Leadership in Community Nursing

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The nurse in the community health field must be a leader, since leadership is one of the modalities
of care which has several approaches, where the nurse must adapt their knowledge, skills and
abilities in each of them, because This discipline requires its application in different contexts and
areas; Therefore, it is necessary to involve people as members of a family, ensuring that they
remain in a community interacting in the development of projects related to the health and well-
being of the population. That is why this work aims to encourage nursing to develop its role as a
leader, playing a dynamic role, which changes and grows as it meets the needs of society. The
mission of nursing in society is to help individuals, families and groups determine and achieve their
physical, mental and social potential, realizing it within the context in which they live and work;
Likewise, community nurses must be able to offer quality care that responds to the demands of
the population and develop the necessary skills to assume leadership in care.




Leadership represents the process of influencing a person or a group of people who strive
to achieve their goal in certain situations. It is defined as behavior, understanding it based
on personality and the situation. Leadership is established between the influence and
behavior of people for the execution of tasks 4 . Recent studies on leadership have shown,
in common, the concept of being a group phenomenon that implies a process of influence
of an individual on others, in which leadership is a collective process and, therefore,
shared among all members.

In this way, authors affirm that the leader is the person who influences and guides the
direction, opinions and course of actions. The leader is similar to the coach, whose
fundamental mission is to instruct, facilitate synergy and ensure that mystique, discipline
and trust enable the expected results of the team in charge. The leader's behavior
generates a reflection in the performance of the work group, since this team is reflected in
the model in which it believes or that it perceives as necessary for the execution of its

Thus, the leader is the person capable of channeling the attention of those involved and
directing them towards common ideals. To achieve this, he strives to bring together and
adjust group and individual interests in line with the organization's objectives. By investing
in the existing power of those led, the leader rearticulates that power in harmony with his
own to achieve a group alliance in relation to common objectives, maintaining his
influence through reinforcing commitment to common ideals.

The nurse leader sees the exercise of his leadership as a passionate adventure of
challenges, he is aware that the whole is always greater than the sum of the parts, that he
needs a team and that he is capable of working and serving his team to develop the
strengths of all people.

The nursing leader must be in permanent personal renewal, to be the possessor of broad
and deep personal and professional knowledge, to be imaginative and full of willpower,
brave, disciplined, creative.

We talked about how nursing leaders should start from three traits:

 Integrity.

 Maturity.

 Mental force.

This set of characteristics endows people with an authority that goes far beyond
techniques and technicalities of power.

Ribeiro, Santos and Maria (2006) also defend that, inevitably, nurses will develop
leadership skills, regardless of their personal characteristics, since nursing requires a
competent professional, capable of dealing with great human diversity, in addition to
being capable to solve problems and propose changes, pointing out solutions for what
does not satisfy the needs of the population and the team. The nurse, as a professional
and coordinator of the nursing team, needs to exercise leadership and to do so it is
essential that he or she develop that skill.


The work of community nurses has had and will have more and more importance among
the population and its health since care services, training for self-care, support and help,
are those that will be most in demand in the immediate future. , in the context of health
care. The nurse, in addition to her role as a leader, plays a dynamic role, which changes,
grows and is constantly evolving as she meets the needs of society. Community nursing
aims at the community as a whole, which is why its actions are directed at the community
from a biopsychosocial point of view, managing to promote, protect, prevent, maintain
and restore the health of the community; It also manages to identify, through diagnosis,
groups and groups of individuals who are exposed to risk factors and share health needs,
thus determining the existing and anticipated needs in care planning in order to achieve
the best level of health for the patient. community.

The community nurse, who is a care professional, has to be a leader in the redefinition of
health services, their quality criteria, their care modalities, the mechanisms of access to
benefits, as well as the evaluation of care needs. of population health, therefore to meet
collective groups when necessary from a conception of the nurse as a member of a
professional team of an interprofessional team, which works in coordination with other
institutions and open to community participation.

We say that the community nurse must exercise leadership at every moment, since they
will have the direction or leadership of a social group or a community, for this they must
have the qualities of personality and capacity that favor the guidance and control of other
individuals. That is why today professionals with leadership are in demand, capable of
knowing how to lead people and this task is not easy and if it is developed in all areas of
society, nursing should be no exception.

Nursing leadership in the community setting is an attempt at interpersonal influence,

directed through the communication process, to achieve one or more goals, which is why
the nurse must instruct, guide and integrate the population since She is an entity or annex
between the person, the family and the health system, that is where she will serve as a
leader, having qualities and abilities which favor the guidance and control of other
individuals. The role of a leader in community nursing must be focused on many aspects
since it will contemplate all individuals in the different stages of life, and it will also have to
use the community itself as a resource, since it will guide towards prevention and
promotion, recognizing, respecting and promoting people's participation in health actions,
this is how the community nurse leader will not seek her own good, but rather a common

Nursing leadership in community health seeks nurses with imagination to observe,

analyze, be constant, competent and not make their work a daily routine even knowing
that they will not always obtain any recognition from the citizen, and that their existence
and work will not always be recognized. publicly through impressive buildings or marble
monuments, but nevertheless their work carried out daily will greatly influence people's
lives and the recognition they will obtain depends on it.

Leaders in community nursing and in other professions must have skills such as having a
guiding vision, having clear ideas of what they are going to do, they must have passion,
love what they do and love doing it, therefore they must have knowledge of themselves.
herself, sincerity and maturity to know how to act and interact with others. This is how the
nursing leader in community health innovates, is original, develops, focuses on people,
inspires confidence, has a long-term perspective, looks at the horizon, originates,
challenges, is the person who does not depend on anyone and Above all, he does the
things that need to be done.

So in conclusion we can say that the effect of being a leader in community health implies
having the ability to guide and direct a population in order to seek to improve the health
of people and populations at a time when the needs, demand, etc., the best balance
between need, knowledge and resources must also be achieved. Nursing leadership in
community health represents enormous challenges, which is why the nurse leader has to
be trained day by day with commitment to the mission, communication of the vision, self-
confidence and personal integrity. It is recommended that nursing students be instilled in
community health nursing leadership, since it is vitally important to put it into practice,
especially if we want to change the reality of professional nursing, which is why Peru,
society , hospitals, people with health problems, etc. They need nurses with leadership
that has a vision for the future, with the ability to contribute and change thinking, with
commitment and energy to work, with the ability to drag people with them towards a goal
and, above all, with renewal, making their problems become in opportunities.


López Morales M. (2005) Community Nursing and Scientific Associationism in Spain .

Common Disease Available at: <http://www.index.com/comunitaria/1revista/1_articulo _5-

Ribeiro M. (2006 ) Refletindo sobre leadership in Enfermagem. Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Ill;
10(1):109-115. Available at: <http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sciarttext&pid=S1414-

Torres Flores S. (2008 ) Personal Development and Leadership Workshop Seminar Course.
Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University. Nursing school. Lima Peru

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