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Popular parties and celebrities in the Miranda state.

(zana of the
Altos Mirandinos)
Throughout the Venezuelan territory, the processes of conquest and
colonization led to the union of three cultures: the aboriginal, the African
and the European, resulting in a single identity that was more complex and
rich in expressions.

The indigenous people contributed to this amalgam with their traditions,

their knowledge of nature, their relationship with man and their spirituality.
Along with the Spanish came Christianity, which was incorporated into the
indigenous culture using the sword and the cross as symbols of domination.
New cultural elements that black Africans contributed to beliefs (magical-
religious component), culinary, music, aesthetics and dance were added to
this mix.

This cultural syncretism is evident in the celebration of festivities in the

different regions of the Miranda state, and even though in most cases the
festivities are linked to the calendar of the Catholic Church, many elements
within the celebration are incorporated from the indigenous or black culture.

The aguinaldos
In epoch
decembrine in
Venezuela always
hears the bonus. It is
a musical style

Brought by the Spanish and that we arrange in our own way, the word
aguinaldo means the gift that is given to another or that another expects
from one in the Christmas season or in the feast of the Three Wise Men.
The The Venezuelan nativity
scene has its origins in
manger Spanish traditions brought to
the new world by the
colonizers, the indigenous
people and African slaves in
their “non-Christian”
condition did not contribute
none to these holidays except
the influence brought to the
gastronomic part of the
Christmas celebrations.
Through Spanish colonization we received the essence of the cult of the
birth of Christ, of the Child Jesus, an essence to which the reinterpretations
that now characterize Latin American Christmas were added. Its essence
has remained untouched by the widespread changes suffered by Christmas

The Christmas bonus

It is customary to wake up in
December at a Christmas bonus mass
or Midnight Mass. These masses are
an expression that characterizes the
transculturation and fusion of two
worlds that has occurred in these
lands. The Christmas bonus masses
bring together family and friends in
the church, which is particularly
decorated for these dates and where
the clergyman leads the mass that is
accompanied by songs of Christmas bonuses that allude to the Christian
theme that is celebrated on these dates, shared in the The church holds bread
and at the end of the masses, fireworks are launched and chocolate or coffee
is drunk. As the sun rises, the event ends, leaving the participants full of joy
and love for their neighbors, prepared for the different Christmas days.
On January 6 of each year, the
mangers of the Mirandian cities are
visited by the Three Wise Men. On
this date the representation of the
sacramental car of the three Wise
Men takes place: Melchior, Gaspar
and Baltazar. In Higuerote, three
residents dressed as these
characters tour the town on foot, on
horseback or in a carriage, and then
head to Tacarigua de
Mamporal and Curiepe. Returning
to Higuerote, the Three Wise Men follow another participant wearing the
star of Bethlehem, accompanied by musicians, while they give candy and
toys to the children.


February 2 throughout the state of Miranda

The “Paradura” consists of a walk that is done with the

image of the child inside a house or in the adjacent streets.
During the ceremony, songs and verses alluding to the
occasion are sung, the godparents carrying the Child
approach the manger and place the image standing in the
middle of the images of the Virgin Mary and Saint
Joseph. Participants are then treated to coffee, chocolate,
sweets and liquor. On many occasions, the Theft of the
Child is carried out, which occurs when, after a few days,
a neighbor does not make the stop. The theft consists of
removing the image of the Child from this neighbor's
manger and placing it on another altarpiece in the same
town. After the disappearance of the Child from the manger, the search is
organized, through a symbolic precession, accompanied by music, allusive
songs and explosions of rockets, until the Child is found and returned to its
Popular celebrations and celebrations in the miranda state. (Carr of the
High Mirandinos)

Throughout the Venezuelan territory, the conquest and colonization

processes led to the union of three cultures: the aboriginal, the African and
the European, resulting in a single identity that was more complex and rich
in expressions.
The indigenous people contributed to this amalgamation with their
traditions, their knowledge of nature, their relationship with man and their
spirituality. Along with the Spanish came Christianity, which was
incorporated into the indigenous culture using the sword and the cross as
symbols of domination. This mixture was joined by new cultural elements
that African blacks were adding to beliefs (magical-religious component),
culinary, music, aesthetics and dance.
This cultural syncretism is evident in the celebration of the festivities in the
different regions of Miranda state, and even though in most cases the
festivities are linked to the calendar of the Catholic Church, many elements
within the celebration are incorporated from the indigenous or black
culture .
The bonuses
In the holiday season
in Venezuela the
Christmas gift is
always heard. It is a
musical style brought
by the Spanish and that we arrange in our own way, the word aguinaldo means the gift
that is given to another or that another expects from one in the Christmas season or at
the feast of the Three Kings.
manager The Venezuelan manger has
its origin in the Spanish
traditions brought to the new
world by the colonizers, the
indigenous people and
African slaves in their “non
Christian” condition did not
add any significance to these
festivals except for the influence contributed to the gastronomic part of the
Christmas festivities. .
Through the Spanish colonization, we received the essence of the cult of the
birth of Christ, of the Child Jesus, an essence to which the reinterpretations
that now characterize the Latin American Christmas were added. Its essence
has remained unscathed in the face of the general changes suffered by the
Christmas culture.
The Christmas bonuses masses It is customary to dawn in December
at a Christmas Christmas Mass or Misa
de Gallo, these Masses are an
expression that characterizes the
transculturation and the fusion of two
worlds that has occurred in these lands.
The Christmas bonus masses bring
together family and friends in the
church, which is particularly the
clergyman directs the mass that is
decorated for these dates and where accompanied by Christmas Christmas
songs that allude to the Christian theme that is celebrated on these dates, it
is shared in the The church is made of bread and at the end of the masses,
fireworks are launched, chocolate or coffee is drunk. When the sun rises,
the event ends, leaving the participants full of joy and love for their
neighbors, prepared for the different Christmas days.

THE THREE WISE MEN On January 6 of each year, the

nativity scenes of the Miranda cities
are visited by the Magi. On this
date the representation of the
sacramental car of the three Wise
Men is performed: Melchor, Gaspar
and Baltazar. In Higuerote, three
settlers dressed as these
characters travel through the town on foot, on horseback or in a carriage,
and then go to tacarigua de Mamporal and Curiepe. Back in Higuerote, the
Three Wise Men are following another participant who carries the star of
Bethlehem, accompanied by musicians, while they give candy and toys to
the children.


February 2 throughout the state of Miranda The
"Paradura" consists of a walk made with the image
of the child inside a house or in the adjacent
streets. During the ceremony, songs and verses are
sung alluding to the occasion, the godparents who
carry the Child approach the manger and place the
image standing in the middle of the images of the
Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph. Then the
participants are presented with coffee, chocolate,
sweets and liquor. On many occasions the Theft of the Child is carried out
when, after a few days, a neighbor does not carry out the stop. The theft
consists of removing the image of the Child from the manger of this
neighbor and placing it on another altarpiece in the same town. After the
disappearance of the Child from the manger, the search is organized, by
means of a symbolic precession, accompanied by music, allusive songs and
fireworks, until the Child is found and returned to his place.
How Venezuelan culture was shaped

Venezuelan popular culture is the result of the mixture of three cultures : indigenous,
African and Spanish, which met in America after the arrival of Christopher Columbus.
This mixture produced a rich culture , different in each region of the country.
How the indigenous African and Spanish culture manifests itself in our culture

The indigenous culture is manifested in popular Venezuelan crafts. Its techniques, processes
and materials are used by artisans in all regions of our country, for the manufacture of baskets,
fabrics, ceramics, pottery and other objects. In addition, it manifests itself in foods such as
casabe and arepa. In some regions of the coast, where the work of Africans was decisive,
cultural mixing is evident in popular festivals, in music and in drumbeats. Finally, Spanish culture
is present in language, religion, gastronomy, architecture, music and popular traditions such as
the paradura and the festivities of San Benito. In Venezuela, the songs, festivals and traditional
dances are very diverse

From what countries are the people who have emigrated to Venezuela?

Immigration in Venezuela has been of utmost importance since the country's independence in
1810 . The first immigrants were Spaniards who settled on the coast of Venezuela at the
beginning of the 16th century . In the middle of the 20th century, and as a result of the oil boom,
the country received an important immigrant influx, mostly coming from America , Europe , the
Middle East , and East Asian countries, thus influencing the culture , language, traditions, and
gastronomy, among other things . 1 Thus, Venezuela is a nation with ethnic diversity . 2
List of traditional festivals

Traditional winter festivals

Festival during the rainy period , to celebrate all the dates related to the
Nativity of Jesus, covering the months of December and January , with
the celebration of:
• Christmas
• The pastors
• San Benito Festivities
• The Paradura of the Child
• Vassals of the Virgin of La Candelaria on February 2.
Traditional summer festivals
Festivals during the drought period, which are celebrated between the
months of May and June, in which their fundamental component is the
agricultural cult manifested:

• The May Cross

• San isidro labrador
• The Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi
• Celebrations of the Festivities of San Antonio de Padua
• The Parranda of San Pedro de Guarenas and Guatire
• Drums of Saint John the Apostle on June 24, after the Summer
Other celebrations of great importance
There are also other celebrations that occur in the Calendar of Traditional
Festivals of Venezuela such as:
• The Procession of the Divine Shepherdess ,
• Saint Joseph's Day
• The Holy Week
• The Nazarene of San Pablo or Lemon Tree of the Lord Holy
Wednesday – Caracas.
• Day of the Virgin of Coromoto ,
• Festival of the Virgin of the Valley ,
• Festivities in honor of Santo Cristo de La Grita
• All Saints Day
• Day of the Dead
• and the fair in homage to the Virgin of La Chinita , Events that mark
the strength of the Catholic faith Events in the country in coexistence
with syncretic traits , most evident in:
• Saint Barbara
• The Monkey Dance
• La Yonna , La Turas
• Zaragozas
• The Burriquita
• He Carnival
• cult of María Lionza the Queen of Sorte
How technology influences technological means
Technology , as part of the human environment, is always linked to culture . This not
only includes methods of survival and production, but also the creation of language,
sounds, art, etc. Its nature is ambivalent, as it accelerates the transfer of information and

What is culture

Culture refers to the set of material and spiritual goods of a social group transmitted from
generation to generation in order to guide individual and collective practices. It includes
language, processes, ways of life, customs, traditions, habits, values, patterns, tools and

What is ethnicity

Ethnicity refers to a human community that shares a series of sociocultural traits, such
as language, culture, religion, institutions, values, uses and customs, as well as racial
affinities. Race, on the other hand, refers to the groups into which a species is

2nd grade

Columbus Day is one of the names given to October 12 , the day

which commemorates the discovery of America by the navigator Christopher Columbus
in 1492. This day is celebrated in most of Latin America, Spain and the United States,
among other countries.

3 cultural contributions

1. NDIGENE AFRICAN SPANISH Vocabulary of some words and gastronomy. Music like
the drum. Venezuela was also enriched by other cultural currents of Antillean and
European origin in the 19th century, especially its origin. The Catholic religion and
3. 6. To a contrasting cultural legacy of various indigenous ethnic groups with their art
rock art, basketry, pottery and a rich oral tradition (especially in the Andean regions, in
the mountainous areas of the coast, the Llano savannahs and the Amazon jungles) were
added the extraordinary contribution of linguistics, architecture, decorative arts, painting,
goldsmithing and furniture of the Spanish conquerors and colonizers, originating mostly
from Andalusia, Castilla and Extremadura
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela EDUCATIONAL UNIT “DR. JOSÉ MARÍA
Via San Diego de los Altos, Quebrada Honda Sector, Carrizal Municipality,
Miranda State Telephones: 372-44-60/373-55-17

NAME: -----------------------------------------------------------
Instructions: Color

12th October Oondgena Ressíenca Day

Competence: Identify outstanding events in the history of your country.

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