Basic Tobacco Control

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(Pagan Moon)

Tobaccomancy or tobacco reading is not complicated, the idea is to translate the messages
of the ember, the ash and also the smoke.
Tobacco is a 1.20 m plant. and is cultivated in much of the world, it has a beautiful flower
with five whitish-yellow petals. It is a very curious plant, many ancient cultures and old
traditions assure that it keeps the charms of the earth and the dreams of men, as well as
its smoke contains thousands of legends.
As you practice, you will realize that it offers a wide field of divination of destiny for the
The quality and breadth of the reading will depend on the quality of the tobacco and of
course the faith of the consultant.


Light the tobacco with a match, without squeezing it between your fingers, without forcing
your breathing or aspiration, and calmly. A quarter of it is smoked to be able to make the
first interpretation.
It begins to be interpreted from the tip or crown where the cigar was lit, it is left for a few
minutes without shaking the ash that is created and it is interpreted in the following way.
If the crown or border is white : It means reciprocated love, marital or courtship fidelity,
good health and long life.
If the crown has black dots : It means breakup with friends or boyfriends, marital
separations, uncertain loves and unfounded jealousy.
If you have several black points in a row : Separations of all kinds, entanglements, gossip,
dislikes and resentments.
If it is a single large black dot : Mourning, bad friendships, debts that are not collected.
If the black dot is large and branched downwards : Family mourning, bad times,
Black scales to the sides : Lost, loves that move away.
Gray scales facing upwards : Sadness, crying, minor illnesses.
White scales facing upwards : Love that arrives, new friendships, reconciliations, improved
Red dot on the ember a little downwards : Illness, unpleasant surprises, a change for the
worse in life.
Low white points : Luck in lotteries and games of chance.
A single large white dot : Marriage commitment, successes in business, payment of old
debts, good health.
Black stripe : Long illness, extraordinary expenses, unrest.
White stripe : Prosperity, good health, savings, lasting friendships, and above all stability.
Red stripe that crosses the cigar : Operations, loneliness, sadness.
Small red dots : Heartbreak, passing illusions.
Two small black dots, with circles on top as if they were eyebrows : Passionate love,
someone desires you sexually, indiscreet proposals.
Separate and unequal black points : Betrayal, hidden enemy, envy.
Small black inclined stripes : Misunderstood loves.
Black zigzag stripes : Unpleasant trips, failures in life, envy.
Thin white stripe : happy travels, good business, very good luck.
If the cigar burns only on one side : Bad luck, unlucky time.
Many white scales facing upwards : Good times, future twins.
If the ash remains upright : Good luck, wishes fulfilled, happiness in love.
If the ash twists : Bad luck, debts, distant loves, doubts.
If the ash falls : the good omens will be uncertain or doubtful.

The ash is shaken off and the cigar continues to be smoked again, so that the second part
can be read.
If white and black shadows appear interspersed : Practical and calm life, good and bad
times, but without great stress.
If gray shadows with small white dots appear : Money arriving, you can play the lottery.
Many white shadows : Achievement of all your aspirations, celebrity, wealth.
White shadows with white flakes : Good news from loved ones, social activities,
productive friendships.
White dot with black circle : Pregnancy
White dot with stripe : Abortion.


Downwards: It means that the consultant has thought things through better and regrets a
discussion they had.
Up: A person is on his way to the consultant and will return something owed. Good news
and joy.
Towards the sides : Time of bad luck.
*The interpretation of the ash that falls to the ground will be using intuition and will be
such as the sensation that the figure causes when seeing it, whether positive or negative.

First when reading the tobacco, if it is for someone you love and you are smoking it so that
it comes back to you, you will interpret it this way.
If you have children with that person you play on the left side and if not then it will be on
the right side and the upper part of the tobacco, you do not have to turn this one so that
you can interpret it
If a path opens, it means that this person will look for you. This is like a line, but it has to
open on your side like a path, that is, on the right side if you do not have children together,
or at the top if a path opens on the other. side means that he will look for another person
or family, he distances himself from you
If the tobacco breaks in two, that is, the right one opens to one side and the left opens to
the other, there will be a separation, you must stop smoking the tobacco and throw it
against the door and tell it by name so that it does not get angry.
If the tobacco opens in two but this time the top and the bottom, that is to say, if the top
part opens up and the bottom part opens down, it means that that person will try to talk to
you and look for you to talk.
If he makes a hole in the ashes on your side, this person thinks of you, if he makes a hole in
the ashes on the other side, he thinks of another person.
If it burns only on your side it is because it has no bad intentions towards you. If it does not
burn it is because it turns its back on you and prefers to go the other way, look for another
person or what do I know? In that case, you should burn that part with a white candle.
If he makes a large hole as a nest it means he will have sex with you and if it is on the other
side he will do it with another person.
If you make a hole in the upper part and the same in the lower part of the tobacco, as if
wanting to cross the two, they think
If two small holes are made on your side, that person wants to see you
If a part of the side that is not yours remains unburned, a small leaf means that there is a
person with him or her.
If the same thing happens on your side, it means that there is someone who loves you who
is not him.
If when you are smoking the tobacco it sparks, it means that you will talk soon or that he
wants to talk to you, he is desperate to talk to you.
If a small stick is raised in the tobacco it means that you will have problems with the law if
it is on your side or if it is on their side
If leaves of white ash open and form in the tobacco like a rose, it means that there is a
flowering of love and that person loves you. Turn the tobacco inwards, calling the person
and make sure that the ashes fall on something other than the floor.
If you make a little bomb without burning any part of the tobacco, it means pregnancy or if
you make a little ball there.
If there are black or gray points, your despair for that person
If the tobacco is black and there are white dots in the ash and there are many of them, it
means that they performed some sorcery on you to separate you from that person. That is
proactively working with salt.
If the ashes fall on their own without you making them fall, it's okay because that person
gives up, you win.
If the ashes fall with a fathom it means nail of love that person loves you


When tobacco smoke is thick, abundant and tries to cover your face you should be careful,
as it means a bad omen for you and you should throw away the tobacco immediately.


1) Meditation to develop intuition
An excellent exercise to develop intuition is meditating. It is proven that meditating daily is
not only necessary to develop intuition, but also prepares the mind to receive information
that we often overlook.
To meditate you can use the technique that works best for you, but the important thing is
that you do it every day.
Sit in a comfortable place where your back is straight and your feet rest on the floor.
Let the chair absorb all your weight, feel how you relax and how stress and worries go
away. Focus on your breathing, relax and try to quiet your thoughts to listen to your inner
The more you meditate, the faster you will develop your intuition.
Think that when you meditate the body reduces stress and promotes concentration, but it
also improves your creative powers and your ability to learn expands.
Incorporating meditation into your daily habits is the best choice to start developing
2) Landscape visualization exercise
Visualizing has enormous power to develop intuition. Therefore, there are different
exercises that help improve intuitive capacity. This is one of them:
1. Close your eyes and breathe gently. Then try to feel infinite peace.
2. Visualize a place that transmits calm and gives you security. Watch it carefully and
don't miss any details. What is its aroma? Windy? Think about the green of nature, about
the whispers of the sea waves, about that golden meadow caressed by the wind... Think
about all the details you can and memorize them.
3. Take a deep breath, open your eyes and come back to reality. You will feel much better,
and not only that: your intuition, if you do it often, will benefit
3) Use the subconscious while you sleep
Another effective exercise to increase your intuitive abilities is to use your subconscious
during sleep.
Just before you go to sleep, reflect on the questions and issues that were left unanswered
or unanswered during the day. Think and contemplate different possibilities; That will
activate your imagination and put your subconscious to work to find creative solutions
while you sleep.
Of course: make sure you have paper and pencil on hand so that when you wake up with
great ideas, whether in the middle of the night or in the morning, you can write them
This is a simple exercise, and you will be surprised by the results!
4) Visualize with geometric figures
As we have mentioned, visualization is an important factor in developing intuition. By
incorporating geometric figures, we will also be stimulating the right hemisphere of the
brain: the creative side.
1. Visualize a white screen in front of you.
2. Project a geometric figure onto it: a square, a triangle, a circle or any other you can
think of. Hold it for a few minutes before switching to another figure of your choice.
3. Rest for a few seconds and combine the figures you mentioned before; For example,
imagine a triangle inside a circle.
Practicing this exercise frequently, added to meditation, will also be able to develop your
intuition effectively.
5) Trust your hunches
Another way to develop your intuition is by paying attention to it.
If when you have to make an important decision you feel that one of the options does not
make you feel good, then it is not the right one. Each person needs different emotions and
situations, and what is right for one person may be totally wrong for another.
We must listen to our inner voice
How many times have you had that feeling in your stomach that drives you to do
something for no apparent reason? Listening to those hunches probably helped you avoid
a car accident, or led you to be in the right place at the right time to get that job, or to
cross paths with that special person who is now part of your life.
Your intuition is your inner guide, so you must learn to trust it. The idea of starting to leave
your decisions in their hands may scare you a little at first, but that is precisely what will
allow you to continue developing it.


Any type of mancy will require protection before performing it to avoid unwanted
situations. You can ask for protection from a saint or archangel of your devotion.
Like everything, cigarettes can be used for positive and negative purposes, be careful what
you wish for when you light one.
May they be magical and blessed days for you.

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