Nutrition Education and Energy Production

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Nutrition education

It is a common belief that primary students are too young to learn about nutrition

However, I firmly believe that primary school should teach nutrition education to their students. This
is because studying about nutrition properly is very important to children, and schools are the most
effective to do this

To begin with, knowledge about nutrition is essential for children. At school, when students were
taught about this topic, students can access to correct information about healthy food choices.
Gaining accurate knowledge about nutrition early on is important because it can influence students’
lifelong. For example, a survey show that people follow incorrect tips from Internet. People who this
tend to develop unhealthy habits based on these inaccurate sources of information. Expanding
nutrition education will ensure that younger generations do not rely on incorrect information.

On top of that, Students are easily influenced by their classmate. They generally look at members of
their peer group and follow their lead. With regard to nutrition, seeing what their friends eat can
motivate students to establish healthy eating habits. For example, at school, if child eats vegetable,
others will try to eat them. These students may give them a chance if they normally hate vegetables.

To sum up, children need to teach about nutrition exactly when young and school is the most
suitable place to study students how to eat healthily. For this reason, I belief that primary schools
should teach students about knowledge of nutrition education.

Cali energy production

The line graph show information about how much annual renewable energy was produced in
California from 1985 to 2015.

Overall, it is clear that while production of solar and wind energy increased, hydro power fell.
Moreover, geothermal energy production remained stable.

As seen from graph, solar energy production increased minimally from 1985 to 2010, and it grew
quickly to 20GWh in 2015. Similarly, production of wind energy rose gradually from 1985 to 2015.

Nevertheless, Hydroelectric production decreased significantly from 40GWh in 1985 to 30GWh in

1990, then it peak at 60GWh in 1995, after which it dripped to 15GWh in 2015. Geothermal energy
production fluctuate over 30-year period.

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