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The 20 principles of material handling.

According to the “Industrial Committee on Material Handling Education” 20

principles are accepted for handling materials. These
1.Planning Principle: Plan all material handling and storage activities in order to
obtain maximum efficiency in the set of operations.
E: All material handling and storage activities must be planned in order to obtain
maximum efficiency in the set of operations. The plan is nothing more than the
most efficient way to communicate the work that is in it.
2.Systems principle: Integrate many management activities Nipulation is very
practical in a coordinated system of operations, seller service, reception, storage,
production, inspection, packaging, warehouses, shipping, transportation and
customer service.
E: An Integrated System is one where everything seems to fit with everything.
Therefore, we must integrate all practical handling activities into a coordinated
system of operations, seller service, reception, storage, production, inspection,
packaging, warehouses, shipping, transportation and customer service.
3.Principle of material flow: Have a sequence of operations and equipment
distribution that optimizes the flow of materials.
E: It is necessary to have a sequence of operations and equipment distribution that
optimizes the flow of materials, in the most suitable sequence for the distribution of
the Plant.
4.Simplification principle: Simplify management by reducing, eliminating, or
combining unnecessary movement and/or equipment.
E: Simplify management by reducing, eliminating or combining Movement and/or
unnecessary equipment, Managing the CPM method. (Times, Movements and
Costs.) With the Premises.
5.Gravity principle: Use gravity to move the material to where it is most practical.
E: Use gravity to move the material where it is most practical, reducing the impact
on physical force.
6.Principle of space utilization: Make optimal use of the volume of the property.
E: Make optimal use of the volume of the property, since one of the objectives of
materials management is to maximize the volumetric space of the construction.
Where Frames, Mezzanines, and Elevated Conveyors are a good example of
devices for handling materials.
7.Unit size principle: Increase the quantity, size or weight of unit loads or flow rate.
E: Increase the quantity, size or weight of unit loads or the flow rate, Where a Unit
Load is one made up of many parts that move as one; is the Result of
Advantages. -
Quick and Economical Handling of Materials.
Disadvantages. -
1.- The Cost of Unifying Loads and Separating Them Again.
2.- The Useless Weight of Boxes, Platforms and Similar Objects.
3.- The Problem of Void Management.
4.- The Requirement of Heavy Equipment and its Space Requirements.
8.Principle of mechanization: Mechanize handling operations.
E: Consists of Applying Motive Energy to eliminate Manual Transport.
9.Automation principle: Make automation include production, handling and storage
E: Make automation include production, handling and storage functions. improving
productivity and product quality and reducing costs.
10.Principle of equipment selection: When selecting handling equipment, consider
all aspects of the material to be handled: Movement and method to be used.
E: We must select the handling equipment, considering all aspects of the material
to be handled: Movements to be performed and transportation method to be used.
11.Principle of standardization: Standardize handling methods, as well as the types
and sizes of equipment for this.
12.Principle of adaptability: Use methods and equipment that best perform various
tasks and applications for which special purpose equipment is not justified.
13.Dead weight principle: Reduce the ratio of dead weight of the handling
equipment to the load it will support.
14.Principle of utilization: Plan the optimal utilization of equipment and labor for
materials handling.
15.Maintenance principle: Plan preventive maintenance and schedule repairs of all
handling equipment.
16. Obsolescence principle: Replace obsolete management methods and
equipment in cases where more efficient ones improve operations.
17.Control principle: Use management activities to improve production inventory
control and order fulfillment.
18.Capacity principle: Use handling equipment to achieve the desired production
19.Performance principle: Determine the effectiveness of management
performance in terms of expenditure per unit handled.
20.Safety principle: Have appropriate methods and equipment to handle safely.

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