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TITLE: Mind Ready: Cultivating Resilience and Focus for Exam Success

PROPONENTS: Shaina Bristol and Jevea R. Parol

THEME: ‘Excellence Prep: A Seminar Workshop on Empowering Students for

Success in Qualifying Examinations’

SCOPE: All Majors in the College of Education

VENUE: Multipurpose

DATE: July 13, 2024


In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, students are continually facing

heightened academic challenges and pressures. The ability to excel in qualifying
examinations is crucial for students’ academic and professional futures. However,
the intense competition and rigorous demands of these examinations often lead to
increased stress and anxiety, which can adversely affect students’ performance.
Recognizing this, our proposed seminar-workshop, “Mind Ready: Cultivating
Resilience and Focus for Exam Success,” is designed to address these critical
issues by equipping students with essential mental and emotional tools to navigate
their academic journeys successfully.

Background and Need

Qualifying examinations serve as significant milestones in a student’s

educational career, often determining eligibility for advanced studies or professional
credentials. Despite their importance, many students struggle with the preparation
and pressure associated with these exams. Studies indicate that high levels of stress
and inadequate coping mechanisms can lead to poor performance, despite a
student’s academic capabilities. Therefore, it is imperative to provide students with
strategies that not only enhance their academic skills but also their mental resilience
and focus.

The primary objective of this seminar is to empower students with the

knowledge and skills necessary to thrive under examination conditions. Specifically,
the seminar aims to:

1. Develop Resilience: Teach students techniques to build mental toughness,

enabling them to bounce back from setbacks and persist in the face of
2. Enhance Focus: Introduce methods to improve concentration and attention,
ensuring that students can maximize their study time and perform optimally
during exams.
3. Stress Management: Provide effective stress management practices that help
students maintain a balanced and healthy mental state, reducing the negative
impact of anxiety.
4. Exam Strategies: Share practical insights and strategies for efficient exam
preparation and execution, helping students approach their exams with
confidence and competence.

III-Content and Methodology

The seminar will consist of a series of interactive sessions, each designed to

address different aspects of exam preparation and mental readiness. The content
will be delivered by experienced speakers and facilitators who specialize in
educational psychology, stress management, and academic coaching. The
methodology will include a blend of lectures, hands-on activities, group discussions,
and individual exercises to ensure active participation and practical application of the
concepts learned.

Program Outline
1. Introduction and Welcome - Overview of the seminar’s
Remarks goals and agenda.
2. Session 1: Building Resilience - Topics: Understanding
resilience, developing a
growth mindset, and
coping mechanisms for
academic challenges.
3. Session 2: Enhancing Focus - Topics: Techniques for
improving concentration,
time management skills,
and creating effective
study environments.
4. Break -
5. Session 3: Stress Management - Topics: Mindfulness
Techniques practices, relaxation
techniques, and balancing
academic and personal
6. Session 4: Exam Preparation - Topics: Study techniques,
Strategies test-taking strategies, and
handling exam anxiety.
7. Interactive Workshop - Activities: Group
exercises, role-playing
scenarios, Q&A sessions.
8. Closing Remarks - Summary of key
takeaways, feedback
collection, and thank you

Budgetary Requirements: 10, 000 Php

Honorarium 2 x 3000 = 6000.00

Token 2 x 500= 1000.00

Lunch 5 x 100= 500.00

Snacks 5 x 50 = 250.00
Total ₱ 7, 750.00

Materials Quantity/Unit Amount Total

Tarpaulin 1 800 800
Special Paper 5 30 150
Frame 2 150 300
Certificate (Printing) 105 2 210
Total ₱ 1,460


Number of the Food Allowance Duration Total

Snacks 100 1 day ₱2,000.00
Snacks 100 1 day ₱2,000.00
Lunch 100 1 day ₱5,000.00
Total ₱9, 000.00
Miscellaneous ₱10, 000.00

Total Cost: ₱19, 210.00

IV- Logistics

The seminar will be held at the Multipurpose Hall venue on July 13, 2024. The
budget has been meticulously planned to cover all necessary expenses, including
speaker fees, materials, refreshments, and promotional activities. The total
estimated budget is ₱19,210.00, which ensures a comprehensive and enriching
experience for all participants.
V- Expected Outcome

The seminar targets all majors within the College of Education, recognizing
that the skills of resilience and focus are universally applicable across disciplines. By
participating in this workshop, students will not only improve their performance in
qualifying examinations but also gain lifelong skills that will benefit their overall
academic and professional careers. The ability to manage stress, maintain focus,
and demonstrate resilience are competencies that extend beyond the classroom,
contributing to personal well-being and success in various life endeavors.

Prepared by:

Ms. Shaina A. Bristol

Chair event committee

Ms. Jevea R. Parol

Chair event committee

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