Rearrange The Paragraphs in A Correct Order and Rewrite Them

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Rearrange the paragraphs in a correct order and rewrite them.

Keeping Our Homes Safe During Vacations

First of all, you should make sure your home securely locked before you
leave. Switch on the alarm so you will be alerted if anything happens. In fact
you must always lock the windows, doors, and gates. By taking precautions you
help to avoid robbery.

There are many ways to keep your home safe when you are going on a

In conclusion, it is our responsibility to take precautions and safety

measures during vacations to avoid robbery, burglary and break-ins.

Most importantly you should not leave any clues that you are away for
vacation. If you have purchased things, cancel the deliveries for time being.
Make sure you do not post anything in social media which can lead to burglary.

You also can ask the help of our neighbor or the people whom you can
trust. We can ask them to keep an eye on our house or belongings when we
are away from home. It will be better if you inform the police if you are away
for holidays. This will help to avoid break-ins.

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