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Objective of the manual
The following manual aims to provide the phases of the business coaching process, provide
the tools that support this methodology and some activities that serve for evaluation that will
help improve the competencies and skills of the members of an organization.
Currently, companies grow and update at an accelerated pace, each seeks to position itself
and lead in the market, however, there are many organizations that fail to fulfill the purpose
of satisfying the needs of their clients, much less theirs. , due to poor management of its
staff. For this reason, a business coaching manual was carried out, which is a set of efforts
and techniques focused on the human team of a company or organization. It is intended to
simultaneously achieve effectiveness in results, motivation and personal satisfaction of
workers, at whatever level.
The manual is divided into four chapters that offer: the concept of business coaching, the
coaching process, tools that can be used in this methodology and coaching techniques to
improve skills in the members of an organization such as: leadership, work in team and time
Coaching is focused on allowing people to give their best and that is why it uses training,
both in specific skills such as team management or customer service, as well as personal
development through communication, self-confidence or the reduction of emotional stress,
among others.
This manual was prepared with the purpose of providing the necessary bases for the correct
development of the business coaching methodology, with tools that are very helpful in
detecting problems, establishing objectives and powerful questions that help the client
identify your goals or objectives.

General content index

MANUAL OF.............................................................................................................................1
Objective of the manual......................................................................................................1
General content index..........................................................................................................3
Index of figures...................................................................................................................5
Table index..........................................................................................................................7
Illustration index..................................................................................................................9
Chapter 1...............................................................................................................................11
Business coaching.................................................................................................................11
Business coaching concept............................................................................................12
Actors in the business coaching process........................................................................13
Episode 2...............................................................................................................................15
The coaching process business............................................................................................15
The business coaching process......................................................................................16
The duration of the process........................................................................................16
The coaching session.................................................................................................16
Phases of the business coaching process.......................................................................19
Agreement phase........................................................................................................19
Needs assessment and diagnosis phase......................................................................19
Design phase (objectives)..........................................................................................22
Start-up phase (action plan).......................................................................................24
Evaluation and monitoring phase...............................................................................25
Chapter 3 Coaching tools business.....................................................................................26
Powerful questions.........................................................................................................27
SMART goals................................................................................................................28
GROW model................................................................................................................29
The wheel of life and the wheel of work.......................................................................30
Work Wheel Exercise................................................................................................32
Active listening..............................................................................................................34
Competency: Leadership...............................................................................................37
The feedback..............................................................................................................37
Sandwich Technique..................................................................................................37
Transparency Technique............................................................................................38
Competency: Teamwork................................................................................................39
Team coaching techniques.........................................................................................39
Group dynamics.........................................................................................................39
Game of qualities.......................................................................................................40
Competency: Time management...................................................................................43
Time use self-analysis exercise..................................................................................43
Weekly record of your working day..........................................................................44
The programing..........................................................................................................45
Index of figures

MANUAL OF............................................................................................................................1
Objective of the manual......................................................................................................1
General content index.........................................................................................................3
Index of figures...................................................................................................................5
Table index..........................................................................................................................7
Illustration index.................................................................................................................9
Chapter 1...............................................................................................................................11
Business coaching.................................................................................................................11
Business coaching concept............................................................................................12
Actors in the business coaching process.......................................................................13
Episode 2...............................................................................................................................15
The coaching process business............................................................................................15
The business coaching process......................................................................................16
The duration of the process........................................................................................16
The coaching session.................................................................................................16
Phases of the business coaching process.......................................................................19
Agreement phase........................................................................................................19
Needs assessment and diagnosis phase......................................................................19
Design phase (objectives)..........................................................................................22
Start-up phase (action plan).......................................................................................24
Evaluation and monitoring phase..............................................................................25
Chapter 3 Coaching tools business.....................................................................................26
Powerful questions........................................................................................................27
SMART goals................................................................................................................28
GROW model................................................................................................................29
The wheel of life and the wheel of work.......................................................................30
Work Wheel Exercise................................................................................................32
Active listening..............................................................................................................34
Competency: Leadership...............................................................................................37
The feedback..............................................................................................................37
Sandwich Technique..................................................................................................37
Transparency Technique............................................................................................38
Competency: Teamwork...............................................................................................39
Team coaching techniques.........................................................................................39
Group dynamics.........................................................................................................39
Game of qualities.......................................................................................................40
Competency: Time management...................................................................................43
Time use self-analysis exercise..................................................................................43
Weekly record of your working day..........................................................................44
The programing..........................................................................................................45
Table index
MANUAL OF.............................................................................................................................1
Objective of the manual......................................................................................................1
General content index..........................................................................................................3
Index of figures...................................................................................................................5
Table index..........................................................................................................................7
Illustration index..................................................................................................................9
Chapter 1...............................................................................................................................11
Business coaching.................................................................................................................11
Business coaching concept............................................................................................12
Actors in the business coaching process........................................................................13
Episode 2...............................................................................................................................15
The coaching process business............................................................................................15
The business coaching process......................................................................................16
The duration of the process........................................................................................16
The coaching session.................................................................................................16
Phases of the business coaching process.......................................................................19
Agreement phase........................................................................................................19
Needs assessment and diagnosis phase......................................................................19
Design phase (objectives)..........................................................................................22
Start-up phase (action plan).......................................................................................24
Evaluation and monitoring phase...............................................................................25
Chapter 3 Coaching tools business.....................................................................................26
Powerful questions.........................................................................................................27
SMART goals................................................................................................................28
GROW model................................................................................................................29
The wheel of life and the wheel of work.......................................................................30
Work Wheel Exercise................................................................................................32
Active listening..............................................................................................................34
Competency: Leadership...............................................................................................37
The feedback..............................................................................................................37
Sandwich Technique..................................................................................................37
Transparency Technique............................................................................................38
Competency: Teamwork................................................................................................39
Team coaching techniques.........................................................................................39
Group dynamics.........................................................................................................39
Game of qualities.......................................................................................................40
Competency: Time management...................................................................................43
Time use self-analysis exercise..................................................................................43
Weekly record of your working day..........................................................................44
The programing..........................................................................................................45
Illustration index
MANUAL OF............................................................................................................................1
Objective of the manual......................................................................................................1
General content index.........................................................................................................3
Index of figures...................................................................................................................5
Table index..........................................................................................................................7
Illustration index.................................................................................................................9
Chapter 1...............................................................................................................................11
Business coaching.................................................................................................................11
Business coaching concept............................................................................................12
Actors in the business coaching process.......................................................................13
Episode 2..............................................................................................................................15
The coaching process business............................................................................................15
The business coaching process......................................................................................16
The duration of the process........................................................................................16
The coaching session.................................................................................................16
Phases of the business coaching process.......................................................................19
Agreement phase.......................................................................................................19
Needs assessment and diagnosis phase......................................................................19
Design phase (objectives)..........................................................................................22
Start-up phase (action plan).......................................................................................24
Evaluation and monitoring phase..............................................................................25
Chapter 3 Coaching tools business.....................................................................................26
Powerful questions........................................................................................................27
SMART goals................................................................................................................28
GROW model................................................................................................................29
The wheel of life and the wheel of work.......................................................................30
Work Wheel Exercise................................................................................................32
Active listening..............................................................................................................34
Competency: Leadership...............................................................................................37
The feedback..............................................................................................................37
Sandwich Technique..................................................................................................37
Transparency Technique............................................................................................38
Competency: Teamwork...............................................................................................39
Team coaching techniques.........................................................................................39
Group dynamics.........................................................................................................39
Game of qualities.......................................................................................................40
Competency: Time management...................................................................................43
Time use self-analysis exercise..................................................................................43
Weekly record of your working day..........................................................................44
The programing.........................................................................................................45
Chapter 1
Business coaching
In the first chapter the user…

• You will know the concept of coaching.

• You will learn the concept and benefits of business coaching.

• It will identify the main actors of this methodology.

Business coaching concept
According to (Suárez, 2015) “Coaching is the ability to observe, listen and ask questions and
through good technique make others discover their own resources, take actions and be able
to continue achieving objectives for themselves.” “Business coaching is the set of efforts and
techniques that are focused on working with the collaborators of an organization and that
aims to make the results, motivation and satisfaction of human personnel more efficient”
(COFIDE, s,f).
What is it for?
Business coaching involves a new and improved way of learning and knowledge
management, Figure 1.1 shows how it benefits professionals:

Optimize the execution of

your functions.

Improve internal

Figure 1.1 Benefits of coaching

Source: Prepared with information from (COFIDE, s,f)

Actors in the business coaching process

Figure 1.2 Actors in the business coaching process

Source: (Gajardo, 2007)
Figure 1.2 “Actors in the business coaching process” shows some characteristics, skills and
attitudes that each participant must or should have to carry out the coaching process. These
qualities provide the necessary foundations to do better work together and to develop it in the
best way.

Table 1.1 Actors of business coaching

Actor Concept

It is the person who guides, supports, advises and directs

coach actions to achieve awareness of the skills and strengths
that one possesses, what they can be
enhanced with tools, techniques and other materials that
lead to the achievement of the stated objectives.
It is the person who has a conflict to resolve and requires
Coachee guidance. You must be able to recognize your
weaknesses, examine yourself and trust others so that
they can support you, you must be motivated and assume

Actor Concept

learning processes, in addition to adapting to change and

being empathetic.
It is the environment where the coaching process will be
Company carried out, it must be aligned with the business strategy,
must be consistent with culture
organizational to avoid personal exhaustion and effort, so
as not to generate fear and resistance (Gajardo, 2007).

It is relevant to highlight the importance of the actors and their mechanism so that powerful
links are generated that allow the process to be aligned with the company's strategy to
maximize the benefits of all parties.

Episode 2
The coaching process

In the second chapter the user…

• You will know what a business coaching process is, its duration and the
planning to carry it out.

• It will identify the different phases of a coaching process, questions that are
used to carry out each phase and guidelines to correctly establish objectives.
The business coaching process
The coaching process is a set of actions that start from a current situation that is conducted
through consecutive phases or stages that will allow the correct development of the process.

The duration of the process

Coaching cannot last forever but it does not develop quickly and briefly either. It all depends
on the learning of the person and the situation that arises. The minimum advisable time is
three to six months, distributing the number of sessions depending on the stage of the
coaching program in which you are, as can be seen in figure 2.1.

1. Diagnostic evaluation and setting of objectives:

•One weekly face-to-face session.

2. Training, action plan, application and feedback:

• It will begin with a weekly face-to-face session, moving to one every fifteen days in the
feedback phase with weekly remote (online) monitoring.

3. Post-evaluation and monitoring:

• A monthly face-to-face session, with weekly remote (online) monitoring.

Figure 2.1 Stages of the business coaching program

The coaching session

Coaching sessions consist of dialogues between coach and coachee lasting between 60 and
90 minutes (the number of sessions depends on the objectives to be achieved), where the
coach guides the client or coachee, through strategically posed questions. towards your
goals and desires, helping you clarify your ideas and the search for resources and solutions.
It is advisable to keep a session agenda and preset the dates, time and place where they will
take place. It is essential to avoid interruptions and unexpected calls.





There is no specific methodology, it all depends on the problem presented, it is assigned by
the coach. Most methods follow this scheme presented in Figure 2.2:

Observe, become aware (analysis of the situation


Objectives (identify the objectives that the coachee


Detection of deficiencies, obstacles or barriers

because the person does not achieve what they want).

Act (define the action plan).

Measure (evaluate the actions carried out).

Figure 2.2 Scheme of methods

K Consultant v Solver in Humanot Resource

The method follows these three questions:

Figure 2.3 Method scheme

Phases of the business coaching process

Phase of
Laying Phase and
on going follow-up
(Plan of
Design phase
Needs assessment and diagnosis phase Agreement

Figure 2.4 Phases of the business coaching process

Agreement phase
Willing agreements must be carried out between coach and coachee. In this part, negative points of view must be put
aside, everything must be oriented towards the fulfillment of objectives with a disposition from beginning to end.
Before this stage the coach has a preparatory phase, where the situation presented has to be studied. It is advisable to
establish the terms and fundamental points of the contract:
a) Mark the objective, as it will be evident and measured.
b) The duration of the process. (The number of sessions varies between 6-10, it all depends on the problem. The
weather is varied)
c) The responsibility of the parties.
d) The form of the process: in person, email, telephone, video conference, etc.
e) The frequency (weekly, biweekly, monthly), time and duration.
f) The supports offered outside the session.
g) The confidentiality clause.

Needs assessment and diagnosis phase

The first thing to do is analyze the initial situation to know how to reach the objective. To do this, it is necessary to explain
to the person who is going to receive the coaching sessions what their objective is. This phase tracks:

Initial session

In it, the situation of the organization/person is analyzed, a vision of the future is taken, conflicts and comfort zones are
detected, and goals are defined. This situation is usually long in duration, its purpose is to know the terms, responsibilities,
know what the person/organization expects and how to establish a good relationship.
Questions that the coach can use

What is your goal?

What do you want to achieve in the short, medium and long term?
When do you want to get it?
To what extent do you think you will work on it?

Ask powerful questions

Sometimes people tend to have the answers to their own problems. This is one of the fundamental premises of coaching.

However, a coachee must be able to find those answers and the formulation of appropriate questions is required.

That is why they are called powerful questions; precisely because of the impact they generate on the coachees, since it
helps them reflect on what they really need.

b) Development sessions

Its purpose is:

Monitoring the commitments in the previous session and checking their degree of progress and achievement, studying
barriers and tools to face the problem.

• The convenience of persevering and reformulating objectives and goals must be observed.
• Observe the person's transformation (professionally and personally).
In this session the coach asks powerful questions, he does not give answers, but rather he helps the person do an
analysis through them, so that he or she gives the answers he or she needs. The coach is a guide and companion who is
there to support you in discovering yourself.

Questions to explore current situation

What is happening now?
When and where?
What is the current situation?
Who or who are involved?
What is the cause of the problem?
What's bothering you?
What have you done so far and what results did you get?
Who or who else has control of the situation?
What emotion does the situation make you feel?

How would you rate your confidence?

Questions to explore options

What options do you have?

Which of the options do you think would be the best and which would not?
Which option would give you great satisfaction?
Do you think you could combine all the available options?
What could you do?
Make a list of the resources you have
Make a list of different important and less important possibilities.
What would you do if you could start over?

Questions for commitment and action

What are you going to do?

When and how will you do it?
Do I think the option you have will help you solve the problem?
Does the conclusion we reached leave you satisfied?
What help do you need?
Who will you need help from?
How will you get such help?
What could I do to support you?

c) Support between sessions

Between sessions, the coachee is offered to establish a relationship with the coach through email or telephone. The
coaching process is limited, its duration is between 4 to 6 months.

d) Conclusions session

It is in the last session where the results will be analyzed and a new action plan will be stated.
1. Follow-up phase: it is a post-intervention phase, once the sessions have finished.
2. Evaluation phase: it is the phase where the process is completed or the results can be analyzed.

Design phase (objectives)

Webster's dictionary defines objective as “an end toward which effort or ambition is directed and as a condition or state for
achieving a certain line of action.”
A goal is the state or results desired by an individual or a group. It is the answer to the question : What do you want?
You must determine a purpose you want to achieve with the process, both in the short and long term; These must be
measurable, focus on concrete conclusions and generate organizational benefits such as: better labor relations, greater

performance and attitude of people, increased productivity and profitability.
The objectives will follow these five principles:

• Formulation of a clear and concise statement.

• That it is possible or viable.
• That real action plans can be made for their correct development.
• That a review and measurement of achievements can be carried out.
• Help take the necessary corrective measures.

Figure 2.5 Principles of objectives

Template for a well-formed objective

The following table shows how the objectives should be stated and what possible questions can be asked to better
understand what you want to achieve, how, with what and who will achieve it.

Guidelines for the correct formulation of objectives

What do you want for the company and what

positive things will what you want bring me?
It must be expressed positively.

Do I know, know and feel the level of success

Assumed sensorially and intellectually.
that is being achieved?
Who do I/we do it with, who does it affect, where
Focused on the environment and direct
space. do I/do we operate?

How long will it take to achieve it and how long
Affect a specific temporality.
will its effect last?
Why won't I/will I be able to achieve it and what

Analyze the drawbacks and limitations. drawbacks will arise if it is achieved?

What is this goal really for and what will be

Aligned with vision for the future.
obtained after achieving it?
Drivers, challengers, motivators towards
Is it really needed, is it possible to achieve it?
What resources are available, what is needed,
With other people's needs.
can it be achieved with what you have?
Who gets involved, do you have allies, do you
With other people's relationships.
have enemies or competitors?
Is it a real challenge, an obsession, a desire, will
Fixed in the mind.
you risk it?

Start-up phase (action plan)

This phase is when the project starts and the coaching contract is signed. Sessions usually last between 60 and 90
minutes. Depending on the objective you want to achieve, 6 to 10 sessions will be enough. In each session,
progress will be monitored, analyzing what has been put into practice and the changes it has entailed. Depending on the
results, the techniques can be redefined.
The action begins with the appropriate decision and requires a strategy that is:
It is necessary to choose the action that has the most options to achieve the objective. It must represent a risk and must
be assumed. Another suggestion must be had and accepted, in case the first one does not work.

• Has tobe logical.

• Has tobe viable.
• Has tobe immediate
Once you know what you want, it is time to decide and plan the actions, which will structure an action plan, in which the
following points will be carried out:
1. Content of the action.
2. Start date.
3. Period of duration.
4. Date of conclusions.
5. Possible difficulties.

6. Alliances.
7. Necessary resources.
8. Other important details.
9. Estimation of results and even alternatives.

During the process of developing the action plan, the advisor must leave the leading role in defining it to his advisor. The
advisor should focus solely on polishing the action plan to align it with the organization's objectives.

Evaluation and monitoring phase

Evaluation is a continuous process that offers the coach the opportunity to obtain a summary of the results after the
coaching intervention. Based on an evaluation system that coach and coachee have agreed upon from the beginning, it is
possible to measure achievements and develop strategies to ensure that we continue to progress.
Monitoring is carried out through reports addressed to the worker and the company. At the end, it is evaluated whether or
not the stated objective has been achieved and what skills have been acquired. It is advisable to carry out the final
evaluation when 2 or 3 months have passed since the end of the meetings with the coach to verify that it is a
lasting change. There are some key questions that can help us follow up:

Questions to follow up

How confident does the coachee have in the monitoring plan?

What could hinder follow-up?
What will be the most difficult thing to do?
How will the coachee know that difficulties have arisen?
What resources do you have to get through these difficult periods?

Chapter 3
Coaching tools

In the third chapter the user…

• You will learn business coaching tools that will support the coaching process.

• You will obtain advice and guidelines that will allow you to correctly develop
business coaching methodologies.

Powerful questions
The most effective tool that the coach uses are questions, since with them they make the
coachee reflect and also achieve their motivation. Its importance is such that its use is present
throughout the entire coaching process.

Table 3.1 Powerful questions

Goals Questions

Questions to help you start a How are you feeling?

session What do you want to work on today?
What would you like to do today?
That HE express the What would you like to achieve?
objectives that are to be What are your goals?
Present future ideas. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
How would you like to be?
How do you imagine the future of this project?
Generate possibilities. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
How would you like to be?
If you could project yourself into the future, how would you
like to see yourself?
Find the barriers. What prevents you?
What is getting in your way?
What limitations do you encounter?
Find the What results do you want to achieve today?
responsibility. What are you going to do?
To what extent are you committed to this?
How would you like to end this session?
What is your obligation to this?
Delve into feelings. How do you feel?
How does this conflict make you feel?
Reflect about the What do you realize?
awareness. What are you aware of now?
Show the current situation. Where are you?
What are the characteristics of the current situation?

Goals Questions

Express opinions. What opinion do you have about it?

Prepare the action plan. What actions should be included in the plan?
What steps will be necessary to achieve your goal?
What will be the main milestones along the way?

Change your thinking. How would a person you trust handle this issue?
What advice would you give yourself?

Gain experience and What did you do to make it happen?

knowledge. What was your behavior in a similar situation where you
were successful?
Questions that Invite Which option of the three do you prefer?
choose. Which path are you going to take, A or B?

SMART goals
It is a methodology that allows us not to forget the essential elements when writing an effective
objective. And it is defined as follows:
Table 2.2 SMART objectives

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

The objective The The objectives The objective Establish a

is not objective They must be must
identify oneself
must be must be deadline
realistic with
ambiguous, must quantifiable. and possible the strategy of to fulfill the
be delimited reach. the company. aim.
and according to

Answers Answers: Reply: Answers: It is answered:

the questions: How much? how can? Is the objective When
How will I know reach a adapts to the must be
when goal? finished?

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

That? Which? is reality of the

Who? compliment? company?

GROW model
The GROW Model is a structured method, based on problem solving, goal setting and results-
It is divided into four phases that propose four questions to guide the client towards their
objective. These questions are asked in a pre-established order and, in the first session, that
order must be respected to make it easier for the client to follow the thread and be able to explore
each of the steps to reach their goal.

• These are the goals The reality of the

that you want to business
achieve within environment is
coaching. examined.

Goal Reality

option Will The phase is linked to

the goal of action. The
(Option) (Willpower questions that are
) possible are asked to
• In this phase d carry out what is desired.
they must find as
many options as
Figure 3.1 GROW Model

GROW model question sheet

• What is the issue you want to discuss?
• What result do you want to achieve at the end of this meeting?
• What do you hope to achieve from this meeting?
• What is the current situation? Describe it in detail.
• What is your biggest concern in this regard?
• Who is affected by this problem, besides you?
• Who else is aware of your intentions?
• What is your control over the results?
• Make a list of possible solution options to the problem.
• What else could you do?
• What would you do if you had more time, more money or were the boss (more power)?
• What are the costs and benefits of each option?
• What could be the best result?
• What I am going to do?
• How do I do it?
• When?
• Where?

The wheel of life and the wheel of work

It is a tool used to help become aware of the areas of life that a person needs to develop. This
exercise will help in defining goals and prioritizing objectives.
How is the exercise performed?
Start with the wheel of life. Think about the areas of your life described below and for each of
them, evaluate how satisfied you feel. To carry out the evaluation, it is necessary to measure your
level of satisfaction with a rating that ranges from 0-10.

With the final result you will know which areas to prioritize, to feel more satisfied and balanced:
Assign a rating of 0-10 as follows

1 and 2: Very dissatisfied: There is a significant need for improvement in this area.
3 and 4: Dissatisfied: there is a need to improve this area.
5 and 6: Compliant: You feel satisfied but would like to improve some aspects.
7 and 8: Satisfied: You feel happy with this aspect, although it could be better.
9 and 10: Very satisfied: This aspect of your life is flowing very well and no changes need to
be made.
Evaluate your level of satisfaction in each of the following areas:
1. Health
2. Work/professional development
3. Relationships (friends, family)
4. Money
5. Physical environment (where you live)
6. Leisure and fun
7. Romance - Couple
8. Personal development and spirituality
On a piece of paper, draw a circle and divide it into 8 equal parts. Each part represents an area
as follows:

Illustration 3.1 Wheel of life

In each area draw a line from side to side, representing your level of satisfaction, placing 0 in the
center of the circle and 10 on the circumference or edge of it. For example, if the level of
satisfaction with the health area is 5, the line will go in the middle, as in the following example:

Illustration 3.2 Example of the wheel of life

Join the parts as in the example, look at your graph and ask yourself:

• How balanced is my life?

• If my life were a wheel, how easy is it to make it roll/flow?
• What aspects of my life is a priority to work on to give more balance and satisfaction to
my life?

Work Wheel Exercise

You can do the same exercise with the work wheel evaluating the following 8 dimensions:
1. Time management, organization and productivity.
2. Performance and achievement of goals.
3. Leadership.
4. Relationships and communication with others.
5. Professional growth.
6. Stress management.
7. Motivation and meaning: I like my work, it allows me to satisfy my needs and is consistent
with my values and life purpose.
8. Work environment and taste for the organization where I work.

1. Draw a circle and divide it into the different areas of life that you consider important.
2. Put punctuation. On each of the spokes of the wheel draw a score from 1 to 10. In this
way you will put a score on your development or satisfaction in each area of your life. The
lowest score will be near the center, while 10 is at the edge of the wheel. You will see that
it is simple.
3. Mark the score with the satisfaction achieved in each of the areas of your life.
4. Join the dots on each of the spokes of the wheel, or, color each portion with the colors you
like the most, as you prefer. Any color works.
5. Action strategies. The results must be analyzed and an improvement plan drawn up.

What to do to improve your wheel of life or work coaching?

a) Previous analysis. Observe in which of the sections of the wheel of life or work an
improvement is necessary to implement the most appropriate improvement strategies.

b) Improvement plan. Sometimes working primarily on one area before moving on to the next is
more effective and wastes less energy. Consider if this is the case for you and if it is better to
work on the areas one by one.
c) Set aside time daily or weekly. The improvement results will be much more effective if it is
regular and constant.
d) Modify the circle. When you have achieved an improvement in a section, draw it. You will
love to see that your circle is becoming more and more harmonious.
e) Celebrate successes. Positive reinforcement and celebration of achievements will ensure
that you find greater motivation each time.

Active listening
Active listening is paying attention to the whole of what the sender is saying (both verbally and
non-verbally), it is paying attention to those implicit messages (what is meant and not said, to the
discrepancy between verbal and non-verbal communication). verbal and the effects that the
words that are said cause in us.
Table 3.3 What not and what to do in active listening

What should not be done What should be done

• Inhibit or suppress thought.

Unconditionally support the person

• Don't put yourself in different analyzing different

perspectives perspectives and allow yourself to
or points of view. adopt different points of view.
• Be unable of manifest
intimate feelings (remember to create
a trusting environment with the

Table 3.4 Techniques for active listening

Key techniques or active listening exercises

Pay attention Give your full attention to the speaker and

acknowledge the message.
Shows that are Use your own body language and gestures to show
listening that you are engaged.


Key techniques or active listening exercises

Make comments As a listener, your role is to understand what is being

said. This may require you to reflect on what is being
said and ask questions.
Avoid making judgments Interrupting is a waste of time. It frustrates the speaker
and limits full understanding of the message.
Respond appropriately Active listening is designed to foster respect and
the comprehension. Are winning
information and perspective. You won't gain
anything by attacking the speaker.

Chapter 4
Tools, techniques and
practices to develop

In the fourth chapter the user is presented…

• The user is presented with three competencies such as: leadership, teamwork and
time management. In order to improve these competencies in an organization.

• The user is provided with tools and techniques that allow the coaching process to
be enhanced.

• The guidelines are given that will allow a good development of the activities or
exercises proposed in this chapter.
Competency: Leadership
A good leader is responsible for offering his collaborators and vice versa points of opinion
that can help improve negative aspects. For this, tools, techniques or instruments must be
used for the correct development of their potential and one of them is feedback. .

The feedback
Feedback is an English word that means feedback . It is an opinion about a person or group
of people during the performance of a job in order to evaluate their performance. It is an
action that reveals the strengths and weaknesses, the positive and negative points, of the
work carried out, in order to improve it.
Keys to carrying out good Feedback
1. Find the right moment.
2. Choose the best channel.
3. Message that is applicable.
4. About facts and not about interpretations.
5. Specific and useful.

Feedback techniques for assertive leadership

Sandwich Technique
It consists of giving negative feedback between two pieces of positive feedback:
1. First you start with a compliment, a positive comment, or mentioning something the
other person does in an appropriate way to relax them.
2. You continue with the criticism by pointing out what you want me to correct (the real
objective of the talk).
3. You end with a call to action to learn, to correct or to improve. Rather, they are words
of encouragement and confidence so that you do not feel so disappointed by what
you have just heard.
It is also known as the 3 K's Rule: Kiss, Kick ass, then Kiss again. It is carried out as shown
in illustration 4.1


Illustration 4.1 Sandwich technique

Transparency Technique
It consists of expressing yourself clearly and precisely, so if the work of your colleagues or
subordinates does not meet expectations or is poorly done, simply say it and that's it.
In this technique, positive comments are eliminated that soften the criticism but that can
confuse and prevent the recipient from clearly grasping the message.

Competency: Teamwork
Team coaching is a process of accompaniment by a professional to a work team so that the
latter can achieve certain goals that they set themselves.

Team coaching techniques

Group dynamics
Group dynamics are activities where those involved come together to build a solution or
detect a gap in some interaction or process to improve coexistence.
The following dynamic is proposed to the coach to identify important aspects within a team.
Group dynamic
Noah's ark


Identify the characteristics and proceed to the analysis of the team members who are aligned
with the group objectives and those who are not.

Our work team becomes Noah's ark. There are three profiles of the team members:
1. Horses: they make up the traction of the team. They are people involved in making
the team move forward. They drive projects by making decisions, distributing tasks,
and continually monitoring progress. They do not have to have the role of leaders,
they can be collaborators with a high level of performance in the teamwork
competency. Their individual interests coincide with the interests of the collective.
2. Ostriches: hide their heads. They are people who follow the prevailing trend in the
team. Passive and avoid any type of conflict. People with zero leadership regardless
of whether they hold the position of team leader.

3. Crabs: they walk backwards. They are people who represent a burden in the
development of the work team. They make wrong and thoughtless decisions, they
have no ability to empathize. And their individual interests are incompatible with
collective interests.

• Who are horses, crabs and ostriches?

• What are the reasons?

• What are the virtues and defects of each member of this Noah's ark?
• What actions would help make everyone a horse?
• What actions would the horses need to take to foster better alignment with the
team's interests in their fellow ostriches and crabs?

Game of qualities
It consists of bringing together the team members in a group session so that each one of
them says three positive adjectives and three aspects to improve about a colleague. The
game coordinator can detect the relationships between the members and what they think
about each other. In addition, this technique can help eliminate laziness and, as a
consequence, make the work environment better.

Your qualities and deficiencies

• Print the page with the adjectives that describe the character and cut out the boxes.
• Start with positive adjectives marked with an asterisk* .
• On each card you will find a word that indicates a quality, for example:
careful or careful or flexible.
• Place the cards face up on the table, while the participants (between
• 2 and 8 people) sit around the table.

• Now use the other boxes.

• On each card an adjective is written that indicates a deficiency, for example
dissatisfied or dissatisfied.
• Place the cards on the table, the same as before.
• Have them choose a card that they think fits the participant in their

* Invite them to explain why they specifically chose that card for the person on their

• Invite all participants to write down what they learned from this activity and what they
think they can do to improve the way they give and receive feedback about their

* Spontaneous or * Excited or excited * Flexible


* Optimistic * Active or active * Attentive or attentive

* Creative or creative * Enthusiastic * Responsible

* Affectionate or affectionate * Excited or excited * Knows how to listen

* Intelligent * Well organized or organized * Careful or careful

* Honored or honored * Patient * Tolerant

* Helpful * Funny or funny/ witty or * Safe or secure


Dependent Brutal Spendthrift

Chaotic or chaotic Dissatisfied or dissatisfied Severe or severe

Self-sufficient or arrogant Slow or slow Quiet or silent

Fanatic Nosy or nosy Clumsy

Cheerful Aggressive or aggressive Indifferent

Arrogant Jealous or jealous Perfectionist

Inhibited or inhibited Anxious or anxious Cynical or cynical

Capricious or capricious Closed or closed Impatient

Unsafe or insecure Selfish Critic or criticism

Competency: Time management
Time management is the process of planning and controlling the amount of time we dedicate
to what we do, to improve effectiveness, efficiency and/or productivity (Educación integral,
s,f. ).

Time use self-analysis exercise

In the following exercise, the following columns must be filled in with the main activities or
tasks that the coachee performs.
1. Supposedly Real: What you think you do during your work day (it is best to specify
the task but without being too detailed).
2. Ideal: What you think you should do.
3. Percentage of time dedicated to each of the tasks written in columns 1 and 2.
NO. Real tasks Dedicated time Ideal tasks Required time


It is advisable not to rely solely on your judgment; it is to be hoped that your boss, partner,
colleague or even (trusted) employee will have some opinion on the matter. Ask them to fill
out the same form for you regarding yourself. Then compare it with yours. And reflect.
Once this self-analysis is done, the following questions can be answered together with the
Ask Answer
Are there big differences between what you do and what you should do?
Are you surprised by the time you dedicate to specific tasks?

Are you able to carry out your tasks and their
complexity without difficulty?
Does your actual working day exceed the
Does this person have an ideal perception
about what you do in your work day?

Weekly record of your working day

To determine in greater detail what you really do, it is proposed to make a record during a
normal work week.
As your day progresses, periodically write down the different activities you do. You can do it
every time you start or finish one of them. This way you can know the time you have
dedicated to it. Also write down the importance A, B, C that the activity has in your opinion.
A. Very important to achieve the set objectives
B. Moderately important to achieve the objectives.
C. Practically unimportant in terms of achieving your objectives.
It will also be useful to record the interruptions and it is advisable to record the medium-
telephone, visit, the “culprit”, and above all, the importance of the topic raised. Obviously,
interruptions are sometimes positive, in addition to being part of our work, but it is necessary
to know who usually interrupts us and for what.
Steps to follow:
1. Classify each of the activities into as many categories as you see fit in order to carry
out an adequate analysis.
2. Calculate what it means as a percentage.
3. Draw your own conclusions.

Importance Interruptions

Hour Activity TO b c Phone Visit Person-Theme Time percentage












The programing
Planning is deciding what to do. Scheduling involves the allocation of the most important
and scarce resources; among them, time. When it affects a team, programming is, on the
other hand, executive in nature; involves a work order.
It is recommended that you use an agenda similar to the following table.

Without a doubt, you can write down as tasks those family and personal tasks that require
your dedication.

The following are offered as suggestions :

• First write down the dates already committed for interviews, appointments or
• Mark tasks with previously established deadline dates/times.
• Reserve temporary spaces for matters with deadlines.
• Write down the rest of the issues that are considered important to which we have to
dedicate time.
The coach can ask the following questions to carry out a good schedule of his coachee's
Questions to manage time

• How do you determine how long an activity will take you?

• Do you write a list of the issues you must resolve for the day?
• How do you set priorities?
• Do you know how to say no?
• What is a normal work day like right now?
• How many things do you try to do in a single day?
• Do you know how to delegate?
• Other questions.

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