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Disciplines of Social Sciences

Sociology is the science that studies, through its own research methods and techniques, everything that
happens in a society from the moment two or more individuals meet. It analyzes how a group is
structured, how those who make it up manifest themselves, the relationships that exist within it, and how
it changes and is modified over time. With this knowledge, it aims to know and explain the problems of
everyday life.
History is the science that studies the events, facts, activities and creations of men in the past, locating
them in the date and context in which they took place. Its purpose is to decipher and reflect on the past
to understand the present situation and, based on what has been observed, plan the future.
Philosophy is the universal science that studies reality for its ultimate causes through reason, that is, the
mind or intellect. It specializes in the being and duty of man and its objective is to construct a general
concept of the universe. It is known as the science “of first causes and first principles”, as it is the origin
of all other sciences.
Communication is a discipline that analyzes how living beings, groups, and societies relate to each other
by exchanging information. It uses other sciences in order to observe, from all possible angles, the
phenomenon of the communicative act. Its main object of study is the expressions that are generated to
emit a message, and the representations that arise once it has been received.
Pedagogy is the science that studies the principles and foundations of education, analyzes how it occurs
in reality, and gives standards for educating. It groups together in a system of universal principles or
laws all isolated and personal experiences and methods with the purpose of knowing and improving
Anthropology is the science that studies man in two areas: physiologically (what nature makes of man)
and socially (what man does to be free, or what he must and can do for himself as member of a society).
It has four main aspects: Physical Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics, and Cultural Anthropology.
Economics is the science that studies how goods and services that satisfy the needs of a house, a city, a
State or the world are managed and distributed, as well as their production and exchange. Its purpose is
to study the problems of “wealth” to predict and influence them. This social science considers man
subject to the restrictions of his environment.
Psychology is the science that studies mental and affective processes as well as the behavior of the
individual being, from a general, individual and genetic point of view. Analyzes how human behavior
modifies others or how this behavior can be a response to another. To do this, it takes into account
internal or external factors of the individual.
Town planning
Urban planning is the science that studies the creation, development and expansion of cities and towns,
so that communities develop within a social reality determined according to their needs. Its purpose is to
organize urban space, and its knowledge is made up of other auxiliary sciences, such as architecture.
Law is the system of imperative-attributive norms, principles and institutions that obligatorily govern the
external conduct of man in society, to make social coexistence and coexistence among men possible.
This system aims to cover every area of the individual's life from birth to death and is guaranteed by the
Linguistics is the scientific study of all possible manifestations of human language and is responsible for
describing and explaining its functioning, structure, evolution and history. His object of study is verbal
signs, of which he observes their pronunciation, selection, order and meaning. Its main objective is to
build a general theory of language.
Human Ecology
Human Ecology is the science that studies the relationship between man and his social and physical
environment, among other components. Its main objective is to know how man conceives, uses and
affects the environment, which is strongly influenced by the society in which he lives.
Politic science
Political Science is the historical discipline that studies political phenomena and structures, collective
conflicts, institutions and the State at three levels: local, national and international. It is based on a broad
examination of the facts and is presented with rational arguments. It is considered “the study of power.”

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