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1.- Which of these subjects studies the interactions between organisms and their environment?
a) Meteorology
b) Ecology
c) Biology
d) None of the above

2.- What is environmental education?

a) It is the process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts to create necessary skills and
activities and attitudes.
b) It is educating the environment to function properly
c) It is to raise awareness in society about pollution
d) None of the above

3.- What does auto ecology study?

a) is the one that studies the cleanliness of the environment
b) studies the richness of flora and fauna that exists in Mexico
c) Study the relationships between a single type of organism and the environment in which it lives
d) None of the above

4.- What is the science that studies the relationships between various species belonging to the
same group and the environment in which they live?
a) Gynecology
b) Synecology
c) Ecology
d) None of the above

5.- What does population dynamics study?

a) studies the causes and consequences of the scarcity of species in the environment b) studies the
population size of countries c) Studies the causes and modifications of the abundance of species in
a given environment.
d) None of the above

6.- What is applied ecology?

a) It represents the modern trend of protection of nature and its balance in rural and urban
b) Represents the consequences of pollution
c) are the different forms of environmental protection
d) None of the above
7.- What is the science that uses applied mathematics in mathematical and computer models to
achieve an understanding of complex ecological problems?
a) mathematical ecology
b) mathematical systems
c) Systems ecology

8.- What are the biotic components of an ecosystem?

a) Producers and consumers
b) consumers and servers
c) producers and living people
d) None of the above

9.- Autotrophic consumers, what do they convert solar energy into?

a) In heat
b) In chemical bond energy through the photosynthetic process
c) In wind energy
d) None of the above

10.- Energy is obtained from this through plant biomass and they are primary consumers. Who are
we talking about?
a) Of herbivores
b) of omnivores
c) of carnivores
d) None of the above

11.- How do carnivores obtain energy?

a) Through the ingestion of insects
b) Through the ingestion of primary consumers and other carnivores.
c) Through the ingestion of plants
d) None of the above

12.- Who are called tertiary consumers?

a) Those who obtain energy only from other carnivores

b) Those who obtain energy from other omnivores
c) To those who obtain energy from the sun
d) None of the above

13.- What are the consumers that obtain energy from both producers and other consumers?
a) Omnivores
b) Carnivores
c) Insectivores
d) None of the above
14.- Where do saprotrophs and detritivores live?
a) They live in dead organisms, decomposing them and obtaining energy that way
b) They live in living organisms, breaking them down and obtaining energy from them.
c) They live in water inside fish and other marine organisms
d) None of the above

15.- What are the major consumers that other organisms or articulated organic matter feed on?
R- a, b and c

16.- What is the species that does not consume food, but rather consumes it through absorption?
a) Herbivores
b) Omnivores
c) Detritivores
d) None of the above

17.- What organic elements do detritivores release?

a) Vitamins or antibiotics
b) Vitamins and minerals
c) Proteins and Carbohydrates
d) None of the above

18.- What is any time point in an ecosystem called?

a) crops or harvests
b) It is called biomass or crop
c) Sown crops
d) None of the above

19.- How many components does the abiotic segment have?

to 5
b) 3
c) 4
d) None of the above

20.- What are inorganic substances?

a) Carbon, nitrogen, water, phosphorus and sulfur
b) Hydrogen and oxygen
c) Carbon
d) None of the above

21.- What are organic substances?

a) Sulfur and Nitrogen
b) Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, humic substance
c) Water and Air
d) None of the above
22.- What does the climate regime do?
a) Climate and other factors
b) Temperature and other physical factors
c) Protect green areas
d) None of the above

23.- How is population defined?

a) As a collective group of members of a species
b) like a group of animals
c) as a group of plants
d) None of the above

24.- Why is the size of the species population determined?

a) By the percentage of migration
b) By the percentage of reproduction
c)By the net emigration rate
d) None of the above

25.- How is the inherent reproductive potential of species governed by their genetic attributes
a) The birth rate.
b) the mortality rate
c) the obesity rate
d) None of the above

26.- What is the biotic potential of a species?

a) It is the maximum growth rate
b) is the minimum growth rate
c) is the population rate
d) None of the above

27.- A female fly. How many trillions of flies can theoretically be produced in a year?
a) 4 trillion
b) 2 million
c) 6 trillion
d) None of the above

28.- How long can an elephant produce 19 million offspring?

a) in 500 years
b) In 750 years
c) in 1000 years
d) None of the above
29.- What access does the density and limitation of the environment depend on and which
includes a wide range of factors?
A) Access to food and habitat
b) access to freedom
c) access to hunting animals
d) None of the above

30.- What does the enlargement of the adrenal gland of a rat indicate?
a) Indicates stress
b) indicates that it does not have a gland
c) Indicates that you have a disease
d) None of the above

31.- What factors influence the demographic growth rate?

a) migration
b) quality of life
c) Probability that an individual lives to maturity and the mortality rate
d) None of the above

32.- What is available for use by herbivores in an ecosystem without depleting the initial biomass
reserve at the autotrophic level?
a) Solar energy
b) Net energy
c) Chemical energy
d) None of the above

33.- What is plant biomass reserved for and where is it exported?

a) To other ecosystems for diverse uses
b) To other countries for exploitation
c) to the poorest towns
d) None of the above

34.- What other uses is the reserve for?

a) To prevent hunger
b) for food
c) For wood felled for furniture and building homes
d) None of the above

35.- What ecosystems is the biosphere made up of?

a) Water, Earth, Fire and air
b) Such as forest, ocean, ponds.
c) Biosphere
d) None of the above

36.- What does the ecosystem gain from the flow of a river?
a) Water and nutrients
b) Water and land
c) fire and air
d) None of the above

37.- How does the ecosystem maintain its stability?

a) In the composition of its biotic and abiotic elements
b) In the environment
c) Through economic resources
d) None of the above

38.- It acts as a kind of protective shield that absorbs one of the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

to the earth
b) The ozone layer
c) The clouds
d) None of the above

39.- In the Indian economy, what does its ecosystems consist of?
a) industrial development
b) Of diverse characteristics
c) economic development
d) None of the above

40.- What makes life on our planet possible?

a) the economy
b) human beings
c) Gases, temperature, water and other resources
d) None of the above

41.- What is maintained through active feedback processes that are assumed to be in operation?
a) the balance of the ecosystem
b) Terrestrial homeostasis
c) the development of countries
d) None of the above

42.- What does each ecosystem have to receive?

a) A flow of energy in the form of light and chemical energy
b) Richness of flora and fauna
c) respect for animals in danger of extinction
d) None of the above

43.- Who modifies natural ecosystems, highlighting issues of generation sustainability?

a) The inhabitants of the countries
b) Economic activities
c) Pollution
d) None of the above
44.- Through what are the transformations of these chemical compounds produced, such as solar
a) Biochemical processes
b) Physical processes
c) Chemical processes
d) None of the above

45.- Who is called tropical or savannah?

a) It occurs in tropical vegetation.
b) To the forests
c) To the jungle
d) None of the above

46.- What is the tundra?

a) It is the bottom of the sea
b) It is the tropical jungle
c) Open and flat terrain, with a subglacial climate
d) None of the above

47.- Where does the tundra extend?

a) Through Siberia and Alaska
b) by Germany and Poland
c) through Africa and Egypt
d) None of the above

48.- What is the name of the site populated with thick meta trees that provide timber resources?
a) Jungle
b) Forest
c) Desert
d) None of the above

49.- What is a chaparral?

a) Site populated by bushes and low thorny bushes.
b) Site populated by strange animals
c) Site populated by low-income people
d) None of the above

50.- What regions or habitats does it occupy?

a) Regions that are very humid and there are frequent rains
b) Deserts
c) Very dry regions and are subject to frequent fires
d) None of the above

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