Self-Sustainable House Project

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National Technological Institute of Mexico

Apizaco Technological Institute



Teacher: Eng. Nava Gutiérrez Sergio


Papacetzi Sánchez Rubén

Sastre Hernández José de Jesús

Ramírez Carrasco Taiji




4… Justification

5… Construction materials

7… Construction materials from recycling

8…Material used for the project

10… Mexican Housing

13… Materials and method of preparation

14… Recapture of water

15…Water training area

17…Driving system

18… Structure for rainwater storage

20… Rainwater filtration

21… Distribution system and domestic use

22… The latest in technology

23…Aspects to take into account to build an environmentally friendly and self-sustainable house.

27… Solar panels and energy as a determinable element in the ecological house

29… Structural elements

33… Photovoltaic solar energy

35… Conclusion

36… Annexes

38… Plans


The industrialized world is concerned about the destruction that has

caused on the planet, this has given rise to a series of reflections and
to stop and if possible reverse that damage. In developed countries the
green movement developed in the 70s with special emphasis on
energy conservation and energy efficiency. In the 80s the
concern about the impact produced by the operation of a
building and production of construction materials on the environment
natural environment.

In this area there are hundreds of research and practical initiatives with
which one wishes to acquire the self-sustaining architecture in this house is
uses cutting-edge technology that has been developed in first-class countries
world as it is in obtaining energy, a round circuit of water, and
obtaining natural gas. Materials that are
friendly with nature but also comply with regulations
required for a warm building which is the most important factor
to develop a building as well as functionality, giving a
circle of well-being for the person who lives in this house.

With the purpose the house aims to be in accordance with the aspirations of
creativity to develop this project focusing mainly on
climate of Tlaxcala to be able to give a new approach to construction in the
state so it had to do with what type of climate the state has
among some other things.

This work shows in detail each of the components for the

construction of this type of housing, taking into account the regulations
in force in the country, which in turn complies with the housing accreditation


Self-sustaining construction today is a solution for the

set of buildings. Emerges as an innovation to the industry
common construction, updating technical construction forms and
adaptations to the new era in which we have a tendency to seek greater
efficiency with the resources available and coupled with the natural
in which they are arranged taking advantage of every detail to create a work

It is a trend that in first world countries has been the solution for
demand for fully urbanized cities with excess population with
high consumption, mainly energy, and the pollution created by
the same one where nature is being very seriously affected.

All this knowledge applied in a house in the state of Tlaxcala,

Mexico where the climate is mainly temperate where the population is
scarce resources, taking into account that they need a home with all the
services since in some communities they do not have them, taking into
realize that they are far from municipal services or it is difficult to
access to the required location.



According to Roger L. Welsch, it was between 1886 and 1887 when the first
straw module was built near Bayard, Nebraska, United States. The use of this
technique spread between 1915 and 1930; Its practice was abandoned at the
end of the 1940s and resumed in the 1970s.

Building houses with straw bales is a simple system that can be learned in a
few days and in which everyone can participate. Less specialized labor and
less construction time are required than traditional methods, such as

By using straw bales, probably the most ecological thing that can be used in a
home for construction, the amount of agricultural waste that is burned is
reduced, minimizing air pollution and global warming.

Bales have a greater thermal insulation capacity than wood, bricks and even
adobe. This feature is ideal for areas with extreme climates, as it reduces the
energy expenditure required to cool and heat a building.

Thermal efficiency is measured by the “R” value of resistance to heat flow.

The resistance to heat flow of the straw bales is equal to 42.8. It is preferable
to use wheat or oat straw, but seedless sorghum straw can also be used. The
bales must only be “straw” bales, which are obtained after harvesting the


Bamboo is a woody grass that renews itself naturally every seven years and
does not require the use of pesticides or fertilizers if it is grown properly.

Depending on the species, it can grow between 7.5 and 40 cm per day and
reach 40 m in three or four months.

They are applied to pillars, roofs, ceilings, walls or coatings. If it is used for the
structure, its maximum resistance is needed (the darker the bamboo, the
softer it is) and elasticity. In Latin America and Asia, cane intertwined using
knot structures is used. For coverings it can be presented in the form of


Adobe is formed by a mass of mud (clay, sand and water) sometimes mixed
with straw, coconut fiber or even manure, molded into a brick and dried in
the sun for 25-30 days. The main mixture is 20% clay and 80% sand and
water. Its embodied energy is 0.4 MJ/KG. The more embodied energy a
construction material has, the more energy has been expended during its

Adobe is a good acoustic insulator and has great thermal inertia, which is why
it serves as a regulator of internal temperature: in summer it preserves
coolness and during winter it retains heat. If well executed and maintained,
an adobe building can last a hundred years or more.



It arises from the success of modules and projects for green roofs, from there
recycled plastic blocks were materialized for the construction of new housing
or even for remodeling. The advantages it presents are savings in material
waste, construction time is speeded up, savings are made in foundations, the
use of steel and 70% of concrete and mortar is reduced by up to 60%, in
addition to being an excellent insulator. acoustic and thermal and is very
functional in dividing and load-bearing walls since it supports up to 750kg/m2
with spans of up to 6m and with constructions of up to three floors.

Thanks to its flexibility and resistance, in the event of an earthquake, it

demonstrates an excellent response, unlike other materials, and in addition,
it enables savings of up to 40% in construction costs. Due to all these
characteristics, it is very well used in industrial plants, self-service stores and
of course homes.


To manufacture them, polyethylene and polypropylene are used, which are

obtained from plastic bags and wrappers that are collected in the area's
ravines, as well as from discarded packaging material. After grinding both
materials, they undergo a pre-casting process, at 250 degrees Celsius, the
color is integrated, it is passed to a calendering system, where the thickness is

given to the material and it immediately falls into a casting mold.

The raw material is transformed into plastic roofing sheets with a

maintenance-free life of 20 years. These sheets are recognized for their
ecological profile, since waste plastics are recycled and do not pollute, in
addition to the fact that the plastic is not melted, but rather softened and
molded. Among their characteristics, their useful life stands out, they are
thermal, they are practically unbreakable, easy to handle, and they are not
noisy in the rain.



Method of making ecological brick

For the compacted eco-brick, you need 2L recycled bottles and a funnel to fill
the bottle; such as materials, sand, mud or gravel and a rod to push the
material used when filling the bottles and remove all the oxygen so that there
are no air bubbles. It is filled proportionately, first up to half, then three-
quarters and finally until it is completely filled and closed tightly. This results
in a cylindrical compacted brick ready to build.

Advantages of ecological brick

• It is very profitable economically since your investment requires less

half of what it would cost to invest in common brick made in partition.

Less damage to nature, since its manufacturing requires

less energy and waste as well as recycling other waste materials.

• They are better insulators from cold and external heat, which means
less energy at home

• In some cases they are cheaper than conventional ones, but

When this is not the case, as they are better insulators, the energy savings
offset the difference.

• The materials of ecological bricks make them more

light and manageable for the worker, speeding up construction time and
reducing expenses.

Disadvantages of Ecological Brick

• The disadvantage of eco-bricks is that they are starting to

enter the market and in some areas they are not yet available and you have
to order them

• They also have another disadvantage derived from the newness of this
And at the moment, there are no decorative varieties like the conventional
ones to decorate facades, walls, gardens, etc.


Housing is a basic need that provides security, tranquility and stability to the
individual; it is for some a key element in the fight against poverty.

In Mexico, the Federal Government is in charge of implementing most of the

support (soft credits) that is granted to the population to acquire housing,
through contributions made by employers and employees, in part
proportional to the work performed. The main institutions that grant these
supports/credits are INFONAVIT and FOVISSSTE, who provide 80% of the
housing credit, thus contributing to increasing the provision of housing for
families with fewer resources.

The housing finance industry in our country is responsible for offering

consumers long-term mortgages to purchase a home. The typical maturity for
these loans is 15 to 30 years. The type and price of the products that are
financed depends mainly on the financing sources and the credit capacity of
the individual.

Mortgages for low-income housing have been linked to the specific income of
the debtor. For example, the credits granted by INFONAVIT foresee that
debtors may lose their jobs - source of payment -, so they have grace periods
of just over one year.

Mexico has had a significant increase in its social housing construction train,
the loans that have been granted in recent years have far exceeded previous
years and it is expected that this industry will continue to grow exponentially
for the years to come.

Housing cannot be seen as a passing fad, nor as a sector that can be

improvised year after year; On the contrary, it is a detonator of economic
growth and social justice, due to the housing needs posed by the
demographic structure of the country.

Today it seems natural to point out the housing industry as the star of the

country's economy, but it is very important to provide it with the security of
policies, transversal policy, goals, new construction models (sustainable
housing) and commitments of the main actors to make it transcend.

The first challenge to overcome will be to meet the demand for housing in
Mexico, which, taking into account demographic growth rates, by 2050 there
are an estimated 160 million inhabitants in the country. By the third decade
of this century, in Mexico there will be almost 40 million homes and more
than 0.6 percent million homes will have to be built and financed annually.

The second challenge will be to organize urban developments. New

urbanizations must be planned, infrastructure and public transportation
introduced, and then housing built with an essential mix of land uses, civic
and recreational areas, and connectivity with the rest of the city. This series
of considerations does not currently occur in this way in Mexico.
Until today, the new complexes are located on cheap rural land, without any
planning. First, unconnected sites are populated, forming a disorderly pattern
of dysfunctional patches over the territory, with impersonal homes without
spaces for coexistence and recreation. Then services are introduced and
public transport arrives in irregular conditions. Isolation forces high-cost trips.

Without accessibility to urban space, without integration and identity and

without a living social fabric, new housing developments sprout and then
decline, even abandoning housing.

Housing and urban systems play an important role in the potential for
mitigating greenhouse effect (GHG) emissions, because close to 50% of
energy resources are consumed in urban areas. The demand for housing and
urban areas are continually growing and their development must be
incorporated into an integrative policy that allows for balanced development,
which guarantees sustainability and continuous improvement in the quality
of life of the inhabitants.

Housing built is considered taking into account sustainability aspects such as
bioclimatic design and energy efficiency, the latter, through the incorporation
of sustainable technologies defined in a basic package referring to: Gas,
Electricity and Water, to obtain savings in: energy consumption , payments
for services (gas, electricity and water) and CO2e emissions. The aim is to
integrate the productive chain associated with housing production, to
consider the carbon footprint of the housing life cycle that includes the
manufacturing of construction materials, their transportation, the building
process and equipment of housing developments and the homes in addition
to their operation during their useful life.


For the compacted eco-brick, you need 2L recycled bottles and a funnel to fill
the bottle; such as materials, sand, mud or gravel and a rod to push the
material used when filling the bottles and remove all the oxygen so that there
are no air bubbles. It is filled proportionately, first up to half, then three-
quarters and finally until it is completely filled and closed tightly. This results
in a cylindrical compacted brick ready to build.

As mentioned, the use of recycled materials or materials taken directly from
the trash has also been implemented in the construction process. A team at
the Andrés Bello University, Venezuela, together with the company Golden
Concreto, is working to transform household waste (food, plastics, papers,
etc.) into panels, bricks and other construction materials. These are designed
so that they do not transmit infections or have an unpleasant odor. Architect
Michael Reynolds has dedicated himself to the construction of what he calls
“earthships” which are bunker-style houses made of natural and recycled
materials and which in the end are sustainable houses.

Rainwater harvesting as an alternative to address the scarcity of the resource

To address the water problem at a global and national level, one of the
alternatives is rainwater harvesting. Rainwater Collection and Use Systems
for domestic use and human consumption at the family and community level
represent a solution to supply quantity and quality to the numerous rural,
peri-urban and urban populations that suffer from a lack of this vital liquid.

Considering the above, it is urgent, in accordance with the Millennium goals,

that every living being on this planet has water in quantity and quality in
order to achieve the true Sustainable Development of humanity.

Rainfall represents a valuable natural resource that must be taken advantage

of; it is one of the most realistic options to provide water to those who do not
have this resource. It is possible to establish rainwater harvesting systems for
human consumption at the family and community level.

° Catchment area

° Driving system

° Storage infrastructure

° Filtration and treatment


The catchment area is the surface on which the rain falls. The areas used for
this purpose are the roofs of houses, schools, warehouses, greenhouses and
slopes covered or treated with waterproofing materials. It is important that
the materials with which these surfaces are constructed do not give off odors,
colors and substances that could contaminate rainwater or alter the
efficiency of the treatment systems. In addition, the surface must be of

sufficient size to meet the demand and have the required slope to facilitate
stormwater runoff into the conduction system.

Types of roofs used to collect rainwater.

A. Roofs. In urban areas the roofs are made of concrete, galvanized sheet
alloy and antimony; in peri-urban and rural areas, concrete, asbestos sheets,
galvanized sheet, wood and straw; Impermeable surfaces (courts, patios,
parking lots) can also be used, which do not release residues or contaminants
when in contact with water and increase the cost of treatment to obtain a
quality product.

B. Basin roofs. They are structures designed for the direct collection of
rainwater, basically composed of two sections: the roof, which functions as a
contribution area and evaporation retarder, below it is the storage tank or
cistern. The roof is made up of two surfaces. which converts into a central
channel which allows rainwater to be directed directly by gravity to the
cistern. To indicate the storage level, a piezometer is installed on the external
wall of the tank. The water conduction system consists of an outlet valve,
continued by a pipe to end in a faucet for public use.

C. slopes. When the catchment area of the roofs is insufficient, a surface or

slope is selected that requires minimal earthwork activities (filling, leveling
and compaction), then the entire surface is covered with some waterproof
material such as: greenhouse plastic, geo membrane or concrete.


The conduction system refers to the set of gutters or pipes of different

materials and shapes that conduct rainwater from the catchment area to the
storage system through downpipes with PVC pipe.

Gutters are installed on the lower edges of the roof where rainwater tends to
accumulate before falling to the ground; The material must be light, resistant,
easy to join together, it must combine with the finishes of the facilities (urban
areas), and it must not contaminate with organic or inorganic compounds;
Therefore, it is recommended to place meshes that stop garbage, solids and
leaves, to avoid obstruction of the flow in the conduction pipe; Likewise,
carry out cleaning work on the roofs at the beginning of the rainy season.
The materials used are: aluminum, galvanized sheet, PVC and wood resources
from each region. Nowadays it has been seen that architects, engineers and
homeowners consider various structures for rainwater collection.


They are cisterns or tanks where the collected rainwater is stored and can be
used, prior to treatment, for domestic use throughout the year.

The materials used for the construction of cisterns or storage tanks can be
the following:

Plastics: Fiberglass, polyethylene and PVC.

Metals: Steel barrel (corrodes and rusts), galvanized steel tanks (corrodes and

Concrete: Ferro cement (fractures), stone (difficult to maintain) and concrete

block (cracks).

Wood: Red wood, spruce, cypress (it is efficient but expensive).

Several types of cisterns built with different materials are described below:

A. Ferrocement tanks or cisterns. These cisterns are quick to build, and the
materials are easily available so that the users themselves can build them.

B. Concrete cisterns. In the United States, concrete cisterns are

manufactured under controlled conditions, from there they are transported
to the installation site. The quality of the stored water depends on the
finishes made on your walls and the material used for waterproofing. Cisterns
can be on the ground surface, buried or semi-buried; However, it is an
expensive technology for developing countries. They are the simplest and
most common in rural areas of Mexico and are built with baked clay and
cemented sand.

Among the new technologies for geosynthetic products are geomembranes,

which are impermeable to fluids and particles, preventing filtrations, leaks

and contamination of stored water. The PVC geomembrane, high-density,
high-molecular-weight polyethylene and reinforced polypropylene offer
many advantages: ease of installation, elasticity, resistance to operation, easy
placement because it is thermofusionable. A concrete cistern is four to five
times more expensive than one lined with these geosynthetic products.

E. Metal cisterns. It is the most used material in the construction of cisterns

and tanks that store rainwater. Galvanized steel is not corrosion resistant, but
is often more resistant to rust. In new tanks there may be excess zinc which
can affect the taste of the stored rainwater. These tanks must be flushed with
water before use.

F. Polyethylene tank. They are widely used for water storage since they vary
in shape, size and color, they can be used superficially or buried, they are
easy to transport and install, durable, flexible, with sanitary finishes for
drinking water.

G. Wooden cistern. Human civilizations have used these cisterns, built with
Redwood, to store water for various uses and human consumption.
Currently, this type of cisterns have a great aesthetic presentation,
sometimes it is a desirable option since they are built of pine, cedar and
cypress, wrapped with high-tension steel cables.


Filtration is the process of separating a solid from the liquid in which it is

suspended by passing them through a porous medium (filter) through which
the liquid can easily pass. When rainwater is captured from roofs, a tank must

be installed to temporarily store the first rains contaminated by garbage,
leaves and dust, to use it for irrigation of fruit trees, vegetables or other
applications that do not require high water quality.

The simplest device consists of placing a mesh in the middle of a 19-liter can
and at the bottom it adapts to the pipeline pipe.

In rainwater harvesting systems at the community level, turbidity can be

reduced through the construction and installation of a sedimentation system
or the installation of a modular sediment filter; Its construction consists of a
hydraulic PVC body, with a sand and rock filter system; Its location is at the
top of the cistern cemented to the main network just before the rainwater

The filter material must always be clean and its layers must be removed and
washed during the rainy season.

The distribution systems for captured rainwater depend on the use of the
resource: human consumption, domestic use, agriculture, livestock, and
industrial use; also the geographical location and topography of the town.

There is a system to purify and purify rainwater, so that the family has this
vital liquid throughout the year. In addition, it is possible to treat and reuse
gray and black water for toilets and vegetable production in the backyard

Rainwater storage has been done by filling buckets or tubs, but the water
lasts very little, so determining the amount of water that can be stored in the
rainy seasons, by community or home, is the next step in which there will be
to work; However, the suggestion is to do the exercise of placing a container
and measuring the rainwater for each event, in the end the total sum is the
potential water that can be captured in that area.




Ecological houses must take advantage of the possibilities and advantages

that the environment offers them in their design and construction. These
strategies are determined by the following main parameters:

• Housing orientation

• Sun control

• Wind control

• Maximum quality of views


Although the main construction strategy of an ecological house is directly

linked to the climatic conditions, and therefore to the most convenient
energy use for each specific situation, there is a whole series of

complementary standards that must be taken into account to complete the
design of the most convenient way .


A good location for a home is one that is far from industrial areas with high
atmospheric pollution due to industries or other particularly active sources or
that has a high level of noise, such as railways or airports, and is far from
power lines. high voltage, and it should not have sector transformers nearby.

The abundance of vegetation both outside and inside the home reduces the
effects of atmospheric pollution and contributes to maintaining the thermal
balance and the correct degree of humidity. It must also have a good
environment, with relaxing landscapes and good views, this is an essential
element for health.


The design of the home with a good solar orientation serves to regulate
climate and temperature changes, and maintains an adequate environment
without increasing energy costs, at the same time ensuring that the air is
renewed correctly. Care must be taken with possible solar barriers that may
go unnoticed at first glance, for example, topographical, vegetal, etc.

As construction materials, the most natural ones are convenient; for

example, ceramic bricks, stone, wood, vegetable fibers, adobe and mortars
with abundant lime. It is necessary not to use the most toxic and radioactive
ones, which produce gases or static electricity, including plastics, lacquered

surfaces and synthetic fibers.


Silicate paints are the healthiest, this is because they are totally mineral,
resist fire or pollution, are washable and non-toxic, and allow the walls to


The woods of interior decoration and furniture can be treated with ecological
oils and varnishes, and can be finished with wax and aromatic essences.
Woods with agglomerates and formaldehydes should be avoided.


Correct ventilation allows you to avoid problems with the accumulation of

toxic gases inside the home.


Electrical pollution is what is produced by power lines and transformers close

to homes. It is not advisable to store electrical appliances or appliances near
resting places.


The most recommended bed orientations are towards the magnetic North to
sleep relaxed or towards the East to regain strength.

ENERGY SAVINGS: electricity, gas, water, etc.

Energy saving in all its aspects is necessary to build a healthy house for both
its inhabitants and the environment. Saving does not mean being in need or
hardship, but rather making rational use and not wasting unnecessarily
because of having developed habits and customs that are inappropriate for
the situation.


Houses with integrated solar energy have the ability to be self-sufficient,

because thanks to the solar panels they have on their roof or some other
similar system, they allow them to take advantage of the Sun's energy
without paying for electricity. In addition, manufacturing houses with solar
energy may require an initial investment in its construction and installation,
but it pays for itself in a short time thanks to the incredible savings in

Solar energy is a high-quality energy, from an energy point of view, whose

ecological impact is quite small, and it is also inexhaustible on a human scale.
But it is not without drawbacks,

especially with regard to its use, because it reaches the Earth in a fairly
dispersed manner, and is also subject to the night-day and seasonal winter-
summer cycles. Solar energy can be used or captured in two different ways:
thermally (use of heat) and botanically (it is the direct way of capturing

Thermal capture of solar energy. In this case, the solar energy is intercepted
by an absorbing surface that degrades it and as a consequence a thermal
effect appears. This can occur in a "passive" way - in which no mechanical
elements are used - or in an "active" way - using some mechanical element

Photonic capture of solar energy. In this case, solar radiation is collected

directly, converting the photon energy itself into photovoltaic energy
(conversion of light into electricity).


From an architectural point of view, passive solar energy, also called

bioclimatic, is very interesting; its use is based on the characteristics of the
materials used in its construction and the use of natural air circulation
phenomena. Passive thermal collection systems are built on the structure of
the building, consequently they have the same life as the buildings.

Passive solar architecture is conditioned by the following main factors:

▪ Solar gain.

▪ Energy storage

▪ Heat distribution

▪ Natural lighting.


1. The Trombe wall

The main drawback of capturing solar energy through an absorbent surface

placed directly between the interior and exterior is the total dependence on
the number of hours of sunlight, and this fact, together with the uncontrolled
accumulation process on floors and walls, can cause the uneven distribution
of heat throughout the day. To mitigate this problem, indirect energy
collection systems were devised.

In this type of system, the collection is carried out through an element that
acts as a heat accumulator. From this element, heat is transmitted to the
interior by conduction and convection, which generates a delay in the
transmission of heat and a damping of the temperature oscillation due to the
thermal inertia of the ground.

2. The collectors

Domestic thermal use (in general, in any

house, even if it is not “excessively” ecological) is achieved mainly
through devices called collectors, which are responsible for
collect solar thermal radiation in the best possible way.

3. The accumulators

Accumulation systems are necessary whenever working with processes that

depend on the unequal temporal distribution of obtaining the resource in
question (electricity, light, water, etc.). These devices store said resource at
times when its Obtaining is more abundant and they discharge them when
they are needed for consumption. Accumulators are therefore essential in
these systems, since it is not only a matter of capturing the maximum
possible energy, but also of having it available at the moment in which its

consumption occurs. Normally the collection time and the use time do not
coincide. For this reason, the need to have a captured heat accumulation
system is evident.

With quality accumulators and the correct dimensions, this system can be
used for both hot water consumption and heating.

All year Winter use Summer use

Latitu Latitude Latitude -

+15' 15

Figure 1 .8 Suggested tilt angles for three positions

4. Active Solar Energy

To develop active solar energy, more complex technology is required. Its foundation is
the capture of radiation through a device called a “collector”.

The technology required for a system that simply aims to heat water is made up of
the following elements: a collector system, made up of a black surface that captures
sunlight, a circuit through which the fluid circulates, a transparent cover, thermal
insulation and a protective case; a storage system, formed by devices to store hot
water from the panels for later use; a distribution system, formed by a distribution
network of pipes, valves and other accessories whose purpose is to transport hot
water from the collection system to the storage system and from there to the points
of use.



24 Vol DC
230 Volt AC


The energy of the particles that make up light (photons) can be used to produce
electricity, according to a process known as the photovoltaic effect.

Strictly speaking, photovoltaic energy is not necessarily related to the ecological

house, but rather presents a much wider range of use possibilities.

Much of its interest lies in cases in which the demand for electricity supply, despite
being small, is difficult to meet, because the collection point is at a great distance
from the distribution network.

From an environmental point of view, the effect caused by this type of energy is the
same as that produced by solar thermal energy, that is, quite low. Its application in
the domestic sphere is preferably linked to electrification in the rural sector, in
industry, in agriculture and in some types of specific applications, such as pool


An ecological house does not end when its construction is finished. The idea of an
ecological house is a dynamic idea and has associated with it a philosophy of respect
for the environment that actively involves its residents. In this sense, a very important
aspect for the development and proper functioning of an ecological house is the
correct use and application of the idea of recycling.

The already outdated idea of “use, throw away and buy again” that was promoted
decades ago is incompatible with the philosophy associated with living a truly
ecological home.

The concept “garbage” becomes small in this context and in its replacement a new
one “urban solid waste” appears.

First steps to building an ecological house

Before embarking fully on building an ecological house in a specific place, it is

advisable to carry out some studies that will be those on which the subsequent design
of the project is based.

The main variables that must always be taken into account and that, therefore, should
be analyzed with great care are the following: climatic, for example, it is very
interesting to know the variations in the average temperatures recorded throughout

the year, as well as the value of the maximum summer temperature and the minimum
winter temperature. Designing an ecological house in a region where the range of
ambient temperatures can be called “comfortable” conditions is not the same as
designing it in a place with certain unfavorable climatic conditions. It is useful to know
the degree of average relative humidity, annual rainfall, prevailing winds, etc. All
these elements will serve to dictate the construction guidelines for energy systems. As
well as to optimize natural light. Another important variable that must be considered
is that concerning the terrain, so it is also highly recommended to carry out a
geological reconnaissance of the territory, analyzing all the aspects involved in it:
water study, possible geological faults, etc. The vegetation of the place is an element
worth taking into account when making the design.

Last but not least, an essential factor is the attitude of its inhabitants. The inhabitants
of an ecological house surely aspire to be in harmony with their natural environment
and carefully carry out all tasks with the utmost respect for their environment.

We want to implement the ecological house as a way to avoid excess
pollution, reduce water and energy consumption, trying to
reuse water in addition to making better use of or giving it effective use
of rain as well as making the most of the sun's energy through
solar panels.

Just as we must also become aware and think about the future about what
that we can obtain with good management of natural resources.
People have carried out deeds and actions in order to satisfy their desires and desires.
needs; Man always had that ability to transform the
reality, taking into account the materials you have at the time you
it's found. It should be noted that not all the advances made by the
man were made on a straight path, for this he had many and
difficult obstacles, however I always appeal to your ingenuity and creativity,
taking existing science and technology as an element.

Despite everything, there is sufficient awareness among many, which is not

heard by large industrial groups, or government empires,

because they think about their own gains or benefits, and not the harm that
can do to the environment, and thus reach the conclusion of what we
we would save by having an ecological house and how to make the most of it and
try to pollute less, that the planet is deteriorating little by little
bit. The Ecological Houses are relatively new but are being
developing all over the world, which helps in a good way to conserve
better the environment.

What is expected? The term Ecological Houses is not new, but in general
you only have an idea of what it could be, and that is something that helps the
ecology, however, it is not known in depth how they were built,
with what materials, what are the elements that make it up, how
they work, the technology they have, where we can find them, and others
more things.





The growth of the construction sector has played a predominant role as a driving force
of the national economy, however, it has also produced various negative effects of an
environmental, social nature and on the competitiveness of cities.
The urbanization that the main Mexican cities have experienced has motivated the
dispersion in the occupation of the territory, high investments in infrastructure and
equipment to provide basic services, loss of city limits promoting diffuse, chaotic,
inefficient and highly vulnerable cities. These phenomena irreversibly impact the natural
and agricultural environment that surrounds cities, affecting the environmental goods
and services provided by ecosystems, and thereby greatly exacerbate the
environment's capacity to assimilate the adverse impacts derived from urbanization.

The General Directorate of Standards of the Ministry of Economy approved this standard, whose
declaration of validity was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on:


Building, as a structural element of urbanization, has played a central role in this

dynamic. Design trends, use of materials and construction methods are increasing the
cost, scarcity of materials and natural resources, representing a pressure factor on local
and global environmental quality.
On the other hand, water and energy consumption expenses as a result of poor design
have economic and environmental repercussions during the useful life of the building,
and even after this, so it is very important to make investment decisions that include
savings and efficiency measures that avoid higher expenses or those that increase over
time. Likewise, the location of buildings can intensify transportation spending and cause
an increase in the consumption of fossil fuels, a situation that entails higher costs of
supplying basic services, in addition to contributing to the expansion of the urban
sprawl on agricultural or forest land. , so its location plays a central role in
counteracting these trends by taking advantage of the installed capacity and the
investments made in infrastructure networks, equipment, public spaces and services in
Sustainable building practices have demonstrated benefits in environmental and energy
performance, achieving efficient operation with standards of excellence and lower
expenses for users. These benefits have been valued in the recent General Law on
Climate Change, which establishes as one of the objectives of public policies for
mitigation the promotion of energy efficiency practices, the development and use of
renewable energy sources, and the transfer and development of technologies. low-
carbon, particularly in movable and immovable property of departments and entities of
the centralized and parastatal federal public administration, of the federal entities and
of the municipalities. Notwithstanding the broad legal and regulatory framework
applicable to buildings, there is no national reference that establishes the basic
sustainability standards that buildings must meet to contribute to permanently reducing
their direct and indirect environmental impact, so that is compatible with international
This Mexican standard is the product of the joint effort of the sectors interested in
inducing the transition towards sustainable building practices that contribute to the
protection of the environment, the health and comfort of occupants, and the
productivity of people.
This Mexican standard is based on the observance of current regulations, establishing
stricter standards, in addition to referring to aspects not foreseen by them that arise
from a comprehensive conceptualization of the multiple and interrelated environmental
impacts, direct and indirect.



Relevant aspects associated with the life cycle of the building. It contains an evaluation
procedure to avoid discretion and unfair competition and the basis for establishing
mutual recognition agreements that will eventually make it compatible with
international standards.

It may be used as a reference for regulation programs, self-regulation, certification,
recognition and environmental audits at the federal and local level, for the protection
and guidance of consumers regarding the quality of the building and for resolution of
civil and commercial disputes. or administrative.


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