Managerial and Organizational Performance

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National Technological Institute of

Technological Institute of Oaxaca





Group: 1-ISCD

MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE...............................................................................................5
FUNCTIONS OF A MANAGER.................................................................................................6
MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................7
CLASSIFICATION OF MANAGERS.........................................................................................7
First line managers:.................................................................................................................8
Mid-level managers:................................................................................................................8
High level managers:..............................................................................................................8
FOR ITS ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES.............................................................................8
Functional manager:...............................................................................................................9
General manager:....................................................................................................................9
MANAGER SKILLS.....................................................................................................................9
MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS OR ROLES................................................................................9
Formal authority.....................................................................................................................10
News papers..........................................................................................................................10
DECISIONAL FUNCTIONS OF THE MANAGER.................................................................10
Resource allocator.................................................................................................................11
Deal maker.............................................................................................................................11
NEEDS OF MANAGERS..........................................................................................................11
Need to direct.........................................................................................................................11
Need for power......................................................................................................................11
Ability to feel empathy...........................................................................................................11
ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE.......................................................................................11
TOOLS TO MEASURE ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE.........................................12
Authority and Power:.............................................................................................................13
Decision making:...................................................................................................................13
PLANNING AS AN ASPECT OF THE ORGANIZATION.....................................................13
Attributes of an excellent company.........................................................................................14

Administration is the main activity that makes a difference in the degree to which
organizations or companies fulfill their functions and achieve their objectives
effectively and efficiently.

How successful the organization can be in achieving its objectives and also in
meeting its social obligations depends, to a large extent, on its managers. If
managers properly carry out their work, as well as complying with the degree of
organization, it is likely that they will achieve their proposed goals and their

The good performance of managers - managerial performance - is the subject of

much debate, analysis and confusion in the United States and many other
countries. The same is true for organizational performance, that is, the degree to
which organizations do their jobs.

For this reason, it is important to know this in depth because it plays a fundamental
role both in the market and in society; in general involving different public
organizations, non-governmental organizations, companies (from microenterprises
to macroenterprises), universities, among other aspects.

Nowadays, organizations are characterized by permanent and rapid changes

(technological advances, competitiveness, competition, innovation, design of
control mechanisms that guarantee the optimization of the organization, among
others), conditioning them to constantly review the administrative processes that
guide us. for a correct direction; That is why managerial performance assumes a
relevant position to achieve the proposed goals, in this organizational dynamic.
Managerial performance is measured by the efficiency and effectiveness of
managers, which is supported by the ability to develop a synergistic organizational
climate, establish and maintain an organizational culture with a shared vision,
maintain adequate information management, take decisions that guarantee
organizational optimization, negotiate, work as a team and use a minimum of
financial, material and even human talent resources. Likewise, it is based on the
fact that effective and efficient management are determining factors in
organizational productivity.
Based on what has been stated, managers must be in a continuous search for
knowledge, which guides them to maintain and consolidate effective management
in organizations; They are the main architects who model and stimulate the
personnel under their charge to seek to achieve organizational and individual
objectives. In organizations, when management personnel act inconsistently with
their managerial performance, it affects efficiency and effectiveness; The role of
managers is decisive in the success or failure of the organization.
The success that an organization can achieve depends largely on management
performance; because any organizational improvement is spearheaded and
stimulated through managers and their work is important in achieving goals.
Values, climate and organizational culture are propagated through the personality
of managers.


It is the ability to know how to correctly determine and achieve objectives, in the
previously established time.” For Peter Drucker, this means “doing the right things.”
Determining the goal you are pursuing is as important as achieving it, because if at
the end of the year you realize that you achieved the “wrong” goal, perhaps you will
have stopped taking advantage of it. a good market opportunity, as well as doing
what we should have done. It means doing the right things. It is the ability to
choose the appropriate objectives. The effective manager is the one who selects
the right things to do.
Efficiency is also reflected in the ability of a person to complete the preparation of a
report, an activity, task or service in the time previously established.


It is the ability to achieve objectives, with the least amount of resources possible.”
For Peter Drucker this means “doing things correctly.” Let's look at the annual
budget assigned to a manager (financial resource) as an example. Commonly, it is
a useful instrument that reflects the efficiency with which a manager performs. If
you spend more than what is allocated to achieve the goal, you are not efficient.
On the contrary, if you spend less than your allocation and achieve your goals, you
are efficient. . It means doing things correctly, it is an input-output concept, the
efficient manager is one who achieves his outputs or results that correspond to the
inputs used. Those who manage to minimize the cost of resources with which they
achieve the goals set through plans by senior management. For a worker,
efficiency is reflected in his or her ability to reduce the resources assigned to him
or her to perform a job, make a product, or provide a service.


When we study Management as an academic discipline, it is necessary to consider

it as a process. When management is viewed as a process, it can be analyzed and
described in terms of several fundamental functions. However, some caution is
needed. When discussing the management process it is convenient, and even
necessary, to describe and study each function of the process separately. As a
result, it may appear that the management process is a series of separate
functions, each nested tightly in a separate compartment.
According to Henry Fayol, administration being the main function of a manager, he
must perform four key functions:

Planning: When management is viewed as a process, planning is the first

function that is executed. Once the objectives have been determined,
the means necessary to achieve these objectives are presented as
plans. An organization's plans determine its course and provide a
basis for estimating the degree of probable success in meeting its
Organization: In the organization, the manager must agree and structure the
work to meet the company's goals. In this function, the tasks to be
carried out and who will carry them out, how they will be grouped,
who will report to whom and where the decisions will be made are

Address: The manager executes by working with the staff, and through them
meeting the objectives. The manager motivates, helps resolve
conflicts, influences staff actions, chooses effective communication
channels, and deals with staff behavior. The manager directs.

Control: The last function of administration or manager is control. Having

established objectives and plans (planning), defined tasks and
structural agreements (organization), people hired, trained and
motivated (management), it is necessary that there be an evaluation
to observe if everything is going as planned and ensure that the
objectives are being met. compliments, that the work is being carried
out the way it should be. In the control function, the manager must
monitor and evaluate performance, which must be compared with
established objectives.

If the objectives are not met, the manager must readjust the work. The process of
monitoring, comparing and correcting is the control function.


Naming some of the management objectives, we have the following:

 Position in the market
 Innovation
 Productivity
 Physical and financial resources
 Profitability (profit yields)
 Management performance and development
 Worker performance and attitude
 Social responsability

There is a classification of managers according to organizational levels.

First line managers: Those who direct the work of the personnel involved
with the company's production, or with customer
service. These typically have positions such as
supervisors, shift managers, district managers,
department managers, or office managers.
 They supervise operations of the organization.
 They engage directly with employees.
 They implement specific plans developed by middle
 They are the link with the administrative staff

Mid-level managers: Those who direct the work of first-line managers, and
are often called regional managers, project leaders,
store managers, or division managers, are sometimes
called tactical managers.
 They are responsible for translating general objectives, goals,
and plans into more specific objectives, goals, and activities.
 They control and advise the development of subordinates.
 They ensure that their subordinates maintain a balance
between short-term operational objectives and long-term
strategic objectives.

High level managers: Responsible for making decisions in organizations, for

establishing plans and objectives that affect the entire
company. The latter are known as: executive vice
president, president, administrative director, director of
operations, executive director, or also CEO (chief
executive officer).
 They are known as strategic managers.
 Concentrated on long-term aspects; survival, growth and
 They interact with high-level people, effectively treat people as
valued members of the organization.

Functional manager: You will be responsible for an organizational activity,

such as production, marketing or finance.

General manager: Supervises a complex unit, for example, a company, an

independent subsidiary. He is responsible for all the activities
of said unit. You can be General Manager of a Strategic
Business Unit (SBU).


According to Henri Fayol, he identified three types of skills in managers:

Technique It is the ability to use the tools, procedures and techniques of a
specialized discipline. It increases when we go up the hierarchical
scale. The higher up you are, the more important decisions there are
for senior management.
Human It is the ability to work with other people as individuals or groups, and
to understand and motivate them. Being important at all levels, it is
more so in the interests of the greatest number of administrator-
subordinate contact.
Conceptual It is the mental capacity to coordinate and integrate all the interests of
the organization and its activities. It includes the manager's ability to
see it as a whole and understand how its parts relate to each other.

It is more important at lower levels of administration. It becomes less

important as we go up the hierarchical scale. Kantz says that the
three skills are important, their importance is relative for each
manager and depends on the position he or she occupies in the
Organization. Gulick and Boettinger say the skills can be taught.
The technique is easier through training.
Human life is complex, since charisma is needed and it involves emotions.
The conceptual requires skills from a young age, but training can be done.

Formal authority It is power based on the general recognition that a certain

group or individuals have the right to exert influence within
certain limits, by virtue of their position in the organization.

Henry Mintzberg states that all managers have formal

authority over the units of their organization and that authority
confers them a status, which causes them to have
relationships with their subordinates, colleagues, superiors
and for which they perform different functions or roles.
Representative He is in charge of carrying out ceremonial duties, as he is the
head of the unit.
Leader Hire, train, motivate and encourage employees.

Link Deals with people other than subordinates or superiors.

News papers The manager needs information in order to make the right
decisions, and other members of the unit or organization need
what they receive from him or transmit through him.

Monitor As a monitor, the manager constantly seeks useful

information, interrogates subordinates, and also gathers
unsolicited information, usually through his or her system of
personal contacts.
Disseminator The manager distributes information to his subordinates to
which without him they would not have access.
Spokesman Transmits some of the information gathered to individuals
outside the unit, including outside the organization.


Previously, it was a role that consisted of distributing the information they have
taken to other people, but now the following functions are also considered:
Entrepreneur When he receives an idea, he decides to carry it out through a
practical project. Their intention is to improve the unit.
Voluntary change begins.
He is in charge of solving problems. Look for solutions to
problems and, if possible, anticipate them.
Resource allocator He is the one who decides who, how and in what way
resources and time will be allocated, and also filters important
decisions made by others in the unit, before putting them into
Deal maker They are in charge of closing and signing contracts, closing
deals because they have the responsibility, and making
difficult decisions.


Need to direct Only those who want to influence the activities of others and
who find satisfaction in doing so are likely to become good
Need for power Good managers feel the need to influence others, to do so,
they do not resort to the authority of their position, but to their
knowledge and skill.
Ability to feel empathy A good manager also needs the ability to understand
and deal with the often unexpressed reactions of other
members of the organization in order to obtain their


The performance of an organization is a manageable process that integrates a

series of components, such as talent, structure, the business environment and the
results expected in the organization. It is the measure of the efficiency and
effectiveness of an organization; degree to which it achieves the right objectives.

The success that the organization can have in achieving its objectives and also
meeting its obligations; It makes sense when it is able to balance internal and
external factors, developing action plans that position the institution in a place of
competitive advantage. The structure is intentional in the sense that it must
guarantee the assignment of all the tasks necessary to meet the goals, an
assignment that must be made to the people best qualified to perform those tasks.
If managers do their jobs properly, the organization is likely to achieve its goals.
The good performance of managers, managerial performance, is the subject of
many debates, analyzes and confusions in some countries.
Stoner (1994) defines organizational performance as “the way in which members
of the organization work effectively to achieve common goals, subject to previously
established basic rules.”

According to your environment:

Organizations interact with their environment as they take resources from it and
transform them into services or products. The external environment are factors
outside the organization that affect its performance. This external environment is
made up of:
The general environment: is composed of political-legal, economic, global,
sociocultural, technological and demographic conditions, which affect the behavior
of the organization.
The specific environment: directly affects the decisions and actions of managers,
and is important for achieving the organization's objectives; It is made up of:
customers, suppliers, competitors and pressure groups.


The performance of organizations is very essential since it allows us to achieve all

planned objectives and obtain the success of the business vision.
For this, it is very essential to have tools that adequately respond to the needs of
this monitoring so that the indicators allow the direction of the strategies to be
modified, if necessary.
Essential Elements in Organizational Performance
The performance of an organization is a manageable process that integrates a
series of components, such as talent, structure, the business environment and the
results expected in the organization.
Communication: Performance requires communication so that information flows
throughout the organization, thus demonstrating that it exists.
Authority and Power: Authority is legitimate power that the individual
possesses by virtue of his or her position in an organized
social structure. The basis of this power is its legitimacy.
Acceptance of authority is carried out through psychological
and/or legal contact.
Leadership : It implies knowledge of the entire organization
(communication) to be able to carry out activities. Leadership
in a company is important because with it you have the ability
to guide and direct.

Types of leadership in organizations:

I. Autocratic leadership: they take all responsibility for the
project and make all the decisions and occupy their followers,
ordering them short-term tasks.
II. Participatory leadership : listen to your followers, analyze the
ideas and based on that, make the decision that in your
opinion seems best.
III. Liberal leadership : They delegate tasks and responsibilities
to their followers, but they also delegate authority to do certain
types of things.

Address: It is the most complex function. It is the influence of the

manager on the people in the organization, so that they give
the best of themselves and thus the organization can achieve
its objectives.
Decision making: It is the Activity that is intended for the conduction and control
of efforts which implies a correct alternative that suits both the
organization and the development of each person.


In the organization, it is important to establish its destiny with articulated strategic

planning, which incorporates all members of the team in order to reduce the
weaknesses and threats that may affect the development of the organization. This
means that organizations need plans to achieve success.
Every organizational management has to visualize the changes that will be
achieved with strategic planning, so that limitations are reduced, forces are
strengthened and control of the management process is achieved. By acting in this
way, managers would be able to implement actions that provide appropriate
responses to each situation.
The typical Organization is built from the top down following a rigid pattern of
delegation of powers and tasks until reaching the atomization of human activity.
Planning from the point of view of different management pioneers:
George Terry: “Planning is selecting information and making assumptions about
the future to formulate the activities necessary to achieve organizational
Idalberto Chiavenato: “planning is a technique to minimize uncertainty and give
more consistency to the company's performance.”
David Ewing: “planning is largely the task of making things happen that otherwise
would not happen.”

Planning is the first administrative function because it serves as the basis for the
other functions. This function determines in advance what objectives must be met
and what must be done to achieve them; Therefore, it is a theoretical model to act
in the future.

Attributes of an excellent company

 Move towards action, rather than subjecting an issue to cycles of analysis of

committee reports.
 Stay in close contact with the client, know their preferences and adjust to
 Have autonomy and entrepreneurial spirit. Divide the company into small
companies so that they think efficiently and competitively.
 Count productivity through people: create in all employees the awareness
that their best efforts are indispensable and that they will share in all the
company's benefits.
 Constantly intervene, with values predominating: insist that executives do
not lose sight of the company's main activity.
 Keep the main goals and activities in sight: cultivate the business concept
that the company knows best.
 Train simple personnel and staff: few administrative strata, few people at
higher levels.
 Tend to simultaneous properties of rigor with offspring: foster an
atmosphere where there is dedication to the company's core values,
combining this with tolerance for all employees who accept these values.

With this we realize that managerial and organizational performance are

fundamental in a company, since they have great relevance and are also the
measure of efficiency and effectiveness in an organization.
Just as it does not matter what type of manager you are, you must always
act responsibly and be able to count on the three skills that you must use in
your performance, which are technical, human and conceptual, to be able to
make good decisions and lead with empathy. towards a common goal in the

We also realize that not everyone can be a manager of a company, if they

do not have to be someone highly prepared to comply with the planned
schedules, after all this we realize that we apply all the references given in
the investigation, since We see the effects of effectiveness and efficiency,
which if the steps are followed exactly would have no margin for error.

Organizational Performance. (2019). Retrieved 9 September 2019, from

How to analyze organizational performance | Capacity strengthening | Food and Agriculture

Organization of the United Nations. (2019). Retrieved 9 September 2019, from

Marshall E. Dimock, Principles and Standards of Administration. 1965, Mexico, Ed. Limusa – Wiley

Managerial and Organizational Performance. (2019). Retrieved 9 September 2019, from

Chiavenato, Idalberto. Administration: theory, process and practice. 2002, Bogota. Third edition. Mc
Graw Editorial – Hill Interamericana.

Organizational Performance. (2019). Retrieved 9 September 2019, from




PERFORMANCE. (2019). Retrieved 9 September 2019, from

Fayol, H. (1970). Administration industrielle et générale . Paris: Dunod.


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