What Are The Biosafety Standards in The Hair Salon?

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What are the biosafety standards in the hair salon?

Biosafety in beauty salons. 1.  In Occupational Health, it is defined as the set

of preventive and corrective measures, aimed at ensuring that the procedures
carried out in human and animal health institutions do not affect the health and
safety of workers, patients, visitors and the environment. Nov 10 2010

What is Biosafety Law 711?

Law 711 of Biosafety in Aesthetics. ... This law regulates the occupation of
cosmetology, determines its nature, purpose, field of application and principles,
and indicates the governing entities for the organization, control and
surveillance of its exercise.
As part of the operating requirements, the establishment must comply with current health standards, which
in this case are related to two types of personal beauty services (They do not include health services ):
hairdressing (Ornamental Aesthetics) and aesthetics. (Facial and corporal), for which you must comply
with the following standards:


CAPITAL DISTRICT Version: SCOPE The Bo District Health Secretariat gotá DC, in order to
comply with the provisions of Law 711 of 2001, as well as Decree 4725 of 2005 and
Resolutions 2263 of 2004, 3924 of 2005, 2827 of 2006 and 2117 of 2010 issued by the
Ministry of Social Protection, In relation to hygienic, sanitary, occupational health and
biosafety conditions for cosmetic procedures, it establishes the following guidelines for
temporary mass events such as shows, fairs, shopping centers, hypermarkets, large stores
and other similar spaces, which are not intended for exclusively or permanently to offer or
perform personal beauty services. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1. Personal beauty services: are all
those non-invasive hair, facial and body treatments that are performed at the level of the
hair, scalp, nails and skin, in order to temporarily modify the aesthetic appearance of the
human body, clean it, perfume it, protect it and keep it in good condition, using cosmetic
products and elements, as well as aesthetic equipment. They are carried out permanently
in commercial establishments, such as: barbershops, hairdressers, beauty salons, beauty
centers, spas, and other similar) or educational establishments (education institutions for
work and human development or higher education institutions), by people who are
qualified by receiving accreditation to carry out the respective occupation, trade or
profession. In Colombia, personal beauty services are basically divided into two categories:

2 Personal services in aesthetics/ornamental or hair cosmetics (Hairdressing, cosmetic care

of hands and feet): These are all those procedures that are performed in order to
temporarily modify the aesthetic appearance of the human body at the level of the hair,
scalp and nails. , using products and cosmetic elements, which modify the appearance of
the horny annexes of the skin: hair and nails. They do not include invasive procedures or
those reserved for health professionals Personal services in facial and/or body
aesthetics/cosmetics: These are all those facial or body procedures that are performed in
order to temporarily modify the aesthetic appearance of the human body, clean it,
perfume it. , protect it and keep it in good condition, using cosmetic products and aesthetic
equipment. They do not include those procedures that require the formulation of
medications, surgical intervention, invasive procedures or acts reserved for health
professionals. Temporary mass event of personal beauty services: is any temporary event
that involves the practice of facial and body aesthetic/cosmetic procedures. and
ornamental that is carried out in shows, fairs, shopping centers, hypermarkets, large stores
and other similar spaces, which are not exclusively or permanently intended to offer or
perform personal beauty services Protocol. Set of techniques based on standards, and
preventive measures, that make up a standard that allows us to examine our processes,
compare them with models that we consider desirable and necessary, for the correct
organization and development of a procedure, occupation or trade. 3. COMMITMENT OF
THE EVENT MANAGER All those responsible for temporary mass events that carry out
procedures or demonstrations of personal beauty services must comply with current
health regulations and present the manuals, documents and records at the time of the
event, which must be known by each one. of those responsible and executors of the
procedures. Manuals, documents and records must remain available at all times at the
event site for verification by the health authority.


occupational health conditions established in current regulations, as well as the manuals,
protocols, documents and records described in this guideline will be verified by the District
Health Secretariat through the Chapinero ESE Hospital, who will carry out the health
surveillance and control actions. The verification addresses 4 basic aspects: 4.1. Working
conditions: correspond to the health, location, safety, staffing, etc. conditions established
by current regulations for personal beauty services Biosafety aspects: correspond to the
conditions and procedures implemented at the event site that comply with the established
in Resolution 2827 of 2006 and the related regulations Products or supplies: corresponds
to the conditions of the health registration regime/Mandatory Health Notification,
marketing and use of cosmetic products and aesthetic equipment, as established by
Decree 4725 of 2005 and the Decision 516 of 2002, respectively Manuals, documents and
records: corresponds to the written documentary and procedural supports established by
current health regulations for personal beauty services. They are basically: Procedures
manual (See annex 1) Biosafety manual or protocol (see annex 2) Documents and records
(See annex 3) 5. MORE INFORMATION 5.1. District Secretary of Health Public Health
Surveillance Subdirectorate. Carrera 32 No Building Operational Center 4 Floor Tel. 57 (1)
Ext Eng. Germán Hernández Beauty sector Web Portal: Hospital Chapinero ESE
Environmental Care Office Calle 94 C No Tel.57 (1) Ext. 110 Eng. Elsy Pinilla

4 6. LEGAL FRAMEWORK GENERAL REGULATION Law 9 - July 1979: By which sanitary

measures are dictated - National Health Code. Resolution 2400 of 1979: Provisions on
housing, hygiene and industrial safety in work establishments. AESTHETICS/FACIAL AND
BODY COSMETICS Law 711 November 2001: which regulates the exercise of the occupation
of cosmetology and dictates other provisions regarding aesthetic health. Decree 1294 April
of the Ministry of Social Protection: which regulates article 14 of Law 711 of 2001, regarding
the democratic election of representatives of the private sector that make up the National
Commission for the Practice of Cosmetology and dictates other provisions. Resolution July
2004: By which the requirements for the opening and operation of beauty centers and
similar are established and other provisions are dictated. Resolution 3924 December 2005
Ministry of Social Protection - by which the Inspection Guide for the Opening and
Operation of Aesthetic Centers and Similar is adopted and other provisions are dictated.
ORNAMENTAL AESTHETICS/COSMETICS (Hairdressing) June Resolution of the Ministry of
Social Protection - Which establishes the requirements for the opening and operation of
establishments that offer ornamental aesthetics services such as barbershops,
hairdressers, training schools for stylists and manicurists, beauty salons and the like and
other provisions are dictated. BIOSECURITY Resolution 2827 August 2006 Ministry of Social
Protection - by which the Biosafety Manual is adopted for establishments that carry out
cosmetic activities or for facial, hair, body and ornamental beautification purposes.

5 WASTE MANAGEMENT Decree 351 of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection: Which
regulates the comprehensive management of waste generated in health care and other
activities. Resolution 1164 of 2002, manual of procedures for the comprehensive
management of hospital and similar waste. AESTHETIC EQUIPMENT AND OTHER MEDICAL
DEVICES (Aesthetic appliances) Decree 4725 December 2005 Ministry of Social Protection:
Which regulates the regime of health records, marketing permits and health surveillance of
medical devices for human use. COSMETICS Decision 516 of the Andean Community of
Nations (CAN): Harmonization of Legislation on Cosmetic Products. ACCREDITATION OF
COSMETOLOGY AND SIMILAR CENTERS (voluntary) Resolution 723 June of the District
Secretary of Health - By which the administrative procedure for the voluntary accreditation
of Cosmetology Centers and similar that operate in the jurisdiction of the Capital District is
regulated and adopted the Biosafety Seal.

6 ANEO 1 PROCEDURES MANUAL - CONTENTS Documentary and procedural support that

logically and sequentially breaks down each of the stages in which each beauty procedure
is performed. Your information relates other procedures as an indication, such as those
established in the biosafety manual or protocol. 1. Title 2. Definition of the procedure 3.
Objective 4. Scope 5. Regulatory framework 6. Care, precautions, risks, contraindications. 7.
Glossary 8. Description of the process (Responsible, activities or tasks, inputs, etc.)


support of what is established in Resolution 2827 of The minimum suggested contents are:
1. Introduction: It may include presentation and justification aspects, as well as a brief
description of basic aspects in biosafety, such as background, universal precautions
system, basic concepts, etc. 2. General precautions: description of basic biosafety
behaviors applicable to procedure 3. Selection and use of personal protection elements
(for users and workers). Description of segment to be protected, characteristics (materials,
lengths), frequency of use, etc. 4. Description of hand hygiene techniques. Description of
objectives and indication of the selected technique, inputs, detailed procedure, frequency
or moments, etc. 5. Description of asepsis techniques: includes the description of cleaning
procedures, decontamination/disinfection, protection, etc. To do this, it is necessary to
indicate inputs, detailed procedures, frequency and those responsible. For the purposes of
the description, the elements involved may be grouped such as: tools, utensils,
equipment/apparatus and its parts, linens, furniture, environmental surfaces, etc. 6.
Comprehensive waste management. Identification of waste generated, classification and
description of internal and external management actions thereof.


AESTHETIC HAIRDRESSER 1. General information of the company 2. List of personnel and
functions 3. Staff resumes and supports 4. Inventory of procedures 5. Equipment inventory
(aesthetic appliances) 6. Registration of equipment and its maintenance (Appliance
resumes) Company name, NIT, names of the legal representative and person responsible
for the event, address, city, telephone, fax, email, website, economic activity. (Certificate of
Existence and Legal Representation / Certificate of Commercial Registration) List and
identification of the personnel in charge of the event: Name, position, functions, level of
training and educational entity, social security affiliation, procedures in charge. Study and
training certifications in biosafety for the personnel who will carry out the procedures in
the demonstrations. List of all the procedures to be carried out during the demonstration
event, indicating the person responsible and mode of application: manual, with the use of
Appliances and/or cosmetics. List of all the devices used with basic information such as
trademark, manufacturer and/or distributor, type of technology, model, health registration,
etc. Includes: 1. General information of the equipment, 2. preventive maintenance and
calibration schedule and 3. preventive/corrective maintenance/calibration record. 7.
Equipment manuals Availability and characteristics in accordance with Decree 4725 of
Aesthetic Files (Stories) 9. Incorporation into health route Includes: history/diagnosis,
informed consent with care relationship, precautions In compliance with the external
management component established in Resolution 2827 of 2006 and 1164 of Area plans
Area distribution plan, internal waste management route

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