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Good Afternoon, Is this still a good time?

You asked us to do some research on the issue of standardization of technology VS it’s
diversification in the workplace
Go on
To start off will we would like to go over each separately and then give our plan of action
When if come to the generalization of technology there are some obvious benefits, such as
compatibility, and uniformity throughout the company. With this form any employee would be
able to send any file type that they had and know that the person within the company that they
are sending it to would like the correct programs to open it up. Also when it come to updating
the system, it is possible for the IT division to make one image of the updates that need to
happen, and send it out to all of the systems.
On the opposite side you have diversification, which also has it benefits, which lie in efficiency
and optimization. For example in our company we have a lot of data entry positions along with
secretarial positions, These data entry and secretarial are going to mostly be using word
processing and spreadsheet software. At the same time you have the animators in our movie
editor department. These people are going to need high speed processing to help with handling
editing the video and images, requiring much more powerful machines than the secretaries
would need.
I see what you are saying
Our solution to this problem is a combination of both approaches, we believe that you should
have the diversification of machines so that each employee has what they need to effectively
and efficiently get their job done, while at the same time a single IT division is in charge of all of
the software and software updates. This would allow for the benefits of the standardization to
come into play. This IT division would be able to help with getting the correct software onto all
the necessary machines, and also be the goto organizations whenever compatibility issues
arise. An institution that currently does this is the texas tech library, with their different types of
machines depending on the needs of the staff and patrons
Field Questions, be prepared from chapter

You there?
Yeah! Just memorizing! I like it. I think we will be fine.
Is there anything else you’d want to add? I feel like we have a lot of information.
Could you email that video from Friday to me?
yea 2 sec
Sent is also try and just look up any relevant situations that might come in handy as
I did! I got some extra information for my part. I’ll talk about storage and stuff like that.
Awesome, I think I might throw in the budway scenario from the book
Okay! Do it! And I didn’t think our video was bad at all.

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