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1. The city's median real estate prices declined 3.4 percent this year, according
to an _______ by the Home Realty Market Report.
~ analyze
= analysis
~ analyzed
~ analyzing

2. The final fulfillment of the popular mystery series ________ due to arrive in
stores last Friday, but unexpected shipping problems caused delays.
~ is
~ to be
= was
~ were

3. Different ________our freight shipping company, our Exclusive Tracking software
lets you view information in real time.
= from
~ for
~ to
~ of

4. It _____ four craftsmen about 30 hours to build, plaster, and finish an
authentic Brunton black and cherry dining room chair.
= takes
~ times
~ keeps
~ holds

5. Executives at Hirsch, Inc. eliminated unnecessary meetings, _______ on
memorandums to communicate with employees instead.
~ rely
= relying
~ reliable
~ reliance

6. To improve _________ among faculty across the university, the dean started a
conference with members from different department.
~ interact
= interaction
~ interactive
~ interacting
7. All passengers’ luggage will _____ by airport personnel with an X-ray machine
before they can be carried on board.
~ examine
~ have examined
~ be examining
= be examined

8. Peel the potatoes into thin slices and lay them on a baking sheet, overlapping
them slightly, until the sheet is _______.
~ cover
~ covers
= covered
~ covering

9. Once your registration has been approved, your membership will remain effective
until the _____ January.
~ end
~ after
= following
~ beginning

10. The company hired a consulting _____ to help with introducing the new product
to the Boston area.
= firm
~ guest
~ program
~ traveler

11. _______ many teaching hospitals have moved toward privatization, the government
still owns most of the nation's medical centers.
~ Unlike
~ Despite
= Although
~ Throughout

12. Anyone who wants to get the job must be under 50 and submit the form _______ by
the company by July 1st.
= provided
~ providing
~ which provided
~ which provides

13. Communicating with color is a proven way to improve the response you get from
print materials _____ direct-mail and meeting handouts.
~ as to
~ as for
= such as
~ to such

14. MGK Research provides research and advice for executives, helping them to
improve performance and _____ costs with the aid of technology.
= reduce
~ reduces
~ reducing
~ reduction

15. Putting a coffee shop near the entrance of the shopping center has been
~ moderate
= moderately
~ moderator
~ moderating

16. The layout and content teams will work individually and then join to put
_______ ideas together for the book.
~ them
~ they
= their
~ themselves

17. All employees are expected and _________ to exercise care when leaving e-mail
messages within the company.
= required
~ have required
~ require
~ requiring

18. One of the most popular criticism is that marketing _______ people to purchase
what they do not need.
~ encouraging
~ encouraged
= encourages
~ to encourage

19. An arbitrator must listen _________ to both parties in a dispute and not allow
personal prejudice or opinion to affect his or her decision.
~ objection
~ objective
~ objects
= objectively

20. Follow _____ steps on the first page of the manual and your username does not
have to be the same as your website address.
~ most of
= all
~ much
~ almost

21. _____ of the people in this interview wanted to disclose their name so I could
not tape the interview or take pictures for this reason.
= None
~ Anyone
~ Whoever
~ Something

22. Mr. Reynolds _____ his secretary, Miss Stamolis, to pick up his dry cleaning by
promising to give her Friday afternoon off.
~ had
~ let
= got
~ made

23. As Independent Financial advisers we are able to offer _______ clients advice
on products from every financial product provider in the UK.
~ us
= our
~ ourselves
~ ours

24. The _________ will be chaired by Mr. Sheldon, one of the most innovative
directors in the company.
~ category
~ qualification
= committee
~ prevent

25. For the people _______ were affected by the earthquake, the non-profit
organization has asked for more aid.
~ whom
~ whose
= who
~ which

26. The customer returned his order saying its switch was defective, and the online
store agreed to _______ the full amount to his account.
~ magnify
= credit
~ discontinue
~ charge

27. An old restaurant on 7th Ave. will be rebuilt into the stylish restaurant
Citadela with a seating _______ for up to 150 guests.
= capacity
~ intensity
~ aptitude
~ preparation

28. We will _______ start carrying a product line of maternity clothing aimed at
young women who want to remain fashionable and stylish during their pregnancy.
~ recently
~ already
= soon
~ still

29. Your first paycheck will be two weeks in arrears, but after that you will be
paid _______ the first day of every month unless these dates fall on a holiday.
~ at
~ in
= on
~ by

30. A temporary CEO will lead Intel Media until a permanent replacement is found to
take over for Frank Matson, who resigned _______ after five years with the company.
~ probably
~ especially
= unexpectedly
~ absolutely

31. _______ it was more expensive than the competitor's products on the market,
Free Nomad`s travel bag did not sell well this quarter.
~ Although
~ Even if
= Since
~ As if

32. If the remote controls or _____ other equipment is not returned to CableMega by
the expiration dates, customers have to pay the full replacement value of the
equipment to CableMage.
= any
~ each
~ one
~ many

33. We provide a range of services _______ to meet the specific industry and market
dynamics our clients face.
~ design
~ to design
~ designing
= designed

34. All first-year master’s degree students at the Daniels Institute are required
to take an introductory oceanography course, _____ of their previous academic
~ anyway
~ despite
~ nevertheless
= regardless

35. It is expected that with hard work and dedication, all participants in a
_______ of negotiation-skills training courses will succeed.
~ reference
= series
~ compliance
~ response

36. The flight information _______ in this reservation slip indicates that the
flight is tomorrow and not today.
~ conducted
~ connected
= contained
~ confirmed

37. The position of Morale Officer has remained ____ since Mr. Jones retired two
months ago.
~ unlicensed
= unoccupied
~ located
~ suppressed

38. _________ projections of this year's sales figures have already been exceeded
with a month still remaining.
= Initial
~ Immediate
~ Outgoing
~ Growing

39. Attendance at the workshop is ______ for all faculty members except those
scheduled to teach while it is in session.
= mandatory
~ laudatory
~ exemplary
~ disciplinary

40. The company spokesperson said that the company has reported a drop in net
income for five _______ quarters.
~ constant
~ following
= consecutive
~ immediate

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