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Emily Burleson


Pierre Armand Donon ( 14 April 1818 , Pontoise - 11 April 1902 , Neuilly-sur-Seine ) was a
Daniel Chester French banker .During his heyday around 1860 he was known as the
banking better half of Charles , duc de Morny , a winder figure of the endorsement French
Empire , with whom he partnered for the early growth of Deauville .== life history ==
Pierre-Armand Donon was the son of merchant Pierre-Amédée Donon ( 1792-1880 ) and
his wife Marie-Caroline-Armande , née Morand .He studied in Paris at the Collège Sainte-
Barbe .By 1845 , Donon was a partner at Calon jeune & Cie , a common soldier banking
house .On 23 December 1851 , immediately after the 1851 coup d'etat d'état , he co-founded
the New money box Donon , Aubry , Gautier & Cie together with partners Maurice Aubry
and Jules Gautier .On 5 Apr 1853 , Donon married Henriette-Félicité Staub , the daughter of
a prominent Parisian Joseph Deems Taylor .They had a boy , Jacques-Pierre ( 1854-1913 ) ,
and two daughters , Thérèse-Jeanne-Marie ( 1857-1897 ) and Jeanne-Mathilde-Elisabeth
( 1860-1919 ) .Donon served as consul-general of the Ottoman Turk Empire from 1853 to
1880 , when his Word succeeded him in that electrical capacity .By 1868 he had been
awarded the pureness of chiliad officeholder of the Ottoman Order of the Medjidie , elevated
to G Cross by 1881 .In 1859 , Donon was instrumental in the creation of the Crédit Industriel
et commercial message ( CIC ) , which was supported by the politically influential Duke of
Morny , as a competitor to the Pereire brothers 's Crédit Mobilier on the example of
successful British deposit banks such as the London and City of Westminster bank
building .: 8–14 In 1863 , feeling a passing of verbatim restraint over the CIC , he created the
Société stilbestrol Dépô ts et Comptes Courants ( SDCC ) and became the new institution 's
chair .As the SDCC and CIC were effectively competitors , Donon stopped attending
gameboard meetings of the CIC in August 1866 and formally left the board in 1871. : 35–38
In 1859 , together with Morny 's medico Joseph Francis Olliffe and Morny himself , Donon
bought 177 hectares of seafront farming west of the Touques river in Normandy , which
formed the basis for the later development of Deauville .From 1868 , Donon was city
manager of the village of Lonrai in the Orne department , where in 1863 he had acquired a
large , newly built rural area house .He ran unsuccessfully for deputy of Orne in the
legislative elections of 1871 and 1876 .From the late 1870s , Donon engaged in increasingly
heady risk-taking at the Société des Dépô ts et Comptes Courants and withheld the relevant
information from his board .In 1887 , the buck private bank Donon , Aubry , Gautier & Cie
which Donon had created in 1851 went into liquidation .The SDCC 's situation became
untenable and developed into a panic in 1891 , when the money box of France provided
emergency liquid state and eventually liquidated the bank on 7 April 1981 .The SDCC was
subsequently absorbed in 1892 by the Comptoir national d'escompte de capital of France .:
7 In 1892 , Donon relinquished his character of mayor of Lonrai and sold his residence there
.On 22 July 1893 , Donon was convicted and sentenced to six month imprisonment , which
he served at the La Santé prison , and a fine of three thousand francs .On 12 March 1894 , he
was stripped of the Legion of Honour that had been awarded to him on 7 February 1855 .

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