Cdi My First Steps

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LEVEL Pre Garden

PROJECT'S NAME A new world to explore

We will observe the behaviors of boys and girls in this new stage full
of adventures and learning. With this project we will also seek to
understand how boys and girls adapt to this new environment.
We will also emphasize learning about your life experiences. Always
taking into account and prioritizing the interests of boys and girls.
The adaptation period is the time that passes from when the boy or
girl first arrives at the CDI, until he or she is functioning normally
within it.
This project gives boys and girls that space that they themselves
JUSTIFICATION conquered to make it theirs again and promote formative learning in
boys and girls, developing skills, evaluating workshops with the
teacher according to the topics and methodologies in the training

THEORETICAL ADAPTATION: according to the Royal Spanish Academy it means:

FRAMEWORK AND "accommodate, agree to circumstances, conditions, etc."
We understand by adaptation the process in which children, parents
and educators establish contact for the first time,
where the particularities of each member involved are observed and
discovered, as well as the physical space in which the child will
remain. The main objective of the CDI “My first steps" is to ensure
that the children arrive at the Center in the best possible way.
This means achieving feelings of affection, security, joy and
permanence on the part of the student. To do this, we develop a plan
in which we involve families in order to provide these feelings, first, to
them, and then mediated by them, they will be transmitted to the
boys and girls. Here we see the complexity of an apparently simple
event, which becomes less and less simple as everyone is prepared
and involved in it. The classrooms each beginning become a sea of
tears, both for the children and for some parents. We cannot avoid
the conflict it entails, but it is in our hands to help you face it.
The return to presence allows our children and caregivers to
implement physical self-care habits to prevent the spread of
COVID_19, such as compliance with biosafety protocols, such as the
use of face masks, frequent use of hand washing, avoiding the
crowds; Another important aspect is the implementation of intentional
pedagogical actions regarding self-care to prevent physical and
psychological violence, which will allow the needs of children to be
met and respond to their interests and concerns in a warm and
timely manner, allowing the prevention of stress levels and anxiety
that may affect their socio-emotional state, will also provide tools to
caregivers to reorient behavior through positive discipline practices
and avoid frequently resorting to the use of physical or psychological


 Empower boys and girls in their comprehensive development

as unique and unrepeatable beings.
 Implement pedagogical strategies that allow me to raise
awareness (create habits) among children and families about
biosafety measures inside and outside the CDI.
 Know and respect the organizational biosafety measures in
the classroom, patio, access roads, dining room, bathrooms
and other areas to prevent the spread of covid-19.
 Create emotional ties with children and families.


 Build learning through play and exploration of the

 Observe through pedagogical experiences aspects related to
their areas of development.
 Motivate children to consume food with pleasure, providing
food within the CDI, through playful and recreational
 Develop personal autonomy in boys and girls.
 Create a festive and welcoming atmosphere for boys and

CHARACTERIZATION No. of participants:

Number of participants with different abilities:
Age range:
Type of population:
Nuclear family number:
Extended family number:
Number of single-parent families:

The children are received with a warm welcome in this new

adventure that will be full of new experiences.
The educational agent, upon receiving each of the children, will
guide them to the learning room, motivating them with a children's
song, then the roll call is made and each of the children will be given
a badge for easy identification in This adaptation stage is followed by
discussion of group coexistence agreements and the day's agenda is
announced, where the different activities to be carried out throughout
the day are explained.
Biosafety standards will also be discussed within the learning room
and also within the CDI MY FIRST STEPS. They will be motivated to
implement the use of face masks and proper hand washing.
Lastly, the children will be asked about the state of the weather and
depending on the state of the weather
In a dialogue, the menu of the day and its importance for the healthy
growth of each of the children is announced. Coexistence
agreements are highlighted when consuming food, guiding respectful
EAT TO GROW habits. And proper behavior in the dining room.
Before going out to receive the food, we will organize the different
materials, after finishing each of the activities carried out, then we
wash our hands with water and soap before consuming our food.

The children are organized for the return home and motivated to
return to the CDI.
The Day is evaluated by socializing with the boys and girls the
experiences lived during the day, in which we invite the boys and
BACK HOME girls to express and manifest their feelings by appreciating what they
We also continue to reinforce in the children the good habits and
manners learned in class, at the end of the day we say goodbye to
them with rounds.


Thursday, March 17, 2022

- Reception of boys and girls (dance)

It begins with the Prayer of the day then continues with the song
(good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where each
boy or girl greets the teacher and their classmates within a circle in
the learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the boys and
girls is taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of behavior on
the educational campus will be explained to them.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, continue asking how the
weather forecast is for today and depending on the weather, the
round “Sol solecito, o la ronda que lllueva que lllueva” will be

Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the children will go to the school
restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the day, then
invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will begin, and at
the end of the prayer, they will begin to consume the food. . At the
end they will move back to the learning classroom.

The topic of the day is “Getting to know my classmates and my


The day begins with the round “ilarie, ilari larie oh oh oh” to motivate boys and girls to do
physical activity and be better prepared for the following activities of
the day, at the end of the day. song, I will sit the boys and girls on
the floor of the learning classroom at a round table, then I will take a
ball and explain to them the activity that consists of throwing the ball
that bounces in the center of the round table and to the boy or girl
who the ball touches him after the bounce he must get up and
introduce himself, in front of the other classmates. At the end I will
share with the children a video of a fable “the 3 little pigs and the
big bad wolf” ( https://www
v=ViRUaVU9Fzc&ab_channel=toycantando ) At the end, the children
will explain to me what they learned from the fable previously read
and will share what aspects they liked and what aspects they did not
like about today's class.

At the end, the boys and girls prepare to go to the school restaurant
to receive the food. The teacher invites the boys and girls to wash
their hands. Afterwards, a prayer will begin giving thanks for the food
the boys and girls received. They will start to eat.
At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.
After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while evaluates the performance of activities in the
learning classroom.

The boys and girls are then bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


March 18, 2022

- Reception of boys and girls (High 5)


It begins with the Prayer of the day then continues with the song
(good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where each
boy or girl greets the teacher and their classmates within a circle in
the learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the boys and
girls is taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of behavior on
the educational campus will be explained to them.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, continue asking how the
weather forecast is for today and depending on the weather, the
round “Sol solecito, o la ronda que lllueva que lllueva” will be

Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the children will go to the school
restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the day, then
invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will begin, and at
the end of the prayer, they will begin to consume the food. . At the
end they will move back to the learning classroom.

The topic of the day is “getting to know my learning classroom”

At the beginning of the day, the learning classroom will be clear, so

that the boys and girls can explore and ask about any concerns they
may have. Afterwards, we will take a tour of the classroom where I
will show them the places that are allowed, and those that are not
allowed. I will explain the reason for these rules with a red face for
the places that cannot be accessed and a yellow face for the places
that can be accessed. At the end of this activity, I will assign each
child teaching material so that they can develop leisure activities
while I observe them and evaluate their behavior.
Then we will carry out the “ glass of water ” round with the aim of
encouraging physical activity in boys and girls.
After finishing the round, I will ask each boy and girl what they liked
most about the previous activity, I will assign them clay to develop
their motor activities, and with this same object they liked the most in
the learning classroom.
At the end , the boys and girls prepare to go to the school restaurant
to receive the food. The teacher invites the boys and girls to wash
their hands. Afterwards, a prayer will begin giving thanks for the food
the boys and girls received. They will start to eat.

At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.

After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while evaluates the performance of activities in the
learning classroom.

The boys and girls are then bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


Monday, March 21, 2022

Reception of boys and girls (foot bump)


It begins with the Prayer of the day then continues with the song
(good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where each
boy or girl greets the teacher and their classmates within a circle in
the learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the boys and
girls is taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of behavior on
the educational campus will be explained to them.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, continue asking how the
weather forecast is for today and depending on the weather, the
round “Sol solecito, o la ronda que lllueva que lllueva” will be

Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the children will go to the school
restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the day, then
invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will begin, and at
the end of the prayer, they will begin to consume the food. . At the
end they will move back to the learning classroom.

The theme of the day is “good treatment”

We will begin the school activity by clearing the learning classroom to

carry out a phonomimic activity with the song “Hello Friend - Play
with Me” to motivate the boys and girls to interact with each other
more fluidly. At the end of the phonomimic activity, I will put them on
video about friendship "give your hand to good treatment" at the
end of the video I will ask each boy or girl what happened in the
video and have them tell me if they liked the video or not, when we
finish this activity I will assign printed material where they will color a
boy or a girl, at the end of this activity I will socialize what I have
learned and emphasize the importance of good treatment.

Then the boys and girls will move in an orderly manner to the school
restaurant to receive the food. The teacher invites the boys and girls
to wash their hands. Afterwards, a prayer will begin giving thanks for
the food received. The boys and girls will begin to eat.

At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.

After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while evaluates the performance of activities in the
learning classroom.

The boys and girls are then bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


Tuesday, March 22 , 2022

- Reception of boys and girls ( Heart with hands )


It begins with the Prayer of the day then continues with the song
(good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where each
boy or girl greets the teacher and their classmates within a circle in
the learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the boys and
girls is taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of behavior on
the educational campus will be explained to them.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, continue asking how the
weather forecast is for today and depending on the weather, the
round “Sol solecito, o la ronda que lllueva que lllueva” will be

Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the children will go to the school
restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the day, then
invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will begin, and at
the end of the prayer, they will begin to consume the food. . At the
end they will move back to the learning classroom.

The topic of the day is “the correct use of the toilet”

We will start classes using a video as a guide, to guide the boys and
girls, the video is “PIPÍ POPO - Children's Videos” After finishing
watching the video, I will show everyone some printed sheets where
the steps will be to correctly use the sanitary.

At the end, we will carry out a dynamic to motivate the boys and girls
to do physical activity. At the end of the dynamic, I will sit with them
on the classroom floor to review the class, and ask them what
aspects they liked about the class and which they did not like. . I will
also be very aware of the behavior of the boys and girls throughout
the development of the day's activities.

Afterwards, the boys and girls will move in an orderly manner to the
school restaurant to receive the food. The teacher invites the boys
and girls to wash their hands. Afterwards, a prayer will begin giving
thanks for the food received. The boys and girls will begin to eat.

At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.
After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while they evaluates the performance of activities in
the learning classroom.

The boys and girls are then bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

- Reception of boys and girls ( Fist Bump )


It begins with the Prayer of the day and then continues with the
song (good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where
each boy or girl greets the teacher and their classmates within a
circle in the learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the
boys and girls is taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of
behavior on the educational campus will be explained to them.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, continue asking how the
weather forecast is for today and depending on the weather, the
round “Sol solecito, o la ronda que lllueva que lllueva” will be

Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the children will go to the school
restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the day, then
invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will begin, and at
the end of the prayer, they will begin to consume the food. . At the
end they will move back to the learning classroom.

The topic of the day is “Correct handwashing”

We begin the pedagogical activities of the day by showing the boys

and girls a video about hand washing. At the end of the video, I will
ask them how they should wash their hands correctly according to
the video.

I will solve your doubts, I will also explain how you should wash your
hands correctly, taking me as an example. Then I will have them
carry out this activity themselves,

At the end of this activity I will call each boy and girl and assign them
a block sheet on which we will make the outline of their 2 little hands
and I will explain to them that they should paint one and leave the
other unpainted. After finishing I will guide them in such a way that
they can identify that the painted hand is dirty and the unpainted
hand will be clean, at the end we will all wash our hands again to end
the day.

After having finished, the boys and girls will go to the school
restaurant to receive the food. The teacher invites the boys and girls
to wash their hands. Afterwards, a prayer will begin giving thanks for
the food received. The boys and girls will begin to eat. .

At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.

After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while evaluates the performance of activities in the
learning classroom.

The boys and girls are then bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


Thursday, March 24, 2022

- Reception of boys and girls (rocks, paper or



It begins with the Prayer of the day then continues with the song
(good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where each
boy or girl greets the teacher and their classmates within a circle in
the learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the boys and
girls is taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of behavior on
the educational campus will be explained to them.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, continue asking how the
weather forecast is for today and depending on the weather, the
round “Sol solecito, o la ronda que lllueva que lllueva” will be

Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the children will go to the school
restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the day, then
invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will begin, and at
the end of the prayer, they will begin to consume the food. . At the
end they will move back to the learning classroom.
The theme of the day is “A healthy and balanced diet”

We will start the day, doing the “I am a snake” round to improve the
mood and also to stimulate physical movement. Then we will
continue organizing the boys and girls in a round table to be able to
show them a video about balanced eating “Food Balanced -
Barney The Truck” while the activity is developing I will be very
attentive evaluating their behavior, at the end of the video I will sit
down with all the boys and girls and I will ask them to explain to me
what they learned from the video, with the aim of encouraging the
dialogue between the boys and girls with the teacher. When this
socialization is finished, I will give everyone teaching material
“crayon sheets or plasticines” so that they can develop
pedagogical or motor activities to their liking.

Lastly, I will show you some images of fruits and vegetables so that
you can learn to differentiate them from each other.

After having finished, the boys and girls will go to the school
restaurant to receive the food. The teacher invites the boys and girls
to wash their hands. Afterwards, a prayer will begin giving thanks for
the food received. The boys and girls will begin to eat. .

At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.

After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while evaluates the performance of activities in the
learning classroom.

The boys and girls are then bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


Friday, March 25, 2022

Reception of boys and girls (greeting ok)


It begins with the Prayer of the day then continues with the song
(good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where each
boy or girl greets the teacher and their classmates within a circle in
the learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the boys and
girls is taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of behavior on
the educational campus will be explained to them.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, continue asking how the
weather forecast is for today and depending on the weather, the
round “Sol solecito, o la ronda que lllueva que lllueva” will be

Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the children will go to the school
restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the day, then
invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will begin, and at
the end of the prayer, they will begin to consume the food. . At the
end they will move back to the learning classroom.

The theme of the day is "good behavior in the dining room." I will
begin the day by teaching the boys and girls through a text the basic
rules of behavior in the dining room, which are:

1- Maintain silence in the school cafeteria

2- Do not play with cutlery
3- Respect your classmates' food
4- Don't play with food
5- sit well
6- Be Cortez and be grateful for the food
7- Before eating wash your hands
8- After finishing eating, wash your hands.
9- Drying up the hands
10-Pray “Thank God for food” before eating it

At the end of reading we will apply these rules by going to the dining
room and all the boys or girls who behave well will be given a yellow
sticker-style face, to encourage good behavior in the dining room. I
will use audiovisual material so that they understand more
adequately how behave in the dining room. At the end of this activity
I will show you a video about the story of “hedgehog and the
balloon” When the video ends I will
ask you: what happened to the hedgehog in the story?

Next, I will prepare the boys and girls to go to the school restaurant to
receive the food. The teacher invites the boys and girls to wash their
hands. Afterwards, a prayer will begin giving thanks for the food
received. The boys and girls will begin to eat.

At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.

After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while evaluates the performance of activities in the
learning classroom.

The boys and girls are then bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


Monday March 28, 2022

- Reception of boys and girls ( jump like a rabbit )


It begins with the Prayer of the day then continues with the song
(good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where each
boy or girl greets the teacher and their classmates within a circle in
the learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the boys and
girls is taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of behavior on
the educational campus will be explained to them.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, continue asking how the
weather forecast is for today and depending on the weather, the
round “Sol solecito, or la ronda que lllueva que lllueva” will be

Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the children will go to the school
restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the day, then
invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will begin, and at
the end of the prayer, they will begin to consume the food. . At the
end they will move back to the learning classroom.

The topic of the day is “My Personal Presentation”

School activities begin by showing boys and girls the importance of

personal presentation. With the use of printed teaching material, in
which they will color with crayons. I will ask them how they think it is
best and I will explain to them that they should always be well
presented. Boys and girls will also be taught the importance of
hairstyle, I will use a video as a guide so that they have a visual
reference of how to dress. “I'm learning to dress myself”

Then in the learning room we will play different rounds that involve
movements and displacements

“the crazy round”


At the end of the round I will ask them how they felt.

Next, I will prepare the boys and girls to go to the school restaurant to
receive the food. The teacher invites the boys and girls to wash their
hands. Afterwards, a prayer will begin giving thanks for the food
received. The boys and girls will begin to eat.

At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.

After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while evaluates the performance of activities in the
learning classroom.

The boys and girls are then bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


Tuesday March 29, 2022

- Reception of boys and girls ( elbow

greeting )

It begins with the Prayer of the day and then continues with the
song (good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where
each child greets the teacher and their classmates within a circle in
the learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the children is
taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of behavior at the
educational facility will be explained to the children.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, we continue asking the
children how the weather forecast is for today and depending on the
weather, the round “Sol solecito, or la ronda que lllueva que
lllueva” will be sung.
Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the boys and girls will go to the
school restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the
day and then invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will
begin and at the end of the prayer the boys and girls will They begin
to consume food. At the end, the children will move back to the
learning classroom.

The theme of the day is “The Family”

We will begin the day with the use of audiovisual material with which
I will show some images to the boys and girls so that they can
identify the members that make up their family nucleus.

Next, I will begin socialization with the objective that the boys and
girls in the learning classroom describe to me how many people live
with them and who they are. At the end of the socialization I will
assign a block sheet where the boys and girls will find drawings of
the family to color with crayons. At the end we will make a poster
about the family. Which we will show to the parents or guardians and
I will give them the sheet where each boy or girl carried out the
activity. As a last activity we will watch the video of the song “My
family likes me like this.”
v=053TNBgMqtQ At the end of the video I will let the boys and girls
do any leisure activity, we will rest for 10 minutes before going to the
school restaurant to receive food, the teacher invites the children and
the girls wash their hands. Afterwards, a prayer will begin giving
thanks for the food received. The boys and girls will begin to eat.

At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.

After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while evaluates the performance of activities in the
learning classroom.

The boys and girls are then bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

- Reception of boys and girls ( love and peace )

It begins with the Prayer of the day and then continues with the
song (good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where
each child greets the teacher and their classmates within a circle in
the learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the children is
taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of behavior at the
educational facility will be explained to the children.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, we continue asking the
children how the weather forecast is for today and depending on the
weather, the round “Sol solecito, or la ronda que lllueva que
lllueva” will be sung.

Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the boys and girls will go to the
school restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the
day and then invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will
begin and at the end of the prayer the boys and girls will They begin
to consume food. At the end, the children will move back to the
learning classroom.

The topic of the day is “means of transportation.”

We will start the day, watching a video about the different means of
transportation “the means of transportation” At the end of the
video I will assign you a copy with the drawings of the means of
transportation so that they can color it with crayons at the end of the
activity, I will take the boys and girls to the playground to explore and
taking advantage of its location in front of a public street, I will
observe with them all the vehicles that pass by and motivate the
boys and girls to identify them, I will also help them by reminding
them when they forget, when we finish the activity, we will return to
the learning classroom. Lastly, we will do a round “The Wheels of
the Bus - Songs from the Zoo 3”
After the round is over, we will socialize everything learned today
among all the boys and girls in the learning classroom .

After a break we will go to the school restaurant to receive the food.

The teacher invites the boys and girls to wash their hands.
Afterwards, a prayer will begin giving thanks for the food received.
The boys and girls will begin to eat.

At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.

After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while evaluates the performance of activities in the
learning classroom.

Next, the boys and girls are bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


Thursday, March 31, 2022

- Reception of boys and girls ( random greeting,

boys and girls choose a greeting that they like the most )

It begins with the Prayer of the day then continues with the song
(good morning friends) or with the round (greet greet) where each
child greets the teacher and his classmates within a circle in the
learning classroom. At the end, the attendance of the children is
taken. Next, the biosafety standards and rules of behavior at the
educational facility will be explained to the children.
At the end of the biosafety regulations, we continue asking the
children how the weather forecast is for today and depending on the
weather, the round “Sol solecito, or la ronda que lllueva que
lllueva” will be sung.

Breakfast Time

After finishing the weather round, the boys and girls will go to the
school restaurant, where the teacher will tell them the menu of the
day and then invite them to wash their hands, a prayer of thanks will
begin and at the end of the prayer the boys and girls will They begin
to consume food. At the end, the children will move back to the
learning classroom.

The topic of the day is “Exploring the Places of my CDI”

Today we will start this day full of energy and a good attitude, with
the help of the boys and girls we will clear the learning classroom
with the aim of having more space.

Since we will do some phonics based on a round “Sing Game -

Raising Your Hands”
v=b3lqliovkDo at the end of the round I will tell the children what I
have planned for the day of today.

Today we will explore our CDI MY FIRST STEPS, how will we do it?
I will make 2 lines, one with boys and the other with girls, I will place
them so that they hold each other's hands and I will stand in front of
them singing a random round, we will pass through all the important
places of the CDI and at each stop I will explain all the places where
we make the stops, at the end of all the exploration of the place, I will
let all the boys and girls rest, as the next act, I will socialize with
everyone which were the places that they liked the most in the CDI,
as last I will provide them with plasticine so that they can carry out
activities of fine motor skills, without failing to emphasize that I will be
attentive to their behavior.

After finishing the previous activity, we will go to the school

restaurant to receive the food. The teacher invites the boys and girls
to wash their hands. Afterwards, they will be reminded of the daily
menu. They will be motivated to eat, reminding them of the
importance of good nutrition. will begin a prayer giving thanks for the
food received, the boys and girls will begin to eat.

At the end, the boys and girls will move back to the learning room.

After the boys and girls digest, they are allowed to do the activity
they like the most, activities such as dancing, painting, etc. Boys and
girls can also take a nap. After an hour of leisure, the teacher will set
the learning room with children's music or some popular round to
prepare the boys and girls for snack time in which each boy or girl is
given a snack, while they evaluates the performance of activities in
the learning classroom.

The boys and girls are then bid farewell with a song reminding them
of good manners, the farewell prayer is performed and they are
invited to return the next day.


MATERIALS 1- “ilarie, ilari larie oh oh oh”
2- “Hello Friend - Play with Me”
3- “Children's Story Give a Hand to Good Treatment”
4- Balanced Eating - Barney The Truck
5- I'm a Snake - The Zoo Songs 4
6- The 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf
7- I'm learning to dress
8- The crazy round
9- I like my family like this
10- “means of transportation”
11- The Wheels on the Bus - Zoo Songs 3
12-The Dance of the Animals - The Zoo Songs 3
13- the dance of the animals
14- The Sound of Animals - Children's Song
16- Up and Down - Trepsi The Clown
17- "My face"
18- “Social Personal: I am a boy or a girl”
19- “The Song of Colors, Pin Pon, Children's Songs”
20-“The Geometric Figures - Barney The Truck”
21- “In and out // Children's song”
22- “ the tiger and the mouse ”
23-“let's play in the forest”
24- Finding Nemo

Paper, cardboard, scissors, audiovisual resources, plasticine,


RESPONSIBLE Sofia Antonina Diaz Rangel



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