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Degree work to qualify for the title of Business Administrator





~ 10

LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................13
LIST OF GRAPHICS........................................................................................................15
LIST OF ANNEXES.........................................................................................................17
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...............................................................................................18
1. BUSINESS CONCEPT..............................................................................................18
2. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION................................................................19
3. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................20
Specific objectives.............................................................................................................21
4. CURRENT STATE OF THE BUSINESS.................................................................21
5. SERVICE'S DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................21
6. MARKET POTENTIAL IN NUMBERS...................................................................22
7. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND VALUE PROPOSAL...............................22
8. SUMMARY OF THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED.................................................23
9. SALES AND PROFITABILITY PROJECTIONS....................................................23
11. WORK TEAM........................................................................................................24
1. MARKET...................................................................................................................24
1. SECTOR ANALYSIS................................................................................................24
Table 8. Variation in internet subscribers..........................................................................29
Table 9. Total dedicated by segment.................................................................................29
2. MARKET ANALYSIS AND STUDY......................................................................30
2.2 Market segmentation..............................................................................................32
Demographic Profile:.........................................................................................................33
Socioeconomic Profile:......................................................................................................34
Lifestyles and values:........................................................................................................34
Graph 6. Frequency of use from the cyber cafe................................................................38
Graph 7. Time using the cyber cafe service.....................................................................39

~ 11
3. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS.........................................................................................43
Table 11. Competitor analysis...........................................................................................44
4. UNSATISFIED DEMAND........................................................................................45
Table 13. Supply projection...............................................................................................47
5. PRICE STUDY..........................................................................................................47
6. MARKETING PLAN.................................................................................................49
7. SALES PROJECTION...............................................................................................53
Local telephony.................................................................................................................54
Cell phone..........................................................................................................................54
8. MARKET INTRODUCTION PLAN........................................................................55
II. TECHNICAL ASPECTS...........................................................................................57
1.1 Technology characteristics.....................................................................................57
Graph 11. Required desk dimensions................................................................................59
2. SHOPPING PLAN.....................................................................................................60
3. LOCATION................................................................................................................61
III. ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS...................................................62
1. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS.........................................................................................62
Table 21. SWOT analysis and creation of alternative strategies.......................................64
2. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE........................................................................64
- Administrator..............................................................................................................65
- Public accountant.......................................................................................................65
3. LEGAL ASPECTS.....................................................................................................66
4. PERSONAL EXPENSES...........................................................................................67
Table 24. Estimated advertising expenses.........................................................................69
Table 29. Annual maintenance costs.................................................................................71
IV. FINANCIAL ASPECTS.........................................................................................72
1.2 FINANCING POLICY...........................................................................................72
Amortization Table............................................................................................................73
1.5 FINANCIAL EVALUATION.....................................................................................77
1.8 ANALYSIS OF THE BALANCE POINT..................................................................80

~ 12
APPENDIX 2. COMPANY SLOGAN.............................................................................91


LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................13
LIST OF GRAPHICS........................................................................................................15
LIST OF ANNEXES.........................................................................................................17
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...............................................................................................18
1. BUSINESS CONCEPT..............................................................................................18
2. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION................................................................19
3. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................20
Specific objectives.............................................................................................................21
4. CURRENT STATE OF THE BUSINESS.................................................................21
5. SERVICE'S DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................21
6. MARKET POTENTIAL IN NUMBERS...................................................................22
7. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND VALUE PROPOSAL...............................22
8. SUMMARY OF THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED.................................................23
9. SALES AND PROFITABILITY PROJECTIONS....................................................23
11. WORK TEAM........................................................................................................24
1. MARKET...................................................................................................................24
1. SECTOR ANALYSIS................................................................................................24
Table 8. Variation in internet subscribers..........................................................................29
Table 9. Total dedicated by segment.................................................................................29
2. MARKET ANALYSIS AND STUDY......................................................................30
2.2 Market segmentation..............................................................................................32
Demographic Profile:.........................................................................................................33

~ 13
Socioeconomic Profile:......................................................................................................34
Lifestyles and values:........................................................................................................34
Graph 6. Frequency of use from the cyber cafe................................................................38
Graph 7. Time using the cyber cafe service.....................................................................39
3. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS.........................................................................................43
Table 11. Competitor analysis...........................................................................................44
4. UNSATISFIED DEMAND........................................................................................45
Table 13. Supply projection...............................................................................................47
5. PRICE STUDY..........................................................................................................47
6. MARKETING PLAN.................................................................................................49
7. SALES PROJECTION...............................................................................................53
Local telephony.................................................................................................................54
Cell phone..........................................................................................................................54
8. MARKET INTRODUCTION PLAN........................................................................55
II. TECHNICAL ASPECTS...........................................................................................57
1.1 Technology characteristics.....................................................................................57
Graph 11. Required desk dimensions................................................................................59
2. SHOPPING PLAN.....................................................................................................60
3. LOCATION................................................................................................................61
III. ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS...................................................62
1. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS.........................................................................................62
Table 21. SWOT analysis and creation of alternative strategies.......................................64
2. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE........................................................................64
- Administrator..............................................................................................................65
- Public accountant.......................................................................................................65
3. LEGAL ASPECTS.....................................................................................................66
4. PERSONAL EXPENSES...........................................................................................67
Table 24. Estimated advertising expenses.........................................................................69
Table 29. Annual maintenance costs.................................................................................71
IV. FINANCIAL ASPECTS.........................................................................................72

~ 14
1.2 FINANCING POLICY...........................................................................................72
Amortization Table............................................................................................................73
1.5 FINANCIAL EVALUATION.....................................................................................77
1.8 ANALYSIS OF THE BALANCE POINT..................................................................80
APPENDIX 2. COMPANY SLOGAN.............................................................................91


LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................13
LIST OF GRAPHICS........................................................................................................15
LIST OF ANNEXES.........................................................................................................17
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...............................................................................................18
1. BUSINESS CONCEPT..............................................................................................18
2. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION................................................................19
3. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................20
Specific objectives.............................................................................................................21
4. CURRENT STATE OF THE BUSINESS.................................................................21
5. SERVICE'S DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................21
6. MARKET POTENTIAL IN NUMBERS...................................................................22
7. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND VALUE PROPOSAL...............................22
8. SUMMARY OF THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED.................................................23
9. SALES AND PROFITABILITY PROJECTIONS....................................................23
11. WORK TEAM........................................................................................................24
1. MARKET...................................................................................................................24
1. SECTOR ANALYSIS................................................................................................24
Table 8. Variation in internet subscribers..........................................................................29

~ 15
Table 9. Total dedicated by segment.................................................................................29
2. MARKET ANALYSIS AND STUDY......................................................................30
2.2 Market segmentation..............................................................................................32
Demographic Profile:.........................................................................................................33
Socioeconomic Profile:......................................................................................................34
Lifestyles and values:........................................................................................................34
Graph 6. Frequency of use from the cyber cafe................................................................38
Graph 7. Time using the cyber cafe service.....................................................................39
3. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS.........................................................................................43
Table 11. Competitor analysis...........................................................................................44
4. UNSATISFIED DEMAND........................................................................................45
Table 13. Supply projection...............................................................................................47
5. PRICE STUDY..........................................................................................................47
6. MARKETING PLAN.................................................................................................49
7. SALES PROJECTION...............................................................................................53
Local telephony.................................................................................................................54
Cell phone..........................................................................................................................54
8. MARKET INTRODUCTION PLAN........................................................................55
II. TECHNICAL ASPECTS...........................................................................................57
1.1 Technology characteristics.....................................................................................57
Graph 11. Required desk dimensions................................................................................59
2. SHOPPING PLAN.....................................................................................................60
3. LOCATION................................................................................................................61
III. ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS...................................................62
1. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS.........................................................................................62
Table 21. SWOT analysis and creation of alternative strategies.......................................64
2. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE........................................................................64
- Administrator..............................................................................................................65
- Public accountant.......................................................................................................65
3. LEGAL ASPECTS.....................................................................................................66

~ 16
4. PERSONAL EXPENSES...........................................................................................67
Table 24. Estimated advertising expenses.........................................................................69
Table 29. Annual maintenance costs.................................................................................71
IV. FINANCIAL ASPECTS.........................................................................................72
1.2 FINANCING POLICY...........................................................................................72
Amortization Table............................................................................................................73
1.5 FINANCIAL EVALUATION.....................................................................................77
1.8 ANALYSIS OF THE BALANCE POINT..................................................................80
APPENDIX 2. COMPANY SLOGAN.............................................................................91



Appendix 1. Survey ......................................................................................................86

Appendix 2. company slogan .......................................................................................88

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The commercial name of the company is Cibercafé Carmen de Apicalnet. It will operate
in the services sector, within the communications and computing activity, which offers
good opportunities, because it will take advantage of the advances that arise in
computing technology and with good long-term prospects, due to demand. that users
have in using these applications every day.

It will be installed in a location that has an area of 4 meters front x 10 meters deep,
located in the central area of the Municipality, where the commercial sector is located,
therefore, it has good conditions, such as telecommunications. , basic public services,
water and electricity and proximity to the target market. In its surroundings are located
the Municipal Mayor's Office, Enertolima, Daguas, five hotels, each with an installed and
used capacity of twenty-five guests and two schools, which have the mandatory passage
through the front of the business. There is no other internet cafe nearby.

Among the main objectives of the company are: to contribute to the population of the
Municipality to have internet access that is fast, efficient, reliable and close to their home
for the purposes they need; contain the greatest possible amount of supplies necessary
to satisfy the basic requirements that our clients have when needing an Internet cafe;
innovate within the cybercafé market, adapting new technologies capable of providing
users with a high level of service that is recognized in the market; integrate the business
within the current competition and become a leader in the sector; make available to
customers all the information they need in the Internet, pages of interest, programs,
games and others and keep customers informed of promotions, discounts and benefits
that will be offered.

As an added value, excellent advice will be provided to all clients on their IT and
communications needs.

~ 18

The first cyber café that opened was in London in September 1994 called Café Cyberia.
Its founder, Eva Pascoe, in the early 90s, was the one who had that idea, because she
spent a lot of time away from her family working on her PhD studies. , at that time few
people had access to an email account, a service that was purely academic. Sitting in a
cafe near her university, she thought about the possibility of having a permanent Internet
connection from one of these sites and paying a small fee to be able to exchange
messages with her friends and family, send email and have instant messaging, three
months later. This is how the first Internet cafe was opened. From that moment until now,
Internet cafes have grown by thousands around the world and now it is difficult to find a
place where one is not nearby (Cibercafés. Retrieved August 18, 2011 in ).

In Colombia, the pioneers of Internet cafes were brave, first, because of the technical
limitations and second, because the market was so small that they had to explain to
those who approached out of curiosity that to send an email they did not need envelopes
or stamps. There is no exact documentary information about the creation of the first
internet cafe but it is assumed that it was around 1997, which was when the first public
internet access sites began to be seen. At that time, many of the Internet cafe
connections were through switched connection, that is, telephone, and the prices per
hour of browsing were between 6,000 and 10,000 pesos, taking into account that you
could not have more than 2 or 3 computers connected simultaneously and to do so it
was necessary to use proxy software that allowed sharing the connection (The history of
the internet cafe in Colombia. Retrieved on August 18, 2011 at ).

So Internet cafes are, after home, the most visited place for Colombians to browse and
this is because they are a means that allows ordinary people to get closer to technology,
this is demonstrated by the study carried out by the Regulatory Commission of
Telecommunications (CRT) in 2007, where with a sample of 3821 people who lived in

~ 19
Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla, Pereira, Manizales and Bucaramanga, 54.2%
regularly access the Internet, of this universe of people there are 28.6% do it from their
home, 26.1% from an internet cafe and 20.1% do it from the company, which shows that
internet cafes continue to be the second connection option for those who have access to
the Internet in their home or business and most likely the first option for those who do not
have access in their own home (CRT, 2007).

The study also showed the way internet cafes are made up, on average they have 8.2
computers per location, 69% use xDSL as a channel to provide service to their
customers, 22% with dedicated channels and 9% with systems of cable. On average,
each internet cafe has 44.9 daily users, of which 21.1 are regular users (CRT, 2007).

Hence, currently everyone has heard or knows how to navigate the Internet as it is
commonly called, it is so varied and offers so many services that communication is not
and will never be the same, one of the most common examples is email. , there is also
internet commerce, as well as videoconferencing, music, games, education, television,
images, radio and many other things, since one of the largest networks in the world is
Microsoft, because the majority of personal computers They use their Windows operating
system. Hence, the Internet is an emerging communication, information and training tool
that anyone can count on to improve their performance.

Therefore, the Internet is increasingly present in all activities, but it has divided society
into two groups: those who know how to access the Internet and those who do not know
how. That is why it was thought to install the cybercafé in the Municipality of Carmen de
Apicalá, because the general population does not have this service in their homes.


General objective. Implement an Internet café in the central sector of the Municipality of
Carmen de Apicalá that meets all the requirements that the market demands for this type
of business.

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Specific objectives.

• Contribute to the population of the Municipality to have internet access that is fast,
efficient, reliable and close to their home for the purposes they need.
• Contain the greatest possible amount of supplies necessary to satisfy the basic
requirements that our clients have when needing an Internet cafe.
• Innovate within the cybercafe market, adapting new technologies capable of providing
users with a high level of service that is recognized in the market.

* Integrate the business within the current competition and become a leader in the
• Offer friendly and pleasant attention in order to empathize with customers.
• Make available to customers all the information they need in the Internet, pages of
interest, programs, games and others.
• Keep customers informed of promotions, discounts and benefits that will be offered.


CARMEN DE APICALNET is going to be established as a cybercafé, within the service

sector, this being an initial venture in Carmen de Apicalá, which is a small Colombian
municipality in the Department of Tolima, located about 12 km from Melgar.


The portfolio of services offered by the company is made up of local, national and
international telephony, cell phone calls and broadband internet, office services such as
document typing, consultations and work preparation, CD burning, online procedures. ,
scanner, fax, photocopying, gray and color printing, in addition to other services such as
computer games, offering computer courses, advice on the use of Twitter, Facebook and
other social networks and repair of computer equipment.

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El Carmen de Apicalá is a municipality located in the Department of Tolima, with a

population of 8,394 inhabitants (DANE, 2005) plus the floating population from other
municipalities, because it has several access roads, giving great mobility to this

Of this population, approximately 73.4% of the households in the municipality have 4 or

fewer people, 50.6% are men and 49.4% women. 88.8% over 5 years old and older
know how to read and write. They attend a formal educational establishment, 40.8%
from 3 to 5 years old; 90.7% from 6 to 10 years old and 81.5% from 11 to 17 years old.
45.0% have reached the basic primary level and 29.8% secondary school; 2.3% have
reached the professional level and 0.4% have completed specialization, master's or
doctoral studies. Without any educational level it is 12.2%. In the establishments with the
highest number of jobs (from 0 to 10) it is commerce with 59.7%, being the most frequent
activity and in the group of 10 to 50 people the main activity is services (100.0%)
( DANE, 2005).

Therefore, the largest users of the cybercafé will be students, tourists, public sector
employees, private sector employees, independent employees, housewives and all the
other floating population, resident or not, that moves within the Municipality of Carmen
de Apicalá, belonging to the male and female gender that includes: children between 7
and 14 years old, adolescents between 15 and 19 years old and adults between 20 and
70 years old, with an income level that ranges from one SMLV to two million pesos or
more, which indicates the potential purchasing capacity of consumers


Among the competitive advantages are the following:

• An installed capacity of 10 devices.
• Expansion in the services that will be offered such as burner, cameras and powerful

~ 22
computers, due to the demands of modern games.

* A greater renewal of equipment, because new games that require greater power or
graphic quality are constantly coming onto the market.
• Modern facilities.
• Optimal quality of service, provided through customer advice.
• Excellent customer service
• Updating equipment according to the advancement of technology.
• Technical support for computer equipment (installation, maintenance and repair).
• Sale of components and consumables (cartridges, CD-rom).
• A good induction for students by taking them through the Internet in search of tools to
learn and do homework for school, since the advantages offered by multimedia,
typical of the Internet, make it possible for young people to find not only texts, but
videos, interactive images and animations in areas such as mathematics, English,
science, history and biology, among others, services that will differentiate Apicalnet
from other internet cafes.


The initial investment required is approximately $26,058,500, which is made up of the

purchase of 10 computers; a fax and scanner; 2 printers; 11 headbands; 11 cameras; 2
software; 4 telephone equipment; a pricing system; a UPS; an antivirus; a cellular plant;
network installation; 4 viewers; publicity and promotion; furniture and equipment and


Within the estimate, annual sales for services provided, including taxes, of $51,419,320
are calculated. When calculating the break-even point, it resulted that the company in the
first year must sell at least $28,984 daily, to cover fixed costs without generating a profit.

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The economic profitability is 36%, that is, the benefits obtained have represented 36% of
the total investment in the company's assets, which indicates that the company's profit is
sufficient to cover the cost. of financing.

The financial profitability is 27%, that is, the benefits obtained have represented 27% of
the company's total own resources.


The NPV was calculated with a minimum attractive rate of return of 25%, selected
subjectively, since it was considered that less than this rate the investor would not be
willing to enter the business, therefore, the Net Present Value (NPV ) which indicates the
future profit of the business expressed in today's pesos, is positive at $29,896,807. The
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is equal to 56% EA, which indicates the return at which the
money invested in the project is placed, therefore, as IRR > MARR, the project is viable,
confirming the result of the VPN. In conclusion, the project is viable, so it is
recommended to be executed.


The work team is made up of a single person, who is the student,

author of this project. NAMES
AND SURNAMES PHONE Carlos Eduardo Rojas
317 502 01 59
PROGRAM Business Administration.
INSTITUTION School of Business Administration

~ 24


1.1 Characterization of the sector. In the last ten years, national microbusiness
became one of the most dynamic sectors of our economy. According to calculations by
the National Planning Department (2010), more than 1,200,000 formal micro businesses
survive, employing around 2.8 million people. Microenterprises, present in all branches
of economic activity, according to Planning, reach 38% in the commercial sector; 21% in
the services sector; 19% in manufacturing and the remaining 22% in other activities such
as education, science and technology. 48% of micro businesses are made up of family
businesses with a specific job; 40% have between two and five employees and the
remaining 12% employ between 6 and 10 people.

Now, analyzing the Communications and Internet sector, it is found that according to the
estimate of Internet users, there would be 23.3 million users, which represents a user
penetration of 51.3%, that is, 51.3 users per 100 inhabitants (CRC, 2010). According to
calculations by ADECINTEL Colombia (2010), the estimated total number of users is
approximately 25,100,475, equivalent to 55.2% of the national population (see table 1).

Table 1. Internet user in Colombia

Number of people
National Population 45.471.876
Internet users 25.100.475
Source: Adecintel. Bogota, 2011

The greatest weight continues to be exercised by regular users of Telecenters and

Cybercafés with more than 43% participation, under an infrastructure that does not
exceed 50,000 high-performance Internet connections. Regarding Internet subscribers
as of December 31, 2010, there were 4,384,181. Of the connections, 39% (1,708,633
connections) belong to Mobile Internet and 61% (2,675,548) connections are fixed
access (see table 2).

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Table 2. Total internet connections
No CONNECTIONS Percentages
MOBILE INTERNET 1,708,633 39.0 %
FIXED INTERNET 2,675,548 61.0 %
TOTAL 4.384,181 100.0 %
Source: MINTIC. Bogota, 2010

Within the Broadband category there are 3,073,948 connections and 1,310,233 are
classified as narrow band (see table 3).

Table 3. Type of internet connections

No Connections Percentages
narrow band 1.310.233 29.9 %
Broadband 3.073.948 70.1 %
TOTAL 4.384,181 100.0 %
Source: MINTIC. Bogota, 2010

Taking into account mobile and fixed connections, the number of Internet subscribers per
100 inhabitants as of December 2010 was 9.6.

Regarding use, 92.0% of the total number of people aged 5 years and older who used
the Internet, in 24 cities and metropolitan areas, consulted it to obtain information; 80.3%
used it for communication and 52.2% used it for topics related to entertainment. In
contrast, the use of the Internet to purchase goods/services and transactions with the
Government occupy the last places, with 5.9% and 3.2%, respectively (see table 4).

Table 4. Target use of the internet

Information search 92.0 %
Communications 80,3 %
Entertainment 52,2 %
Education and learning 50,6 %
Electronic banking 10,9 %
Others 9,6 %
Buy products services 5,9 %
Transactions with the 3,2 %
Source: DANE – Large Integrated Household Survey 2008

The most frequented places to use the Internet have been the paid public access centers
(Internet cafes) where 47.2% of people have used it during the last 12 months.
According to calculations by Adecintel (2008), this share has been reduced to 43% due

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to the increase in mobile Internet (see table 5).

Table 5. Internet access location

Public access center with cost 47,2 %
In the home 43,8 %
In educational institutions 26,6 %
At work 24,6 %
At someone else's house 16,3 %
In free public access centers 4,1 %
Source: DANE – Large Integrated Household Survey 2008

The estimated number of computers per 100 inhabitants has been 18.5%, according to
figures from the Ministry of Communications (2010). The newspaper El Tiempo also
recorded a growth of 39.3% in sales of computer and home equipment for 2010. Hernán
Rincón, president of Microsoft Latin America, included Colombia as the third largest
market in Latin America along with Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Venezuela, with
an estimated increase of 13% by 2010, for a total of 27 million units. . He also estimates
that one in six Latin Americans has a computer and about 35 percent of the population
has access to the Internet, but "80 percent of them do so through an Internet café."

Of the 43.6% estimated in 2009, based on data published by the CRC, a significant
increase in probable users in Colombia who have internet access above 1024 Kbps or
3G is presumed. According to ADECINTEL Colombia data, the percentage should not be
less than 75% of the estimated 25,100,475 Internet users in 2010, given the specific
weight of Telecenters and Cybercafés, which use mostly, if not entirely, Internet
connections higher than the stipulated minimum. by the CRC.

Table 6. Mobile telephony

I Quarter 65,80% 22,49% 11,71%
II Quarter 65,98% 22,39% 11,62%
III Quarter 66,28% 22,35% 11,38%
IV Quarter 66,87% 22,14% 11,01%
Source: MINTIC. Bogota, 2010

Comcel has 29,266,296 active lines; the Movistar firm 10,003,024 active lines and Tigo,
5,208,333 active lines. The total number of mobile minutes during 2010 amounted to

~ 27
173,186 million, with Comcel having 77.5% of the share of this market. The market MOU
averages 162 minutes per month. In the last three years, the MOU maintained a growing
trend due to the drop in voice minute prices, according to information on the DNP web
portal and figures from SIUST. Of the Postpaid type, there are approximately 7,220,033
active plans and approximately 37,257,620 active prepaid lines (see table 7).

Table 7. Mobile phones by plan and operator

Tigo ENT
801.259 4.407.074 5.208.333
Movistar 2.263.594 7.739.430 10.003.024
Comcel 4.155.180 25.111.116 29.266.296
Total 7.220.033 37.257.620 44.477.653
Source: Quarterly connectivity report CRC- 2010, Adecintel 2011.

Regarding Internet access, in 2009 in Colombia there were 3,181,431 connections, in

2010 the figure reached 4,384,181 to fixed and mobile Internet. The previous data is
equivalent to 9.6 subscribers per 100 inhabitants. This figure represents a growth in
subscribers of 4.0, 8.4, 12.8 and 8.3% respectively in the last four quarters (see table 8)

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Table 8. Variation in internet subscribers
I Quarter 3.309.952 3.3099.52 128.521
II Quarter 3.586.748 8,3% 3.586.748 276.796
III Quarter 4.046.997 12,83% 4.046.997 460.249
IV Quarter 4.384.181 8,3% 4.384.181 337.184
Source: Quarterly connectivity report MINTIC.2010

The residential segment is the one with the highest participation with 86.9%, with a
downward trend and paradoxically the official Internet Café connections only add up to
400 accesses. The Corporate sector presents an increase due to the rise of
telecommunications microenterprises (see table 9).

Table 9. Total dedicated by segment

SEGMENT 1 trimester 2 trimester 3 quarter 4 Quarter
Residential 1.996.803 2.097.817 2.207.273 2.302.873
Corporate 294.579 310.758 312.236 329.746
Educational 11.115 11.298 11.565 13.398
Town hall 3.533 3.461 3.752 1.788
Telecenter 1.968 1.963 1.963 1.975
health institution 812 832 994 874
Internet cafe 617 546 402 400
military garrison 141 147 179 176
P Centers. by G. 120 120 116 113
Total 2.309.688 2.426.942 2.538.480 2.651.363
Increase 4.2% 5.1% 4.6% 4.3%
Source: MINTIC quarterly connectivity report. 2010

1.2 Entry and exit barriers. Among the entry barriers are the following:

• Finding the competition's prices below costs, in many cases generating losses, which,
for the new company, would not be a recommended policy.

• Loyalty on the part of customers to the competition, showing indifference to the new

• Greater advertising by the cyber cafes already created, making a greater investment
in this item, an expense that the incoming cyber cafe cannot afford.

• Wanting to prematurely abandon the total execution of the project in the market,

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which will imply loss and not recovery of the investment made.
• Issuance of other government policies, additional to existing ones .

And within the exit barriers are the following:

• Possess very specialized assets that, when liquidated, reflect little value.
• New labor regulations, which may generate high additional costs for the company.

• Having long-term obligations with suppliers, a fact that forces the cybercafé to remain
in the market longer than expected, causing higher costs.

• Resistance on the part of the owner of the cybercafé to close the establishment,
generated by proven financial losses, involving emotional aspects.

In order to break down these barriers, the competition, suppliers and the development of
adequate marketing channels were investigated and the legal procedures necessary to
carry out for the installation of this cybercafé were also known.


2.1 Market trends. Technology is being innovated and reinvented rapidly, therefore, it
was found that the market trends in computing are the following:

•Green IT , which has caused the industry to develop technologies that are kinder to the
environment, that promote the use of energy efficiently, use biodegradable or less
polluting materials.

•SaaS and Cloud Computing , Software as a service, which responds to the English
acronym SaaS and evolved from ASP (Application Service Provider), is a software
implementation model in companies, in which the installation, maintenance, backups
and Application support is the responsibility of the provider, who is paid per use and
who provides parameterized and private access via the Internet to companies. Cloud
computing is a model in which, not only the software, but also flexible and scalable
technological capabilities are provided to clients through Web technologies, with

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advantages that offer value to the business such as mobility, risk and cost reduction,
business processes practically standardized, etc. The success of,
NetSuite, Intacct, Aplicor and Google Apps stands out in these areas.

•IT Government . This trend arises from the need to align technology and business.
Historically, technologists do not know the business and users do not know the
activities of the systems department. To alleviate this deficit at a time when IT
investments are relevant, intermediate units have been created between business and
IT that rationalize and justify investments, in addition to optimizing the use of resources.
With Project Offices, PMOs in their English acronym, Project Management applications
emerge, which put in order and facilitate IT projects, an area in which providers such as
CA, Oracle or Microsoft stand out.

•Web 2.0 . It is an evolution in the way of working on the Web, whose central idea is the
process of collaboration and convergence of many people in a medium, which
facilitates the interrelation between both public and private groups. It is Tim O'Reilly
who coined this term, whose premises are the strengthening of user communities and a
special range of services. Since 2004, tools and technologies or groups of technologies
have emerged that help their adoption, such as AJAX, Java Web, RSS/ATOM,
SEM/SEO, blogs, JCC, Mashups, JSON, XML or REST APIs, among others.

•Corporate mobile technology . Digital convergence is advancing and will be

consolidated as a technological benchmark of the 21st century. The smartphone, in
addition to telephony, offers features similar to those of a PC, and a clear convergence
is achieved between a mobile phone, a PC, a PDA and a multimedia device.
Guaranteeing access to corporate email, ERP, CRM, intranet, LMS and other corporate
applications will be the objective of the next generation of applications. It is a market in
which competition is strong, and the release of operating systems for smartphones
(Java, Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, Android, RIM Blackberry, Linux, Mac or Palm
OS) is driving it.

•Performance management . It is a technology that, supported by the concept of

Business Intelligence, promotes the systematic and organized use of a company's
historical data through the management of large volumes of data and modern statistical
techniques. When managing performance, a control and monitoring strategy is

~ 31
implemented, through management indicators, of the organization's objectives and
strategies, so as to guarantee their compliance and the adjustment of any deviation
from the established goals. It is a concept that is nourished by robust technologies such
as database managers, tools with high analytical capacity, etc. In this area, leaders
such as IBM, Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, Sun, etc. stand out.

•Content management and/or digital asset management: Digital asset management

(DAM) is the process of identifying, classifying, digitizing, storing and retrieving
unstructured data and information of all types, in order to increase the productivity of
organizations that handle large volumes of information: images, videos, books, legal
documents, maps, etc. DAM has emerged with force thanks to the robustness of
database management systems, the power of CPUs, the consolidation of XML as a
standard and the increase in storage capacities. IBM, EMC, Open Text, Oracle,
Microsoft, Interwoven, Vignette, Hyland Software, Xerox or HP, among others, stand
out in this market segment (Valentín, 2009).

Also, Net Screen presented the latest trends in perimeter security, aimed at offering
comprehensive solutions that go beyond the implementation of FireWalls, to become a
union of technologies that allows companies to respond to increasingly sophisticated and
advanced attacks and manage the information correctly. Spam is a major current
problem for companies. Control trends include methodologies for the use of Blacklists,
Reverse DNS Lookup, Blocking of known SPAM and “Fingerprints”, use of whitelists,
scoring algorithms and heuristics. For Windows environments there is PC Security, with
these systems, a company based on the Microsoft platform can have control over a large
variable of risks that threaten its security, productivity and capital. With this software,
executives can protect the information on their computers so that it cannot be seen by
anyone in case of loss (Salgado, 2003).

2.2 Market segmentation.

Market characteristics. El Carmen de Apicalá is a municipality located in the

Department of Tolima that has a population of 8,394 inhabitants (DANE, 2005) plus the

~ 32
floating population from other municipalities, because it has several access roads.

It has five hotels, each with a capacity of twenty-five rooms, five condominiums and 120
recreational properties; has two educational institutions, the IED Mortiño with 650
students and the Pedro Pabón Technical Institute with 350 students; three public sector
entities, the Municipal Mayor's Office with 10 employees, Daguas with 15 employees and
Enertolima with 15, there is also the Volunteer Fire Station with 5 employeesI .

Potential market. The potential market is made up of the various segments of the
population that participate in the internet services sector, which includes: the population
of young people who usually gather in cybercafés to access online video games; by
students and parents who require advice in searching for information; by tourists who
find in Internet cafes the possibility of having a way to communicate with their family and
friends; by employees who require access to the Internet for consultation and by any
other person who needs access to the Internet and its services quickly and economically.

Target market. It is determined by students, tourists, public sector employees, private

sector employees, independent employees, housewives and all other floating population,
resident or not, that moves within the Municipality of Carmen de Apicalá, belonging to
the male gender and female that includes: children between 7 and 14 years old,
adolescents between 15 and 19 years old and adults between 20 and 70 years old, with
an income level that ranges from one SMLV to two million pesos or more, which
indicates the potential purchasing capacity of consumers, therefore, the target market
will be made up of:

Demographic Profile:

AGE : Between 7 to 70 years

GENDER : Masculine and Feminine.

I Information that was collected through a field investigation carried out in the Municipality.

~ 33
Socioeconomic Profile:
INCOME : 1 SMMLV onwards
: Student, public sector employee, private sector employee,
independent, tourist, housewives.
: Primary onwards

Life cycle: Young single, young married, young divorced without children, young
divorced with children, young single adult, single adult, married adult, divorced adult with
children, older adult.

Lifestyles and values:


2.3 Analysis of demand. At this point in the market analysis, a survey was carried out,
for which a questionnaire of 13 closed questions was designed (see annex 1) in order to
quantify the demand, carrying out a diagnosis of the needs in communications and
computing in the Municipality of Carmen de Apicalá and the customs and behavior of the
business's potential clients.

The population under investigation is made up of students, dependent workers,

independent workers and tourists. For the purposes of collecting information, a sample of
100 people who met the aforementioned requirements was taken. The survey was
carried out randomly, before creating the survey questions the objectives of the survey
were determined, these were:

■ Quantify the demand that the business will have.

■ Determine the age range of frequent users.
■ Determine the gender, residence and activity in which the respondents are dedicated.
~ 34
■ Know the needs and behavior of users in cybercafés
■ Know where users currently connect to the internet.
■ Find out if they visit Internet cafes regularly and how often they do so.
■ Know the reasons why they visit an Internet café.

The following results were obtained from the application of the survey:

55 males and 45 females were interviewed, of which 40 are under 18 years of age; 35
are in the range between 18 and 35 years old; 16 between 35 and 50 and 9 are over 50
years old.

Regarding whether or not they are residents of Carmen de Apicalá, 75 responded YES
and 20 responded NO. Regarding the activity to which they are dedicated, 35 are
students, 28 are workers linked to a company; 30 are independent workers and 7 are

~ 35
Regarding whether they had internet service at home, 20 responded YES and 80
responded NO.

From the above it can be deduced that the majority of the population does not have
internet at home, which is beneficial for the CARMEN DE APICALNET cybercafé.

Regarding the services that the surveyed population uses most frequently in an Internet
cafe, several of them responded that they use several services simultaneously, but
tabulating the number of people who use the same service, it was found that 15 have
their work done on a computer; 24 that they are going to do their own jobs; 43 use the
internet; 27 order impressions to be taken; 15 make phone calls; 3 send faxes and 17
use all services. Also 8 people responded that they do not use the services of an internet
~ 36

The previous graph shows that the service most used by the population is the Internet,
followed by sending printouts and thirdly, doing work on the computer themselves.

Regarding other types of services that the person would like to receive in an internet
cafe, they responded that there is television and payment of public services.

Regarding the number of times a day that they usually request the services of an Internet
café, 46 answered once a day; 26 twice and 11 more than three times a day.

~ 37
From graph 5 it can be seen that once a day is the highest frequency used by the surveyed
population to demand the services offered by the cybercafé.

Regarding the frequency of using the internet cafe, 54 responded that one or more times a week;
21 two or more times a month and 10 once a month.

Graph 6. Frequency of use

from the cyber cafe

From this question it is concluded that the population usually visits an internet cafe one or more
times a week.

Regarding the time the person has been using the service of an internet cafe, 8 responded that
less than a month; 12 between one and six months; 20 between 6 months and a year and 46
between one year and more.

~ 38
Graph 7. Time using the
cyber cafe service

It can be seen in the graph that the longest time people have using the services of an internet
cafe is in the range between one year and more, which indicates that in Carmen de Apicalá the
habit of using internet cafes has become widespread.

Regarding whether the person gets used to always using the same internet cafe, 18 confirmed
that suddenly; 19 sometimes; 6 is possible; 25 definitely yes and 19 definitely no.

From the above, it can be seen that a high percentage tends to always use the same internet
cafe, along with a slightly lower percentage who do not usually frequent the same internet cafe.

Regarding what caught their attention the most when entering the chosen internet cafe, 9
responded that the facilities; 17 that customer service; 12 teams available; 14 the location; 37 all
of the above and 5 none of the above.

~ 39
It is derived from the previous graph that for a greater percentage of the population when entering
an Internet cafe, the facilities, customer service, available equipment and location are important,
that is, the Internet cafe as a whole and is followed by the attention to the client, which is
essential for the person to feel well cared for.

Finally, regarding question 13 where they were asked if there was anything they would like to
report about the service of an internet cafe that had not been asked, 8 people responded that
internet speed was important and others made reference to the poor administration of some
existing internet cafes in the Municipality.

From the previous comparison the following is deduced:

V The target market, to which the demand is focused, is made up of school students, tourists,
employees of the public and private sectors and independent employees.

V The application of the survey was carried out within a heterogeneous population, where people
of both genders and different activities to which they dedicated themselves participated.
• Among the chosen activities, students under 18 years of age predominated and tourists under
18 years of age predominated.
• The majority of those interviewed reside in the Municipality.
• A large percentage do not have internet at home, which is potential for the CARMEN DE
APICALNET cybercafé.

~ 40
• The service most used by the population is the Internet, followed by having printouts taken and
thirdly, doing the work themselves on the computer.
• Another type of services that a person would like to receive in an internet cafe is that there is
television and payment of public services.
• It was found that once a day is the highest frequency used by the surveyed population to
demand the services offered by the cybercafé.
• The population usually visits an internet cafe one or more times a week.
• The length of time that people have used the services of an internet cafe is in the range
between one year and more, which indicates that in Carmen de Apicalá the habit of using
internet cafes has become widespread.
• A high percentage tends to always use the same internet cafe, along with a slightly lower
percentage who do not usually frequent the same internet cafe.
• For a high percentage of the population, when entering an Internet cafe, the facilities,
customer service, available equipment and location are important, that is, the Internet cafe as
a whole, followed by customer service, which is essential for the person. feel well cared for.
• Internet speed and good administration are important.
2.4 Market opportunities and risks. Among the opportunities would be the following:
• The cybercafé will be located in the central area of the Municipality, where the commercial
sector is located, therefore, it will have good conditions, such as telecommunications, basic
public services, water and electricity and proximity to the target market. .
• Growth trends in Internet use worldwide.
• The technical advance of humanity, whether at the levels of research, science, education,
communication, government or commerce.
• It will contribute to the growth of the Municipality and will satisfy the needs of both children and
adults. In children, these needs will be covered through educational programs, installed on
computers for practice and learning, which will contribute to good school performance,
allowing them not only performance but also personal growth, and it will also be a advantage
for parents who do not have enough time to help their children practice and review topics seen
in the classroom.
• For adults, the Internet service will be provided, which has great benefits both educationally
and personally, since research and general information can be carried out through it.
~ 41
• It is a market that allows you to apply an extensive commercial strategy by offering clients all
types of services or, on the other hand, you can apply a specialization strategy in some

Among the risks the following could be mentioned:

• Presence of other companies offering the same services.
• Companies positioned in the market.
• Low purchasing power of the market.
• Unfair competition.
• Falling prices and
V Availability of internet and technology such as computers, printers and others in the homes of
the target market.
• It is very competitive and it is difficult to achieve customer loyalty, due to price sensitivity and
the costs the company incurs to switch are almost zero.

2.5 Study technical sheet.

Table 10. Study technical sheet

Investigator Carlos Eduardo Rojas

Men and women between 7 and 70 years old,
regular consumers of internet service.
Application Date July 1, 2011
■ Quantify the demand that the business will have.
■ Determine the age range of frequent users.
■ Determine the gender, residence and activity in
which the respondents are dedicated.
■ Know the needs and behavior of users in
■ Know where users currently connect to the
■ Find out if they visit Internet cafes regularly and
how often they do so.
■ Know the reasons why they visit an Internet café.

~ 42
The information was collected using the primary
source, through a survey, consisting of a
questionnaire of 13 closed-type questions.
Sample size. 100 people of the male and female gender.
Study margin of error 0,5%


The main competition that the company will face is made up of internet cafes that are dedicated
to providing the same services that are going to be offered and by the population that has internet
and technology such as computers,

~ 43
printer and others at your residence. In relation to the first point, doing a search for information in
the environment, the following was found in the Municipality of Carmen de Apicalá:
Table 11. Competitor analysis

Number of competitors Six
Location Urban area of the Municipality
Installed and used capacity On average 6 teams each
Services they offer
Internet browsing, color and B/W printing, preparation of jobs and
documents, scanner (only in 2 sites) and minute sales.
Number of workers One in each business.
Price of services Internet browsing: 15 minutes $500
30 minutes 800
60 minutes 1.000
Impressions : Grey, w/leaf 300
Color, ½ page. 800
1 page 1.400
Fingering : Sheet 1.000
>20 500
Scanner : Sheet 1.000
>20 500
Cellular minutes : Average 150
to all operators.
Presentation of the facilities

■ Small facilities with basic conditions were observed.

■ The workplace is not very comfortable.
■ With fans
■ Non-updated equipment
■ Few teams in each location
■ Absence of multimedia on the equipment.
■ There is no additional service in any of the existing
■ Only one service provider has adequate spaces, with good
furniture, isolated from noise and with climatic conditions
typical of an office area and air conditioning.
Quality in the service Regular.
Customer Support Regular.
Expansion plans There are no growth plans.
Source: Field research.

It should be noted that the offer has characteristics of a perfectly competitive market or free
market, because the same services are offered, therefore, none of them can influence the price
of the service.

As a brief conclusion and according to what has been analyzed, it can be deduced that there
are very few competitors in the market with the services they offer; they are basically informal

~ 44
establishments with little or almost no growth, that have not been in the market for a long time,
nor They have no intention of massifying their services or trying any new ones. They are located
on the outskirts of the Municipality and do not represent too strong competitors, given their size
and location, therefore, you can enter perfectly with competitive prices. Likewise, the
competition shows some weaknesses, which occur in the quality of service, customer service,
installed capacity and the presentation of the facilities.

Now, in contrast to the existing offer, the CARMEN DE APICALNET cybercafé will have
attributes that the competition does not have, which will be focused on:
• The installed capacity will be for 10 devices.
• Expansion in the services that will be offered such as burner, scanner, cameras and powerful
computers, due to the demands of modern games.
• A greater renewal of equipment, due to the fact that new games that require greater power or
graphic quality are constantly coming onto the market.
• Modern facilities.
• Optimal quality of service, provided through customer advice.
• Excellent customer service
• Updating equipment according to the advancement of technology.
• Technical support for computer equipment (installation, maintenance and repair).
• Sale of components and consumables (cartridges, CD-rom).
• A good induction for students by taking them through the Internet in search of tools to learn
and do homework for school, since the advantages offered by multimedia, typical of the
Internet, make it possible for young people to find not only texts, but videos, interactive
images and animations in areas such as mathematics, English, science, history and biology,
among others, services that will differentiate Apicalnet from other internet cafes.


The potential market is made up of the entire population of the Municipality, which is 8,394
inhabitants (DANE, 2005), plus the floating population from other municipalities. According to
DANE, the annual population growth rate at the national level ranges at 1,045%, on which the

~ 45
growth of the target population is estimated for the next five years.

Table 12. Demand projection

1 1.200 1,045 1.213
2 1.213 1,045 1.225
3 1.225 1,045 1.238
4 1.238 1,045 1.251
5 1.251 1,045 1.264
Prepared by the author
*Amount of population of apparent consumption.
**Annual percentage increase in population (DANE).
Therefore, each year the potential demand will increase by approximately 12 to 13 more users.

Now in relation to the supply, according to the field research that was carried out in the
Municipality of Carmen de Apicalá, the possibilities of increasing the degree of utilization of idle
capacity and the existence of plans and projects to expand capacity installed by the current
suppliers is zero, therefore, it is estimated that for the internet service in the next five years, which
is the largest service used, it will remain at 36 installed capacity devices, equivalent to 432 daily
hours available for internet or other uses (see table 12).

~ 46
Table 13. Supply projection


1 6 36 432
2 6 36 432
3 6 36 432
4 6 36 432
5 6 36 432
Prepared by the author
*Number of internet cafe companies in Carmen de Apicalá.
**Total equipment used
***Number of hours available for internet or other uses.

From the above it is deduced that the installed capacity in technology applied to the Internet is
low compared to the capacity used. Now, comparing the potential increase in demand year by
year (see table 11) with the installed capacity offered by the competition (see table 12), the
following is observed:

Table 14. Unsatisfied demand

1 1.213 432 781
2 1.225 432 793
3 1.238 432 806
4 1.251 432 819
5 1.264 432 832
Prepared by the author
*Potential population
**Total hours available for internet use or other services.
*** Number of people who will not have access to the use of a computer.

The above indicates that approximately 781 users and successive users in the following years will
not have access to the use of a computer per day, from which it follows that in the existing market
in Carmen de Apicalá there could be an unsatisfied demand for the services offered. They intend
to offer, especially the Internet product, as the main service, because the demand exceeds the
supply, due to the amount of potential population that would consume this product, which would
ensure a market share.


The Carmen de Apicalnet cybercafé will enter the market as a new company, therefore, the
market's lack of knowledge and distrust of the new company is logical. These
~ 47
disadvantages will be resolved with an excellent level of service and with facilities in
excellent order and cleanliness, however, there is a major impediment which is the price
level. To achieve a sale as a new company, it is necessary to offer the client a very
attractive price below the average price of the competition.

Therefore, the launch prices will be set according to those established, since it is within a
market of perfect competition, it is expected that with the recommendations of the clients
the business will be consolidated and that the services offered will be They quote at a rate
somewhat higher than the average, which is expected to be able to have some influence on
the price thanks to reputation.

Within this framework, the launch price will initially be established at $1,000 per hour for
Internet and educational programs, which are practiced through the computer and the
telephone booth service will be for local minute $100 and cell phone $150, prices that have
including sales tax (VAT) of 16%, these being the main services (see table 14). These low
introductory prices are penetration prices, in order to attract as many new users as
possible. It is estimated that the sales price will grow by 10% year-on-year, compared to a
5% increase in costs and expenses, as a result of adjustment for inflation or normal price
increases. The prices established for all services will be the following:

~ 48
Table 15. Launch prices of services
Internet 15 minutes 400
30 minutes 600
60 minutes 1.000
Local call Minute 100
national call Minute 200
International call Minute 300
cell phone call Minute 150
Wi Fi or wireless network 60 minutes 1.000
Online consultations - 1.000
Typing papers, letters, etc. Sheet 1.000
B/W prints Sheet 300
Color prints Sheet ½ 800
full sheet 1.400
Photocopies Letter sheet 100
Photocopies Office sheet 150
scanner Sheet 1.000
Send Fax Sheet 1.000
Receive fax Sheet 800
CD burning 2.000
Technical support Installation 20.000
Maintenance 30.000
Repair 50.000
Component Sales CD-room
cartridges 1.000
Payment of public services Receipt 1.000
Prepared by the author

This section presents the advantages and disadvantages that the company could have, if
the prices were above the competition, lower than the competition or equal to the

Table 16. Price analysis

High compared to the competition Fewer customers.
Each of the services offered would
have greater profitability.
Lower compared to the Greater number of clients.
competition Loss in costs incurred by the company.
Equal according to the Strategy to attract clients from the
competence. competition. Reduction of profit margins.
Prepared by the author.

6.1 Service concept. It is a portfolio of computer and communications services made up of

~ 49
local, national and international telephony, cell phone calls and broadband Internet, in
addition to other office services such as document typing, consultations and preparation of
work, burning of CDs, online procedures, scanner, fax, photocopies, gray and color printing.

Also included in the service portfolio is WI FI or wireless network technology for access to
users who have their laptops, controls for children's games, offering technical support for
computer equipment ( installation, maintenance and repair). ; the sale of computer equipment,

components and consumables (cartridges, ink, CD-rom), the rental of audiovisual aids and above

all a good induction for students by taking them online in search of tools to learn and do
homework for school , since the advantages offered by multimedia, typical of the network,
make it possible for young people to find not only texts, but videos, images and interactive
animations in areas such as mathematics, English, science, history and biology, among
other services (see table 16).
Table 17. Services briefcase

Internet 15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
Local call Minute
National or international call Minute
cell phone call Minute
Wi Fi or wireless network 60 minutes
Online consultations -
Online educational programs -
Typing papers, letters, etc. Sheet
B/W prints Sheet
Color prints Sheet ½
full sheet
Photocopies Letter sheet
Photocopies Office sheet
scanner Sheet
Send Fax Sheet
Receive fax Sheet
CD burning -
Technical support Installation
Component Sales CD-room
Payment of public services Receipt

~ 50
Prepared by the author.

By determining the age of the consumer who is between 7 and 70 years old, a very large
purchasing field is opened, since the majority of the population of the Municipality of
Carmen de Apicalá is between this age range and as it is a consumer service Massive, the
price of this is accessible to all types of users.

The diversity of the product is a great advantage over the competition, since it can have
different presentations according to the consumer profile, generating great expectations for
the variety of the product.

6.2 Pricing strategies. The competitive aspects that should be improved to enter the
market would be to enter with a price that is low and within everyone's reach, which allows
customer loyalty through competitive values, quality and comfort, seeking to satisfy their
needs through the benefits offered. . Among the payment conditions is payment in cash,
because this type of service is not provided to determine another form of payment.

6.3 Promotion strategies. It is decided to implement special rates when starting activities,
since this could help capture clientele at the beginning of the business. In the same way,
the possibility of offering more time than initially canceled in the Internet service and
interactive teaching aids is being analyzed depending on the number of hours requested.

In addition, the user will be made aware of the control and record that will be kept, so that
by completing or accumulating a certain number of hours they obtain a type of incentive, for
example, by having completed 10 hours of service, they can be offered an hour free.
Additionally, customers' needs will be listened to and they will be asked if they are
completely satisfied with the service and prices. Regarding the telephone service, the
possibility of offering promotions is not considered viable.

Taking into account that the services present periods of seasonality in the months of
January, June and December due to student vacations, which leads to their consumption
and income in these months to decrease, this implies implementing other promotion
~ 51
strategies to continue maintaining stable sales rates and also keeping customers satisfied
and with regular consumption, for example, lowering the price to 50% from Monday to
Thursday from 7 a.m. at 11 a.m. and give a free hour to all customers who demonstrate
loyalty in using the daily service for a minimum period of 15 days.

6.4 Advertising strategies. To initially publicize the services that the cybercafé will offer,
tools such as banners, dumis and flyers will be used as follows:

> One month before the opening of the business, advertising will be done with a 2 meter x
1 meter high banner placed on the door, informing the services that will be offered and
the date on which the doors will open to the public.
> The day before the opening, written advertising will be distributed, represented in 2,000
flyers throughout the municipality and surrounding areas.

> On the first day of business opening, a neon sign measuring 1.20 meters x 0.80 cm in
color will be installed with the name of the cybercafe and a grand opening will be held,
announcing promotions.
> Likewise, mobile advertising will be carried out for two hours throughout the municipality.
> 6 banners will be placed around the Municipality, informing about the opening of the new
cybercafé and the services it will offer.
> Create a corporate image that motivates its clients to use its services, recognize it and
create a good name through the frequent use of phrases such as: " Your satisfaction is
our goal ", a slogan that the company will display in its advertisements inside and
outside the premises, on the screen protectors of each monitor and on the stationery
used by the company (see annex 2).
> To generate memory and identification of the company and its services, a gift will be
given to loyal customers in which the name of the company will be disclosed.

The growth rate of the business will determine the way forward in terms of advertising and

~ 52
6.5 Service strategies. Another strategy that is considered an important factor is customer
service, since this is a determining factor so that they are completely satisfied not only with
the acquisition of quality service, but also so that the image of the company stands out from
the competition. It is vital for the company to try to create a positive impression from the
beginning. Among these strategies are: offering the best possible technology; create a
pleasant atmosphere that leads users to stay longer in the premises; offer each customer a
glass of soda; provide advice and technical knowledge of the programs that will be used in
the cybercafé and finally, advise on the use of internet browsers and inform about frequent
pages of interest.

6.6 Budget mix in marketing strategies

Table 18. Marketing mix budget

Advertising Promotion and service
Banner $95.000 Labor: $1,232,000
Frills 80.000
Color Neon Notice 385.000
Mobile advertising 40.000
Banners 420.000
TOTAL $1.020.000 $1.232.000
Prepared by the author.


To obtain the maximum amount of production of the services offered, attention will be paid
to the public from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. at 12:00 m. and from 2 to 9 pm, that
is, 11 hours a day and three Sundays a month from 2 to 9 pm, leaving the possibility of
increasing the hours on Sundays according to the demand in the market.

The installed capacity that the cybercafé will have will be 10 computers, usable for the
Internet as well as for the practice of educational software for children, more will be installed
if demand requires it and 6 booths, 5 for cell phone calls and one for calls. local. If demand
increased, more supplies and equipment would be acquired to provide the service
adequately, always seeking satisfaction in customer service.

~ 53
It will be taken into account that there will be hours of greatest use in which the ten
computers are busy, such as the afternoon hours starting at 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and
on Saturdays, which is the day when students dedicate themselves to doing their school
work and practices.

From the experience available in this medium, it can be determined that the services are
quite rotating in terms of calls and the internet, generally it is very rare for the client to make
calls of more than 15 minutes, the average in which Customers speak between 5 and 15
minutes, therefore, it can be determined that the customer will almost always find service
available. The estimated sales for the internet service and calls are calculated below, which
are the main services that will be provided in the cybercafé:

Quantity/hours Installed Total capacity Total hours Number of Hourly Sales per
worked per day computer used per hour worked per hours per value $ month $
capacity day month

11 10 5 teams 55 1.650 1.000 1.650.000

Hourly value increased annually by 10% from the second year

Local telephony
Quantity/hours Installed Total capacity Total minutes Number of Minute Sales per
worked per day capacity in used per phone used per day minutes value $ month $
phones per month

11 1 1 33 minutes* 990 100 99.000

* It is estimated that 3 minutes of service are sold for every hour.
Minute value increased annually by 5% from the second year.

Cell phone
Quantity/hours Installed Total capacity Total minutes Number of Minute Sales per
worked per day capacity in cell used in cell used per day minutes value $ month $
phones phones per month

11 6 3 495* 14.850 150 2.227.500

*It is estimated that for every hour and cell phone capacity used, 15 minutes of service are sold.

~ 54
Minute value increased annually by 5% from the second year.

Table 19. Monthly sales projection

MONTH Internet Local calls Cell phone calls Other services* Total monthly
January 1.200.000 80.000 1.800.000 15.000 3.095.000
February 1.650.000 99.000 2.227.500 20.000 3.996.500
March 1.650.000 99.000 2.227.500 35.000 4.011.500
April 1.650.000 99.000 2.227.500 30.000 4.006.500
May 1.650.000 99.000 2.227.500 30.000 4.006.500
June 1.200.000 90.000 2.000.000 15.000 3.305.000
July 1.000.000 70.000 1.700.000 10.000 2.780.000
August 1.650.000 99.000 2.227.500 20.000 3.996.500
September 1.650.000 99.000 2.227.500 25.000 4.001.500
October 1.650.000 99.000 2.227.500 40.000 4.016.500
November 1.650.000 99.000 2.227.500 30.000 4.006.500
December 1.200.000 90.000 1.800.000 10.000 3.100.000
TOTAL YEAR 17.800.000 1.122.000 25.120.000 280.000 44.322.000
*Corresponds to the other additional services offered (see table 7)


Apicalnet's Cybercafé Carmen must enter the market through a low price strategy and also
by searching for those market niches that competing companies leave empty and cannot
serve. At the same time, it is a competitive advantage for the cybercafe that at the
beginning it will have a large amount of idle capacity, so this will allow it to respond quickly
to the provision of services to customers, thus being how they earn the clients.

Another no less important aspect is that of contacts. This market, like any other, has a great
influence on public relations, so the cybercafé manager will encourage this type of
relationship as a way to make himself known in the market.

Carmen from Apicalnet will have to compete from the beginning against companies already
established in the market considered leaders in the field. The cybercafé's strategy is to be a
“challenger” by trying to displace the leading companies.

As a complement, it is worth noting that many established companies enter a state of

“overconfidence” that causes less attention to be paid to customer requirements. Part of the
~ 55
differential strategy of the Carmen de Apicalnet cybercafé consists of not falling into this
“overconfidence” and paying special attention to each and every one of the customer's
needs as a way to achieve their satisfaction.

~ 56


1.1 Technology characteristics.

• Pentium brand computers which will have 1,050 K speed broadband, Windows installation
through which the computer and office operate in programs such as: Word, Excel. Power
point, Access, Publisher.
• The interactive educational software will be Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2009
and Walt Disney. It was decided to choose these because they are training materials,
effective, easy to use and install, and are pleasant, easy to use, self-explanatory, They can
use as reference material: dictionaries, topics in general and practice in subjects such as
mathematics in operations, Spanish in word construction, sentences, spelling, etc.
• Epson TX 300F printer, photocopier, scanner and fax, printing speed up to 31 PPM in black
and up to 15 PPM in color; max resolution printing 5,760 x 1,400 DPI; photographic quality.

In general, the basis of the project is to create a local network area with 10 connected PCs
and an interface that gives these computers access to the Internet through the same line. The
PCs will have to be able to navigate the network and use the most popular online games. The
network will be a common Ethernet, with support for sending and receiving TCP/IP packets, a
protocol used by the Internet and compatible with the IPX protocol, which is used by games
and other applications. To set up the network, a 10 base T Ethernet HUB, which is not the
fastest since there are 100 base T, but given the network requirements, its speed is sufficient.

The Internet will be a multi-user account, which ensures a similar bandwidth to each PC, the
connection is through a Router and a HUB, the first is responsible for assigning a different IP
(Internet Protocol) to each user, that is necessary to ensure the functioning of certain services
such as IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and email. The HUB is only responsible for concentrating
the connection of the PCs and connecting to the Router which will be connected to the
external line.

~ 57
Graph 10. Activity flowchart

The computer equipment to be purchased is sought based on price, quality and functionality,
the motherboards must have integrated audio, USB ports, it is assumed that all have serial
and parallel ports and a keyboard and mouse connection. The important thing to choose the
equipment to be assembled is to consider the parameters required for the games, since the
Internet does not have many requirements, AMD Athlon XP 1800 processors were chosen.

The motherboard will be an MSI 6378 that has integrated audio, 4 USB ports, 3 PCI and 1
AGP, it does not have a network card which must be separate, an Encore 10/100 base T card
was chosen. The integrated 32 MB video card of the motherboards does not meet the
requirements of some games, so 64 MB AGP video cards will be used, with this you can use
most of the most popular games and ensures that you have a good time before falling into
obsolescence. In order to run applications with high efficiency, it was decided to add 512MB of
DDR 2100 memory to each computer, thus remaining above the average required by common
software. The hard drive must have a size of 30GB. The Maxtor Diamond Max has been
chosen. Plus 8, finally the teams will have a CD player and a 17'' monitor.

The chosen equipment will have a period of use of 3 years, 4 as a maximum, a year in which
they could be liquidated, but not without first renewing them, the video cards must also be

~ 58
renewed, to remain valid in games, the monitors can have a life useful for 5 years, until the
end of the project. Of the 10 computers, one will be for the administrator, who will also have a
CD burner, printer and scanner. He will be in charge of using them at the user's request.

As for the furniture, the following are the dimensions:

Graph 11. Required desk dimensions

Regarding the chairs, these are standard, they are not ordered by dimensions, they do not
have wheels, one chair is assigned for each desk.

~ 59
1.2 Supplies. For the installation of the cybercafé, supplies are needed for its operation.
Below is a table that indicates which products or services are required and their description.

Table 20. Supplies

Internet Multi-user broadband connection
Leaves Letter and legal size.
Inks color and black
Furniture Chairs, tables, desks.
Computers, Monitors, Keyboard,
Equipment. Mouse, Speakers, printer, scanner, fax,
Communication team Web Cam, Hub, Router.
Software For computer control
Cubicles with dimensions: 2.30 meters
Telephone booths. high by 1 meter deep and one meter
phones Domestic keyboard.

Telephone line
Enabled for the operation of local and
national calls.
Prepared by the author.


To determine the suppliers of the necessary inputs referenced above, some criteria will be
taken into account, by which it is decided who will be the best and their justification:

• The lowest price will determine who of the different companies will provide the good or
service to the business depending on who charges the least.
• Whoever delivers the greatest supply or has spare parts, whoever has the greatest amount
of spare parts in stock.
• Whoever has technical service in the area, in case of problems with the equipment.

* Greater guarantee Equipment, whoever offers a better guarantee

The number of these criteria indicates their order of priority at the time of the choice, for

~ 60
example if a supplier offers a longer guarantee but at a higher price, depending on how much
the guarantee is, it will be advisable to choose it. According to these criteria, the following
service providers or products necessary for the installation of the cybercafe have been
chosen, the costs of which are stated in the financial analysis below:

• The installation of networks for services and adaptation of the company will be carried out
by the firm G & V Comunicaciones which is legally constituted with NIT and chamber and
• The pricing system for cabins will be acquired by C&T Comunicaciones Efectivas, which
supplies the entire system for its operation such as software, viewers, operating licenses
and wiring that connect the telephones and the main computer for its operation.
• The two cell phone lines will be acquired through Comcel through the Sub distributor COA
CELLULARS and Distributor Electrofone S. A., which will be 1,190 minutes each as follows:
minutes to Comcel 980, other operators and national 210 and one with the Movistar
network of 2,800 minutes.
• For the operation of telephone booths it will be through the Telemic plants, which is a
requirement of the Comcel and Movistar Operators.
• The telephone line for local calls and Internet service will be acquired through Telecom
through the combo plan, which is unlimited service for Internet and local calls.


The cybercafé is going to be installed in a place that has an area of 4 meters front x 10 meters
deep, located in the central area of the Municipality, where the commercial sector is located,
therefore, it has good conditions, such as such as telecommunications, basic public services,
water and electricity and proximity to the target market. In its surroundings are located the
Municipal Mayor's Office, Enertolima, Daguas, five hotels, each with an installed and used
capacity of twenty-five guests and two schools, which have the mandatory passage through
the front of the business. There is no other internet cafe nearby.

Among the benefits of the location are: the premises seen are spacious, which allows planning

~ 61
an expansion for training; the place has a bathroom; The hotels, schools and companies,
among others, are nearby, which allows them to be accessible to the target market, due to the
general traffic of students and people that this implies; The closest Internet cafes are less than
five blocks away, being the only Internet cafe in the sector, therefore, a clientele will be formed
that will be in charge of disseminating the location of the establishment.

Within the basic criteria for the location of the facilities, the following will be taken into account:

■ The basic provisions for commercial leasing.

■ Preparation of a lease contract.
■ The owner will be asked to make the necessary improvements.
■ Demographic study if necessary.
■ Posters and visibility.
■ A criteria table will be used to evaluate the locations to be considered.
■ The rental cost as a percentage of sales not to exceed 30% ■ Zoning and use permits if


1.1 Mission . Satisfy the need for communications and computing in terms of telephone
calls, cell phones, fax, Internet, written work and others. The geographical coverage will be in
the Municipality of Carmen de Apicalá (Tolima). The company will use the cutting-edge
technology required for the various services it plans to organize and offer and will effectively
and efficiently manage and coordinate the activity of the suppliers that are part of the relevant

The company will be distinguished by the quality of its comprehensive management.

Economic expectations indicate obtaining the average amount of profits that can be achieved
in this type of business. The company's philosophy is to carry out its activity with honesty and
good service. The company is committed to complying with all regulations required by the
government for this type of companies and to contribute to education. It is committed to
~ 62
contributing to the training and personal development of any collaborators it may have in the
future. The company motto, in addition to its corporate name, could be promoted as: “Your
satisfaction is our goal.”

1.2 Vision . By 2015, it aims to be recognized as the leading company in the Municipality of
Carmen de Apicalá for its quality and optimal customer service. Come to make agreements
with educational institutions, with the purpose of being the main provider of internet services.

1.3 SWOT Analysis .

~ 63
Table 21. SWOT analysis and creation of alternative strategies


• Introduction of equipment
• Lack of knowledge of the point of
• High level administration.
sale by the population.
• Excellent customer service
• Financial position, with little starting
• Prices established with
cost coverage.
• Low market acceptance due to
• Speed in internet service.
being a new company.
• Modern facilities.
• There is no defined marketing
• Possess extensive experience in all
phases for the successful
• Being in the sights of the
installation of cyber café operations.
authorities, due to the increase in
computer crimes carried out from
EXTERNAL FACTORS these publicly accessible sites.
• Free access to pornographic pages
without having filters suitable for
2 Growth trends in Internet use
worldwide. • Take advantage of growing market • Carry out a strong advertising
3 The technical advance of trends. campaign at the municipal level to
humanity, whether at the publicize the company.
levels of research, science, • Promote the sale of services in • Create controls on the use of the
education, existing schools in the municipality internet service.
communication, government of Carmen de Apicalá. • Make discounts in
or commerce. certain hours of the day.


• Presence of
others • Make alliances with competing • Find a capitalist partner, in order to
companies offering the same companies, in order to introduce the make an injection of capital to
services. company's services to expand the place other services.
• Companies positioned in the market niche. • Creation of a website and
market. • Build loyalty through personalized advertising on social networks.
• Low purchasing power of the services.
• Unfair competition.
• Falling prices.
• Internet and technology
availability as
computers, printers and
others in the homes of the
target market.
Prepared by the author

2.1 Profiles and functions. Initially, the company's human resources will be made up of an
administrator and a certified public accountant, who have a good level of training, a high level

~ 64
of knowledge of the company's corporate purpose and extensive experience in the functions
that will be assigned to them. The officials are:

- Administrator.
- Studies completed: Graduated from the EAN as a professional in Business Administration.
His informal education includes some seminars taken such as: Customer Service, Business
Creation, Basic Accounting Concepts, Websites, Electronic Commerce, and Hardware and
Software Management.
- Work experience: He worked as Administrator of the internet cafe “GATEWAY
SOLUCIONES INTEGRADAS” in Melgar for two years, therefore, he has the skills that allow
him to provide services of a specialized internet cafe. He also worked with many hardware
and software vendors and Web designers. Through the resources offered to you by these
professionals, you are familiar with all the aspects necessary for the successful
implementation of commerce communications.

- Public accountant.
- Studies completed: Graduated from the Universidad de la Salle as a professional in Public
- Work experience: He has worked as a Public Accountant for the internet cafe “GATEWAY
SOLUCIONES INTEGRADAS” in Melgar for three years, therefore, he has sufficient
knowledge to keep track of this type of activity.

2.2 Organization chart . The organization chart of the company is unilateral, for the reason
that the owner will be the same administrator, who is a professional in Business
Administration. It is represented horizontally, symbolized with two converging arrows, which
indicate that the information converges at a central point, where the owner will be the
administrator himself, with a certified public accountant depending on him temporarily.

Graph 12. Organization chart

~ 65
2.3 Hiring and remuneration scheme. Initially, the administration of the internet cafe will be
carried out by the owner himself, who has knowledge of Business Administration, which
qualifies him for the direction, organization, control and management of the business. The
administrator will have a basic monthly salary of $800,000 to serve the public from 8 am to 9

The Certified Public Accountant will be hired independently to keep the business's accounting,
who is budgeted to pay the sum of $100,000 per quarterly visit.


3.1 Legal structure and type of company. The CARMEN DE APICALNET cybercafé is
going to be established as a sole proprietorship (Law 222 of 1995), because it has a single
owner, who will be responsible up to the amount of his contributions. To comply with the law in
the constitution of the company, the following steps will be carried out:

- A search will be made at any of the Chamber of Commerce headquarters, if the name
exists, by filling out a form to consult names and the activity to be carried out.

- Once the name is approved, a document will be prepared with the following information:

- Name, identity document, address and address of the businessman.

- Name or company name with the expression Unipersonal Company or acronym EU

~ 66
- Address of the sole proprietorship.

- Term of duration

- Clear and complete enunciation of the main activities.

- Amount of capital and description of assets contributed with their value.

- Number of installments of equal value in which the capital is divided.

- Form of administration.

- Once the previous document has been completed, the commercial registration form will be
completed at the Chamber of Commerce.
- Once the previous form has been processed, the registration fees corresponding to a
capital of $25,000,000 will be cancelled, with which a copy of the certificate of existence
and legal representation of the company will be obtained.

- Once the company is registered, the registration of the commercial books will be requested,
with a letter addressed to the Chamber of Commerce and the completion of the respective
application form for the cash-journal, general ledger, inventory and balance books.
- With the certificate of existence and representation issued by the Chamber of Commerce,
the RUT (single tax record) will be requested from the DIAN, so that the NIT can be


The administrator will have a basic monthly salary of $800,000 and the Certified Public
Accountant will be hired independently to keep the business's accounting, who is budgeted to
pay the sum of $100,000 per quarterly visit.

Table 22. Indirect labor costs

Monthly Burden
Wages No people Allowance Payroll cost (Factor 1.54) Totals

~ 67
MORNING AND 1 $ 800.000 $ 800.000 $ 432.000 $1.232.000
MONTHLY TOTAL $1.232.000


Table 23. Company establishment expenses

Name and activity query form
Commercial registration form 2.000
Tuition fees 235.000
Register of trade books 15.000

~ 68
Table 24. Estimated advertising expenses

Half Measures Vr. Unitary Amount Vr. Total

Banner 1 mt x 1 mt $ 95.000 1 $ 95.000
Frills 15 cm x 12 cm $ 40 2.000 $ 80.000
Color Neon Notice 1.20 meters x 0.80 $ 290.000 1 $ 385.000
Mobile advertising cm
Hours $ 20.000 2 $ 40.000
Banners 4 Mt. X 1.30 Mt. $ 70.000 6 $ 420.000
Advertising and promotion budget $1.020.000

All computing and communication tools that are currently available will be used to place the
cybercafé at a better level than competing companies, with the appropriate furniture and
required supplies. The following are the specifications and tentative costs for this type of

Table 25. Furniture and equipment expenses


10 Computers (with software and their 12.000.000
respective licenses). Includes screen, 2.4 GHz Pentium 4
processor, keyboard, optical mouse processor with 256 Mb of
and two speakers. RAM, 40 Gb of hard drive,
17" monitor with CD drive.
1 Printer, photocopier, scanner and fax. 270.000
Epson TX 300F, print speed
up to 31 PPM in black and up
to 15 PPM in color; max
resolution printing 5,760 x
1,400 DPI; photographic
4 Telephone equipment 90.000
Cell Plant 1.200.000
11 Computer tables Of wood. 800.000
17 Chairs Plastics 165.000
2 Oops 800.000
1 Administrator software (includes Commercial 500.000
11 Cameras 385.000
11 Headbands 165.000
Month Internet connection 1000K ADSL 150.000

~ 69
Antivirus F-prot 80.000
1 Grid Structured cabling 1.500.000
Level 5 HUB.
6 telephone booths In wood 1.800.000
8 Internet equipment divisions In wood 800.000
2 Educational software (Encarta-Walt 800.000
4 Viewers 1.000.000
TOTAL COSTS $22.505.000


Table 26. Utility and local rent expenses

Water $35.000
Light $100.000
Monthly rent $380.000
TOTAL MONTH $515.000

Table 27. input costs


Internet and local telephone combo $250.000
Movistar Cellular Telephony $125.000
Cellular Telephony other operators
TOTAL $490.000

Table 28. Direct and indirect labor expenses

Monthly Burden
Wages No people Allowance Payroll cost (Factor 1.54) Totals
MORNING AND 1 $ 800.000 $ 800.000 $ 432.000 $1.232.000
MONTHLY TOTAL $1.232.000
Certified Public allocation
Accountant 1 100.000 400.000
For the maintenance of the equipment, a contract will be established with a systems engineer,
which stipulates that the review must be carried out monthly, for both the software and
~ 70
hardware, at a cost of $125,000 per month.

Regarding the maintenance of the premises, such as painting, the service will be contracted
when required, which is scheduled to be twice a year, the cost of which is $100,000 per
semester, total yearly $200,000.

Taking into account that it is constantly necessary to make updates according to technological
innovations in the market and changes in furniture, office equipment and supplies in case of
change or improvements, these will be an average of $500,000 annually.

Table 29. Annual maintenance costs



COST OF MAINTENANCE OF $100.000 $200.000

PER YEAR $500.000
TOTALS $225.000 $2.200.000

~ 71




Buy computers 10 12.000.000
Buy fax and scanner 270.000
Buy printers 2 340.000
Headbands 11 165.000
Cameras 11 385.000
Softwares 2 1.300.000
Buy telephone equipment 4 90.000
Buy pricing system 1 500.000
UPS 1 800.000
Antivirus 1 80.000
cellular plant 1.500.000
Computer network 1 1.500.000
Viewers 4 1.000.000
Publicity and promotion 1.020.000
Furniture and equipment 3.565.000
Internet connection 150.000
Company establishment expenses 253.500
Rent 3 months 1.140.000


In order to amortize the initial investment required, there are own resources worth
$20,000,000, therefore, a bank loan for $6,068,500 for 3 years will be requested. The interest
rate is 18% month in arrears, expressed in annual terms and payments will be made monthly
based on the average balances available from the previous month. The interest rate may be
modified every month according to current regulations (see amortization table).

~ 72
Amortization Table

Mont Amortiz. Interest Share Outstanding Amortiz. Interest

h balance Year fee year
0 6.058.500
1 168.292 90.878 259.169 5.890.208
2 168.292 88.353 256.645 5.721.917
3 168.292 85.829 254.120 5.553.625
4 168.292 83.304 251.596 5.385.333
5 168.292 80.780 249.072 5.217.042
6 168.292 78.256 246.547 5.048.750
7 168.292 75.731 244.023 4.880.458
8 168.292 73.207 241.499 4.712.167
9 168.292 70.683 238.974 4.543.875
10 168.292 68.158 236.450 4.375.583
11 168.292 65.634 233.925 4.207.292
12 168.292 63.109 231.401 4.039.000 2.943.421 2.019.500 923.921
13 168.292 60.585 228.877 3.870.708
14 168.292 58.061 226.352 3.702.417
15 168.292 55.536 223.828 3.534.125
16 168.292 53.012 221.304 3.365.833
17 168.292 50.488 218.779 3.197.542
18 168.292 47.963 216.225 3.029.250
19 168.292 45.439 213.730 2.860.958
20 168.292 42.914 211.206 2.692.667
21 168.292 40.390 208.682 2.524.375
22 168.292 37.866 206.157 2.356.083
23 168.292 35.341 203.633 2.187.792
24 168.292 32.817 201.109 2.019.500 2.579.911 2.019.500 560.411
25 168.292 30.293 198.584 1.851.208
26 168.292 27.768 196.060 1.682.917
27 168.292 25.244 193.535 1.514.625
28 168.292 22.719 191.011 1.346.333
29 168.292 20.195 188.487 1.178.042
30 168.292 17.671 185.962 1.009.750
31 168.292 15.146 183.438 841.458
32 168.292 12.622 180.914 673.167
33 168.292 10.098 178389 504.875
34 168.292 7.573 175.865 336.583
35 168.292 5.049 173.340 168.292
36 168.292 2.524 170.816 0 2.216.401 2.019.500 196.901

Of the required investment, which is approximately $26,058,500, 77% is available in own

resources and the balance (23%) will be financed with a bank for 36 months, with a rate of
18% month in arrears.

~ 73
SALES REVENUE Year 1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5
1. For internet service and advice on
Number of hours used 17.800 17.800 17.800 17.800 17.800
Vr. Hour increased annually by 10% 1.000 1.100 1.210 1.331 1.464
Subtotal income from internet and programs 17.800.000 19.580.000 21.538.000 23.691.800 26.060.980

2. For Local Telephony services

Number of minutes sold 11.220 11.220 11.220 11.220 11.220
Vr. minute increased annually by 5% 100 105 110 116 122
Subtotal income from internet and programs 1.122.000 1.178.100 1.237.005 1.298.855 1.363.798

3. For cell phone services

Number of minutes sold 167.500 167.500 167.500 167.500 167.500
Vr. minute increased annually by 5% 150 158 165 174 182
Subtotal income from internet and programs 25.125.000 26.381.250 27.700.313 29.085.328 30.539.595

4. For other services (photocopies, fax, 280.000 280.000 280.000 280.000 280.000
scanner, prints, etc.)

TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME PER 44.327.000 40.637.371 43.513.205 46.617.227 49.969.287

VAT value 16% 7.092.320 6.501.979 6.962.113 7.458.756 7.995.086
TOTAL INGR. COLLECTIONS AND TAX 51.419.320 47.139.350 50.475.318 54.075.983 57.964.373

Cash 100%

VARIABLE COSTS (Annual increase

5% due to price inflation)
Internet and local telephony combo 3.000.000 3.150.000 3.307.500 3.472.875 3.646.519
Cellular telephony (purchase of minutes) 2.880.000 3.024.000 3.175.200 3.333.960 3.500.658

Subtotal internet cost and telephone minutes 5.880.000 6.174.000 6.482.700 6.806.835 7.147.177
(+) VAT 16% internet and telephone services 940.800 987.840 1.037.232 1.089.094 1.143.548
TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS 6.820.800 7.161.840 7.519.932 7.895.929 8.290.725
Supplier payment policy:
Monthly payment the month following 6.252.400 6.565.020 6.893.271 7.237.935 7.599.831
since these are public services.
Total payment to suppliers 6.252.400 6.565.020 6.893.271 7.237.935 7.599.831
Software and hardware maintenance 1.500.000 1.575.000 1.653.750 1.736.438 1.823.259
computing team
Maintenance of the installations 200.000 210.000 220.500 231.525 243.101
Spare parts or improvements per year 500.000 525.000 551.250 578.813 607.753
Subtotal equipment maintenance cost 2.200.000 2.310.000 2.425.500 2.546.775 2.674.114
Local lease 4.560.000 4.788.000 5.027.400 5.278.770 5.542.709
Public services water and electricity 1.620.000 1.701.000 1.786.050 1.875.353 1.969.120
Advertising 120.000 126.000 132.300 138.915 145.861
Accountant Fees (Quarterly Payment) 400.000 420.000 441.000 463.050 486.203
Stationery and cafe 150.000 157.500 165.375 173.644 182.326

~ 74
SUBTOTAL FIXED COSTS 9.050.000 9.502.500 9.977.625 10.476.506 11.000.332
VAT 16% serv. maintenance and advertising 690.400 724.920 761.166 799.224 839.186
TOTAL FIXED COSTS WITH VAT 9.740.400 10.227.420 10.738.791 11.275.731 11.839.517

PAYMENT FIXED COSTS (100% cash) 9.740.400 10.227.420 10.738.791 11.275.731 11.839.517

Administration Expenses (payroll)

Payroll of an employee 9.600.000 10.080.000 10.584.000 11.113.200 11.668.860
Social benefits 5.184.000 5.443.200 5.715.360 6.001.128 6.301.184
SUBTOTAL SALARIES AND BENEFITS 14.784.000 15.523.201 16.299.360 17.114.329 17.970.044
(-) Payroll discounts for employee contributions 954.240 1.001.952 1.052.050 1.104.652 1.159.885
Social Security
Vr. Net payable for salaries 8.645.760 9.078.048 9.531.950 10.008.548 10.508.975

Parafiscal contributions and social security

Parafiscal 9% on payroll 1.073.520 1.127.196 1.183.556 1.242.734 1.304.870
Social security contributions (Health and pension) 2.447.864 2.447.864 2.447.864 2.447.864 2.447.864
TOTAL EXPENSES FOR PARAFISC 3.521.384 3.575.060 3.631.420 3.690.598 3.752.734
Social benefits premium services 800.000 840.000 882.000 926.100 972.405

Parafiscal and social security (paid monthly 3. 227.935 3.277.138 3.328.802 3.383.048 3.440.007
following causation)
TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS PER LOAN 4.027.935 4.117.138 4.210.802 4.309.148 4.412.412
Vr. Initial investment in computer equipment 17.000.000
Vr. Initial investment in furniture and equipment 3.565.000

DEPRECIATION Year 1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5

Depreciation. Eq. computer and telephone lines 472.222 472.222 472.222 472.222 472.222
Depreciation of furniture and office equipment 297.083 297.083 297.083 297.083 297.083
TOTAL DEPRECIATION OF FURNITURE AND 769.306 769.306 769.306 769.306 769.306

Amortization of deferred assets: Year 0 Year 1

Promotion and advertising material 1.020.000 1.020.000

Total deferred amortization 1.020.000

Within the estimate, annual sales are calculated for internet service and homework advice, local
telephony, cell phone and other services such as photocopies, fax, scanner, printing, etc.,
including taxes of $51,419,320 for the first year, with a 10% increase for the following years for
internet and 5% for local and cell phone, with variable costs of $6,820,800 and fixed costs of
$9,740,400, with taxes.

~ 75


Initial balance - 14.348.283 20.630.040 167.095 17.191.277 -
Income from internet and 51.419.320 47.139.350 50.475.318 54.075.983 57.964.373 261.074.343
telephone services
Investment performance 4.131.221 5.749.018 9.880.240
TOTAL INCOME 51.419.320 47.139.350 50.475.318 58.207.205 63.713.391 270.954.583
51.419.320 61.487.633 71.105.358 58.374.300 80.904.667 270.954.583
ETB internet and local and cell 6.252.400 6.565.020 6.893.271 7.237.935 7.599.831 34.548.457
phone combo.
I pay fixed admin expenses. 9.740.400 10.227.420 10.738.791 11.275.731 11.839.517 53.821.859
Payroll salary payment 8.645.760 9.078.048 9.531.950 10.008.548 10.508.975 47.773.282
Payment of social benefits and 4.027.935 4.117.138 4.210.802 4.309.148 4.412.412 21.077.435
payroll contributions
2.943.421 2.579.911 2.216.401 - - 7.739.734
Loan fee payment and interest
Sales tax payment 5.461.120 4.789.219 5.163.715 5.570.438 6.012.352 26.996.845
Payment of costs and expenses 568.400 596.820 626.661 657.994 2.449.875
of public services
Income tax payment 2.932.436 1.586.513 2.154.563 5.708.989 12.382.501
TOTAL EXPENSES 37.071.037 40.857.593 40.938.263 41.183.023 46.740.070 206.789.986
Balance before loans or 14.348.283 20.630.040 30.167.095 17.191.277 34.164.597 64.164.597
Surplus investment 30.000.000 40.000.000 70.000.000
FINAL BALANCE 14.348.283 20.630.040 167.095 17.191.277 -5.835.403 -5.835.403

In the budgeted cash flow, annual income for the first year of $51,419,320 and expenses
of $37,071,037 are calculated, leaving a balance in favor of $14,348,283, that is, 100%
of the income received is budgeted as expenses. 72%.

~ 76

It is assumed that the minimum rate at which the owner would invest would be 25%


Contributions -20.000.000
Cash flows years 1 to 5 14.348.283 20.630.040 167.095 17.191.277 -5.835.403
FREE CASH FLOW OF THE -20.000.000 14.348.283 20.630.040 167.095 17.191.277 -5.835.403

VPN 29.896.807
IRR 56%
Minimum attractive rate
for the owner

The Net Present Value (NPV) that indicates the future profit of the business expressed in today's
pesos is positive at $29,896,807, therefore, the project must be executed. The NPV was
calculated with a minimum attractive rate of return of 25%, selected subjectively; it is considered
that below this rate the investor would not be willing to enter the business. The Internal Rate of
Return (IRR) is equal to 56% EA, which indicates the return at which the money invested in the
project is placed, therefore, as IRR > MARR, the project is viable, confirming the result. of the

~ 77


For provision of services and 44.327.000 40.637.371 43.513.205 46.617.227 49.969.287


COST OF SALES AND 5.880.000 6.174.000 6.482.700 6.806.835 7.147.177
ETB internet and local 3.000.000 3.150.000 3.307.500 3.472.875 3.646.519
telephone combo
Cellular telephony (purchase of 2.880.000 3.024.000 3.175.200 3.333.960 3.500.658
GROSS PROFIT 38.447.000 34.463.371 37.030.505 39.810.392 42.822.110

Operational expenses 29.144.690 29.370.066 30.677.711 32.050.738 33.492.416

Software maintenance 1.500.000 1.575.000 1.653.750 1.736.438 1.823.259
computer equipment
Maintenance of 200.000 210.000 220.500 231.525 243.101
Maint. hardware equipment of 500.000 525.000 551.250 578.813 607.753
comp. and telephony
Local lease 4.560.000 4.788.000 5.027.400 5.278.770 5.542.709
Public services water and 1.620.000 1.701.000 1.786.050 1.875.353 1.969.120
electricityand promotion
Publicity 120.000 126.000 132.300 138.915 145.861
Accountant Fees 400.000 420.000 441.000 463.050 486.203
Stationery and cafe 150.000 157.500 165.375 173.644 182.326
Salaries 9.600.000 10.080.000 10.584.000 11.113.200 11.668.860
Social benefits 5.184.000 5.443.200 5.715.360 6.001.128 6.301.184
Parafiscal contributions and 3.521.384 3.575.060 3.631.420 3.690.598 3.752.734
social security
Office equipment depreciation 297.083 297.083 297.083 297.083 297.083

Computer equipment 472.222 472.222 472.222 472.222 472.222

Deferred amortization 1.020.000
OPERATIONAL UTILITY 9.302.310 5.093.305 6.352.794 7.759.654 9.329.694
Other income
Investment performance
Other expenses 8.551.743 11.331.950
Interests 923.921 560.411 196.901
Profit before taxes 8.378.389 4.532.894 6.155.893 16.311.397 20.661.644
Taxes 35% 2.932.436 1.586.513 2.154.563 5.708.989 7.231.575
Exercise Utility 5.445.953 2.946.381 4.001.330 10.602.4058 13.430.068

Regarding the budgeted income statement, a gross profit is calculated for the first year of
$38,477,000 and an operational profit of $9,302,310, yielding a profit for the year of $5,445,953.

~ 78

Available 403.500 14.348.283 20.630.040 167.095 17.191.277 -5.835.403
1.543.500 1.543.500 31.543.500 35.964.022 81.546.953
Investments 1.140.000
Prepaid expenses
TOTAL CURRENT 1.543.500 15.891.783 22.173.540 31.710.595 53.155.299 75.711.550

office 3.565.000 3.565.000 3.565.000 3.565.000 3.565.000 3.565.000
-Accumulated Dep -297.083 -594.167 -891.250 -1.188.333 -1.485.417
Eq. computing 19.930.000 19.930.000 19.930.000 19.930.000 19.930.000 19.930.000
TOTAL TEAMS 23.495.000 22.725.694 21.956.389 21.187.083 20.417.778 19.648.472

Deferred assets 1.020.000 8.551.743 11.331.950
TOTAL OF 26.058.500 38.617.478 44.129.929 52.897.678 73.573.076 95.360.022

Oblig. financial 6.058.500 4.039.000 2.019.500 - -
Social benefits x page 4.384.000 8.987.200 13.820.560 18.895.588 24.224.367
Contributions and 1.247.689 2.547.562 3.902.230 5.314.432 6.787.045
withholding/payroll x
pay and expenses to
Costs 568.400 596.820 626.661 657.994 690.894
pay service. public
2.932.436 1.586.513 2.154.563 5.708.989 7.231.575
Income tax payable
TOTAL CURRENT 6.058.500 13.171.525 15.737.595 20.504.014 30.577.003 38.933.881

Social contributions 20.000.000 20.000.000 20.000.000 20.000.000 20.000.000 20.000.000
Accumulated profits 5.445.953 8.392.334 12.393.664 22.996.073
Usefulness of 5.445.953 2.946.381 4001.330 10.602.408 13.430.068
TOTAL EQUITY 20.000.000 25.445.953 28.392.334 32.393.664 42.996.073 56.426.141
TOTAL P + P 26.058.500 38.617.478 44.129.929 52.897.678 73.573.076 95.360.022

From the entire accounting movement, assets equal to liabilities plus equity for the first year of
$38,617,478 are obtained in the budgeted balance sheet.

~ 79

Total fixed costs 9.050.000

Total Variable Costs 5.880.000
Total sales 44.327.000

C.F. 9.050.000
PE sales = = = $10.434.087
1- 0,867349471

Breakeven point in sales per year $10.434.087

Breakeven point in sales per month $ 869.507
Breakeven point in sales per day $ 28.984

The above indicates that services must be sold for at least $28,984 per day in order to cover its
operating costs and expenses and thus be able to begin generating profits.



Earnings before interest and taxes 9,302,310

RE= = = 36%
Total active 26.058.500

Economic profitability measures the profitability of the investment in the company's assets, which
is 36%, that is, the benefits obtained have represented 36% of the total investment in the
company's assets, which indicates that the company's profit is sufficient to cover the cost of

~ 80

Net profit 5.445.953

RF= = 27%
Net Assets 20.000.000

Financial profitability measures the profitability of own resources, which is 27%, that is, the
benefits that have been obtained have represented 27% of the total of the company's own

~ 81

Bulletin. General census 2005. Profile Carmen de Apicalá – Tolima. (Recovered July 18,
2011) in the page Web

INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTER. E-commerce trends. (Retrieved August 28, 2011) on the
omercio_electr_F3nico. html

CHANNEL PLANET. New Internet Technologies as support for effective organizations. Bogotá,
August 20, 2003. (Recovered August 28, 2011) on the website

Internet cafes. (Retrieved July 18, 2011) on the website .

DANE. (Recovered July 28, 2011) on the website .

DANE. Law 79 of October 20, 1993 and Decree 2626 of 1994. (Recovered
August 28, 2011) on the website

HONEYCUTT, Jerry. 1998. Internet. Step by Step. Clear, concise, reliable. Second edition.
Prentice Hall. Mexico. 400 p.

The history of internet cafe in Colombia. (Recovered August 18, 2011) on the website

~ 82
The Internet Cafes. Statistics 2006. (Retrieved August 18, 2011) on the website


of 2009. Sector report Fourth Quarter – 2010. (Retrieved August 28, 2011) on the website http://

Historical review of Carmen de Apicalá. (Retrieved August 28, 2011) at http://www .

SALGADO, Eliana. Afina Colombia presented the latest trends in security and internet in
Colombia. 2003. (Retrieved August 28, 2011) on the website


VALENTÍN ÁLVAREZ, José. Seven technological trends that are changing computing. 2009.
(Recovered Sept. 18, 2011) on the website

VELA VALLEJO, Fernando. The shortcomings of the list. Spain. 2000. (Retrieved August 28,
2011) at



OBJECTIVE: To know the opinion about the use of internet cafes located in the Municipality of
Carmen de Apicalá.

DATE OF ELABORATION __________________________

~ 83
1. Genre to which it belongs:
Male ___ Female ___

2. What age range are you in:

LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................................13
LIST OF GRAPHICS.................................................................................................................................15
LIST OF ANNEXES..................................................................................................................................17
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................18
1. BUSINESS CONCEPT.......................................................................................................................18
2. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION.........................................................................................19
3. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................................20
Specific objectives......................................................................................................................................21
4. CURRENT STATE OF THE BUSINESS..........................................................................................21
5. SERVICE'S DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................................21
6. MARKET POTENTIAL IN NUMBERS............................................................................................22
7. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND VALUE PROPOSAL.........................................................22
8. SUMMARY OF THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED..........................................................................23
9. SALES AND PROFITABILITY PROJECTIONS.............................................................................23
10. FINANCIAL CONCLUSIONS AND VIABILITY ASSESSMENT..............................................24
11. WORK TEAM.................................................................................................................................24
1. MARKET............................................................................................................................................24
1. SECTOR ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................24
Table 8. Variation in internet subscribers...................................................................................................29
Table 9. Total dedicated by segment...........................................................................................................29
2. MARKET ANALYSIS AND STUDY................................................................................................30
2.2 Market segmentation........................................................................................................................32
Demographic Profile:..................................................................................................................................33
Socioeconomic Profile:...............................................................................................................................34
Lifestyles and values:..................................................................................................................................34
Graph 6. Frequency of use from the cyber cafe.........................................................................................38
Graph 7. Time using the cyber cafe service...............................................................................................39
3. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS..................................................................................................................43
Table 11. Competitor analysis....................................................................................................................44

~ 84
4. UNSATISFIED DEMAND.................................................................................................................45
Table 13. Supply projection........................................................................................................................47
5. PRICE STUDY....................................................................................................................................47
6. MARKETING PLAN..........................................................................................................................49
7. SALES PROJECTION........................................................................................................................53
Local telephony...........................................................................................................................................54
Cell phone...................................................................................................................................................54
8. MARKET INTRODUCTION PLAN..................................................................................................55
II. TECHNICAL ASPECTS.....................................................................................................................57
1.1 Technology characteristics...............................................................................................................57
Graph 11. Required desk dimensions.........................................................................................................59
2. SHOPPING PLAN..............................................................................................................................60
3. LOCATION.........................................................................................................................................61
III. ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS............................................................................62
1. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................62
Table 21. SWOT analysis and creation of alternative strategies................................................................64
2. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE.................................................................................................64
- Administrator.......................................................................................................................................65
- Public accountant.................................................................................................................................65
3. LEGAL ASPECTS..............................................................................................................................66
4. PERSONAL EXPENSES....................................................................................................................67
Table 24. Estimated advertising expenses..................................................................................................69
Table 29. Annual maintenance costs...........................................................................................................71
IV. FINANCIAL ASPECTS..................................................................................................................72
1.2 FINANCING POLICY....................................................................................................................72
Amortization Table.....................................................................................................................................73
1.5 FINANCIAL EVALUATION..............................................................................................................77
1.8 ANALYSIS OF THE BALANCE POINT...........................................................................................80

~ 85
APPENDIX 2. COMPANY SLOGAN.......................................................................................................91

3. Do you have internet service at home?

YEAH ___ NO ___

4. If your answer is yes, do you usually use other services in the internet cafe?
YEAH ___ NO ___ Which ones? __________________

5. If your answer to question 5 is negative, what services do you use most frequently per day in
an Internet Cafe?
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................................13
LIST OF GRAPHICS.................................................................................................................................15
LIST OF ANNEXES..................................................................................................................................17
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................18
1. BUSINESS CONCEPT.......................................................................................................................18
2. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION.........................................................................................19
3. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................................20
Specific objectives......................................................................................................................................21
4. CURRENT STATE OF THE BUSINESS..........................................................................................21
5. SERVICE'S DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................................21
6. MARKET POTENTIAL IN NUMBERS............................................................................................22
7. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND VALUE PROPOSAL.........................................................22
8. SUMMARY OF THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED..........................................................................23
9. SALES AND PROFITABILITY PROJECTIONS.............................................................................23
10. FINANCIAL CONCLUSIONS AND VIABILITY ASSESSMENT..............................................24
11. WORK TEAM.................................................................................................................................24
1. MARKET............................................................................................................................................24
1. SECTOR ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................24
Table 8. Variation in internet subscribers...................................................................................................29
Table 9. Total dedicated by segment...........................................................................................................29
2. MARKET ANALYSIS AND STUDY................................................................................................30
2.2 Market segmentation........................................................................................................................32
Demographic Profile:..................................................................................................................................33
Socioeconomic Profile:...............................................................................................................................34

~ 86
Lifestyles and values:..................................................................................................................................34
Graph 6. Frequency of use from the cyber cafe.........................................................................................38
Graph 7. Time using the cyber cafe service...............................................................................................39
3. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS..................................................................................................................43
Table 11. Competitor analysis....................................................................................................................44
4. UNSATISFIED DEMAND.................................................................................................................45
Table 13. Supply projection........................................................................................................................47
5. PRICE STUDY....................................................................................................................................47
6. MARKETING PLAN..........................................................................................................................49
7. SALES PROJECTION........................................................................................................................53
Local telephony...........................................................................................................................................54
Cell phone...................................................................................................................................................54
8. MARKET INTRODUCTION PLAN..................................................................................................55
II. TECHNICAL ASPECTS.....................................................................................................................57
1.1 Technology characteristics...............................................................................................................57
Graph 11. Required desk dimensions.........................................................................................................59
2. SHOPPING PLAN..............................................................................................................................60
3. LOCATION.........................................................................................................................................61
III. ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS............................................................................62
1. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................62
Table 21. SWOT analysis and creation of alternative strategies................................................................64
2. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE.................................................................................................64
- Administrator.......................................................................................................................................65
- Public accountant.................................................................................................................................65
3. LEGAL ASPECTS..............................................................................................................................66
4. PERSONAL EXPENSES....................................................................................................................67
Table 24. Estimated advertising expenses..................................................................................................69
Table 29. Annual maintenance costs...........................................................................................................71
IV. FINANCIAL ASPECTS..................................................................................................................72
1.2 FINANCING POLICY....................................................................................................................72
Amortization Table.....................................................................................................................................73

~ 87
1.5 FINANCIAL EVALUATION..............................................................................................................77
1.8 ANALYSIS OF THE BALANCE POINT...........................................................................................80
APPENDIX 2. COMPANY SLOGAN.......................................................................................................91

6. In addition to the services mentioned in the previous point, what other services would you like
to receive?

7. How many times a day do you usually use the services of an Internet Café?
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................................13
LIST OF GRAPHICS.................................................................................................................................15
LIST OF ANNEXES..................................................................................................................................17
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................18
1. BUSINESS CONCEPT.......................................................................................................................18
2. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION.........................................................................................19
3. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................................20
Specific objectives......................................................................................................................................21
4. CURRENT STATE OF THE BUSINESS..........................................................................................21
5. SERVICE'S DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................................21
6. MARKET POTENTIAL IN NUMBERS............................................................................................22
7. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AND VALUE PROPOSAL.........................................................22
8. SUMMARY OF THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED..........................................................................23
9. SALES AND PROFITABILITY PROJECTIONS.............................................................................23
10. FINANCIAL CONCLUSIONS AND VIABILITY ASSESSMENT..............................................24
11. WORK TEAM.................................................................................................................................24
1. MARKET............................................................................................................................................24
1. SECTOR ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................24
Table 8. Variation in internet subscribers...................................................................................................29
Table 9. Total dedicated by segment...........................................................................................................29
2. MARKET ANALYSIS AND STUDY................................................................................................30

~ 88
2.2 Market segmentation........................................................................................................................32
Demographic Profile:..................................................................................................................................33
Socioeconomic Profile:...............................................................................................................................34
Lifestyles and values:..................................................................................................................................34
Graph 6. Frequency of use from the cyber cafe.........................................................................................38
Graph 7. Time using the cyber cafe service...............................................................................................39
3. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS..................................................................................................................43
Table 11. Competitor analysis....................................................................................................................44
4. UNSATISFIED DEMAND.................................................................................................................45
Table 13. Supply projection........................................................................................................................47
5. PRICE STUDY....................................................................................................................................47
6. MARKETING PLAN..........................................................................................................................49
7. SALES PROJECTION........................................................................................................................53
Local telephony...........................................................................................................................................54
Cell phone...................................................................................................................................................54
8. MARKET INTRODUCTION PLAN..................................................................................................55
II. TECHNICAL ASPECTS.....................................................................................................................57
1.1 Technology characteristics...............................................................................................................57
Graph 11. Required desk dimensions.........................................................................................................59
2. SHOPPING PLAN..............................................................................................................................60
3. LOCATION.........................................................................................................................................61
III. ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS............................................................................62
1. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................62
Table 21. SWOT analysis and creation of alternative strategies................................................................64
2. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE.................................................................................................64
- Administrator.......................................................................................................................................65
- Public accountant.................................................................................................................................65
3. LEGAL ASPECTS..............................................................................................................................66
4. PERSONAL EXPENSES....................................................................................................................67
Table 24. Estimated advertising expenses..................................................................................................69
Table 29. Annual maintenance costs...........................................................................................................71

~ 89
IV. FINANCIAL ASPECTS..................................................................................................................72
1.2 FINANCING POLICY....................................................................................................................72
Amortization Table.....................................................................................................................................73
1.5 FINANCIAL EVALUATION..............................................................................................................77
1.8 ANALYSIS OF THE BALANCE POINT...........................................................................................80
APPENDIX 2. COMPANY SLOGAN.......................................................................................................91

8. Is there anything you would like to report about the service of an Internet Café that we have
not asked you in this survey? If so, please tell us what it is.


~ 90


"Your satisfaction is our goal"

an optimal Our
attention target

on the client

~ 91

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