History of Psychiatric Nursing

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Psychiatry : From the Greek psyche: soul and iatréia: healing. It is a specialty of
medicine dedicated to the study, prevention and treatment of mental illnesses and
behavioral disorders.
• 400 BC Hippocratres. He talks about the imbalances of the 4 humors: black
bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood, he places the brain as the organic origin
of metal diseases, he is the first to classify temperaments.
• 350 BC Plato. He spoke that mental disorders were organic, ethical and
divine, he mentioned that dualism consisted of SOUL-BODY and
RATIONAL-IRRATIONAL SOUL. It classifies madness as prophetic, poetic
ritual and erotic.
• AZTEC CULTURE, MEXICO . Tlazolteotl - Aztec goddess of madness,
fertility and lust. It is related to sexuality and the states of the moon, it
showed contradictions of some moral values about femininity in Aztec
• ANCIENT AGES - All events beyond human control were considered
• MIDDLE AGES – Medicine became under the influence of religion, mental
illness was considered a reflection of the will of God and therefore the
mentally ill were taken to monasteries where monks cured them with
exorcisms or were abandoned or burned.
• 1409 Foundation of the Hospital in Valencia. The monk Fray Juan Gilbert
Jofré, inclined towards the care of the mentally ill, asks the inhabitants to
build a sanatorium to provide them with care.
• 17th to 19th CENTURY . Bethlem Royal Hospital in London, the sanatorium
left disastrous chapters, people who had a family member with a mental
disorder annexed them to this sanatorium for their cure, in it, the owners
were called psychiatrists and the only thing they did was lock these people
in placing them in stables, cages and dungeons, for display before people
who paid to see them, and it was where this hospital began to gain
monetary capital.
- Dr. William Battle . He sought to give credit to his service, makes
it relevant that these people have a cure, and begins with
experiments and research on these patients.
- The psychiatric medical model begins; They look for different
methods of action and techniques for pathologies that may affect
- Dr. Benjamin Rush “father of American psychiatry.” He proposed
the idea that madness was caused by too much blood in the head
and began with experiments of drawing blood from the head,
piercing the body to drain the possible blood in order to cure the
patients. He did not have positive results, he only increased the
rate. of mortality. His proposal lasted for 70 years.
- Dr. Henry Cotton was clear that the mental illness came from a
septic focus in the patient, that is when he began to extract parts of
the human body where he believed microorganisms entered.

• 1773 Philippe Pinel, ordered the removal of chains, stopped abuse in drug
administration and bloodletting. He founded and believed that the insane
were sick people who needed special treatment.
• 1793 Jean-Baptiste Pussin "Moral therapy"; believed that instead of giving
cruel treatment to patients, they should have their minds occupied with
work, music and other entertainment, building the beginnings of the care
that nurses provide to psychiatric patients.
• At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century ,
the new trend began characterized by the creation and development of
mental and/or psychiatric hospitals, thus emerging psychiatric nursing as a
• 1882 Dorothea Lynde Dix, a school teacher who cared for individuals
confined in prisons, observed their treatment of them and did not believe it
was fair, thus being the first defender of the mentally ill, with the campaign
of the hospital system, she convinced the legislatures of States United
States and Canada that adequate hospitals, not prisons, were needed for
the mentally ill.
• 1882 First Nursing School at McLean Asylum in Massachusetts
• 1856 Sigmund Freud, with his psychoanalytic model, speaks about human
behavior to the attention of the scientific community and the public.
• 1910 La Castañeda Mexico Psychiatric Hospital, it is the largest psychiatric
center in the country, until the middle of the 20th century, inaugurated by
President Porfirio Diaz and demolished in 1968.
• 1921 Mary Davis and May Kennedy express the need for all nurses to
receive training in psychiatric patients.
• 1948 Recovery farm for the mentally ill (Guadalajara), therapeutic
alternative and occupational therapy, promoted by the Mexican state as a
mechanism of social insertion for the mentally ill.
• 1950 Use of Chlorpromazine (Thorazide), First medication for the
management of psychosis.
• 1950 Family System Therapy, Murray Brownen
• 1952 Specialty in Psychiatric Nursing in Mexico
• 1952 Hildegard Peplau, mother of Psychiatric Nursing, describes with her
model of "Interpersonal Relationships in Nursing", the importance of the
nurse-patient relationship in human activity and mediated by
communication. It has 4 fundamental aspects: orientation, identification,
exploration and resolution.
• 1953 . National Leangue for Nursing required that experience caring for
psychiatric patients be included in basic nursing.
• 1973 Joyce Travelbee, mentions nursing as an art with its "models of
person-to-person relationship" comprising the conscious use of one's own
person in the practice of care, helping and accompanying another in their
process of psychosocial development and recovery from illnesses.
• 1976 The Humanistic theory in nursing by Paterson, a public health nurse,
and Zderad, a mental health nurse, highlight the topic of human existence,
which emphasizes the relationship established between the nurse and the
person receiving care in an attempt to provide an answer. to the
phenomenological experience lived by both, it focuses on person – health –
nursing – environment.
• 1979 Virginia Henderson, talks about nursing being a service available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, focusing her practice with her model of the “14
needs” basic human needs, increasing with it the patient's independence in
their recovery. to accelerate your improvement.
• Phil Barker's 1987 Tide Model in mental health recovery is relevant in
helping the patient understand what mental health can mean for a specific
person and how to help their recovery from it, based on its elements. me,
the world, others.”
• nineteen ninety five . The Official Mexican Standard 025- SSA2- 2014 is
developed for the provision of health services in comprehensive medical-
psychiatric hospital care units.
• 2012. Mental health model based on primary health care, detection and
approach through a broad approach that encompasses society.
• Present. The care of the mentally ill is developed in democratic
environments that are socially and educationally advanced, maintaining an
economy that allows the progressive development of mental health care.

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