Explosive Messages... HD

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After having achieved improvement in every sense (emotional improvement,

financial improvement and personal improvement) I started to think about
all those people who long to improve themselves but due to lack of
knowledge, lack of confidence, lack of practice... they cannot achieve their
goals. In which I was given the initiative for the SUPERACION 9.0 project,
which is my YouTube channel along with my Blog www.tusuperacion.com , I
began to help those people for that unlimited improvement.

In which I have created this book completely free so that you can understand
what logistics you must follow to generate attraction to the girl you like
through messages. You have to know that women by nature have more
social skills than men, to give you an example: when 10-year-old girls are
talking for several hours on the phone with their friend, 10-year-old boys are
playing with their console. video games all afternoon without socializing
much. As the years go by, girls, due to their behavior pattern, gain more
advanced social and communication skills and therefore men are at a
disadvantage for not knowing how to express ourselves correctly to generate
attraction and the majority of Sometimes we base ourselves on the behavior
we see in the movies, but we do not know that this behavior is totally wrong,
because what happens in the movies will never happen in real life.


Message logistics

I send you a big happy hug that you are looking for that improvement in this
case it will be with honest Seduction. I want to summarize a little the logistics
that you must take into account to make your messages for a woman
attractive and make you look like a fun guy and generate more attraction for
her than she felt at the beginning.

You have to keep in mind that if a girl has given you her number or her
account on a social network, it does not mean that you have already
conquered her, that is just the beginning of the process to achieve your goal.
Let's assume that the girl seemed pretty, nice, intelligent and your goal is to
be able to have something formal with her because you feel that she is
suitable to be your girlfriend.

Before starting, I would like you to understand the meaning of the following

Comfort: that which provides comfort, confidence, fun and generates well-
being to a person

Attraction: it is the action of attracting something, be it a thing, or failing

that, a person.

Connection: Used to name the union of ideas or common interests Approach

or approach: The action of going to an unknown girl and talking to her


I would like you to imagine yourself in the following situation: You are
passing through a shopping center and you see a beautiful girl passing by,
with a beautiful smile and an angelic face... You begin to feel that great
desire to get to know her in that period of time that you saw her, you make
the decision to talk to her, you arrive, you use an indirect opener and you
talk to her, generating comfort, a little attraction and she ends up giving you
her WhatsApp number, They kiss goodbye on the cheek and she leaves (you
can see in this video a real interaction that I had with some girls from the
University here I leave the link)


Here you can see that I approach a beautiful girl who was under a tree


Well, you arrive home happy to have her WhatsApp, you already imagine
what your first date will be like, maybe you are even imagining what name
you are going to give to the children you have with her hehe OK, I
exaggerated a little, but the problem is that you think that you have already
managed to make her feel attracted to you, to the extent that she has an
initial illusion or premature infatuation with you... and in reality you are
wrong there because the girl giving you her number is only the beginning, it
is only the first step. This is where 70% of guys fail to touch the girl's
emotions through messages and therefore the girl loses interest and rejects
the date when you propose it to her through massages, inbox,


The golden rule of a seducer

Before mentioning the golden rule, I want you to be clear about what it
means to be a seducer: It is the person with the ability to generate
attraction, comfort and connection with people even if they have only met
them for a few minutes. With the ability to manage his emotions perfectly to
be able to express himself in a natural way, I have been able to improvise in a
fluid and dynamic way, being fun but without being a buffoon.

Knowing now what it means to be a seducer, you have to keep in mind that
this ability is very powerful, therefore “a great power comes a great
responsibility” because you could easily make many women fall in love with
you every day. So I, Robert Marvin, founder of SUPERACION 9.0 and creator
of this Honest Seduction, have established a Rule, which is the only rule
entitled: The Golden Rule which is you will never hurt a girl emotionally. It
means that you will never excite a girl if your objective is not to have a
formal courtship. A seducer, before going to talk to a girl, identifies his
objective, in this case being an honest seduction, the most common
objective would be to be able to have a courtship with that beautiful girl.
How much you like or socialize and depending on your objective, this will be
the behavior you have with her from the first words you say to introduce
yourself until you reach your objective.

Don't hurt her, don't tell her that you want a relationship, hoping to get her
excited if that is not really your goal. If you are that kind of person, I beg you
to stop reading this book because you are not worthy of being part of this
world of seduction and you are not worthy. to call you seductive.

Messages for every type of girl

Now that you know the golden rule, let's get into the main topic which is
about those explosive messages that generate attraction, generate an


expansive explosion of girls' emotions that make them eagerly awaiting your
next message because every The message you send awakens that great
desire to have a date with you since you have found a very interesting,
friendly boy who is worth getting to know.

After having the phone number you have to identify what type of girl she is
to be able to touch the emotions in a more effective way in your messages,
we are going to divide them into two groups in which we will call:

Introverts :

They tend to be very quiet girls, very logical, very sweet girls and they usually
feel sorry or afraid to leave their comfort zone.


They are more liberal girls, they like to have fun, they are very sociable, they
have a lot of imagination and they are very creative.

You have to identify what type of girl she is, in this way you regulate the
intensity of emotion that you are going to transmit to her in the messages.
They are two different ways of touching emotion since you have different
patterns of behavior even though they are based on the same principles. I
don't want to use very technical words so that you understand it better, I'm
going to show you with examples:



Girl 1

1. She is a girl who I met in the center of the city, she was walking with
her friend, I arrived to talk to her and made a closing with a double
date, the three of us went to a coffee shop in the city to enjoy a
dessert and a nice conversation, after two days I sent him this






At the University I was able to observe a beautiful girl who was sitting in
front of a building and I got to talk to her, I had a pleasant conversation with
her, she seemed very shy but very comfortable with the interaction, I had a
good time, in the end she gave me the WhatsApp and I sent her a message
and left me in SEEN.



G.3 21:04

Haha... 21
I insist...

And what is the doubt

you mentioned? 21:05

and I must confess something to

you that may be a little
shocking 2107

Tell me...
Yes, I will tell you, but first you
should hold on to the bed because
you may fall from shock after
knowing this.

Seriously, it's something



As you can see in the examples, the girl is not usually very creative, even if
you are touching her emotions, she is still shy or very logical. You can see
several factors of such behavior, factors that you cannot control, such as: she
has a boyfriend, she is in a bad moment. emotional, don't generate much
attraction etc...

When the approach you make is very good, regardless of whether she has a
boyfriend, in the end she ends up giving you the number because you did the
approach well, she found you nice. But if at the moment you are in Chat with
her you identify that she has a boyfriend you should change your plan, your
goal would no longer be a date, you simply put her on the list of your friends,
because a seducer never damages another's relationship.

In the case of this type of girl, if she is very shy you must continue to
generate comfort and connection but avoid sending her a lot of messages,
you must send her a maximum of 6 messages because you have to convey
that you are a boy with an attractive life, working, studying, walking with
your friends, therefore you are not one of those guys who spend all day at
home doing nothing and only chatting on social networks. Also, if you drag
out the conversation, you are very likely to bore the girl or end up on your
friends list. And that's where she's going to start telling you who the boy she
loves is and I know you don't want to be best friends. Another thing that you
have to take into account is that you must behave like that confident boy
that you showed yourself to be the day you spoke to him and that he gave
you his number, because girls are experts in identifying boys who only
appear to be confident and for that in a way consciously or unconsciously
they give you tests or teas. What it all boils down to is that your mood or
your behavior should not be affected by any rejection she gives you or by
any negative response, you should always enjoy and use emotional language,


completely destroying that negative response and completely changing the



Girl .1

I saw a very beautiful girl enter the shopping center, I didn't think about it
a lot and I talked to her, she seemed like a very nice girl at the end of the
conversation he gave me his Facebook.


:3 xD .. Did you finally find that mysterious

product you are looking for to give to your

■ Haaajajajajajajajajajaja A go xD is bieen because it seems

to me xD aaaah sisi I found it xD to the fiiin xD just in time
On May 16, 2014 at 07:30 PM

I'm curious to know what it is, but I have that

feeling that no matter how much I insist, you'll
never tell me hehe so it's better to leave it as a
'mysterious product'... I'm going to go to the
gym, we'll continue more night, when you're
wearing those beautiful Barbie or princess
pajamas hehe noc xD I'm just saying, hello,
enjoy it in case you're already going to dinner...
Sent on May 16, 2014 at 07:30 PM

■ Hahahahahahahahahaha, well, no xd hahahahahahahaha

from the EW princesses xD hahahahahahahahahahahaha in
any case it would be guns and roses
Sent from internet


Needy and distrustful boy

Example 1:

Her : I'm sorry, I have a commitment, now I won't be able to see you.

Him: No seriously :( but if we see each other then in the afternoon, you
will see that you will have an incredible time

Confident Boy

Example 2:

Her : I'm sorry, I have a commitment, now I won't be able to see you.

Hehe , calm down, nothing happens. What's more, that has given me an
excellent idea...if you leave the sale of your room open

Her: mmmm and that?

HE: I get to go see you every day at midnight with that

beautiful barbie pajamas that you usually have...so today I will arrive, are
you ready we will escape together

Her: hehe barbie pajamas hehe you say, what do you think if we see each
other in the afternoon better?


From the jester boy to the fun seductive boy

I want you to handle the following terms well:


He is the boy who does everything to have people's approval and remains
the clown of the group of friends with a low-trust personality. He does not
use sarcasm because he is very afraid that people will be offended because
he does not know how to use sarcasm in his maximum level.

Fun seductive guy:

He is a boy with high confidence and self-esteem, he manages to handle

sarcasm perfectly so that it sounds very funny, he manages to improvise in a
dynamic and fluid way. In the messages he manages to perfectly handle
emotional language to touch the girls' emotions.

Now that you are clear about the terms, let's get to the process to transform
you into the fun seductive guy.

For that transformation I invite you to subscribe to my YOU TUBE Channel

which is
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqunDrsI2911Y8Mb0zJJiIw so you can
watch the videos that will help you become that daring, confident and fun
boy that you always wanted to be and I am also working


in a more complete video course to explain this to you because it is very

broad, with practice and perseverance you will become a natural seducer
and I look forward to you achieving that personal improvement. Here are
some examples:





Main objective in the first conversation in Chat with the girl you meet

You have to be clear about what your main objective is after the girl has
given you the number, which is to be able to go on a date with her. You
should not prolong the conversation for too long, you have to identify the
perfect moment to propose a date in a subtle way.

But if the girl rejects your date, it is because you have not yet generated
enough attraction or it is simply a problem. What she puts you in is that you
have to behave like a confident guy, ignoring the rejection, you have to
continue the Chat conversation as if nothing has happened.


Initial Message

What you should mention in the first message is an inside joke, it means
something that happened when you met her in which you use exaggeration
to make it funny.

You should never use the typical message of:

"Hi how are things"

“You remind me of the boy who spoke to you”

"Good night"

Send one of these messages and I assure you that the next time you see that
beautiful girl it will be only in your dreams. You have to think that since she is
a very attractive girl, there are several boys who ask for her number, this
means that there are many boys who ask her for her number. They are
sending messages and 80% of guys always use these phrases, so if you use
those phrases, she will identify you as the typical frustrated guy who wants
to flirt with her or you simply won't be able to touch their emotions and the
girl will get bored like that. point of no longer answering your messages.

I'll give you an example of an inside joke with something that happened to
me with a beautiful girl I met at the mall:

I was going to the meeting with one of my partners and just then I saw a very
pretty girl passing through the hallway of the premises, she was blonde, with
blue eyes accompanied by a friend, they both had uniforms from a brand of
telephone service 26

then in my mind I analyzed the situation which was evident that the two
worked in a telephone agency in the area and at that moment because it was
noon they were on their lunch break, so seconds later I went after her and
touched her shoulder when she She looked back again, she didn't see
anyone since at that same moment I stood in front of her, this is important
because when you stand in front of her, as a natural reaction, she is not
going to continue walking, she is going to stop because I am in front and I He
is going to pay more attention and I told him:

Me: Excuse me, do you know where the Credomatic bank is?

Jennifer: Yes, just keep walking in the hallway and on the eighth stage there
you will find that bench.

Me: and if I tell you that the bank thing is just an excuse to talk to you
(seductive look and body language of a confident boy with a small sarcastic

Jennifer: hehehe seriously and why is that?

Me: What happens is that uniform from that telephone company is horrible,
I have always said it but now that I see you I don't know how you make the
uniform look so good and sexy, so I had to ask you how you make it look so
look good
Jennifer: hehehehehehe :3 THANK YOU VERY MUCH, because it's already
something natural that I can't avoid xD

Me: hehe, how humble, what is your name?


Jennifer: My name is Jennifer and my friend is Katy.

Me: nice to meet you (I give each one a kiss on the cheek)

And how about I imagine they are going to lunch right now?

Katy (her friend): If we are on our lunch break and what are you doing at the
mall, shopping?

Me: I came to meet the love of my life (staring at Jenny and holding her

Katy and Jenny: hehehe, how appropriate that you already knew you were
going to meet Jenny

Me: hehe, what's happening is that I was about to meet with some partners.
In fact, I think they must already be waiting for me. They must be bored
waiting and all because of the girl who makes the ugly uniform look sexy (use
a sarcastic accent and a small smile), look here is my card, I am an
entrepreneur I have acquired a franchise
Katy and Jenny: if I plead guilty to that hehehe (responding to the
aforementioned sarcasm) seriously, that's great (takes my card and looks at


At this point it is necessary to have a conversation with the friend, you have


to include her in the interaction otherwise she may feel excluded and leave,
that will cause the girl you are flirting with to leave because her friend is
rushing her, the friend may be a tool to increase the connection with the girl
you are flirting with.

Me: I imagine that you are a great friend of Jenny, if we had to decide from
the range of 1 to 10, where 10 is the best grade, what rank would you put
yourself if I asked you how close of Jenny's friend you are?

Katy (her friend): hehe... I think an 8 or 9

Me: great that means you know what he likes and what he doesn't like

Katy (her friend): I guess so hehe

Me: I want you to tell me, based on what your friend likes, how I look like
this with her (at that moment I take her hand and make a pose as if they are
taking a photo of us, I put my hand on her waist, I still put her hand on my

Katy : hehehe an 8

Jennifer: hehehe, how crazy you are, I like your style

Marvin: hehe, I'll leave them now because my partners must be furious, here
(I give him my cell phone) write down your number so I can continue this


interesting conversation later

Jennifer: OK (she grabs the cell phone and writes down her number) what's
your number?

Marvin: my number is 7258···· it's a shame that later they will come home
with the resentment that they have greatly failed their mother, they will be
the disappointment of the family.

Katy and Jennifer : And why?

Marvin: because they are going to confess to their mother saying, Well
mother, I have failed you, I spoke to a stranger but it wasn't my fault since he
was quite handsome and I couldn't avoid the temptation.

Katy and Jenny: hehehe xD we won't say anything better.

Marvin: Well, I'll leave them (I give each one a kiss on the cheek and leave)

After telling you how I met these girls in as much detail as possible, I want
you to imagine what the initial message I sent them in the conversation was,
what would be a good inside joke in this situation.

Although on this occasion it was she who started the conversation, I also
sent her a message about an inside joke, I found it very interesting that she
started the conversation because it is a clear sign that she is interested in


me, the day I spoke to her was Thursday For reasons of seduction policies,
you must send her a message two days after meeting her, because if you
send her the message too soon you will seem like a very desperate boy and
that is not attractive to girls. I planned to send her a message on Saturday
morning. night but to my surprise on the same day Thursday night it was she
who started the conversation on WhatsApp, I was looking for the screenshot
on my Android but for maintenance reasons they formatted my cell phone
and I lost the history of some conversations I had on WhatsApp Luckily I
remember perfectly how the conversation went:


WhatsApp conversation with Jennifer

Jennifer: It was a bet right? hehe

Me: what do you mean hehe? (Restatement of your question)

Jennifer: That you talked to me like that out of nowhere now... did you bet it
with a friend?

Me: nothing to see… By the way, there is something I must confess to you
(generating mystery)

Jennifer: Yes, tell me?

Me: and it is something very shocking that I must ask you so prepare yourself
(generating double the mystery)

Jenny: tell me... what happened :o (scared face)

Me: do you know where the Credomatic bank is (Internal joke)

Jenny: hahahaha xD how bad you are. More than you had already scared me


A high content of emotion, so that she is always looking forward to opening

your next message in the Chat, but you should not make the mistake of
ending up like the buffoon boy, there is a moment in the Chat conversation
that you have with her that you should know information about her and her
As you observed, the inside joke I used was very simple, just analyze what
words you used in the conversation so that you can exaggerate the situation
and make an inside joke.

Connection phase

It is very important that every message you send to the girl must have
information about you, so that she finds you interesting, you cannot rely on
making her laugh throughout the conversation because you will end up as
the best friend.

There is a strategy that I use and it is very useful to me since I manage to

collect information in a very dynamic and interesting way and it is the


(H af 8% 12:36 PM

Girl from the INVITE



The game is about everyone

having a turn to ask a question ,
so you can ask anything ...
Whatever .. The only rule is not to
copy the question . I know you
would like to copy it for me or I
would like to copy it hehe are you

OCT 1 AT 05:20 PM

E hahaha

Write a message



Girl from the


I'm not just telling

you hehehe
Hehe, it's strategic to see me
again he says

Yes it's
I mean, you took me by
surprise at that moment.

hehehe then I should see

you again

Hehe, I'm going to change it for

you... What is the craziest thing
you have ever done?
I think the craziest thing was
having drunk until I couldn't
walk and ended up vomiting.

Write a message ©©

You can see that by playing this game you are able to collect information
about the girl and the main thing is to establish a connection, using the
information that she gives you to generate a connection with her, so that
you can feel that you have things in common.

In this case it was a girl that I saw at the University and I approached her, the
funny thing is that I had a good conversation and I didn't ask her for her
number, I just gave her my business card from the company where I work
(since my cell phone was discharged and I didn't have to write down her
number) So it was she who sent me the request on my Facebook and started
the conversation on Chat, but the big question is: why did she do that if she
told me that she has a boyfriend?

sexy chelita from the U

They are friends on


SEP 20 AT 01:36 PM

It may seem strange to you
but I'm still surprised by that
day you spoke to me hahaha

SEP 29 WINGS 05:50

Do you
know who

Write a message ©o X
©© I•
The answer is usually simple and even if you have a boyfriend it does not


mean that you are truly happy, the problem is that dating becomes a routine
over time. When she remembers When I spoke to her as a stranger and
having in her memory how much fun she had with me, how I made her
laugh, enjoy. I touch his emotions and activate that curiosity in me, so that in
an innocent way he feels attraction. In this case I no longer continued
sending her a message because I don't want to be the one to blame for
ruining her courtship. That sounds very strange, letting a beautiful and sexy
girl pass by just so as not to ruin her courtship. But remember that we are
honest seducers, imagine and put yourself in the position of her boyfriend,
that you are happy with your girlfriend and that out of nowhere the girl cuts
you off just because she met a boy who spoke to her on the street. You
would surely have a very bad time.

You have to keep in mind that every action causes a reaction if you come and
take away a guy's girlfriend, I assure you that in the future you will have
negative results because everything in life is paid for and also remember that
there are many single women so stay away of those who have a boyfriend.

Messages for every situation

To start the conversation after the first date:

• Sending you messages makes my

Thumbs be happy
To close a date in a very subtle way

Will your wit and charm be in [place] tonight?


Farewell message after the second date

• I let you rest, don't think too much about Marvin, don't abuse it...
happy night

Message to generate humor by sexualizing the conversation

• Ugh, I have a feeling you want to ask me a question…

• girl's response

• The question is, “sexy lingerie?”, and the answer is, “yes.”
birthday message

• Act surprised when the dwarf comes out of the cake I sent you... it's
my way of saying happy birthday!

Message when the girl leaves you seen

• Your messages are delivered by Pony Express mail?! It takes you

forever to respond! Don't think about it so much, just send it!


difficult girls

It is possible that you have come across the case of sending messages to a
very beautiful girl that you saw on social networks or perhaps a girl that you
have met and she is very closed or is not at all receptive when she answers
your messages, she answers you with monosyllables (very short answers, OK,
yes, no, aha) in which you feel that you are not moving forward, you get
frustrated thinking that the girl is to blame or that the girl is difficult and in
the end you were left with the wish that you could have the number or let's
see made an appointment.

I want to reveal to you one of the biggest secrets which is:

If you have knowledge of the marvin9.0 technique you will be able to

persuade any unknown girl or difficult girl through messages, so that she
feels attraction for you on an unconscious level and wants to see you, longs
to be with you.
There have been several boys who have requested my consulting services to
learn the marvin9.0 technique in detail and they have been very grateful
since now they are boys who have dates with the girls they want without
exception. The technique is so effective that you can use it with a beautiful
girl on Facebook, you send her the request and if she accepts your friend
request you must start with this technique in which you are sure that at the
end of the conversation she will give you her number staff to follow on
WhatsApp or are you going to close with a one-time appointment.

On this occasion I am going to mention in a summarized way what the

technique consists of, the marvin9.0 technique is based on the following

• touch emotion
• Behave as if the girl is the one seducing you.
• Combination of sarcasm with emotional language


So that you have a more concrete idea, I'm going to show you a
screenshot of a conversation I had with a girl on Facebook.

She is a girl that I saw on Facebook who was unknown but caught my
attention because she looked extremely beautiful in the photo. I
automatically sent her the request two days later, she accepted the
request and started the conversation on Chat, as was normal. wait, she
was a very closed girl, it is normal that she was a difficult girl because she
is very pretty, there are many boys who idolize her by sending messages
and treat her like a goddess, as a consequence she adopts a closed
behavior which is not very receptive to everyone the messages they send
you. So I was forced to use the marvin9.0 technique and thanks to that I
managed to get her to give me her personal number, you will see the
conversation below.

m And there is something I must confess to you

He studied at Francisco
Lives in San Salvador

FRI AT 10:50 PM

wow it's
And that
that may be a little shocking.

And that's I'll tell you but first you

why you should

Write a message ©Q 4

<3 (so E Q AGT aif 50% m 06:45 PM

girl's name

And that's
why you
I will tell you but first you
should hold on to the bed
because you may fall from
shock after knowing this.

It's just that three days ago I

dreamed about a lady I had
never seen before... It seemed
very strange to me... But now I
look at your photo, it looked like
you. Heh, you always have the
nerve to get into other people's

Write a message ©Q 4
©© 5
50% m 06:45 PM
girl's name

I do not
Hehe it's a bit of a funny dream
He he.. But you know in the end I see that
everything makes sense

And why is that

I say that it makes sense because this week
they mentioned to me a new cappuccino that
is on the menu of coffee Juan Valdez in
metro center, they say that it is delicious as if
the angels themselves had made it and well,
that I dreamed of it

Write a message 9

((49)/E3-eA ( T .41 49% m 06:45 PM

girl's name

I say that it makes sense because

this week they mentioned to me a
new cappuccino that is on the
menu at Juan Valdez Coffee in
Metro Centro, they say that it is
delicious as if the angels
themselves had made it and well,
that I dreamed of it this week, It's
like a divine sign that tells us to go
together to try that heavenly
cappuccino hehe

Ummmm seriously

And where are you from

I'll tell you although I hope you
don't ask because you want to
kidnap me hehe I'm from apopa

Hahaha seriously then it's not that

he has dreamed of me, he has
seen me

Write a message Qd

49% m 06:46 PM
girl's name

Haha, seriously, then it's not that

he dreamed of me, he saw me,
it's something else.

And what part is id


Hey, calm down , you're going very

fast, don't think that by asking me
so many questions you're going to
get me to give you my number
hehe —because I live in the gladis
... one block from INA

Hahahahahahaha I
already laugh

How well I have never

seen it

the truth is that I haven't you


Write a message 9

€3 $9 ES QA ( T aif 49% m 06:46 PM

girl's name


The truth is that I haven't seen

you either...hehe, thank destiny ...
He joined us with zero chance on
Facebook, now the only thing
missing is the outing for the
heavenly cappuccino, the
wedding, the honeymoon and we
will be happy with our 17 beautiful
It has 17 children, I already
have one xD v G

hehe great, we are already

somewhat advanced . We only
have 16 left
Hahaha and why
so many
You + me + heavenly cappuccino
+ Sunday = an incredible day filled
with lots of laughter and surprises

Write a message Qd

girl's name

You + me + heavenly cappuccino +

Sunday = an incredible day filled with
lots of laughter and surprises

) Hehe seriously xD umm I'll think

about it
If you're right, I still have the risk that you
might want to kidnap me . I have an idea
so that we have more confidence


I will tell you one of my big



So that you know me

well and know the type of person I am

Very good tell me

9 5
Write a message 0


Qd 9 5
Write a message 2

Qd 9 5
Write a message 3

This is the photo I sent him confirming that I am the capital of America. You
have to identify which factors activated the hypothalamus (the part of the
brain where emotions are stored) so that it produces a high level of laughter.

It is an emotional language which I communicate as if it were true, I say it

with a level of seriousness as if it were actually a true personal secret that I
am a superhero, imagine if I tell him without generating mystery at the
beginning and he I say it by automatically stating that it's just a joke, it's


hardly going to be funny to the girl.


Emotional language + logical language + joke = loser boy

“ I have a secret I will tell you, I am Captain America hehehehe these are
jokes, nice photo right?.. I took it when I went on a business trip to

Guatemala © I hope you liked it ”

Thes. or initial tests

In this phase you have already sent a maximum of 6 massages, where you
have already generated trust and comfort with the girl, you have made her
feel fun emotions and it is the perfect time to close with an appointment or
in other words propose the appointment. A big question comes up which is:

What happens if he rejects my appointment?

In reality, nothing happens, don't worry, it's part of the juice of seduction
and it can happen due to several factors, initially the girl is testing you to see
if you are the confident guy that you appear to be, the mistake that guys
usually make is that they don't They manage to pass the test, because when
they notice that the girl rejects the date because she has arguments such as:

“I can't”, “I have to study”, “I have a commitment”. Or they are direct and

tell you that she doesn't want to go out with you, the boy takes it in a
negative way, getting angry or begging the girl to please go out to the movies
with him and that's when I can't pass the test and The girl identifies that he is
a loser and the boy is not worth dating because he is not an Alpha man.

Imagine if the girl gives you a test and you manage to pass it, then the girl
will be sure that she wants to be with you and depending on the objective
that you have in mind, this is how you are going to behave for her.
Communicate in a subtle way what your intentions are, if the girls are very


sensual then you can sensualize the conversation so that the girl wants to
have sex with you. If you notice that she is a more formal, friendly girl, who
meets your expectations as a couple, you must change the logistics of
messages by increasing the level of romanticism in the Chat conversation to
achieve short-term infatuation (deep love, you must qualify the girl if it
applies to the objective you have planned)

Sexualizing the conversation

In the event that you want to have sex with a girl, you must remember the
golden rule that I gave you at the beginning, you must persuade the girl but
without exciting her because a seducer never hurts a girl emotionally. I want
to tell you something that is very true and it is that

Girls love sex!

He likes it even more than men, in the physiological aspect they are more
blessed because during sexual intercourse girls can have up to 9 orgasms
while for boys the maximum number of ejaculations is 3 or 4. In addition, a
woman's orgasm is 3 times more pleasurable than a man's, since the girl has
more than 10,000 nerve endings in the clitoris and the man only has 4,000
nerve endings in the penis (glans). In society, this statement may seem
taboo. that I just mentioned to you since you can see that girls are
mentioning that sex does not matter and you can see it when they publish it
on social networks and affirm it all the time, but the fact that they say it is
not really that they feel it that way. way because they can see a man passing
by on the street and could feel the desire to have sex with him, observe him
in detail when he walks and imagine that she is with that man in a 5-star
hotel, in a beautiful luxury room, and she is completely naked in bed and
that man is next to her with his penis fully erect and gently rubbing it against
her body and when he reaches the bikini area, he begins to rub the tip of his
penis over her clitoris...


Yes, even if you don't believe it, a woman can imagine that just by seeing a
boy passing by who generates desire and attraction when she sees him, but
if you were to ask the girl what she thinks about that man, what will she
answer with her mouth? would be: “he has a very elegant shirt” What!! But
why doesn't the girl verbally communicate the sexual desire she feels for the

I am going to tell you the main cause in one sentence why women cannot
express their sexual desires freely:

“A man who has had sex with 3 different women in a month is identified by
society as a winner or an alpha man, while a woman who has had sex with 3
different men in a month is identified by society as a whore or “an easy girl”

Girls must protect their image, their identity since society does not allow
them to express their sexual desires freely because it would already be
identifying them as an easy girl or a whore and as a consequence that would
lower the value of the girl, so they must be very discreet in communicating
her sexual desires. To communicate this sexual desire, girls at first only use
their body language and as they become more confident they begin to
communicate it verbally with the boy who is having sex. In this situation,
most men feel frustrated because they don't know how to move forward
with the conversation with that girl they like so much to have sex with.

For seducers, we identify this behavior of girls as a great advantage, because

it gives us the control to be able to sexualize the conversation in a subtle way
and at the time of the meeting or date, make things happen and have that
night of passionate sex. with that beautiful girl.

In the first conversations you have with that beautiful girl on Chat you must
sexualize the conversation in an indirect way to communicate to the sub.
quotient of the girl the subliminal message of having sex, this in effect makes
the girl feel the desire to have sex with you, you have to avoid telling her in a
direct way that you want to have sex with her because this will make the girl
angry, Possibly he will stop answering you or block you, example of what you
should not do:


• “Hello beautiful, I was thinking of seeing you tomorrow to have a

passionate afternoon of the best sex of your life.

• “Hello, you know, I see your photos and I love how sexy you look, I can
already imagine you without clothes… ugh just thinking about it makes
me sick”

• “What I would give to have wild sex with you, what do you think is the
idea, just tell me where I'm going to bring you.”

You should avoid sending these messages in the first Chat conversations with
the girl, you have to be clear that she mentions at the beginning that your
behavior has to be based on the objective you have with the girl (sex, being
your girlfriend, being your friend)

The theoretical way to explain this technique is to talk about sex to the girl in
the first conversation in a subtle way where she perceives the subliminal
message that you communicate to her in an indirect way sexual contact,
consequently you order the girl's subconscious to deep desire or premature
arousal so that she imagines sexual thoughts with you, by the time of the
date or meeting she is much more receptive to the sexual act regardless of
whether it is the first date she has with you

I will show you an example of how to sexualize the conversation in this case I
will do it with the same girl from the last conversation (the difficult girl from
Facebook). After he gave me the number, I waited 2 days and started the
conversation on WhatsApp

She seemed like a very sexy girl to me, so my goal was not only to socialize
but to have a very intimate moment with her, a very passionate moment, a
very wild moment hehe, you can imagine what I'm talking about. Analyzing
the situation, I observed that she was a very outgoing girl, she was sexually
active since she had a son (a single mother) and apparently she liked to have
fun, so I started the conversation with a voice note, a risky move, which
mentioned going out together. As expected she gave me a Tes. answering: “I
can't, I have to study” but I was able to pass the test and generate a
connection, then I sexualized the conversation and finally I made the closing


with a date in which the girl said “yes” to me.



We imagine what it would have been

like. I start the sentence and you
follow it.. Well, I would have seen you
with that beautiful blouse, I would have
come up behind you, I would have
covered your beautiful eyes with my

And then I tell him I am the capital of

America and there you turn around, I
see your little face and I kiss you in
greeting in La Mejía. That's when you

Hahaha . . and then we walked

towards the car.. Before we bought
some frapes and you filled your
beautiful blouse with all the frape,
when I saw you I didn't know whether
to laugh and get dizzy hehe.. I just


(E310)0 $ '0' Ha





JA 'Hf- ' s”tezím-inMf








«3 (33 E * $3393 ® H at 33%— 01:06 PM

beautiful girl
online t. (9 :
you can because the magic is gone
10:27 PM

Hahahahahaha 10:27PM
NOVEMBER 11, 2015

01 to 11:33 AM
Hello, are you still waiting for me to
guess your day off hehe he told you he
still couldn't guess 49 AM w

b Look what day 12:00PM

00:13 12:08 PM M/

Wow, this is fine, I'm fine 12:10 PM

Okay, I'll see you for a while then V

12:11 PM V/

12:11 PM

@ Write a message

Sex on the first date

For many men, having sex with a girl on the first date is just a fictional story,
totally impossible for you to do it. Since the norms of society tell us that the
objective of the first date is to get to know the girl:

• Which is your favorite color?

• What do you like to do in your free time?
• What are you passionate about?
• Make her laugh
• Avoid uncomfortable silence

For a normal man, I would be happy to be able to achieve those goals, but
since I know that you are not a normal man, because you, my friend, are a
seducer and always maintain the difference, and that is why I will teach you
to be able to sensualize the conversation and generate sexual tension to the
point. that the girl has a desire to have sex with you.

Society's norms are right in establishing that we should get to know the girl,
laugh and have a good time, but the big mistake is to stay stuck in generating
comfort with the girl and not move forward.

First you must ask yourself what your goal is or what you intend to achieve
with a beautiful girl. In this case we are going to imagine that your goal is to
have sex with the girl because she is very sexy and you feel an inevitable
desire to fuck her whenever you want, just as you have observed with the
previous conversation that I made in closing with the date with the sexy girl I
met. Through Facebook, I was able to sensualize the conversation in a subtle
way and the main thing was to communicate subliminally to the girl that my
intentions were 71

sexual, now I am going to explain to you how you should behave on the date
so that you can have sex with that girl that you want so much.

I. Touching emotion and selecting the perfect first date location

Make sure you arrive 5 minutes late to the reference point that you agreed
to wait for the girl because this will make the girl start to feel nervous
because she is going to start drawing a lot of conclusions from him because
you haven't arrived yet, and the moment she sees you after that After a
slight wait you will feel relieved (because in the conclusions I draw from your
delay the majority were negative, like you would leave her alone and seeing
that in a few moments you have come to feel the sensation of relief) this is
very positive for you because In an unconscious way she will familiarize your
face with the feeling of relief. Something you should keep in mind is that you
should not make her wait too long, because that will have a negative effect
since the girl will get angry because you have made her wait too long.

When you are sitting at the table in that beautiful place where you are going
to have the date, taking into account that it is the first date, I recommend
that you do not take her to a very expensive place because that will be
negative for you since the girl's mind will begin to draw the following
conclusions from you:

Conscious thought of the girl:

Ugh, this guy brought me to a very elegant place, it must be very expensive,
for our first date it is too sophisticated and formal. I'm sure I spent a lot of
time planning this date.
Unconscious thought of the girl:

This boy feels less than me, that's why he feels that he must try hard to


surprise me and thus feel on the same level as me, that doesn't generate
attraction in me, in fact I even feel sorry for him, because he doesn't have
confidence, well, what's left for me? It is to take advantage of this since I see
that he has money and that he has a good car, I can use him as a driver when
I go to the disco at night with my friends.

It sounds cruel but it is the pure reality, that is how strategic girls are so that
is why you must be one step ahead of each situation so that you do not end
up as the driver of any girl. I don't want to dwell too much on the topic of
where to take it, I just want to mention that you should avoid common
places such as: coffee, the cinema, going to eat at a franchise. Since girls are
already bored of going to those places, so you should make the date in a
nice, fun place that is not very expensive. If you are interested in knowing
more about where you can take her, I invite you to watch my channel. You
Tube will soon upload a video explaining in detail which places are perfect to
have the first date with a girl you want to have sex with. Here is the link to
my channel so you can subscribe and later watch that video.

The first words you are going to mention to the girl, it is essential that you
begin to touch on emotion and avoid very logical topics of conversation, so
that the girl's mood begins to rise to a very emotional level. I'm going to give
you some examples, imagine that I am having a date with the sexy girl I met
on Facebook, it seemed ideal to me that the date was at an amusement park
because it is cheap and fun, in which there are many games and various
machines such as: roller coaster, bumper cars, the circus... the moment we
sat down to eat a hot dog, in the first words of the conversation I began
speaking with a high emotional level and little by little began to implement a
logical language (as I told you this It is necessary so that the girl can raise her
mood and after you start talking about logical topics, the girl can identify you
as a very interesting man)



Marvin: surely you were never going to imagine that you were going to
spend a Saturday afternoon enjoying and eating a hot dog with the company
of Captain America (I'm making an inside joke comment that's why I talked
to her in the first interaction on Chat Facebook)

Sexy girl from Facebook: hehe, I hadn't imagined it, it's just that if there is
danger in the city you're going to leave me alone in the amusement park
(answer the inside joke in a positive way using a high level of emotional

II. The importance of physical contact

It is very important that you start having physical contact with the girl
gradually, that means that you should do it little by little. Do not try to want
to kiss her in one go or hug her in a abrupt and meaningless way, you must
give yourself an excuse to be able to touch her, so the girl will think that you
are touching her because it is part of the communication in this way they will
not be activated. her defenses and will be more receptive to physical
contact. By making physical contact, the girl will begin to feel a connection
with you and there are scientific studies that identify that physical contact
prevents the girl from putting you in the friend zone. Since on the first date
you are showing confidence in touching her in a subtle way, she will hardly
see you as a friend.
Continuing with the example, this would be a subtle way to start playing it:

Marvin: hehe, don't worry, I won't leave you alone, you're going to have to
put on Wonder Girl's sexy costume so you can help me fight the bad guys,
you know, I see your hands and they look very soft (you take her hand and
caress it) well now that I not only observe them but also feel them I can
know that my eyes were not deceiving me, in reality your hands are very


soft, for your hands to be very soft I imagine that your work requires little
physical effort... I feel that it has from being an analytical or office job.

Sexy girl from Facebook: hehe, thank you for the soft hands, how kind , well,
not really, I don't work xD

Imagine that I am talking for several minutes with the sexy girl while we
enjoy the delicious hot dog, then I go to the circus with the girl, we had an
incredible time we can't stop laughing, at the moment I am sitting with the
girl watching the clown show, I approach the girl and hug her subtly while I

Marvin: Ugh, I'm freezing, how cold I thought about stealing some of your
heat, but stealing from you would be dishonest, I'd better borrow a little of
your heat, don't worry, it's only borrowed and I'll give it back to you later.

Sexy girl from Facebook: hehe okay, you'll give it back to me later xD how
funny you are
Then we go to a part of the amusement park where there are many trees, as
if it were a forest since we wanted to see the monkey show that is going to
be presented in a few minutes. At that moment I see that the girl is having a
great time. It's time to take the initiative to move forward in the interaction,
so I tell you the following:

Marvin: this panorama is excellent to take a photo, I will tell that boy if he
takes our photo

Sexy girl from Facebook: okay, it seems like an excellent idea but I go to the


left side because only on that side do I look pretty :D

Marvin: Hello, do you think you can take a photo of us? What's happening is
that I'm celebrating an anniversary with my boyfriend since I'm now
celebrating a year of dating her, so we wanted to take a photo to remember

Guy who took our photo: Seriously, congratulations for you, of course I'll
gladly take it.

Sexy girl from Facebook: hehehe, our anniversary you say xD How quickly
that year passed and I don't even remember it.

Marvin: let's make the photos look more exciting... in one I will give you a
kiss (3 centimeters on the right side of the lips) and in another photo you will
give me a kiss
Sexy girl from Facebook: mmm, I don't think that's a good idea (as I already
mentioned at the beginning of the book, I was able to identify that it was just
a Tes. since her body language told me that she did want the photos with a
kiss, she just didn't want to look like an easy girl so her defenses were
automatically activated)

Marvin: hehe, don't worry, I don't bite, well, only sometimes.

Sexy girl from Facebook: hehe okay okay .

In the first photo I close my eyes while I kiss her on the side of her face, the


photo comes out perfect. In the second photo the girl closes her eyes and
approaches me to kiss me, in fractions of a second I turn my head and the
girl ends up kissing me on the mouth, when she feels my lips the girl is
surprised but at the same time let go and we continue kissing

Introduce the topic of sex into the conversation

Sexualizing the conversation is very important for the girl to feel the desire
to have sex with you, and the best way to introduce the topic of sex is
through stories of events that have happened to you in your past and
mention it in a mysterious way to If the girl is interested in knowing more, I
will show you an example so that you understand how to introduce the topic
of sex into the conversation.

Marvin: And how is the environment with your neighbors, they have told me
that in that residential area where you live it is a little dangerous.
Sexy Facebook Girl: Nothing to see, it's super quiet

Marvin: That's great! Although I must confess that I cannot say the same
about the area where my house is located (here I leave a hook to fall and
catch all your attention and interest)

Sexy Facebook girl: and why? (Cayo is attached to the hook but it is still easy
for her to break off and go. all that inertness goes away)

Marvin: it's because of a neighbor, you could say she is very extroverted


Sexy girl from Facebook: and why???? What does he say or do to you? (Now
I have her completely trapped, she falls into the net and I begin to slowly
sensualize the conversation)

Marvin: What happens is that I like to swim at night in the residence's pool,
which is curious that only when I am alone in charge in the pool, after a few
minutes my neighbor appears with her bathing suit. and when he enters the
pool he takes off his swimsuit and approaches me to greet me normally.

At first glance you won't notice it, but you can't even imagine the number of
conversational threads that can arise from this routine, and all of them
related to SEX.


Very important
I am interested in continuing to help you so that you can improve. If you
have any questions about seduction or want to continue evolving on the
subject of seduction to become an expert, I remind you that you can buy a
consulting service with me in which we will have a video call and I will be
advising you to help you solve that problem that you have. prevents you
from moving forward and being a seducer. I will also be advising you on very
successful seduction strategies, in case there is a particular girl that you like
and you have tried to conquer her but you have no results.

Click here to purchase a consulting service for

skype with marvin

Click here 79

For the purchase of advice I will be providing you

FREE Direct access to my Course

Seductive 9.0 mini course

Generating traction at first glance

It is a virtual training that I have carried out in audiovisual format (videos)

structured by modules in which I teach you the main topics of seduction in
an orderly way so that you can have theoretical knowledge and develop the
ability to approach unknown girls.


With the course you will develop the skill

of being able to improvise in a fluid and
creative way when you are talking to a
pretty unknown girl, increasing your level
of success. In the Mini Course I have also
added field approaches that I have had
with unknown girls so that you can
observe what real interactions are like
using the methods that I teach you in the
Seduction 9.0 course “Generating traction
at first sight”

You will also learn what are the mistakes

that you should avoid when talking to an
unknown girl, since these mistakes are the
main cause that girls reject you, do not
feel bad for not knowing what those
mistakes are since in this The course
explained what they are since even the
best seducers usually make these terrible
mistakes unconsciously.

In this course I will teach you to be able to

master your emotions and your thoughts
to be able to persuade the girl's emotions
and generate attractions for her, the girl
will want to be with you and will not
understand why she feels

So attracted to you. And it is because I will

teach you how to create a masculine
presence of an Alpha in which you attract
the feminine gender of a successful one.


Frequent questions

Why should you buy the advisory service now?

The consulting service is at a promotional price for a limited time, which
makes it a mandatory investment if you take the idea of being a seducer
seriously and want to take the next step.

In addition, free access to the virtual course is for a limited time since later
you will have to pay to acquire the course.

What are the payment methods and what is the next step?
The payment method is through Western Union or make a cash transaction
to my account, the first step is to send a message to my email which is:
web@tusuperacion.com in the subject of the message you must put what
you want buy a personalized consultation with Marvin and at that point you
will be given the information and instructions on how to make the payment

Here I leave you a link so you can learn everything you need to obtain

How can I pay via Western Union and how does it work?
Western Union is basically a way to wire (send) money from anywhere in the
world to another.

There are stores ALL over the world, that is, you can walk in with money
(without a card or bank account) and tell them, I want to send this amount to


this person in "X" place and that's it.

If you want the information to make the shipment, send me an email to


I want the advice and the course but I don't have money or
I'm small, how can I get it for FREE?
I'm sorry that you can't access the course at this time, probably in the future
if you can, on the other hand you have my YouTube channel there you have
many free videos.

Remember that the idea is for you to have fun with SEDUCTION and be
happy, you don't need the course for that, with all the material on my
website and my FREE book you have enough material to drive EVERYONE
crazy, =)

The advice and course is for those who take seduction seriously and want to
take the next BIG step, being a seducer who can have all the beautiful girls
he wants. And be a professional as a master of seduction.



I was born in San Salvador, El Salvador on March 22, 1992

It all started when I was 18 when I tried to excel in something unusual.

Although I was studying at the University, I wanted to be able to achieve a
bigger goal. I had big dreams but I was insecure and I lacked the courage to
execute them.

After a few years always studying at the University and working in a

government position I had a very strong disappointment in love, where I
spent several years depressed I started to think: because girls were difficult
to understand, I always pretended to be good and still My courtships only
lasted 4 months because problems always arose that I couldn't control due
to the unusual behavior of the girls. After that I decided that I had to change,
do something for personal improvement since in my life I had not achieved
something great or stand out due to fear or lack of perseverance, I began to
research a lot about the psychology of women, the methods of how to
generate attraction, connection and comfort with a girl, I began to practice a
lot in my free time approaching girls in: the street, shopping centers, the
University, with constant practice for many years I was able to improve the
technique and with the experience I became a Natural seducer, the results
were incredible, he was the confident, fun and daring boy that I always
wanted to be... I had also obtained social skills in which I always made myself
noticed wherever I went and I could understand girls perfectly, being one


step ahead in every situation. I felt fulfilled but I decided that I wanted to
improve my finances further and I started researching for several months
where I could invest my money to be able to generate more income, after
researching I was able to find network marketing or multi-level business,
after Studying the compensation plan perfectly, I was able to realize that it
was an ideal business to invest my money in and in a few months I was able
to see results.

I felt happy because I was surpassing myself in every way and a day like any
normal day, where my friends had already become accustomed to asking me
as a favor to help them send a perfect message to close with a date with the
girl who Like, they gave me the password to their Facebook and most of the
time I managed to close the conversation with an appointment. That day I
started to think that many kids are going through difficult situations due to
heartbreak, they have that disappointment, they don't know what to do. I
also started to think that there are many guys who are shy and don't know
how to get to the girl they like, or maybe people who want financial
improvement and don't know what to do, that's where the SUPERACION 9.0
project, your improvement, was born. unlimited.


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