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ISFD n 113-Educación inicial –Tolaba Jessica

12 de julio de 1905

In the following document, an analysis of the pedagogical continuity

activities will be carried out in relation to the area of mathematics
where a didactic justification will be reflected, identification of:
purposes - contents - trajectories - capabilities - areas of
experiences - progress indicators, and at the same time Other
possible proposals will be proposed, supported by theoretical



In relation to children

 Ensure the teaching of socially significant knowledge

that broadens and deepens their social experiences,
promoting new learning.

Contents: Block: Numbering and number system .

 Use of numbers to compare, establish relationships,

positions and record quantities through various
procedures appropriate to the problem to be solved .

Career since:

 Orally designate quantities in counting situations in

everyday contexts.
 Use counting to solve different situations and problems
of everyday experience .

Capacities to develop:

 Problem resolution.
 Learn to learn.
 Communication .

Areas of experience :

 Areas of gaming experience.

 Area of communication experiences.
ISFD n 113-Educación inicial –Tolaba Jessica

12 de julio de 1905
Pedagogical continuity activity sent by the yellow room teacher:

1) To play with bowling, I suggest you play a bowling game, this

game consists of 6 bowling pins and a ball.

To do this I can use plastic bottles, plastic cups/cups, cans, jars to

assemble skittles. For the ball, I can use the one I have or make it
with socks or newspaper.

Once the game is assembled, I suggest that you arrange them in a

row like the image below, distance yourself, grab the ball and try to
lead them. With each throw I invite you to think about how many pins
you threw and how many pins did not fall, if you dare you can write
down the results on a sheet of paper. I hope you have a lot of fun!!
ISFD n 113-Educación inicial –Tolaba Jessica

12 de julio de 1905
2) I invite you to play with a dice like this…. Or whatever you have.

I suggest that you roll the dice and try to knock down that amount
that the bowling dice tells you. We can play with the family, siblings
and make a list and then know who bowled the most bowls.

Analysis/Rationale for the activity:

Mathematics, at the initial level, is conceived as a social and cultural

tool at the service of solving problems in everyday life. Learning to
use this tool allows us to structure our thinking to solve situations,
communicate with others based on a common code, that makes it
easier for us to bond effectively, to appropriate the culture,
understanding that mathematics is the heritage of society. This is
why within the curricular design it is expressed that it is a function of
the initial level to rescue knowledge, in order to provide significant
learning opportunities that allow them to expand and deepen that
knowledge from a comprehensive view of education for their personal
development. And social.

Within this proposal made by the teacher, a game of bowling is

proposed, and in turn a variant or complexity is added, in this case a
dice with constellations, I consider it to be an appropriate activity
since the approach to numerical content at the initial level is It is
aimed at helping children understand what numbers are for, what
problems they allow us to solve and how useful they are in everyday
life. In other words, it is about ensuring that children are able to use
numbers to count, compare, order and calculate.

Returning to the proposed activity, it can be said that problems

related to the functions of the number are included, such as:

The number as memory of quantity refers to the possibility that

numbers give of evoking a quantity without it being present. It alludes
to the cardinal aspect, such as: in the game of bowling, the teacher
asks them to reflect in the first activity they can think of: How many
ISFD n 113-Educación inicial –Tolaba Jessica

12 de julio de 1905
bowling pins did they knock down? In this case, the children and the
participants who play must cardinalize the number of bowling pins
knocked down and remember to resolve the situation. In turn, they
are encouraged to record the results in the way they can.

And at the same time, as a variant of the game in the second activity,
a die is included with constellations (points) from 1 to 6 so that they
can roll the die and depending on the constellation that comes out is
the number of bowling pins that they must knock down in this case to
determine the amount the child can make use of the following

-Counting: It is assigning a number word to each object following the

numerical series. (Pointing to each constellation on the die 1, 2,3

Global perception: Refers to determining the cardinal of a set at a

glance, without counting. It is related to small numerical fields up to

When proposing this activity, we are working on the contents related

to the function of number as memory of quantity.

Resignification of the proposal with some possible variants :

Activities: Bowling game.

We will begin by presenting a new game to be addressed as such, the

game with bowling, beginning by investigating prior knowledge about
the game through problematic questions such as: Do you know what
they are? How can it be played? Have you ever played? Do you know
the rules of the game?

Then we will proceed to present the materials and, in turn, the rules
of the game:

Materials and resources

6 bowls (empty bottles or with some contents half filled if they are
not kept standing), located in a V shape.

1 ball or you can do it with the resources you have at home.

A double entry table similar to the one in the model to record the
ISFD n 113-Educación inicial –Tolaba Jessica

12 de julio de 1905
For example:

Participants Shot 1 Shot 2 Shot 3


Game rules:

It is played by two or more participants.

The bowling is arranged.

Each player in turn throws the ball successively 3 times trying to

knock down the pins, counting and recording the amount knocked
down with each throw.

The pins that each one threw are compared. The player who knocks
down the most in three shots wins.

After the game is over, some closing questions can be asked:

Variants for the activity:

The same game is presented but this time it is accompanied with a

dice. The participants must knock down the same number of pins as
indicated by the dice.

Below is a mold as an example, it can be made with white A4 sheets,

cardboard, cardboard, EVA foam, etc.
ISFD n 113-Educación inicial –Tolaba Jessica

12 de julio de 1905
Remember that after putting it together, draw the constellations

I suggest that you roll the dice and try to knock down that amount
that the bowling dice tells you. We can play with the family, siblings
and make a list and then know who bowled the most bowls.

Variant 2:


In small groups of three/four students, it will be proposed to play a

game using a dice with constellations. Each participant must roll the
dice one at a time for two laps and then they must look for the same
number of elements (such as: lids , bottles, stuffed animals, pencils
among others) indicated by the die.

After completing the two rounds, they must count the number of
elements they collected in total.

Another way of recording will be proposed that is different from the

previous activity, using paper and pencil. The child will be able to
carry out the way of recording that he sees fit (marks such as sticks,
dots, etc. or symbolically through conventional symbols).


As a closing of the activities, it is proposed to show what was done in

each game, thus allowing the child to argue, reflect and in turn think
about which recording strategy is the most effective.

Some possible questions for the exchange could be:

How many pins did each one knock down in the different games?

What marks did they make to keep records?

Which of the players knocked down the most bowling pins? Because?
How did they find out?

Did they manage to respect the rules of the game?

ISFD n 113-Educación inicial –Tolaba Jessica

12 de julio de 1905
Ways to teach:

 Accompany with the word.

 Carrying out joint actions .

Material resources:

Bowling game.

Plastic bottles-balls.images-dice.


 General Directorate of Culture and Education, Curricular design

for initial education, second cycle. 2019.
 Teaching mathematics in kindergarten through didactic
sequences, Chapter II: Teaching and learning of number and
the numeration system, Adriana González-Edith Einstein.

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