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Indicators to Evaluate the Center's Educational Project

 The center has an Educational Project built from the

participation of all members of the educational community.

 The Educational Project takes into account the reality of the


 The Center Project corresponds to the needs detected in the


 The action and management plans of the commissions and

organizations are related to what is proposed in the Center

 The management team organizes evaluation spaces for the

Educational Project to incorporate the corresponding

Indicators to Evaluate the Evaluation and Planning Processes

 The management team organizes periodic visits with the

teachers to the homes of the students and representatives to
learn more about the socio-economic conditions in which they
live, then considering them in the center's action and
management plans.

 Activity schedules are prepared and made public to the entire

educational community.
 The teachers' plans take into account the interests and needs of
the students, recorded in the evaluation processes.

 There are records of the competencies developed by students in

each grade, taking as reference evaluation indicators known by
students, teachers and representatives.

 The class records of each school year show transformations in

the teachers' educational practice, which is consistent with the
objectives of the center's Educational Project.

Indicators to Evaluate Training and Support at the Center

 The management team reflects with the center staff on the

challenges of popular education and the role of the popular

 The management teams encourage, accompany and monitor the

pedagogical process and the pastoral work of the center.

 The management teams guarantee that teachers' councils,

assemblies of parents and representatives and/or any type of
meeting are a space for training.

 Work experiences with favorable results are systematized and


 The management team organizes internal training sessions

aimed at teachers and representatives, which respond to their
interests and the needs detected in observations, meetings,
analysis, documentation, etc.
 The spaces for meeting and training with the community are
maintained, fluid and satisfactory.

Indicators to Evaluate Management Style and School Culture

 Decision making is collegial or authoritarian vertical

 The management team encourages the participation of all

members of the educational community in the development of
the center, internal regulations and the action plans and
management of the commissions.

 The management team ensures that the school is a space where

human-Christian values are lived and relationships of respect,
brotherhood, growth and personal attention are established,
with the management team being an example of this.

 The management team ensures that each member of the school

community assumes their responsibilities and is clear about
their functions, being an example of this.

 Spaces for organization and participation of students are offered.

 Internal regulations are defined as rules of coexistence and are

built in a participatory manner.

 The management team maintains dynamics of encouragement

and recognition of the work of staff members.
 Meeting spaces are opened with nearby schools to promote
community alliances.

 The students, representatives and teachers feel identified with

the project and feel supported.
 The management, teaching, administrative and worker staff
attend punctually and are responsible in the fulfillment of their

Indicators to Evaluate the Administration of Human Resources and

Materials in the Center

 The administration of economic resources is organized

according to the requirements of the Educational Project.

 The physical spaces are in good condition.

 The resources (library, workshops, publications...) are well used

and made the most of.

 The management team promotes and practices the management

and good use of the resources available at the center.

 The management team promotes the practice of creativity in the

good use of time and space.

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