Computer Generations

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TAKEN 10/31/2018

The first generation of computers spans from He '.
1945 to 1958, a time when Y
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Electronic technology was based on bulbs, or ainanl

vacuum tubes, and communication was in

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terms of the lowest level that can exist, which
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is known as machine language. JKKBEK
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They were built I* Ul»l
with valve electronics. They were programmed asm 1 irn 11 >
in machine language. fedder iu;ru it 1


TAKEN 10/31/2018

► The second generation computers are no longer with
vacuum tubes, but with transistors, they are smaller and
consume less electricity than the previous ones, the form of
communication with these new computers is through
languages more advanced than the machine language, and
which are called "high-level languages" or programming

TAKEN 10/31/2018

► In the mid-sixties, the invention of the integrated circuit
or microchip occurred by Jack St. Claire Kilby and
Robert Noyce. He later led Ted Hoff to the invention of
Microprocessor, at Intel. In the late 1960s, researchers
such as George Gamow noticed that the nucleotide
sequences in DNA form a code, another way of coding
or programming. From this date, several tiny
transistors and other electronic components began to
be packaged into a single chip or capsule, which
contained within it a complementary circuit: an
amplifier, an oscillator, or a logic gate.

TAKEN 10/31/2018

► The so-called fourth generation (1971 among
others) is the product of the micro
miniaturization of electronic circuits. The
reduced size of the microprocessor chip made
the creation of personal computers (PC)
possible. Today LSI (Large Scale Integration)
technologies allow hundreds of thousands of
electronic components to be stored on a chip.
Using VLSI, a manufacturer can make a small
computer rival a 1st generation computer that
took up an entire room.

TAKEN 10/31/2018

► Also known by its English acronym, FGCS
(The Fith Generation Computer Systems)
was an ambitious project proposed by Japan
in the late 1970s. Its objective was the
development of a new class of computers,
which would use artificial intelligence
techniques and technologies both at the
hardware and software levels. Using the
Prolog language (234) at the machine
language level and they would be able to
solve complex problems, such as
automatic translation from one language to
another .

TAKEN 10/31/2018

► The computers of
This generation has combined parallel
vector architectures, with hundreds of
vector microprocessors working at the
same time.
► The networks
world area will continue to grow
exorbitantly using
communication through optical fibers and
satellites, with impressive bandwidths.

TAKEN 10/31/2018

► The year 1999 began when they popularized LCD screens 2 and put
aside cathode rays, where DVDs and optical hard disk formats had
been left. the generation of high-density data storage with a storage
capacity that reaches 50 GB, although it has been confirmed that this list
can receive 16 layers of 400 GB.
► The seventh generation of computers has come to replace TV and
sound equipment, as it has achieved digital reach through the
capacity of hard drives that is advancing so rapidly. where it
becomes an entertainment center.

TAKEN 10/31/2018

• The
Physical and mechanical devices are
going to disappear, namely the hard
drive and motherboards, etc.
► Everything will be based on
nanotechnology. A hard drive is limited
in speed by having to write to plates. But
new They will be organic based on
electromagnetic impulses.

TAKEN 10/31/2018


Designed for scientific applications, complex processes. They
are the largest, fastest and most expensive systems in the
computer world.
A supercomputer is the most powerful computer available at
any given time. These machines are built to process enormous
amounts of information very quickly. Supercomputers can cost
anywhere from $10 million to $30 million, and consume enough
electrical energy to power 100 homes.
They are systems that offer faster processing
speed and greater storage capacity than a
typical mini computer.
The largest computer in common use is the
macro computer.
Macro computers (mainframe) are designed to
handle large amounts of input, output, and
Like micros, they are general purpose, but they are
mostly more powerful and more expensive than
micros. They vary in size from a desktop model to a file-
sized unit.
The best way to explain the capabilities of a
Minicomputer is to say that they are somewhere
between those of a macro computer or mainframe and
those of personal computers.

Designed to support a computer network,

allowing users to share files, application
programs and hardware", such as printers.
They are small general purpose systems. But they
can perform the same operations and use the
same instructions from many large systems.
These small computers are commonly found in
offices, classrooms, and homes. Personal
computers come in all shapes and sizes. Desktop
Models The most common style of personal
computer is also the one introduced first: the
desktop model

TAKEN 10/31/2018

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