Welcome Letter Archbishop

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A few days ago, in the news, I found out that Pope Francis gave us a New

Document in which, if I remember correctly, he invites the Christian from any place
and in any situation in which he finds himself, to renew his personal encounter with
Jesus Christ. , the friend who disappoints no one, and whoever risks taking a small
step towards Him, discovers that Jesus was already waiting for him.

Father Santiago, after you have been sworn in as parish priest, it is an honor for
me and on behalf of the community of Santo Domingo de Guzmán and its
neighborhoods, I give the most cordial and fraternal welcome to you, a young
priest, in love with his vocation, eager and enterprising in evangelizing work, a
priest who knows how to give himself without reservation.

We thank God because we know that you are the one who will lead us to meet
Jesus; We feel hunger for God, rescue us from the hustle and bustle of the
meaningless world, do not let us go astray and lose in the deceptive pastures of
fleeting joys.

You arrive in a warm land not only because of the weather, but above all, because
of the human warmth that springs from the hearts of those of us who are faithful
followers of the Church of Jesus Christ. We are a community that likes the things of
God, we recognize that we are not the best Christians although we fight every day
to be better; We are a community that lets itself be guided and knows how to walk
alongside its shepherd.

Father Santiago, once again, welcome. From now on you are part not only of
Izúcar, but of the hearts, souls and minds of those of us who are from now on your

Father Santiago Welcome to Izúcar de Matamoros.

Welcome to the Parish of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, may God Our Lord bless
you and give you the Gift of wisdom and strength to lead the new flock that Christ
has placed in your hands.
His Excellency Mr. Archbishop D. Víctor Sánchez Espinosa, Father Alfredo
Rodríguez Cárcamo, fathers of the deanery of Izúcar de Matamoros, priests who
accompany and solemnize this event, faithful who make up the Church of Jesus
Christ. It is a great pleasure for me to address you with great affection and respect.

Pope Francis, following the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ, has asked pastors to
enjoy the privilege entrusted to them, to be shepherds with the smell of sheep. Let
me tell you, Mr. Archbishop, that, since that memorable day, April 2, 2009, the date
of your inauguration as Archbishop of Puebla, we have seen you tirelessly tour
each of the parishes of the Diocese on multiple occasions. In you we have seen the
"Shepherd in the midst of the flock" after the example of Jesus Christ, just what the
Church of our time needs. Christians who are fortunate enough to know your
dedication to the people of God feel motivated to walk the path of the Gospel that
you preach with your testimony. Believe me, your dedication and example is a
strong call for souls and leaven for the Christian life.

Your Excellency Archbishop, I cannot miss the opportunity to thank you for
everything you have done for the parishioner of Izúcar. Not long ago, and for the
closer care of the faithful, you erected the parish of Santo Domingo and entrusted
the pastoral care of the community to the very illustrious Mr. Canónigo, priest D.
Félix López, who already enjoys the presence of God. Now, attending to the need
of the local parishioner, we are assigned a new pastor. Thank you Lord Archbishop,
for sending us the right pastor. The faithful of this time urgently need to support our
faith in the testimony of humble priests, identified with Jesus Christ, in love with the
gospel, who bear witness inside and outside the temples.

With nostalgia and sadness we remember the priests who are leaving; With joy and
hope we welcome the new priests who are joining our southern zone, and in a
special way, we express our gratitude to God and to you for the new parish priest in
Santo Domingo; We believe and know that the changes God makes through you
are always for the good of souls.

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