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It includes the activities carried out by people during their trips and stays in places other
than their usual environment, for a consecutive period of less than one year and more than
one day, for leisure, business or other reasons. Colors evoke feelings and emotions in the
person who perceives them. That is why its use in marketing is so useful, color influences
the product and/or service that we intend to sell. Colors have the ability to connect
emotionally, and manage to create more complete experiences that are much more valued
by it.
ORANGE TOURISM - The color of cultural and creative tourism
In the last two years, within the framework of the debate on the importance of the cultural
and creative economy, which has been called "orange economy" , a group of researchers
and professionals who work to promote a true alliance between the sectors cultural and
tourist To promote cultural and creative tourism we also chose to add color to it like other
segments of tourism, thus the concept of "orange tourism" was born.
Orange tourism is sustainable tourism that generates cultural, economic and social
development through responsible tourism management of cultural heritage, artistic
production and cultural and creative industries.
Orange tourism is an articulator and enhancer of the orange economy , the cultural and
creative economy, contributing to generating opportunities for the local community based
on its identity and through the configuration of orange destinations , territories or tourist
clusters with cultural identity.

Also called "gay tourism", it is a type of tourism that is aimed at LGBT people (lesbians,
gays, bisexuals and transsexuals) that has been implemented in recent years in places with
broad social acceptance of homosexuality. Places that are permissive or liberal towards the
homosexual community are usually popular, both by society itself and by the relevant
authorities. In these places there are greater opportunities to socialize with other
homosexuals and effective relaxation for safety reasons, thus avoiding way to be victims of
homophobia. In general, those who take these destinations are open in their sexual choice
and gender identity, but for the most part they tend to be more discreet when traveling
depending on the place, for reasons of personal safety, in open spaces there are many places
that do not accept sexual diversity and problems of sexual discrimination and violence
against the homosexual community arise.

Green tourism , which is also known as rural tourism , is a relatively new trend that has
developed widely in recent years. Green tourism is a concept that circulates around two
interrelated bases: tourism and the environment. But this does not mean that it is simply an
enjoyment of nature and what it has to offer, but that emphasis is placed on respect for the
environment, nature, local fauna and flora, etc. In many cases, tourism has been criticized
as a degradation of natural heritage , due to the negative effects of the massive passage of
people through relatively virgin areas in terms of nature. However, thanks to the proposal
of green tourism , as a form of alternative tourism , both concepts come together in a way
of developing local communities, preserving the environment and contributing to the
posterity and conservation of natural heritage.
But green tourism can also be a way of life and not just part of our next vacation. Defenders
of this type of tourism propose different practices that can revolutionize the tourism
industry. On the one hand, there is debate about the means of transportation, the pollution
they generate and how unnatural they are. Aviation and its enormous growth are especially
discussed, especially in Europe with low-cost flights. Those seeking to expand green
tourism propose a return to less polluting means of transportation, such as ships, trains, etc.
and that allow us a more real and direct contact with the environment.

Also known as morbid tourism, it consists of traveling to places associated with death, pain
and tragedy. There is a niche in the tourism market in which people seek to be in places
where violent events have been recorded, in certain cases they are concentration centers
where historical acts were carried out; They can also be memorials of people who died in
natural disasters, prisons that were the scene of torture and death, etc. Its first origins are
rooted in amusement parks and medieval fairs.
Black tourism represents an area of opportunity for some tour operators. However, it has
also contributed to making known a part of the countries that traditional operators would
prefer to hide. Some of the main reasons why people visit these places are because “They
believe that it immorally represents what morality wants to communicate”, “It is a way to
intellectualize and rationalize social disasters or traumas”, “Because of the desire to
understand how people survive a catastrophe and show sympathy towards their suffering”
or As a tribute to those who died for a just cause, among others.
For these reasons, companies see opportunities for economic exploitation, since
businessmen can use the emotional reactions of visitors to generate profits.

In 1921, the Communist Party of China (CCP) was created, leading the founding of the
People's Republic of China (PRC) 28 years later. ), on October 1, 1949. During these
almost three decades, the political formation and its army left countless valuable traces
throughout the country, which are currently visited by people as places of tourist interest.
These trips are known as red tourism.

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