RC Full Achievement List

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🟠VfV 340💎

🔸 Aphrodite's golden Apple 1×10 20💎

wear the Extortionate Dress for 50💎 while on bright influence path
🔸Official mistress 1×10 70💎

for 30💎, propose yourself as mistress, bright influence

join Louise's retinue, pretend to be her friend, don't agree with Henrietta on her plan, on 1×8 oust Louise

🔸 Snaring the spy master 1×10 20💎

take Alexander's romantic scenes(he doesn't need to be your main li) say yes to tea then deny your

🔸 💎

Blossoming liberty 2×6 20
Join queen Anne's retinue, take Bonne's scene in 1×5 for 52 , take the “save Bonne” choice in 1×8, you

🔸 💎
either need to be dating her or buy the adjoining room next to hers

The Dauphin's savior 2×8 10

🔸 💎
there's a 100 scene, you'll know
Fearsome murderess 2×10 • 3×9 20
either kill Lou in 2×10 or if you're dating the king keep the poison you're given in s3 and use it on the

🔸 💎
queen in 3×9
Reconcile the brothers 3×5 30

🔸 💎
gem choice but you only see it if you're dating the prince
Traitor to the crown 3×10 100

🔸 💎
poison the queen in 3×9, get caught, get beheaded
Ménage à Trois in Trio 3×10 50

🔸 💎
date the prince and keep having 3somes
Defend the queen 3×1 10
date the queen and you'll see this choice
Best way to do it:
3-4 playthroughs in the most efficient order, 1 for Bonne, 1 for Maria Teresa, 1 for the king where you
poison the queen and then follow the walkthrough to make the wrong choices and get decapitated, 1 for
the prince. You can do Alexander's achievement on any route. You might be able to skip Bonne's
playthrough and get her achievement while dating any of the others if you join Anne's retinue and buy the
adjoining room. However I should mention this didn't work for me but other players have confirmed it
worked for them so do with that information what you think is best

🟠HS1 💎
🔸 An unforgettable moment 💎

1×9 10
receive a kiss from Lucifer (that scene on earth for 29 , you don't need to be on his romance path, just

🔸 💎
pick “What do you like about this place” when you play the question game)

I have the best wings 1×10 20

🔸 💎
Summon rain on the dragon (adopt Fyr in 1×9 for 22 and be on high glory path)
Thirst for leadership 2×6 5

🔸 💎
kill the serpent (follow the walkthrough)
All or nothing 2×9 10

🔸 💎
kill Satan (have 26 demon points)
Blind faith 3×7 5

🔸 💎
don't warn Yore about the poison
Revolutionary 3×10 20

🔸 💎
have a strong connection w Malbonte (side with him but it's not necessary to date him)
Good friend 3×10 20
save Mimi and Adi (save Adi in 1×8 by following the walkthrough and Mimi in s3 by having a good

🔸 💎
relationship with her)
You shall not pass 3×11 20

🔸 💎
kill Malbonte (don't side with him & demon path)
Godslayer 3×11 20

🔸 💎
imprison Sepha in a statue (Malbonte path)
Balance 3×11 30
become a harmony bearer (balance points and side with Malbonte)
Best way to do it:
Can be done in 1.5 playthrough, balance your points and any time Malbonte is mentioned alternate
between making your connection stronger or weaker until s2. Then play s3 once to side with him and
once against him

🔸Joining hearts
get Caleb and Zoe together (encourge Caleb and then there's a gem choice for 19 in 1×4, that's all you

🔸 💎
need but you get the actual achievement at 1×9)
Shark's embrace 1×10 20

🔸 💎
get the bracelet from Kayla (date her and have high reputation with the sharks)
Lightning fast savior 2×7 20

save all 3 girls (follow walkthrough)

Escape 2×8

🔸 💎
offer to leave together with Kayla (have to have low reputation and the choice costs 6 )
Understand and forgive 2×8 20
take all of Jake's scenes then cheat on him with Charles (if you miss even 1 scene he won't forgive you

so no achievement)
I can wait 2×8
stay loyal to alek until the end of the story(don’t improve your relationship with anyone else except Alek in
either season, and I'm not talking just about flirting, I mean nothing not even friendship, our boy is

possessive apparently)
Complete concentration 2×8
Have enough daring/caution to select all the choices (if you follow the walkthrough it should be easy but

🔸 💎
you need to replay for both paths)
In the loop 2×8 10
pick all the premium choices in the story that don't affect the plot (don't even know what "don't affect the
plot" means but probably wait for DR)
Best way to do it:
3 playthroughs, 1 with Kayla on low reputation, 1 with Jake on high reputation & caution, 1 with Alek on
high rep & daring

🔸The forgiving lover 1×10 10💎
🔸The secret sister
forgive Ford and marry him
patch things up with your sister (choose “I sabotaged my sister's marriage” as your secret then reconcile

at 1×9)

The grand gesture 1×10

Evan confessed his love for you on camera (date Evan and take the 99 scene)
The music reference 1×10
at your wedding you danced with luka and learned his favorite band
The dress

🔸 💎
you unlocked Adira's dress option
The savior 1×10 20

you made sure Mona got treatment (eliminate her in 1×6 and take her gem scene or end up with her)
The alternative universe
You unlocked all alternative endings with the lis (Not sure what this means tbh)

🔸 As custom dictates 3×7 10💎
collect all votes on Tortuga (save Ivy and get on her good side by having 7 pirate points in 3×2, fight Kai
and have 35 strength, get the wine bottle from the Santa Maria in 3×4 for 21 and give it to Jacques and

have 12 pirate points in 3×7, remember a place they mentioned in this chapter and have 35 diplomacy)
Matchmaker 3×10
bring at least 3 couples together (have Chris, Ivy and Lorenza on board and find them boyfriends, needs

Catrinas kiss 4×11
receive a special gift from Catrina (choose the skull in 3×1 and recruit her with 70 diplomacy in 4×11 and

🔸 💎
hopefully that's it)
All hands on deck 5×2 30

🔸 💎
recruit all possible companions (keep the pet from the island and tame the agog)

💎 💎
Admiral 5×3 20
gather all captains under your flag (become captain in 2×1 for 22 and then Admiral in 3×1 for 16 and

then get the walrus to fight for you in s5, idk if you need to recruit the rest of the captains for this to work)

From hate to love 5×14

marry Diego (follow his romance walkthrough, spend 100 to save him and then marry him in s5)
Perfect playthrough 5×14
restore the fiddlers green (60 white magic), the dead man's locker (60 black magic), santo Domingo and

free Tortuga
Not a scratch 5×14

complete the book with 10/10 ship (good luck with that)
Friends from the other side

get all spirits to help you (you need 74 strength and 70 diplomacy in 4×11)
Absolute balance
collect 115 strength and diplomacy (there's a walkthrough on reddit on how to do this but it's so difficult
because if you miss even 1 point it's impossible)
Best way to do it:
Idk if it's possible to be done in 1 playthrough tbh. Balancing the points is extremely complicated and it's
been said you can't do it if you're dating Diego. I do have to say the first time I played this book I unlocked
Diego's romance path while dating Lorenza but I didn't end up with him cause I don't like him, however
this makes me think it's possible to balance points AND end up with Diego if you date Lorenza then drop
her for him. Don't quote me on this tho

🔸 Powerful incentive 1×6 20💎

🔸True friend 30💎

collect enough light points to stop taking pills (28 light)
be on good terms with Brian (you don't have to date him, take his free relationship improvements and
some gem choices to improve his relationship with Hodge)
🔸 Stern judge 1×10 20💎

🔸Possessive wildcard 2×3 30💎

collect enough dark points to punish Peter (36 darkness)

maintain an exclusive relationship with Dominic (not only can you not date anyone else but you might

🔸 💎
accidentally end up on someone's romance path without even trying so be careful)
Boomerang effect 2×9 20

🔸 💎
collect enough darkness to get revenge on Tom (77 darkness)
Expert negotiator 3×5 20

🔸 💎
collect enough light to help ocean (100 light)
Let god be his judge 3×5 20

🔸 💎
don't help ocean (don't use the points)
Fearless hero 3×5 20

🔸 💎
collect enough darkness to stop ocean (100 darkness)
Scar on your heart 3×5 20

don't stop ocean so Leon gets shot (don't use the points)
Business lady 3×10
save Hodge's club and keep the shares (you need 85 authority for 3×9 to save the club & to keep the
shares be on darkness or balance path)
Best way to do it:
Can be done in 1 play through, follow the walkthrough to get all the checkpoints, be friendly with Brian but
don't date him, date Dominic exclusively, don't use your points in 3×5 then restart the chapter and use
your points.
ATTENTION: it's very easy to get locked out of Dom's path so for Hodge, Liz and Leon take all the “no
effect” choices, for Tate make at least 1 choice to deteriorate your relationship (trust me I almost missed
the achievement because of him). Finally for Brian because you still need his achievement, take most of
the free relationship improvements but not all of them, for the rest take the “no effect” ones and definitely
don't take any of his gem scenes, the only time you spend gems on Brian is to fix his relationship with

🟠LSE 30💎
🔸Final girl 0💎
get everyone killed (super easy I did it without even trying 🤡)

🔸 Armed and dangerous 1×2 20💎

🔸 Vampire ball 20💎
play 6 times and pick a different weapon each time
play 3 times and pick "become a vampire bride" with all 3 vampires
Best way to do it:
6 playthroughs but make sure to coordinate the weapons and vampires(read the walkthrough for 1×2 to
get what I mean)

🟠LOS 💎
🔸 Campfire stories 💎
1×6 10
Hear all campfire stories (there's 6 stories and you can hear 3 at a time so you need to replay the

🔸 💎
Miranda syndrome 1×8 10
Join all 3 clubs (the club gets automatically picked based on which path you're on so you need to balance
your points until the beginning of the chapter, then pick only 1 path until you join a club and replay the

🔸 💎
chapter until you get all 3)
Ready! Set! Go! 1×9 20
🔸 💎
Follow the walkthrough to make all the correct choices during the race

Survivor 2×7 20
Save Donna wolf (you need 45 of each point category and at least 54 )
Best way to do it:
1 playthrough if you balance your points, just replay chapters 1×6 and 1×8

🟠ET 200💎
🔸Don't tell Ari 10💎
Have sex with Dita for 76💎

🔸 Nice old guy 2×9 30💎

🔸 Caldale Casanova 2×9 100💎

Take all the relationship improvements with Mr. Steward

Get all the lis to be into you (it can be done in 1 playthrough if you romance all the lis equally. Basically
take everyone's scenes and if there's a choice where you have to choose between them never choose

the same person. Also any time you have sex with a li consider them done and focus more on the rest.
Finally when you reach 2×9 become official with each of them by taking the 29 gem scene then restart

🔸 💎
the chapter enough times to get everyone)
Best served cold 2×10 20

🔸 💎
Expose Adrian
Good influence 2×10 20
Kindhearted Amelia (choose all the friendly choices with her, tell her not to flirt with Karl, take her gem

🔸 💎
Bad influence 2×10 20

🔸 💎
Cynical Amelia (choose all the rude choices with her, tell her to flirt with Karl, don't take her gem scene)
You can't take it with you 3×5 20

🔸 💎
accumulate 10 wealth
Tabloid gold 3×6 20
hook up with Chris
Best way to do it:
1.5 playthrough, everything can be done at once except Amelia. Choose one of the 2 achievements then
replay s2 for the other

🔸 Feathered friends 💎
🔸 Devil in the details 💎
1×9 20
1×12 10
realize something isn't right about guusje de Boer by making 3 correct choices (Pick up the list, right
handed, spider)

🔸 Represented journalist 1×1 10💎
🔸The show must go on 2×12
get the magazine to sponsor you (follow walkthrough)

🔸To ashes
save the house and madam Rosetta

🔸 Oblivion
be condemned to eternal torment

🔸 Aspect
lose your memories
stay immortal
🔸 To the roots 3×12 10💎
🔸 Once and forever
become mortal again

🔸 Against all odds

find peace with your s1 li

🔸 Love stronger than time

end up with your s3 li
spend your life with merotal

🔸 Leader
🔸Loyal friend 50💎
gain recognition for your leadership

🔸 Refined taste
all your friends are alive (save the emperor in 4×9 for Masamune, pass stat check in 4×9 for Kazu)

🔸Elegance 50💎
unlock enough premium outfits (what does enough even mean?)

🔸 Illusion master 10💎

unlock enough premium hair & accessories

🔸Fire master 10💎

collect enough pearl fox points

🔸Kazu's heart 30💎

collect enough amber fox points

🔸 Takao's heart 30💎

have a very close relationship with Kazu

🔸 Masamune's heart 30💎

have a very close relationship with Takao

🔸Shino-odori's heart 30💎

have a very close relationship with Masamune
have a very close relationship with shino-odori
Best way to do it:
1 playthrough for Kazu & pearl fox, 1 playthrough for amber fox but don't date anyone in s1-2 and then
date Takao from s3 until the end, then restart s3 for Shino-odori and finally restart s2 for Masamune.
Recommended to play during DR or shopping day for the wardrobe achievements

🔸 The queen of paintball 1×5 30💎
🔸 The one night stand 20💎
gain maximum points during paintball
you slept with Joel without dating him

🔸Death by love
🔸 Mercy or pity
Kill war

🔸 Amicus
spare war

🔸 Open heart
save eragons Raven
complete the story with every li
Kind soul

save the baby
Through someone else's eyes
play as mother of life

🔸Rebellious heart
🔸 Viking from Sefer
you have a close relationship w Adil

🔸 Beauty queen
you have a close relationship w Mustafa

🔸 A tough coffee bean to crack

you have a close relationship w Cindy

🔸 Dr sexy
you have a close relationship w Zain

🔸Brilliant detective
you have a close relationship w Jack

find clue in your father's box

🔸Three's a crowd
🔸 Mother Teresa 1×10 20💎
have 2 idols as lis at the same time

🔸 Silver tongue 1×10 20💎

prevent fighting between the idols

talk your way out of trouble in the conversation w the manager

🔸 Enlightener
🔸 Best outcome
the girls will receive a higher education at the palace school

🔸 Precise brush
minimal deaths on night of the ball

🔸True friend
paint all portraits accurately

Nurray was unhappy and left behind a significant legacy

🔸Animals are better than people 1×2 20💎
adopt a dog or cat or falcon with isman

🔸 Pearl of Bengal 1×7 20💎

🔸 A true heiress
accept tiger as a gift

🔸 We're missing 1
impress the dozen by dancing & high dignity & close deal yourself
🔸 Unbroken will
🔸 Allure of the temptress 1×8 20💎
you didn't succumb to The echo of your desires

lure Kang without powers

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