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Pediatric nursing: What it is, functions, career and more

43-55 minutes

This nursing specialty appeared at the end of the 19th century, to provide necessary nursing care to babies,
children and adolescents; so he is not as young as one might think. It emerges in France and Germany and then
spreads throughout Europe and the United States. Through this article we present details of the evolution of
Pediatric Nursing over time.

What is pediatric nursing?

Branch of nursing that is dedicated to the care of newborns and children, generally until adolescence or
puberty. It has great importance since it is dedicated to caring for and inspecting the different facets of a child's
development from birth until reaching adolescence.

This specialty is part of pediatric medical practice.

Most pediatric units have subspecialties such as adult medicine, in that sense, these personnel have
subspecialties such as surgery, neurology, gastroenterology, oncology, hematology and neonatology, etc.

Likewise, it carries out growth and development monitoring activities that are part of the well-child
consultation, to which all children must attend regularly from 1 to 27 until adolescence. 9/2/21 17:00
Pediatric nursing: What it is, functions... about:reader?url=https://micarrerauniver...
Main disorders treated by pediatric nursing

Although their health difficulties largely depend on the age of the children, a large percentage of cases are
infectious pathologies, caused because their immune system is still in the process of maturation. Other
conditions addressed by pediatric nursing are trauma, tumors, and problems generated by genetic diseases or
congenital deformities.

In pediatric services, nursing professionals are trained to address the symptoms that these patients manifest,
especially vomiting, fever, malnutrition and dehydration.

Neonates, which include babies from the moment of birth until the first 28 days of life, are a special group of
patients evaluated by a type of personnel specialized in neonatology, a subspecialty of pediatrics.

Special considerations in pediatric nursing

The patient of the pediatric units is not responsible for his or her actions, but his or her representative, who is
generally the mother or father; situation that nursing staff must face.

There are many cases where parents are decisive when it comes to recovering and maintaining the health of the
child, especially when they assume unhealthy lifestyles or lifestyles based on very strict regimens, such as being
vegan or performing extreme or tiring sports. minor.

Another situation that occurs with some frequency is that children are left in the middle of family disputes that
directly disturb their physical and mental health.

Objectives of pediatric nursing

• Achieve the highest possible state of health in each child.

• Prevent and avoid illnesses and injuries

• Work with all children, regardless of their pathology

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Previously, the role of the midwife was significant and in many cases the only resource for help during
pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period; It has been disappearing in urban areas, being found only in
rural towns.

In ancient times, in civilizations such as Greece, Babylon, Egypt and Rome, even in the Middle Ages; Women
had a leading role in these tasks that was manifested considerably in the arts, where they were represented
supporting births, being responsible for the birth.

However, since the 17th century its role has been diminished by doctors or men.

S Pediatric Nurse I

Becomes a specialty in the mid-19th century

The knowledge
goes back to the Care is born
times of ancient from protecting
Egypt where care and helping the
was provided by weak, the sick
women. and the helpless.

At that time, the institutionalized children were rigorously separated from each other, and also from their
parents. Infectious pathologies were highly prevalent, in addition to the fact that there were no antibiotics, and
drugs and defined prevention measures were scarce; The order of “absolute bed rest” was frequently
prescribed, even resorting to the use of straitjackets if necessary.

The impression of the disease on the child and his parents did not cause major concern. This attitude adopted
by the novice nurse made her progressively more insensitive; Health professionals were forced to distance
themselves from the parents, because they did not feel competent to deal with them, because the parents were
very afraid of hospitals, considering them places where the sick died.

In the Middle Ages it was assumed that the child had a soul, but the complex nature of its attention meant that
it was abandoned. It was common to find children left at the doors of hospitals at night.

Midwives were the only ones authorized to attend births since doctors did not exist until the 17th century. The
survival of the newborn depended on providing it with good quality milk. In the 13th century, the tasks that
mothers undoubtedly carried out in modest homes were already suggested to the nanny, in addition to cleaning
the child, talking to him, providing breastfeeding and food.

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An example of this is that in the 15th century, in the Hospital de la Santa Cruz in Barcelona, Spain, there were
regulations in which a woman was designated to care for children. These had to be honest, notable, and of good

The French Revolution in the 18th century was accompanied by interest in children; One of the reasons was
that upon reaching the age of majority they would exercise the right to vote. By then the mortality rate was
high. In the 19th century the first pediatric hospitals appeared.

An example is the Hospital del Niño Jesús in Madrid (1876). The infant begins to be seen as worthy of scientific

Many social, legal, educational, etc. advances were developed. However, there is still a high population of
children with food shortages, who survive wars without getting immunization or education, in addition to
continuing to receive emotional, physical and social abuse.

For this century, two types of children coexist; those from poor countries with long-standing difficulties such as
malnutrition, hunger, lack of hygiene, as well as war and AIDS; and those from rich countries with other
drawbacks, such as the absence of breastfeeding, prefabricated foods, family disintegration, violence,
loneliness, stress, etc.

In recent decades the world economy has increased exponentially, but at the same time, the number of citizens
living in poverty has increased. In this sense, child nursing emerges from the conception that the care of
children would be in charge of people who, satisfying the child's basic needs, would replace the parent and
inspect the nannies.

Nowadays, parents have more preparation on how to prevent and protect their children; That is, a “health-
conscious” society has been formed. Consequently, by reducing physical health difficulties, greater efforts have
been directed to the areas of pediatrics, obstetrics , and fields related to the study of growth and development.

Pediatric nursing: functions

At the moment there is no single nurse model in Primary Care, given that the requirements of each health
center allow different modalities; One of these is pediatric nursing, a specialty that is accessed through a higher
pediatrics course.

The pediatric nurse is professionally oriented towards prevention and health promotion in children and
adolescents. For this, joint work with the pediatrician is essential, specifying a unity of criteria, agreeing on all
aspects, exercising exclusive dedication to the children's population.

Additionally, the pediatric nurse is a fundamental part of the primary care group; He is a character accessible
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to the children's population and a vital reference for the various teams with which he usually collaborates.

The essential function of a nursing team is to restore health through care activities, intervening directly in
covering the physical and emotional needs of children, including food, hygiene and clothing needs.

Pediatric nursing specialty

This area of nursing pursues the comprehensive training of specialists for quality professional practice in care,
education, management and research, which respond to the health requirements and difficulties of the
individual, family and community, in the pediatric area.

Graduates of the specialty in Pediatric Nursing are fully trained professionals with updated epistemological,
scientific and philosophical theories; with cognitive, technical and creative skills for the practice of innovative,
critical, purposeful and risk-free nursing; with training and responsibility in the development and
transformation of the career, discipline and science of nursing; committed to the development and evolution of
society, seeking greater justice and democracy; with a scale of values based on universal humanism; For this
reason, they have fair recognition in all areas.


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Prepare pediatric nursing professionals with methodological, technical, and scientific knowledge; and skills,
values and attitudes to detect health problems in pediatric patients and cooperate with their solution in the
community and at different levels of care, in a timely, safe manner and with a great humanitarian sense.

Pediatric nursing career

The care of infants from birth to 16 years of age, covering the stages of neonate, infant, preschool, school and
puberty, is the responsibility of the pediatric nursing professional.

The term care is very extensive in this case, since the pediatric nursing professional covers a range of diverse
tasks that range from the care of the healthy infant, to a solely therapeutic role, passing through the necessary
facet of family support, without leaving prevention work aside, with high educational components. In this
aspect, it should be supported by community family medicine .

In this way, a pediatric nurse is responsible for supporting the child's normal development, closely monitoring
their psychomotor, physiological and psychosocial changes, as well as taking care of the health checks and
immunizations required at each of the different stages. .

Their work involves taking part in the control and facilitation of nutrition, growth, hygiene habits, rest and
sleep, as well as communication and social interaction skills.

Pediatric nurses also play an important role in education and prevention. Their work also involves becoming
indispensable support for families, which is why they work hand in hand with parents, evaluating their
knowledge of child care, providing them with instruments and resources to do it correctly.

Likewise, they must be constantly alert to reveal deficiencies and inconveniences that may cause deficiencies,
accidents or alterations, as well as then take care to reduce the after-effects and consequences that they may
cause in the child.

These prevention and education tasks are also carried out in educational centers through talks and workshops
with teachers and students.
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Of course, the pediatric nurse carries out a good part of his work at the time when the infant has medical
difficulties, and needs his therapeutic mediation to, together with the doctor, carry out the treatment and
rehabilitation tasks.

When a child requires health support, for example in the case of hospitalization, the nurse will monitor their
safety and administer the required care under the guidance of the doctor. But at the same time, it will assist the
child and the parents to tolerate the difficult experience, collaborating to reduce fears, increase security,
promoting a relationship of trust, relying on the importance of play, and considering the affective and
emotional needs of all. .

Pediatric nursing: universities

The Master's Degree in Pediatric Nursing seeks to prepare nursing professionals specialized in the
comprehensive care of healthy children and those with health difficulties, fundamentally high-risk children;
incorporating family and community.

Promotes the acquisition of knowledge in Pediatric Nursing, with advanced preparation in research techniques
related to this area, to simultaneously promote the acquisition of innovative skills and abilities, in order to
satisfy the demands required by pediatric health care. , at the moment.

Output profile

• He has full knowledge of his work in the medical, psychological and social fields.

• Addresses the needs of his patients in a timely manner.

• Monitors the health status of its patients and offers them timely help.

• Take part in health and welfare programs at the community level.

• Has leadership capacity in nursing groups.

• Employs information techniques to perform your role most efficiently.

• Supports medical staff in assisting and monitoring the convalescence stages of patients.

Location in jobs

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• Offices

• Health centers

• Hospitals

• Clinics

• Universities.

Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla, Mexico

Professional profile

The Pediatric Nursing Specialty of the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla provides the
following characteristics to its graduates:


• to structure protocols and/or research projects.

• on human development.

• on nursing diagnoses based on the requirements and response of the sick infant.

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• to carry out the nursing care plan in the pediatric service.

• on therapeutic administrations considering the pharmacological reactions in the infant's body.

• to assess the phases of the nursing procedure.

• on didactic planning and continuing education.

• on health policies.

• on the pediatric patient in critical condition and their management.


• Ability to use the research process to recognize the requirements of a Pediatric Service.

• Ability to use quality standards in each nursing participation where it takes part, in the Pediatric Unit.

• Ability to direct nursing care in an organized, personalized manner and directed to the objectives of nursing

• Ability to carry out therapeutic interventions, considering the risks and pharmacological reactions of the child
patient's body.

• Ability to carry out continuous educational activities, aimed at health care and prevention, in the community.

• Ability to manipulate highly specialized equipment, within the intensive care service.

National University of Distance Education, Spain

This specialty of Pediatric Nursing of the National University of Distance Education pursues the
specialized preparation of health professionals in order to provide them with the knowledge and skills
necessary to face, in a comprehensive manner, the care and attention of the child patient and their family, with
a multidisciplinary orientation addressing the essential healthcare and legal elements associated with pediatric
healthcare, in the hospital setting as well as in primary care.

Profile of the graduate in Pediatric Nursing

Graduates of the Pediatric Nursing specialty have a wealth of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values acquired
and developed during their studies.
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training process, which they must apply in their professional practice.

This profile is organized considering the four generic competencies of nursing professionals: Care, education,
administration and research.

Nursing care

• Has the capacity for critical analysis of the social, economic, political, and statistical dimensions of the
indicators, and of damage to health at the state, national, and global level, in the area of pediatrics.

• It incorporates its professional development into the social, economic and political system in which it exists, to
address the biological and psychological requirements and difficulties of the sick infant, with existing material
resources in nursing services and in the community environment.

• Ability to apply changes to oneself and the surrounding reality, based on the global values of modern
humanism: cooperation, solidarity, respect for life, tolerance, equity, justice, health and the environment.

• It is interested in the health of the child by providing care of the best quality, taking into account socioeconomic
and cultural characteristics.

• Skill to identify the different stages of development, the peculiarities of psychological behavior and the
elementary aspects of nutrition in its different phases, in terms of the care of pediatric patients.

• Expertise in the use of playful technologies for the development of the healthy child.

• Determines communication systems within the family, family relationships; habits and customs in the family;
treatment of parents towards their children, disciplinary regime and at the same time performs nursing

• Identify health problems and take actions to overcome them.

• Ability to interpret the pathophysiology of the main health problems in children, to employ relevant treatment
and timely and efficient rehabilitation, and

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interact with the multidisciplinary team, in order to provide care that responds to the bio-psycho-social
requirements of the pediatric patient.

• It identifies damage to children's health at the national and state level, as well as care programs, emphasizing
their participation in the pediatric area.

• Uses nursing procedures as a methodology for the care of pediatric patients, and takes part in the prediction,
detection and treatment of pathophysiological alterations of any illness, whether in stable or critical conditions.

• Ability to take therapeutic measures based on nursing diagnoses in the care of children, guiding cases that do
not concern them.

• Provides nursing care to patients in critical condition, with respect and responsibility for the particular
characteristics of each child.

• Skillfully manipulates the electromedical technology required in the therapy of hospitalized infants.

• Skill in using the processes and techniques applied in the care of hospitalized child patients with medical and
surgical difficulties.

• Plans and applies recreational and occupational activities that lead to well-being and development, as well as
participates in the prevention and assistance of psychological and psychiatric disturbances in pediatric

Nursing Education

• Supports and guides the child and his parents about the therapeutic process and institutional norms, with
ethical and humanistic values that reduce possible conflicts.

• Collaborates in the processes of guidance in rehabilitation and limitation of disabling sequelae to promote the
reintegration of pediatric patients into an active social life.

• Develops and implements assistance programs in development stimulation and pediatric care centers.

• Ability to apply and educate in the use of play therapy in the recovery of the health of pediatric patients, in
health institutions and in the community.

• Ability to guide and develop the assessment of the biological, social and psychological aspects of the child,
describe the elements that intervene in nutrition and increase the willingness to generate primary care and
health promotion actions in the community.

• Develops, promotes and executes education programs in pediatric services and in the community, aimed at
students, interns and nursing professionals.

Nursing Administration

• Uses the administrative procedure in the fields of its competence, to optimize care systems, maximizing
existing resources in nursing competencies, thus increasing productivity and quality of care.
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provided to the child, family and community.

• Plan, organize, lead and inspect pediatric services in public or private health organizations.

• Requires, supervises and evaluates consumable materials, equipment and furniture required for the good
performance of child care services.

• Requires preventive and corrective maintenance of the equipment and facilities under your care.

• Controls the activities of nursing staff in the child care services under their responsibility: asepsis and
antisepsis measures, patient isolation; control of medical equipment and materials; disinfection and cleaning of
furniture, materials and equipment; management of hospital clothing, etc.

• Develops standards and processes resources for the operation of child care services in health institutions.

• Designs, disseminates, applies, recommends, controls and evaluates child care programs in health
organizations, and in the community in general.

• Captures and processes data to prepare monthly, semi-annual and annual reports on the different actions of its
professional competence.

• It carries out diagnoses on the situation of infant morbidity and mortality in health organizations, through
statistical analysis of the causes of consultation, discharges and expiration.

Nursing research

• Helps jointly with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary groups in epidemiological, biomedical and socio-
medical exploration projects.

• Carry out research in the field of your competence.

Specialty in pediatric oncology nursing

Universidad Austral, Argentina Oncology faces new challenges in cancer treatment and care that require
specialized professionals. Argentina quickly assumed this reality by creating the specialization in Oncological
Nursing, which is a novel university postgraduate proposal that promotes the training of nursing graduates,
with comprehensive scientific, ethical and human preparation, capable of providing general and specialized
care for the oncology patient.

The Specialization degree in Oncological Nursing taught by the Austral University, Argentina , is
accredited by the National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU) of that country.

General objectives

It prepares Nursing Graduates who wish to play their role in the care of cancer patients, obtaining specific
knowledge about the specialty, as well as the skills required to perform well in their daily work.

Motivate the development of human capabilities and attitudes guided by ethics, and promote skills that
stimulate the critical sense and comprehensive preparation necessary to offer high-quality care to the cancer
patient, taking into account the family and their environment.

Graduate profile

The graduate of this specialization will achieve the knowledge required to promote healthy lifestyles in patients,
families and the community.

In addition, you will assimilate the processes for the application and administration of care for the person with
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cancer, providing them with company in the different stages of the disease. You will acquire ethical, bioethical
and legal training on the practice of oncology nursing that will enable future graduates to acquire a
comprehensive vision in the care of cancer patients.

The graduate will have both the knowledge and skills necessary to develop different research tasks (speakers,
participate in conferences, publications, etc.) associated with topics that particularly refer to the field of
oncology nursing.

Master in Oncology Nursing, University of Barcelona, Spain

The most widespread disease in the world population is cancer; It is the leading cause of death worldwide.
According to the World Cancer Report, it is estimated that it will increase gradually throughout the 21st
century, and its presence could increase by 50% until 2020, which would constitute more than 15 million new

After 20 years preparing specialists in oncology nursing, the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) and the
Institute of Continuing Training of the University of Barcelona (IL3-UB) have constituted the

Master in Oncology Nursing

Based on the natural course of the disease

In recent years we have been witnessing innovation in the provision of cancer care, which incorporates changes
that are registered in patients and family members (those directly responsible for their illness), changes in
treatments (more personalized) and changes that are applied to professionals. nurses (multidisciplinary
teams); Consequently, the role played by these professionals is increasingly specialized, deploying specific
knowledge and skills.

In this sense, advanced practice nurses who practice in oncology care must possess the theories and skills
required to deal with the care of these patients to provide them with high-quality care in the phases of the

Therefore, this professionalized master's degree is the necessary training instrument for specialization in
oncology nursing, to which it offers the knowledge, skills and qualities for advanced practice in cancer
patient care in the healthcare field, the latest advances and oncological trends ; It also adds new areas,
evidencing the need for greater skills in the nursing profession.


• Increase the knowledge, understanding of different situations, skills and attitudes of nurses who want to
specialize in oncology.

• Prepare nurses in the skills required to support with their contributions the varied professional fields such as
management, training, research and care practice associated with oncology nursing.

• Develop and stimulate strategic capabilities in the oncology nursing specialty.


It is aimed at nursing graduates committed to specializing in cancer patient care. Likewise, nursing
professionals with experience in other clinical fields and motivated with specialization in cancer patient care.

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Pediatric technical nursing

Nursing Technician with a mention in Pediatrics, Andrés Bello University, Chile The Nursing
Technician is a professional prepared to join the health team, supporting professionals in the area in carrying
out basic nursing processes and in promotion, protection, recovery and rehabilitation of the individual, family
and community.

The mention in Pediatrics also enables you to carry out promotion, forecasting, protection, recovery and
rehabilitation activities, focused especially on healthy and sick children, from one month to fifteen years of age,
with emphasis on the areas of children's surgery, pediatrics, pediatric oncology and pediatric critical patients.

The curriculum is characterized by a high practical content, oriented towards the development of work skills,
which ultimately constitutes the distinctive mark of professionals trained in AIEP.

Labor Field

The Nursing Technician with a mention in Pediatrics is equipped with the knowledge to excel efficiently in
urban and rural offices, hospitals, private clinics, nursing centers and private consultations.

The skills acquired throughout his training also enable him to produce his own work spaces, through the
provision of care services for sick children.

Procedures in pediatric nursing

The practice of care and attention processes for children is one of the challenges that the nursing student will
face during their professional in-hospital internship throughout the current semester and in their professional

Nursing participation in the pediatric field is generally an embarrassing experience for both the child and their
families, as well as for the professional themselves.

In order to ensure success in the execution of the procedures, and at the same time, allow a positive
relationship with the child and their family, a professional with the ability to deploy and relate certain
knowledge, skills and attitudes inherent to the pediatric field is required.

The child's communication relationship with the nursing staff as well as with their family members, at different
stages of development, is also an issue of utmost importance.

I. Hand hygiene technique

• Clinical handwashing

• Dry hand hygiene

II. Control of vital signs in pediatrics

• Respiratory rate (fr)

• Heart rate (HR)

• Blood pressure (pa)

• Axillary temperature in the newborn (peripheral temperature)

• Rectal temperature (central temperature)

• Continuous non-invasive monitoring.

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• Cardiac monitoring

• Respiratory monitoring

• Blood pressure monitoring

• Pulse oximetry monitoring (oxygen saturation)

III. Life cycle parameters by age

1. Physical examination and assessment in pediatrics

2. Restraint methods in pediatrics

3. Nasogastric and orogastric tube installation

4. Probe removal

IV. Feeding techniques in pediatrics

• Breastfeeding

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• Enteral feeding

• Ways to feed by tube

V. Installation and care of urinary catheter in pediatrics

VI. Sample collection in pediatrics

• Urine collection by spontaneous urination

• Urine collection using a perineal adhesive bag (urine collector)

• Bladder catheterization procedure

• Coqueluche investigation (ifd)

• Immunofluorescence for respiratory virus (ifi)

• Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample extraction

VII. Extraction of blood samples in pediatrics

• arterial puncture

• Care in cases of arteriospasm, thrombosis and embolism

• Venous puncture

VIII. Installation of peripheral venous line in pediatrics and phleboclysis

• Puncture sites

IX. Oxygen therapy in pediatrics

• Oxygen therapy in hallo

• Oxygen therapy with nasal cannula

X. Inhalation therapy in pediatrics

• Pressurized inhalers

XI. Aspiration of secretions in pediatrics

XII. Medication administration in pediatrics

XIII. Cleanliness and comfort

• Genitoanal toilet in the newborn (molting)

• Umbilical cleanliness in the newborn

• Morning care of the infant

• Genitoanal toilet of the infant and preschooler (molting)

Pediatric Emergency Care


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This care requires a multidisciplinary team (doctors and nurses) with extensive knowledge of the most
common pathologies, with the ability to make prompt decisions and extensive command of the most common
techniques and procedures.

This includes those essential to safeguard the patient's life (airway manipulation or defibrillation), which
although not transcendental, are done routinely (ENT foreign body extraction, urine collection techniques),
and those that are not vital. nor frequent, they may be necessary in a possible situation (hook removal, tick
extraction), hospitalization as in primary care.

These emergency techniques include:

• Airway Techniques and Procedures

• Cardiovascular Techniques and Procedures

• Neurological Techniques and Procedures

• Gastrointestinal Techniques and Procedures

• Genitourinary Techniques and Procedures

• Surgery Techniques and Procedures

• Traumatology Techniques and Procedures

• Orl Techniques and Procedures

• Ophthalmology Techniques and Procedures

• Drug Administration

• Microbiological Sample Extraction

Pediatric nursing and its relationship with other disciplines

Other sciences Nursing has always been enriched by experiences and the use of other sciences, over time, to
achieve professional and quality practice for patients in this profession. The sciences most associated with
nursing are the exact, social and humanistic sciences.


Science that is responsible for the study of living beings: origin, evolution, and their properties (genesis,
nutrition, evolution and reproduction). It is the most widely used within nursing, as it focuses on investigating
diseases and human processes.


It deals with the study of plants in all their dimensions, which includes identification, description,
classification, distribution, and the study of their morphology, physiology, reproduction, relationships with
other living beings and stimulated effects on the environment in which they live.

It is related to nursing in that most of the content is generated from the

17 of 27 naturalistic observation and classification, in contrast to demonstration through

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This science studies man in a global way; combines natural sciences with social sciences; and to the social and
cultural framework that defines it; its origin and development as well as social behaviors through time and

It is related to nursing to document the origins of man and be enriched by its experiences.


Study of the earth's surface and the societies that inhabit it; which includes territories, landscape, climate,
natural and hydrological resources, and meteorological phenomena; as well as places or regions that are
formed by interacting with each other.

Contributes to nursing in defining the type of provisional activities according to the conditions where the
population lives and the resources. An example of this is knowing if there is plenty of water to maintain
adequate hygiene, knowing the temperatures in cold weather to avoid diseases, etc.


Studies human populations; its dimensions, characteristics, evolution, structure and dynamics of the
population, statistics, etc. It is related to nursing to know the groups of people with whom it must work, mostly
on preventive measures, such as vaccination advertisements. In addition, it allows us to know groups sensitive
to certain diseases.


It is the science that investigates the inheritance and transfer of characters in individuals, as well as the way in
which they are manifested. The nurse develops care, social and community functions; carries out fundamental
programs to ensure the health of the population and advanced care for pregnant women and women at pre-
risk conceptional.

It makes possible the application of Advanced Technology Programs for the diagnosis, prediction and
treatment of diseases for genetic reasons; giving the family the option of interruption when the prenatal
diagnosis is in the early stages of pregnancy, as well as the possibility of opting for a better quality of life for
those who are affected by genetic diseases.

In comprehensive care

Regarding the aspect of Comprehensive Care of the child, the disciplines that are most related to nursing are:
Family Dynamics, Child Psychology, Gynecology-Obtetrics, Neurodevelopment, Pediatric Pathophysiology,
Pharmacology in Pediatrics, and Pediatrics with all its subcategories.

Pediatric nursing: exceptional path

In many countries the old specialty of Pediatrics and Childcare has been repealed since 2005. However, the
professionals who worked in this field were approved for the new degree until 2015.

For the rest of the nurses who worked in the pediatric field, but lacked qualifications, the “Exceptional Route”
call was made to qualify for it, especially in Spain. A reasonable period of time was given to request the
exceptional route. Until that date, many nurses delivered their accumulated merits in pediatrics. After
reviewing these files, they were called to take exams that would allow them to obtain the aforementioned

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At the end of these tests, the call for applications through the “Exceptional Route” was closed and from that
moment on, anyone who wanted to obtain the title of Pediatric Nurse must apply through the Eir Route (Intern
Resident Nurse).

Pharmacology in pediatric nursing

Pediatric pharmacology is a science that studies medications used in these age populations, where there are
significant differences with adults in pharmacodynamics (PD) and pharmacokinetics (PK).

Other frequent difficulties in pediatrics are the use of formulas not suitable for infants, the absence of scientific
certainty regarding efficacy/safety for many medicines, the use of medications not certified by regulatory
authorities and the influence of other pathologies on FC behavior.

These variants make achieving the ideal dose of a medication in a child a real challenge in many therapies. It is
essential to recognize the behavior of medicines in an organism that is constantly developing and maturing, in
order to obtain safe, effective, and rational therapy.

Some instruments such as pharmaco-surveillance and therapeutic drug monitoring help to improve therapies
in this scenario of uncertainty.

Medication administration in pediatric patients

This is one of the most important obligations for nursing staff. Competence and safety are fundamental
conditions to deliver the recommended dose, in the least traumatic way possible.

Rules for safe administration of medications

• Administer correct medication.

• Administer medication to the correct patient.

• Administer correct dose.

• Administer medication through the correct route.

• Administer the medication at the correct time.

• Keep a record of all medications administered.

• Notify and train parents about the medications administered to the infant.

• Inquire if the patient has allergies and rule out undesirable drug reactions.

• Before preparing and administering medicines, clean your hands.

Considerations in pediatrics

• mg/kg/dose and mg/kg/day

• Oral Medication Administration

• You must witness the ingestion of the medications

• Consider the influence of food on drug absorption.

• Strictly adhere to the administration schedule.

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• Tablets

• Dragées and capsules

• Powder

• Syrups

• Suspensions

Intramuscular drug administration

• Carefully choose the puncture site

• Do not select eroded or inflamed areas

• Make sure that the needle chosen is appropriate for the type of injection.

• Implement a rotation plan for puncture areas in continuous treatments.

Puncture sites

• Vastus lateralis: muscle.

• Large, developed, tolerates 0.5 fluid in infants and 2 ml in children.

• Dorsal Gluteus: older child, large muscle mass, developed. Tolerates 2ml.

• Deltoid: quick absorption, less pain. Tolerates small amounts 0.5 to 1 ml.

Other routes of intradermal administration

• Subcutaneous

• Rectal

• Nasal

• Optics

• Optics.

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Intravenous drug administration


• Amount of medication to be supplied

• Drug dilution

• Type of solution in which it can be diluted.

• Safe administration time.

• Infusion rate

• Time space between administration of medications.

• Compatibility between drugs

Electrolyte replacement in children

• Potassium Chloride: Ampoule 5 cc 3 mEq/cc

• Sachet 100 cc 1 mEq/cc Sodium Chloride: ClNa

• Ampoule 20% (10 or 20 ml) 1 gr 17 mEq 20 cc = 68 mEq = 4 gr

Areas of action of pediatric nursing

Develops nursing care for age groups from 0 to 16 years, throughout the entire life cycle, in hospital
institutions, in the public or private sector.

They work in the management and coordination of programs, social and educational projects in institutions
aimed at promoting health, disease prevention, rehabilitation and well-being in general to ensure quality of life.
They basically provide their services in Institutions in the health sector and the educational sector, at a public
level such as


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Principles of pediatric nursing

• Proceed to resolve the emergency presented

• Auxiliary to minimize the pain of the infant and his family

• Maintain the child's vital functions

• Maintain skin integration

• Support and encourage the child's contact with his parents

• Take the relevant measures for stimulation and development

• Psychological conditioning of any procedure

• Observe cultural differences

Pediatric nursing courses

Pediatric nursing assistant

The course program allows you to penetrate in a practical way into each of
the fundamental procedures, programs and instruments , to become an expert to support the pediatric
nursing team.

Graduate profile:

• Become familiar with all the facets of fetal growth, and the main genetic and infectious pathologies that can
afflict it.

• Master the techniques of caring for a newborn.

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• Use pediatric measurement techniques for respiration rate, cardiac blood pressure, and temperature.

• Recognize and control everything related to pediatric emergencies.

Free technical course in pediatric nursing care

This course trains professionals to provide special nursing care to the infant, as well as identify the relevant
diagnosis, and the appropriate treatment, in the pediatric nursing care unit.

It is aimed at nursing care technicians, professionals concerned with identifying and applying pediatric nursing
techniques; and to people who are interested in this course.


• Train in the classification of high-risk newborns

• Recognize the nursing action plan that is appropriate for the best care of high-risk neonates

• Identify the types of infections that can manifest in the neonate

• Study and detect the main causes of sudden death in infants

• Learn the causes of seizures in childhood

Job Opportunities: Health / Hospitals / Nursing.

Pediatric nursing assistant course

Study Center

Focused on people who are motivated to achieve the title of Technician in Auxiliary Nursing Care, and in
addition to specializing in child care.

Whoever completes this course will acquire all the theories and practices required to work as an assistant in
pediatric, early childhood education, and primary care centers, 23 of 27 9/2/21 17:00
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hospitals, and in maternity wards.

The distance course also allows you to learn about infectious diseases.

Pediatric nursing assistant course – Access to FP Title –

The Assistant trained by this course will focus their professional career on caring for children as a pediatric
pediatrician. Ideal for those who like infants, and wish to work protecting them in their first days of life.

You will be able to independently achieve the Official FP Title of Medium Degree of Technician
in Auxiliary Nursing Care.

The teaching team will constantly monitor progress.

Pediatric nursing in primary care

Primary Care began to be worked on in 1985, when there was also a lot of struggle to determine what was
considered an essential piece in the Health System: Nursing. The construction of a work organization that
allowed not only to have a reference doctor but also a nurse who worked with him, seeking common objectives
and with the coherence required to achieve them, was very uphill.

Likewise, this argument is valid for the pediatric age segment of the population. The years have passed and
with it the organization of work in Primary Care Nursing, to which various changes have been applied.

Pediatric, family or school health nursing

At the moment there is no single model of professional in Primary Care, given that according to the needs of
each Health Center, they admit various modalities: from "Pediatric Nurse" with exclusive assignment to that
sector of the population, to nurses who are dedicated to the entire family, or those that carry out only specific
activities, for example, vaccination, as carried out by the nurses who belong to the school health group.

The healthy child program

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• Infant 0-2 years of age: Height, BMI, Weight, feeding, vaccination, hygiene, psychomotor development, general

• Schoolchildren 3-14 years: Height, BP, Weight, nutrition, vaccinations, optotypes, school adaptation.

• Promotion of Breastfeeding, supporting mothers who choose this modality with special monitoring.

• Prevention of eating disorders: Weight control, optimizing eating habits, physical exercise, etc.

• Child vaccination (0 – 16 years).

• Accident prevention.

• Prevention of child abuse.

Support for medical consultation

• Handling of inhalers and cameras.

• Cures and bandages.

• Screening for decreased vision (optotypes).

• Obtaining samples (smear).

• Collection of urine samples, for labstix and urine culture (bag).

• Application of liquid nitrogen in the treatment of papillomas and common warts (Cryotherapy).

Comprehensive child care also involves:

• Bidirectional relations with schools in relation to: Capture of deficiencies (language, sight, hearing, etc.).

25 of 27 • Regular and extraordinary vaccination campaigns. 9/2/21 17:00

Pediatric nursing: What it is, functions... about:reader?url=https://micarrerauniver...
• Talks aimed at students and teachers about accidents, food, etc.

• Assistance with institutions (Mayors, councils, etc.) on issues of social and family problems.

Preventive activities and the health of adults of the future

“Children of today, adults of the future.” It is a phrase used in various settings; In this case, it focuses on health
and the increased concern about the progress of diseases that require preventive and early action, as in the case
of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, some cancers, etc. Which must begin in childhood with protocols on infant
feeding (aimed at improving the eating practices of the entire family) to reduce the risks of childhood obesity,
without forgetting the practice of physical exercise and sports, thus avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.

Childhood vaccination programs are established to separate or reduce the risk of various infectious diseases
and, consequently, childhood morbidity and mortality.

The observance of health care programs in the child and adolescent population is as transcendental as it is
varied and requires that professionals dedicate themselves to it, being humanely and professionally.

Is pediatric nursing a specialty?

New nursing specialties are currently being debated. It seems that the specialty of Pediatric Nursing is tending
to disappear and Advanced Clinical Nursing is appearing.

Professional training, as for doctors, is well defined; Each one has

26 of 27 their specialty, but if we talk about nursing, with the exception of some branches, it is 9/2/21 17:00
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It establishes the care of the general population (community nurse) without taking into account other

Research has been carried out on pediatric doctors, which has revealed the need for nursing, which cares for
the child population, to have the ideal preparation to respond to the particularities of this population segment.

That a pediatric nursing professional enjoy the same quota as a pediatrician. This guarantees joint participation
and, if there is consistency over time, you can form a well-coordinated team to provide comprehensive care in
pediatric care.

The pediatric nurse is an important human resource within the primary care team; Additionally, it is a close
and accessible figure for the child population, and an essential reference for the different groups with which it
usually collaborates.

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