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a1 “ENTRODUCT ION : | -In this Chapter we wll ately the ing | methools ancl means jn matvucodliping cocuit dacigrs ja | Ailicon. a |— The duiign proces arte done by Aki tars andl Aymbo lie dlingsers | by a ek of decign sues. ee newt, bs te | the” designer Apeci ying areqpsbrernents and fobsercabn | oho wualiges then: | rules one ye uted to produce sworkoble mosk | \7 Dexignr Layouts , jer mample "Lombda - bored” suis aohie imple — and Absaight \rsoed. (2a Mos LAYERS: |= mos Gncaibs ore famed on foun boric Dougers : | | 2. n- diffusion C foros the Ne nepiea) | a : diffusion C Ire tn P- ceqien) 3 0 Lpilicon ans < fe orege qe nd qe ane ixodoked by oe another by thick thin Aidicon doakde Josuloding Joyers. — Thin onde = mask region dncludes a-difjuaion [P-diffusion and — burvistan channels. and — thinor oegern artenock Ao thot a | med when they GwAs ome onethen, | |_ Layo eno deliberately jovoed Tagethen hoceugh contacts i Deplcsion mock beartinters Can be procused by the 1U¢ ef a nt into the | | Aionple Concepts Auch | Jotlsweel | | hone | Js ag STEck DIAGRAMS ; Shick ogtamt Ore uted to Convey lagen afanenetion “a Fhxough the tue af toleun Code, fon re 7 Ae Yen di = i i eae ” “ee - hn oda - 7 Jr tmlnck nos The dines checuon fr the counit —eppean ot Ahicks ard — thoefne they one called ot Mick dingrarcs. fon evou Pos and ja evo tenneckion the as a krus oupatesertahion in diferent Colour ode. Suimiton. Jogo oe ds done threugh black ond nen At stator ard thay axe otefovred oA monochrome — encoding. Mono chscome pried Atheme ha a Almple metal nMos psotes 45 Ahown fgere al. = | COLOR | Stick ENCODING | LAYERS |Mask LAYOUT ENCODING |ciF LAYER MONOCHROME n- cauama ‘MONOCHROME: | GREEN | | Yj) ND | ip tenet, Reb Poy sili 5 equa oo \ NP | BLACK e contack wt! B ne |. [eray NOT APPLICABLE fovurgys | ~~~" Ng |) | u-------4 | ony ea pleat: mq nr |! |YeLLow i % | nMos Buried | oe) e contact x | [A eye oflun Lin aN, | mods tamil] spor “Spo | (O t pep Line (Covony Tionwiler length fovoidth wlio Leh should. be shox bub sour drain|g git habellirg wil not | tral 6 sn ey] | tia Ss RA \pentine Mos ONLY (covor) — (Cotor) al Hee Re |e oe » _ | fares stransilot v op ae Encodings fra Aimple mdal nrios proters — Monochueme — entocling sachet double medal GMOs P-avell pxocers Alou 30 feqere aa covor | STICK ENCODING Layers | Mask LayouT ENCODING car vel | MONOCHROME ma | [n-diblupi can || | GREEN L Pdi AA || | c [ Thinox* cna |! | |ReD ; __h Palysition CPF || | [owe | Melal 4 [ — \“" | ||Black e Coat cu cc | |G@RAY | nor AppiscaBLE —. |Overglass coq JaReEN P-ditiaitn can i + ||P ons eee) cra | [YELLOW [ene | Nor SHON IN Mosk! | | YELLOW!) crack DEAGRAN id CPP |) | | DARK _ | Jets ox pet Métal 2 cms || [PoRPte | BLACK e VIA mM CVA | cae er eee . | BROWN} DENS Hol BLACK ND oF Ves) I * CONTACT al \ | aealt ———== FEATURE FEATURE (STICK) (Monocheome), FEATURE (SyMBOL) (MoNocHROME) FEATURE (MASK) (ionic ROME) _ cde Ransises DEMARCATION LINE i ech eemert -——— Tannittes length to width ratio Url P-tibe le flew tonite | |S My DEMARCATION LINE Nole! p-type trimidsr ane plaad obpve ry | = Additional mondmome entedings fa | clouble poly. BrCmos n-swell parocers Ahoumn Jo fugune | a double neta! oe 83. | [cour STICK ENCODING | LAYERS |MASK LAYOUT ENCODING [CIF LAYER] | MONOCHROME MoNOCHROME: | i F cps ORANGE ll oho a Gi npn} Seo \ 3-13(f) an | see Bias iqure 3- obbteable | | couor los 3 FH | pate 46) P-bax o| 7A AA PINK | Not sfately bla np Pee CBA onto Hramislos natn PALE Burt ercen |NEE bandfly elles o cca bipelas, npn transistor |] réamore FEATURE (STtck) FeATURE (S¥MgOu) FeRuRE (AGT + | (QowociiaNe) onine nose) ac ||n-tybe DEMARCATION LINE 7 lenhineménk | ~ | Gare i a rn aH} 8 = sh OF 0 } Faaniisei length “is wich, Yats] Gone UI may be hour P-type ‘YeuLou| WN eee nent flute A WA poly tamwiles| exes o a Zz ey U8 DR crag DENARERTION UNE] oy naype trnids belos nn Note: P-tybe taints one (plod ol ws pn bipolar Sex figure 3-138) | el kK 4 ard colous phic 6 a4 nmos Desian Stile — To vepruct the abick diogtams Jn nos decegn style | we use only — amos toansistors. | | it Comiduring inde ental , Aingle polixiicon amos technology, | | the dogocth ol nMog shvolves | — n - difuret (n-obf | and other thinoxide regions Cthunox] ‘Cgreen); — Polyribion 1 (Poly) - Polyticon dogo (red): meals [etal] - tial Loven (bite) — Jmplont (yellow) | — Gontocds (black a1 bxeion Cbiovedl)) | A tuaniston 8 formed soheneen polywetion Cowmases | the n-dfp (ud ever green). | ~ ALL cbiffuston swures Cintntmnection) ane o-Type (qéten).. , a | Steps Sexiguing tog, Abick ceasgear | \e chucguieg — nros, dingy Fie do. . Contacks cre mode appropriately bitiveen cthiner ond + Tyee grd_savestten- hosed dogic —in abinioduige Compous Dsow the metal (blue) von and Ginip sald Jo pocalld pence prompt ements. ollowtag trough Apote between then je cort deni + Thinox (gpeen) paths Js drourn bitiveen the metal and gourd oils a vavutou and Javenter bosed dogics. medals. a Pullip zrgien Cerninht of dephebion mode Bearvictory and pal down srepia Conniats of enhancement mode bean slos. 2 Th pull-up dhe” depletion mode driv saton Js toniieched | from the eubpul point fo Von and, 0 putll -dousn 8 enhorvmnet mode drantistan JA (onneced behween output point and Gnd. The = dscanniators ane obtained then Poly (red) Coos | the thinox (areca) tohoteven cregpned ~The implords | (yellow) gre ured to indiecte deplekien mode uanciaton. Lin Clength ty width) seahin fr each burton Aksuld be uyddten Signo) path ol be sucitehed” hy 4 - | hignol path most ¢ zuodeh A pork duandctom | ard dong Aignal paths q 104 hucses (15). “a 7 ra it eas ‘ ae fe « . 6 Power vcaila ane ’ buser sheuld be parallel uth | a (blue), ‘ane! i Gi 0 a lat vig i! Poly | ‘teal =e’ brundants one hewn on the stich disptan, anal £ o - ® "1 ) shit neqtisten call |) loge funclion ¥=H+48.C —_—_—— Voo | | GND | | (a) Reils cincl » Lambda bored Design Rube -—___—- — Rambde based decign sales ane bosed om a Alngle. pram Ms : | — all paths Jn oll awill be dimersionecl Jn A _sunits| and Aubsequeritly Can be allocated on. oppxopsiate | Value auith Bie “fotivre Ais A the fobrezcation provers. The mok Joyputs, ayill produce woking oveuits | | wange of values allocated ta he fra | x tan be” allocoted avalue -ef I Hm | po that mma frotine Auge ™ Chip will be ar se, axitim = gpm | = fig 36 Alowt athe p-bosed dex | : nt p | ppocatinn —t—tordaeigg—-plta— - jer_aeietthe aoa - | z= a 12 minimum minimum Separation | | wltdth ‘ThYnox (where specified) nedi|{usion p- diljusion | wd Z | 2 | ss | 2 LMMIi* ’Wv | polysilicon = | ok pea ve BAT iy | 1» Minimum Size -Lransistors 2x2, maN - Wa TA, Aa nos Fs nMos (Enhancement) Cénhance ment) (depletion) Extension and Separations Separallion |rom coriladd ed to transistor Smplant for an nmos cleple aa WIG minimum beyoncl channel™ to all dlrections (* and beyond Polystlicon with buvied contact) Siljurion te not te devreate In width 4an ftom polysiliion y a se Yi Sd rh yo . WK Separation from Fmplant to cenothen tnansistor SN polysilicon to extenc aminimum of a 7 1 diffusion 1 | @Aminimum boundaries twtdth Constant). ‘Ahfnox mask = union n- difution ,p-ilfusion & chamnel regions Key? SQ palystion ZA weijuion ZA ptiuin BY Hartston channel ction mode transistor ty extend Cpolysiticen oven Hhinoy) _ Fique 84 Tnancistor devign rule (novos, praos 6 C1205). 4 | Contact wuts | _ there ane — thee posible opprcoaches of meking ee betiveen — polysiliuon ond diffusion in ore ccc | 4. Pobpabren (Poly.) te metal the metal fo diffuden | a. Bwued contact — Poly. to bff. F ing metal | 3. Bathing tentack — Poly to diff, 1-490 | the Buoed mths one widely usec, aehich fP¥e ertonomy in Apoce and a orlisble cntnchs . | conmections baiveen md) ond uth ofthe atten iso dagen: and otha of — when moking @nnettiors — betiveen metal ‘8 aise Hie othe tao lagew — Ahewn jn yore —, un quite Aimple. | _ The an xara contock cub saceads on Ora in aohich The ovide js to be semoved doum sto the tindenlying polyuliom on Aijwtion auotfoce. The (Contact betiveen the doyens au atebLished athowegh athe depoazbion of metal dagger ithewugh cevtoct tel ancos. 4. Medal 4 te clysilicon or to di{lusion 3 minimu’ OTT ganar cat Centered on WA XHA Supentmposed arecss © 4 layers te be joined tn alll cases 7 . | wtnimum Aeperation rnulliple cacht 2 Wie Contact from melal ato melal sand henceto other layers) > H amtntum separalion | BB] (1 otter Spactng allow) wu | RK MAX cowa of overlap with | BAX 2A via at center | meal) ja Medal 4 wia § eds 5. wed to Connect - metal ate diffusion Vio cect Figure 2 Gontacts (amos and crtes) Bathing Contact = when —connecking diffusion te polysilicon suning thc buttieg tmkack approach shown in fequre _ = Each dyn is sdertified by aK @ ond then all — | in ane thehed ond omtnet of anXar Js ¢ dageow Bannan | mode. The dayor one butted tagelhen sn Auth & sway thal | | sthese tio enttnck ts become Conkiquous. | he heteen the Two halting Lnyes Ja then made by mdal shown i fgune ss yea [ Butting contad sh so ing cont own SMM wthowd mmatal tid for Carty | | Special cane | When used fn pull-up N | ctransistors channel | or nMos dength Cimplant not | L Showor) DY Unrelatect _| polysilicon — or diffusion Bey separation rule | Faqure Figure £ Conkack Bavvied contac { | | = Bivoied — Gmtncts one mort widely sued as St sregrires lew Apoce and — prouider 0 vieltable contacts, | | = Barically , Angers are joined over a ad K2A_ onea with | the bwover Contact ast erterncling by 1A Ja a dineckion otourd the tontack 76d except thal Z | Contact cut eateraion Js Jncrensed ite 9” Yo diffusion! path, Jeaviing —Contach aren. M4 4 te avoid fpmation { unwanted —sheonuratov. x | polysilicon over diffusion — Tn nonmal fobsicotion proces ofter deporition of onide, potyeibicen dkpoxited. Gut here, polysilicon Ja deponited dinectly &7 Oyptaline wohn. caohen the yaa diffusion taker place, sepunities diffuse unto pobg ,cr well et in diffurum cova sith Cendock awa _ Tur Unmneckiun Ja made bdiveen poly and cliff. 6 - Guried cnbacte Can be amallen én ccea than Buthrg Grtackt » Aince they tse no metal Joyey | im Double metal Mos Preocens surler: — Deuble metal — pootess oudes alleurs we of setend rdal_Ingn and decowd Polysiliten The ndwetionkiam reumd mol lap 5+ awed Jn distributing geo! Von ond Nog xnils Jn Ayshem, — mete) 2 and mdal 8 tonneckions one extablished calléd Mins dheugh combos alec! Wink. Metal 2 n-dilfusen * z Procerr steps ln oO Tuo el dagen Poems Oe: belew the dew — whe deposited — by Ccvo] Oxide |= Seeonel and the thicken oxide than dual, dogo otermoved . Psvocens Akps fer a dleubke polieiliven doers The Ateps | ane Aienilan bo améto) Layen prores racept thot, betiven 2 dagen deposited in Aame manner, — By plosma etduing | Aelected onreas of Bre oxide ane — A petond — thin = Poly @ tegen gives greaten freedom and fleihitity and — pottomning Hie fut polyriliven Lougen To Solate it fom second |— coleun code {en metal -9 loyen Derk Blue, | metal doyen Js atmoxphode Chemical Vopeun deposition | oxide lagen Js poly. te making Jatentonnectzons, A geconel metal, dagen 3s ausedl of, powen buses Wiz . vss, VDP 4 far clock _Argnols Fut level metal 5s used to docal dltbathubten rm Pool. | [= Two meal Loy exe rruttuelly catthogenal acheneven pomicble,, one Loic sut thal | | | often chpoaiting mebol prwocux Can be sammaniged aA qb! distribution Hie | | Conduectond metal dager is Cowen than te lout doyon Jsolakion Jager between Hic agers Jo |

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