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University (lh


Student: Eliud Eliasim Martínez Castillo

Registration: AL060060
Teacher: Víctor Cervantes Muñoz
Subject: Economic Law
Modular project

07/03/2022 Monterrey NL

Trade can play a very important role as a driver of

productivity, growth, income and employment. There is ELEMENTS OF THE CU
incontrovertible evidence that openness to trade results in
increases in theT.F.
national income of countries. Trade can also
lead to new and betterIATATED
jobs and improve FREE workingTRADE conditions in
general. It is essential for the transfer of knowledge,
technology and skills, and therefore for development. In many
cases it even constitutes3the “dh.
main external source of financing
for development. Aid for trade enables developing
mmmm064N3AESA American unions countries to
accused NAFTA of

maximize the benefits of 23,5trade by helping

- them
m having stolen analyze,
jobs from the manufacturing sector
implement and adapt to trade 5 because Mexican labor is cheaper.
agreements, and build theof Representatives
AMANE Democrat Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House
supply capacity and infrastructure they
I Representatives,
- 1 need
had warned thatto compete
he would not admit thein

international markets. mimmeemámHiW new agreement unless they set guarantees that E mhEj Mex

In this work I will make an infographic RULES

about the free trade
Democrats insisted on also including strict regulations
I will also do an essay onnthe
to a predominant economic
environmental activity
and mechanisms ofcompliance.
to monitor

As in labor matters, the agreement creates "aggregates
my city. environmental" in Mexico City that will be in charge of monitoring th
Ty Y laws and regulations.

«Jg The revision of the text included the chapter on medicines.
"and- Ar The changes removed rules that required the three partners
e Hey
¿/ s" 2T ' grant at least 10 years of exclusivity for drugs
biologicals, which will facilitate the rapid entry of generics into the
' 8gj market and thus reduce prices.
TO Since its entry into force, NAFTA boosted trade

' 4 (2/7t American, helped stabilize the economy of Mexico and

restructured the manufacturing sector into a trinational production chain.

। -422 Some, including Trump, accuse NAFTA of destroying
•> A few American jobs, but more jobs were lost because of the
( s technology.
) Hy And NAFTA gave a huge boost to GDP that exceeded jobs
2•' lost by the treaty, according to the Peterson Economics Institute.

Commerce in the state of Nuevo León in the city
from Monterrey
Exports reached the highest level in their expansion phase since 2013,
with 54.9 points, and imports had the highest figure since 2017, with
52.4 points, according to the Economic Expectations of Manufacturing,
from the Chamber of the Manufacturing Industry. New Lion. However,
the outlook remains adverse, which is why they ask to accelerate the
economic recovery.
Monterrey, NL. Nuevo León's foreign trade strengthened last May.
Export indicators reached the highest level in their expansion phase
(greater than 50 points) since 2013, with 54.9 points, while imports had
the highest figure since 2017, with 52.4 points, indicated the Economic
Expectations survey of Manufacturing, from the Chamber of
Transformation Industry of Nuevo León.
“Although foreign trade indicators were weakened before the pandemic,
2020 was the worst year for Nuevo León. Particularly in exports and
imports that contracted up to 38.9 and 35.1 points, respectively in April
of last year, due to the economic effects of the global health emergency,”
the organization noted.
In the second half of 2020, these indices began to recover, however, they
did not manage to leave the contraction zone (less than 50 points).
The export indicator managed to exceed the expansion threshold until
March 2021 and remained in this area for three consecutive months,
reaching 54.9 points in May, just as imports rose to 52.4 points in the
same month.
"Although a clear upward trend is observed in the performance of Nuevo
León's industry, the outlook at the global and federal level continues to
be adverse, which is why we urge the authorities to provide all the
necessary support to the business sector to strengthen and accelerate
this economic recovery,” requested Caintra Nuevo León.
Nuevo León's exports reached 9,202.4 million dollars in the first quarter
of 2021, which represented an increase of 4.84% more than that
registered in the same period of the previous year, according to data
from the National Institute of Geography and Statistics.
On the other hand, exports had their largest decrease in the second
quarter of last year due to the closures of non-essential activities due to
the pandemic, with 6,869.2 million dollars, that is, - 21.7% less than in
the first quarter of 2020.
The inevitable evolution that foreign trade has suffered in Mexico has been due to a series
of factors that forced the economy as a whole to change direction. One of the main
questions that society asks every day is why and why was the economic model changed?
What is the purpose of a Free Trade Agreement? What reasons did the Mexican economy
have to drastically change its trade policy? After having carried out this thesis work, it can
be concluded that given the lack of functionality of the Import Substitution Model in the
economy, Mexico was under a new world in terms of international trade, the countries
were beginning to ally themselves more strongly. that in past times, trade was beginning
to become a multilateral exchange, of which it was essential to be part; Otherwise Mexico
would be left out of the global world that was beginning to reign with great force
throughout the world.
Diaz, M. and Pérez, R. (1998). The state and current economic law. Retrieved from
ce=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false Lemus, P. and Vargas J. (2006). Introduction to law.
Mexico. Pearson Education. Peralta, J. (2011). Fundamentals of Mexican law. Mexico. Pearson Education.
Stober, R. (1992). Economic administrative law. Retrieved from
rce=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false Witker, J. (1989). Economic law course. Retrieved
from Witker, J. (1999). Introduction to economic
law (4th ed). Retrieved from Complementary
bibliography Casillas, G. (2015). Oil prices and the Mexican economy. Forbes Mexico. Retrieved from Castañares, I. (2015).
Promote local tourism, Mexico's bet against terrorism and the high dollar. The Economist. Recovered from eAmmexico/noticias/7215004/12/15/Incentivar-el-turismo-en-
Mexico-la-apuesta-anteterrorismo-y-volatility-del-dolar.html Constitution Politics of the United Mexican
States [PDF Document]. (2016). Retrieved from
Editorial AN. (2013). Almost 36 million people without decent housing in Mexico: SHCP [Website].
Retrieved from
digna-en-mexico-shcp/ Salinas, C. (2014). Telmex, a successful privatization that ended up questioned. The
Retrieved from

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