06 - Tarot Readings

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Tarot readings

Ask the Tarot

It is very likely that when someone consults the Tarot it is because they are
going through some difficult situation, facing a moment of doubt or concern.
Through tarot cards we seek to see what can be done so that the moment of
difficulty passes as quickly and as well as possible. It seeks to answer certain
questions, reading the cards will offer you a way to face the problem.

For the answer to be as productive as possible, the question must be well

formulated , and to do so the situation must be very clear, as well as who it
involves in any sense, directly or indirectly. You should not be subjective, you
should not pass judgment or censor any of those involved. It is advisable to write
down the question or questions that occur to you, being clear but not too
schematic, seeking the participation of intuition and not so much of logic.
When writing the question, it is important to accept responsibility for the
situation you live in, be aware of the role you play, and not wash your hands of the
decisions to be made. Tarot cards will not tell us what to do, they cannot free us
from making decisions, they will only give us information, whether or not to use it
is the consultant's decision. Questions that expect a simple yes or no, or questions
that ask what to do, are also not useful. You should only ask for notions or
possibilities, do not expect that answers related to a specific amount of time will be
exact. A balance must be achieved with respect to the level of details, neither too
many nor too few, this will only be achieved with practice and exercise .
Although some of the mentioned characteristics are only achieved with
repetition and experience, what should always be achieved, from the first tarot
readings, is to remain in as neutral a position as possible.
When asking a question, one always tends to form a certain answer, but if the
position before the cards is correct, that is, if one is really open to what they tell us,
one must be receptive and not adopt a defensive attitude. . This is why neutrality
is essential . The time required to write a question is not too much. On the first
few occasions it may be difficult to decide what is the best way to formulate it, but
after you gain some practice it will only take 4 or 5 minutes. The best way to
maintain neutrality is to go to a professional tarot reader when the consultations
are for yourself. Now we are going to know the different ways of reading the tarot.

Triad Spread

The Triad is one of the simplest Tarot readings, but also one of the most
representative and from which you can obtain the most information about the
situation you may be experiencing.
The cards are divided into three columns, the first, the one placed on the left,
is responsible for talking about the past, the one in the center for the present, and
the one on the right for the future. In each of these columns you can place the
number of cards you want, through them, the Tarot 10 expert tarot readers will
offer you all the information that is of interest to you about the different aspects of
your life.

Specific questions about what worries you most

The Triad works as follows: the cards will be placed on the table just after
the moment in which the question has been asked on the topic that you choose.
The result will be messages that will answer your doubts and concerns.

Before starting the reading of tarot cards you will have to concentrate while
they are shuffled, do not forget that until you feel sufficiently prepared you will not
have to tell the tarot reader to stop.
Although each card has a meaning, these are not immutable and serve the
same way for everyone, hence the work of Tarot professionals, who will be in
charge of giving you the interpretation that has to do with your situation. personal
and the moment you are living.
The Triad is related to the ability to teach and understand
You may find some of the messages that appear in the Triad strange, even
incongruous. Don't worry, analyze them because it is likely that this is motivated by
the amount of insecurities and problems that are running through your head at that
moment. If you think about it, you will find the place where everything will make
In the case of the Triad, what the Tarot shows us is what has to do with
teaching and understanding.
You are probably closed to certain feelings that do not allow you to see
further, that is why the Triad can help you realize when you have to give in,
understand others and make them understand you, but above all it will teach you ,
something that although it may seem obvious, sometimes you do not allow it.



7 8 9 10

It serves to analyze what is worrying the consultant at the moment. Your hopes,
your real possibilities and the result or what you could achieve if you tried hard.
Sometimes there are things that worry us, but we don't even stop to analyze them
because they feel impossible, but something is there and it unconsciously worries
us. It's a bit like digging into our subconscious.

For this reading the Major Arcana are used. They are shuffled and cut . They are
spread out on the mat, from right to left, and 10 cards are chosen without turning
them over and placed in the position indicated in the number box. Then they are
raised one by one, as they are interpreted, starting with number 1, it is the top of
the pyramid or the conscious or unconscious problem:

The first card , the tip, is the most relevant, as it indicates the current situation.
For example: if the Emperor appears inverted, it will indicate that one lives under
the negative or unfair influence of a nearby male figure.

The third level:

Cards 2 and 3 , which form the third step of the pyramid, outline a first response
in the form of two alternatives. Sometimes these two cards are diametrically
opposed, pointing to more than one possible solution to the problem. In others,
they are very similar, indicating that there is only one way to act.
For example, if card 2 is Judgment , and card 3 is Justice , very similar Arcana,
the Tarot tells us that we must obey the will of the emperor, no matter how unfair
it may be.
If card 2 were the Hermit and card 3 was the Ace of Pentacles , we are offered
two alternatives. The Hermit speaks of renunciation and independence, and an
advance towards a better destiny. The Ace of Pentacles reveals triumph if the
current attitude is maintained. Two ways to triumph over the Emperor.

The second level:

Cards 4, 5 and 6 , which form the second level of the pyramid, show the causes
of the current situation. The people and forces that influence the development of
the problem, or the attitudes that the consultant should change. For example: if it
appears as card 4, the Empress; as 5, the Moon, and as 6, the Chariot, we are
described as a harmful relationship with a woman, a relationship of dependency.
The Chariot is always related to wrong decisions.


The cards at the base of the pyramid outline the future: what will happen to
the problem if the Tarot's design is ignored, and what will happen if it is obeyed.
Cards 7 and 8 relate the future in which the consultant ignores the reading; cards 9
and 10, what will happen if the advice of the Arcana is followed.
If cards 7 and 8 were, for example, the Tower and the Ace of Swords,
destruction and resignation are announced. We will lose to the Emperor because
we did not heed the warnings of the Tarot.
If the Ten of Wands and the Wheel of Fortune appear like cards 9 and 10,
harvest and victory are announced. The end of the Emperor's era.

Celtic Cross Tarot Reading:

The Celtic Cross tarot reading is the one that has become most popular in
tarot over the years. A possible explanation for this fact is that the designer of the
Rider-Waite Tarot deck recommended it in the book he himself wrote, and in turn
other writers who opted for this deck also considered the reading fundamental to
understanding the tarot. of Ten Cards or Celtic Cross . In addition to this
situation, we must recognize this arrangement of the tarot cards for its high value
as a tool for connecting with the knowledge of the past, present and future.
To perform this reading, you can use all of the Tarot cards, including the
minor arcana, the seventy-eight cards, or it can also be done using purely and
exclusively the twenty-two major arcana , this being a more simplified version; No
matter which of the two options is chosen, the procedure and location of the cards
drawn from the deck will be identical.
As we have said, it is about placing ten cards in ten different positions ,
which must be respected, since each place has a specific meaning, and then
together they will also fill us with information, with their combinations and
relationships, that would not be obtained If one were limited to interpreting card by
card, of course this requires a certain practice and knowledge of Tarot cards, which
is achieved with study, patience and time.
After having assembled the deck and shuffled it as we have previously
indicated, we must put the deck in front of us and take, one by one, the first ten
cards of the tarot, of which the first six are placed according to the order in the We
have removed them in the shape of a cross and the last four are placed
vertically, forming a column to the right of the cross. The first six are the ones that
you start by turning, and the last four are left covered.

The Tarot Card that is removed in second place is located horizontally, "lying"
on the cards that came out in the fourth, first and sixth position.
It is very likely the most used method to consult the tarot. The Celtic Cross
spread can be considered to be a spread in which two sectors or sections can be
clearly identified, six cards on the left and four cards on the right. Those on the
right can be considered as a circle and a cross, and this image has similarity to the
Celtic Cross. The Circle and the Cross , which is in turn formed by two crosses,
the central one, made up of two cards, the first and the second, and the other,
where the central one is located, made up of six cards, from the first to the sixth.
The cross of two cards represents the essence of the theme at the time of reading.
Your life revolves around it. The major cross shows, seen as a whole, the internal
and external situation of the person consulting at the time of the Tarot reading.

The last four cards, which are forming a column, are known as the Staff .
They offer information about the life of the person who consults. They are a guide
to understanding the previous ones , as they guide oneself and one's
relationship with others, as well as giving guidelines on the directions that the
future will take.

Letter 1 . It is located in the center of the Celtic cross, on top of it the

second tarot card in the spread rests. This letter informs in a fairly general way
what is being examined in the reading. It indicates something in particular that is in
the center, at the heart of the whole that makes up the other cards.

Letter 2 . It is the card that rests on the others, it is at the intersection. For
some it is the card considered opposite to the first, opposite to the subject of
analysis itself. Depending on the situation that is read with the rest of the cards in
the spread, it can be seen as a complement to the Center or as a consequence of
what the first card says; the obstacles to overcome.

Letter 3 . This is considered the base. It is the position from which the
central problems are seen from another perspective, from behind, through which
the causes and origins are identified. Although most of the time it is based on past
experiences, it is also possible to find the cause of what is happening at a current
moment, in the present of the person consulting.

Letter 4 . The card from the Recent Past reveals an experience or fact that
has contributed to the current situation being the way it is. There is a possibility
that the event to which it refers has already come to an end, but if so it would be
indicating that it still influences or at least that the person still has it in mind,
always considering it as something temporary, temporary. If compared to the
experience of the Base, they differ in that it is transitory.

Letter 5 . This position is occupied by a letter that will inform about the
possible outcome, and that is why it is one of those that may be more difficult to
read and interpret, given its importance. It is an indicator of a trend, something
that is about to evolve, but it is not decisive. This tarot card must be related to the
last one, which is the Denouement itself, since it can become a kind of subsequent
consequence. You can even see cases in which it is contradictory with the
Outcome, as if showing an alternative that is not going to occur in a certain

Letter 6. It is the card that tells us about the immediate Future . What it
does not show is very close to affecting the life of those who consult. What it holds
is also transitory, although it contributes to the Outcome, it is not something that
will last, it is as if it were something that comes to collaborate with the situation
and when it has fulfilled its mission it will retire. But we must not forget that it is
temporary, so if it is something positive we must make the most of it, and if on the
other hand it is negative, do not forget that it will pass.

Letter 7. It represents the person who consults, although not in a totality,

but in a specific attitude or in an activity that is contributing to the situation they
are experiencing.

Letter 8. It is the position dedicated to the environment, to the environment.

It may be related to certain people or to the environment in which the consultant
finds himself. It will give general outlines regarding the general evolution of the
situation that concerns you.
Letter 9. It is an image of hope and fears. It indicates what the person
expects to happen in the situation in question, and therefore is of vital importance.
For this reason, it should be read carefully, and not lightly, only assuming that if
the card that comes out is positive it will mean what is expected, and if it is
negative it will represent something that has been feared to happen; It's more
complex than this. Do not forget the relationship that exists between the
subconscious of the person consulting and what the cards tell us. Sometimes
changes are considered problems for those who are conservative. Although the
change may be beneficial, it can be seen through the cards as something
negative. .

Letter 10. The final letter: The outcome . Perhaps a kind of summary, I
intend to show the probable result, after having analyzed the influences, it should
not be read in isolation. It is not decisive either, since it does not indicate anything
that is unalterable, it is a sample of the path that things are taking. The situation
seen in the Celtic Cross tarot reading can be modified if the person who consults so
wishes, although it involves effort, avoiding a result is possible.


Reading the Tarot is an art and as such, practice is essential. We may have innate
abilities, but we have to work to develop them. They can give you a plant, but if
you do not place it in a place appropriate for its characteristics, you water it,
fertilize it, prune it when necessary and at the right time, you keep an eye on
possible pests, in short, if you do not dedicate time and effort to it, effort, the plant
will end up getting sick or dying. The same thing happens with the Tarot, if it is not
practiced and the knowledge is not nourished, it will stagnate and end up falling
into oblivion.

That is why it is very important to practice regularly; You may not have any
pending queries, or there may not be any specific question that you are interested
in asking the cards, it does not matter, invent, imagine fictitious situations and then
consult the cards about them, this exercise will help you acquire ease and, above
all, everything, to strengthen your relationship with the cards. Each reading, even if
it is not real, makes you know a little more about the mechanism of the Tarot. The
more spreads you make, the easier it is for you to relate some cards to others, your
acuity for reading between the lines will be refined and your flashes of intuition will
be more spontaneous.

Think of a fictitious consultant to that you put name andexpensive. Imagine a

real situation, something credible and everyday, treats to feel
empathy towards you character and
desire to help you. Then ask the question. Let's imagine Ramón, let's put the face
that we want, for as long as it lasts the exercise
let's grant him own life. No be simply a name any.
Let's visualize to Ramon in view of our eyes.

Let's see that you have a specific height, an age, how do you dress? What color are
your eyes? maybe he has a beard? glasses? Is your complexion broad or thin?
While this exercise benefits us to practice our Tarot readings, it also helps us
acquire more mental plasticity, something that will be very useful when performing
visualization exercises. As can be seen, this practice is positive in many ways.

Let's not settle for giving our fictitious consultant only a physique, let's also give
him a life: a family, a job, some concerns... Once the character is complete, let's
see what he wants to know, in this case, Ramón. Let's remember that the question
will have to harmonize with the type of spread we want to practice. In this case the
spread is Past - Present - Future, therefore we will not ask complex questions or
questions that cover different areas of Ramón's life, there are spreads for that type
of questions. The spread in question is for very specific and specific questions, so
we will stick to them.

Let's imagine that Ramón works in a large company as a mid-level administrator,

he wants to apply for a promotion that will soon take place within the company
with a view to filling several vacant positions. He aspires to advance in category
since he has seniority, experience and knowledge, but he is not sure of achieving it,
he is 52 years old and fears that the company prefers to promote younger and
more dynamic people. Once Ramón has told us about his situation and concerns,
we now have the specific question: will he be able to promote

In life, good things happen and less good things happen, so in our readings we are
going to find ourselves giving good news and news that we would prefer not to
give, although always with nuances, because there are times that what apparently
turns out to be negative, in the long run turns out to be negative. better. Let's look
at two examples to answer the question posed by our imaginary friend. In one of
them, we are going to give you good news, in the other not, but let's see how we
can deal with both cases.

In the first throw, the following cards appear to us:

So we have the Chariot in the Past, the Star in the Present and the Judgment in the
Future. The overall picture is certainly encouraging. At first glance we find
ourselves facing a quite positive reading. Without a doubt we are going to make
Ramón happy. But let's analyze the cards one by one:

The Car in the Past. It is telling us that Ramón has been a worker who has made
an effort, what he has achieved he has earned hard and he has reached the
position he has reached through his own merits. Using a sports simile, Ramón is on
the starting blocks for that promotion due to his effort, and he comes out with an
advantage, since this letter speaks, in addition to effort and drive, of dynamism,
this means that in Ramón's work life movements have been brewing for a long time
(remember that this letter is in the Past).

The Star in the Present. We have already seen what situation Ramón is starting
from and it is a positive and energizing situation, now we find ourselves with “the
fairy godmother” of the Tarot. The Star dominates the present of our consultant,
giving him faith and hope, and that is a very good foundation, we already know
that “believing is creating” and Ramón believes in its possibilities without a doubt.
Let us remember that the call to promote will be made later, not in the present, it is
essential to be clear about the times in the Tarot. This means that the Star is not
the card that tells you that you are going to achieve it since it talks about now,
what it tells you is that you feel prepared and since this card protects and benefits
the projects, favors the plans and paves the paths. , is telling us that not only is
Ramón prepared, but that his candidacy is probably already being taken into
account. Let us also remember that the Chariot told us that Ramón is where he is
on his own merits, the Star tells us that this information is not has gone unnoticed
and those who are going to make the selection have a high concept of Ramon.

The Judgment in the Future. And we reach the climax for Ramón, this letter is
already a prediction, taking into account the push of the Chariot, the good auspices
of the Star and seeing that the result is the Judgment, we can reassure Ramón
regarding his future work ( although the Star has told us that he was already sure),
he is going to achieve it without a doubt. The Judgment is a very interesting card
when we seek a change in our life, to open a new stage. And that is precisely what
Ramón is looking for: a new position that represents a substantial change in his
professional career. The Judgment ensures the renewal and change that we are
seeking and, although the previous letters pointed to the achievement of said
change, the Judgment fully confirms it.

As you can see, this is one of those spreads that we especially like. Everything is
positive, wonderful and the ending is happy. But unfortunately life is made up of
brights and darks and many times things do not turn out as we would like. Now we
are going to see another example in which the cards for Ramón are going to be
much less pleasant. The question is going to be the same, but we are going to
perform the same spread with the following cards:

In this new spread we find in the foreground the Hermit invested in the Past, the
Fool in the Present and the Force invested in the Future. A general overview
already gives us to understand that the situation is not going to be easy at all.
Make a analysis letter by letter.

The Hermit invested in the Past. With this letter we start from an unfavorable
situation. This card tells us that Ramón is not very given to working in a team, nor
do we see that his mind is flexible and dynamic when facing new challenges, the
inverted Hermit clings to the past and despises the new, it does not seem to be an
attitude very suitable for professional progress. The experience that the Hermit
could reflect, appearing inverted, becomes a ballast, No in a
factor favorable.

The Fool in the Present, although this card can be creative and ductile, when
preceded by the inverted Hermit, it seems that it shows its less friendly side and
would focus more on its aspects of unconsciousness and irresponsibility. At this
point, we could suggest to Ramón that perhaps he is not aware that his lack of
flexibility could close doors to a promotion. The Fool is indicating to us that Ramón
either does not care about this fact or is not capable of being aware of it. Our
mission here is not to highlight his defects, but to try to focus Ramón's attention on
a vital fact for him: his apathy towards his own shortcomings. you
can harm.

The Force invested in the Future. This letter does not bring great joy. Being
inverted, the results, which in the normal position are successful and powerful, are
truncated; That force that is almost unstoppable turns against oneself, therefore,
especially in work matters, the inverted Force brings conflicts with colleagues and
also prevents professional progress. With the perspectives that these three letters
show us, it seems that Ramón's job promotion is complicated quite.

Now, my goal with the Tarot is that mistakes can be prevented and that we
become aware of our limitations, not to get frustrated with them, but to overcome
or confront them. Once we have understood the message that these three cards
convey to us, the real work of the Tarot reader begins, and that is to help the
person who consults open their eyes. We do not open them, but we help them to
be the one who opens them. open. It is important to understand the difference
between these two concepts. Our role is to offer alternatives and warn of dangers,
the decisions should not be ours, but those who should make them, which is the
consultant, in this case, Ramon.

It is convenient that we explain to Ramón what the Inverted Hermit and the Fool
have told us, that he understands that the Force is what can happen if he persists
in his attitude and that the future is always to be written, therefore in this spread
there is only one card that is not as valid as the others and is the one that
represents the Future. The Past is already there and it cannot be changed, we can
only change our way of thinking about it. The Present is happening and it is so
immediate that it quickly becomes the Past, but the Future is yet to come, the
cards tell us what will happen taking into account that the trend marked by the first
two cards continues, if said trend is changed, we will change in turn the Future.

Of course Ramón may or may not reconsider his attitude. Maybe the promotion he
aspires to is not as wonderful as he thought and would make him unhappy in the
long run, it may simply not be the right time and later a different or better
opportunity will present itself, perhaps for reasons of Karma, Ramón has to go
through this experience... But one thing is clear, and that is that the first two letters
speak of a not very happy approach to his work, if Ramón manages to become
aware of this, the reading will have been positive, even if the result that
HE I expected No HE ha achieved.

Gypsy method of the 9 cards:

This circulation is the one that has been used largely by gypsies in various parts of
Europe. It is, on the other hand, a simple and concise method, which is suitable for
a wide variety of topics and is very flexible when it comes to interpretation.

The cards are arranged as follows:

Cards 1, 2 and 3 refer to the past.

4, 5 and 6 to the present.

And 7, 8 and 9 in the future.

How you see is the simplest thing anyone can imagine; In practice it leaves a lot of
free space for the imagination and is perhaps one of the most appropriate methods
to let the mind go down in search of visions or hunches.

I used to use this spread often when I had not yet fully assimilated the meanings
of the Minor Arcana, since unlike other spreads, this one requires that the 22
Major Arcana be used exclusively.

It works in the following way, after shuffling the deck, the consultant is asked to
say 4 numbers from 1 to 22, without thinking much about them; Next, the
arcana are passed through and those that correspond to those numbers are taken
out, placing them as follows:

To see which card is number 5 you have to use mathematics:

• The numbers of the 4 arcana that have come out are added (The Fool is
worth zero).
• If that number is less than 22, the corresponding arcana is found within
the deck and placed in position 5.
• If the number of the first is greater than 22 , the 2 digits of this are added
(example: 27 = 2 + 7 = 9) and the arcane with the resulting number is
placed in the central position.

It may happen that the resulting number corresponds to an arcane that is already
in one of the other 4 positions, in which case it can be understood that this arcane
has a greater weight than the others in the matter on which the query revolves.

The meanings of each card are as follows:

1. What is in favor : what is advisable to do, the "good" part, what you can
count on...
2. What is against : what you have to try to avoid, the danger, the risk you
3. What is decisive, what should be done, the advice, the suggestion, on what
the evolution of the situation depends ...
4. The result , what is foreseeable or desirable to happen, where events are
heading, future perspectives...
5. The synthesis : becomes the key to the matter, what the rest depends on.

As you can see, it is an appropriate spread to try to understand "complex"

situations or issues, although on the other hand, despite only using the 22 major
arcana, it requires a fairly deep knowledge of them to be able to get the most out
of it.

Crossroads Throw
The Crossroads Roll will allow you to know what the consequences will be when
faced with various alternatives that you consider to resolve a situation. The
Querent will have before him the complete map, what could happen if it is positive
and what would happen if it is negative. With this information, you are freer and
more aware to take the best of the

We create the world with each choice we make, the responsibility we assume by
saying yes or no, by taking left or right, following a person or not, facing or leaving
a certain situation, fills us with meaning, nourishes our soul and character. With
each alternative chosen, we not only open the door to a future, we also create the
present and give meaning to the past.

How to perform the Crossroads Roll?

This simple spread of six cards will give us a vision of the paths that open before us
with each choice we make. Six cards that form one of the figures that concern us
most, paths that fork.

The Consultant mixes the cards, in the way and for the time he considers
appropriate, and the Tarot Reader arranges this figure in the numerical order
indicated, with the cards face down:
4 3 5

Interpretation Crossroads Throw

The spread reads like a story that launches us from the past to the future

Letter 1

The problem and its origin. What situation has brought us to this crossroads.

Letter 2.

The actual situation. Those aspects in which the problem inhibits the consultant's

Letter 3.

The alternative: this Arcanum should be read as a dilemma, a representation of an

A side and a B side, a yes and a no. The Tarot Reader remembers that all Arcana
have, by their nature, a double interpretation.

Letter 4.

A possible way out: the consequences of taking one of the alternatives raised by
card 3. In this case, the alternative that refers to action, to yes, to confrontation.

Letter 5.

The second alternative: this card represents the alternative of not doing, of
withdrawing, of giving up.

Letter 6.

A third alternative. Or what the Tarot suggests should be done by the consultant to
come out of their dilemma successfully.


Card throw for a YES or NO

This reading of cards is one of the simplest and clearest known, "practically for
children", since it is not done through the interpretation of the arcana, but rather
by the state of how the figures appear. , right or backwards.
It helps us to have the cards answer a very specific question, affirmative or
Once the question has been asked, the consultant shuffles or asks the tarot reader
to shuffle, and it is done in the following way, we have to concentrate on the
question, and then mix the cards, a cut is made and then we choose from the pile
five cards that We will arrange them as shown in the figure, one next to the other
and in a row. Once arranged, we turn it over and check the number of cards upside
down and upside down. Taking into account that the central card is worth two.
If the number of cards to the right is the greatest then the answer to the question
is YES.
If the number of cards upside down is the greatest, the answer is NO.
If it happens that the number of cards upside down and up front is the same, we
repeat the throw, if it happens again we do it again. In case of a new tie, we
should not try the third time, it means that the cards do not want to give us the

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