
and well-supported ideas; proper development; appropriate use mechanisms. The writing is
use of of coherent mechanisms. The in a confusing way, without a
coherent mechanisms. The writing logical sequence of ideas.
writing is excellently organized, It is organized in a choppy
with a logical sequence of ideas. manner, with a sequence of
logical, but incomplete.
VOCABULARY Appropriate and varied use of Adequate and varied use of Adequate use of basic
vocabulary, and complex grammatical vocabulary and complex vocabulary and simple and
structures without errors. grammatical structures with few complex grammatical structures
errors. with some errors.

USE OF The text is understandable; does not The text is understandable; The text is understandable; but
LANGUAGE require clarification from the reader. requires minimal clarification and it requires the reader to
amendment from the reader. decipher the text.

SPELLING AND All words are spelled correctly; Most of the words are spelled The writing of the words is
ACCENTUATION accents, punctuation, and correctly; most accents, sometimes correct; accents,
capitalization are correct as well. punctuation, and capitalization are punctuation, and capitalization
correct. are sometimes correct.

PUNTUALITY Register your project before or on the The project is justified and Does not present requested
delivery deadline presented on the reassigned date project.

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