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attention test
(Portellano, Mateos and Martínez)


NAME OF THE AUTHORS : J. TO. Portellano, R. Mateos and R. Martinez.

OBJECTIVE : Estimate the level of attention of children.

METHOD OF APPLICATION: It was prepared to be applied individually.

WHEN IT SHOULD BE APPLIED: It is a specific test for boys and girls between 3 and 6
years of age.

PLACE FOR THE TEST: A quiet, airy, well-lit place, devoid of excessive ornamentation.

TEST DURATION: Specified time limit 30 seconds. It is estimated that about 5 minutes
will be required for the total application of the test.

MATERIAL FOR ADMINISTERING THE TEST: One booklet or protocol per child,
application and correction manual, a red crayon (brand does not matter) and a

TEST STRUCTURE: The attention test is one of the subtests of the Childhood
Neuropsychological Maturity Questionnaire (CUMANIN, 2006).

The crossing-out test that includes the CUMANIN is related to those structures
that intervene in the attentional process, especially the reticular formation and the
prefrontal cortex. Children with attention problems usually present deficits in the control
of these structures, which affect their right hemisphere more, since it is considered
dominant in the control of attention.
The evaluator will show the child the protocol page, on which 11 rows of
geometric figures appear, the first of which is framed and will serve as training. He will
point out one of the squares in this first row and explain that the exercise consists of
crossing out with an “X” all the figures that are equal to the model at the top (square).
Before starting the test, a test is carried out, in which the child will cross out the two
existing squares in the first row with an “X”. If you make a mistake during training, the
evaluator can correct you, telling you verbally that you have forgotten to point to a square
or that, on the contrary, you have crossed out a figure that is not a square.
Once the training is finished, you will perform the test for 30 seconds, and the
successes (squares correctly crossed out) and errors (other figures incorrectly crossed
out) are noted, although only the number of figures correctly crossed out will be taken
into account. It will also be noted which hand the exercise was performed with. If the
child takes less than 30 seconds to complete the test, the time spent will be recorded.
“Look at this drawing (points to one of the squares in the first row). Do you see
that the drawing above is marked with an “X”? Well, you have to put an “X” with your
pencil in all the drawings that are the same as this one. “First we are going to do some
practice in this front row, to see if you understand it.” The evaluator lets the child perform
the task with the first row and corrects himself if necessary. “Now you are going to
continue doing the same thing. Try to do it as quickly as you can.” If instead of marking
with an “X” you do it with a simple line or stud (especially for younger children), it will be
considered valid.
The evaluator will count the number of squares marked correctly, and will write it
down in the corresponding space in the protocol. This sum corresponds to the direct
score (PD). It will also note the incorrectly marked figures and the elapsed time, even if
they are not used to calculate the centile score.
Once the direct score (PD) is obtained, the corresponding percentile score is
sought, according to the child's age expressed in months, in the table presented below:
Direct Scores by age expressed in months
36 - 42 43 - 48 49 - 54 55 - 60 61 – 66 67 – 78
99 19-20 19-20 19-20 20 20
98 18 18 - 19 19
97 17 17 18 - - 20
96 16 16 - 18 - -
95 14-15 13-15 17 - 18 -
90 11-13 12 15-16 16-17 17 19
85 10 11 14 14-15 16 18
80 9 10 13 13 15 -
75 8 9 12 - 14 17
70 7 - - 12 - -
65 6 - 11 - 13 16
60 5 8 10 11 - 15
55 - - - 10 12 14

50 4 7 9 9 - -
45 - - - - - 13
40 2-3 6 8 8 11 -
35 1 - - - 10 -
30 - 5 7 - - 12

25 - - 6 7 9 -
20 - 4 - 6 8 11
15 0 2-3 5 5 7 9-10
10 1 - 4 6 8
5 0 4 3 5 6-7
4 3 2 3-4 5
3 2 1 2 -
2 - 0 1 1-4
1 0-1 0 0


(Portellano, Mateos and Martínez)

Last name and name:

Birthdate: / / Scan date: / /
Years: Months: Sex: male little girl
Examiner name:
School: Degree:

Total number of marked squares

Total number of other marked figures
Used hand d Yo


attention test...............................................................................................................................1
DATA SHEET................................................................................................................1
APPLICATION AND CORRECTION MANUAL...........................................................2
CUMANIN ATTENTION TEST...................................................................................4

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