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 . Who took the first step?

 2. Who ordered pololeo?

 3. Who said "I love you" first?
 4. Who chose the place for the first date?
 5. Who is more romantic?
 6. Who introduced the parents first?
 7. Who is more vain?
 8. Who is the most feisty?
 9. Who is more absent-minded?
 10. Who is more spontaneous?
 11. Who has more style?
 12. Who is more consumerist?
 13. Who is more unpunctual?
 14. Who gives better birthday gifts?
 15. Who has a better sense of humor?
 16. Who is better at talking on the phone?
 17. Who is the smartest?
 18. Who is sicker?
 19. Who was the most mathematician in school?
 20. Who is proudest?
 21. Who is better at taxiing?
 22. Who is more stubborn?
 23. Who drives better?
 24. Who is most addicted to social networks?
 25 Who smokes or drinks more?
 26. Who cooks better?
 27. Who is messier?
 28. Who takes the longest showers?
 29. Who is better at collecting things?
 30. Who drinks the most coffee?
 31. Who has the most clothes in the closet?
 32. Who chooses the movies to go to the cinema?
 33. Who has control of the TV control?
 34. Who has the best date ideas?
 35. Who is best at fighting a spider in the bathroom?
 36. Who is better at sleeping?
 37. Who snores the loudest?
 38. Who is more organized?
 39. Who asked to marry?
 40. Who chose their outfit first?
 41. Who invited the most people?
 42. Who chose the menu?
 43. Who chose the decoration style?
 44. Who took the longest to get ready?
 45. Who chose the dance song?

 1. Who is more afraid?

 2. Who is more shy?
 3. Who is more gluttonous?
 4. Who has the greatest sense of humor?
 5. Who is more jealous?
 6. Who is more into making surprises?
 7. Who is the drunkest?
 8. Who is the best cook?
 9. Who is worse at sports?
 10. Who gave the first kiss?
 11. Who took the first step?
 12. Who is more sociable?
 13. Who is more proud?
 14. Who is angrier?
 15. Who is the biggest animal lover?
 16. Who is more sensitive?
 17. Who is more relaxed?
 18. Who is more "catrasca"?
 19. Who is more unpunctual?
 20. Who is more supportive?
 21. Who is the worst driver?
 22. Who says “I love you” the most?
 23. Who is more Chamuyero of the two?
 24. Who is most likely to be in and out of the gym at
the drop of a hat?
 25. Who reads more of the two?
 26. Who lives by biting their nails?
 27. Who has the most OCD?
33. Who loves their mother-in-law more?

 39. Who argues the most?

 40. Who leaves the most mess?
 41. Who is lazy to clean?
 42. Who keeps the house accounts?
 43. Who never forgets shopping?
 44. Who is more obsessive?
 45. Who is the best host?
 46. Who always forgets to water the plants?
 47. Who leaves everything until the last minute?
 48. Who is capable of eating a kilo of ice cream
 49. Who is more obsessive about smells?
 50. Who is the biggest eater?

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