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20 DEC 1944
1. Characters will be part of the adhoc 1st Talent Army under Lieutenant General Courtney
Hodges. They will go to the city of Spa to stop the Uberkommandogruppe SS Heinrich
Himmler (roughly 3,000 Talents). The German Talents have pushed far ahead of the rest
of the German forces and can be encircled and stopped before the follow-on divisions
arrive. LXVI corps has been able to move between the troops of Uberkommando and
the rest of the German divisions, so they should be isolated and destroyable.
2. Characters will be 290pts with no more than 45 points in disadvantages
A. Characters will be Back Line soldiers: transportation, clerical, medical, prisoner,
what have you but not front line troops.
1. To be a front line troop you must have a reason for not being at the the front.
a. Missing a limb or eye, military prisoner, burnt our mentally (Shell shock), ect.
B. Military Prisoners.
1. These can be: black marketeer, deserter, thief, serial killer, ect.
b. There will not be a party of serial killers.
3. When/if your character dies, you can re-enter as the same with a new name or a new
A. Will come in as a replacement when that scene/action is over.
4. Will be in TOG 311 (311st TOG team made).
A. Will have a 1st Lieutenant as your leader. Just out of TOG School from Achnacarry
1. Any one who wants rank will have to pay for it. If you are non combat arms,
anything above Private First Class (PFC pay grade E-3) will be a specialist.
a. Ie: Specialist E-4, Specialist E-5, ect.
b. No other officers, unless you a 2nd Lieutenant. Nationality does not matter.
c. If anyone is of the same rank, all will roll a D100. The lowest roll has the
lowest Date of Rank (DOR) and is considered senior to the rest of the same
B. Can be U.S. Citizen or any other allied country to include France, male or female,
any race and creed. The allies are very desperate. General Eisenhower told Lt
General Hodges, “Courtney, you got to box them in. If you don't we'll be fighting
this war from the beaches all over again.”
1. Could be Free French or resistance.
a. Anything else, ask me.
5. Free Skills from TOG training at the Commando school at Achnacarry Castle.
A. Brawling at DX, Climbing at DX, Demo at IQ -1, Knife at DX,
Machine Gun at DX, Pistol at DX, Rifle at DX, Stealth at DX-1, SMG at DX,
Survival (European) at -1 IQ, Tactics at -1 IQ, Navigation at IQ, Mortar )60mm),
Throw Grenade at DX, Running at HT, Cryptography at IQ-2.
6. Equipment.
A. M-1 steel helmet (or what ever your country uses); fatigue hat, M1043 Field Jacket or
M1941 long coat or very tan waist coat (or what ever your country wears); 10 pocket
cartridge belt for M1 rifle with canteen, pistol holster, 3 magazine pouch for pistol, and
first aid kit; water proof map bag; 1 pair of boots (either short boots with gaiter or new
boots); Bayonet; Sykes Commando knife; Ammo bandoleer with 12 M1 clips;
Haversack that holds 12pnds; backpack with blanket and poncho; 9 days c-rats; 2 hand
grenades; for the team- 1 BAR and 1 bazooka with 5 rnds.
1. Sergeants (or Tech) and officers can replace their M1 rifle for a
a. SMG (M1 Thompson, M3A1, or what ever your country uses)
1. Comes with Haversack designed to carry 10 magizines.
b. M1 Carbine.
1. Ammo comes in a smaller haversack designed to carry 10 mags.
c. Keep your rifle and pistol (snipers).
d. Just a pistol (you are an officer!! Or a pistol and an umbrella)
B. How to get other equipment?
1. If you are not a sergeant or an officer, you can pay a character point to upgrade to
a SMG or Carbine.
a. Unless you use British equipment, then no carbine.
2. 2 Character points for a BAR .
3. 5 Character points for a M1919A6 .30-06 machine gun (or BREN gun).
4. Other things are a case by case basis.

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