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CATALOG 2019-2020


Food processing
Chemistry technology



CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products

TO Chemistry
■ 4 Eeit - a Grosch

- P Sehirberk______
FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY....................................2
CHEMISTRY, ETC.).......................................................................1
The science of food.......................................................................1
from a to Z.....................................................................................1
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Manual............................................1
food chemistry...............................................................................1
food chemistry...............................................................................2
Bender 's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology..............2
Food science and technology........................................................2
Manual of food chemistry and biochemistry................................2
Food proteins.................................................................................2
FENNEMA Food chemistry.........................................................2
Maillard reaction...........................................................................3
Food flavors..................................................................................3
Physical foundations for food science..........................................3
Edible oils and fats........................................................................4
Physical properties of foods and processing systems...................4
Agroindustrial biochemistry: Food revaluation of agricultural
Functional Foods...........................................................................4
Culinary creation:..........................................................................4
Introduction to food rheology.......................................................4
Food Science Laboratory Manual.................................................5
food science...................................................................................5
Food texture..................................................................................5
Food preservation and biodeterioration........................................5
Food Science Fundamentals..........................................................6
Elements of descriptive food science............................................6
Food fats and oils..........................................................................6
IV . FOOD ANALYSIS..............................................................7
Methods of analysis of the charcuterie industry...........................8
Food microscopy...........................................................................8
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters........................8
Drinking water quality..................................................................8
Lipid analysis................................................................................8
Microbiological analysis...............................................................8
of food and water..........................................................................8
Modern analysis methods..............................................................9
Food analysis:...............................................................................9
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs...............9
Food analysis...............................................................................10
Food analysis...............................................................................10
Analysis of food nutrients...........................................................11
Physical properties of foods........................................................11
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres........11
Analytical microscopy................................................................11
Nutritional supplements and functional foods............................11
V . FOOD TOXICOLOGY.........................................................12
Food poisoning of microbial etiology.........................................12
Introduction to plant toxicology..................................................12
Food hygiene and toxicology......................................................12
Food allergy and intolerance.......................................................13
Food toxicology..........................................................................13
Compendium of food risks..........................................................14
Introduction to food toxicology..................................................14
pathogenic clostridia...................................................................14
VI . FOOD MICROBIOLOGY................................................15
Food microbiology......................................................................15
Practical guide to the microbiological analysis of milk and dairy
Clostridium botulinum................................................................15
Food microbiology......................................................................16
Food microbiology......................................................................16
Food Microorganisms 2..............................................................18
The analysis system....................................................................19
of risks and critical points:..........................................................19
Food Microorganisms 5..............................................................19
Food Microorganisms 6..............................................................19
Modern food microbiology.........................................................21
Foodborne virus..........................................................................21
Cultivation of microorganisms for food production Obtaining,
applications and research............................................................21
Industrial microbiology...............................................................21
Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables...............................23
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs.............23
Food microbiology......................................................................23
HACCP. Practical approach........................................................24
Microbiology of plant foods.......................................................24
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats.......................................25
Practical food microbiology........................................................25
Food microbiology......................................................................25
V. FOOD HYGIENE................................................................26
Veterinary meat inspection.........................................................26
Hygiene and inspection of poultry meat.....................................26
Food poisoning of microbial etiology.........................................26
Veterinary food hygiene..............................................................26
Food hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP..................................26
Health inspection of poultry meat...............................................27
Hygiene course for food handlers...............................................27
Food hygiene and toxicology......................................................27
Microbiological analysis of food and water................................28
Food hygiene principles..............................................................28
HACCP. Practical approach........................................................28
Beef Safety and Quality Manual.................................................28
Food health..................................................................................28
Introduction to food hygiene.......................................................28
Reviews about science................................................................28
and food technology....................................................................28
Food Science and Technology Reviews.....................................29
Cleaning and disinfection in the food industry...........................29
VI. HUMAN NUTRITION AND DIETARY...........................30
Food, fermentation and microorganisms....................................30
Nutrition and diet foods..............................................................30
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism....................................30
Nutrition manual.........................................................................30
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book..................................................31
Nutrition, diet and health............................................................31
Introduction to human nutrition..................................................31
Nutrition and metabolism............................................................31
Nutrition Basics...........................................................................32
Simplified diet manual................................................................32
Food hygiene principles..............................................................32
Nutritional advice........................................................................32
and dietary in the Pharmacy Office.............................................32
Functional Foods.........................................................................32
Nutrition and food science..........................................................32
Nutrition and public health.........................................................33
Nutritional value of meat (8).......................................................33
Food antioxidants........................................................................33
Practical Pediatric Nutrition........................................................33
Quality and nutritional value of plant foods...............................34
Food composition tables.............................................................34
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition............................34
Nutritional supplements and functional foods............................34
Glycemic index...........................................................................35
Nutrition and sport......................................................................35
Food fats and oils........................................................................35
a) Vegan science.............................................................................36
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk...........................................................36
vegan food...................................................................................36
Methods to measure physical properties in food industries........37
Non-thermal food preservation...................................................37
Food dehydration........................................................................37
Food Engineering Laboratory Manual........................................37
Food factories..............................................................................38
Quality Management Systems....................................................38
in the food industry.....................................................................38
Food engineering operations.......................................................39
Food processing manual..............................................................39
Food packaging in controlled, modified and vacuum atmospheres
Introduction to biotechnology.....................................................39
Packaging of widely consumed foods.........................................40
Food science and technology......................................................40
Deep freezing of food.................................................................41
Bioprocess engineering principles..............................................41
Science and technology of frozen foods.....................................41
Food processing technology: Principles and practice.................42
Enzyme technology.....................................................................42
Biotechnology. Introduction with model experiments................43
Process engineering applied to the dairy industry......................43
Citrus processing.........................................................................44
Food Biotechnology Fundamentals............................................44
ISO 9000 on the front line...........................................................44
Agricultural plant biotechnology................................................44
Introduction to the calculation of pro food technological
Chemical food preservation........................................................44
Food industrial engineering........................................................45
Food industrial engineering........................................................45
Additives and manufacturing auxiliaries in agri-food industries45
Genetic engineering and its applications....................................46
Food preservation manual...........................................................46
Food industries manual...............................................................46
Basic biotechnology....................................................................46
Thermal processing and packaging of foods...............................48
Heat treatment.............................................................................48
of meat products (13)..................................................................48
Extruders in food applications....................................................48
Thermal technologies for food processing..................................48
Food irradiation...........................................................................48
bottled water technology.............................................................49
Canning technology....................................................................49
Introduction to food engineering.................................................49
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice............................49
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres........49
Food Technology Fundamentals.................................................50
Introduction to fungal biotechnology..........................................50
Molecular biology and biotechnology........................................50
Practical manual for smoking foods............................................50
Treatment of waste from the food processing industry...............51
Biochemical Engineering............................................................51
Organic food processing and production....................................51
Cooking and science...................................................................52
Culinary chemistry......................................................................52
Restaurants: Basic service...........................................................52
Catering theory............................................................................52
Culinary creation.........................................................................52
Experiments in the kitchen..........................................................53
Experiments with supermarket products.....................................53
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice............................53
From science to the kitchen........................................................53
The secrets of the pouts...............................................................53
Children in the kitchen................................................................54
Pans and test tubes......................................................................55
Basic cooking treatise.................................................................55
Cooking... is love, art, technique.................................................55
VIII. FOOD INDUSTRY...............................................................57
Veterinary meat inspection.........................................................57
Analysis methods........................................................................57
of the charcuterie industry...........................................................57
Industrialization of slaughter animal fat (10)..............................57
Technology of charcuterie and salted products...........................57
Artificial casings (4)....................................................................57
Sausage manufacturing...............................................................58
Veterinary food hygiene..............................................................58
Meat products manual.................................................................58
Canning fish and meat.................................................................58
Freezing and meat quality...........................................................59
Industrial slaughterhouses:..........................................................59
Research in meat science (1).......................................................59
Health inspection of poultry meat...............................................59
Soy protein and formulas for meat products...............................59
Preservation of meat by cold.......................................................59
meat science................................................................................60
Progress of science......................................................................60
of the meat...................................................................................60
Artisan charcuterie manual.........................................................60
Smoking (11)...............................................................................60
The curing (7)..............................................................................60
Poultry products technology.......................................................60
Nutritional value of meat (8).......................................................61
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats.......................................61
Industrialization of by-products of animal origin.......................61
Poultry meat science...................................................................62
Bacterial cultures for meat industries..........................................63
Homemade meat and sausage preparation..................................63
Evaluation of meat in the production chain................................63
Meat and meat products..............................................................63
meat science................................................................................63
Practical meat inspection............................................................64
Blanched sausage technology.....................................................64
Normative values........................................................................65
of meat technology......................................................................65
Fish quality control.....................................................................65
Advances in technology of fishery products...............................65
Canning fish and meat.................................................................65
Fish processing technology.........................................................65
Seafood technology:....................................................................66
Fish and krill protein technology................................................66
Introduction to fishery byproducts..............................................66
c) Milk and dairy industries.........................................................67
CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products........67
Production of yogurt and fermented milk...................................67
of cheese making.........................................................................67
Dairy technology.........................................................................67
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk...........................................................67
vegan food...................................................................................68
Milk and dairy products..............................................................68
Introduction to technology..........................................................68
cheese maker...............................................................................68
Industrial dairy products.............................................................69
Lactological microbiology..........................................................69
Lactological microbiology..........................................................69
cheese making.............................................................................69
Milk and its components.............................................................69
lactation biology..........................................................................69
Artisanal production of butter, yogurt and cheese......................70
Production of sheep and goat cheeses.........................................70
Manufacturing of dairy products.................................................70
industrial lactology......................................................................70
Milk and dairy products..............................................................70
Milk science and dairy technology.............................................71
d) Cereals and derived industries.................................................72
bread making...............................................................................72
Cereals and derived products......................................................72
Bakery products..........................................................................72
Pasta and semolina production technology.................................72
Cookie industry technology........................................................72
Organic cereals and legumes.......................................................73
e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries...........................74
fruit processing............................................................................74
Vegetable processing..................................................................74
Artisanal preparation of fruits and vegetables............................74
Refrigeration of apples and pears................................................74
Selection and packaging of apples..............................................75
Production of fruits from temperate and subtropical climates....75
Food legumes..............................................................................75
Biological bases of fruit quality..................................................75
Citrus processing.........................................................................76
Advances in ripening and post-harvest of fruits and vegetables.76
Vegetable science and technology treatise..................................76
Conservation of fruits and vegetables.........................................76
Home preservation of fruits and vegetables................................76
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres........77
Vegetable technology..................................................................77
Minimally processed and refrigerated fruits and vegetables......77
f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks........................................78
Control of temperatures and quality of wines.............................78
Theory and practice of wine making...........................................78
Water lighting.............................................................................79
Manufacturing of sparkling wines..............................................79
Wine flavor chemistry.................................................................79
Enogastric tourism......................................................................79
The wine......................................................................................79
wine defects.................................................................................80
From cane to rum........................................................................80
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters......................80
Artisanal production of liquors...................................................80
Scientific and technological bases of oenology..........................80
Scientific and technological bases of viticulture.........................81
Wine production:.........................................................................81
Drinking water quality................................................................81
Biotechnology of beer and malt..................................................82
Wine making...............................................................................82
Sensory analysis of wines:..........................................................82
fruit wines...................................................................................82
Basic oenology treatise...............................................................83
Wine tasting agenda....................................................................83
Practical oenology manual..........................................................83
bottled water technology.............................................................83
Drinking water manual................................................................83
The viticultural terroirs...............................................................83
Home brewing.............................................................................84
Homemade wine making............................................................84
Wine analysis and production.....................................................84
g) Cocoa and derivatives................................................................84
The science of chocolate.............................................................84
Sweets made with sugar and chocolate.......................................85
The science of candy...................................................................85
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.)........................................................85
ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TITLES........................................86
ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS.................................167
... since 1957........................................................................................100
Editorial Acribia, SA.................................................................100


oOo - -
YO. Biomedical and biopharmaceutical sciences - II. Chemical and biochemical sciences -
a) Chemistry - b) Biochemistry - III. Biotechnology, molecular biology and genetic engineering -
IV. Oceanography, marine biology and marine industries - V. Water, properties and
applications - VI. Ecology and environmental sciences - VII. physical sciences-
mathematics and industrial technology - VIII. Sports collection - IX. Miscellaneous -
x. Titles published in Portuguese

Editorial ACRIBIA, SA - Royo, 21 Local - 50006 ZARAGOZA (Spain)

Box 466 - 50080 ZARAGOZA (Spain)

Telephone (34) 976 23 20 89 - Fax (34) 976 21 92 12

e-mail: —



The science of food 9. Principle #7: Establish data recording and

document procedures tion - Part III. HACCP
from a to Z Implementation - 10. Implementation and
ADRIAN, J. and FRANGNE, R. Chair of Industrial and
maintenance of the HACCP plan - Part IV. Audit
Agri-Food Biochemistry. National Conservatory of Arts of HACCP systems - 11. The HACCP audit - 12.
and Crafts. The HACCP auditor - 13. I have Quality
assurance analytical tools - Part V. Application
This work presents a global panorama of Food
of HACCP to the food processing industry - 14.
Science, a field of knowledge that is essentially
The food industry in general - 15. Prerequisites
for the food industry - 16. Meat and poultry - 17.
Study what refers to agricultural resources
Product fishing cough - 18. Milk and dairy
stabilization and transformation operations
products - 19. Fruits and vegetables - 20. Retail
mation and the food products themselves.
and food service - Part VI. Application of
Thanks to the alphabetical classification page by
HACCP to medical equipment industry - 21.
page gina, allows you to immediately obtain the
HACCP principles in the design and production
searched topic and everything that concerns it.
of medical equipment - PAR TE VII.
Dietitians, agronomists, food technologists, agri-
Appendices - Glossary - Bibliography -
food economists, biochemists cos, hygienists,
Alphabetical index.
veterinarians specialized in hy food science,
public health specialists, as well as uninitiated Second edition
readers. I consulted everyone They will be 2016 17 × 24 360 pp.
useful in the search for a definition or the ISBN: 978-84-200-1174-5
complement of information.
1990 17 × 24 326 pp. food chemistry
ISBN: 978-84-200-0673-4 BALTES, W. Food chemist and graduate in chemistry,
professor emeritus and professor of Food Chemistry at the
Technical University of Berlin.
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Content: Prologue - The composition of our
Manual food - Water - Minerals - Vitamins - Enzymes -
Lipids - Carbohydrates or carbo carbohydrates -
ASQ Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Division Proteins - Food conservation cough - Additives
in the food industry - Re residues in food -
Editors: SURAK, J. g. and WILSON, S.
Harmful substances in natural foods - Aroma
Content: Part I. Introduction to HACCP - 1. formation in foods - Dietary fats - Foods rich in
History and summary of HACCP: Ancient and protein - Foods rich in carbohydrates - Alcoholic
modern methods of food preservation - 2. Ta consumer products - Coffee, tea, ca coffee and
Areas prior to the development of the HACCP tobacco - Vegetables and their components -
plan - Part II. HACCP Principles - 3. Principle Fruit and products made from fruit - Es spices -
#1: Conduct the hazard analysis - 4. Principle Drinking water - Soft drinks - The structure of
#2: Establish critical control points - 5. Principle German food law - References.
#3: Stable certify critical limits - 6. Principle #4: 2007 17 × 24 492 pp.
Establish surveillance procedures - 7. Principle EXHAUSTED
#5: Establish correct action procedures bulls - 8. ISBN: 978-84-200-1081-6
Principle #6: Establish procedures check cough -

food chemistry Manual of food chemistry and
BELITZ, H. d. Professor of Food Chemistry at the biochemistry
Technical University of Munich and Director of the COULTATE, T. Q. South Bank Univ., London, UK.
Institute of Food Chemistry, Munich.
GROSCH, W. Professor of Food Chemistry at the Content: Introduction - Sugars -
Technical University of Munich, Director of the Polysaccharides - Lipids - Proteins - Pigments -
Department ment of Food Chemistry Research in Munich. Flavors - Vitamins - Preservatives - Harmful or
Content: Water - 1. Amino acids, peptides, undesirable substances - Minerals - Water -
proteins - 2. Enzymes - 3. Lipids - 4. Carbohi Appendix I. Need Nutritive qualities and dietary
drats - 5. Aromatic substances - 6. Vitamins - 7. sources - Appendix II. General texts.
Minerals - 8. Food additives - 9 Food Third edition
contamination - 10. Milk and dairy products - (First edition published with the title Food.
11. Eggs - 12. Meat - 13. Fish, Cetaceans, Chemistry of its components)
Crustaceans and Molluscs - 14. Edible fats and 2007 17 × 24 458 pp. Reimp. 2019
ISBN: 978-84-200-1089-2
oils - 15. Cereals and pro branch pipelines - 16.
Legumes - 17. Hortali zas and derived products -
18. Fruits and produce cough derivatives - 19. Food proteins
Sugar, sugar-alcohol and honey - 20. Alcoholic Biochemistry. Functional properties.
beverages - 21. Coffee, tea and cocoa - 22. Nutritional value. Chemical modifications
Spices, salts and vinegar - 23. Drinking water, CHEFTEL, J. c. Professeur á l' Université des Sciences et
mineral water and table water. Techniques du Languedoc. Directeur du Laboratoire de
Biochimie et Technologie Alimentaires, Montpellier.
Third edition
CUQ, J. L. Mâitre-Assistant Agrégé á l'Université des
2012 21 × 26,5 938 pp. Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1162-2 LORENT, D. Professeur á L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure
de Biologie Appliquée á la Nutrition et á l'Alimentation.
Laboratoire de Biochimie Alimentaire, Dijon.
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. physical
Bender 's Dictionary of properties co-chemistries of amino acids and
Nutrition and Food Technology proteins - 3. Protein denaturation - 4. Property
BENDER, D. TO. BSc., PhD, RNutr. functional des of proteins - 5. Nutritional
See Section VI, f), page 32. properties of proteins - 6. The main protein food
systems - 7. New sources protein teas - 8.
Food science and technology Protein modifications. 1989 17 × 24 364 pp.
CAMPBELL-PLATT, G. ISBN: 978-84-200-0649-9
Content: Collaborators - 1. Introduction - 2.
Food chemistry - 3. Food analysis - 4. Food FENNEMA Food chemistry
biochemistry - 5. Food biotechnology - 6. Food
microbiology - 7. Numerical procedures - 8. Ali
Physics ments - 9. Food processing - 10. Content: Prologue - Resolution commemorates
Engineering food estuary - 11. Food packaging - tive of the Faculty of the University of
12. Nutrition - 13. Sensory evaluation - 14. Wisconsin–Madison - Editors - Contributors - 1.
Statistical analysis - 15. Quality assurance and Enter tion to food chemistry - Part I. Main
components of food - 2. Relationships of water
legislation tion - 16. Regulatory toxicology - 17.
and ice in foods - 3. Carbohydrates - 4. Lipids -
Food Trade Management: Principles and
5. Amino acids, peptides and proteins - 6.
Practice - 18. Food Marketing - 19. Product
Enzymes - 7. Dispersed Systems: Basic
development - 20. Information technology - 21. Considerations - Part II. Com minor speakers of
Communication and transfer skills - In says food s - 8. Vitamins - 9. Minerals - 10. Dyes -
alphabetically - Includes color sheets. 11. Flavors - 12. Food additives - 13. Bioactive
2017 21 × 26,5 568 pp. components of food: Nutraceuticals and toxic
ISBN: 978-84-200-1176-9 cos - Part III. Food systems - 14. Carac theristics
of milk - 15. Physiology and chemistry of edible
muscle tissues - 16. Postharvest physiology of
edible plant products - Alphabetical index.
2019 21,5 × 26,5 1126 pp. Fourth edition
ISBN: 978-84-200-1192-9
Food science Biochemistry,
Microbiology, Processes, Products
Maillard reaction JEANTET, R. and others
FAYLE, S. AND. Crop and Food Research, Christchurch, Volume 1
New Zealand and GERRARD, J. TO. University of Biological and physicochemical stabilization
Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Content: Introduction - Part One: Water and
Content: What is the Maillard reaction? - With food constituents - 1. Water - 2.
Maillard reaction sequences in foods cough -
Extraction of Maillard reaction products from Other food constituents - Second pair te: Agents
foods - Gas chromatography - Liquid and mechanisms of food modification - 3.
chromatography - Mass spectrometry - Microbial alterations - 4. Rust tion of lipids - 5.
Electrophoresis - Capillary electrophoresis - Non-enzymatic browning - 6. Enzymatic
New technologies noologies, new approaches. browning - 7. Molecular dynamics lar in food
matrices - Third part: Tra food stabilization
2005 17 × 24 160 pp.
treatments - 8. Ba ses of the biological and
ISBN: 978-84-200-1045-8
physicochemical stabilization of foods - 9.
Food flavors Transfers, bases of unit operations - 10. stability
operations biological zation - 11.
Biology and chemistry Physicochemical stabilization operations - Part
FISHER, C. and SCOTT, T. R. Departments of Animal Four. Quality control and evaluation - 12. Food
and Food Sciences and Psychology University of
quality control - 13. Evaluation of the
physicochemical and quality characteristics of
Content: 1. Introduction - Problems of flavor foods.
research; Definition of flavor; Classification of
2010 17 × 24 416 pp. Reimp. 2013
food flavors; Chemical compounds responsible ISBN: 978-84-200-1148-6
for flavor; Difficulties of flavor chemistry
research; Flavor chemistry research objectives; Volume 2
Bibliography - 2. Com flavor posts; Classes of Technology of food products Content:
chemical compounds cos and their responses to Introduction - Part One: Bioquí mica and
flavor; Conclusions; Bi bliography - 3. The technology of products of animal origin - 1.
From milk to dairy products - 2. From muscle to
chemical senses; Introduction; Anatomy of the
meat and meat derivatives - 3. From eggs to egg
chemical senses; Neural development of
products - Second part: Bioquí mica and
chemical senses; Re mechanisms receptors; technology of products of vege origin such - 4.
neural code; Control of food intake; From wheat to bread and pasta - 5. From barley
Bibliography - 4. Flavor analysis; Subjective vs to beer - 6. From fruits to fruit juices and
objective; Psychophysics and evaluates sensory fermented products - 7. From vegetables to “4th
tion; instrumental analysis; Handling of samples range” products - Part Three: Properties and
and artifacts; Treatment of re sultations; technologies of ingredients - 8. Functional
Bibliography - 5. Teaching of the with flavor properties of ingredients - 9. Physicochemical
concepts; Problem-based learning further; The bases of fractionation and techno associated
tongue and the nose; Onions; Drinks; Maillard ologies -10. Bioconversion and transforms
reaction; Stink - Glossary. physicochemical tions - 11. Application of
separative techniques - Part Four: Packaging and
2000 17 × 24 224 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0904-9
packaging - 12. Container - 13. Packing.
2010 17 × 24 496 pp. Reimp. 2013
ISBN: 978-84-200-1149-3

Physical foundations for food

science Edible oils and fats
HERNÁNDEZ SALUEÑA, B. Technology, utilization and nutrition
See Section VII, page 45. LAWSON, H.
Content: 1. Definitions and vision of together - products - 7. Meat products - 8. Sea products - 9.
2.4 The basic chemistry of oils andFOOD fats SCIENCE
Valorization of co-products - Se second part:
Common chemical reactions - 4. Physical Extraction and modification of biomolecules -
properties - 5. Sources of oils and fats - 6. 10. Sucrochemistry - 11. Product starchy cough -
Manufacturing technology - 7. Fritu ra in depth - 12. Hydrocolloids and fibers ments - 13.
8. Grilled and flat fried - 9. Use of oil for salad Lipochemistry - Fat substitutes - 14. Amino
gives and cooked - 10. Baking technology acids - Peptides - 15. Pigments and aromas.
(including coatings for production baked cough) 1997 17 × 24 454 pp.
- 11. Factory technology donut tion - 12. Other ISBN: 978-84-200-0805-9
important commercial uses - 13. Nutritional
aspects of oils and fats - 14. Analytical methods
for oils and fats - 15. Development of food
products - 16. Flavor. Functional Foods
1999 17 × 24 346 pp. Biochemical and processing aspects
ISBN: 978-84-200-0880-6 MAZZA, G. Ph.D., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

See Section VI, f), p. 35.

Physical properties of foods and

processing systems Culinary creation:
LEWIS, M. J. Department of Food Science, University of Introduction to food services and
Reading, UK.
world cuisines
Content: 1. Units and dimensions - 2. Density
and specific gravity - 3. Properties of fluids,
hydrostatics and dynamics - 4. Viscosity - 5. See Section VII, a) Gastronomy, page. 55.
Rheology and texture of solids - 6. Own surface
areas - 7. Introduction to thermodi dynamics and
thermal properties of foods - 8. Sensitive and
latent heat changes - 9. Mecca nisms of heat Introduction to food rheology
transfer -10. Transfer heat resistance in non- MULLER, H. g. Department of Food Science cough from
steady state - 11. Properties of gases and vapors the University of Leeds.
- 12. Electrical properties - 13. Diffusion and Content: Solids: Characteristics and medi das -
mass transfer. Newtonian Liquids: Examples - Liquid two non-
1993 17 × 24 512 pp. Newtonians: Characteristics, measurements and
ISBN: 978-84-200-0744-1 examples - Plasticity and its determination -
Plastic foods: Examples - Viscoelasticity and its
determination or measurement - Viscoelastic
materials: Examples - Contact with each other
Agroindustrial biochemistry: lidos - Appendices.
Food revaluation of agricultural 1978 13,5 × 21,5 174 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0401-3
LINDEN, G. Professor at the University of Nancy.
LORENT, D. Professor at ENS. BANA. University of Food Science Laboratory
Content: First part: Manufacturing and pro
pieties of intermediate food products daily (PAI) OTT, D. b. Ph.D., Michigan State University.
- 1. EPI Strategy - 2. Pro technofunctional Content: Introduction to ex foods perimental
pieties - 3. Extraction and texturing procedures - and experimentation feeds ria - Principles of
4. PAI of plant origin - 5. Dairy sector - 6. Egg action and responsibility des in the laboratory -
Experiment: Accuracy and precision of Food texture
measurements: Metric system vs. English
Measurement and perception
- Experiment: Sen evaluation Sorial of food
quality - Experi ment: Objective evaluation of ROSENTHAL, A. J. Btech, MSc., PhD., MIFST.
food quality - Experiment: Carbohydrate Teacher Professor of Food Science School of Biology and
Molecular Science. Brookes University, Oxford.
crystallization - Experiment: Pectin gels -
Experiment: amylose/amylopectin-gelatinization Content: Relationship between instrument
and gelation - Experiment: Absorber lipid measurements and sensory aspects of food
formation - Experiment: Capacity of lipids to texture - Oral food processing and sensory
increase the friability of masses - Experiment: evaluation sorial texture - Sensory techniques for
Emulsions - Experiment: Glutenin/gliadin- the study of food texture - Classifies food
formation of masses - 13. Ex Periment: Protein rheological techniques and instruction mental for
foams - 14. Experience ment: Soy proteins used your study - Measurement of the properties
as their filler substances - Experiment: Mechanical properties of food materials in
Vegetable pigments - Appendices. relation to texture: materials approach - Starch-
based foods - Ela foods fat-based borates - Meat
EXHAUSTED foods and their analogues - Vegetables and fruits
1992 17 × 24 232 pp. - Hydrocolloids.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0731-2
2001 21 × 26,5 314 pp.
II .SBN: 978-84-200-0950-6

food science Food preservation and

POTTER, N. N. Emeritus professor of the Department. in biodeterioration
food science from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.
HOTCHKISS, J. H. Professor of the Dept. food science TUCKER, G. S.
ments from Cornell University in Ithaca (New York). Content: Prologue - 1. Control of
Content: 1. Introduction: Food science as a biodeterioration in food - 2. HACCP Principles:
discipline - 2. Characteristics of the food The Importance of HACCP Systems in Food
industry - 3. Food constituents: properties and Manufacturing - 3. Thermal processing - 4.
meaning - 4. Nutritional aspects of food Refrigeration - 5. Freezing - 6. Dehydration - 7.
components - 5. Unit operations in the process Modified atmosphere packaging - 8.
food sado - 6. Food quality factors - 7. Food Preservatives - 9. Barrier technology - 10. New
spoilage and its control - 8. Conservation and Commercial Preservation Methods -
thermal processing - 9. Conservation and Alphabetical Index.
processing by cold - 10. Dehydration and
concentration of food - 11. Irradiation, 2019 17 × 24 300 pp. approx.
microwaves and ohmic food processing - 12. III .SBN: 978-84-200-
Fermentation and other uses of microorganisms -
13. Milk and dairy products - 14. Meat, poultry
and eggs - 15. Fish, mollusks and crustaceans -
16. Fats, oils and pro related pipelines - 17. Food Science Fundamentals
Cereals, grains, legumes and oilseeds - 18.
VACLAVIK, V. TO. Ph.D., R. d. University of Texas
Vegetables and fruits - 19. Drinks - 20. Sweets Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas.
and chocolates - 21. Prin principles of food
packaging - 22. Pro food cessation and the Content: Part I: Introduction to compos nents of
environment - 23. Food safety: risks and dangers food - 1. Food quality evaluation - 2. Water -
- 24. Gu standards governmental regulations on Part II: Car carbohydrates in the food pyramid -
food and nutritional labeling - 25. Hunger, 3. Food carbohydrates; introduction - 4. Starches
technology and global food needs. in foods - 5. Pectins and other carbohydrates - 6.
1999 17 × 24 684 pp. Reimp. 2018 Bread, cereals, rice and pasta - 7. Vegetables and
fruits - Part III: Proteins in the food pyramid - 8.
I .SBN: 978-84-200-0891-2
Food proteins; introduction - 9. Meat, poultry,
fishing two and dried beans (legumes) - 10. Eggs
and egg products - 11. Milk and dairy products - pastry products, appetizers and snacks - 4.
6 IV: Fats in the food pyramid ments
12. Sugar,
AND sweets, honey - 5 New foods - 6. Meats
Fats and oils - Part V: Sugar beef in the food and sausages - 7. Fish and shellfish (crustaceans
pyramid - 13. sugar beef, sweeteners and and mollusks) - 8. Eggs, milk and cheese - 9.
confectionery products - Part VI: Baked goods in Fats and fine foods - 10. Spices, flavoring
the food pyramid - 14. Baked products, substances and vinegars - 11. Drinking water
porridges and doughs - Part VII: Aspects in food and mineral water - 12. Coffee, tea, cocoa - 13.
production - 15. Food safety - 16. Conservation Juices and soft drinks - 14. Alcoholic drinks -
and processing of food - 17. Additives - 18. 15. Special foods and dietary foods - Appendix
Food packaging - Part VIII: Legislation relating 1. Dietary fiber content of foods - Appendix 2.
Co EU numerical codes and additives -
to the supply of food - 19. Government
Appendix 3. Authors of the different sections
regulations for the supply and labeling of food.
and chapters of this book.
EXHAUSTED 1999 17 × 24 672 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0877-6
2002 17 × 24 508 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0976-6

Food fats and oils

Elements of descriptive food
ZILLER, S. and other collaborators.
Content: I. Importance of fats - II. What is a
VOLLMER, G. Prof. Dr. Chair of Chemistry. University fat? - III. Chemical composition of fats - IV.
city of Düsseldorf.
JOSST, G. Professor of Chemistry and Food Research
Fatty acids - V. Nutritional aspects of oils and
taria. fats - VI. Factors that affect the physical
SCHENKER, D. Chemistry Professor of the Food characteristics of oils and fats - VII. Processed -
Department. VIII. oil reactions teas and fats - IX. Products
STURM, W. Professor of Chemistry and Food Research.
VREDEN, N. Professor of Chemistry and Food Research. made with fats and oils - X. Trends in fat
availability in the United States - XI.
Content: 1. Introduction to food chemistry Conclusion.
(nutrition, additives, risks, label c) - 2. Fruits,
1996 13.5 × 21.5 84 pp.
vegetables, legumes - 3. Cereals, bakery and ISBN: 978-84-200-0799-1


Nutritional analysis ISBN: 978-84-200-0919-3
of food Factors to consider on the farm and health risks -
ADRIAN, J., POTUS, J., POIFFAIT, A. Chaire de PART II. Hygiene in meat production:
biochimie industrielle et agroalimentaire. Conservatoire Processing and inspection - La indus meat tria -
national des Arts et Métiers.
DAUVILLIER, P. Scientific Counselor, UFAC.
Pre-slaughter phases - Slaughter and dressing -
Post-mortem inspection of meat - Conservation
Content: List of abbreviations - 1. Antece and processing of meat - Management of meat
before the topic - 2. Sample and analysis safety in the slaughterhouse - PAR TE III.
preparation - 3. General physicochemical Hygiene in production: processing of other foods
methods - 4. Special physicochemical analyzes - and hygiene and safety at the retail and
5. Me to two immunochemicals - 6. consumption stages - Hygiene in the production
Microbiological techniques: determination of and processing of other foods - Hygiene and
group B vitamins - 7. Biological methods with food safety at the sale stage for consumption -
animals - 8. Consider rations on the PART IV. The concept from barn to table - Prin
measurement of safety - List of figures - List of principles of longitudinal and integrated food
tables - Atomic mass of the main chemical safety assurance (LISA).
2000 17 × 24 314 pp. 2009 17 × 24 430 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1116-5

Sensory evaluation of food in CARPENTER, R. Q. Sensory Computing Specialist,

Unilever Research. Colworth, UK. LYON, D. H. Head of
theory and practice Consumer and Sensory Sciences, Campden &
ANZALDÚA MORALES, A. Professor and researcher. Chorleywood Food Research Association, UK and
Faculty of Chemical Sciences, Autonomous University of HASDELL, T. TO. Scientific Services Manager, UK.
Chihuahua. (Mexico). Content: What is sen analysis used for? Sorial?
Content: The five senses - The properties - Relationship between sensory and physio
Sensory tests - Judges and test conditions - analysis ology and psychology - How to use sen
Sensory tests - Sensory evaluation practices - analysis sorial to achieve the goal - Products for
Appendices. sensory analysis - Who are the right people for
sensory analysis? - Ex design perimental and
1994 17 × 24 214 pp. Reimp. 2017 data analysis - Reporting and data storage -
ISBN: 978-84-200-0767-0 Sensory analysis in practice - History:
specification and quality control - History: shelf
Integrated food safety and life studies - History: contaminant research -
History: pollution prevention - His torial:
veterinary public health making a coffee map - Histo rial: quality control
BUNCIC, S. School of Veterinary Science University of in the formation of batches of products - History:
Bristol. graphic methods for controlling the performance
Content: PART I. The farms evils in the context of a profile panel - Appendices: A. Useful tables
of the food chain - Health hazards in the food for sensory tests them - B. Glossary of terms
chain - used in sensory analysis - C. Useful contacts.

Sensory analysis in the 2002 17 × 24 210 pp. Reimp. 2019

development and control of food ISBN: 978-84-200-0988-5


Methods of analysis of the Drinking water quality

charcuterie industry Problems and solutions
FRENCH CANNING TECHNICAL CENTER. Re GRAY, N. F. Trinity College, University of Dublin,
compilation. Ireland.
Content: Weighted controls - Chemical controls See Section VI, f), p. 83.
- Bacteriology controls - Control histological
tests - Serological controls - Méto two
1974 16,5 × 24,5 152pp Lipid analysis
ISBN: 978-84-200-0339-9
Department of Biochemistry, Medical School, Queen's
Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK
Food microscopy Content: Introduction - Basic techniques - Hi
FLINT, O. Procter Department of Food Science, Drocarbons - Alcohols, phenols, aldehydes,
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.
ketones and quinones - Fatty acids and
Content: Choice of equipment for microscopic prostaglandins - Esters - Phospholipids,
analysis of food. Preparation of food for the sulfolipids and related compounds two -
stereomicroscope. Technical Simple ways to Glycolipids - Lipoproteins - Appendices.
prepare samples for the microscope. Use of the
2001 17 × 24 200 pp.
cryotome in the mi food croscopy. Cons ISBN: 978-84-200-0960-5
Techniques te for the analysis of food
components ments. Fat in food. Food starches.
Meat, fish and their products. Vegetable
proteins. Howard count of mo hos in tomato Microbiological analysis
products. Rubbers. Emulsions. Appendix:
Equipment. Materials.
of food and water
Guidelines for quality assurance
1997 17 × 24 146 pp.
LIGHTFOOT, N. F. Public Health Laboratory Service
ISBN: 978-84-200-0816-5
Newcastle upon Tyne UK and MAIER, E. TO. European
Commission DG XII Measurement and Testing Program
Brussels Belgium.

Selection and training guide for Content: Prologue to the 2002 Spanish edition -
Introduction - List of collaborators - Purpose and
a panel of tasters field of application - Implementation of a quality
FORTIN, J. B.Sc. TO. and DESPLANCKE, C. Agri-food assurance program - Personnel, management and
organization - Sampling - Equi pos - Materials -
Content: Preliminary operations: Interest in the Quantitative methods and EVA luation of
creation of a panel of tasters - Recur human and procedures - Analytical quality control in
material resources - Tasting practice - microbiology - Treatment and information me of
Recruitment and selection: Recruitment - lesson results - Accreditation - Annex. States ethics for
- Training: Modalities between training - quality assurance in micro food and water
Organization of tests - Apa rience - Bibliography biology - Appendices: A. Example for the
- Glossary - Annexes. control of membrane filters with statistical
2001 17 × 24 124 pp. evaluation - B. Sample preparation for first-level
ISBN: 978-84-200-0930-8 quality control in plate counts and filtration.
2002 17 × 24 256 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0991-9

Modern analysis methods Microbiological analysis of red

food meat, poultry and eggs
MAIER, H. g. Professor Ph.D. in Phil. Nat. MEAD, G. c.
Volume I: Content: Queue contact details drafters -
Optical methods Introduction - 1. Microbiological analyzes in
Content: Introduction - Absorption - food safety and ges tion of quality - 2.
Fluorimetry - Flame photometry - Polarimetry - Legislation applicable to red meat, poultry and
Refractometry - Atomic absorption eggs: which way forward guide? - 3.
spectrophotometry. Escherichia coli O157 and other VTECs in the
Second edition meat industry - 4. Microorganisms in fecal
1981 13.5 × 21.5 116 pp. indicators for meat and poultry - 5. Spoiling
ISBN: 978-84-200-0395-6*
microorganisms in red meat and poultry - 6. Red
meat sampling - 7. Sampling methods for
Volume III:
products made with poultry meat - 8.
Electrochemical and enzymatic methods
Microbiological surveillance of cleaning and
Content: 1. Electrochemical methods - In disinfection in the food industry mentality - 9.
Introduction - Dielectrometry (DK measurement, Microbiological analysis of hue you and egg
dielectrimetry) - Conductometry - Potentiometry products -10. Detection and counting of
- Voltammetry - Polarography. Voltammetry -
pathogens in meat, poultry and egg products -
Amperometry - Coulometry - Electrophoresis -
11. Techniques for the identification of
2. Enzymatic methods - Introduction - With
microorganisms of food origin - 12. Validation
Basic concepts of reactions catalyzed by
enzymes - Apparatus and reagents - Use in food of analytical methods used two in food
analysis - Tests - Preparation of food samples. microbiology - 13. Roast Quality guration in the
food microbiology laboratory - Appendix I: Pro
1982 13,5 × 21,5 166 pp.
ISO/IUPAC/AOAC international harmonized
ISBN: 978-84-200-0487-7
protocol for assessing laboratory competence
Food analysis: analysis ratories (chemical) - Appendix II: Di
Fundamentals, methods, applications guidelines on measurement uncertainty.
2009 17 × 24 362 pp.
MATISSEK, R. Dr. rer. Nat. Skilled. Dipl.- Eng. Professor ISBN: 978-84-200-1128-8
at the Institute of Food Chemistry of the Technical
University of Berlin.
SCHNEPEL, F. M. Dr. rer. Nat. and STEINER, G. Dr.
rer. Nat.
MORTIMORE, S. Director of Quality Pillsbury Europe,
Content: General assessments in the analysis of UK and WALLACE, C . General Manager, Consultancy
foods - Fats and fatty substances - Proteins, and Training Division Reading Scientific Services Ltd, UK
peptides and amino acids - Carbohydrates -
Contents: Preface - Foreword by the series
Other special components - Additives -
editor - Section 1. Introduction to HACCP: Pre
Contaminants - Residues - Basic information on
Frequently asked questions: What is HACCP? -
instrumental methods: Analysis - Abbreviations,
Where does it come from? - How does it work? -
acronyms, symbols and constants.
What Are they the seven principles? - Is it
EXHAUSTED difficult to use? - Why use it? - What type of
company can use HACCP? - Are there
1998 17 × 24 430 pp. approx.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0850-9 misunderstandings about HACCP? - How does a
company know if HACCP is doing its job? -
What is real mind is implanted in the workplace?
- How do you write a HACCP plan? - Who

carries out the HACCP study? - What is the legal Inspection of foods ments in search of foreign
point of view on HACCP? - What are the other matter - La cro high resolution liquid
drivers of the use of HACCP? - How much does matography - La cro gas matography - The
it cost? - Is there anything else I should know? - measurement of viscosity using a Brookfield
Section 2. The HACCP system explains c: viscometer.
HACCP System Review: How do all the 2007 21 × 26,5 170 pp.
elements fit together? - HACCP in context to the ISBN: 978-84-200-1059-5
rest of the management activities: What is
HACCP and what is not? - What does it take to
get started? czar? The preparation and planning
stage - Section 3. HACCP in practice: Prepare Food analysis
tion for the development of the HACCP plan -
NIELSEN, S. S. Purdue Univ. West Lafayette, Indiana.
Apli cation of the principles - Implementation of
the HACCP plan - Maintenance of the HACCP Content: Authors - Preface - Abbreviations -
system - Conclusion - Epilogue - Appendices: A. Part I. General information - 1. Intro duction
Practical case titic. Frozen cheesecake - B. to food analysis - 2. The regulations of the
Acronyms and glossary - References - HACCP United States government two and the
Resources. international regulations related ned with food
analysis - 3. Nutritional labeling - 4. The
Second edition in preparation
evaluation of analytical data - 5. Sampling and
2004 17 × 24 160 pp. Reimp. 2015 preparation tion of the sample - Part II.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1035-9
Analysis of food composition - 6. The analysis
sis of humidity and total solids content - 7. The
analysis of the ashes - 8. Analysis of crude fat -
Food analysis 9. Protein analysis - 10. The analysis of
Laboratory manual carbohydrates - 11. Analysis of vitamins - 12.
Inorganic analysis - Part III. The properties
NIELSEN, S. S. Purdue Univ. West Lafayette, Indiana. chemical properties and characteristics of
foods - 13. pH and titratable acidity - 14. The
Content: Preface and acknowledgments - Ob
characterization of fats - 15. Procedures for
Notes on Concentration Calculations tions -
separation and character therization of proteins -
Nutritional labeling using a computer program -
16. The use of enzymes in food analysis - 17.
Assessment of accuracy titude and precision -
Immunoassays - 18. Analysis methods for
Determination of count moisture nest -
agricultural biotechnology (GMOs) - 19.
Determination of content fat - The determination
Analysis of pesticide remains das, mycotoxins
of protein nitrogen - The phenol-sulfuric acid
and medications in foods ments - 20. Analysis of
method for total carbohydrates - The
the presence of mate strange quarrels - 21.
determination nation of vitamin C by the
Determination of oxygen demand - Part IV. The
indophenol method - The complexometric
Specters copy - 22. The basic principles of the
determination of calcium - The determination of
spec throscopy - 23. Ultraviolet, visible and
sodium using ion selective electrodes, Mohr's
fluorescence spectroscopy - 24. The spec
volumetry and indicator rods - The
infrared troscopy - 25. Atomic absorption and
determinations nations of sodium and potassium
emission spectroscopy - 26. The spec mass
by means of atomic absorption spectroscopy and
trometry - Part V. The chromatograph fia - 27.
inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy-atomic
The basic principles of chromate graphy - 28.
emission - Standard solutions and titratable
High-performance liquid chromatography - 29.
acidity - Characteristics tion of fats - Fish muscle
Gas chromatography - Part VI. The physical
proteins: extraction, quantification and
properties of foods ments - 30. Rheological
electrophoresis - Enzymatic analysis for de end
foundations for food analysis - 31. The thermal
the glucose content - The detection tion of
analysis co - 32. Color analysis.
gliadin in foods by means of the immunoassay -

2008 21 × 26,5 672 pp.

ISBN: 978-84-200-1114-1 Storage of fruits and vegetables
in controlled atmospheres
THOMPSON, A. K. Professor Department of
Technology post-harvest gy, Cranfield Silsoe University,
Analysis of food nutrients Bedfor, Great Britain.

OSBORNE, D. R. Unilever researcher. Bedford, In Content: Introduction - Current use of the soul
england. dining in controlled atmospheres for fruit
VOOGT, P. Unilever researcher. Vlaardingen/ Duiven, vegetables and vegetables - The effect of storage
Zevenaar, Netherlands.
in controlled atmospheres on flavor, quality ity
Contents: Part I: Chemistry, biological function and physiology - Effect of storage in controlled
and analysis of nutrients in foods - What mica atmospheres on pests and on diseases - Influence
and biological function of nutrients - Quími ca of environmental factors bientales on storage in
and biological function of micronutrients - controlled atmospheres - Packaging in modified
Analysis of nutrients in foods - Recommended atmospheres - Recommended conditions for
intake of nutrients and interpretation - Tables of storage in controlled atmospheres of selected
food composition - Bibliography - Part II : products - References.
Methods of analysis of nutrients in foods -
General preparation of the sample - Moisture 2003 17 × 24 288 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1019-9
and total solids - Protein nases and nitrogenous
compounds - Carbohydrates - Lipids - Ashes,
elements and components in organic - Vitamins
and fat-soluble vitamins - Water-soluble Analytical microscopy
vitamins - Calorific value calculation.
1985 17 × 24 258 pp. WALLIS, T. AND. D.Sc. (London), FRIC, FPS F. YO.
EXHAUSTED Biol., Member of the Hon Analytical Chemistry Society,
ISBN: 978-84-200-0571-3 FRMS

Content: Simple methods for treatment

preliminary analysis of the materials to be
analyzed - Cor histological tests and preparation
of structures Perficial - Sedimentation and
Physical properties of foods centrifugation - Malaxado. Starch and bran -
Levigation and use of solvents - Solvents and
SAHIN, S. and SUMNU, S. g. Department of Food Engi clarifiers - Other pretreatments -
neerings, Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Microschemistry copic - Micromorphology -
Sublimation and pre cipitation - Dyes and stains
Content: 1. Size, shape, volume, and related - Medicio nes and drawings - Quantitative
physical attributes - 2. Rheological properties of microscopic analysis - Appendices.
foods - 3. Thermal properties of foods - 4.
Electromagnetic properties - 5. Water activity 1968 13,5 × 21,5 318 pp.
and sorption properties of foods - 6. Surface ISBN: 978-84-200-0072-5
properties of foods.
2009 17 × 24 316 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1126-4
Nutritional supplements and
functional foods
WEBB, G. Q. School of Health and Biosciences
University of East London, UK.

See Section V, p. 37.


Toxic plants. Dangerous vegetables Food poisoning of microbial origin and of a
for humans and animals toxic nature. Other pathogenic bacteria.
Mycotoxigenic fungi. Viruses and protozoa.
BRUNETON, J. Laboratory diagnosis. Epi demiology.
Microbiological control of production tion of
Content: Introduction - Abbreviations - First
food. Food safety and legislation tion.
part. Generalities: Man and plants: influence Appendices: Classification of foods into safe and
injuries and accidents linked to vegetables - dangerous. Mani Basics food preparation and
They matter Quantitative science - preventive measures.
Circumstances of incidents and accidents - Risks
1994 17 × 24 224 pp.
associated with phytotherapy and traditional ISBN: 978-84-200-0762-5
medicines - Treatment of poisoning plant tions -
Identification of the causative plant - Digestive
decontamination methods - Documentary means
- Animal poisonings by plan tas - Second part.
Introduction to plant toxicology
Monographs - Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms Consultant nary of the Food and Agriculture Organization
- Pteridophyta - Gymnospermae: Cycadopsids. (FAO) of the United Nations. Former Director and
Gnetopsids. Pinopsids. Taxopsida - Professor of Veterinary Surgery at Glasgow Veterinary
Angiosperms: Aceraceae. Amaryllidaceae. College.
Anacardiaceae. Apiaceae. Apocynaceae. Content: Considerations about the plans toxic
Araceae. Araliaceae. Asteraceae. Berberidaceae. Plant toxins. Plant poisoning. About animals
Boraginaceae. Brassicaceae. Buxaceae. poison two. Toxic plants. Molds and ergot I have
Cactaceae. Cannabaceae. Caprifoliaceae. Poisonous mushrooms. Plants possibly seen
Celastraceae. Coriariaceae. Crassulaceae. nenosas Plants that alter milk. Glossary.
Cucurbitaceae. Ericaceae. Euphorbiaceae. 1968 12.5 × 19.5 208 pp.
Fabales. Fagaceae. Hippocastanaceae. ISBN: 978-84-200-0082-4
Juglandaceae. Lamiaceae. Lauraceae. Liliaceae.
Myrtaceae. Oleaceae. Papaveraceae.
Phytolaccaceae. Piperaeae. Poaceae. Food hygiene and toxicology
Polygonaceae. Primulaceae. Ranunculaceae.
Rhamnaceae. Rosaceae. Rubiaceae. Rutaceae. HOBBS, B. c. EITHER. St.J. D.Sc,, Ph.D., FRC Path.,
Dip. Bact., FRSH Former Director of the Ali Hygiene
Sapindaceae. Scrophulariaceae. Solanaceae. Laboratory ments, Central Public Health Laboratory.
Sterculiaceae. Verbenaceae. Viscaceae. London. ROBERTS, D. PhD., FlBiol, Deputy Director,
Zygophyllaceae - Annexes: Glossary of Food Hygiene Laboratory, Central Public Health
botanical terms - Elements of phytochemistry - Laboratory, London.
Table of illustrations. Content: Part I. Poisoning and infection nes of
food origin. Introduction. Bacte elemental
2001 17 × 24 540 pp.
riology. Bacteria and other microorganisms
ISBN: 978-84-200-0935-3
organisms that cause food poisoning and food-
borne infections ments. Reservoirs and vehicles
Food poisoning of microbial of infection and diffusion mechanisms.
Epidemiology. Outbreaks of food poisoning and
etiology other diseases foodborne illnesses. Ecology of
ELEY, A. R. Department of Clinical Microbiology Ex
microorganisms in food. Alteration and
perimental. University of Sheffield, UK. conservation. Part II. Food hygiene in the
Content: General considerations. Intoxi food prevention of food poisoning. Factors that
cation of bacterial and ca infectious character. contribute to bro food poisoning. personal

hygiene end of the food handler. Preparation, chemical substances. Normal toxic effects of
cooking, cooling and conservation. Hygiene ne sus chemical substances. Abnormal responses
in the food industry. Food hygiene in retail trade. to chemical substances. The foundations of
Cleaning and disinfection. Facilities and toxicity selective ity. The foundations of
equipment for indus food triads. Pest control. antidotic therapy. Principles of biological
Legislate tion. Microbiological specifications. toxicity tests. Toxicological test methods.
Educate tion. Food hygiene in the tropics.
1982 17 × 24 274 pp.
EXHAUSTED ISBN: 978-84-200-0503-4
1997 17 × 24 492 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0838-7

Food Expiration
Food allergy and intolerance MAN, D. Principal Lecturer in Food Sciences at the
School of Applied Science, South Bank University,
LESSOF, M. H. Emeritus Prof. of Medicine. United London.
Medical and Dental Schools Guy's and Thoma's Hospitals.
Contents: Preface to the second edition - Pre
Content: Nutrition in the modern world. Food face to the first edition - Section 1 Introduce tion
intolerance and attitude towards them. Food and to the shelf life of foods: Frequently asked
alternative medicine. Physiolo digestion guide. questions - 1.1 What is shelf life? - 1.2 What is
Mechanisms of food intolerance. Clinical the relationship between food safety and shelf
manifestations. Food Additives. Cow's milk and life? - 1.3 Who should care about the shelf life
some alternatives you go. Gluten sensitivity and of food? - 1.4 Who is responsible for
celiac disease. The patient's dilemma. Glossary. establishing the useful life? - 1.5 Is it illegal to
1996 17 × 24 230 pp.
give an inadequate shelf life to an ali ment? - 1.6
ISBN: 978-84-200-0807-3 How long will the useful life of a product be? -
1.7 What does deterrence consist of? rapid
reduction of useful life? - 1.8 What resource Are
Food toxicology these needed to establish the useful life? - 1.9
How is the end of the product's useful life
LINDNER, E. Professor of Pharmacology at the
University Giessen city. usually established? - 1.10 How do you
guarantee that the useful life of the products is
Content: Toxic substances in food natural correct and reproducible? cible? - 1.11 Can
coughs and in condiments - Intoxica tions due to computer models be useful to establish useful
improper preparation or alteration of food - Food life? - 1.12 What does test analysis consist of? -
additives cios - Food allergies. 1.13 Can the useful life of a product be
EXHAUSTED extended? - 1.14 What do storage tests consist
Second edition of? to establish the useful life? - 1.15 Food waste
and shelf life: Where is the pro? problem? - 1.16
1995 17 × 24 274 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0776-2
Summary - Section 2 How food deteriorates and
spoils - 2.1 Pro processes by which food
Toxicology Fundamentals deteriorates and spoils - 2.2 Factors that
LOOMIS, T. TO. Ph.D. M.D. Professor of Pharmacology, influence the shelf life of food - 2.3 Summary -
Washington University School of Medicine. Scattle, Sec tion 3 Determination of useful life in
Washington (USA). practice ethics - 3.1 Practical case 1.
Content: Quantitative aspects of toxicology. Refrigerated food - 3.2 Practical case 2. French
Biological factors that influence toxicity. fries for aperi tive - 3.3 Practical case 3.
Carbonated soft drink - 3.4 Case study 4.
Chemical factors that influence yen about
Vegetable sauce - 3.5 Practical case 5. Baked
toxicity. Influence of the route of administration
and frozen sponge cake - 3.6 Summary -
on toxicity. Genetic factors that influence
Epilogue - Appendix A: The Arrhenius model -
toxicity. Classi fication of the harmful effects of

Appendix B: The CIMSCEE formula for disease

microbiological safety and stability - References SMITH, L. Ds. Ph.D.
- Alphabetical index.
Content: Historical introduction. The Microor
2018 17 × 24 148 pp. Second edition ganism. The spores. Bacteriophages,
ISBN: 978-84-200-1181-3
bacteriocins, bacteriolysins. Detection and
isolation. Pre essence of Clostridium botulinum.
Compendium of food risks Clostridium botulinum toxins. Action of toxins.
Botulinum toxoids. Human botulism: present
MOLL, M. Docteur de l'université Henri Poincaré-Nancy I tation. Botulism in man: the disease. Botulism in
Consultant international and MOLL, N. Docteur ès
sciences physiques Expert chimiste. mammals. Botulism in birds.
Contents: Prologue - Acknowledgments - List 1980 17 × 24 230 pp.
of abbreviations - Index of figures - Index of ISBN: 978-84-200-0451-8
tables - Part I. Presentation of potential hazards
them in human nutrition - Section 1.
Microbiological and parasitic contaminants -
pathogenic clostridia
Chapter 1. Microbiological and parasitic STERNE, M. Director of the Department of Aerobic
Bacteriology and Immunology at Wellcome Laboratories.
contaminants - Section 2. Chemical
BATTY, I. Immunologist from the same laboratory.
contaminants cos and its prevention - Chapter 1.
League risks two to agriculture - Chapter 2. Content: General considerations. Role of
Risks linked to the environment - Chapter 3. clostridia in infection. Selection and with sample
Risks linked to eating habits - Chapter 4. Risks servation. Sample Examination: Equi pos and
linked to conservation treatments - Chapter 5. reagents. Examination of samples: Procedi lies.
Food allergies and intolerances - Bibliography - Criterion for the diagnosis of infections caused
Part II. Glossary. by clostridia. Infection experiment such in
2006 17 × 24 400 pp. laboratory animals. Microphone appearance
ISBN : 978-84-200-1068-7 copy of the colonies in the culture media.
1978 13,5 × 21,5 170 pp.
Introduction to food toxicology ISBN: 978-84-200-0393-1

SHIBAMOTO, T. Ambien Toxicology Department such.

University of California, Davis. Davis. California.
BJELDANES, L. F. Department of Sciences at Nu trition.
University of California, Berkeley
Content: 1. Fundamentals of toxicology - 2.
Determination of food toxins - 3.
Biotransformation - 4. Natural toxins from foods
of animal origin - 5. Natural toxins rales of plant
foods - 6. Fungal toxins from food - 7. Toxic
contaminants cos of food from waste industrial -
8. Pesticide residues from food ments - 9. Food
additives - 10. Toxins formed during food
1996 17 × 24 216 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0822-6

The microorganism, its toxins, the


Supermarkets Ltd, London, UK.

Food microbiology
Content: 1. Background - 2. Outbreaks: causes
ADAMS, M. R. and MOSS, M. EITHER. University of
Surrey, Guildford, UK
and lessons to learn - 3. Factors that influence
the growth and survival of E. coli - 4. Industry
Content: 1. Scope of food microbiology - 2. objective: control of E. coli - 5. Industry action
Microorganisms and food raw materials - 3. and reaction - 6. Examination methods - 7. The
Factors that influence the growth and survival of future - Glossary of terms.
microorganisms nisms in food - 4. Microbiology 2000 17 × 24 242 pp.
of food preservation - 5. Microbiology of main ISBN: 978-84-200-0910-5
foods - 6. Food microbiology and public health -
7. Bacterial agents of foodborne illness - 8.
Nonbacterial agents of transmitted disease gives Listeria
for food - 9. Fermented foods and microbial A practical approach to the
foods - 10. EXA methods microbiological menu microorganism nism and its control in food
of foods - 11. With control of the
microbiological quality of foods. BELL, Ch. Consultant Food Microbiologist UK.
KYRIAKIDES, A. Company Microbiologist Sainsbury's
EXHAUSTED Supermarkets Ltd, London, UK.
1997 17 × 24 478 pp. Content: 1. General considerations - 2.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0830-1 Outbreaks: causes and lessons to be learned - 3.
Factors affecting the growth and survival of
Listeria monocytogenes - 4. Industrial approach:
control of Listeria mono cytogenes - 5. Industry
Practical guide to the action and reaction - 6. Test methods - 7. The
microbiological analysis of milk future - Glossary of terms - Appendix: national
and dairy products centers for Listeria crop typing.
2000 17 × 24 184 pp.
BEERENS, H. and LUQUET, F. M. Director du CIRDC.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0911-7
Content: Part I: Raw milk. Part II: Pasteurized
milk. Sterilized milk. UHT sterilized milk.
Preserved milk. Part III: Milk processing Clostridium botulinum
products. Butter and its derivatives. The cheeses. A practical approach to the
Consumption cream. The milk ferments you microorganism nism and its control in food
give. Lactoserums. Caseinates. Diet dairy foods.
BELL, Ch. Consultant Food Microbiologist UK.
Dairy desserts. Ice cream and frozen creams. KYRIAKIDES, A. Company Microbiologist Sainsbury's
Part IV: Official interpretation of the Supermarkets Ltd, London, UK.
microbiological criteria. Antibiotic detection tics Content : Background - Epide outbreaks
and sulfonamides in dairy products. myological: causes and lessons to learn - Fac
1990 17 × 24 162 pp. factors that affect growth and survival closure of
ISBN: 978-84-200-0668-0 Clostridium botulinum - The industry focus: the
control of Clostridium botulinum num - Action
Escherichia coli
and reaction of the industry - Méto study two -
A practical approach to the
The future - Glossary of terms - References.
microorganism nism and its control in food
2005 17 × 24 286 pp.
BELL, Ch. Consultant Food Microbiologist UK.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1055-7
KYRIAKIDES, A. Company Microbiologist Sainsbury's

Food microbiology O157:H7 - Yersinia enterocolitica - Shigella

species - Vibrio species - Aeromonas and
BOURGEOIS, C. M. Professor at the University of Bre Plesiomonas species - Clos tridium botulinum -
Western taña.
Clostridium perfringens - Bacillus cereus -
MESCLE, J. F. Professor ENITIAA, Nantes.
ZUCCA, J. Maître de Conférences. University of Nantes. Listeria monocytogenes - Sta phylococcus
Faculty of Sciences. Nantes. aureus - Epidemiology of en foodborne diseases
- IV. Mycotoxigenic molds - Toxigenic
Volume 1: Microbiological aspects of food Aspergillus species - Toxigenic Penicillium
safety and quality species - Fusarium and other toxigenic molds
Content: Part I. Introduction - Part II. The Aspergillus and Penicillium reds - V. Viruses -
behavior of microorganisms in foods - Part III . Foodborne viruses - VI. Parasites transmitted by
Food poisoning and toxi-infections - Part IV. food and water - Meat helminths - Helminths
Food spoilage flora - Part V. Study of the transmitted with fish, shellfish and other foods -
microflora of foods and their effects - Part VI. Parasitic protozoa transmitted by food ments and
Destruction of microorganisms - Part VII. by water - VII. Methods of conservation vation
Stabilization of food by inhibition of and preservatives - Physical methods of food
microorganism growth nisms. preservation - Preservatives here natural
antimicrobial compounds and fungi - Biological
1994 17 × 24 460 pp. conservation and bacterial systems probiotic rias
ISBN: 978-84-200-0771-7
- VIII. Food fermentations tarias - Fermented
dairy products - Vegeta Fermented foods -
Volume 2: Food Fermentations Fermented meat, poultry and fish products -
BOURGEOIS, C. M. Professor at the University of Bre Traditional fermented foods - Cocoa and coffee -
Western taña. Beer - Wine - IX. Advanced techniques in food
LARPENT, J. Q. Professor at the University of Clermont microbiology - Detection of microorganisms for
II. foodborne togens and their toxins. Conventional
Content: Part I. Fermentation microorganisms - methods versus rapid and automated methods -
Part II. Fermentation of plant products - Part Genetic and immunological techniques to detect
III . The ferment tion of animal products - Part pathogenic micro-organisms and foodborne
IV. pers pectives. toxins - Predictive modeling - The system ma of
risk analysis and identification and with hotspot
1995 17 × 24 386 pp. troll. Its use in the control of dangers of
ISBN: 978-84-200-0784-7
microbial origin.
Food microbiology 2001 21 × 26,5 816 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0933-9
Foundations and borders
T. J. Meat parasites Epidemiology,
Content: I. Factors of special relevance in food pathophysiology, zoonotic incidences
microbiology - La evolu tion of food EUZÉBY, J. Dr. in veterinary medicine, Dr. honoris
microbiology - Prin principles that influence causa from the Universities of Turin and Timisoara.
growth, super microbial experience and death in Honorary professor of the Veterinary Schools of Lyon.
food - Spores and their significance - Content: Introduction and preliminary notions
Microorganis mos indicators and res - Importance of infections and infestation
microbiological criteria - II. Microbial alteration
parasitic diseases of meat and slaughter. Nocio
of food - Meat of mammals, birds and fish -
nes of zoonoses - Part One: Parasites of striated
Milk and products dairy cough - Fruits,
muscle tissue (meat) - 1. Protozoosis of striated
vegetables and grains - III. Foodborne
pathogenic bacteria - Salmonella species - muscles - 1. Generalities - 2. Coccidia - 3.
Campylobacter jejuni - Escherichia coli Sarcosporidiosis - 4. Toxoplasmosis - 2. Worm

infections (Helmintosis) of the tissue striated Safe Food: Microbiology

muscle - A. Helminthoses caused by cestode FORSYTHE, S. J. Department of Life Sciences
parasitism (cestodoses): "muscular cysticercosis" Nottingham Trent University.
- 1. General characteristics of cestodes - 2. Content: Introduction to safe foods ros - Basic
Muscular cysticercosis - B. Helminthoses caused aspects - Transmitted diseases food poisoning -
by trematode parasitism - 1. General Microbial flora of food - Microorganisms that
characteristics of trematodes (staves) - 2. Suid produce food poisoning - Methods of tection -
mesocercariosis - C. Helminthoses caused by Security management instruments food safety -
parasitis nematode mo - 1. General Microbiological criteria - Microbiological risk
characteristics of nematodes - 2. Trichinellosis assessment - Rule ments and authorities -
(Trichinosis) - 3. Minor nematodoses of striated Glossary of terms - Appendix: Food safety
muscle tissue - 3. Entomosis of striated muscles resources on the Internet (World Wide Web) -
- Second Part: Parasites of the viscera (offal) - 4. References.
Parasites of the liver and peritoneal cavity - 5. 2003 17 × 24 410 pp.
Verminous infections of the stomach, ISBN: 978-84-200-1017-5
forestomachs and intestine of ruminants - 6.
Gastric helminthosis of pigs - 7. Intestinal
parasites - 8. Parasites of the abdominal cavity -
9. Parasites of the lungs and thoracic cavity - 10. Food microbiology
Parasitosis of the brain and nerve centers FRAZIER, W. c. Professor Emeritus of Bacteriology at
cerebrospinal disorders - 11. Parasitosis of the University of Wisconsin.
connective tissue (and ligaments) - Alphabetical WESTHOFF, D. c. Associate Professor of Food
index. Microbiology at the University of Maryland.
2000 17 × 24 448 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0925-4
Content: Part I. Food and microorganism
nisms: 1. Foods as substrates for microorganisms
Methods for the study of - 2. important microorganisms tants in food
thermophilic sporulated microbiology - 3. Food contamination - 4.
General principles on which food alteration is
bacteria of interest in the food based, chemical modifications caused by
and health industries FIELDS, M. microorganisms - Part II. Ge principles nerals of
Department of Food Science and Nutrition. University food preservation: 5. Prin general principles of
of Missouri. food conservation cough: asepsis, elimination of
Content: First part : General information ral. microorganisms and anaerobiosis - 6.
Introduction to the biology of sporulating Conservation through em use of elevated
thermophilic bacteria. Crops. ge methods nerals temperatures - 7. Preserve tion by using low
for study in the laboratory - Part two: temperatures - 8. Conservation by drying - 9.
Physiology. Nutrition. Studies of the laboratory Preserve tion of food using additives - 10. With
on sporulation. laboratory studies ratory on servation by irradiation - Part III. Contami
germination, growth and dormancy - Part nation, conservation and alteration of different
Three: Taxonomy. Soil ecology. Laboratory types of foods: 11. Pollution, conservation vation
studies on taxon mine. Field study on bacte and alteration of cereals and grain products
ecology sporulated thermophilic rias. laboratory derivatives - 12. Contamination, conservation
study river on the ecology of soil thermophiles - and alteration of sugars and sugary products -
Part four : Sterilization. Sterilization in the food 13. Contamination, conservation and alteration
and healthcare industries. of fruits and vegetables - 14. With tamination,
1978 17 × 24 250 pp.
conservation and alteration of carbon nes and
ISBN: 978-84-200-0389-4
meat products - 15. Contamination, conservation
and alteration of fish and other marine products -

16. pollution, with preservation and alteration of References - Some useful directions.
eggs - 17. With tamination, conservation and Reprint 2006
alteration of birds - 18. Pollution, conservation
2001 24,5 × 31 58 pp.
and alteration tion of milk and dairy products - EXHAUSTED
19. Alters tion of canned foods subjected to ISBN: 978-84-200-0940-7
processing thermal treatment - 20. Various foods
- Part IV. Foods and enzymes produced by
microorganisms: 21. Production of crops for Food Microorganisms 1
food fermentation - 22. Fer food mentions - 23. Its meaning and enumeration methods
Foods and enzymes of microbial origin - Part V.
Food in relation to diseases: 24. Food diseases of Content: Part I. Meaning of micro organisms
bacte etiology riana - 25. Poisonings, infections and their toxins in food: Indicator
and food-borne toxicities of non-bacterial microorganisms - Bacteria pro leading to
etiology - 26. Investigation of foodborne illness foodborne illnesses - Foodborne parasites and
outbreaks - Part VI. Sa nity, control and viruses - Foodborne microbial toxins - Important
inspection of food: 27. considerations for the food analyst - Part II.
Food Sanitation Microbiology - 28. Food control Recommended methods for the microbiological
- Appendix. analysis of foods: Introduction - Preparation and
Fourth edition Reimp. 2018 dilution of food homogenates - Enumeration of
1993 17 × 24 698 pp.
aerobic mesophilic microorganisms: Plate count
ISBN: 978-84-200-0734-2
methods - Bacte coliform bacteria -
Enterobacteriaceae - Enteroco cos - Hemolytic
streptococci - Mold and yeast counts -
Guide for developing a cleaning Salmonella - Sighelas - Es Enteropathogenic -
and disinfection plan For use in cherichia coli (ECE) - Vibrio parahaemolyticus -
companies in the food sector Vibrio cholerae - Staphylo coccus aureus -
Staphylococcal enterotoxins - Clostridium
HYGINOV botulinum - Clostridium perfringens - Bacillus
Content: First part: What to do and how to do cereus - Part III. Conditions that must be met by
it? - YO. Introduction - I.1. Introduction - I.2. the ingredients, the means of cultivation tive and
Main definitions - II. Dirt - II.1. Dirt condition - reagents - Appendices.
II.2. Dirt classification - II.3. Nature and Second edition
properties of dirt - II.4. Dirt/surface ratio - III.
2000 17 × 24 464 pp.
Risk level - III.1. Estimation of the risk level - ISBN: 978-84-200-0908-7
III.2. Consequences on cleaning and disinfection
protocols - IV. The stages of cleaning and
disinfection - V. Water and pros ducts - V.1. Food Microorganisms 2
Water - V.2. Cleaning products - V.3. Sampling methods for microbiological
Disinfectant agents - VI. Application methods analysis:
and utensils - VI.1. Clean polluting gases - VI.2. Principles and specific applications
Premises and furniture - VI.3. Materials -
Second part: My cleaning plan piece and
disinfection - VII. The writing of the documents Content: Part I. Principles - 1. Significant
- VII.1. Inventory - VII.2. Protocol - VII.3. microbiological criteria for foods - 2. Concepts
Control records - Third part: Control - VIII. The of probability and sampling - 3. Principles for
control plan - VIII.1. Control chemical, visual obtaining samples - 4. Appropriate sampling
programs - 5. Elec tion of the sampling program
and microbiological - VIII.2. Analysis
according to the objective tive - 6. Sampling
techniques - VIII.3. Registration of the trolls -
programs for situ tions with direct risk of the
VIII.4. Environmental controls - Annexes:

presence of pathogens - 7. Control at the point of personnel - Knowledge cough required by staff
origin - approach to the risk analysis system and and the public - Part Two: Applications -
identification and control of critical points - 8. Production and harvesting of plant foods -
Application of variable programs - 9. Re Production of animal products - Food processing
collection and handling of samples and - Eating cialization and retail sales - Food
analytical units - Part II. Specific proposals for service - Homes - Appendices: I. Statistical
sampling and sampling programs - 10. aspects of verification or monitoring - II.
Introduction: Application and uses of criteria - Objectives and activities of the ICMSF - III.
11. Sampling programs for raw meats - 12. Members of the ICMSF and its subcommittees,
Sampling programs for car nes processed - 13. consultants - IV. Contributors to the ICMSF
Sampling programs for poultry meat and derived
maintenance funds or the health check program
products - 14. Sampling programs for feed of
all for 1982-1987 - V. ICMSF Publications - VI.
animal origin and pet food - 15. Sampling
Laboratories that collaborate in the testing or
programs for milk and dairy products - 16.
Sampling programs for eggs and egg products - verification of ICMSF microbiological analysis
17. Sampling programs for fish and ma cliffs - techniques.
18. Sampling programs for hor talizas, fruits and EXHAUSTED
nuts - 19. Sampling programs for soft drinks, 1991 17 × 24 352 pp.
juices, concentrates and fruit preserves - 20. Pro ISBN: 978-84-200-0716-8
Sampling programs for cereals and their
programs ducts - 21. Sampling programs for es
spices, condiments and gums - 22. Sampling Food Microorganisms 5
programs for fats and oils - 23. Pro sampling Characteristics of microbial pathogens
grams for sugar, cocoa, cho colate and pastry ICMSF
products - 24. Program more sampling for Content: 1. Aeromonas - 2. Bacillus cereus - 3.
formulated foods - 25. Sampling program for Brucella - 4. Campylobacter - 5. Clostridium
mining waters natural waters, other bottled botu linum - 6. Clostridium perfringens - 7.
waters, process waters and ice - 26. Shelf-stable Escherichia coli intestinal pathogen - 8. Listeria
canned foods - Appendices - Glossary. monocytoge nes - 9. Parasites: Anisakidae - 10.
Second edition Parasites: Taenia spp. ( T. saginata and T.
1999 17 × 24 282 pp. solium ) - 11. Parasites: Trichinella spiralis - 12.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0890-5 Plesiomonas - 13. Pseu domonas cocovenenans -
14. Salmonella - 15. Toxins of microbial origin
from marine foods - 16. Shigella - 17.
The analysis system Staphylococcus aureus - 18. Streptococcus - 19.
Toxigenic fungi: As pergillus - 20. Toxigenic
of risks and critical points: fungi: Fusarium - 21. Toxigenic fungi:
Its application to the food industries Penicillium - 22. Vibrio cholerae - 23. Vibrio
ICMSF parahaemolyticus - 24. Vibrio vulnificus - 25.
Content: First part: Principles - Viruses - 26. Yersinia enterocolitica - Additional
Microbiological control of food situations to readings - Animal modeling Microbial exposures
apply the ARICPC system - Analysis approach in foods - Appendix I: Objectives and
sis of risks and identification and control of achievements of the ICMSF - Appendix II:
critical points to control food safety and quality. Com ICMSF speakers - Appendix III:
Application of the ARICPC system - Hygienic Contribute contributions to the ICMSF
design of areas where food is prepared - maintenance fund - Appen says IV: ICMSF
Hygienic considerations for the design Publications.
equipment design and use - Cleaning and 1998 19 × 25 612 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0854-7
disinfection tion - Health and hygiene of

Food Microorganisms 6 sausages (frankfurters) - Escherichia coli

O157:H7 in frozen beef burgers minced beef -
Microbial ecology
Appendices: A. Glossary - B. Objectives and
of food products
achievements of the international commission of
ICMSF specifics microbiological properties of foods - C.
Content: Meat and meat products - Poultry meat Pair participants in the ICMSF - D. ICMSF
and derived products - Fish and pro derivative Publications - E. List of sources.
pipelines - Animal feed and food companion 2004 21 × 26,5 382 pp. Reimp. 2013
ailments - Vegetables and vegetable products - ISBN: 978-84-200-1037-3
Fruits and fruit products - Spices, dehydrated
soups and oriental condiments - Cereals and Food Microorganisms 8 Using Data
derivatives - Nuts, oilseeds and dried legumes - to Assess Process Control and Product
Cocoa, chocolate and jams - Foods based on oils Acceptance
and fats - Sugar, syrups and honey - Non-
alcoholic drinks, fruit juices, concentrates and ICMSF
jams - Water - Eggs and egg products - Milk and Contents: Table of terms English/Spanish from
dairy products - Prevention of incorrect use of Spain/Spanish from Latin America - Preface -
foods ments after processing - Appendix I. Contributors and reviewers - Abbreviations -
Objectives and achievements of the ICMSF - Part 1. Fundamentals of data management in
Appendix II. ICMSF Participants - Appendix III. microbiological control - Usefulness of
Contribute yents to the ICMSF maintenance microbial tests for safety and quality - Valida
fund - Appendix IV. ICMSF Publications. tion of control measures - Verification of
2001 21 × 26,5 608 pp. processing control - Verification of
ISBN: 978-84-200-0934-6 environmental control - Corrective actions to
restore cer control - Microbiological testing in
relationships between supplier and customer -
Microorganisms in food 7 Part II. Applications of principles to product
Microbiological analysis in food safety categories - Applications and use of crite rios
management and other tests - Meat and meat products -
ICMSF Poultry meat and derived products - Fish and
fishery products - Feed and food for pets -
Content: Introduction - Editorial Committee -
Vegetables and derivatives - Fruits and
ICMSF members during the preparation of Book
7 - Advisors - Collaborators - Microbiological derivatives - Spices, dehydrated soups and Asian
hazards and their control - Risk assessment and condiments - Cereals and derivatives - Nuts,
establishment of food safety objectives - oilseeds, dried legumes and coffee - Cocoa,
Achievement of the food safety objective with chocolate and jams - Foods based on oils and
control measures - Selection and use of fats - Sugar, syrups and honey - Non-alcoholic
acceptance criteria - Establishment of beverages - Water - Eggs and egg products -
microbiological criteria for the acceptance of a Milk and dairy products teos - Food stabilized
lot - Concepts of probability and principle through trafficking thermal treatment -
Sampling methods - Sampling plans - Selection Dehydrated foods for babies and children -
of cases and attribute plans - Investigative, Combined foods - Appendix ce: Sampling
intensive and reduced sampling - Experiences in considerations and es aspects statistics of
the use of two-class attribute plans for the sampling plans - Calculations for Chapter 2 -
acceptance of lots - Sampling for evaluation - ISO methods cited in the Tables - Objectives and
Control of the environment - Sampling, handling achievements of the ICMSF - Participation
and analysis of the sample - Process control - ICMSF pants - ICMSF publications - Sponsors
Aflatoxins in peanuts - Salmonella in milk of ICMSF activities - Alphabetical index.
powder - Listeria monocytogenes in cooked
2016 17 × 24 500 pp.

ISBN: 978-84-200-1170-7 Fifth edition

2009 21 × 26,5 782 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1125-7
Modern food microbiology
JAY, J. M. University of Nevada Las Vegas. Las Vegas.
Snowfall; LOESSNER, M. J. and GOLDEN, D. TO. Foodborne virus
Content: I: Historical background - History of Advances and challenges
food microorganisms - II: Habitat, taxonomy KOOPMANS, M., CLIVER, D. EITHER. and BOSCH,
and growth parameters - Taxonomy, role and A.
meaning of microorganisms Food organisms - Contents: Authors - Foreword by the Series
Intrinsic parameters cos and extrinsics of foods Editor - Prologue - 1. Historical review of the
that affect microbial growth - III: Microor food virol food guide - 2. Ali transmission virus
ganisms - Fresh meats - Car ne and processed mentality; current situation - 3. trans hepatitis
fish - Fruits and vegetables - Milk, fermentation intestinal mission - 4. The challenge of
and dairy products fermen ted or not - Non-dairy estimating the magnitude of an underreported
fermented foods and products - Miscellaneous disease - 5. Emerging foodborne viral diseases -
foods - IV: Analysis of microorganisms and/or
6. Viral evolution and its importance in the
their products in foods ments - Culture,
epidemic myology of foodborne viruses - 7.
microscopy and sampling methods - Chemical,
Rethinking the detection of viruses in food - 8.
biological and physical methods - Bioassays and
related methods - V: Food protection and some Fixation and inactivation of viruses on and in
properties of bacteria psychrotrophic, food, with attention to bre the function of its
thermophilic and radioresistant species - matrix - 9. Using Codex risk analysis to reduce
Protection of food with chemical substances cas risks associated with viruses in food - 10. Eve
and through biocontrol - Food protection ments luation of the risk of viruses present in foods
through modified atmospheres - Pro protection ments: Opportunities and challenges.
of food by radiation and nature of microbial 2010 17 × 24 266 pp.
radioresistance - Pro protection of food through ISBN: 978-84-200-1154-3
low temperatures tures and characteristics of
psychrotrophic microorganisms - Protection of
food through high temperatures and Cultivation of microorganisms
characteristics of micro-organisms thermophilic
organisms - Food protection cough through
for food production Obtaining,
dehydration - Other methods of food protection - applications and research
VI. Food quality and safety indicators, KUNZ, B.
principles of quality control and microbiological Content: 1. Purpose and importance of the cul
criteria - Indicators of microbial quality and tives of microorganisms with a view to their
safety of foods - The HACCP and FSO systems industrial use - 2. Cultures of microorganisms -
for food safety - VII: Allied diseases ments - 3. Pre Stopping cultures of microorganisms - 4.
Introduction to food pathogens - Staphylococcal Em use of microorganism cultures - 5. Rate tion
gastroenteritis - Intoxicating Food infections
and control of microorganism cultures.
caused by Gram-positive bacteria - Food-borne
listeriosis - Gas Foodborne troenteritis caused by 1986 17 × 24 126 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0575-1
Salmonella and Shigella - Foodborne
gastroenteritis caused by Escherichia coli - Gas
foodborne troenteritis caused by es Vibrio,
Yersinia and Campylobacter species - Pará Industrial microbiology
animal sites of food origin - Mycotoxins - Microorganisms of industrial interest
Viruses and some other biological hazards
proven or suspected of food origin. LEVEAU, J.Y. Prof. de Biotechnologie à l'Ecole
Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agricoles et

Alimentaires. Beef responsible for the Laboratoire de

Microbiologie industrielle. Prof. à l'ENSIA - Massy.
BOUIX, M. Prof. à l'ENSIA - Massy.
Content: 1. Yeasts - Introduction - 1. Taxo
economy - 2. Growth physiology - 3. Metabo
lism - 4. Genetics - 5. Conservation techniques -
6. Industrial applications - 7. Bibliography - 2.
Molds - Introduction - 1. Ecology - 2. Taxonomy
- 3. Developmental biology - 4. Metabolisms and
regulations - 5. Genetics and genetic engineering
- 6. Study and conservation techniques - 7.
Import economic tance - 8. Conclusions -
Bibliography - 3. Lactic acid bacteria - 1.
Taxonomy and ecology - 2. Growth physiology:
metabolism and regulation lation - 3. Genetics
and genetic engineering of lactic acid bacteria -
4. Industrial applications - 5. Study and
conservation techniques - Bibliographic
references - 4. Bifidobacteria - Introduction - 1.
Taxonomy - 2. Physiology - 3. Conclusions - Bi
bliography - 5. Corynebacteria - 1. Interest of
corynebacteria and history of their use - 2. Taxo
economy and ecology of corynebacteria of
industrial interest - 3. Physiology and
metabolism - 4. Mutagenesis and selection of
mutants - 5. genetic engineering ca - 6.
Conservation of strains and specific media - 7.
Bacteriophages - 8. Application performance
industrial cations - Bibliography - 6.
Actinomycetes - 1. Ecology and taxonomy - 2.
Developmental biology - 3. Metabolism - 4.
Genetics - 5. Tech study and conservation
techniques - 6. Industrial applications -
Bibliography - 7. Solvantogenic bacteria of the
genus clostridium - Introduction - 1. Taxo
economy and ecology - 2. Developmental
biology - 3. Metabolism and regulations - 4.
Genetics - 5. Tech study only - 6. Industrial
interest - Bibliography

- 8. Zimomonas - Introduction - 1. History of its Microbiological analysis of red

isolation and ecology - 2. Taxonomy - 3. Goal
bolism - 4. Genetics - 5. Detection, isolation, meat, poultry and eggs
identification and cultivation techniques - 6. MEAD, G. c.
Application industrial purposes.
See Section II, p. 10.
2000 17 × 24 608 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0920-9
Food microbiology
Microbiological analysis of food MONTVILLE, T. J. and MATTHEWS, K. R.
and water Guidelines for quality Department of Food Science, School of Environmental and
Biological Sciences; Rutgers, the State University of New
assurance Jersey; New Brunswick, New Jersey.
LIGHTFOOT, NF Public Health Laboratory Service Content: - Prologue - SECTION I. Basis of
Newcastle upon Tyne UK and MAIER, E.A. European food microbiology - 1. The trajectory of food
Commission DG XII Measurement and Testing Program
Brussels Belgium. microbiology - 2. Relevant factors in food
microbiology - 3. Spores and their importance -
See Section II, p. 9. 4. Detection and re story of microorganisms in
food - 5. Rapid and automated microbiological
EXHAUSTED methods - 6. Indicator microorganisms and
microbiological criteria - SECTION II.
Foodborne pathogenic gram-negative bacteria -
Microbiology of fresh fruits and 7. Salmonella species - 8. Campylo species -
vegetables bacteria - 9. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia
MATTHEWS, K.R. Department of Food Science, Cook
coli - 10. Yersinia enterocolitica - 11. Shigella
College, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New species - 12. Vibrio species - SECTION III.
Brunswick, New Jersey. Foodborne pathogenic gram-positive bacteria
Content: Collaborators - Preface of the edi tor cough - 13. Listeria monocytogenes - 14.
of the series - Preface - Microorganisms Staphylococcus cus aureus - 15. Clostridium
associated with fruits and vegetables - The role botulinum - 16. Clos tridium perfringens - 17.
of good agricultural practices in the safety of Bacillus cereus - SECTION IV. Other important
fruits and vegetables - The biology of foodborne microorganisms in foods ments - 18. Lactic acid
pathogens in agricultural products (fruits and bacteria and food fermentations - 19. Yeast-
vegetables) - Handling and processing after based fermentations and other fermentations -
harvesting lesson: the sources of microorganisms 20. Deteriorating organisms - 21. Molds - 22.
and the impact of cleaning and disinfection Viruses and prions - SECTION V. Control of
procedures - The microbiological safety of fresh microorganisms mos in food - 23. Antimine
agricultural products (fruits and vegetables) cut preservatives crobians - 24. Conservation based
off: what situation do we find ourselves in? shall on biology and probiotic bacteria - 25. Physical
we now? - Seed sprouts: the state of their methods of food serving - 26. Industrial
microbiological safety - The handling tion of strategies to ensure food safety - Pre questions
agricultural products (fruits and vegetables for critical thinking - Glossary - So lution to
fresh) by the consumer. hobbies.
2009 21 × 26,5 478 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1131-8

2008 17 × 24 238 pp.

ISBN: 978-84-200-1100-4

HACCP. Practical approach Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures to

ensure health briity and microbiological quality
MORTIMORE, S. Director of Quality Pillsbury Europe,
UK and WALLACE, C. General Manager, Consultancy
of foods by determining their conformity with
and Training Division Reading Scientific Services Ltd, UK the standards reference values or microbiological
standards - PART III: Standard procedures and
Content: Preface - Prologue - 1. Enter tion to
validity work data for verification or surveillance
HACCP and its role in Food Safety Control - 2.
in food industries and collective catering - I.
Planning and pre paration to achieve effective
food safety management - 3. The dangers, their General principles of Good Laboratory Practices
importance tance and control - 4. Prerequisites in analytical microbiology food ca - II.
for food safety: PRP and operational PRP - 5. Microorga count nisms markers used to assess
Designing food safety - 6. How to carry out a cum compliance with microbiological criteria or
HACCP study - 7. Implementation, verification standards - III. Detection of infective and
and maintenance for permanent risk management toxigenic microorganisms in raw and
- 8. Application of HACCP in different food manufactured foods tureds who have received
sectors - Epilogue - Appendix A. Practical cases security treatment ity, in food and feed
- Appendix B. Per pathogen files - Appendix C. environments - IV. Count of microorganisms
Glossary - Apen D says. Abbreviations and whose presence in excessive numbers indicates
definitions - Referen cias - Alphabetical index. the danger of an incipient alteration - V. Analysis
Third edition of foods possibly involved in outbreaks of food
2018 17 × 24 494 pp. toxi-infections and poisonings or in incidences
ISBN: 978-84-200-1180-6 alteration tees - VI. Microbiological surveillance
of the environment where food is manufactured -
Pro transfer of tables and figures.
Food microbiology Ecological Reprint 2006
foundations to ensure and verify the
2003 21 × 26,5 734 pp.
microbiological integrity (safety and ISBN: 978-84-200-0998-8
quality) of foods
MOSSEL, D. TO. TO. B.M., Ph.D., M.D., D.V.M. (Hon),
FAPHA, FIFST MORENO GARCÍA, B. Professor co Microbiology of plant foods
emeritus of Food Hygiene and Microbiology, University of
León (Spain). STRUIJK, C. b. B.Sc., M.A. (Leiden), Dip.
Med. Biol. Arch. MÜLLER, G. Professor of Microbiology at the University
city of Humboldt, Berlin.
Content: By way of presentation - Prologue - LIETZ, P. Director of the Research Institute of In
Fermentation, Enzymology and Technical Microbiology
Acknowledgments - Glossary and abbreviations industries. Berlin.
used given most frequently in this book - Part I: MUNCH, H. d. Director of the Research Institute for
General principles on which the guarantee of Hygiene and Microbiology in Bad Elster.
safety, microbiological quality and acceptability
Content: Fruits and derivatives. Vegetables and
of foods is based - Main characteristics
greens. Potatoes. Edible mushrooms. Sugar, pro
taxonomic and determinative teristics of the or
sugary ducts and honey. Cereals, flour, starch.
organisms of importance in food - Facto res that
Fats, oils and foods rich in fat sas. Spices and
influence the fate and metabolic activities of
condiments. Drinking water. Be Refreshing non-
microorganisms in foods ments - Diseases of
alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks cas. Coffee,
trans microbial origin caused by food -
tea, cocoa, tobacco. Use of microorganisms to
Mechanism and foundations for the prevention of
obtain organic acids, fats, amino acids, proteins,
mental disorders crobial infections in foods - Part
enzymes more and vitamins. Use and value tion
II: Prevention or control of the safety and
of algae and their products as food and forage or
microbiological quality of foods - Surveillance or
verification microbiological assessment of food -

1981 17 × 24 310 pp. distributors.

ISBN: 978-84-200-0472-3 2000 17 × 24 292 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0905-6

Microbiology of cold-preserved
Food microbiology
Laboratory manual
Content: Characteristics of the microflora of
meats - Characteristics of the psychrophilic YOUSEF, A. AND. and CARLSTROM, C., The Ohio
State University.
microorganisms that develop in meats -
Characteristics of the mesophilic organisms that Content: Preface - Part I. Basic premises of a
do not develop in meats preserved by cold - food microbiology laboratory - Basic
Microflora of the meats refrigerated foods under microbiological techniques - Part II. Food
aerobic conditions - Re Recommendations for microbiota - Total plate count - Molds and yeasts
the conservation of refrigerated meats - - Coliform count in foods - Aerobic and
Microflora of frozen meats das - Defrosting of anaerobic mesophilic spores - Microbiota of the
meats - Microbiological control of meats. food processing environment - Part III.
1979 13,5 × 21 112 pp. Foodborne pathogens - Staphylococcus aureus -
ISBN: 978-84-200-0419-8 Listeria monocytogenes - Salmonella -
Escherichia coli O157:H7 - Part IV. Ferment
Practical food microbiology food preparation - Lactic acid fermentation and
bacteriocin production - Appendices: Laboratory
Methods for the examination of
practices report - Growth kinetics microbial ment
microorganisms in foods of public - Microbiological media.
health interest
2006 17 × 24 312 pp.
ROBERTS, D. BSc PhD CBiol FLBiol, Deputy Director,
ISBN: 978-84-200-1066-3
Food Hygiene Laboratory, Public Health Laboratory
Service, Central Public Health Laboratory, London, UK.
HOOPER, W. BSc MB BCh FRCPath DipBact, Director,
Poole Public Health Laboratory, Poole, Dorset, UK.
Clinical Scientist, Poole Public Health Laboratory, Poole,
Dorset, UK.

Content: Quick reference guide for performing

the tests - Section 1. Indicates tions for sampling
and interpretation of re results - Section 2.
Legislation, codes of practice and
microbiological criteria - Section 3. Programs for
food analysis - Section 4. Sample Preparation -
Sec tion 5. Microorganism count - Sec tion 6.
Isolation and enrichment of me croorganisms -
Section 7. Milk and dairy products - Section 8.
Eggs and egg products - Section 9. Confirmatory
biochemical tests - Appendices: A. Bibliography
- B. Examination of foods suspected of incidents
of food poisoning - C. Reference points cy and
EQA techniques of the PHLS - D. Food analysis
request form - E. List of equipment and tool


Veterinary meat inspection inspection: diseases - Additional processes nals -

Car storage and transportation ne of poultry -
BARTELS, H. Professor Director of the Nutri Institute
Animal Studies at Justus Liebig University. Giessen.
Appendix: Poultry Meat Hygiene Regulations
Content: I. Anatomical foundations for the
recognition of live animals and their canals - II.
Determination of the age and sex of slaughter 1981 13.5 × 21.5 210 pp.
animals - III. Live recognition of slaughter ISBN: 978-84-200-0460-0
animals - IV. Practice of inspection of
slaughtered animals - V. Infectious diseases of
importance in the recognition of live animals Food poisoning of microbial
and in the pection of carcasses (etiology, etiology
presentation, receptivity, sources of contagion,
ELEY, A. R. Department of Clinical Microbiology Ex
pathogenesis, for more clinical, alterations perimental. University of Sheffield, UK.
noticed in vivo, sions noticed on the carcass and
organs, special measures to be adopted during See Section III, p. 14.
inspection and disposal After the same, health
criteria, the disease ity in man) - VI. parasitic
diseases important steps in the recognition of
live animals and in the inspection of meat - VII. Veterinary food hygiene
Most important defects and other anomalies of FEHLHABER, K. and JANETSCHKE, P. Institute of
interest in the recognition of live and carcass Food Hygiene. Veterinary Faculty of the University of
animals - VIII. Diagnostic auxiliary means co in Leipzig.
meat inspection - IX. Particular importance of Content: General part: 1. Requirements that
emergency and sacrificial sacrifices sick food must meet - 2. Causes of health disorders
profession - X. Bacteriological investigation of caused by foods ments - 3. Food alteration - 4.
meat - XI. Trichinoscopic examination - XII. Food preservation methods - 5. Hygienic regime
Processes that post-mortem meat undergoes - of food trade - Special part: 6. Meat - 7. Animal
XIII. Official sealing of the carcasses. fats - 8. Meat products - 9. Poultry and derived
First reprint meat products - 10. Eggs and derived products -
1980 16.5 × 24.5 492 pp. 11. Hunting - 12. Fish, crustaceans and mollusks
ISBN: 978-84-200-0268-2 - 13. Milk and dairy products - 14. Preserves -
Historical review.
1995 17 × 24 690 pp.
Hygiene and inspection of ISBN: 978-84-200-0779-3

poultry meat Food hygiene, Microbiology and

BREMNER, A. S. Poultry Meat Hygiene Advisor. HACCP
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Nottingham.
FORSYTHE, S.J. Department of Life Sciences, The
Content: Poultry production: basic aspects cos - Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK. HAYES,
Avian anatomy - Authorized poultry PR Formerly of Department of Microbiology, The
slaughterhouses: construction and distribution of University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
facilities lations - Technical aspects of poultry Content: Prologue to the third edition - Pró logo
slaughter and dressing - Bacteriology of poultry to the second edition - Prologue to the first
meat - Ante-mortem inspection - Production edition - Fundamental principles of micro
hygiene I and II - Post-mortem inspection:
biology - Food poisoning and other foodborne
processing techniques and defects - Post-mortem
dangers - Dete food river - Microbiological

examination methods - Factory design and storage of waste and garbage - 13. Cleaning and
construction - Factory layout - Design of food disinfection of premises - 14. Pest control - 15.
processing equipment - HACCP and product Laws related to food and hygiene food ne -
quality - Cleaning and disinfection: methods - Solutions to the final test - Res put to the tests of
Cleaning and disinfection: practical applications each section - Food hygiene. The 10 golden
- Hygiene and staff learning - Global food safety rules.
programs and legislation.
1994 17 × 24 144 pp. Reimp. 2011
Second edition Reimp. 2018 ISBN: 978-84-200-0753-3
2002 17 × 24 512 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0986-5
Food hygiene and toxicology
HOBBS, B. c. EITHER. St.J. D.Sc,, Ph.D., FRC Path.,
Health inspection of poultry Dip. Bact., FRSH Former Director of the Food Hygiene
Laboratory, Central Public Health Laboratory. lon drs.
meat ROBERTS, D. PhD., FlBiol, Deputy Director, Food
Hygiene Laboratory, Central Public Health Laboratory,
GROSSKLAUS, D. Prof. Dr. Med. Vet. Dir. Inst. Med. London.
Vet. of Berlin.
See Section III, p. 14.
Content: Production and consumption of
poultry meat. Composition of poultry meat. EXHAUSTED
Qualities or classes. Legal foundations. Breed
and exploit tion of poultry for supply.
Technology and hygiene of bird slaughter.
Recognition of supply birds. Inspection of your
meat and complementary endings. Most
Food hygiene Guidelines for
important diseases and pathological alterations hospitality, restaurant and catering
for meat inspection. Additives not authorized professionals
two and residues harmful to health contained in JOHNS, N. BSc, PhD, Cert. Ed., Dip. FAITH,
poultry meat. Poultry meat and its products AMHCIMA. Reader and Director of Research The Hotel
cough derivatives in commerce. Food poisoning School City College Norwich.
of bacterial origin after consumption of poultry Content: 1. General and food hygiene cough - 2.
meat and its derived products. Food-borne diseases cough, microorganisms and
1982 17 × 24 354 pp. parasites - 3. Food products, processed and
ISBN: 978-84-200-0488-4 cooked - 4. Food hygiene and legislation - 5.
Food hygiene and management of facilities and
Hygiene course for food buildings - 6. Food hygiene and plant and
handlers equipment management - 7. Food hygiene and
personnel management - 8. Food hygiene and
HAZELWOOD, D. Senior Lecture in catering at
Southport College, and Director of Southport Center of
ma nejo of the accused - 9. Food hygiene
Open Learning. McLEAN, A. d. Director of COSMA and strategy and policy - Appendices: Answers to
Southport Center of Open Learning. examples - Glossary.
Content: Objectives - 1. Terminology - 2. What 2000 17 × 24 396 pp.
is food hygiene? - 3. Personal hygiene sonal - 4. ISBN: 978-84-200-0894-3 waste ducts - 11. Pest
What are bacteria? - 5. What is food poisoning? control - 12. Sanitary design and construction of
- 6. Prevention of food poisoning - 7. the count facilities sanitary nes. Principles of food safety -
mination of food - 8. He stores ment of food - 9. 13. Manufacturing of low-moisture foods and
Defrosting food - 10. Mani shop design food sanitary storage - 14. Dairy Factory Sanitation -
preparation - 11. The team - 12. Disposal and 15. Sanitation of the meat and poultry products
factory - 16. Marine products factory health - 17.

Health of the fruit and vegetable processing health.

factory - 18. Sanitation of the beverage EXHAUSTED
manufacturing factory - 19. Health of food 2003 17 × 24 430 pp.
establishments rivers - 20. Management and ISBN: 978-84-200-1012-3

Microbiological analysis of food subsequent processing - II: QUALITY OF BEEF

- 4. The Quality Revolution - 5. Quality of beef
and water. before production - 6. Cali quality of the beef
Guidelines for quality assurance carcass - 7. sensory attributes les and quality - 8.
LIGHTFOOT, N. F. and MAIER, E. TO. Beef quality and demand and consumer
preferences - Glossary.
EXHAUSTED 2010 17 × 24 236 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1146-2
See Section II and IV, p. 9 and 25.
Food health
ROBERTS, H. R. Vice President of the Association.
National Science and Technology of Soft Drinks.

Content: Food health in perspective - Food risks

Food hygiene principles of microbial origin - Ries nutritional risks -
Environmental contaminants - Food risks of
MARRIOTT, N. g. PhD Prof. of Food Science Dep. of
animal origin - Food additives - Food health and
Food Science and Technology. Polytechnic Institute only
Virginia and State University. Blacksburg, Virginia. toxicology.

Content: 1. Health and the food industry taria - 1986 17 × 24 262 pp.
2. Relationships of microorganisms with health - EXHAUSTED
ISBN: 978-84-200-0569-0
3. Sources of food contamination - 4. Personal
hygiene and food handling - 5. The role of
HACCP in health dad - 6. Quality assurance - 7.
Introduction to food hygiene
Com set for cleaning - 8. Sanitary measures - 9. SINELL, H. J. Inst. Food Hygiene, Univ. Berlin.
Sanitary equipment - 10. Disposition of the pro- Content: Basics of food hygiene ments - Food
Microorganisms - In microbial toxications -
HACCP. Practical approach Alteration of foods ments - Conservation and
MORTIMORE, S. Director of Quality Pillsbury Europe, treatment of food - Thermal processes: Cold,
UK and WALLACE, C. General Manager, Consultancy heat - Dese cation - Chemical processes - Salting
and Training Division Reading Scientific Services Ltd, UK - Curing - Smoking - Preservation with chemical
Edition: Second edition 2001 substances - Packaging - Fundamentals of legal
See Section IV, p. 26. measures for consumer protection.
1981 17 × 24 168 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0485-3

Beef Safety and Quality Manual Reviews about science

VanOVERBEKE, D. L. and food technology
Contents: About the Editor - Contributions - WATSON, D. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Preface and Acknowledgments - I: BEEF Food tation. London.
SAFETY - 1. Introduction: The safety of beef - Volume 1
2. Beef safety before production: Production Hygiene and food safety
management and pathogen control us - 3. Safety
Content: Microbiological safety of foods ments:
of beef during slaughter, manufacturing and

- Hazard analysis and critical control point chemical substance control - 13. With control of
(HACCP) systems: their application to the food the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection -
industry to achieve microbial safety - 14. Control of residues of cleaned products res
Escherichia coli and shigella - Enteri and disinfectants in food - 15. Dis legal positions
Campylobacter titis of food origin - Listeriosis - and norms.
Chemical safety of foods - Antimicrobial agents
in fruit drinks minted and non-fermented - 2000 17 × 24 364 pp. Reimp. 2018
Chemical contamination of food. ISBN: 978-84-200-0913-1
1994 17 × 24 100 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0763-2

Food Science and Technology

WATSON, D. Minist. of Agriculture, Fishing and Food.
London. MEAH, M. N. Minist. of Agriculture, Fishing and
Food. London.

Volume 2
Migration of chemicals from packaging to
Content: Migration tests for shipping ses of
food. European legislation on materials and
articles in contact with food ments. Migration
tests for plastics in food contact in high
temperature applications. Migration from
laminates to cooking in the bag. How often is
packaging used to store food and drinks? do you
give at home? Modeling of the migration of
chemical substances from the packaging to the
food. 1995 17 × 24 156 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0787-8

Cleaning and disinfection in the

food industry
WILDBRETT, G. Professor of Lactology and
Technology Agricultural Engineering, Former Director of
the Department of «Techno “Cleaning ology” at the
Nutrition Science Institute tion of the Munich University of
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. Products here
auxiliary mice for cleaning and disinfection - 3.
Basic principles of cleaning - 4. Sheath ments of
disinfection - 5. Determining factors nants of
effectiveness in cleaning operations piece - 6.
Cleaning procedures - 7. Disinfection methods -
8. Contamination of food with residues of clean
products dors and disinfectants - 9. Wastewater -
10. Special problems raised by the plastic
surfaces - 11. Corrosion - 12. Me to two


Food, fermentation and Enzymes and metabolic pathways. Energy

nutrition. Overweight and obesity. Des nutrition.
microorganisms Nutrition and metabolism of pro theines.
BAMFORTH, Ch. W. University of California Davis, Hormonal control of metabolism -11.
USA. Micronutrients: vitamins and minerals. Inborn
errors of metabolism. Appendix I. United from
Content: Preface - Acknowledgments - Intro
measurement. Appendix II. Contribution of nu
duction - The science that sustains
trients of some common foods. Glossary. 1995
fermentations food products - Beer - Wine - 17 × 24 358 pp.
Fortified wines - Cider - Distilled alcoholic ISBN: 978-84-200-0790-8
beverages das - Flavored spirits - Sake - Vina
gre - Cheese - Yogurt and other fermented dairy
products - Bread - Meat - Fermented foods Nutri Bender 's Dictionary tion and
indigenous foods - Vegetable fermentations -
Cocoa - Mycoprotein - Product miscellany food technology BENDER, D. TO. BSc., PhD,
fermentation cough.
Content: Prologue to the eighth edition in glesa
2007 17 × 24 268 pp. - Author's prologue to the second edition in
ISBN: 978-84-200-1088-5
Spanish - Note on composition of the ali ments -
List of figures - Dictionary - Appen you say:
Table 1. Units of physical quantities and their
Nutrition and diet foods multiples and submultiples - Table 2. Reference
BENDER, A. AND. B.Sc., Ph.D., FRIC values for food labeling - Table 3.
Recommended dietary intakes and acceptable
Content: Healthy foods - Die formulation tas - intakes for the United States and Canada, 1997
Congenital anomalies of metabolism - Ali ments 2001 - Table 4. Reference nutrient contributions
low in sodium - Diabetes - Foods in children - rence for the EU population, 1993 - Table 5.
Slimming regimens - Preparations rich in protein Reference nutrient inputs for the UK, 1991 -
- Rich foods for the elderly - Arteriosclerosis - Table 6. Contributions of reco vitamins amended
Energy needs - Protein nas - Fats - Mineral by FAO, 2001 - Table 7. Food additives allowed
elements - Vitamins - Vitamins of medical in the EU - Table 8. Nomenclature of fatty acids.
interest - Diet enrichment - Nutrient losses - Second edition
Glossary - Appendix.
2010 17 × 24 570 pp.
EXHAUSTED ISBN: 978-84-200-1137-0
1977 17 × 24 358 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0296-5
Nutrition manual
Introduction to nutrition and H.
metabolism Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

BENDER, D. TO. University College London. Content: Part 1: Nutrients and their
applicability vechamiento: Introduction to
Content: Why do we eat? Diet and health: the nutrition; some definitions. Carbohydrates. Fats.
diseases of opulence. The bases here mikes of Protei Nas. Energy needs and food consumption
life. Biologically important compounds: ments. Digestion of food and absorption of the
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. main nutrients. Minerals. Vitami Nas.

Recommended nutrient intake. Pair te 2: Dublin.

Nutritive value of some foods and diets tas: Content: Nutrition, a contra topic poured: From
Introduction and general effects of the Hippocrates to current rumors. Nutrients and
preparation and processing procedures. Study by their metabolism. Fiber. Body beauty. How half
food. Nutritive value of foods and meals. humanity dies. Ash to ash. Vitamins. Aler food
Determination needs ned population groups. guides. Cardiovascular diseases lares: The
Appendices: Common units of measurement and
supreme controversy. Putting on and taking off:
conversion factors. Food composition: nutrient
The modern diet. Fashions and fallacies. Other
content per 100 g of food portion ble. Use of
topics of interest. Health & Wellness. Apen you
food composition tables to calculate their
nutritional value. Approximate portions of some say.
frequently consumed foods. Ali Additives ments. 1990 17 × 24 198 pp.
Legislation on composition and eti leftover from ISBN: 978-84-200-0685-7
food. Recommended books.
1987 16,5 × 24 168 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0599-7
Introduction to human nutrition
GIBNEY, M. J., VORSTER, H. H., K.O.K., F. J.
What you need to know for a correct diet Content: Introduction to human nutrition na: a
global perspective on food and nutrition • Body
COULTATE, T. Q. and DAVIES, J. South Bank
University, London.
composition • Metabo energy lism • Nutrition
and metabolism of proteins and amino acids •
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. That eats mos? - 3. Digestion and metabolism lism of carbohydrates
A balanced diet - 4. Choosing foods - 5. Fats • Nutrition and goal lipid bolism • Dietary
(and oils) - 6. Carbohydrate cough - 7. Proteins - reference standards • Vitamins • Minerals and
8. Minerals and vitamins - 9. Non-nutritive trace elements • Measurement of food intake •
components - 10. Not just nutrients - 11.
Com position of food • Food policy and
Assessing your diet.
regulatory issues • Nutrition research
1997 17 × 24 194 pp. methodology • Food security ria: a public health
ISBN: 978-84-200-0834-9
problem of growing importance • Food and
nutrition: the global challenge.
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book 2005 21 × 26,5 398 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1047-2
Content: Prologue - Abbreviations - Necessary Nutrition and metabolism
energy des - Nutrients and alcohol - Sustan non- GIBNEY, M. J., MACDONALD, I. TO. and ROCHE,
nutritive substances - Mineral substances - Vita H. M.
mines - Secondary plant compounds - Harmful Content: Fundamental nutritional concepts such
substances present in food - New foods - Food • Molecular aspects of nutrition • Integration of
forms special - Food in special cases - Dietetics - metabolism 1: Energy • Inte metabolism level 2:
Food - Medications? - Indi alphabetical ce. Proteins and amino acids acids • Integration of
2006 11.5 × 16.5 262 pp. metabolism 3: Macronutrients • Pregnancy and
ISBN: 978-84-200-1075-5 lactation • Growth and aging • Nutrition and the
brain • Sensory systems: taste, smell,
chemosesthesis and vision • Gastrointestinal
Nutrition, diet and health system • The cardiovascular system • The
skeletal system • The systems immune and
GIBNEY, M. J. Professor of Nutrition. Trinity College,
inflammatory issues • Phytochemicals • Control

of food intake • Overfeeding tation • Nutritional advice

Malnutrition • Sports performance.
2005 21 × 26,5 464 pp.
and dietary in the Pharmacy
ISBN: 978-84-200-1063-2 Office
MASON, P. Bsc., PhD

Content: 1. Communication of nutritional

Nutrition Basics
advice - 2. Diet in health - 3. Diet in illness - 4.
Diet throughout the life cycle - 5. Diet in certain
situations - 6. Pharma cos and nutrition - 7.
Content: I. Introduction - II. The metabolic
Nutritional support - Appendices 1995 17 × 24
processes of the body and the roles of nutrients 366 pp.
energy producing trients - III. Vitamins: their ISBN: 978-84-200-0781-6
nature and their function in metabolism - IV.
Mineral elements of nutritional importance - V.
Some quantitative aspects of nutrition - VI.
Nutrient needs of animals. Functional Foods
1982 17 × 24 476 pp. Biochemical and processing aspects
ISBN: 978-84-200-0508-9 MAZZA, G. Ph.D., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Content : 1. Functional poultry products na - 2.
Wheat bran with physiological function - 3.
Simplified diet manual Functional rice products - 4. Pro flaxseed ducts
MAHER, A. K., R.D., L.D.
for disease prevention measurements - 5.
Iowa Dietetic Association
Functional products derived from grapes and
citrus fruits - 6. Functional products from
Contents: About the book - Preface - 1. Gave vegetables - 7. Processing and properties of
guidelines for diet planning - 2. Die usual tasks - mustard products and components - 8. Vegetable
3. Diets with altered consistency gives - 4. oils modify two - 9. Functional products from
Liquid diets and their modifications - 5. Diets for native Latin American plants: amaranth, quinoa,
weight control - 6. Diets in diabetes - 7. Diets beans and medicinal plants - 10. Compose
with fat restriction - 8. Diets with sodium Physiological teas and health effects of ginseng,
restriction - 9. Diets in kidney and liver disease - echinacea and sea buckthorn - 11. Pro functional
10. Diet with fiber modifications - 11. Other milk ducts - 12. Lipids and functional proteins of
modified diets - 12. Dining Hall fish - 13. Regulatory aspects of functional
Assistance/Special Needs - Appendices - products.
References. 2000 17 × 24 480 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0917-9
2008 17 × 24 218 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1106-6
Nutrition and food science
MULLER, H. g. M.Sc., Ph.D., FIFST Senior Lecturer in
Food Science University of Leeds.
Food hygiene principles TOBIN, G. B.Sc., Ph.D. Lecturer in Physiology,
MARRIOTT, N. g. PhD Prof. of Food Science Dep. of University of Leeds.
Food Science and Technology. Polytechnic Institute unique Content: Nutritional Chemistry - Needed
from Virginia and Univ. of the State. Blacksburg, Virginia.
nutritional des - Evaluation of nutrients - Algae,
See Section V, p. 30. fungi and microbial protein - Cereals and
legumes - Fruits and vegetables - Beverages -
EXHAUSTED Sugar and other sweeteners - Foods of animal

origin bad - Additives - Refining operations - organism - Carbohydrates - Fats - Proteins -

Refri generation, heat treatment and dehydration Vitamins - Mineral substances - II. Part: So
- Food and disease. About the nutritional richness of meat and meat
1986 17 × 24 322 pp. products: Composition and energy content of
ISBN: 978-84-200-0585-0 meat - Carbohydrates of meat - Fats of meat -
Proteins of meat - Vitamins of meat - Mineral
substances of meat.
1973 13,5 × 21,5 184 pp.
Nutrition and public health ISBN: 978-84-200-0321-4
MÜLLER, M. J. He is a professor of human nutrition and
medicine. intern (specialty: gastroenterology) at the Institut
für Humanernährung und Lebensmittelkunde of the
University Christian-Albrecht City of Kiel.
Food antioxidants
TRAUTWEIN, E. TO. directs the group specialized in Practical applications
gra sas and cholesterol from the Unilever Health Institute in
POKORNY, J. Professor at the Prague Institute of
Vlaardingen, the Netherlands. Chemical Technology. YANISHLIEVA, N. Professor at
Content: Authors - Introduction - Public health the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences. GORDON, M. Senior Lecturer in
blic and nutrition in public health - Fundamen Food Science at The University of Reading.
cough nutritional epidemiology - Preven tion and
Content: List of contributors - Introduction -
health promotion - The paradox of prevention -
Part 1. Antioxidants and food stability cough -
Influence of social factors cial in health, lifestyle
The development of oxidative rancidity in foods
and nutrition - Prevention of diseases associated
- Inhibition of oxidation - Measurement of
with nutrition - Physical activity and health - antioxidant activity - Part 2. Antioxidant tees and
Health promotion and prevention strategies - health - Cardiovascular diseases and their
Prevention and health promotion in school the: nutritional phenolic substances - Antitumor
«healthy school» - Prevention and promotion properties of antioxidants - Prediction of the
tion of health in the city: «healthy city» - bioavailability of antioxidants from foods: the
Prevention and promotion of health in the case of carotenoids - Part 3. An natural
community ity: community dissemination antioxidants - Introduction to antioxidants
strategies - Prevention measures with the natural antioxidants - Origin of natural
example of smoking mo - Possibilities and antioxidants rales: seed oils, nuts, cereals,
limitations of the preven clinical tion - Risk legumes, products of animal origin and microbial
prevention in the profession tection of consumer origin - Origin of natural antioxidants:
health - Economic aspects of prevention and vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices and teas - Part 4.
health promotion - Health goals and policy: on Practical applications - The legislation of the
the right path towards a healthy society? food antioxidants - Use of antioxidants na
natural antioxidants in foods of animal origin -
2008 17 × 24 304 pp. Preparation of natural antioxidants -
ISBN: 978-84-200-1095-3 Functionality of natural antioxidants during food
processing - The use of natural antioxidants in
foods of plant origin.
Nutritional value of meat (8) 2005 17 × 24 380 pp. Reimp. 2017
ISBN: 978-84-200-1043-4
NIINIVAARA, F. Professor of Meat Technology and

Content: I. Part: General science of nutrition Practical Pediatric Nutrition

tion: Division and role of nutritional principles POSKITT, E. M. AND. MA, MB, BChir, FRCP. Senior
you - Energy content of the nu principles Lecturer in Child Health, University of Liverpool,
Honorary Consultant Paediatrician, Royal Liverpool
nutrients and energy needs of the human

Children's Hospitals. give. Comparative tables. Several.

Content: Clinical nutritional assessment - Nu 1999 13 × 21 446 pp.
trition during pregnancy and its effects on the ISBN: 978-84-200-0865-3
fetus - Breastfeeding - Feeding with formula
milk - Low birth weight children to - Weaning - Vitamins and minerals in health
Failure to thrive - Protein-energy malnutrition -
Mineral deficiencies - Vitamin deficiencies -
and nutrition
Problems of vegetarian and other unusual diets - TOLONEN, M. Prof. University of Helsinki, Finland.
Nutri tion and teething - Inborn errors of Content: 1. Let's reexamine our life - 2.
metabolism mo - Food intolerance reactions - Oligotherapy - 3. Diet - 4. Minerals - 5. Minerals
Gastrointestinal diseases - Parenteral nutrition - and trace elements - 6. Essential fatty acids -
Intravenous feeding (IIV) - Kidney problems - Glossary - Appendix: Vitamins and minerals
Diabetes - Obesity and anus rexia nervosa - from various foods and daily intake
Adolescence - Child nutrition and health in later recommended river.
ages of life. 1995 17 × 24 288 pp.
1992 17 × 24 352 pp. ISBN: 978-84-200-0780-9
ISBN: 978-84-200-0722-9

Quality and nutritional value of Nutrition

plant foods An alternative to promote health
SCHUPHAN, W. Professor of Applied Botany at the WEBB, G. Q. Senior Lecturer in Nutrition and Physiology,
University of Mainz. University of East London, London, UK.
Content: Quantity as a sign of value - Content: Part I. Concepts and principles - 1.
Evaluation of quality - Useful value - Biological Introduction - 2. Food selection - 3. Nutritional
value as an expression of quality - Influence of surveillance and research methods - 4. Diet
heredity and environment on biological value guidelines and recommendations ethics - 5.
logical - Cultivation technique - Harvesting: Cellular energetics - Part II. The nu trients - 6.
Time most favorable type - Transport, Energy - 7. Glycids - 8. Proteins and amino acids
conservation and storage - Size, weights and - 9. Fats - 10. Vitamins - 11. Minerals - Part III.
appearance - Mo derna quality estimation:
The nutrition of specific groups and in
Products co current and special - Quality
particular situations - 12. Nutrition and human
life cycle - 13. Nutritional aspects of diseases
1968 17 × 24 276 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0048-0 and injuries - 14. Other groups and situations -
Part IV. Seguri ity and quality of food - 15. Food
Safety and Quality - Appendix - Glossary.
Food composition tables 1999 17 × 24 428 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0867-7
The little «S OUCI -F ACHMANN -K RAUT »
Content: Part A. Generalities about the pre sente
food and nutrition table. Part B. Tables of Nutritional supplements and
nutritional value and composition of foods. Milk functional foods
and derivatives. Cheese. Chicken egg. Fats, oils
WEBB, G. Q. School of Health and Biosciences
and margarines. Meat and meat products. University of East London, UK.
Hunting and birds. Fish and deri fords
Crustaceans and mollusks. Cereals (buckwheat) Content: Prologue - Overview of nutritional
and derivatives. Vegetables and derivatives. supplements and fun foods - Overview of
Fruit. Nuts. Honey, sugar and sweets. baby you micronutrient sufficiency - Vitamins - Minerals -
Radi free limes and antioxidants - Natural oils

and fats rales - Non-essential nutrients that are Food fats and oils
used as food supplements - Natural products
natural and extracts - Functional foods. ZILLER, S. and other collaborators.

2007 17 × 24 312 pp. See Section I, p. 7.

ISBN: 978-84-200-1090-8

Glycemic index
Physiological classification of dietary
WOLEVER, T. M. S. Department of Nutritional Sciences,
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Content: Preface - 1. Historical introduction ca -

2. Determination of the GI of foods.
Methodological considerations - 3. The answer
Insulin addition to carbohydrate foods: critical
evaluation of the insulinemic index - 4.
Mechanisms by which hydra Different carbons
give rise to different glycemic responses - 5.
Glycemic index: its application to food mixtures
- 6. Measuring the GI of the diet - 7. Glycemic
index and health - 8. Glycemic index and disease
- 9. Glycemic index vs. glycemic load -
2008 17 × 24 304 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1104-2

Nutrition and sport

WOOTTON, S. Professor of Human Nutrition. Uni verity
of Southampton.

Content: 1. Nutrition: basics - 2. From food to

energy - 3. From energy to muscle work - 4.
Nutrition and training - 5. The athlete and liquids
- 6. Nutrition and competition - 7. Lose and gain
weight - 8. Vitamins and mining them - 9. Pills,
powders and potions - 10. conse Nutritional
guidelines for specific athletic groups tas - 11.
From theory to practice - Includes a question and
answer section - List of recommended books -
Bibliography on nutrition and sports -
Appendices I, II and III - Glossary.
1990 17 × 24 250 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0676-5

a) Vegan science

Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk. 2019 17 × 24

ISBN: 978-84-200-1188-2
132 pp.

Vegan and homemade

Content: BASICS: Brief summary -
Fermentation inducers - Ingredients used -
Recommended utensils - Let's get started! - vegan food
Rejuvelac – Kombucha - CHEESE AND TOFU: Pregnancy, breastfeeding and Beikost
Basic recipe: Cashew cheese - Basic recipe: KELLER, M.
Almond cheese - Fresh cheese with sauerkraut
juice - Cashew cheese with yogurt ferment - Content: Preface - 1. What does vegan mean? -
Fresh curly cheese with fine herbs - Horseradish 2. Complete vegan diet - 3. Health aspects of
gervais - Fresh soy cheese - Cashew and vegan nutrition - 4. Nutrition during pregnancy
pumpkin seed cheese - Creamy cashew cheese - and breastfeeding - 5. Pregnancy and
Cashew cheese with olives - Walnut and almond breastfeeding: essential nutrients in practice - 6.
cheese - Tomato and rosemary cheese - Almond Breast milk in vegan infant nutrition -7. Vegan
and paprika cheese - Baked almond cheese - Beikost - 8. Organization in the kitchen - 9. The
Pralines of truffle cheese - Sorghum cheese - vegan shopping basket - 10. Recipes for
Pesto spread with almond paste - Pizza cheese - pregnancy and breastfeeding - 11. Recipes for
Grated cheese - Tofu with nigari - Tofu with Beikost - 12. Weekly plans - Plan for pregnant
lemon juice - Silky tofu - Shan tofu with working women - Plan for the breastfeeding
chickpeas - CREAM, YOGURT & CO. - Fresh period - Organization tips - Biography - The
cashew cream - Fresh fermented almond cream - authors - Read more - Alphabetical index.
Cashew sour cream - Soy yogurt sour cream - 2019 17 × 24 200 pp. approx.
Cashew mascarpone - Soy yogurt curd - Cashew ISBN: 978-84-200-
ricotta - Cashew cream - Whipped coconut
cream - Soy yogurt with agar-agar - Soy yogurt,
lightly sweetened - Coconut and almond yogurt -
Raw vegan cashew yogurt - Cashew or almond
yogurt with rejuvelac, raw vegan - Olive oil
butter - Soy butter - Sorghum butter. - VEGAN
DRINKS - Almond drink - Quick nut drink -
Cashew drink - Hemp drink - Buckwheat drink -
Soy drink (in soy brewer) - Soy drink (in pot) -
Oat drink - Soy drink coconut - Fermented
cashew whey.


Methods to measure physical chemicals and biochemicals used in food serving

- 9. Methods combined.
properties in food industries
1999 17 × 24 294 pp.
ALVARADO, J. From d. and others RIPFADI–CYTED ISBN: 978-84-200-0888-2

Content: Chapter I. mechanical properties cas -

1.1 Density and specific gravity - 1.2 Particle
size and shape - 1.3 Surface tension and excess
surface free energy cie - 1.4 Viscosity - 1.5 Food dehydration
Rheological properties of fluid foods - 1.6 BARBOSA-CÁNOVAS, G. v. Ph.D. Professor of Food
Texture of solid two and semisolids - 1.7 gineering, Biological Systems Engineering Department,
Physical properties of powdered foods - 1.8 Washington State University.
Physical properties Empirical mechanics - VEGA-MERCADO, H . M.S. Ch.E. Process Scientist,
Chapter II. Thermal properties - 2.1 Specific Merck Sharp & Dohme, Puerto Rico.
heat - 2.2 Conduct tivity and thermal diffusivity
- Chapter III. Pro diffusion and analogous Content: 1. Introduction to food dehydration - 2.
properties - 3.1 Aqueous activity - 3.2 Mass Fundamentals of air-water mixtures and ideal
transfer properties - 3.3 Physical properties of dryers - 3. Physical, chemical and
plastic materials - Chapter IV. Electro microbiological characteristics of dehydrated
properties magnetic and electrostatic - 4.1 foods - 4. Dehydration mechanisms - 5.
Electrical properties - 4.2 Color - 4.3 Refractive Wardrobe and bed drying rooms - 6. Ato
index - Chapter V. Statistical methods - 5.1 App mization - 7. Freeze drying - 8. Osmotic
cations of statistics in the food industry mentary. dehydration - 9. Other food dehydration methods
and packaging aspects - Appendix ces:
2001 17 × 24 426 pp. Reimp. 2018
ISBN: 978-84-200-0939-1 Properties of superheated steam - Pro properties
of saturated vapor - Physical properties of water
at saturation pressure - Physical properties of dry
air at atmospheric pressure - Pro properties of ice
Non-thermal food preservation - Psychrometric diagram for air-water mixtures.
R. and PALOU, E. Biological Systems Engineering
Department. Washington State University Pullman, 2000 17 × 24 314 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0918-6
SWANSON, B. g. Food Science and Human Nutrition
Department. Washington State University Pullman. was
hington. Food Engineering Laboratory
Content : 1. Emerging technologies in food Manual
preservation - 2. Food processing with high BARBOSA-CÁNOVAS, G. v. Ph.D., M.A.L. Ph.D. and
hydrostatic pressure - 3. High intensity pulsed BARLETTA, B. M.S. Washington State University,
electric fields: processing and design equipment Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Pullman,
- 4. Bio effects logic and applications of electric
fields pulsed cos for food conservation cough - Content: 1. Experiment planning - 2.
5. Oscillatory magnetic fields in food processing Determination of friction losses in a pipe - 3.
- 6. Application of light pulses in food Determination of the coefficient convection heat
sterilization ments and in the packaging of transfer tee - 4. Thermal food processing: Part I.
materials - 7. Food irradiation - 8. Agents here - Pe heat netration - 5. thermal process of food

ments: Part II. Determination of lethality - 6. for bread products - 37. Arabic bread oven - 38.
Freezing food - 7. Food drying: Part I. Tray Oven producing frozen semi-baked baguettes -
drying - 8. dry food: Part II. Atomization - 9. Beverages - 39. Plan seawater desalination plant
Food drying: Part III. Freeze drying - 10. Food - 40. Fruit juice production plant - 41. pro plant
extrusion - 11. Evaporation - 12. Physical soy milk producer - Appendices.
separations. Reprint 2001
2000 17 × 24 168 pp. EXHAUSTED
ISBN: 978-84-200-0912-4
1991 17 × 24 310 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0711-3

Food factories
Processes, equipment, costs Quality Management Systems
BARTHOLOMAI, A. Engineer. in the food industry
Content: Fruits and vegetables - 1. Apple Guide to ISO 9001/2
processing plant - 2. Community plant producing
preserves for education in nutrition and food BOLTON, A. Quality Management Consultant, Tunbridge
Wells, UK.
preservation - 3. Fruit puree manufacturing plant
- 4. Multi-purpose line for fruit processing - 5. Content: 1. Introduction - 2. Quality
Concen orange juice manufacturing plant trado - management principles Why BS EN ISO 9001? -
6. Baby food production line - 7. Tomato paste 3. Preparation for the program ma - management
production plant - 8. Frozen vegetable commitment - 4. Answer Management ability -
production plant - 9. Mushroom producing farm 5. Cali system ity and control of documentation -
- Dairy products eggs and egg derivatives - 10. 6. Purchase and sale – purchases and contract
Production plant mozzarella cheese tora - 11. review - 7. Design and development - 8. Process
Product plant ra of blue cheese - 12. Milk control - 9. Inspection, measurement and test-
processing plant - 13. Modular milk processing calibration - 10. Internal quality audits - 11. For
plant - 14. Powdered milk production plant - 15. mation - 12. Audit process - 13. conse
Plant that produces dried whole eggs - 16. Certification issue with the standard: What's
Yogurt production plant - 17. Ice cream next? - 14. Other accreditation/certification
manufacturing plant - Cereals and grains - 18. systems - Appendix A: Model quality manual:
SAC Quality Food Services - Appendix B:
Parboiled rice production plant - 19. Corn starch
Accrediting bodies two third-party certification -
producing plant - Pasta and Tofu - 20. Pasta
Appen says C: Advice notes for application
production plant - 21. Pre-cooked lasagna
application of BS EN ISO 9001: 1994 in the
production plant - 22. Plan Tofu producer -
food and drink industry - Appendix D: Advice
Fermentations - 23. Yeast production plant for
notes for the application of BS EN 9002/EN
livestock - 24. Vinegar production plant -
29002/BS 5750: Part 2 in the hotel and catering
Extruded products - 25. Quenelles production
industries - Appendix E: New Zealand Q-Base
plant - Snacks - 26. Pancake production plant for
Code: Quality Management Systems for Small
sandwiches - 27. Corn snack production plant -
and Medium Enterprises - Requirements general
Seafood and meat - 28. Fish processing plant -
cough TB 004: 1995 - Appendix F: Glo sary.
29. Shrimp processing plant - 30. Surimi
Reprint 2010
production plant - 3l. Beef slaughterhouse - 32.
Co-extruded sausage production plant - 33. Plant 2000 17 × 24 240 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0931-5
recover Protein shredder - Fats and oils - 34.
Plan ta for soybean oil extraction - 35. Refine
vegetable oil estuary - Baked goods - 36. Ovens

Food engineering operations Environmental aspects of the process cessation

of food - Treatment of water and effluents -
BRENNAN, J. G./BUTTERS, J. R. /COWELL, N. d. / Separations in food processing - Mixing,
LILLEY, A. AND. v. National College of Food emulsification and size reduction.
Technology University of Reading.
2008 17 × 24 606 pp.
Content: Part I: Preliminary operations res - 1. ISBN: 978-84-200-1099-1
Raw materials and processes - 2. Cleaning of
raw materials - 3. Selection and classification of
foods - Part II: Opera conversion tions - 4. Size Food packaging in controlled,
reduction and sieving of solids - 5. Mixing and
emulsifying - 6. Filtration and separation by
modified and vacuum
membranes - 7. Centrifugation - 8. Solid-liquid atmospheres
extraction and crushing - 9. Crystallization - 10. BRODY, A. L. Schotland Business Research, Inc.,
Treatment thermal protection I - Part III: Princeton.
Conservation operations vation - 11. Heat
treatment II - 12. Eve poration - 13. Dehydration Content: 1. Introduction - 2. Meat packaging in
- 14. Freezing - 15. Irradiation - 16. Storage of modified atmospheres and vacuum - 3.
food products - Part IV: Auxiliary techniques Packaging of poultry and related products in
liars - 17. Facility hygiene: hygienic design, modified atmospheres and vacuum - 4.
cleaning and sterilization - 18. Sumi water nister Packaging of fish and seafood in modified
and waste disposal - 19. atmospheres - 5. Packaging of fruit and
vegetable products in modified atmospheres - 6.
Transportation, handling and management of Packaging of fruits and vegetables individually
material them - 20. Pumping in the food industry in plastic films - 7. Packaging in modified
- 21. Packaging and packaging - Appendices: I. atmospheres days of bakery products - 8.
For mules of fluid flow - II. Heat transmission Packaging of pre-cooked foods in modified
formulas - III. Psychrometry - IV. Sis atmospheres falls - 9. Oxygen absorbers - 10.
international units (SI) theme. Microbiological safety of vacuum-packaged
foods in controlled and modified atmospheres.
Third edition
1996 17 × 24 230 pp.
EXHAUSTED ISBN: 978-84-200-0819-6
1998 17 × 24 730 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0852-3
Introduction to biotechnology
BROWN, C. M. DSc, FRSE Professor of Microbiology.
Food processing manual CAMPBELL, J. PhD Professor.
PRIEST, F. g. PhD Professor.
BRENNAN, J. g. BSc(Hons), MSc.
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. Systems my
Content: Prologue - Collaborators - Mani post-
crobians - 3. The principles of gene cloning - 4.
harvest polishing and mate preparation raw
Animal cell cultures - 5. System more of plant
materials for transformation - Thermal
cells - 6. growing systems ment and fermentation
processing - Evaporation and dehydration -
- 7. Secondary treatment Darius - 8. Enzymatic
With cold preservation - Irradiation - High
technology - 9. Food and drinks - 10. Fuels and
pressure processing - Processing with electrical
chemicals - 11. Health care - 12. Agriculture -
pulses, power ultrasounds and other emerging
13. Waste treatment and biodegradation systems
technologies - Baking, extrusion and frying -
- 14. Regulations and safety.
Packaging - Safety in food processing ments -
Process control in food technology - 1989 17 × 24 178 pp.

ISBN: 978-84-200-0666-6 27. Packaging with modified atmosphere - 28.

Techno ology of beverage bottling - 29. Film
packaging technology - 30. Cleaning and desin
preparation of reusable packaging - 31. Pack
Packaging of widely consumed transport routes - 32. Palletizing, handling and
foods storage of filled packaging - VI. Some us
significant examples from the food sectors in
BUREAU, G. Doctor of Sciences. Lecture teacher cias. which packaging evolves rapidly mind - 33.
University of Reims. ADRIAC Deputy Director.
MULTON, J. L. ENSIA Engineer. Doctor of Sciences. General properties of packaging for refrigerated
INRA research director. ENSIA. and frozen products - 34. Meats and meat
products - 35. Packaging of dairy products - 36.
Content: I. Packaging functions - 1. fun
Indian cookies and pastries trials - 37. Packaging
conservation of products attributed to food
for vacuum cooking - VII. Methodology and
packaging and packaging - 2. Eco information
economics - 38. control of em balages before use
and protection function consumer performance
and test methods - 39. Tests on transport
performed by the emba laje - 3. Marketing
packaging - 40. Dimensional coordination - 41.
function of packaging - 4. Packaging-
Elements of packaging specifications. Quality
conditioning and microbiology - II. Risks
guarantee. Functional analysis - 42.
associated with possible contamination of food
Quality/price relationship of packaging and
by packaging - 5. Exchanges between the food
impact on the quality of the finished product -
product and its packaging: my gration - 6.
43. Daily practice of packaging problems in an
Organoleptic risks for food ment linked to
agroali company mentary. Stock management.
migrations - 7. Toxicological risks - III.
1995 17 × 24 792 pp.
Regulatory and consumer policy aspects - 8. EXHAUSTED
Packaging regulations jes - 9. Legal liability in ISBN: 978-84-200-0782-3
the agri-food industry in France - l0. Packaging
standardization - 11. Consumer point of view - Food science and technology
IV. The container and its closure: physical
characteristics co-chemistries of packaging CAMPBELL-PLATT, G.
materials and their recent evolution - 12. Content: Collaborators - 1. Introduction - 2.
Physical-here interactions micas between metal Food chemistry - 3. Food analysis - 4. Food
packaging materials and food components. biochemistry - 5. Food biotechnology - 6. Food
Corrosion and protection -13. Glass in the microbiology - 7. Numerical procedures - 8. Ali
packaging industry laje - 14. The metal canning Physics ments - 9. Food processing - 10.
jar - 15. Sterilizable metal and plastic trays -16. Engineering food estuary - 11. Food packaging -
Light metal packaging for food products 12. Nutrition - 13. Sensory evaluation - 14.
unsterilized mentals - 17. The stuffed jars two - Statistical analysis - 15. Quality assurance and
restuffed-stretched - 18. plastic films case - 19. legislation tion - 16. Regulatory toxicology - 17.
Molded plastic containers for packaging food Food Trade Management: Principles and
products - 20. Inks and varnishes - 21. Glues and Practice - 18. Food Marketing - 19. Product
adhesives - 22. Edible films and wrappers - V. development - 20. Information technology - 21.
Emba laying of finished food products - 23. Communication and transfer skills - In says
Automatic packaging and conditioning alphabetically - Includes color sheets.
machines lie - 24. Aseptic packaging - 25. 2017 21 × 26,5 568 pp.
Condition continuous aseptic preparation of feed ISBN: 978-84-200-1176-9
liquids ments in polyethylene and aluminum foil
complexes - 26. Ionizing and conditioning
treatment packaging management. Conservation
of food ments packaged in flexible packaging -

Deep freezing of food Bioprocess engineering

COX, P. M. B.Sc. principles
Content: First part: 1. Introduction - 2. Physical DORAN , P. M. University of New South Wales, Sydney,
principles of freezing food and nutritional value Australia.
- 3. Importance of enzymes and microorganisms Content: Part 1. Introduction - 1. He desa
mos in freezing - 4. The freezer - 5. Packaging bioprocess development: an interdisciplinary
materials - 6. Choosing the correct packaging challenge - 2. Introduction to engineering
material - 7. Commercial aspects - Second part: calculations - 3. Pre data presentation and
8. Freezing basic foods - 9. The fruit - 10. analysis - Part 2. Material and energy balances -
4. Material balances - 5. Energy balances - 6.
Vegetables and vegetables - 11. Meat - 12. Birds
Non-steady state material and energy balances -
and hunting - 13. Fish - 14. Dairy products -
Part 3. Pro physical processes - 7. Flow and
Part Three : Notes on weights, measures and
mixing of fluids - 8. Heat transmission - 9. matte
temperatures - Cooking for the freezer: Hors transfer ria - 10. Basic operations - Part 4.
d'oeuvres. Broths and soups. Salt sas. Vegetables Reactions and reactors - 11. Homogeneous
and vegetables. Fish. Meat. Birds and hunting. reactions - 12. Re heterogeneous actions - 13.
Hot and cold puddings. Conge desserts sides. reactor engineering res - Appendix A:
Cakes, biscuits and similar. Pasta, tor tea and Conversion factors - Appendix B: Physical and
biscuits. Pastry products. Yeast dough. chemical property data - Appendix ce C: Steam
Miscellaneous dishes. Tables - Appendix D: Mathematical Rules tics -
1987 17 × 24 460 pp. Appendix E: List of symbols.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0606-2
1998 17 × 24 482 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0853-0
Manual of industrial microbiology Science and technology of frozen
CRUEGER, W. Biotechnikum Mikrobiologie. BAYER, foods
AG. Wuppertal. Germany.
CRUEGER, A. Verfahrensentwicklung Biochemie. EVANS, J. Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering
BAYER AG . Wuppertal. Germany. Research Center (FRPERC), University of Bristol, UK.

Content: Selection of new metabolites Content: Prologue - 1. Thermal properties and

(Screening) - Strain development - Substrates for development of ice crystals in foods with
industrial fermentation - Fermentation methods - gelados - 2. Effect of freezing on the nutritional
Product recovery - Organic products produced and microbiological properties of foods - 3.
by fermenta tion - Organic acids - Amino acids - Modeling of the processes of gelation - 4.
Nucleosides, nucleotides and related Specification and selection of refrigeration
compounds two - Enzymes - Vitamins - plants and freezers - 5. Emerging and novel
Antibiotics - Ergot alkaloids - Micro freezing processes - 6. Freeze tion of meat - 7.
transformations bianas - Protein of single cell Freezing fish - 8. With gelation of fruits and
origin (SCP) - New approaches to waste vegetables - 9. Freezing bakery products and
treatment - Leaching - Extracellular desserts - 10. Development of frozen products
polysaccharides - Other fermentation processes
for the market and freezes tion of prepared-
and future perspectives.
ready-to-eat meals - 11. Storage under freezing -
EXHAUSTED 12. Freeze-drying -13. Transportation of frozen
1993 17 × 24 414 pp. foods -14. Frozen retail exhibition - 15. Mane of
ISBN: 978-84-200-0743-4 frozen foods by the consumer. 2018 17 × 24
448 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1163-9

Food processing technology: Approaches to enzyme modification - 10. Future

perspectives - Appendix 1: Nomen enzyme
Principles and practice
commission clature - Appendix 2: Analysis of
FELLOWS, P. Director, Midway Technology and Visiting the distribution of residence times cia -
Fellow in Food Technology at Oxford Brookes University. Appendix 3: Design of enzymatic assays. 1990
Content: Biography - Acknowledgments - Intro 17 × 24 226 pp.
duction - Part I. Basic principles - 1. Property ISBN: 978-84-200-0672-7
food and processing principles - Part II. Food freezing technology
Processed at room temperature - 2. Preparation
GRUDA, Z. Ph.D. Refrigeration Engineer.
of raw materials – 3. Extraction and separation POSTOLSKI, J. Eng., Tech. of Food Freezing.
of food components - 4. Size reduction - 5.
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. Fundamentals of
Mixed, forms do and coating - 6. Ali
freezing technology and practice - 3. Tech
Biotechnology ments - 7. Minimum processing
nology of freezing food - 4. depo location,
methods - Part III. Processed by heat application
transportation and distribution of conge
- 8. Overview of heat processing - Part III. A
products sides - 5. Production and warehouse
Thermal processing using steam or hot water - 9.
control frozen food preparation - 6.
Blanched - 10. Industrial cooking - 11.
Consumption of frozen foods - Appendix.
Pasteurization - 12. Heat sterilization - 13.
Evaporation and distillation - Part III. B Process
done by applying heat - 14. Dehydration - 15. 1986 17 × 24 632 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0583-6
Smoked - 16. Baked and roasted - 17. Cooking
with extrusion - Part III. C Processed using
essential oils - 18. Frying - Part III. D Processed Food extrusion
by direct and irra energy dyada - 19. Dielectric,
ohmic and infrared heating - Part IV. Processed Technology and applications
by elimi heat nation – 20. heat removal diante GUY, R.
refrigeration - 21. Refrigeration - 22. With Contents: Introduction - Part I General
gelation - 23. Freeze drying and concentration by influences on quality - Raw materials for
freezing - Part V. Post-processing operations - extrusion cooking - Selection of the correct
24. Packaging - 25. Filled and packaging - 26. extruder - Optimized thermal performance in
Handling, storage ment and distribution of extrusion - Effective process control - Extrusion
materials - Alphabetical index. and nutritional quality - Part II Production
2019 21 × 26,5 874 pp. Third edition specific extruded coughs - Cereals for loss yuno
ISBN: 978-84-200-1185-1 - Snacks - Baby food.
2002 17 × 24 218 pp. Reimp. 2017
ISBN: 978-84-200-0981-0
Enzyme technology Physical foundations for food
GACESA, P. Lecturer in Biochemistry, Univ. College
Cardiff. HUBBLE, J. Lecturer in Biochemistry, Univ. of science HERNÁNDEZ SALUEÑA, B.
Content: Symbols and units - 1. Enter tion - 2. Contents: Prologue - Part I: Mechanics - Ca
Commercial origin of enzymes - 3. The Chapter 1: Kinematics - Chapter 2: Dynamics -
extraction and purification of enzymes - 4. Chapter 3: Work and energy - Part II: Elastici ity
Kinetic properties and reactor design - 5. - Chapter 4: Elasticity - part III: Fluid Mechanics
Medical and pharmaceutical applications of - Chapter 5: Fluid Mechanics - Part IV:
enzymes - 6. Effects of immobilization on the Thermodynamics - Chapter 6: Thermodynamics
stability of enzymes and their usefulness - 7. námica - Part V: Electromagnetism - Chapter 7:
Electric field and potential - Chapter 8: Electric
Use tion of enzymes in agriculture and the food
current - Chapter 9: Introduction to magnetism -
industry - 8. Enzyme-based sensors - 9.

Bibliography - Alphabetical index. Content: 1. Spices and herbs: basics - 2. Spice

2018 21 × 26,5 226 pp. quality and specification nes - 3. Cooked with
ISBN: 978-84-200-1184-4 spices - 4. Model theory of spice use - 5.
Physiological effects of spice components - 6.
Properties an thymicrobial and antioxidants of
spices - 7. Physiological effects of flavor/aroma.
Spice science and technology 2002 17 × 24 250 pp.
HIRASA, K. and TAKEMASA, M. Lion Corporation, ISBN: 978-84-200-0984-1
Tokyo, Japan.

Data manual for food liquid foods through pipelines - 18. Material
flow through a reactor: external age distribution
engineering function - 19. Agitation of food in tanks - 20.
HAYES, G. d. Professor of Food Engineering. Food Physical separations: centrifuging and sieving -
manufacturing and distribution department. Manchester 21. Physical separations: sedimentation - 22.
Polytechnic. Physical separations: filtration - 23. Size
Content: Introduction - Engineering data - reduction and screening - 24. Ex solid-liquid
Physical and chemical properties of food - traction. Determination of coefficient volumetric
Thermal data related to food and the food mass transfer tests - 25. Simple distillation - 26.
industry - Data on food processing, storage and Adsorption equilibrium - 27. Food texture - 28.
packaging. Enzymatic reactions: kinetics and enzymatic
1992 17 × 24 192 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0727-4 2000 17 × 24 292 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0903-2
Experimental methods in food
IBARZ RIBAS, A. Professor at the University of Biotechnology. Introduction
Technology Foodology, University of Lleida, Spain
BARBOSA-CÁNOVAS, G. v. Professor of Food with model experiments
Engineering, Washington State University, USA.
GARZA GARZA, S. and GIMENO AÑÓ, V. Full JAGNOW, G. Institut für Bondenbiologie der
Professors of the University of Food Technology, Forschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft.
University of Lleida, Spain DAVID, W. Kardinal - Frings - Gymnasium.

Content: 1. Laboratory experimentation - 2. Content: 1. Classic processes of the food and

Macroscopic matter balance. Dilution of a spice industries - 2. The microorganisms nisms
concentrated fruit juice - 3. Macroscopic energy such as food and feed - 3. Products of microbial
balance. Heating in a stirred tank - 4. Heat metabolism for chemical synthesis mica and as
transmission in regime non-stationary menu: energy carriers - 4. Biotechnological processes
determination of the properties thermal in the pharmaceutical industry and for their
properties of a viscous fluid - 5. Thermal food applications in agriculture - 5. Microorganisms
processing. I: Heat penetration - 6. Thermal food mos for the purification of water, air and waste -
processing. II: Determine tion of lethality - 7. 6. Model systems.
Determination of coefficient cients of heat 1991 13,5 × 21,5 262 pp.
transfer by convection - 8. Determination of heat EXHAUSTED
ISBN: 978-84-200-0698-7
transfer coefficients in a stirred tank - 9.
Freezing - 10. Evaporation - 11. Food drying. I: Process engineering applied to
Yes fallen on a tray - 12. Food drying. II: Spray
drying - 13. Food drying cough. III: Freeze the dairy industry
drying - 14. Extrusion - 15. Crista lization - 16. JEANTET, R., ROIGNANT, M. and BRULÉ, G.
Rheological characterization of food fluids - 17. Départment agroalimentaire, École nationale supérieure
Loss of mechanical energy in the transport of agronomique de Rennes.
Content: Symbols - Abbreviations - Some

important notions about transfers cies, balances Content: Why ISO 9000 worked for front line
and balances - Thermal treatments cos - beef? - ISO 9000 in Gemba, first line - 1.
Decantation and filtration - Concentration by Introduction - 2. Provisions and requirements -
evaporation - Drying - Bibliography - Annexes. 3. QS-9000, additional elements - Appendices:
2005 17 × 24 202 pp. Guides for instructors and trainers - Start of the
ISBN: 978-84-200-1050-2 activity and monitoring system. 2002 17 × 24
124 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0990-2
Citrus processing
KIMBALL, D. TO. Kimball Consulting. Lindsay,
California. Agricultural plant
See Section VI, e), p. 77.
LINDSEY, K. Plant Molecular Biology Research Group
Leader in the Leicester Biocentre, University of Leicester.
JONES, M. g. K. Project Leader of the Cell Biology
Group in the Department of Biochemistry at the AFCR
Food Biotechnology Institute of Arable Crops Research, Rothamsted
Experimental Station at Harpenden.
Content: Conventional plant selection
LEE, B. H. Senior Research Scientist and Former Head of
techniques: achievements and limitations - The
Biotechnology Section Agriculture Canada and Agri
FoodCanada. biology of cultured plant cells - The molecular
biology of plants - Current applications of plant
Content: What is biotechnology? - What is food
cell and tissue culture - Consequences of tissue
biotechnology? - Part I. fun data on
biochemistry, microbiology and engineering culture: variability and instability - Biolo cellular
nursery - 1. Fundamentals of biochemistry - 2. gy of genetic engineering - Manipulation of the
Sheath ments of microbiology - 3. Fundamentals quantity and quality of plant products -
of Biochemical Engineering - Part II. Manipulation of the biology of reproduction and
Applications of biotechnology to food products - development - Manipulation of resistance -
4. Processes and products that use yeast - 5. Pro Perspec tives of the future of plant
processes and products of bacterial origin - 6. biotechnology - Glossary. 1992 17 × 24 286 pp.
Other processes and products based on ISBN: 978-84-200-0725-0
microorganisms mos - Part III. Other possible
applications of the new technology - 7. Plant
biology - 8. Bio animal technology - 9. Introduction to the calculation
Biosensors for the biological food control - 10. of pro food technological
Waste management and food processing - 11.
Food safety and new technologies.
LOMAS ESTEBAN, Mª C. Dr. Engineer, Industrial,
Second edition in preparation Dept. of Agriculture and Food Univ. of La Rioja
2000 17 × 24 480 pp. Contents: Prologue - Acknowledgments - I.
EXHAUSTED Mass and energy balances - II. Heat transmission
ISBN: 978-84-200-0922-3 - III. Evaporation - IV. Air treatment and drying
- V. Economy and optimization in technological
ISO 9000 on the front line processes - VI. Processing problems complete do
LEVINSON, WA, is an industrial statistical engineer at - VII. Problems to solve - Appendices:
Intersil Corporation. ASQ, CQE, CRE, CQM and CQA.
SME, CMfgE and CEI. CM awarded by ICPM. He is a Resolution method using the incidence matrix -
member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, Psychrometric tables and diagrams -
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Bibliography referring to food processes.

Reimp. 2010 - Distillation - Pervaporation - Annex. 1994

2002 21 × 26,5 240 pp. 17 × 24 292 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0980-3 ISBN: 978-84-200-0768-7

Chemical food preservation Additives and manufacturing

Features, uses, effects auxiliaries in agri-food
LÜCK, E. Dr. phil. Nat. industries
JAGER, M. Dr. rer. Nat.
MULTON, J. L. Engineer, Doctor of Science, Director of
Content: General considerations - 1. object tives the Laboratory for Storage and Conservation of Products
and evolution of food preservation - 2. food pipelines. With the collaboration of 38 authors.
Preservative analysis - 3. Health aspects rivers - Content: Part I. General problems of additives
4. Legal situation regarding food - 5. and technological auxiliaries: 1. Definitions and
Antimicrobial action of preservatives - classifications - 2. The role and interest of food
Individual preservatives - 6. Common salt - 7. additives and helps them manufacturing res in
Carbon dioxide - 8. Nitrogen - 9. Nitrates - 10. food technology - 3. Substances added to food
Nitrites - 11. Ozone - 12. Sulfur dioxide - 13. and consumer interest - 4. Use of additives and
Chlorine - 14. Ethanol - 15. Sucrose - 16. Formic manufacturing auxiliaries: possible toxicological
acid - 17. Acetic acid - 18. Propionic acid - 19. and nutritional risks - 5. French and European
Sorbic acid - 20. Dicarbonic acid esters - 21. legislation, its current evolution from the
Benzoic acid - 22. Esters of p -hydro-xybenzoic perspective of 1993. The work between national
acid - 23. o -Phenylphenol - 24. Diphenyl - 25. FAO/WHO - 6. Legal procedures authorization
Smoke - 26. Thiabendazole - 27. Nisina - 28. for the use of additives, new adjuvants and
Natamycin - 29. Lysozyme - 30. Others with materials in contact with food - Part II. Additives
servants - 31. Packaging and coating. with nutritional purposes - 7. Vitamins, trace
elements, various supplements; interest and risks
Second edition
- Part III. Conservation additives - 8. Aditi your
2000 17 × 24 352 pp. preservatives (antibacterial, antifungal) - 9.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0898-1
Antioxidant additives - 10. Additives and agent
depressants of water activity - 11. Adi
antihardening tives - Part IV. Additives that
Food industrial engineering improve sensory properties - 12. Role of
MAFART, P. Prof. of the University of Western Brittany. additives in maintaining and improving the
Volume I: Physical Conservation Processes organoleptic properties of foods - 13. Flavorings
and taste enhancing additives - 14. Polyols - 15.
Content: Heat transfer by con vection and Improved polydextrose - 16. High-power
conduction - The exchanged heat res - Heating sweeteners edul corante - 17. Food colors - 18.
by radiation - Thermal treatments - Ionizing Thickening and gelling agents of a carbohydrate
treatment of food - Blanching - Freezing - nature - 19. Emulsifying agents - 20. Anti-caking
Elimination of water - Exercises - Annexes. and anti-caking additives - Part V.
1994 17 × 24 308 pp. Manufacturing technological auxiliaries - 21.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0750-2
The use of enzymes in food technology - 22.
Clarifying agents and es stabilization of
Food industrial engineering beverages - 23. Foams and antifoams: General
Volume II: Separation Techniques principles - 24. The mold removers - 25. Other
technological auxiliaries cos - Part VI. Use of
Content: Mass transport and momentum
additives and coadyu vans by the main agro-food
transport - Extraction - Decanta tion and industries tarias - 26. Delicatessen, salted meats,
centrifugation - Filtration - Ultrafiltration and cooked dishes and meat products - 27. Canned
reverse osmosis - Electrodialysis - Ion exchange food - 28. Cooking products industrial

production: fine baking, toasted breads, cookies, antimicrobials them for food preservation - 10.
pastries - 29. Diet and regimen products. Food Antioxidants in food preservation - 11. Water
products and beverages intended for private activity and food conservation ments - 12. The
consumption - 30. Additives used in dairy pH in food preservation - 13. Preservation of
products - 31. Fat industries (margarine) - 32. food by irradiation - 14. Nitrites in preserves tion
Confection estuary, jams, marmalades, fruits in of food - 15. Product packaging horticultural
syrup - 33. Drinks (wine, beer, fruit juice, coughs in modified atmospheres - 16. Combined
soda...) - 34. Additives and supplements in methods for food preservation - Part III:
animal feed - 35. Canned and semi-canned fish Potential methods of food preservation - 17.
fish and seafood. Non-thermal preservation of liquid foods using
Second edition cam pulsed electrical pos - 18. canned food fords
1999 17 × 24 836 pp. with electricity: ohmic heating - 19. High
ISBN: 978-84-200-0897-4 pressure treatment in the canning food vation -
20. Treatments of your surface and edible
coatings on the con food serving - 21.
Encapsulation and controlled release in food
Genetic engineering and its preservation ments - 22. Light and sound in the
applications preserve food conservation - Part IV:
Enhancement of food conservation by indirect
PELLON, J. R. M. Sc., Ph. D., M. b. TO. Assistant
Director Gene ral of INVESGEN. Work coordinator.
methods cough - 23. Food packaging and
preservation - 24. Hazard Analysis and Critical
Content: Genetic Engineering: Ge Alteration Control Points (HACCP) - 25. Eating
netics and genetic exchange. Input techniques considerations cials: profit and quality
genetic engineering. Transposable genetic management.
elements. Applications of genetic engineering:
Applications in medicine. Vacu production viral EXHAUSTED
nas. Production of bacterial vaccines. Production
of antibiotics. Applications in the chemical 2003 21 × 26,5 874 pp.
sector. Applications in the food sector mentality. ISBN: 978-84-200-0989-6
Related technologies: antiques pos monoclonal.
Complementary aspects: Fermentations and
Food industries manual
biochemical engineering. Legis lation. Practical RANKEN, M. d. B.Sc. Tech., M. Chem. A., M. FECC
Chem., FIFST, FRSC, M. Inst. M. Food Technology
cases. Glossary. Consultant.
1986 17 × 24 238 pp. Content: Meat and meat products - Fishing fish
ISBN: 978-84-200-0584-3
and fish products - Dairy products - Flour and
Food preservation manual baked goods - Fats and food fatty cough - Hot
RAHMAN, M. SHAFIUR New Zealand Horticultural and drinks: coffee, tea, cocoa and others - Fruit
Food Research Institute. juices and soft drinks - Sauces and pickles -
Content: Part I: Conservation of the pros fresh Preserves - Confectionery products - Snacks -
food ducts - 1. Purpose of food preservation and Nutrition - Freezing and refrigeration -
processing - 2. Ma postharvest nejo of foods of Dehydration and dried products - Canning -
green origin getal - 3. Handling after obtaining Handling and storage - Quality assurance and
foods of animal origin - Part II: Conventional control operations.
methods of food preservation - 4. Glass Second edition
transition and other structural changes rales in 1993 21 × 29 682 pp.
food - 5. Food conservation heat cough - 6. ISBN: 978-84-200-0737-3
Drying and preservation of food ments - 7.
Concentration and preservation of fruit juices -
8. Food conservation frostbite cough - 9. Natural

Basic biotechnology
RATLEDGE, C. University of Hull, UK
KRISTIANSEN, B. EU Biotech Consulting, Norway.
Content: Contributors - Preface to the se second
edition - Preface to the third edition - Part one.
Fundamentals and basic principles cos - Public
perception of biotechnology - Biochemistry and
physiology of growth and metabolism -
Stoichiometry and kinetics of growth microbial
foundation from the thermo perspective
dynamics - Management and analysis of
genomes: Prokaryotes - Genetic engineering:
Yeasts and filamentous fungi - Kinetics of
microbial processes - Bioreactor design -
Transfe mass flow - Product processing -
Measurement, monitoring, modeling and control
- Eco economy of processes - Part two. Apply
practical tions - High processing searches to and
optimization of processes - The business of
biotechnology - Amino acids - Organic acids cos
- Microbial polysaccharides and unice oils
lulares - Environmental applications - Pro
duction of antibiotics by fermentation -
Cultivation strategies - Enzyme biotechnology -
High value recombinant proteins - Culti-

from insect and mammalian cells - Biotec Extruders in food applications

nology of plant cells - Biotransformations -
RIAZ, M. N. Head, Extrusion Tech. Program, Food
Immunochemical applications. Protein Research and Development Center, Texas A&M
Second edition Reimp. 2015 University.

2009 21 × 26,5 636 pp. Content: Preface - Contributors - Intro

ISBN: 978-84-200-1133-2 Introduction to extruders and their principles -
Single screw extruders - Dry extruders -
Interrupted thread expanders-extruders - Twin
Thermal processing and screw extruders - Preconditioning ment -
packaging of foods Chemical and nutritional changes in the food
REES, J. TO. g. and BETTISON, J. CMB. Packagind during extrusion - Practical considerations in
Tech nology, Wantage UK. extrusion processing - Extruders in the food
Content: Principles of heat preservation - industry - Appendix. 2004 17 × 24 240 pp.
Equipment for heat preservation - Equipment for ISBN: 978-84-200-1027-4
heat treatment - Pro cessation and aseptic
packaging of foods with served by heat -
Packaging of foods preserved by heat in metal Thermal technologies for food
containers - Packaging of foods preserved by processing
heat in glass containers - Enva leakage of food
RICHARDSON, P. Director of the Department of Process
preserved by heat in plastic containers -
and Product Development. Visiting Chemi Professor cal
Alteration due to leakage of food preserved by Engineering at Queen's University Belfast.
heat in plastic containers hermetically closed jars
- Influence of heat preservation on product Content: Notation - Introduction - First part:
quality - Recommendations for good food Conventional technologies - Autoclave
processing practice fords by heat. technologies - Continuous thermal processing -
1994 17 × 24 304 pp.
Se second part: Measurement and control -
EXHAUSTED Measurement of pressure and temperature in the
ISBN: 978-84-200-0764-9 control of food processes - Validation of thermal
processes - Modeling and simulation of thermal
processes micos - Modeling of thermal
Heat treatment technologies for particulars - Thermal
of meat products (13) processing and food quality to: analysis and
Fundamentals of calculations and control - Third part: New thermal technologies -
applications Radio frequency heating - Microwave
REICHERT, J. AND. Professor für Fleischtechnologie processing - Calen infrared treatment - Instant
and der Fachhochschule Lippe Lemgo. and hot infusion high lor - Ohmic heating -
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. fun principles Combined thermal-high pressure treatment of
damentals: Calculation of work conditions food.
thermal treatment - Calculation and control of 2005 17 × 24 328 pp.
pre sion in the operation of the autoclave. ISBN: 978-84-200-1042-7
Heating devices. Control of the closure of
canned containers - 3. Tea treatment type of
meat products: Scalded sausages two. Cooked Food irradiation
sausages. SATIN, M. Molecular Biologist, Researcher at Indus Food
Content : 1. Food irradiation - 2. Pasteurization
- 3. Vehicular diseases

1988 17 × 24 184 pp.

ISBN: 978-84-200-0623-9

lated by food - 4. The use of radiation to prevent Contents: About the authors - Preface -
the spread of foodborne illnesses - 5. Prevention Prologue - 1. Introduction - 2. Fluid flow in food
of food losses after harvesting - 6. Of defense to processing - 3. Energy in food processing - 4.
objections against food irradiation - 7. Irradiated Heat transmission in food processing - 5.
foods and the consumer - 8. Irradiation and the Process conservation measures - 6. Refrigeration
food industry mentality - 9. Some final - 7. With food gelation - 8. Evaporation - 9.
considerations. Psychrometry - 10. Mass transfer - 11.
Separation by membranes - 12. Dehydration -
2000 17 × 24 198 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0909-4
Appendices: A.1 International system of units
(SI) and conversion factors - A.2 Physical
properties of foods - A.3 Pro physical properties
of inedible materials - A.4 Physical properties of
water and air - A.5 Psychrometric diagrams -
bottled water technology A.6 Pressure-enthalpy data - A.7 Symbols used
SENIOR, D. TO. g. Technical Services Manager, in the design of process equipment - A.8
Highland Spring Ltd, Blackford, Perthshire and Miscellaneous - Bi bliography.
ASHURST, P. R. Dr. PR Ashurst & Associates,
Consulting Chemists, Kingstone, Hereford. Second edition
Content: Introduction - Development of the sea 2009 21 × 26,5 572 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1124-0
cation of bottled waters - Categories of bottled
waters - Hydrogeology of natural mineral waters
- Water treatments - Methods and materials for
water packaging - Filling equipment - Quality Fundamentals of catering
management - Chilled water dispensers - Third-
party audits of facilities tions of water bottling -
theory and practice
Microbiology of natural mineral waters - TAYLOR, E. BSc(Hons), MIFST, MCFA, CertEd and
Microbiology of treated bottled waters.
2001 17 × 24 318 pp. See Section VII, a), p. 55.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0943-8

Canning technology Storage of fruits and vegetables

SIELAFF, H. Humboldt-Universität und Technische in controlled atmospheres
Universität Berlin.
THOMPSON, A. K. Professor Department of
Content: 1. Main technological foundations Technology post-harvest gy, Cranfield Silsoe University,
logic - 2. Kinetics of microorganism destruction Bedfor, Great Britain.
nisms, inactivation of enzymes and alterations See Section II and VI, e), pp. 12 and 78.
due to heat - 3. Quality assurance - 4. Food
packaging - 5. Equipment - 6. Tech unique Biotechnology:
measurement - 7. Manufacture of preserves. Biological principles
Reprint 2009
2000 17 × 24 302 pp.
STANBURY, P. Politéc Biotechnology Professors unique
ISBN: 978-84-200-0902-5
from Hatfield (Great Britain).
Introduction to food engineering Content: Section I: Introduction - 1. What is
SINGH, R. Q. Dept. of Agricultural Engineering and Dept. Biotechnology? - Section II: Microbial growth -
of Food Science and Technology. Univ. from Califor girl, 2. Introduction to metabolism - 3. Aerobic
Davis. California. HELDMAN, D. R. Dept. of a hundred microbial growth on substrates with one carbon
Food Agency. Rutgers. New Jersey State University. atom - 4. I grew up aerobic microbial growth on

substrates with two carbon atoms - 5. Micro Biotechnology and fungal control togens - Final
growth aerobic biomass on some substrates with comment: Some of the applied tions of fungal
more than one carbon atom - Section III: biotechnology.
Cultivation in industrial of microorganisms - 6. 1995 17 × 24 240 pp.
pro products transmitters of microorganisms - 7. ISBN: 978-84-200-0778-6
Cultivation of microorganisms - 8. Condition
control environmental conditions of process
microorganisms so - 9. Improvement of Molecular biology and
industrial microorganisms - Section IV: Genetic biotechnology
engineering - 10. The objectives of genetic
WALKER, J. M. Univ. of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK.
engineering - 11. Genetic engineering techniques GINGOLD, E. b. South Bank University, London, UK.
- 12. Advances and perspectives of genetic Content: 1. Fermentation technology nes - 2. An
engineering - Section V: Enzyme technology - introduction to recombinant DNA technology -
13. Enzyme production - 14. Applications of 3. Polymerase chain reaction - 4. The expression
enzymes - 15. Problems and perspectives - of exogenous DNA in bacteria - 5. Yeast:
Glossary. cloning and biotechnology nology - 6. Gene
1990 17 × 24 298 pp.
cloning in mammalian cell lines - 7.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0671-0
Biotechnology in plants - 8. Molecular biology
in the pharmaceutical industry - 9. Current
impact of recombinant DNA technology in the
Food Technology Fundamentals food industry - 10. DNA profiling in forensic
science - 11. Molecular diagnosis of congenital
TSCHEUSCHNER, H. d. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., Dr. hc,
Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik. diseases - 12. Vaccination and genetic
Content: 1. Food technology as a discipline - 2. manipulation - 13. Transgenesis - 14. Enzyme
Raw materials - 3. fun physical-chemical data of engineering - 15. Stability in enzymes and cells -
the dis systems food perses - 4. Ali rheology 16. Immobilized biocatalysts - 17. Post stages
ments - 5. Quality control - 6. Fundamentals of Processing steps: extraction and purification
technological processes - 7. Treatment of food protein cation - 18. Monoclonal antibodies - 19.
by cold - 8. Manufacturing processes - 9. Biosensors.
Operation and organization processes of food Second edition
factories. 1997 17 × 24 494 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0829-5
2001 17 × 24 764 pp.
EXHAUSTED Practical manual for smoking
ISBN: 978-84-200-0952-0
Introduction to fungal
WALKER, K. Specialist in the technology of smoking
biotechnology food products.
WAINWRIGHT, M. Department of Mole Biology cular
Content: Brief history of smoking Ali ments.
and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, UK
What is smoking food? The selection of raw
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. pro techniques
materials. The brine. Smoking chambers and
duction in fungal biotechnology - 3. Get tion of
other pieces of equipment. Smoking techniques.
biochemical products from fungi - 4. Fungi in
To set up a business. The fi finances. Market
medical biotechnology - 5. New industrial uses
identification. Hygiene and the environment.
of mushrooms - 6. Fungi in environmental
Packaging and labeling. The Dos and Don'ts of
biotechnology - 7. Fungi as agents of
Smoking Foods. Appendices: E numbers. Useful
biodeterioration and biodegradation - 8. Fungi in
addresses and contact points.
the food industry mentality - 9. Fungi in
agricultural biotechnology queue - 10. 1997 17 × 24 136 pp. Reimp. 2019
ISBN: 978-84-200-0840-0

Treatment of waste from the international cation and import - The

certification organic production and the import
food processing industry of organically produced foods - Growth and
WANG, L. K. and others prospects of the international market - Fruits and
Content: Collaborators - 1. Wastewater vegetables - Organic meat and fish: Pro
treatment from dairy product processing - 2. production, transformation and marketing -
Wastewater treatment from fish and seafood Production of organic poultry meat - Produc
processing - 3. Treats ment of meat waste - 4. Organic Dairy Products in the United States -
Palm oil wastewater treatment - 5. Treats ment Bakery Products and Cereals - Other Foods
of olive oil residues - 6. Treats ment of potato elaborated organic foods - Alcoholic beverages
wastewater - 7. Treats ment of soft drink waste - ecological policies - Research - Australia and
8. Bakery waste treatment - 9. Food waste New Zealand - Addresses of interest.
treatment. 2002 17 × 24 314 pp.
2008 17 × 24 408 pp. ISBN: 978-84-200-0974-2
ISBN: 978-84-200-1103-5

Biochemical Engineering
WEBB, F. c. Guinness Lecturer in Biochemical Engi
neering, University College, London.

Content: Characteristics of vital processes.

Control of microorganisms. Proteins and
enzymes. Colloids and electrophoresis.
Emulsium nes. Reaction kinetics. Energetics of
the sis biological topics. Redox systems. Aspects
of mass transport. Heat transmission. Com air
pressure and cleaning. Disinfection by chemical
methods. Conservation at reduced temperature.
Dehydration. Desiccation under pre reduced
sion. Electromagnetic radiation. Product
isolation. Construction of the equipment po.
Commercial enzymes. Yeasts. Antibiotic cos.
Other fermentation products. Product tion of
vaccines. The problem of effluents. Table of
equivalences of English units.
1966 17 × 24 788 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0066-4

Organic food processing and

WRIGHT, S. Founder of The Organic Consultancy, ase
Sister of the Soil Association and member of the UK
Register of Organic Food Standards (UKROFS). Diane
McCrea is a consultant on food and consumer issues. dores,
member of UKROFS
Content: Prologue - Introduction - Legislation

a) Gastronomy and catering

Cooking and science - Examination of the ca marero - Glossary -

Selected references - Origin of the figures.
BARHAM, P. , is Professor of Physics at Bristol Univ. He
2003 17 × 24 196 pp. Reimp. 2017
has long popularized science in Great Britain by
collaborating on radio and television programs over a ISBN: 978-84-200-1007-6
hundred food. He is also a columnist for the Guardian.
Content: Introduction - Sensual molecules-
molecular gastronomy - Aroma and flavor -
Heating and cooking-gastronomic physics - Food hygiene Guidelines for
Utensils, gadgets and cooking methods - Meat hospitality, restaurant and catering
and chicken - Fish - Bread - Sauces - Biscuits -
pastry doughs - Soufflés - Cooking with
chocolate - Pesos and me didas - Glossary of JOHNS, N. BSc, PhD, Cert. Ed., Dip. FAITH,
terms - Bibliography. AMHCIMA . Reader and Director of Research The Hotel
School City College Norwich.
2003 17 × 24 270 pp. See Section V, p. 29.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0996-4

Catering theory
Culinary chemistry KINTON, R. Garnett College, College of Education for
Teachers in Further and Higher Edc. CESERANI , V. The
Study of what happens to food cough School of Hotelkeeping and Catering, Ealing College of
before, during and after cooking Higher Education. FOSKETT , D. School of Hosp.
COENDERS, A. Studies, Content: I. The catering industry. Intro
Content: Cereals - Sugars - Vegetables - Fruits, duction to the catering industry. Food and
nuts, gums and legumes - Dairy products - Eggs society. Influences of ethnic cultures. II. Food
and sauces - Meats - Fish and shellfish - Oils and and catering. Food products. Wildebeest
fats - Be bidas - Additives, digestion and elemental trition, food science and its
microorganisms. conservation. Product development. Kitchen
Reprint 2011 chemistry. Planning a menu. Purchase, storage
and control of food. Pro motion, sales and
1997 17 × 24 304 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0823-3 customer service. III. Techno catering logic.
Planning, organization and supervision of the
kitchen. Catering team. Catering service.
Catering systems. IT and catering. IV.
Restaurants: Basic service Legislation and ca tering. Health and safety at
work. Hygiene ne. Industrial relationships.
DAHMER, S. J. and KAHL, K. W.
Guide for study and employment.
Content: The waiter - Types of table service and
2000 21 × 26,5 552 pp.
placement - Before the arrival of diners - ISBN: 978-84-200-0906-3
Initiation of service - Serving the food - Safety,
sanitation and emergency procedures - Culinary creation
Performing the service with a computerized Introduction to services
system - Service of wines and bar - Problem of food and to the kitchens of the
cases: Starting the service - A delicate situation -
Solution to sexual harassment - A bad suggestion World

MORGAN, J. L. - Quita stains and other cleaning products -

Content: Prologue - Preface - 1. Gene vision ral Deter people for washing clothes - Soaps and
of the world's foods and food services - 2. other products products for body care - Over-the-
Keeping your customers and employees safe - 3. counter medications - Special products for DIY,
Your tools - 4. Introduction to culinary construction and hobbies - Bibliography.
techniques and their foundations ments - 5. 2009 17 × 24 204 pp.
Planning and recording your creations culinary ISBN: 978-84-200-1123-3
tions - 6. The world of broths, sauces and soups -
7. Finger Food Dishes: Appetizers and Snacks -
8. Creating ensa lades - 9. Preparations with Fundamentals of catering theory
meat - 10. Prepa servings with poultry meat - 11. and practice
Preparations with seafood - 12. Preparations with
TAYLOR, E. BSc(Hons), MIFST, MCFA, CertEd and
products of plant origin - 13. Preparations with TAYLOR, J. BA, MEd, FCHIMA, FCFA, LCG.
dairy products and eggs - 14. Basic principles of
baking - Bibliography - Glossary. 2010 21 ×
Content: The catering industry - Opera catering
26,5 346 pp. (contains CD) tions - Catering styles - Organi kitchen planning
ISBN: 978-84-200-1151-6 - Purchase, storage and distribution of goods -
Food costs cough - The menu - Cooking
methods - Cooking processes - Kitchen
equipment - New technology ology - Food -
Experiments in the kitchen Nutrition - Hygiene - Health and safety at work -
Cooking, roasting, baking Appendix: Glossary of technical terms -
SCHWEDT, G. Questions - Answers.
Contents : Prologue - From the art of cooking to Reimp. 2007
food chemistry - Seven variables for experiments
2001 17 × 24 460 pp.
in the kitchen - Types and procedures You are ISBN: 978-84-200-0932-2
cooking. Overview - Cooking in water - Cooking
with fat - Cooking in dry heat - Cooking without
heat - Bibliography.
From science to the kitchen
2006 17 × 24 198 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1079-3 THIS, H. PhD in Physical-chemistry of Materials. Redac
tor chief of the magazine Pour la Science. Physics
specialist kitchen co-chemistry.
Content: Gastronomy and science - What mu
Experiments with supermarket brains for the kitchen? - Delights of the
products campaign - Table of the main topics of this book
Chemical Merceology - Book I - Book II - Book III - Instructions for
banquets - Glossary.
Contents : Prologue - Introduction - Sugar, 2013 17 × 24 176 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1168-4
honey, starch/flour, baking powder, preparation
baking dishes and special breads - Products The secrets of the pouts
derived from potatoes and cereals/pasta rice, rice
THIS, H. PhD in Physical-chemistry of Materials. Redac
and dried vegetables - Fruits and vegetables tor chief of the magazine Pour la Science. Physics
Wow: preserves, juices and other drinks - specialist kitchen co-chemistry.
Vinegar and spices - Oils and fats. Canned fish Content: Cooking and science - The new
and sausages - Prepared soups and sauces. Pos physiology of taste - Soup - Milk - Gels, jellies
three and powdered puddings - Milk, eggs and and gelatins - Mayonnaise - The vicissitudes of
their derivatives - Sweets - Coffee, cocoa and tea the egg - A successful soufflé - Cooking - Broth

and what remains - Stew - Browning and slow 40. Pravaz-style pineapple pork roast - Desserts:
heat - Pressure problems - Roasting - Frying - 41. Lemon mousse - 42. The three chocolate
Browning and high heat and grilling - Even more leaves - 43. Frozen cherry mousse - 44. Rhubarb
tender - Salting - Microwaves - Legumes, color pie - 45. Apricot puff pastries - 46. Lemon
and freshness - Sauces: unctuous, satiny, scented meringue pie - 47. Peach nes al sabayon by
- A burning problem - Salad, an oasis of gewurtztraminer - 48. Peach sorbet - 49. Floating
freshness - Yogurt and cheese - The gifts of island - 50. Cinnamon apple “bags” - 51. Orange
Ceres - Ice cream and sorbets - Sponge cakes - fondant - 52. Black Forest Cake - 53. Raspberry
Doughs: puff pastries, Polvorones and Charlotte - 54. Muffins with honey and lemon -
millefeuille - Sugar - Bread - Wine - Alcohols - 55. Blackberry jam - Epilogue - Glossary.
Jams - Tea - Cold and fresh - Vinegar - Kitchen Reprint 2007
utensils - The mysteries of cooking - Glossary.
1999 17 × 24 366 pp.
Reprint 2014 ISBN: 978-84-200- 0871-4
1997 17 × 24 292 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0812-7

Cooking and its mysteries Children in the kitchen

Scientific explanation of the 55 best THIS, H. PhD in Physical-chemistry of Materials. Redac
tor chief of the magazine Pour la Science. Physics
recipes of French cuisine specialist kitchen co-chemistry.
THIS, H. PhD in Physical-chemistry of Materials. Redac Content: Juan and Cristina prepare for culinary
tor chief of the magazine Pour la Science. Physics
specialist kitchen co-chemistry. adventures - First Wednesday night: Plated eggs
and baked apples - Second Wednesday night:
Content: The good tools of the good cook - The Steaks, pasta and fruit yogurts - Third
appetizer: 1. Cheese bites - 2. Orange wine - 3.
Wednesday night che: Boiled fish, puree and
«Tapenade» - 4. Oyster puff pastries - 5. Cod
strawberries with cream - Fourth Wednesday
fritters - Starters: 6. The rolls - 7. Desperate
evening: Boiled eggs with mayonnaise and
boiled egg - 8. Salads for sybari tas - 9.
Gazpacho with eggs - 10. Scrambled eggs with apricot tart - Fifth Wednesday evening: Quiche
shrimp - 11. Pigeon roll with walnuts - 12. and cho mousse
Roquefort soufflé - 13. Salmon rolls - 14.
Alsatian pâté - 15. Foie-gras with grapes and
apples - 16. Salmon aspic with green pepper -
17. Eggs on the plate - 18. Ham mousse with
port - 19. Bird galantine - 20. Ravioli with sage -
21. Truffle cake - Fish and crustaceans: 22.
Pike with béarnaise sauce - 23. White butter
poached trout - 24. Lobster with vegetable
infusion - 25. Unevenly cooked salmon - 26.
Trout muslin - 27. Tru quenelles cha - The
meats: 28: Beef tenderloin with pinot noir from
Alsace - 29. po marinade llo flavored with white
radish - 30. Chicken timbale with riesling - 31.
Roast beef with fries - 32. Roasted quail with
mashed potatoes - 33. Brillat-Savarin duck - 34.
The real fricandó with sorrel - 35. Pheasant stew
with fresh pasta - 36. braised cone jo with potato
pancakes - 37. Rabbit civet - 38. Honey rabbit
with fried eggplants - 39. Wild style pork roast -

colate - Sixth Wednesday night: Gratin potatoes, and wine - The glass of wine - Cold and heat -
bechamel sauce and lemon mousse - Seventh Champagne and its foam - Champagne in the
Wednesday night: Cheese soufflé and a sponge flute - Between the demi and the magnum -
cake - E PYLOGUE : Like the great chefs! - Whiskey producing regions - Cartagena - Tea -
Experimental tokens - Six tips to be a genius - Part four: A kitchen for tomorrow - The
Glossary. emptiness in the kitchen - ¿Aro more or
reactions? - Butter, a false solid - Foie mousses -
2000 15 × 22 128 pp. Praise of fat - Mayonnaise - Aioli derivatives -
ISBN: 978-84-200-0899-8
Orders of magnitude - 100-year-old eggs -
Smoked salmon - The recipe and the principle -
Pure beef - Gifted cheeses - The "clash" "lates
Chantilly" - Everything in chocolate - Texture
Pans and test tubes games - Christmas recipes - The hidden flavor of
wine - Teleolfaction - Questions - Glossary.
THIS, H. PhD in Physical Chemistry of Materials. Redac
tor chief of the magazine Pour la Science. Physics 2005 17 × 24 254 pp.
specialist kitchen co-chemistry. ISBN: 978-84-200-1061-8

Content: Starters - Part One: Ex explore the

tricks - The broth - "coated" broth particles - The
perfect hard-boiled egg - Quiches, petisús and
anise breads - The gnocchi - Fluffy soufflés -
The quenelles - The fondue - The roast beef - Basic cooking treatise
Sa(la) time zon - Wine and marinade - Bright THIS, H. PhD in Physical Chemistry of Materials. Redac
colors - Soft lentils - Soufflé potatoes - tor chief of the magazine Pour la Science. Physics
Cauldrons and confi tures - Arranging a crème specialist kitchen co-chemistry.
anglaise - Grains of salt - The cava and the Contents : Prologue - First part: The bases of a
spoon - Coffee, tea and milk - Second part: The revolution - «Nouvelle cuisine» and modern
physiology of taste, the basis of cooking - cuisine - Neither expansion nor concentration -
Healing nutrition - Taste and digestion - Flavor The beautiful color brown - The good worker -
in the brain - In the taste buds - How salt Technique, technology and science -
modifies taste - Detection of flavors - Bitter Unanswered questions - A perfect hard-boiled
flavors - Very spicy - The taste of cold - egg - The grail of flavor - The dimensions of
Chewing - Tenderness of the meat - Moderate flavor - Giving flavor to a dish - Persistence in
aromas - Short pants - Food allergies - Allergy ta the mouth - Flavor and texture - Second part:
about listeriosis - Part Three: Explore tions and The renewed kitchen - The questions tion is in
modeling - The secret of bread - Yeast and bread the broth - Terrines, meats and tenderness - The
- Curious yolk - Gustatory paradoxes - The systematic cook - Geles, aspics, gelati nas and
flavor of food - Threads and lumps - Mousses - royales - Volume in the kitchen - The dispersion
Salchichón - Ja Iberian món - Foie gras - The of chocolate - Even more lightness - Hot jellies -
agents an antioxidants - Trout - Cooking - Sa Light foams - A "Science and Cooking" menu
roast bor - The tenderization of the meat - Al with Pierre Gagnaire - Annex.
dente - Forgotten vegetables - The preserve tion 2005 17 × 24 234 pp. Reimp. 2016
of mushroom - Truffle species - More flavor - ISBN: 978-84-200-1062-5
Questions about French fries - Puree and white
sauce - Seaweed fibers - Cheeses - From grass to Cooking... is love, art, technique
cheese - Cheese flavors - Yogurts - Solid milk - THIS, H. PhD in Physical Chemistry of Materials. Redac
The foam of the sabayons - The fruits in syrup tor chief of the magazine Pour la Science. physio
bar - Fibers and jams - Chole bleaching colate - specialist kitchen cochemistry.
Caramel - Bread crumbs and biscuits - Alsatian
Contents: Part I: In the kitchen, pretty is good -
lands - Persistence in the mouth - The tannins of
wine - Yellow wine - Wines without lees - Sulfur 1. Culinary art exists - 2. Artisan cuisine, artistic

cuisine - 3. The theme of tradition tion. The liberated invention - 15. The branches medieval
solution of love - 4. The question of nature - 5. cations - 16. Once again the hidden influence of
The recognition of a coolie art nary - Part II: Aristotle! - 17. The awakening of the Rena
The beautiful ancient - 6. At the origin of the foundation - 18. From the Renaissance - 19. The
beautiful - 7. Beauty through numbers... in the lights of the West and the East - 20. Nature
kitchen? - 8. The idea, in the kitchen na - 9. surpassed - Part V: Today's kitchen - 21.
Aristotle and subtlety - Part III: Lo boni classic Today's kitchen - 22. Yesterday - 23. And
- 10. The elaboration of good mysticism - 11. tomorrow? - 24. A thousand kitchens of authors -
Dishes like cathedrals - 12. The brain, Thomas 25. In search of the perfect broth - 26. Grades.
Aquinas and grass green dye - 13. Aesthetics
during the Middle Ages - 14. The allegory an
aesthetics of correspondence Part IV: Towards 2009 17 × 24 282 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1115-8


a) Meat and meat industries

ISBN: 978-84-200-0003-9
Veterinary meat inspection
BARTELS, H. Professor Director of the Nutri Institute
Animal Studies at Justus Liebig University. Giessen.
Technology of charcuterie and
See Section III, p. 28. salted products
DURAND, P. Chemical engineer, General Director of
Cen Technical Troupe for Salting, Delicatessen and
Preserved Meat (CTSCCV).
Analysis methods Contents: Economic data - Definition nes,
of the charcuterie industry regulation and classification of pro sausage and
FRENCH CANNING TECHNICAL CENTER. Re salting products - Raw materials more -
compilation. Ingredients and additives - Color and coloring -
Destructuring-restructuring - La coc - Smoking -
See Section II, p. 9.
Drying-ripening - Natural, artificial and
synthetic casings - Packaging in metal cans and
glass containers - Packaging in flexible
Industrialization of slaughter containers, in trays, under vacuum and in
modified atmospheres - Nutritional value -
animal fat (10) Their «undesirable» substances - Controls over
DAHL, O. Scandinavian Slaughterhouse Researcher. the chain manufacturing plant - Control of du
Malmö (Sweden); of the Inst. National Polytechnic. products during the marketing phase.
Mexico DF
2002 17 × 24 592 pp.
Content: What is a fat? - Presentation of fats in ISBN: 978-84-200-0993-3
the carcass - Composition of animal fats in fatty
acids - Influence of the environment and diet on
the quality of fats - Secondary components of
fats sas - Influence of gas manipulations gross
Artificial casings (4)
sases on the final quality - Obtaining animal fats: EFFENBERGER, G.
Continuous fusion and intermittent fusion. Content: The natural casing model of the ar
Organization of an establishment to for fat tificial - Artificial casing: Its evolution - Define
melting. Transport and shipping sation of animal tion of artificial casing - Manufacture of
fats - Low temperature fusion method - Yields artificial casing - Properties of artificial casings -
obtained with each system - Obtaining bone fats Stamping of artificial casings - Preparation of
- Ca quality characteristics of edible fats - Fat as artificial casing - Artificial casings: Em practice
food - Roasting and frying: Changes and - Artificial casings for cooked sausages -
alterations - Hydrolysis, autoxidation and Artificial casings for scalded sausages -
rancidity of fats - Use of raw sausages - Artificial casings for raw sausages - Artificial
Antioxidants - Animal fats Special evils: casings for ha mones - Artificial casings for
Preparation and quality characteristics. canning - Tri artificial pastes for other foods -
Employment. Almace nation and transportation of meat
1976 13,5 × 21,5 122 pp. products packaged in artificial casing -

Appendices. Additives: Proteins, carbohydrates, fillers and

other additives - 7. Color in fresh meat and cured
1980 13,5 × 21,5 158 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0452-5 meat products - Part II. Technologies used in
certain pros meat ducts - 8. Injected cooking
products two - 9. Cooked injected products in
the World - 10. Reformed products: Methods for
Sausage manufacturing adding brine other than injection tion - 11.
Principles and practice Typical renovated products from Mun using
brine addition methods other than injection - 12.
ESSIEN, E. Member of the Royal Society for the
Promotion of Health of the British Society of Animal Cooked sausages - 13. Traditional cooked
Science and the Institute of Biology. sausages of the World - 14. Fresh sausages - 15.
Typical fresh sausages from different areas of
Content: Foreword by Celia Bennet, Director
the World - 16. Salami (fermented raw) - 17.
tora of the British Meat Manufactures's Asso
Salamis (raw fermen ted) typical from around
ciation - About the author - About the book -
the World - 18. Salami fer semi-cooked and
Figures - Tables - Introduction - Definition of
cooked mint - 19. Non-fermented salami - 20.
sausages - Market trends of em butides - Product
Non-fermented salamis peaks in different areas
formulation - Production phases - Quality and
of the World - 21. Embuti two raw fermented
safety management ity of sausages - New
spreads - 22. Embuti two traditional fermented
products - Apén you say: List of food additives
foods from the World - 23. Cured and matured
permi - Supplier information and evaluation
products - 24. Cured and matured products
form - Meat delivery inspection report - Dry
typical of the World - 25. Salt chichas and
goods delivery inspection report - Packaging
spreadable liver pâtés - 26. Sausage traditional
material delivery inspection report - Product
liver pates and pates from around the world - 27.
flow chart HACCP process: cooked sausages -
Hamburgers, chopped and battered - 28. Typical
HACCP plan for cooked sausages - Bi
burgers and nuggets from around the world - 29.
Whole and cut blood sausages - 30. Typical
2005 17 × 24 124 pp. Reimp. 2016 blood sausages of the World - 31. AC pork beza
ISBN: 978-84-200-1054-0 and galantines - 32. Pig head and typical meat
jellies of the World - 33. Canned and sterilized
corned beef - 34. car ne with increased humidity
Veterinary food hygiene (packaged for sale ta) and marinated - 35.
Casings and packaging material - Part III.
FEHLHABER, K. and JANETSCHKE, P. Institute of
Hi food science. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Quality and safety issues - 36. Sensory
Uni Leipzig versity. evaluation of meat products - 37. Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Points in meat
See Section III, p. 28.
industries - 38. Introduction to the microbiology
of meat and meat products - 39. Microbiology of
Meat products manual meat bacteria - 40. Predictive microbiology for
Practical science and technology pro meat products - Alphabetical index.
FEINER, G. 2018 17 × 24 720 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1167-7
Content: 1. Protein and fat content of meat - 2.
The biochemistry of meat - 3. The tenderness of
fresh meat - 4. Definition of tea mines used in Canning fish and meat
meat science and technology - 5. Additives: FOOTITT, R. J. and LEWIS, A. S. John West Foods
Phosphates, salts (sodium and potassium Ltd., Liverpool.
chloride, citrate, lactate) and hydrocolloids - 6. Content: 1. Sources of raw materials - 2. Fish as
raw material - 3. Meat as raw material - 4.

Characteristics of the canning plant - 5. Cans and - Expansion of the scientific field - The three
lids - 6. Opera filling tions - 7. Sealing cans - 8. paths of research statistical tigation -
Heat treatment - 9. Storage and distribution - 10. Fundamental research such - Statistical research
Laboratory services - 11. Cleaning - Appendices. - Science makes practice fruitful - Future
1999 17 × 24 352 pp. aspects.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0872-1 1971 13,5 × 21,5 84 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0256-9

Freezing and meat quality

GENOT, Cl. Doctor of Engineering in Sciences and
Techniques of the Food Industry. Health inspection of poultry
Content: Introduction - General aspects meat
Freezing effects - Water losses in meat during
GROSSKLAUS, D. Prof. Dr. Med. Vet. Dir. Inst. Med.
freezing - Freezing and texture of meat - Vet. of Berlin.
Freezing and flavor of meat - Freezing and color
of meat - Freezing and nutritional properties of See Section III, p. 29.
meat - Conservation of quality of meat during
freezing - Conclusion - Biblio spelling -
Lexicon. Soy protein and formulas for
2003 17 × 24 112 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1016-8
meat products
Industrial slaughterhouses: Contents: About the Author - Preface -
Technology and operation Prologue - Acknowledgments - The journey of
soy - The basics of soy protein - Paradigms and
evolution of soy protein - A long and winding
Content: 1. Livestock and the meat industry - 2. road: History of meat processing - Paradigms of
The law - 3. Construction, equipment and foods in accordance with the lifestyle - Reduce
function ing of the slaughterhouse - 4. The the large size of food portions - Genetically
animals - 5. Animal welfare and livestock modified organisms (GMOs) - Functional
management - 6. Atur sacrifice and sacrifice - 7. properties of non-meat proteins - Meat
Carcass preparation - 8. Care and sterilization of emulsions - Hamburgers - Ingredients for the
tools manual measures - 9. Health and safety - production of products from of whole meat
10. Cleaning and disinfection - Appendices. pieces - Breaded poultry - Cured raw sausages -
Sausages and liver pâtés - Enriched fresh meat
2001 21 × 26,5 254 pp. derivatives two in proteins - Glossary -
ISBN: 978-84-200-0946-9
2008 17 × 24 368 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1101-1
Research in meat science (1)
GRAU, R. Doctor Professor, Director of the Institutes of
Chemistry and Physics of the Federal Research
Department Meat tions (Germany). Preservation of meat by cold
Content: Empirical predominance in time past JASPER, W. Diploma in Engineering and PLACZEK, R.
posses - Science begins to deal with the flesh -
Importance of the time factor - Nue Your Content: Development and importance of con
discoveries burst into practice - Slow and preservation of meat by cold - Fundamentals of
unilateral flow of science - Desta Each cold treatment - Refrigeration and refrigerated
personality recognizes the unity of meat research storage of carcasses - Freezing, frozen storage

and thawing of carcasses - Determination of Artisan charcuterie manual

technological parameters gics for refrigeration
treatment - Trans carrying of chilled and frozen
meats - State of development and prospects for Content: Prologue - Acknowledgments - Ori
cold treatment of meat. sausage gene - Classification of em butidos -
Fresh sausages - Fine pastas and ja Cooked
1980 17 × 24 132 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0450-1 meats - Raw cured and salted - Smoking of meat
- Additives - Labeling and packaging
(presentation) - Plan guide model small
industrial company - Machinery and accessories
meat science - Transportation of processed products - Costs
LAWRIE, R. TO. Professor of Food Science. University and sales - Alphabetical index.
of Nottingham. 2016 17 × 24 148 pp.
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. Factors that ISBN: 978-84-200-1171-4
influence the growth and development of meat-
producing animals - 3. Muscle structure and
growth - 4. chemical constitution ca and muscle
biochemistry - 5. Conversion of muscle into
Smoking (11)
meat - 6. Microbial alteration of meat - 7. MÖHLER, K. Professor at the Technical University of
Storage and preservation of meat: Temperature Munich.
control - 8. Store ment and preservation of meat: Content: History of smoking - Purpose of
Humidity control - 9. Storage and preservation smoking in modern car technology ne -
of meat: Direct microbial inhibition - 10. Edible Composition and properties of the products
quality of meat - 11. meat and nu human trition - Smoked coughs - From firewood to smoke -
12. Mimetic meat. Reactions of smoke components with the
1998 19 × 24 390 pp. Third edition smoked product - Smoking technology - Smoke
ISBN: 978-84-200-0856-1 condensation products and smoked substrates
two - Smoked foods - Food review smoked
foods - Manufacturing defects - Hygienic aspects
Progress of science of smoking.
of the meat EXHAUSTED
R./ CUTHBERTSON, A./GADIAN, D. G./ PENNY, I. 1980 13,5 × 215 74 pp.
F./ YPUNG, R. H./LOCKER, R. H./WALTERS, C. ISBN: 978-84-200-0446-4
L./FORD, A. L. and PARK, R. J.
Content: Endocrinology of meat production -
Electrical stimulation of the carcasses of
slaughter animals - Hot processing of meat - The curing (7)
Physico-chemical study of the post-mortem bios MÖHLER, K. Professor of the Technical University of
of meat - Enzymology of maturation - Taking Munich.
advantage of the benefits proteins from
Content: History of curing - Purpose of curing -
slaughterhouse waste - Cured lamb meat -
Muscle as a substrate for curing - Healing
Nitrosamines in meat products - Odors and
substances - Auxiliary curing substances -
bouquet of meat.
Reaction of curing substances with muscle
1984 13.5 × 21.5 310 pp. components - Curing technology - Result of
ISBN: 978-84-200-0548-5
curing - High aspects gienics of curing - Future
of curing.

1982 13,5 × 21,5 116 pp.

ISBN: 978-84-200-0491-4 Industrialization of by-products
of animal origin
Poultry products technology OCKERMAN, H. W. Department of Animal Science.
Ohio State University. Columbus. Ohio (USA). HANSEN,
C. L. Department of Nutrition and Food Science. Utah
State University. Logan. Utah (USA).

Content: 1. The poultry industry - 2. Identify Content: 1. Introduction to by-product

processing - 2. Edible by-products - 3. Sebums
cation of quality - 3. Quality maintenance - 4.
and derivatives - 4. Leather and skins - 5. Cola
Chemical and nutritional characteristics - 5.
and gelatin - 6. Edible meat obtained from eggs
Measurement of performance and characteristics you are - 7. Drugs and medicines obtained from
- 6. Microbiology of poultry meat - 7. Supplies by-products - 8. Natural guts for em butidos - 9.
water supply, plant distribution and sanitation - Use of blood - 10. Feed for exotic and pet
8. Fresh poultry processing - 9. Packaging - 10. animals - 11. Fishery by-products - 12. Poultry
Refrigerated storage -11. Canned poultry by-products - 13. Waste and effluents from
products and processed soups - 12. Dehydration industries of animal origin, reduction and use.
- 13. Cured and smoked - 14. Conservation by
1994 17 × 24 396 pp.
irradiation - 15. Other products processed cough ISBN: 978-84-200-0751-9
- 16. Cooked and roasted chickens - 17. Inedible
by-products - 18. Identify tion of egg quality - Meat technology and hygiene
19. Measurement of egg quality - 20.
PRÄNDL, O. Prof. Dr. med. vet
Maintenance of egg quality - 21. Eggs: Physical, FISCHER, A. Prof. Dr. med. vet
chemical, nutritional and functional SCHMIDHOFER, T. Prof. Dr. med. vet JURGEN-
characteristics - 22. Microbiology of eggs - 23. SINELL, H. Dr. med. vet
Egg processing - 24. Methods for analysis of Content: a. Obtaining meat - Defi nition -
eggs and derived products. Sacrifice of animals, with exception tion of birds
- Bird slaughter - Microbe logy of meat - B.
2001 17 × 24 464 pp. Treatment of meat - Assessment, cutting of
ISBN: 978-84-200-0945-2
carcasses - Fundamen meat preservation -
Machines and installations - Technology for the
production and processing of meat products -
Nutritional value of meat (8) Stores ment and transportation of meat products
- Microbiology of meat products - C. Hygiene in
NIINIVAARA, F. Professor of Meat Technology and obtaining and treating meat - D. Food poisoning
and other dangers of meat consumption - E.
See Section IV, p. 36. Analytical methods - F. Basic food legislation -
Former Federal Republic of Germany - Aus tria -
1995 17 × 24 878 pp.
Microbiology of cold-preserved ISBN: 978-84-200-0765-6

See Section III, p. 27.

Meat Inspection Basics
PREUß, B. Doctor in Veterinary Medicine. Hygienist.

Content: 1. Importance of recognition of REICHERT, J. AND. Professor für Fleischtechnologie

and der Fachhochschule Lippe Lemgo.
slaughter animals and meat - 2. Live and carcass
recognition of bovids, sheep, goats and pigs - 3. See Section V, p. fifty.
Recognition and health criteria for hunting - 4.
Meat-feed, harmless disposal of confiscated
meat, cleaning and disinfection measure - 5. New transform methods
Record of recognitions carried out on anima
alive and carcasses - 6. raw materials process industrial meat production (2)
slaughterhouse teeth - 7. Training and recycling (Standardization programs)
of veterinary medicine technicians (does not see REUTER, H. and HEINZ, G. From the Federal Center of
terinaries) - 8. Legal provisions - Term us the Meat research, Kulmbach.
doctors. Content: I. Need for standards in the meat
1990 17 × 24 232 pp. industries. Classification of raw materials.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0692-5 Standardization of meat products. Examples
(cervela, liver sausage calf meat, etc.).
Science of meat and meat Specifications of your secondary ingredients
products (potato flour, meat extract, nutmeg, etc.).
Compliance with standards: Quality control.
PRICE, J. F. Ph.D. Univ. from the state of Michigan. hygiene standards unique Way to determine a
Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition. hygiene standard unique II. Sample collection
SCHWEIGERT, B. S. Ph.D. University of California. for bacte control riological of the establishments.
Dept. of Food Science and Technology.
Single-phase and two-phase preparation of raw
Content: Section I. The basic science of meat - sausages with persistent. New work methods for
1. Introduction - 2. Muscle structure it - 3. improving raw sausages. Special fast curing
Chemistry of animal tissues - 4. Muscle function methods. Determination of the water fixing
and postmortem changes - 5. Meat pigments - 6. capacity. Fat emulsion in sausage two cooked.
Microbiology and parasitology of meat - 7. New smoking techniques in ca lent. Packaging
Content in nu trients and nutritional value of methods. Meat pH measurement. Rapid nitrite
meat and the pros meat ducts - 8. Organoleptic detection in pro meat ducts, etc.
characteristics case of meat. Section II . The 1971 13,5 × 21,5 104 pp.
science of meat processing - 9. Cali Features ity ISBN: 978-84-200-0257-6
of muscle as food - 10. The conser vation of the
flesh - 11. Functional behavior nal of meat
components during processing - 12. Cured meats
and their processing - 13. Sausage products - 14. Poultry meat science
Packaging of meat and meat products - 15. Meat
RICHARDSON, R. YO. Division of Food Animal
by-products and their use - 16. Hygiene and Science, University of Bristol, UK.
sanitation - 17. Concepts and quality control MEAD, G. c. Dept. of Farm Animal and Equine Medici ne
systems. and Surgery, The Royal Veterinary College, UK.

Second edition Content: Part I. Biochemical bases of meat

quality - 1. Muscle structure, development and
EXHAUSTED growth - 2. Muscular abnormalities culars:
1994 17 × 24 592 pp. morphological aspects - 3. abnormal muscle
ISBN: 978-84-200-0759-5 disorders: pathophysiological mechanisms - 4.
Biochemical bases of meat texture - 5. The taste
of farm poultry meat - 6. Meat color of farm
Heat treatment of meat poultry - Part II. Production and management
products (13) Fundamentals of factors that affect the quality of poultry meat - 7.
calculations and applications Production factors that influence the

performance and quality of farmed poultry meat of meat. Microbiol Basics gy. Maturation and
- 8. Nutritional effects on meat flavor and putrefaction of meat. Des channel piece. The
stability - 9. Influence of antemortem handling guts. Raw sausages. Cooked sausages. Blanched
on the quality of farmed poultry meat - 10. sausages. Pro long-lasting cured ducts. Cured
Effects of stunning and sacrificial methods job in and cooked meat products. Salads, gelatinous
carcass and meat quality - Part III. products, jellied cold cuts and other spices
Microbiological quality of meat and pros farm cialities. Preservation of meat and vegetables
poultry meat ducts - 11. Salmonella spp meat ducts. Condiments. Food poisoning.
infection. in farm birds: the production Slaughterhouses and non-industrial cutting
environment - 12. Hygiene during transportation, plants. Selection of legal provisions.
slaughter and slaughter process - 13.
Decontamination of meat ca final - 14. Strategies 1997 17 × 24 302 pp. Reimp. 2015
ISBN: 978-84-200-0804-2
to increase the shelf life of meat and products for
sale poultry cough - Part IV. Poultry meat
products - 15. Automated evaluation of poultry
meat quality - 16. Problems and solutions in
deboning poultry meat - 17. Evaluate Sensory Evaluation of meat in the
measurement of poultry meat quality - 18. production chain
Functional properties of mus proteins culars of
processed poultry products - 19. The role of SWATLAND, H. J. Ph. d. Ontario College of Agriculture
University of Guelph.
processed products in the poultry meat industry -
Part V. Summaries - Part VI. Poster summaries. Content: Channel classification and
performance to in carcass meat - pH and quality
2001 17 × 24 512 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0944-5
of meat - Optical probes - Electromechanical
properties of meat - Optical properties of meat -
Electrical properties of meat - Color of meat -
Prediction of water retention capacity -
Bacterial cultures for meat Fluorescence of connective tissue - Eva Online
Fat Analysis - Video Image Analysis - Cooking
industries and Processing - Improvement and Clarification
SCHIFFNER, E., HAGEDORM, W. and OPPEL, K. sification of meat products.
2003 17 × 24 348 pp.
Content: Bacterial cultures as an aid in food ISBN: 978-84-200-0994-0
production. Maturation of sausages and starter
cultures. Obtaining starter cultures. uti practices
crop cultivation. Economic considerations cas.
Legal foundations. Methods for investigation of Meat and meat products
defects. Technology, chemistry and microbiology
1978 13,5 × 21,5 148 pp. VARNAM, A. H. Consultant microbiologist.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0410-5 SUTHERLAND, J. Q. Head of the Food and Beverage
Microbiology section. Food Research Institute.
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. Conversion of
muscle into meat - 3. Pi meat products fallen and
Homemade meat and sausage reformed raw - 4. Cured meats - 5. Cooked meat
preparation and cooked meat products - 6. Cooked cured
SCHIFFNER, E. VR. Dr. Med. Vet.; OPPEL, K. and
meats - 7. Fermented sausages two - 8. Frozen
LÖRTZING, D. VR meat and meat products - 9. Dried meats,
intermediate moisture meats day and meat
Content: The sacrifice of animals. Valo portion

1998 17 × 24 438 pp.

ISBN: 978-84-200-0847-9

meat science
WARRISS, PD School of Veterinary Science University
of Bristol Bristol UK
Contents: Preface - Producing and eating meat -
Growth and body composition of animals les -
Chemical composition and structure of meat -
Animal slaughter - Postmortal changes in muscle
and its transformation into meat - Cali quality of
meat - Effect of handling of the live animal on
the carcass and quality of the meat - Post
mortem handling of the carcasses and quality of
meat - Hygiene, alteration and conservation of
meat - Animal welfare - Measurement of
composition and the characters Meat
characteristics - Measurement of meat quality for
consumption - References.
2003 17 × 24 320 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1005-2

Practical meat inspection

WILSON, A. Dept. of Public Health, Birmingham, Exa
Inspection miner of Soc Meats. Royal of Health.
Content: Sacrifice of animals - Anato mine -
Physiology - Sexual characteristics and
determines age - Abnormal and pathological
states - Health criteria for specific diseases -
Parasites and parasitic diseases - Affection organ
damage - Tumors - Diseases of birds and rabbits
- Food poisoning due to meat sumo -
Preservation of meat and pro meat ducts -
Butcher cutting - Appendices. 1970 13.5 ×
21.5 212 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0241-5

Blanched sausage technology

WIRTH, F. and others. Investigator. Bundesanstalt für
Content: Obtaining and suitability of the raw
material - Treatment and storage of the raw
material - Choice of the raw material and
composition of the blanched sausages - Fi water
fixation, fat fixation, structure formation -
Additive substances and additives -

Chopping technique - Curing - Training and

with color preservation - Stuffing and smoking -
Tra heat treatment - Preservability - Production
fresh and prepackaged coughs - Long-term
conservation products.
1992 17 × 24 246 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0723-6

Normative values
of meat technology
WIRTH, F. Investigator. Bundesanstalt für Fleisch-
forschung et al.
Content: Values and measuring devices - Tem
perature - Relative humidity - Air circulation -
Light intensity - Hydrogen ion concentration -
Water activity - Guideline values for meat and
meat products - Fresh meat - Frozen meat - Em
scalded sausages - Meat products cured in brine -
Liver sausages - Blood sausages or blood
sausages - Raw sausages - Pro cured raw meat
products - Preserved meat.
1981 13,5 × 21,5 128 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0475-4

b) Fish and fishery-derived industries

Fish quality control freezing of fish - With Served fish and fishing
products - Méto two fresh fish species
CONNELL, J. J. B.Sc., Ph. d. Torry Res. Station identification co or processed - Packaging of fish
Aberdeen. and fishing products in modified atmospheres -
Content: What is quality? - Intrinsic quality HACCP and quality assurance in fishing
dried - Alteration in quality and defects in the products - Modeling of temperature and its
intrinsic quality of raw fish - Alteration in relationship with fish transportation.
quality and defects in fish products cado - Other
aspects of quality - Methods for evaluating and 2001 17 × 24 320 pp. Reimp. 2009
ISBN: 978-84-200-0938-4
selecting according to quality - Orga nization of
quality control and official inspection - Fish and fishery products
Standards - Code of practice.
Composition, nutritional properties and
1979 13.5 × 21.5 190 pp. stability
ISBN: 978-84-200-0418-1 RUITER, A. Department of the Science of Food of
Animal Origin Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Utrecht
University The Netherlands.
Advances in technology of Content: 1. Fishing production - 2. espe Edible
fishery products cies - 3. Nutritional value and composition tion
of proteins - 4. Composition and nutritional
CONNELL, J. J. Ph.D. and HARDY, R. Ph.D.
value of fish and shellfish lipids - 5. Vitamins
Content: Current fishing resources not used from fish and seafood - 6. Macro and
lized or underused - Development of microelements (trace) of fish and seafood - 7.
conventional methods - Products and methods of Quality and alteration of raw fish - 8. Hygiene
use most recent - Marketing and other fac factors and safety of fish and seafood - 9. Fish
that affect consumption. contaminants - 10. Freezing and refrigerating
1987 13.5 × 21.5 136 pp. fish - 11. Fishery products - 12. Fishmeal and
ISBN: 978-84-200-0604-8 fish oil: not just by-products.
1999 17 × 24 428 pp.
Canning fish and meat ISBN: 978-84-200-0859-2

FOOTITT, R. J. and LEWIS, A. S. John West Foods

Ltd., Liverpool.

See Section VI, a), p. 61. Seafood technology:

Resources, nutritional composition and
SIKORSKI, Z. AND. Ph. D., Sc. Director of Food
Fish processing technology Conservation and Technical Microbiology. Polytechnic
University, Gdanska. Poland.
HALL, G. M. Teacher. Food Engineering and
Biotechnology Group. Univ. Technological. Content: Resources: Availability - Com
Loughborough. Nutritive position of the main groups of marine
Content: Dynamic biochemistry and quality of animals used as food - Biochemical and
fresh and frozen fish - Conservation of fish by microbial changes follow techniques to capture -
curing (drying, salting and hu mado) - Surimi Preparation of catches for conservation and
products and minced fish - Refrigeration and marketing - Re refrigeration of fresh fish -

Freezing of marine foods - Dewatering and dried signatures and or organizations that have
fish products - Salting and pickling of fish - information on pro industrial pipelines and
Smoking - Canning of marine foods - processes.
Technology of minced fish - Health in the 1984 13.5 × 21.5 228 pp.
marine food industry. ISBN: 978-84-200-0523-1
1994 17 × 24 342 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0754-0
Aquaculture. introductory text
Content: Prologue - 1. An overview of
aquaculture - 2. Getting started - 3. Cultivation
systems vo - 4. Understand and maintain water
quality - 5. Diseases of aquaculture species - 6.
Reproduction and early breeding - 7. Pre-food
unemployed - 8. Nutrition of aquatic animals - 9.
Miscellany of additional topics - Alphabetical
2016 17 × 24 412 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1172-1

Fish and krill protein

SUZUKI, T. Manager of Protein Chemistry Section Tokai
Regional Fisheries Research Lab., Fisheries Agency.
Ministry of Agric., Forestry and Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan.
Content: 1. Characteristics of fish muscle and
fish proteins - 2. Kama-boko (fish gel) - 3.
Minced fish (Suri e) frozen - 4. Textured fish
muscle protein concentrate (Marinbeef) - 5. Use
of krill for human consumption.
1987 16,5 × 24 244 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0595-9

Introduction to fishery
WINDSOR, M. Ph. d. in Physics and Chemistry. Member
of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
BARLOW, S. B.Sc. Ph. d. in Biochemistry. Dr. General of
the Association Intern. of fish meal manufacturers.
Content: Manufacture of fish meal - Use of fish
meal in food animal production - Manufacture
and use of fish oils in food - Fish silage -
Hydrolyzed fish - Concen fish protein extract -
Other uses nes of products derived from fishing -
Other readings and reference - Appendix 1:
Methods of analysis - Appendix 2: Commercial

c) Milk and dairy industries

CALCULATION of processes in milks - 22. Probiotics and fermented milks -

Alphabetical index.
milk and dairy products
2018 17 × 24 528 pp.
ALVARADO, J. From d. ISBN: 978-84-200-1177-6
Content: Presentation - Preface - Chapter 1.
Fundamentals - Chapter 2. Processes and
bioprocesses in foods - Chapter 3. Property
physical characteristics of milk and derivatives -
Chapter 4. Heat transfer in variable state -
Chapter 5. Calculation of thermal processes - of cheese making
Chapter 6. Calculation of processes in milk - DILANJAN, S. CH.
Chapter 7. Calculation of processes in dairy
Content: Components and characteristics of
products - Alphabetical index. 2018 17 × 24 300 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1183-7
milk - Suitability of milk for cheese making -
Coagulation of milk - Formation and handling of
curd - Molding of the cheese so - Pressing of the
cheese - Salting - Cheese yield of the different
Production of yogurt and components of the cheese che - Maturation of
fermented milk cheese.
CHANDAN, R. c. Reimp. 2018
1984 13.5 × 21.5 128 pp.
Content: Part I. Basic background - 1. History ISBN: 978-84-200-0001-5
and consumer trends - 2. Composite tion of milk,
physical characteristics and function finals - 3.
Factors that regulate milk production,
transportation and processing - 4. Regulations
Dairy technology
for product models and labeling - 5. Basic EARLY, R. Senior Lecturer in Food Science, Harper
Adams Agricultural College, Newport, Shropshire
principles of dairy product processing - 6. Starter
Cultures for yogurt and fermented milks - 7. Content: 1. Milk and cream - 2. Microbiology
Laboratory analysis of fermented milks - 8. of fermented dairy products - 3. Cheese - 4.
Shipping materials sado for fermented dairy Fermented milks and fresh cheeses - 5. Man
products - Part II. Yogurt manufacturing - 9. tequilla and greasy products to extend - 6.
Yogurt: Fruit preparations and flavoring Concentrated fatty products - 7. Milks with
materials - 10. Milk and milk-based dairy centered and powdered milk - 8. Ice creams and
ingredients - 11. in ingredients to make yogurt - mousses - 9. Dairy desserts - 10. Biochemical
12. Prin principles of yogurt processing - 13. aspects and nutritional value of milk - 11.
Manufacture of various types of yogurt - 14. Analytical controls tics in the production of
Cleaning and sa plant layout - 15. The product dairy products - 12. Hygiene in the manufacture
plant Yogurt ra: ensuring quality - 16. sen of dairy products. 2000 17 × 24 476 pp.
analysis yogurt sorial - Part III. Manufacture of ISBN: 978-84-200-0915-5
fermented milk - 17. Acidified buttermilk - 18.
Cultured sour cream - 19. Other milks fermented
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.
and containing cultures - Part IV. Health benefits Vegan and homemade
- 20. Functional foods and disease prevention - HÖLZL-SINGH, Y.
21. Health benefits of yogurt and fermented

Content: Basic aspects: Brief summary - authors - Read more - Alphabetical index.
Fermentation inducers - Useful ingredients - 17× 24 200 pp. approx.
Recommended utensils - Let's get started! - ISBN: 978-84-200-
Rejuvelac – Kombucha - Cheese and tofu :
Basic recipe: Cashew cheese - Basic recipe:
Almond cheese - Fresh cheese with sauerkraut Milk and dairy products
juice - Cashew cheese with yogurt ferment - Cow, sheep and goat
Fresh curly cheese with fine herbs - Horseradish
gervais - Fresh soy cheese - Cashew and LUQUET, F. M. and others Coordinator. Various authors.
pumpkin seed cheese - Creamy cashew cheese - Volume 1: Milk. From breast to dairy
Cashew cheese with olives - Walnut and almond Content: Part I. Cow's milk. Compo sition and
cheese - Tomato and rosemary cheese - Almond physical-chemical properties. Milk synthesis.
and paprika cheese - Baked almond cheese no - Factors that influence the composition tion of
Truffled cheese bonbons - Sorghum cheese - milk. Modifications of milk after its collection.
Pesto spread with almond paste - Pizza cheese - Payment for milk in France according to its
Grated cheese - Tofu with nigari - Tofu with quality. Milk collection. Additional notes on
lemon juice - Silky tofu - Shan tofu with cow's milk. Part II. Sheep's milk. Composition
chickpeas - Cream, yogurt & co .: Fresh and property des. Sheep milk products. Fraud
cashew cream - Fresh fermented almond cream - detection. Part III. Goat's milk. Property
Cashew sour cream - Soy yogurt sour cream - physicochemical, nutritional and chemical des.
Cashew mascarpone - Reque soy yogurt sauce - Pro production of goat milk. Appendix: Milk
Cashew ricotta - Cashew cream - Whipped from other animal species.
coconut cream - Soy yogurt with agar-agar - Soy 1991 17 × 24 412 pp.
yogurt, lightly sweetened c - Coconut and EXHAUSTED
Almond Yogurt - Raw Vegan Cashew Yogurt - ISBN: 978-84-200-0695-6
Cashew or Almond Yogurt with Rejuvelac, Raw
Vegan - Olive Oil Butter - Soy Butter - Sorghum Volume 2: Dairy Products . Transformation
Butter - Vegan Drinks: Almond Drink - Quick and technologies
Nut Drink - Beverage of cashews - Hemp drink - Content: Part I. Milk and fresh products cos.
Buckwheat drink - Soy drink (in soybean maker) Consumer milks. Evaporation and drying of
- Soy drink (in cazue la) - Oat drink - Coconut milk. Fresh products. Part II. Cheeses and
drink - Fermented cashew buttermilk. derivatives. Generalities: Milk preparations.
2019 17 × 24 132 pp. New definitions of techno concepts logical.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1188-2 Cheeses. Byproducts derived from cheese
making. Part III. Other deri dairy fords. Caseins
vegan food and caseinates. Creams, butters and other
products obtained from milk fat. Ice creams,
Pregnancy, breastfeeding and Beikost frozen creams and sorbets. Milk and combined
KELLER, M. milk products. Special dairy products.
Technological assistants.
Content: Preface - 1. What does vegan mean? - 1993 17 × 24 542 pp.
2. Complete vegan diet - 3. Health aspects of ISBN: 978-84-200-0741-0
vegan nutrition - 4. Nutrition during pregnancy
and breastfeeding - 5. Pregnancy and
breastfeeding: essential nutrients in practice - 6. Introduction to technology
Breast milk in vegan infant nutrition - 7. Vegan cheese maker
Beikost - 8. Organization in the kitchen - 9. The
vegan shopping basket - 10. Recipes for
pregnancy and breastfeeding - 11. Re recipes for Content: Milk - General information about
Beikost - 12. Weekly plans - Bio graphy - The technology cheese nology - Preparation of
cheese milk - Coagulation - Drainage of the clot

- Refinement - Cheese factory accidents and cheese making

defects in cheeses - Comparative technology of
the major types of cheese - Bibliography. ROBINSON, R. K. and WILBEY, R. TO. The
University of Reading Reading, UK
2003 17 × 24 204 pp. SCOTT, R.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1013-7
Contents: Preface to the third edition - Agra
sayings - Historical sketch of cheese - Im
Industrial dairy products importance of cheese as a food - Cheese varieties
- Introduction to cheese making - Milk, raw
MAHAUT, M., BRULE, G. and JEANTET, R. Dept. material for cheese - Cheese bacteriology -
Agroalimentaire. École nationale supérieure agronomique
de Rennes.
Acidity tests and chemical analysis in the con
process control - Milk additives so that would be
Content: Introduction - Drinking milk - - Starter cultures - Milk preparation - Coagulants
Fermented products and dairy desserts - Pro and precipitants - Operation cheese making -
dehydrated products - Butter - Caseins and Cheese manufacturing - Mechanization cheese
caseinates - Separation and fractionation of dairy technology - Cheese ripening - Cheese defects
proteins - Lactose - Ice cream and pos three ice and classification - Membrane filtration of milk
creams - Conclusion - Bibliography. and whey - Cheese whey estuary and uses -
2003 17 × 24 192 pp. Reimp. 2011 Selection of cheese recipes.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1014-4 2002 17 × 24 506 pp. Second edition
ISBN: 978-84-200-0982-7 Reimp. 2018

Lactological microbiology
ROBINSON, R. K. M. A., D. Phil. Department of One
Hundred Food Science at the University of Reading. UK Milk and its components
Volume I Microbiology of milk Chemical and physical properties
Content: Milk and its processing - Microor SCHLIMME, E. Institut für Chemie und Physik
Associated milk ganisms - Control and deletion Bundesanstalt für Milchforschung.
truction of microorganisms - Microbiology of
Content: Milk: chemical and physical aspects
raw milk - Microbiology of raw milk mercial -
cos of its composition - Milk lipids: fatty acids,
Microbiology of milk powder - Microbiology of
fats, minor lipids and other substances soluble in
concentrated milk.
organic solvents - Dairy proteins: caseins, whey
1987 17 × 24 240 pp. proteins and minor proteins - Milk carbohydrates
ISBN: 978-84-200-0610-9 - Mineral substances and components minority
teas of milk.
Lactological microbiology 2002 17 × 24 132 pp.
Volume II Microbiology of dairy products ISBN: 978-84-200-0992-6

Content: Microbiology of ice cream and pro

similar products - Microbiology of cream and
milk desserts - Microbiology of butter - lactation biology
Microbiology of ini cultures ciators - SCHMIDT, G. H. Prof. Dr. from Cornell University
Microbiology of cheese - Microbiolo gy of (USA).
fermented milks - Quality control ity of the Content: The mammary gland and its secret -
lactological industry. Anatomy, histology and cytology of the
mammary gland - Development of the mammary
1987 17 × 24 308 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0611-6 gland - Hormonal and nervous control of
lactation - Involution of the mammary gland -
Rate of milk secretion - Milking rate of dairy

cows - Factors that influence the yield and Goat milk treatment - IV. Cow's milk treatment -
composition of milk - Bioquí mica of the 1. Cottage cheese - 2. Apen sour milk cheese
mammary gland tissue - Synthesis of milk you say - Differences between sheep and goat
protein - Development of the mammary gland - milk.
Development of milk fat - Lactose, mineral salts
1997 17 × 24 158 pp. Reimp. 2018
and vitamins - Udder anomalies - Contaminated ISBN: 978-84-200-0825-7
milks and with spoiled milk pleasant
1974 17 × 24 308 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0338-2

Manufacturing of dairy
Artisanal production of butter, products
yogurt and cheese SOKOLOW/TEPLY/MEYER. Von Kand. der techn.
Content: The delights of cheese - Milk, raw Content: Quality of milk - Whole milk products
material for cheese making - The real cheese - Cheese - Butter - Long shelf life dairy products
- List of condensed milk articles - Food
making - How is milk transformed into fresh
products milk-based baby food - Uses tion of
cheese (cottage cheese)? - Recipes to prepare
skim milk and whey.
fresh cheeses - Elabo serving of soft cheeses -
Recipes to prepare soft cheeses - Preparation of 1982 17 × 24 354 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0499-0
hard and semi-hard cheeses - Ripening of
cheese: A simple process if we build a ripening industrial lactology
box - Making cheeses with sheep and goat
cheese - Defects and alterations of cheese - SPREER, E. Dr. Engineer.
Whey: A useful by-product - Conservation of Content: 1. Introduction to technology - 2. Raw
cheese - Homemade peanut production tequilla - milk - 3. Reception of milk and delivery of
Preparation of yogurt - Kefir, a traditional return products - 4. Pretreatment of milk - 5.
Caucasian food - Recipes based on cheese - Production of drinking milk and other liquid or
Desserts prepared with yogurt - Wine yogurts - semi-liquid dairy products - 6. Butter making - 7.
Recipes to prepare flavored butters. Cheese making (cheese factory) - 8. fermented
1990 13,5 × 21,5 128 pp. Reimp. 2017 dairy products two - 9. Preserved dairy products
ISBN: 978-84-200-0682-6 - 10. Whey and its use - 11. Cleaning and
disinfection of the dairy plant - 12. He supplied
water management in the dairy industry - 13.
Product cold tion in dairy plants - 14. Supply
Production of sheep and goat heat foundation in dairy plants - 15. Supply of
cheeses electricity to the centers dairy farms - 16. Protec
SCHOLZ, W. Master cheesemaker. hygiene standards labo accident prevention
health tion rales and fire prevention.
Content: I. Fundamentals of milk treatment - 1.
Chemical considerations - 2. Microbiological Second edition
considerations - 3. Milk protein - 4. Auxiliary
substances in trans milk formation - 5.
Classification of cheeses - II. Sheep milk 1991 17 × 24 634 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0715-1
treatment - 1. Acidified milk products - 2. fresh
cheeses cos - 3. Soft cheeses - 4. Mushroom-
ripened cheeses - 5. Cutting cheeses - 6. Cheese
maturation - 7. Use of whey - 8. Butter - III.

Milk and dairy products
Technology, chemistry and microbiology Contents: Part I: Milk - 1. Composition,
structure and properties - 2. Components of milk
VARNAM, A. H. Consultant Microbiologist. Southern - 3. Colloidal properties of milk - 4. Milk
Biological. Reading. UK.
SUTHERLAND, J. Q. Head of Food and Beverage
Microbiology - Part II: Processes - 5. General
Microbiology Section. AFRC Institute of Food Research. considerations - 6. Tea treatment monkey - 7.
Reading. UK. Centrifugation - 8. Homogenization - 9.
Content: Milk and liquid dairy products two - Concentration processes - 10. Cooling and
Concentrated milk and powdered milk - Products freezing - 11. Lactic fermentations - 12. Dirt,
based on dairy proteins - Cream and products cleaning and disinfection - 13. Packaging - Part
derived from cream - Butter, margarine and III: Dairy Products - 14. Milk for liquid
spread products - Cheese - Fermented milks - Ice consumption - 15. Products derived from cream -
cream and other products similar coughs. 16. Concentrated milks - 17. Powdered milk -
1995 17 × 24 488 pp. 18. Protein-based preparations - 19. Butter - 20.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0794-6 Fermented milks - Part IV: Cheese - 21.
Principles of cheese making - 22. Processing
stages - 23. Mature tion and properties of cheese
- 24. Microbiological defects - 25. Cheese
Milk science and dairy
technology EXHAUSTED

WALSTRA, P. and others Department of Food Science. 2001 17 × 24 748 pp.

Wageningen Agricultural University, Netherlands, ISBN: 978-84-200-0961-2

d) Cereals and derived industries

bread making Cereals and derived products

Chemistry and technology
CAUVAIN, S. Q. and YOUNG, L. S. Campden and
Chorle- ywood Food Research Association, Chipping DENDY, D. TO. v. PhD Consultant Grains After Harvest
Campden, Gloucestershire, UK. Oxfordshire, United Kingdom and DOBRASZCZY, KBJ
Content: Collaborators - Preface - Bread: the
Content: Authors - Collaborators - Preface -
product - Baking processes - Ingredien
Introduction to cereals - Storage production and
functional tees - Kneading and processing of the
transportation of grains and their products - Post-
dough - Fermentation, baking and cooling - Fer
harvest losses - Starches and proteins of cereals -
Controlled fermentation and freezing of dough -
NIR techniques in the analysis of cereals -
Application of knowledge databases - Baking in
Wheat and flour - Manufacture of wheat flour -
the world - Fermenta products two special ones -
Bread: a unique food - Confectionery products -
Alteration and aging of bread - Fundamentals of
Pasta - Composite and alter flours native - Rice -
dough formation - Grinding - Other cereals in
Corn - Barley - Sorghum and millet - Oats - Rye
and triticale - Sources.
Reprint 2007
2004 17 × 24 552 pp.
2002 17 × 24 442 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0983-4
ISBN: 978-84-200-1022-9

Bakery products Pasta and semolina production

Science, technology and practice technology
CAUVAIN, S. Q. and YOUNG, L. S. Campden and KILL, R. c. and TURNBULL, K.
Chorle- ywood Food Research Association, Chipping
Campden, Gloucestershire, UK. Content: Contributors - Preface - Intro duction -
Content: 1. Current classification review tion of Durum wheat - Advances in durum wheat
bakery products - 2. Prince Pale characteristics milling - Mixing and extrusion of pasta - Design
of existing bakery product groups and their most of pasta shape - Drying of pasta - Additional
typical variations - 3. Description of bakery ingredients - Insurance quality in a dry pasta
products according to their formulation and main factory.
function cipal of the basic ingredients used in 2004 17 × 24 262 pp.
pa nothing - 4. The ingredients and their ISBN: 978-84-200-1031-1
influences - 5. The nature of the structure of the
products bakery cough - 6. Interactions between
the for mulation and processing methods - 7.
Inte rations in the product by heat transfer - 8. Cookie industry technology
Understand and manipulate the needs details of
MANLEY, D. J. R. Consultant Biscuit and Food Industry
the final product - 9. Opportunities for the Warmington. No. Peterborough. Britain.
development of new products.
2008 17 × 24 264 pp.
Content: Part I : Raw materials and inputs teeth
ISBN: 978-84-200-1105-9 - 1. Wheat flour - 2. vital gluten

wheat - 3. Coarse flours, semolina, flours and 7. Dairy products - 8. fruit dry and gritty cough -
starches (other than wheat) - 4. Sugar and syrups 9. Yeast - 10. Enzymes - 11. Flavorings, spices
- 5. Fats and oils - 6. Emulsifiers (surfactants) - and flavor enhancers - 12. Non-nutrient additives

- 13. Choco beats and cocoa - 14. Packaging Content: Wheat: History and classification -
materials - 15. Classification of baked goods - Grinding - Composition and properties of flour -
Part II: Types of baked goods - 16. Creme Ingredients for bread making - Bread making
cracker cookies tu - 17. Soda cracker cookies - processes - Stages of bread making: Recipes -
18. Ga Flavored “cracker” cookies - 19. «Walker Types of bread nes - Cakes and confectionery -
biscuits» and «matzos» - 20. Puff pastries - 21. Baking cakes - Basic cereals - Processed cereals
Ga sweet, semi-sweet and fruit sandwiches - Conclu sion - Appendix 1: Conversion of
«Garibaldi» - 22. Anti-caking dough cookies - recipes to metric quantities - Appendix 2: Soy
23. Baked by deposit tion of soft dough and flour - Appendix 3: Bread and Flour
biscuits - 24. Wafers - 25. Various baked Regulations, 1973 - Appendix 4: Recipes for
products - Part III : Cookie production breads using other cereals and starch roots.
processes and equipment - 26. Movement and
1981 13,5 × 21,5 94 pp.
measurement of bulk ingredients - 27. Kneading
ISBN: 978-84-200-0466-2
and premixes - 28. Lamination, calibration and
cutting - 29. Lamination - 30. Rotary model - 3l.
Extrusion and deposition - 32. Cooking - 33.
Cooling and handling of cookies - 34. Secondary Organic cereals and legumes
processes - 35. Packaging and storage - 36. YOUNIE, D. and TAYLOR, B. R. SAC, Craibstone
Estate, Bucksburn, Aberdeen AB21 9YA.
Recycling, movement and disposal of waste -
Part IV: Technical management - 37. Quality Content: Prologue - The market for organic
control, principles and management - 38. cereals and legumes - Choice of species and
Process control - 39. System more data varieties - Mixtures of species and varieties -
processing - 40. Factory hygiene and internal Rotation and utilization strategies Nutrient
regime - 41. Technical aspects unique. control - Weed control bas on organic cereals
and legumes - Man Maintaining grain quality:
EXHAUSTED grinding, malting and administration to animals -
1989 17 × 24 484 pp. Pro production of high quality seeds - Studies in
ISBN: 978-84-200-0651-2 the case of a commercial farm: cereals - Study of
a case of a commercial farm: legumes.
Cereals 2005 17 × 24 176 pp.
SCADE, J. Former Lecturer in Baking, Polytechnic of the ISBN: 978-84-200-1052-6
South Bank.

e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries

fruit processing improvement - 3. Environmental limitations to

growth, development and physiology of citrus
ARTHEY, D. Director Campden food and Drink Research fruits - 4. Patterns - 5. Plant cultivation - 6.
Association. England. Weeds, pests and diseases - 7. Fruit quality,
ASHURST, P. R. Dr. P. R. Ashurst and associates.
England earth. harvest tion and post-harvest technology.
Content: 1. Introduction to fruit processing - 2. 1999 17 × 24 296 pp.
Fruits and human nutrition - 3. Storage, ripening ISBN: 978-84-200-0889-9
and handling of fruits - 4. Production of non-
ferrous derivatives fruit mints - 5. Cider, "perry",
fruit wines and other alcoholic beverages - 6. Artisanal preparation of fruits
Production of thermally processed and frozen
fruits - 7. Preparation of jams, jellies, flavorings and vegetables
and dried fruits - 8. Byproducts of fruit DONATH, E. Prof.
processing - 9. Water supply, effluen Content: Preparation of fruit wines - General
management tes and other environmental principles in the production of fruit wines -
considerations. Containers and utensils necessary to make wines
1997 17 × 24 288 pp. - Yeasts and pure yeast cultures - General tips
ISBN: 978-84-200-0839-4 for making wines - Importance of sulfur -
Calculation of the amount of sugar and water to
add - Prepare - Preparation of fruit wines -
Preparation of punches, mulled fruit wines,
Vegetable processing vermouth and herbal wines - Preparation of
ARTHEY, D. Director Campden food and Drink Research juices and preserves - Basic principles of the
Association England. production of fruit and vegetable juices and
DENNIS, C. Director General Campden Food and Drink
Research Association, Chipping Campden, Gloucester. preserves - Factors that influence flow in the
conservation of fruits and vegetables - General
Content: Production, collection and storage principles of the preparation of different
preparation of vegetables - Preparation methods products - Recipes - Useful advice.
- Heat treatment - Freezing - Refrigeration tion -
Other preservation methods - Packaging - 1992 17 × 24 146 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0730-4
Quality - Installation, equipment and cleaning.
1992 17 × 24 332 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0732-8
Refrigeration of apples and
FIDLER, J. c. OBE, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.Inst.R.
Citrus MANN, G. Eng., MIMech, E., AMIMar. AND. East
Malling Research Station.
DAVIES, F. S. Professor of Horticulture Department of
Horticultural Sciences University of Florida Gainesville, Content: Physiological bases - Optimal
Florida, USA. moment method of harvesting - Conservation of
ALBRIGO, L. g. Professor of Horticulture Citrus Resear apples - Conservation and ripening of pears -
ch and Education Center Lake Alfred, Florida, USA. Physiological injuries - The cold room - The
Content: 1. History, distribution and uses of cooling plant - Atmosphere chamber with
citrus fruits - 2. Taxonomy, cultivars and control - Externally generated atmospheres -

Humidity - Instruments - Maintenance and crops - Edible nuts - Glossary.

communication testing - Operation - Appendix.
2003 17 × 24 396 pp.
1980 13,5 × 21,5 86 pp. ISBN: 978-84-200-1001-4
ISBN: 978-84-200-0454-9

Food legumes
Selection and packaging of KAY, D. AND.
apples Contents: Adzuki bean ( Vigna angularis ). Ju
GOAMAN, J. F. From the Ministry of Agriculture day asparaga ( Vigna unguiculata spp.
(England). sesquipedalis ). Malagasy peanut ( Voandzeia
Contents: Prologue - Generalities - Packaging subterranea ). Common bean ( Vicia faba ).
plants - Equipment necessary for a packaging Garban zo ( Cicer arietinum ). Guar (
plant - Organization of work - Packaging and Cyamopsis tetragonoloba ). Black-eyed bean (
materials - Categorization - Wrapping and in Vigna unguiculata ). Pea ( Lathyrus sativus ).
vasado - Appendices: I. Collection printed Jewish bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ). Green bean (
models mended - II. Official and unofficial Macrotyloma uniflorum ). Egyptian Jew (
categories - III. Characteristics of apple Lablad purpureus ). Horse bean ( Canavalia
containers nas - IV. Numerical tables: Diagonal ensiformis ). Poop Kersting huet ( Kerstingiella
packaging - V. Data relating to weights in BSA geocarpa ). Lentil ( Lens culinaris ). Lima bean (
boxes Phaseolus lunatus ). Lupine ( Lupinus ). Vigna
aconitifolia. Mung bean ( Vigna radiata ). Pea (
1965 12,5 × 19,5 176 pp. Pisum sativum ). Pigeon pea ( Cajanus Cajan ).
ISBN: 978-84-200-0029-9
Rice bean ( Vigna umbellata ). Scarlet bean (
Phaseolus coccineus ). Donkey bean (
Canavalia gladiata ). Tepary bean ( Phaseolus
acutifolius var. latifolius ). Urd Bean ( Vigna
Production of fruits from mungo ). Deer's eye ( Mucuna pruriens var.
temperate and subtropical utilis ). Sesquidilla ( Psophocarpus
tetragonolobus ). Appendices: Foodstuffs:
climates Distribution according to the climate. Grain
JACKSON, D. YO. Soil, Plant and Ecological Sciences legumes: Estimation of world production. Index
Division Lincoln University Canterbury New Zealand. of botá names unique. Index of common names.
LOONEY, N. AND. Pacific Agri-Food Research Center
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Summerland British 1985 17 × 24 438 pp.
Columbia Canada ISBN: 978-84-200-0559-1

Content: Collaborators - Prologue - Thank you

ments - Part I. General aspects of fruit growing -
The distribution of fruit trees - The climate - Biological bases of fruit quality
Morfo ology and growth of woody plants - KNEE, M. Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
Flowers and fruits - Pruning and training - The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio USA
Produc tion and marketing of quality fruits -
Sue nutrients and water - Crop protection - The Content: Fruits in the global market - Inorganic
multiplication of fruit trees - Machinery for fruit nutrients and fruit quality - Fruit texture, cell
crops - Part II. Cultivation of fruit trees is wall metabolism and consumer perceptions -
specific - Stone fruit trees - Seed fruit trees - Fruit flavor, vola metabolism tiles and consumer
Vines - Berry fruit trees - Citrus fruits - Kiwi - perception - With temperature control -
Subtropical fruits - Olive trees and other fruit Atmosphere control fera using oxygen and
carbon dioxide - Mechanical damage - Ethylene:

synthetic sis, mode of action, effects and control Vegetable science and
- With postharvest rot troll - With genetic control
of fruit ripening. technology treatise
Production, composition, storage and
2008 17 × 24 304 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1096-0
SALUNKHE, D. K. Utah State University KADAM, S. S.
Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri, India

Content: Introduction - The potato - The ba tata

Citrus processing - Cassava - Carrot - Other roots, tubers and
KIMBALL, D. TO. Kimball Consulting. Lindsay, rhizomes - Tomato - Pepper - Eggplant -
California. Cucumber and melon - Pumpkins, zucchini and
Contents: Prologue - Introduction - Description Indian squash - Cabbage - Cauliflower -
tion of citrus fruits - Management of citrus Broccoli - Other cruciferous vegetables - the
processing companies - Methods, equipment and bait lla - Garlic - Other alliaceae - Peas - Beans -
information Processing engineering - Quality Other legumes - Lettuce - Asparagus go - Celery
control - Analysis of Brix degree and solid and other salad vegetables - Leafy vegetables -
content two solubles, acids, oils and pulp - Okra - Sweet corn - Mushrooms - Minor
Analysis of other characteristics of citrus juices - vegetables - Vegetables in human nutrition -
Analysis of the microbiology of citrus fruits - Alphabetical index.
Analysis of quality alterations due to processing 2003 17 × 24 752 pp. Reimp. 2015
effects - Analysis for the detection tion of ISBN: 978-84-200-1018-2
adulterations - Citrus by-products cos - Research
and development: the future of citrus processing
- Alphabetical index. Conservation of fruits and
2002 17 × 24 476 pp. vegetables
ISBN: 978-84-200-0965-0
SOUTHGATE, D. Professor, and others from the
Agricultural and Food Research Council's Institute of Food

Advances in ripening and post- Contents: Safety in the kitchen: points to

remember - Using this book - Conservation
harvest of fruits and vegetables principles - Conservation methods - Selection of
ORIA ALMUDÍ, R. and others products for canning - Mer jams - Jellies - Citrus
Content: Physiology of maturation and fruit jam - Meats and fruit pastes - Chopped fruit
senescence. Genomics and proteomics - Nu preserves and other fruit preserves - Canned
value tritive, quality and safety of products fruit vada in glass jars - Syrups and fruit juices -
getales - Commercial handling during the post- Candied, crystallized and glazed fruits -
harvest life of fruits and vegetables - Physical, Vinegars - Pickles - Chutneys - Ket chups and
physiological and pathological alterations of sauces - Drying and salting - Freeze tion -
fruits and vegetables - Minimally processed Storage of fruits and vegetables - Some common
products two. New technologies in the defects and their probable causes bles - Glossary
conservation and transformation of fruits and - Recipe index.
vegetables. Third edition
2008 17 × 23,5 750 pp.
EXHAUSTED 1992 13.5 × 21.5 224 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1111-0 ISBN: 978-84-200-0726-7

Home preservation of fruits and trans bearing and distribution of vegetables - 16.
Inci physiological dence of cold preservation
vegetables (chilling injury) - 17. Conservation and
STUDER, A./DAEPP, H. U./SUTER, E. conditioning gas conditioning of vegetables -
Content: Substances that enter the com position Part three. Transformation and products - 18.
of fruits and vegetables and their importance for The preserved canned food - 19. The frozen ones
human nutrition - Causes of decomposition - - 20. The fourth range - 21. Products made from
Storage of fresh fruits and vegetables - vegetables (5th range) - 22. The transformation
Preparation of ju - Fruit, berry and vegetable mation of potatoes for human consumption - 23.
processing - Fruit and vegetable sterilization - Fermented vegetables - 24. Fibers extracted from
Hot fruit packaging - Freezing - Jam, jam, jelly - vegetables - Part four: Pers pectives - 25. Health
Drying - Specialties - Storage economy. risks linked to pre presence of pathogenic
1996 17 × 24 184 pp. bacteria in vegetables - 26. Pesticides on
ISBN: 978-84-200-0810-3 vegetables - 27. The me such heavy in
vegetables - 28. Nutritional value of vegetables -
29. Vegetables and gastro economy - 30.
Storage of fruits and vegetables Horticultural economics - Conclusion.

in controlled atmospheres 2002 17 × 24

620 pp.

THOMPSON, A. K. Professor Department of ISBN: 978-84-200-0958-2

Technology post-harvest gy, Cranfield Silsoe University,
Bedfor, Great Britain.
See Sections II and VII, pp. 12 and 51. Minimally processed and
refrigerated fruits and
Vegetable technology WILEY, R. c. Professor of Food Science and Technology,
TIRILLY, Y. Professor of Microbiology at the University University of Maryland, College Park.
city of western britain
BOURGEOIS, C. M. Professor Emeritus of Microbiology
Content: 1. Introduction to fruits and
at the University of Western Brittany vegetables minimally processed talizas - 2.
Prepare initial preparation, handling and
Content: Part one: Description, pro duction and
distribution of fruit minimally processed and
genetic improvement of vegetables - 1.
refrigerated vegetables and fruits - 3. Methods
Classification and main physio characteristics for preserving minimally processed fruits and
logic of vegetables - 2. Some repercussions nes vegetables das and refrigerated - 4. Packaging of
of cultural practices - 3. Genetics and creation of minimally processed fruits and vegetables - 5.
new varieties of vegetables - 4. The carrot - 5. Prin physical and biological principles of food
The potato - 6. Stem and leaf vegetables - 7. packaging modified mospheres - 6. Biological
Tomato and its genetic improvement ethics - 8. and biochemical changes in refrigerated fruits
The green bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) - 9. The and vegetables minimally processed roads - 7.
preserved pea ( Pisum sativum ) - 10. Pea Alters microbiological tion and microorganisms
improvement - 11. Cauliflower and broccoli - togens from minimally processed refrigerated
Part two: Evolution of vegetables after collection fruits and vegetables - 8. nutri quality tiva of
and conservation - 12. Ba ses of postharvest fruits and vegetables subjected to processing you
physiology of vegetables - 13. Enzymatic are minimum - 9. Regulations relating to
browning - 14. They affect cia of pathological minimally refrigerated foods dismissed -
problems in the quality of consumer vegetables - Appendix.
15. The cold chain: pre-refrigeration, storage,

1997 17 × 24 374 pp. Queensland, Australia.

ISBN: 978-84-200-0831-8
Content: Structure and composition - Fisio
ology and biochemistry - Effects of temperature
Introduction to physiology and - Loss of water and humidity - Atmosphere of
ma postharvest nipulation of soul digestion - Storage technology -
Physiological alterations (physiopathies) -
fruits, vegetables and Patolo gía - Assessment and quality management
ornamental plants - Prepa ration for the market - Packaging
(packaging) - Recommendations for the storage
WILLS, R. Professor at the Department of Food
Technology at the University of Newcastle, Australia of different products - Appendices: I. List of
McGLASSON, B. He has been Senior Principal Research abbreviations - II. Glossary of botanical names -
Scientist at the CSIRO, Division of Horticulture. Professor III. Determination of temperature and hu age -
of Horticulture, University of Western Sydney, Australia IV. Gas analysis.
GRAHAM, D. He was director of the Food Research
Laboratory of the Division of Food Science and Second edition
Technology, Australia. JOYCE, D. Senior Lecturer in
1999 17 × 24 252 pp.
Postharvest Horticulture at Gatton College. University of
ISBN: 978-84-200-0892-9

f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Production and packaging of fruits - 8. Preparation of citrus juices - 9. Juice

improvements using ionic exchange and
still fruit juices and drinks adsorption techniques - 10. Manufacturing
ASHURST, P. R. Consulting Chemist to the food
systems for fruit juices and derivatives - 11.
industry. Packaging systems for fruit juices and still
drinks - 12. I drank them days for athletes - 13.
Content: 1. Identification of na juice ranja - 2. Nutritional value and healthiness of processed
Chemistry and technology of citrus juices tricos fruit juices - 14. Legislation on production,
and byproducts - 3. Grape juice - 4. Tropical labeling and marketing of fruit juices and drinks
fruit juices - 5. Cultivation and co trade of das derived from fruits - 15. Water and
delicate fruits for juices and drinks non-alcoholic trafficking ment of effluents in juice production.
days - 6. Apple juice - 7. Equipment for the
1999 17 × 24 432 pp.
extraction and production of juice from delicate ISBN: 978-84-200-0869-1
Control of temperatures and Temperature effects and optimal temperatures -
3. Tem perature and equipment - 4. Calculation
quality of wines of the needs thermal data - 5. Oenological heat
BLOUIN, J. A renowned agronomist and oenologist, he exchanges - 6. Temperature control systems - 7.
has directed the Wine service of the Gironde Agricultural Economic and regulatory aspects.
Chamber for nearly thirty years. MARON, J. M. A
technology specialist in the wineries of the Gironde 2008 17 × 24 208 pp.
Agricultural Chamber, he has studied more than 200 ISBN: 978-84-200-1113-4
temperature control procedures in cooperative and private

Content: 1. Brief historical review - 2.


Theory and practice of wine Conservation - 4. Theoretical-practical

calculation of the sugars necessary to obtain a
making certain pressure in wine - 5. Judgment on
BOULTON, R. B./SINGLETON, V. L./BISSON, L. F./ sparkling wine and way of serving it - 6. Degus
KUNKEE, R. AND. University of California, Davis. technical tation of sparkling wine.
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. Viticulture for 1989 13,5 × 21,5 178 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0641-3
wine makers - 3. Preparation of musts and juices
- 4. Yeasts and ferment biochemistry tion of
alcohol - 5. White and red table wines - 6.
Malolactic fermentation - 7. Completion and Wine flavor chemistry
clarification of wines - 8. Physical and chemical
stability of wine - 9. Microbiological alteration CLARKE, R. J. , co-editor of Coffee: Recent Develop
of wine and its control - 10. Maturation and ments and the widely acclaimed six-volume work nes
Coffee, published between 1985 and 1988, is currently a
aging ment of wine - 11. Bottling and storing food industry consultant, based in Chichester, UK.
ment of wine - 12. Role of sulfur dioxide in BAKKER, J. , formerly senior researcher on food flavor
wines - 13. Methods of transferring musts, juices and color at IFR Reading, has more than 19 years of
and wines - 14. Heat applications treatment and experience in wine research, including time as an industry
consultant and tutor for wine courses at the University of
cooling - 15. Juices and acidity of wine - 16. Bath, Swindon, United Kingdom.
Preparation, analysis and evaluation of
experimental wines - Appendices - Glossary. Content : 1. Introduction - 2. Grape varieties
2002 17 × 24 650 pp.
and growing regions - 3. Stimulating and basic
ISBN: 978-84-200-0978-0 flavor components - 4. Compose volatile tees -
5. Tasting methods and overall flavor of wine -
6. Sherry and port - 7. shape routes tion in
Water lighting winemaking - Appendices.
Guide to construction and maintenance 2010 17 × 24 352 pp.
ment of private water supplies ISBN: 978-84-200-1140-0

BRASSINGTON, R. Enogastric tourism

Content: 1. Introduction - 2. The hydrological Integrating food, travel and terroir
cycle - 3. Choosing the most suitable water CROCE, E. and PERRI, G.
source - 4. How much water is needed? - 5. The
construction of a new supply - 6. Water Contents: About the authors - Preface - 1. The
treatment and quality - 7. The rest of the system spirit of a place within a plate - 2. The
- 8. Maintenance - 9. Water rights - 10. Problems environment: Tools of the trade - 3. Tourists on
due to external causes - Apen you say - the gastronomic route: Who are they? - 4.
Glossary. Transform a Terroir into a tourist destination
Attic - 5. The supply side: The actors involved in
1998 17 × 24 252 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0846-2
the production of food and wine us - 6. Food and
wine tourism, best practices: Examples from
around the world - 7. Food and wine tourism
operators - 8. Designing a life experience:
Manufacturing of sparkling Itinerary, plan nification and organization -
Conclusion - Biblio graphy - Alphabetical index.
17 × 24 300 pp. approx.
CAVAZZANI, N. ISBN: 978-84-200-
Content: 1. A new way of making sparkling
wines: the "slow" method in large containers
(Cavazzani) - 2. The formation of foam ma - 3.

The wine. taste. Volatile acidity - Lactic acid taste, butyric

acid taste, mannitol taste, bitter taste - Biogenic
From analysis to elaboration amines - Ahi side - Moused - Horse sweat -
DELANOË, D. Doctor-engineer, oenologist. Clarifies defective tion. Taste of bitter almonds -
MAILLARD, Ch. Oenology professor. MAISONDIEU, Moldy taste - Cork taste - Crystal precipitation -
D. Technician, oenology advisor.
Metallic taste and clouding by metals -
Content: First part: WINE ANALYSIS - Wine Biological causes of clouding to - Protein
analysis in the laboratory - Interpretation of bankruptcies - Review of defects cough of the
analysis reports - Wine analysis in the winery: 1997 wine season in the re regarding quality
general recommendations - Second part: wines in Austria - List of authoritative
HARVEST AND WINEMAKING - Maturity oenological methods and treatments zados -
controls - Monitoring of alcoholic fermentation - Glossary - Bibliography.
Se guidance of malolactic fermentation - With 2006 17 × 24 240 pp.
End of fermentation trolleys - Third part: ISBN: 978-84-200-1064-9
WINES - SO 2 (sulphurous anhydride) - Volatile
acidity - Iron - Copper - Sizing of wines - Wine From cane to rum
stability tests - Accidents in bottle - Fourth part: FAHRASMANE, L. PhD in Food Sciences from USTL,
SOME GOOD PRACTICES OF THE and GANOU-PARFAIT, B. Dr. from the University ity of
Sciences and Techniques of Languedoc (USTL).
WINEMAKER - Good practices: regulations,
methods - Cleaning and hygiene of the winery - Content: Introduction - First part. Gene ralities -
Some oenological practices: their usefulness, Brief history of cane - Sugar cane today -
their norm mativa - Wine blends - The addition Second part. Technical principles manufacturing
of enzymes - Sowing with yeast - The techniques and typology of rum - Tecnolo rum
enrichment of musts or harvests - Acidity theory - Alcoholic fermentation - The des
corrections - ANNEXES: 1. Determination of tilation - Maturation and aging - Third part. Rum
the sugar content and the probable degree from today - Rum, economic data cos and typology -
the volumetric mass - 2. Appreciation of the Chemistry of rums - Conclusion - Bibliographic
health status of the grapes - 3. Maximum total references - Glossary.
SO 2 contents - 4. Methods of using the OS 2 - 5.
Good gestures for using the pipette and burette - 2005 17 × 24 134 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1058-8
6. The with maturity trolls - Bibliographic
2003 17 × 24 250 pp. Reimp. 2017 Selection and training guide for
ISBN: 978-84-200-1011-3
a panel of tasters
Agricultural engineer food.
wine defects See Section II, p. 9.
Recognition · Prevention · Correction
Artisanal production of liquors
Content: Introduction - Wine defects: Summary
table - Ice flavor - Rotten taste - Defects GEORGE, H. Master distiller.
associated with tannin - Fermentation defects - Content: What is a liquor? History of aguar
Geranium taste - Extra tastes ñosos - SO 2 taste, tooth - The two faces of alcohol - The compo
aged taste, color alteration - Sulfur taste - Causes nents and their transformations: Alcohol - Water
of sulfur taste do: result of an empirical study - - Sugar and sugary dyes - Fruits - Drugs -
Atypical aging taste (AUT) - Aldehydic taste, Instruments - Calculation of alkyl content
musty taste, air taste, ammonti llado - Acetic alcoholic - Recipes: Abbey liqueur - Pineapple

liqueur - Angostura bitter liqueur - Peanut Scientific and technological

liqueur zana - Apricot liqueur - Pear liqueur -
Boonekamp - Blackberry liqueur - Cordial bases of viticulture
Médoc - Acerolo liqueur - Half and half - GIRARD, G. Enseignant de viticulture et d'oenologie
Raspberry liqueur - Strawberry liqueur - Egg lycée professionnel agricole d'Amboise.
liqueur - Elderberry liqueur - Honey liqueur
Content: Biology of the vineyard - Morphology
(bear trap) ) - Blackcurrant liqueur (Cassis) -
and anatomy of the vineyard - Physiology of the
Jengi liqueur bre - Coffee liqueur - Cherry
liqueur - Cola liqueur - Cumin liqueur - Milk vineyard - Nece deficiencies and deficiencies of
liqueur - Mocha liqueur with cream - Walnut the vineyard -Development and reproduction
liqueur - Yellow plum liqueur (or simply plum) - duction of the vineyard - Sensitivity of the
Orange liqueur - Mint liqueur - Peach liqueur - vineyard to climatic phenomena - Management
Quince liqueur - Sloe liqueur - Stonsdorfer - Tea of the vineyard - Winter pruning - Vineyard
liqueur - Chocolate liqueur - Vanilla liqueur - trellising - Opera "green" maintenance of the
Lemon liqueur - Brief description of known vineyard - Varietal improvement of the vineyard
liqueurs. - Creation and selection tion of vineyard plants -
1989 17 × 24 128 pp. Reimp. 2018 Production of vineyard plants - American vines
ISBN: 978-84-200-0656-7 and rootstocks - Varieties of Vitis vinifera - The
soil and the vineyard - The soil, a living system
Scientific and technological to preserve - Soil analysis winegrowers -
bases of oenology Vineyard fertilization - Manteni soil
management in viticulture - Parasitic animals
GIRARD, G. Enseignant de viticulture et d'oenologie
lycée professionnel agricole d'Amboise. vine cough - Vineyard phylloxera - Cluster
moths - Green scorch midge - Golden
Content: Biochemistry of wine: The raw flavescence leafhopper - Red and yellow
material: from grapes to wine - Main sugars and phytophagous mites - Acariosis and erynosis -
alcohols of musts and wines - Main organic Parasitic fungi of the vineyard - Excoriosis -
acids of musts and wines - Phenolic compounds Tinder - Eutypiosis - Black- rot - Botrytis -
of grapes and wine - Aro compounds matics of Downy mildew - Oidium - Vineyard protection -
grapes and wine - Interpret a bulletin of Fungicides authorized in vineyards - Insecticides
oenological analysis - Microbiology of wine: and acaricides authorized in vineyards -
Yeasts and alcoholic fermentation - Lactic Integrated protection of the vineyard - Produc
bacteria and malolactic fermentation - integrated tion, source of sustainable viticulture -
Microbiological alterations of wines - Biological struggle in viticulture.
Transformation of grapes into wine: Preparation
2005 17 × 24 358 pp.
and carrying out the harvest - First treats grape ISBN: 978-84-200-1051-9
harvest - Vinification of «dry white wine» -
Vinification of red wines - Elabora tion of rosé
wines - Vinification by carbonic maceration - Wine production:
Oenological technology: Em use of SO 2 in From the vine to the bottle
oenology - Legal corrections of the qualities of
the harvest - Physicochemical alterations of the
wines - Sizing of the wines - Filtration of the Content: Foreword by the series editor - Pró
wines - Cooperage oak - Aging of the wines - logo - Acknowledgments - Introduction -
Preparation of the grapes: Quality bottling - Viticul ture, basic principles - The climate - The
Glass bottle - Ta put cork in still wines. soil - The vineyard - Pests and diseases -
Environmental proposals for the vineyard - The
2004 17 × 24 254 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1026-7 harvest - Vinification: basic principles -
Production of red wines - Production of dry

white wine - Preparation of the wine for bottling Biotechnology of beer and malt
- Pro Detailed process of making red and white
HOUGH, J. S. Director of the British School of Malting
wines - Aging in barrels and oak treatments - and Brewing, University of Birmingham.
Making other types of tranquil wines kilos -
Contents: Prologue - List of abbreviations - 1.
Sparkling wines - Problems and solutions nes -
Introduction - 2. The barley. Essential raw
Common defects and their causes - Glossary -
material - 3. The malt. A package of enzymes
Bibliography - Useful Web pages. and nutrients - 4. Water. Their roles in brewing -
2007 17 × 24 186 pp. 5. Sweet must production - 6. Hops and wort
ISBN: 978-84-200-1084-7
boiling - 7. Yeasts and bacteria - 8. Ferment tion,
process fundamentals - 9. Treatment post-
fermentative cough - Recommended readings
das - Alphabetical index.
Drinking water quality
1990 17 × 24 210 pp. Reimp. 2018
Problems and solutions ISBN: 978-84-200-0681-9
GRAY, N. F. Trinity College, Univ. of Dublin, Ireland.
Beer. Quality, hygiene and nutritional
Content: Glossary. The water business. Ori
water genes. Water supply: How to do it liza.
Problems with resources. Southern problems HUGHES, P. S. Heineken Techn. Services, Burgemeester
Smeetsweg 1, 2382 PH Zoeterwoude, The Netherlands.
water treatment procedures. Problems arose two
in the distribution systems. Problems in Contents: Preface - Glossary - General
plumbing systems. Alternatives to water stream. overview ral of malting and brewing processes -
The water we drink. Appendices: Main pale Quality of beer and importance of visual
pesticides and their degradation problems with indicators - Flavors determined nantes of beer
their relative limits of toxicity in drinking water. quality - Conserva tion of beer quality -
The percentage of water supply areas that do not Nutritional characteristics of beer - Ensuring the
meet the PCV or the PCV relaxes two for safety of beer.
pesticides with the percentage of determi nations 2003 17 × 24 170 pp. Reimp. 2018
ISBN: 978-84-200-1021-2
that exceed permitted limits.
1996 17 × 24 388 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0821-9

Wine making
Safety – Quality – Methods Introduction to
HACCP and defect control

Microbiology, biochemistry and Content: I. Risk analysis - Critical point control:

HACCP - 1.1 Keys to com turn on HACCP - 1.2
technology Application of the tool lie - II. Control of defects
HORNSEY, I. S. Nethergate Brewery Co Ltd. linked to ALS boration - 2.1 Defects of
Content: 1. Definition of beer - 2. Evil ta - 3. microbiological and physical-chemical origin -
Hops - 4. Boil the wort and cool lie - 5. 2.2 Defect control proposal - 2.3 Control of
Fermentation - 6. Beer - Postfer mentation - 7. cleaning operations piece-disinfection - III.
Beer microbiology. Interest of the 5M: not to forget - Conclusion -
2002 17 × 24 240 pp. Reimp. 2018 Annex I. Regulations - Annex II. Hygiene -
ISBN: 978-84-200-0967-4 Annex III. cam count hard - lactic acid bacteria -
Annex IV. Metrics - Bibliography - List of
acronyms or abbreviations - Di rections.
2000 17 × 24 112 pp.

ISBN: 978-84-200-0928-5 skills litities through simple exercises; host fun

tastings at your home; establish the methods two
to sharpen your senses and develop your taste
Sensory analysis of wines: memory; find the right words to express your
Manual for professionals opinion; fill out and cover a tasting sheet;
consolidate your knowledge cough while
carrying out commented tastings.
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. Visual perceptions
2010 12,5 × 20 96 pp.
- 3. Olfactory sensations - 4. Flavor and tactile ISBN: 978-84-200-1153-0
sensations in the mouth - 5. Evaluation when
wine titative - 6. Qualitative evaluation of wine - Practical oenology manual
7. Types of wine - 8. Origin of wine quality - 9. RANKINE, B. Master and Dr. in Sciences.
Wine and its pairing with gastronomy. 2009 Content: 1. Background of the wine industry -
17 × 24 350 pp. 2. Development and composition of the ra timo -
ISBN: 978-84-200-1127-1 3. Establishment and distribution of a winery - 4.
Winemaking methods - 5. Me to two grape and
must handling - 6. My crobiology and
fruit wines fermentation - 7. Adjustment of acidity in musts
Artisanal and industrial elaboration and wines - 8. Wine handling operations - 9.
KOLB, E. formerly Direktor Forschung, Entwicklung und Clarification - 10. Stabilization - 11. Oxidation -
Qualitätssicherung at Eckes AG, Nieder-Olm. 12. Ferment malolactic tion - 13. Oak maturation
Content: 1. Introduction - 2. Homemade wine - 14. Filtration - 15. Bottled and packed - 16.
production - 3. Professional and industrial wine Dangers in the winery - 17. Hygiene in the
production - 4. The most frequent wine diseases winery and waste disposal - 18. Evaluate
and failures - 5. Wine legislation - 6. Seed fruit sensorial tion of wine - 19. Wine defects - 20.
wines and fruit wines in Europe - 7. Exhibit. The composition of wines - 21. With quality
troll - 22. Wine analysis - 23. Ru wine prices -
2002 17 × 24 240 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0969-8
Appendix 1. Legal requirements - Appendix 2.
Infection of the cork and closure of the bottle.
1999 17 × 24 412 pp. Reimp. 2018
ISBN: 978-84-200-0893-6
Basic oenology treatise
OUGH, C. S. Dsc, MS.
Content: 1. Grapes and concentrates - 2.
Process grape sado - 3. Fermentation and
bottled water technology
SENIOR, D. TO. g. Technical Services Manager,
composition of wine - 4. Clarification and
Highland Spring Ltd, Blackford, Perthshire and
refining - 5. Stabi lization - 6. Secondary ASHURST, P. R. Dr. PR Ashurst & Associates,
fermentations - 7. In aging, bottling and storage - Consulting Chemists, Kingstone, Hereford.
8. Sensory evaluation - 9. Chemical analysis and See Section V, p. 51.
information search - 10. Additives and counts
minants - 11. The home winery.
1996 17 × 24 308 pp. Drinking water manual
ISBN: 978-84-200-0806-6 SPELLMAN, F. R. Ph.D. and DRINAN, J. Hampton
Roads Sanitation District.
Contents: Preface - Introduction - Everything
Wine tasting agenda is on water: basic concepts - Regulations
drinking water - Supply of drinking water -
Transportation and distribution of water -
This guide helps the amateur taster to: com lay Parameters of drinking water: microbiological -
down the bases of the tasting; develop your Parameters of drinking water: physical -

Parameters ters of drinking water: chemicals - 1996 17 × 24 500 pp. Reimp. 2018
Pollutes tion of water - Monitoring of drinking ISBN: 978-84-200-0826-4
water - Water treatment - Epilogue. Home brewing
2004 17 × 24 270 pp. Reimp. 2013
ISBN: 978-84-200-1033-5 VOGEL, W.

The viticultural terroirs. Contents: Introduction - First attempt at

brewing beer - Ingredients needed to brew beer -
Definitions, characterization and
Brewing - Beer recipes - Beer quality -
protection Correction of defects - Appendix.
VAUDOUR, E. 2003 17 × 24 146 pp. Reimp. 2019
Content: Introduction - A. Notions of terroir - 1. ISBN: 978-84-200-1003-8
Diversity of meanings and uses - 2. Recognition
of terroirs, from controversy to plebiscite - B.
Terroir approaches - 3. Scientific definitions of
terroir - 4. Vineyards in France and in the world Homemade wine making
- 5. Approaches to terroir - C. Different scales of Wines from grapes, apples and berries
approximation mation to the terroirs - 6.
Ecophysiological studies of the plot - 7.
Knowledge spatial analysis of terroir: zoning - Content: Introduction - The winery and
D. Viticultural zoning - 8. Why carry out utensils corresponding silia - The grapes - It is
zoning? - 9. Main zoning methods - 10. Practice made tion of wine - Tasting and consumption of
of terroir zoning - 11. Zoning of terroirs by wine - Ta defects and diseases - Fruit wines -
spatial analysis in pedolandscapes - E. fun Products made from wine - Apén says -
management and protection of terroirs - 12. «Bioland» Guidelines - Products and me all
Factors that explain the «terroir effect» - 13. authorized in the oenological sphere - Valo legal
Evolution and sustainable protection of terroirs - oenological limits - List of supplying firms -
Conclusion - Glossary - Organization list Bibliography - Alphabetical index.
professionalisms, conventions and institutions 2003 17 × 24 164 pp. Reimp. 2012
tions - Alphabetical index. ISBN: 978-84-200-1002-1
Wine analysis and production
2010 17 × 24 336 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-1152-3 ZOECKLEIN, B. W. Virginia Polytechnic Institute &
State University, Blacksburg.


California State University at Fresno.
Drinks Content: Introduction - Application of eva
Technology, chemistry and microbiology sensory luation in wine making - Ma hardness
VARNAM, A. H. Consultant microbiologist. Southern
Bio logical. Reading. UK. and quality of grapes - Hydrogen ion (pH) and
SUTHERLAND, J. Q. Head of the Food and Beverage fixed acidity - Carbohydrates - Alcohol and
Microbiology section. Institute of Food Research. Reading extract - Com Phenolic compounds and wine
Laboratory. ReadingUK. color - Nitrogen compounds - Sulfur-containing
Content: 1. Mineral water and other waters compounds - Sulfur dioxide and ascorbic acid -
bottled - 2. Fruit juices - 3. Drinks fresh - 4. Tea Volatile acidity - Metals, cations and anions -
- 5. Coffee - 6. Cocoa, chocolate beats for Sorbic acid, benzoic acid and dimethi
drinking and related beverages - 7. Alcoholic dicarbonate lo - Oxygen, carbon dioxide and
beverages. YO. Beer - 8. Alcoholic drinks cas. nitrogen - Tartrates and instabilities -
II. Wines and related drinks - 9. Alcoholic Clarification and agen clarifying teas - Winery
beverages: III. Spiritual drinks. health - Micro biology of wine making - Cork -

Laboratory procedures - Appendices: Ta blas of quality.

constants, conversion factors - Segu laboratory 2001 17 × 24 634 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0936-0

g) Cocoa and derivatives

The science of chocolate sugar in granules - Dragee - Toffees and soft
candies - Gums, products gelled cough and
BECKETT, S. T. Nestlé Product Technology Centre,
Haxby Road, York YO91 1XY, UK.
licorice - Chewing Gum - Pro aerated ducts,
foams - Sugar-free confectionery - Lozenges or
Content: The history of chocolate - Ingre lozenges - Tablets or tablets - Experiments - The
chocolate teeth - Cocoa bean processing - Liquid future.
chocolate manufacturing - With control of the 2002 17 × 24 200 pp. Reimp. 2019
flow properties of liquid chocolate - ISBN: 978-84-200-0964-3
Crystallization of fat in the chocolate -
Manufacture of chocolate products - Analytical Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.)
techniques - Packaging of products cough with
Impact on technology and innovation
chocolate - Experiments with chocolate tea and
products that contain it. TENEDA LLERENA, W. F.
2002 17 × 24 220 pp. Reimp. 2019
ISBN: 978-84-200-0963-6
Content: Introduction - Basic science - In
ingredients - Emulsifiers, colorings and aromas -
Sweets made with sugar and The candy factory - Vitreous sugar in the
chocolate chemistry of hard candies - Products containing
sugar in granules - Dragee - Toffees and soft
CAKEBREAD, S. Consultant Food Scientist to Knechtel candies - Gums, products gelled cough and
Research Sciences.
licorice - Chewing Gum - Pro aerated ducts,
Content: The ingredients - The types of with foams - Sugar-free confectionery - Lozenges or
fitería - Production of sugar candies - Elabora lozenges - Tablets or tablets - Experiments - The
tion and use of chocolate - Chocolate making future.
tees - Preparation of coated compounds - 17 × 24 230 pp. approx.
Colorants and condiments; packaging and soul ISBN: 978-84-200-
dinner - Nutritional aspects - Appendices - Ta
blah: A.1. Nutritional composition of pure
unsweetened chocolate - A.2. Ditto for pure,
shelled cocoa beans - A.3. Ditto for various
sweets - A.4. Ditto dark and white sugar - A.5.
Sugar boiling temperatures and tests.
1981 13 × 21,5 86 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-200-0465-5

The science of candy

EDWARDS, W. Q. Bardfield Consultants Essex, UK

Content: Introduction - Basic science - In

ingredients - Emulsifiers, colorings and aromas -
The candy factory - Vitreous sugar in the
chemistry of hard candies - Products containing


Edible oils and fats Technology, use
CHEMISTRY, ETC.)...........1
The science of food..........1
from a to Z........................1
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Manual 1
food chemistry..................1
food chemistry..................2
Bender 's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology 2
Food science and technology 2
Manual of food chemistry and biochemistry 2
Food proteins....................2
FENNEMA Food chemistry 2
Maillard reaction..............3
Food flavors......................3
Physical foundations for food science 3
Edible oils and fats...........4
Physical properties of foods and processing systems 4
Agroindustrial biochemistry: Food revaluation of agricultural
Functional Foods..............4
Culinary creation:.............4
Introduction to food rheology 4
Food Science Laboratory Manual 5

food science......................5
Food texture......................5
Food preservation and biodeterioration 5
Food Science Fundamentals 6
Elements of descriptive food science 6
Food fats and oils..............6
Methods of analysis of the charcuterie industry 8
Food microscopy..............8
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 8
Drinking water quality......8
Lipid analysis....................8
Microbiological analysis. .8
of food and water..............8
Modern analysis methods. 9
Food analysis:...................9
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 9
Food analysis..................10
Food analysis..................10
Analysis of food nutrients11
Physical properties of foods 11
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 11
Analytical microscopy....11
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 11

Food poisoning of microbial etiology 12
Introduction to plant toxicology 12
Food hygiene and toxicology 12
Food allergy and intolerance 13
Food toxicology..............13
Compendium of food risks14
Introduction to food toxicology 14
pathogenic clostridia.......14
Food microbiology.........15
Practical guide to the microbiological analysis of milk and dairy
Clostridium botulinum....15
Food microbiology.........16
Food microbiology.........16
Food Microorganisms 2..18
The analysis system........19
of risks and critical points:19
Food Microorganisms 5..19
Food Microorganisms 6..19
Modern food microbiology21
Foodborne virus..............21
Cultivation of microorganisms for food production Obtaining,
applications and research21

Industrial microbiology. .21

Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables 23
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 23
Food microbiology.........23
HACCP. Practical approach 24
Microbiology of plant foods 24
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 25
Practical food microbiology 25
Food microbiology.........25
Veterinary meat inspection26
Hygiene and inspection of poultry meat 26
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 26
Veterinary food hygiene. 26
Food hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP 26
Health inspection of poultry meat 27
Hygiene course for food handlers 27
Food hygiene and toxicology 27
Microbiological analysis of food and water. 28
Food hygiene principles. 28
HACCP. Practical approach 28
Beef Safety and Quality Manual 28
Food health.....................28
Introduction to food hygiene 28
Reviews about science....28
and food technology.......28

Food Science and Technology Reviews 29

Cleaning and disinfection in the food industry 29
Food, fermentation and microorganisms 30
Nutrition and diet foods..30
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism 30
Nutrition manual.............30
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book 31
Nutrition, diet and health 31
Introduction to human nutrition 31
Nutrition and metabolism31
Nutrition Basics..............32
Simplified diet manual. . .32
Food hygiene principles. 32
Nutritional advice...........32
and dietary in the Pharmacy Office 32
Functional Foods............32
Nutrition and food science32
Nutrition and public health33
Nutritional value of meat (8) 33
Food antioxidants...........33
Practical Pediatric Nutrition 33
Quality and nutritional value of plant foods 34
Food composition tables.34
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition 34

Nutritional supplements and functional foods 34
Glycemic index...............35
Nutrition and sport..........35
Food fats and oils............35
a) Vegan science................36
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.36
vegan food......................36
Methods to measure physical properties in food industries 37
Non-thermal food preservation 37
Food dehydration............37
Food Engineering Laboratory Manual37
Food factories.................38
Quality Management Systems 38
in the food industry.........38
Food engineering operations 39
Food processing manual. 39
Food packaging in controlled, modified and vacuum atmospheres
Introduction to biotechnology 39
Packaging of widely consumed foods 40
Food science and technology 40
Deep freezing of food.....41
Bioprocess engineering principles 41

Science and technology of frozen foods 41

Food processing technology: Principles and practice 42
Enzyme technology........42
Biotechnology. Introduction with model experiments43
Process engineering applied to the dairy industry 43
Citrus processing............44
Food Biotechnology Fundamentals 44
ISO 9000 on the front line44
Agricultural plant biotechnology 44
Introduction to the calculation of pro food technological
Chemical food preservation44
Food industrial engineering45
Food industrial engineering45
Additives and manufacturing auxiliaries in agri-food industries
Genetic engineering and its applications 46
Food preservation manual46
Food industries manual...46
Basic biotechnology.......46
Thermal processing and packaging of foods 48
Heat treatment................48
of meat products (13)......48
Extruders in food applications 48
Thermal technologies for food processing 48
Food irradiation..............48
bottled water technology 49

Canning technology........49
Introduction to food engineering 49
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 49
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 49
Food Technology Fundamentals 50
Introduction to fungal biotechnology 50
Molecular biology and biotechnology 50
Practical manual for smoking foods 50
Treatment of waste from the food processing industry 51
Biochemical Engineering51
Organic food processing and production 51
Cooking and science.......52
Culinary chemistry.........52
Restaurants: Basic service52
Catering theory...............52
Culinary creation............52
Experiments in the kitchen53
Experiments with supermarket products 53
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 53
From science to the kitchen53
The secrets of the pouts. .53
Children in the kitchen.. .54
Pans and test tubes..........55
Basic cooking treatise.....55
Cooking... is love, art, technique 55


Veterinary meat inspection57
Analysis methods............57
of the charcuterie industry57
Industrialization of slaughter animal fat (10) 57
Technology of charcuterie and salted products 57
Artificial casings (4).......57
Sausage manufacturing...58
Veterinary food hygiene. 58
Meat products manual....58
Canning fish and meat....58
Freezing and meat quality59
Industrial slaughterhouses:59
Research in meat science (1) 59
Health inspection of poultry meat 59
Soy protein and formulas for meat products 59
Preservation of meat by cold 59
meat science....................60
Progress of science.........60
of the meat......................60
Artisan charcuterie manual60
Smoking (11)..................60
The curing (7).................60
Poultry products technology 60
Nutritional value of meat (8) 61
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 61

Industrialization of by-products of animal origin 61

Poultry meat science.......62
Bacterial cultures for meat industries 63
Homemade meat and sausage preparation 63
Evaluation of meat in the production chain 63
Meat and meat products..63
meat science....................63
Practical meat inspection 64
Blanched sausage technology 64
Normative values............65
of meat technology.........65
Fish quality control.........65
Advances in technology of fishery products 65
Canning fish and meat....65
Fish processing technology65
Seafood technology:.......66
Fish and krill protein technology 66
Introduction to fishery byproducts 66
c) Milk and dairy industries67
CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products 67
Production of yogurt and fermented milk 67
of cheese making............67
Dairy technology............67
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.67
vegan food......................68

Milk and dairy products..68

Introduction to technology68
cheese maker..................68
Industrial dairy products.69
Lactological microbiology69
Lactological microbiology69
cheese making................69
Milk and its components 69
lactation biology.............69
Artisanal production of butter, yogurt and cheese 70
Production of sheep and goat cheeses 70
Manufacturing of dairy products 70
industrial lactology.........70
Milk and dairy products..70
Milk science and dairy technology 71
d) Cereals and derived industries 72
bread making..................72
Cereals and derived products 72
Bakery products..............72
Pasta and semolina production technology 72
Cookie industry technology72
Organic cereals and legumes 73
e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries 74
fruit processing...............74
Vegetable processing......74

Artisanal preparation of fruits and vegetables 74
Refrigeration of apples and pears 74
Selection and packaging of apples 75
Production of fruits from temperate and subtropical climates75
Food legumes..................75
Biological bases of fruit quality 75
Citrus processing............76
Advances in ripening and post-harvest of fruits and vegetables
Vegetable science and technology treatise 76
Conservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Home preservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 77
Vegetable technology.....77
Minimally processed and refrigerated fruits and vegetables 77
f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks 78
Control of temperatures and quality of wines 78
Theory and practice of wine making 78
Water lighting.................79
Manufacturing of sparkling wines 79
Wine flavor chemistry....79
Enogastric tourism..........79
The wine.........................79
wine defects....................80
From cane to rum............80

Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 80

Artisanal production of liquors 80
Scientific and technological bases of oenology 80
Scientific and technological bases of viticulture 81
Wine production:............81
Drinking water quality....81
Biotechnology of beer and malt 82
Wine making..................82
Sensory analysis of wines:82
fruit wines.......................82
Basic oenology treatise...83
Wine tasting agenda.......83
Practical oenology manual83
bottled water technology 83
Drinking water manual...83
The viticultural terroirs...83
Home brewing................84
Homemade wine making 84
Wine analysis and production 84
g) Cocoa and derivatives....84
The science of chocolate 84
Sweets made with sugar and chocolate 85
The science of candy......85
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.) 85


... since 1957............................100
Editorial Acribia, SA....100
Storage of fruits in controlled atmospheres
and vegetables

Water lighting. Construction guide
and maintenance of private water supplies 8 1
CHEMISTRY, ETC.)...........1
The science of food..........1
from a to Z........................1
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Manual 1
food chemistry..................1
food chemistry..................2
Bender 's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology 2
Food science and technology 2
Manual of food chemistry and biochemistry 2
Food proteins....................2
FENNEMA Food chemistry 2
Maillard reaction..............3
Food flavors......................3
Physical foundations for food science 3
Edible oils and fats...........4
Physical properties of foods and processing systems 4

Agroindustrial biochemistry: Food revaluation of agricultural

Functional Foods..............4
Culinary creation:.............4
Introduction to food rheology 4
Food Science Laboratory Manual 5
food science......................5
Food texture......................5
Food preservation and biodeterioration 5
Food Science Fundamentals 6
Elements of descriptive food science 6
Food fats and oils..............6
Methods of analysis of the charcuterie industry 8
Food microscopy..............8
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 8
Drinking water quality......8
Lipid analysis....................8
Microbiological analysis. .8
of food and water..............8
Modern analysis methods. 9
Food analysis:...................9
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 9
Food analysis..................10

Food analysis..................10
Analysis of food nutrients11
Physical properties of foods 11
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 11
Analytical microscopy....11
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 11
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 12
Introduction to plant toxicology 12
Food hygiene and toxicology 12
Food allergy and intolerance 13
Food toxicology..............13
Compendium of food risks14
Introduction to food toxicology 14
pathogenic clostridia.......14
Food microbiology.........15
Practical guide to the microbiological analysis of milk and dairy
Clostridium botulinum....15
Food microbiology.........16
Food microbiology.........16
Food Microorganisms 2..18
The analysis system........19

of risks and critical points:19

Food Microorganisms 5..19
Food Microorganisms 6..19
Modern food microbiology21
Foodborne virus..............21
Cultivation of microorganisms for food production Obtaining,
applications and research21
Industrial microbiology. .21
Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables 23
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 23
Food microbiology.........23
HACCP. Practical approach 24
Microbiology of plant foods 24
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 25
Practical food microbiology 25
Food microbiology.........25
Veterinary meat inspection26
Hygiene and inspection of poultry meat 26
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 26
Veterinary food hygiene. 26
Food hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP 26
Health inspection of poultry meat 27
Hygiene course for food handlers 27
Food hygiene and toxicology 27
Microbiological analysis of food and water. 28

Food hygiene principles. 28

HACCP. Practical approach 28
Beef Safety and Quality Manual 28
Food health.....................28
Introduction to food hygiene 28
Reviews about science....28
and food technology.......28
Food Science and Technology Reviews 29
Cleaning and disinfection in the food industry 29
Food, fermentation and microorganisms 30
Nutrition and diet foods..30
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism 30
Nutrition manual.............30
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book 31
Nutrition, diet and health 31
Introduction to human nutrition 31
Nutrition and metabolism31
Nutrition Basics..............32
Simplified diet manual. . .32
Food hygiene principles. 32
Nutritional advice...........32
and dietary in the Pharmacy Office 32
Functional Foods............32
Nutrition and food science32

Nutrition and public health33

Nutritional value of meat (8) 33
Food antioxidants...........33
Practical Pediatric Nutrition 33
Quality and nutritional value of plant foods 34
Food composition tables.34
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition 34
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 34
Glycemic index...............35
Nutrition and sport..........35
Food fats and oils............35
a) Vegan science................36
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.36
vegan food......................36
Methods to measure physical properties in food industries 37
Non-thermal food preservation 37
Food dehydration............37
Food Engineering Laboratory Manual37
Food factories.................38
Quality Management Systems 38
in the food industry.........38
Food engineering operations 39
Food processing manual. 39

Food packaging in controlled, modified and vacuum atmospheres

Introduction to biotechnology 39
Packaging of widely consumed foods 40
Food science and technology 40
Deep freezing of food.....41
Bioprocess engineering principles 41
Science and technology of frozen foods 41
Food processing technology: Principles and practice 42
Enzyme technology........42
Biotechnology. Introduction with model experiments43
Process engineering applied to the dairy industry 43
Citrus processing............44
Food Biotechnology Fundamentals 44
ISO 9000 on the front line44
Agricultural plant biotechnology 44
Introduction to the calculation of pro food technological
Chemical food preservation44
Food industrial engineering45
Food industrial engineering45
Additives and manufacturing auxiliaries in agri-food industries
Genetic engineering and its applications 46
Food preservation manual46
Food industries manual...46

Basic biotechnology.......46
Thermal processing and packaging of foods 48
Heat treatment................48
of meat products (13)......48
Extruders in food applications 48
Thermal technologies for food processing 48
Food irradiation..............48
bottled water technology 49
Canning technology........49
Introduction to food engineering 49
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 49
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 49
Food Technology Fundamentals 50
Introduction to fungal biotechnology 50
Molecular biology and biotechnology 50
Practical manual for smoking foods 50
Treatment of waste from the food processing industry 51
Biochemical Engineering51
Organic food processing and production 51
Cooking and science.......52
Culinary chemistry.........52
Restaurants: Basic service52
Catering theory...............52
Culinary creation............52
Experiments in the kitchen53

Experiments with supermarket products 53

Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 53
From science to the kitchen53
The secrets of the pouts. .53
Children in the kitchen.. .54
Pans and test tubes..........55
Basic cooking treatise.....55
Cooking... is love, art, technique 55
Veterinary meat inspection57
Analysis methods............57
of the charcuterie industry57
Industrialization of slaughter animal fat (10) 57
Technology of charcuterie and salted products 57
Artificial casings (4).......57
Sausage manufacturing...58
Veterinary food hygiene. 58
Meat products manual....58
Canning fish and meat....58
Freezing and meat quality59
Industrial slaughterhouses:59
Research in meat science (1) 59
Health inspection of poultry meat 59
Soy protein and formulas for meat products 59
Preservation of meat by cold 59
meat science....................60

Progress of science.........60
of the meat......................60
Artisan charcuterie manual60
Smoking (11)..................60
The curing (7).................60
Poultry products technology 60
Nutritional value of meat (8) 61
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 61
Industrialization of by-products of animal origin 61
Poultry meat science.......62
Bacterial cultures for meat industries 63
Homemade meat and sausage preparation 63
Evaluation of meat in the production chain 63
Meat and meat products..63
meat science....................63
Practical meat inspection 64
Blanched sausage technology 64
Normative values............65
of meat technology.........65
Fish quality control.........65
Advances in technology of fishery products 65
Canning fish and meat....65
Fish processing technology65
Seafood technology:.......66
Fish and krill protein technology 66
Introduction to fishery byproducts 66

c) Milk and dairy industries67

CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products 67
Production of yogurt and fermented milk 67
of cheese making............67
Dairy technology............67
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.67
vegan food......................68
Milk and dairy products..68
Introduction to technology68
cheese maker..................68
Industrial dairy products.69
Lactological microbiology69
Lactological microbiology69
cheese making................69
Milk and its components 69
lactation biology.............69
Artisanal production of butter, yogurt and cheese 70
Production of sheep and goat cheeses 70
Manufacturing of dairy products 70
industrial lactology.........70
Milk and dairy products..70
Milk science and dairy technology 71
d) Cereals and derived industries 72
bread making..................72
Cereals and derived products 72

Bakery products..............72
Pasta and semolina production technology 72
Cookie industry technology72
Organic cereals and legumes 73
e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries 74
fruit processing...............74
Vegetable processing......74
Artisanal preparation of fruits and vegetables 74
Refrigeration of apples and pears 74
Selection and packaging of apples 75
Production of fruits from temperate and subtropical climates75
Food legumes..................75
Biological bases of fruit quality 75
Citrus processing............76
Advances in ripening and post-harvest of fruits and vegetables
Vegetable science and technology treatise 76
Conservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Home preservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 77
Vegetable technology.....77
Minimally processed and refrigerated fruits and vegetables 77
f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks 78
Control of temperatures and quality of wines 78

Theory and practice of wine making 78

Water lighting.................79
Manufacturing of sparkling wines 79
Wine flavor chemistry....79
Enogastric tourism..........79
The wine.........................79
wine defects....................80
From cane to rum............80
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 80
Artisanal production of liquors 80
Scientific and technological bases of oenology 80
Scientific and technological bases of viticulture 81
Wine production:............81
Drinking water quality....81
Biotechnology of beer and malt 82
Wine making..................82
Sensory analysis of wines:82
fruit wines.......................82
Basic oenology treatise...83
Wine tasting agenda.......83
Practical oenology manual83
bottled water technology 83
Drinking water manual...83
The viticultural terroirs...83

Home brewing................84
Homemade wine making 84
Wine analysis and production 84
g) Cocoa and derivatives....84
The science of chocolate 84
Sweets made with sugar and chocolate 85
The science of candy......85
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.) 85
... since 1957............................100
Editorial Acribia, SA....100
Microbiological analysis of food and water.
Insurance Guidelines
of quality 9, 25,
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 10,
CHEMISTRY, ETC.)...........1
The science of food..........1
from a to Z........................1
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Manual 1
food chemistry..................1
food chemistry..................2
Bender 's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology 2
Food science and technology 2

Manual of food chemistry and biochemistry 2

Food proteins....................2
FENNEMA Food chemistry 2
Maillard reaction..............3
Food flavors......................3
Physical foundations for food science 3
Edible oils and fats...........4
Physical properties of foods and processing systems 4
Agroindustrial biochemistry: Food revaluation of agricultural
Functional Foods..............4
Culinary creation:.............4
Introduction to food rheology 4
Food Science Laboratory Manual 5
food science......................5
Food texture......................5
Food preservation and biodeterioration 5
Food Science Fundamentals 6
Elements of descriptive food science 6
Food fats and oils..............6
Methods of analysis of the charcuterie industry 8
Food microscopy..............8
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 8
Drinking water quality......8
Lipid analysis....................8

Microbiological analysis. .8
of food and water..............8
Modern analysis methods. 9
Food analysis:...................9
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 9
Food analysis..................10
Food analysis..................10
Analysis of food nutrients11
Physical properties of foods 11
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 11
Analytical microscopy....11
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 11
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 12
Introduction to plant toxicology 12
Food hygiene and toxicology 12
Food allergy and intolerance 13
Food toxicology..............13
Compendium of food risks14
Introduction to food toxicology 14
pathogenic clostridia.......14
Food microbiology.........15

Practical guide to the microbiological analysis of milk and dairy

Clostridium botulinum....15
Food microbiology.........16
Food microbiology.........16
Food Microorganisms 2..18
The analysis system........19
of risks and critical points:19
Food Microorganisms 5..19
Food Microorganisms 6..19
Modern food microbiology21
Foodborne virus..............21
Cultivation of microorganisms for food production Obtaining,
applications and research21
Industrial microbiology. .21
Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables 23
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 23
Food microbiology.........23
HACCP. Practical approach 24
Microbiology of plant foods 24
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 25
Practical food microbiology 25
Food microbiology.........25
Veterinary meat inspection26
Hygiene and inspection of poultry meat 26

Food poisoning of microbial etiology 26

Veterinary food hygiene. 26
Food hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP 26
Health inspection of poultry meat 27
Hygiene course for food handlers 27
Food hygiene and toxicology 27
Microbiological analysis of food and water. 28
Food hygiene principles. 28
HACCP. Practical approach 28
Beef Safety and Quality Manual 28
Food health.....................28
Introduction to food hygiene 28
Reviews about science....28
and food technology.......28
Food Science and Technology Reviews 29
Cleaning and disinfection in the food industry 29
Food, fermentation and microorganisms 30
Nutrition and diet foods..30
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism 30
Nutrition manual.............30
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book 31
Nutrition, diet and health 31
Introduction to human nutrition 31
Nutrition and metabolism31

Nutrition Basics..............32
Simplified diet manual. . .32
Food hygiene principles. 32
Nutritional advice...........32
and dietary in the Pharmacy Office 32
Functional Foods............32
Nutrition and food science32
Nutrition and public health33
Nutritional value of meat (8) 33
Food antioxidants...........33
Practical Pediatric Nutrition 33
Quality and nutritional value of plant foods 34
Food composition tables.34
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition 34
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 34
Glycemic index...............35
Nutrition and sport..........35
Food fats and oils............35
a) Vegan science................36
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.36
vegan food......................36
Methods to measure physical properties in food industries 37
Non-thermal food preservation 37

Food dehydration............37
Food Engineering Laboratory Manual37
Food factories.................38
Quality Management Systems 38
in the food industry.........38
Food engineering operations 39
Food processing manual. 39
Food packaging in controlled, modified and vacuum atmospheres
Introduction to biotechnology 39
Packaging of widely consumed foods 40
Food science and technology 40
Deep freezing of food.....41
Bioprocess engineering principles 41
Science and technology of frozen foods 41
Food processing technology: Principles and practice 42
Enzyme technology........42
Biotechnology. Introduction with model experiments43
Process engineering applied to the dairy industry 43
Citrus processing............44
Food Biotechnology Fundamentals 44
ISO 9000 on the front line44
Agricultural plant biotechnology 44
Introduction to the calculation of pro food technological
Chemical food preservation44

Food industrial engineering45

Food industrial engineering45
Additives and manufacturing auxiliaries in agri-food industries
Genetic engineering and its applications 46
Food preservation manual46
Food industries manual...46
Basic biotechnology.......46
Thermal processing and packaging of foods 48
Heat treatment................48
of meat products (13)......48
Extruders in food applications 48
Thermal technologies for food processing 48
Food irradiation..............48
bottled water technology 49
Canning technology........49
Introduction to food engineering 49
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 49
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 49
Food Technology Fundamentals 50
Introduction to fungal biotechnology 50
Molecular biology and biotechnology 50
Practical manual for smoking foods 50
Treatment of waste from the food processing industry 51
Biochemical Engineering51

Organic food processing and production 51

Cooking and science.......52
Culinary chemistry.........52
Restaurants: Basic service52
Catering theory...............52
Culinary creation............52
Experiments in the kitchen53
Experiments with supermarket products 53
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 53
From science to the kitchen53
The secrets of the pouts. .53
Children in the kitchen.. .54
Pans and test tubes..........55
Basic cooking treatise.....55
Cooking... is love, art, technique 55
Veterinary meat inspection57
Analysis methods............57
of the charcuterie industry57
Industrialization of slaughter animal fat (10) 57
Technology of charcuterie and salted products 57
Artificial casings (4).......57
Sausage manufacturing...58
Veterinary food hygiene. 58
Meat products manual....58
Canning fish and meat....58

Freezing and meat quality59

Industrial slaughterhouses:59
Research in meat science (1) 59
Health inspection of poultry meat 59
Soy protein and formulas for meat products 59
Preservation of meat by cold 59
meat science....................60
Progress of science.........60
of the meat......................60
Artisan charcuterie manual60
Smoking (11)..................60
The curing (7).................60
Poultry products technology 60
Nutritional value of meat (8) 61
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 61
Industrialization of by-products of animal origin 61
Poultry meat science.......62
Bacterial cultures for meat industries 63
Homemade meat and sausage preparation 63
Evaluation of meat in the production chain 63
Meat and meat products..63
meat science....................63
Practical meat inspection 64
Blanched sausage technology 64
Normative values............65
of meat technology.........65

Fish quality control.........65

Advances in technology of fishery products 65
Canning fish and meat....65
Fish processing technology65
Seafood technology:.......66
Fish and krill protein technology 66
Introduction to fishery byproducts 66
c) Milk and dairy industries67
CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products 67
Production of yogurt and fermented milk 67
of cheese making............67
Dairy technology............67
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.67
vegan food......................68
Milk and dairy products..68
Introduction to technology68
cheese maker..................68
Industrial dairy products.69
Lactological microbiology69
Lactological microbiology69
cheese making................69
Milk and its components 69
lactation biology.............69
Artisanal production of butter, yogurt and cheese 70
Production of sheep and goat cheeses 70

Manufacturing of dairy products 70

industrial lactology.........70
Milk and dairy products..70
Milk science and dairy technology 71
d) Cereals and derived industries 72
bread making..................72
Cereals and derived products 72
Bakery products..............72
Pasta and semolina production technology 72
Cookie industry technology72
Organic cereals and legumes 73
e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries 74
fruit processing...............74
Vegetable processing......74
Artisanal preparation of fruits and vegetables 74
Refrigeration of apples and pears 74
Selection and packaging of apples 75
Production of fruits from temperate and subtropical climates75
Food legumes..................75
Biological bases of fruit quality 75
Citrus processing............76
Advances in ripening and post-harvest of fruits and vegetables
Vegetable science and technology treatise 76

Conservation of fruits and vegetables 76

Home preservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 77
Vegetable technology.....77
Minimally processed and refrigerated fruits and vegetables 77
f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks 78
Control of temperatures and quality of wines 78
Theory and practice of wine making 78
Water lighting.................79
Manufacturing of sparkling wines 79
Wine flavor chemistry....79
Enogastric tourism..........79
The wine.........................79
wine defects....................80
From cane to rum............80
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 80
Artisanal production of liquors 80
Scientific and technological bases of oenology 80
Scientific and technological bases of viticulture 81
Wine production:............81
Drinking water quality....81
Biotechnology of beer and malt 82
Wine making..................82
Sensory analysis of wines:82
fruit wines.......................82

Basic oenology treatise...83

Wine tasting agenda.......83
Practical oenology manual83
bottled water technology 83
Drinking water manual...83
The viticultural terroirs...83
Home brewing................84
Homemade wine making 84
Wine analysis and production 84
g) Cocoa and derivatives....84
The science of chocolate 84
Sweets made with sugar and chocolate 85
The science of candy......85
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.) 85
... since 1957............................100
Editorial Acribia, SA....100
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.)
Biotechnology of beer and malt 84
Impact on technology and innovation
Agricultural plant biotechnology 47 Pans and test tubes
Biotechnology: Introduction with experiments 88
Food Expiration 57
model 46 Calculation of processes in milk and dairy products 15
Biotechnology: Manual of industrial microbiology 43 Drinking water quality. 69
Biotechnology: Biological principles 52 Problems and solutions
Botulism. The microorganism, its toxins,
the illness 16 84
9, 36
Quality and nutritional value of plant foods
Meat and meat products. Chemical technology 66
and microbiology 75
Cereals 75
Organic cereals and legumes
Cereals and derived products. Chemistry 74
and technology
Beer. Quality, hygiene and features 85

Cultivation of microorganisms for production

food. Obtaining, applications
CHEMISTRY, ETC.)...........1
The science of food..........1
from a to Z........................1
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Manual 1
food chemistry..................1
food chemistry..................2
Bender 's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology 2
Food science and technology 2
Manual of food chemistry and biochemistry 2
Food proteins....................2
FENNEMA Food chemistry 2
Maillard reaction..............3
Food flavors......................3
Physical foundations for food science 3
Edible oils and fats...........4
Physical properties of foods and processing systems 4
Agroindustrial biochemistry: Food revaluation of agricultural
Functional Foods..............4
Culinary creation:.............4
Introduction to food rheology 4
Food Science Laboratory Manual 5
food science......................5

Food texture......................5
Food preservation and biodeterioration 5
Food Science Fundamentals 6
Elements of descriptive food science 6
Food fats and oils..............6
Methods of analysis of the charcuterie industry 8
Food microscopy..............8
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 8
Drinking water quality......8
Lipid analysis....................8
Microbiological analysis. .8
of food and water..............8
Modern analysis methods. 9
Food analysis:...................9
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 9
Food analysis..................10
Food analysis..................10
Analysis of food nutrients11
Physical properties of foods 11
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 11
Analytical microscopy....11
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 11

Food poisoning of microbial etiology 12

Introduction to plant toxicology 12
Food hygiene and toxicology 12
Food allergy and intolerance 13
Food toxicology..............13
Compendium of food risks14
Introduction to food toxicology 14
pathogenic clostridia.......14
Food microbiology.........15
Practical guide to the microbiological analysis of milk and dairy
Clostridium botulinum....15
Food microbiology.........16
Food microbiology.........16
Food Microorganisms 2..18
The analysis system........19
of risks and critical points:19
Food Microorganisms 5..19
Food Microorganisms 6..19
Modern food microbiology21
Foodborne virus..............21
Cultivation of microorganisms for food production Obtaining,
applications and research21
Industrial microbiology. .21

Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables 23

Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 23
Food microbiology.........23
HACCP. Practical approach 24
Microbiology of plant foods 24
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 25
Practical food microbiology 25
Food microbiology.........25
Veterinary meat inspection26
Hygiene and inspection of poultry meat 26
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 26
Veterinary food hygiene. 26
Food hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP 26
Health inspection of poultry meat 27
Hygiene course for food handlers 27
Food hygiene and toxicology 27
Microbiological analysis of food and water. 28
Food hygiene principles. 28
HACCP. Practical approach 28
Beef Safety and Quality Manual 28
Food health.....................28
Introduction to food hygiene 28
Reviews about science....28
and food technology.......28
Food Science and Technology Reviews 29

Cleaning and disinfection in the food industry 29

Food, fermentation and microorganisms 30
Nutrition and diet foods..30
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism 30
Nutrition manual.............30
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book 31
Nutrition, diet and health 31
Introduction to human nutrition 31
Nutrition and metabolism31
Nutrition Basics..............32
Simplified diet manual. . .32
Food hygiene principles. 32
Nutritional advice...........32
and dietary in the Pharmacy Office 32
Functional Foods............32
Nutrition and food science32
Nutrition and public health33
Nutritional value of meat (8) 33
Food antioxidants...........33
Practical Pediatric Nutrition 33
Quality and nutritional value of plant foods 34
Food composition tables.34
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition 34

Nutritional supplements and functional foods 34

Glycemic index...............35
Nutrition and sport..........35
Food fats and oils............35
a) Vegan science................36
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.36
vegan food......................36
Methods to measure physical properties in food industries 37
Non-thermal food preservation 37
Food dehydration............37
Food Engineering Laboratory Manual37
Food factories.................38
Quality Management Systems 38
in the food industry.........38
Food engineering operations 39
Food processing manual. 39
Food packaging in controlled, modified and vacuum atmospheres
Introduction to biotechnology 39
Packaging of widely consumed foods 40
Food science and technology 40
Deep freezing of food.....41
Bioprocess engineering principles 41
Science and technology of frozen foods 41

Food processing technology: Principles and practice 42

Enzyme technology........42
Biotechnology. Introduction with model experiments43
Process engineering applied to the dairy industry 43
Citrus processing............44
Food Biotechnology Fundamentals 44
ISO 9000 on the front line44
Agricultural plant biotechnology 44
Introduction to the calculation of pro food technological
Chemical food preservation44
Food industrial engineering45
Food industrial engineering45
Additives and manufacturing auxiliaries in agri-food industries
Genetic engineering and its applications 46
Food preservation manual46
Food industries manual...46
Basic biotechnology.......46
Thermal processing and packaging of foods 48
Heat treatment................48
of meat products (13)......48
Extruders in food applications 48
Thermal technologies for food processing 48
Food irradiation..............48
bottled water technology 49
Canning technology........49

Introduction to food engineering 49

Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 49
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 49
Food Technology Fundamentals 50
Introduction to fungal biotechnology 50
Molecular biology and biotechnology 50
Practical manual for smoking foods 50
Treatment of waste from the food processing industry 51
Biochemical Engineering51
Organic food processing and production 51
Cooking and science.......52
Culinary chemistry.........52
Restaurants: Basic service52
Catering theory...............52
Culinary creation............52
Experiments in the kitchen53
Experiments with supermarket products 53
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 53
From science to the kitchen53
The secrets of the pouts. .53
Children in the kitchen.. .54
Pans and test tubes..........55
Basic cooking treatise.....55
Cooking... is love, art, technique 55

Veterinary meat inspection57

Analysis methods............57
of the charcuterie industry57
Industrialization of slaughter animal fat (10) 57
Technology of charcuterie and salted products 57
Artificial casings (4).......57
Sausage manufacturing...58
Veterinary food hygiene. 58
Meat products manual....58
Canning fish and meat....58
Freezing and meat quality59
Industrial slaughterhouses:59
Research in meat science (1) 59
Health inspection of poultry meat 59
Soy protein and formulas for meat products 59
Preservation of meat by cold 59
meat science....................60
Progress of science.........60
of the meat......................60
Artisan charcuterie manual60
Smoking (11)..................60
The curing (7).................60
Poultry products technology 60
Nutritional value of meat (8) 61
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 61
Industrialization of by-products of animal origin 61

Poultry meat science.......62

Bacterial cultures for meat industries 63
Homemade meat and sausage preparation 63
Evaluation of meat in the production chain 63
Meat and meat products..63
meat science....................63
Practical meat inspection 64
Blanched sausage technology 64
Normative values............65
of meat technology.........65
Fish quality control.........65
Advances in technology of fishery products 65
Canning fish and meat....65
Fish processing technology65
Seafood technology:.......66
Fish and krill protein technology 66
Introduction to fishery byproducts 66
c) Milk and dairy industries67
CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products 67
Production of yogurt and fermented milk 67
of cheese making............67
Dairy technology............67
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.67
vegan food......................68
Milk and dairy products..68

Introduction to technology68
cheese maker..................68
Industrial dairy products.69
Lactological microbiology69
Lactological microbiology69
cheese making................69
Milk and its components 69
lactation biology.............69
Artisanal production of butter, yogurt and cheese 70
Production of sheep and goat cheeses 70
Manufacturing of dairy products 70
industrial lactology.........70
Milk and dairy products..70
Milk science and dairy technology 71
d) Cereals and derived industries 72
bread making..................72
Cereals and derived products 72
Bakery products..............72
Pasta and semolina production technology 72
Cookie industry technology72
Organic cereals and legumes 73
e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries 74
fruit processing...............74
Vegetable processing......74

Artisanal preparation of fruits and vegetables 74

Refrigeration of apples and pears 74
Selection and packaging of apples 75
Production of fruits from temperate and subtropical climates75
Food legumes..................75
Biological bases of fruit quality 75
Citrus processing............76
Advances in ripening and post-harvest of fruits and vegetables
Vegetable science and technology treatise 76
Conservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Home preservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 77
Vegetable technology.....77
Minimally processed and refrigerated fruits and vegetables 77
f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks 78
Control of temperatures and quality of wines 78
Theory and practice of wine making 78
Water lighting.................79
Manufacturing of sparkling wines 79
Wine flavor chemistry....79
Enogastric tourism..........79
The wine.........................79
wine defects....................80
From cane to rum............80
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 80

Artisanal production of liquors 80

Scientific and technological bases of oenology 80
Scientific and technological bases of viticulture 81
Wine production:............81
Drinking water quality....81
Biotechnology of beer and malt 82
Wine making..................82
Sensory analysis of wines:82
fruit wines.......................82
Basic oenology treatise...83
Wine tasting agenda.......83
Practical oenology manual83
bottled water technology 83
Drinking water manual...83
The viticultural terroirs...83
Home brewing................84
Homemade wine making 84
Wine analysis and production 84
g) Cocoa and derivatives....84
The science of chocolate 84
Sweets made with sugar and chocolate 85
The science of candy......85
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.) 85


... since 1957............................100
Editorial Acribia, SA....100
Escherichia coli. A practical approach
to the microorganism and its control in food 17
Evaluation of meat in the production chain 66
Experiments with supermarket products 55
The science of food 1
from a to Z 1
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Manual 1
food chemistry 1
food chemistry 2
Bender 's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology 2
Food science and technology 2
Manual of food chemistry and biochemistry 2
Food proteins 2
FENNEMA Food chemistry 2
Maillard reaction 3
Food flavors 3
Physical foundations for food science 3
Edible oils and fats 4
Physical properties of foods and processing systems 4
Agroindustrial biochemistry: Food revaluation of agricultural
production 4

Functional Foods 4
Culinary creation: 4
Introduction to food rheology 4
Food Science Laboratory Manual 5
food science 5
Food texture 5
Food preservation and biodeterioration 5
Food Science Fundamentals 6
Elements of descriptive food science 6
Food fats and oils 6
Methods of analysis of the charcuterie industry 8
Food microscopy 8
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 8
Drinking water quality 8
Lipid analysis 8
Microbiological analysis 8
of food and water 8
Modern analysis methods 9
food 9
Food analysis: 9
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 9
Food analysis 10
Food analysis 10
Analysis of food nutrients11

Physical properties of foods 11

Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 11
Analytical microscopy 11
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 11
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 12
Introduction to plant toxicology 12
Food hygiene and toxicology 12
Food allergy and intolerance 13
Food toxicology 13
Compendium of food risks14
Introduction to food toxicology 14
Botulism 14
pathogenic clostridia 14
Food microbiology 15
Practical guide to the microbiological analysis of milk and dairy
products 15
Listeria 15
Clostridium botulinum 15
Food microbiology 16
Food microbiology 16
Food Microorganisms 2 18
The analysis system 19
of risks and critical points:19
Food Microorganisms 5 19

Food Microorganisms 6 19
Modern food microbiology21
Foodborne virus 21
Cultivation of microorganisms for food production Obtaining,
applications and research21
Industrial microbiology 21
Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables 23
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 23
Food microbiology 23
HACCP. Practical approach 24
Microbiology of plant foods 24
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 25
Practical food microbiology 25
Food microbiology 25
Veterinary meat inspection26
Hygiene and inspection of poultry meat 26
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 26
Veterinary food hygiene 26
Food hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP 26
Health inspection of poultry meat 27
Hygiene course for food handlers 27
Food hygiene and toxicology 27
Microbiological analysis of food and water. 28
Food hygiene principles 28
HACCP. Practical approach 28

Beef Safety and Quality Manual 28

Food health 28
Introduction to food hygiene 28
Reviews about science 28
and food technology 28
Food Science and Technology Reviews 29
Cleaning and disinfection in the food industry 29
Food, fermentation and microorganisms 30
Nutrition and diet foods 30
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism 30
Nutrition manual 30
Food 31
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book 31
Nutrition, diet and health 31
Introduction to human nutrition 31
Nutrition and metabolism31
Nutrition Basics 32
Simplified diet manual 32
Food hygiene principles 32
Nutritional advice 32
and dietary in the Pharmacy Office 32
Functional Foods 32
Nutrition and food science32
Nutrition and public health33
Nutritional value of meat (8) 33

Food antioxidants 33
Practical Pediatric Nutrition 33
Quality and nutritional value of plant foods 34
Food composition tables 34
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition 34
Nutrition 34
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 34
Glycemic index 35
Nutrition and sport 35
Food fats and oils 35
a) Vegan science 36
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.36
vegan food 36
Methods to measure physical properties in food industries 37
Non-thermal food preservation 37
Food dehydration 37
Food Engineering Laboratory Manual37
Food factories 38
Quality Management Systems 38
in the food industry 38
Food engineering operations 39
Food processing manual 39
Food packaging in controlled, modified and vacuum atmospheres
Introduction to biotechnology 39

Packaging of widely consumed foods 40

Food science and technology 40
Deep freezing of food 41
Biotechnology: 41
Bioprocess engineering principles 41
Science and technology of frozen foods 41
Food processing technology: Principles and practice 42
Enzyme technology 42
Biotechnology. Introduction with model experiments43
Process engineering applied to the dairy industry 43
Citrus processing 44
Food Biotechnology Fundamentals 44
ISO 9000 on the front line44
Agricultural plant biotechnology 44
Introduction to the calculation of pro food technological
processes 44
Chemical food preservation44
Food industrial engineering45
Food industrial engineering45
Additives and manufacturing auxiliaries in agri-food industries
Genetic engineering and its applications 46
Food preservation manual46
Food industries manual 46
Basic biotechnology 46
Thermal processing and packaging of foods 48
Heat treatment 48

of meat products (13) 48

Extruders in food applications 48
Thermal technologies for food processing 48
Food irradiation 48
bottled water technology 49
Canning technology 49
Introduction to food engineering 49
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 49
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 49
Biotechnology: 49
Food Technology Fundamentals 50
Introduction to fungal biotechnology 50
Molecular biology and biotechnology 50
Practical manual for smoking foods 50
Treatment of waste from the food processing industry 51
Biochemical Engineering51
Organic food processing and production 51
Cooking and science 52
Culinary chemistry 52
Restaurants: Basic service52
Catering theory 52
Culinary creation 52
Experiments in the kitchen53
Experiments with supermarket products 53
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 53
From science to the kitchen53

The secrets of the pouts 53

Children in the kitchen 54
Pans and test tubes 55
Basic cooking treatise 55
Cooking... is love, art, technique 55
Veterinary meat inspection57
Analysis methods 57
of the charcuterie industry57
Industrialization of slaughter animal fat (10) 57
Technology of charcuterie and salted products 57
Artificial casings (4) 57
Sausage manufacturing 58
Veterinary food hygiene 58
Meat products manual 58
Canning fish and meat 58
Freezing and meat quality59
Industrial slaughterhouses:59
Research in meat science (1) 59
Health inspection of poultry meat 59
Soy protein and formulas for meat products 59
Preservation of meat by cold 59
meat science 60
Progress of science 60
of the meat 60
Artisan charcuterie manual60

Smoking (11) 60
The curing (7) 60
Poultry products technology 60
Nutritional value of meat (8) 61
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 61
Industrialization of by-products of animal origin 61
Poultry meat science 62
Bacterial cultures for meat industries 63
Homemade meat and sausage preparation 63
Evaluation of meat in the production chain 63
Meat and meat products 63
meat science 63
Practical meat inspection 64
Blanched sausage technology 64
Normative values 65
of meat technology 65
Fish quality control 65
Advances in technology of fishery products 65
Canning fish and meat 65
Fish processing technology65
Seafood technology: 66
Fish and krill protein technology 66
Introduction to fishery byproducts 66
c) Milk and dairy industries67
CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products 67
Production of yogurt and fermented milk 67

Basics 67
of cheese making 67
Dairy technology 67
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.67
vegan food 68
Milk and dairy products 68
Introduction to technology68
cheese maker 68
Industrial dairy products 69
Lactological microbiology69
Lactological microbiology69
cheese making 69
Milk and its components 69
lactation biology 69
Artisanal production of butter, yogurt and cheese 70
Production of sheep and goat cheeses 70
Manufacturing of dairy products 70
industrial lactology 70
Milk and dairy products 70
Milk science and dairy technology 71
d) Cereals and derived industries 72
bread making 72
Cereals and derived products 72
Bakery products 72
Pasta and semolina production technology 72
Cookie industry technology72

Cereals 73
Organic cereals and legumes 73
e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries 74
fruit processing 74
Vegetable processing 74
Citrus 74
Artisanal preparation of fruits and vegetables 74
Refrigeration of apples and pears 74
Selection and packaging of apples 75
Production of fruits from temperate and subtropical climates75
Food legumes 75
Biological bases of fruit quality 75
Citrus processing 76
Advances in ripening and post-harvest of fruits and vegetables
Vegetable science and technology treatise 76
Conservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Home preservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 77
Vegetable technology 77
Minimally processed and refrigerated fruits and vegetables 77
f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks 78
Control of temperatures and quality of wines 78
Theory and practice of wine making 78
Water lighting 79
Manufacturing of sparkling wines 79

Wine flavor chemistry 79

Enogastric tourism 79
The wine. 79
wine defects 80
From cane to rum 80
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 80
Artisanal production of liquors 80
Scientific and technological bases of oenology 80
Scientific and technological bases of viticulture 81
Wine production: 81
Drinking water quality 81
Brewing 82
Biotechnology of beer and malt 82
Wine making 82
Sensory analysis of wines:82
fruit wines 82
Basic oenology treatise 83
Wine tasting agenda 83
Practical oenology manual83
bottled water technology 83
Drinking water manual 83
The viticultural terroirs. 83
Drinks 84
Home brewing 84
Homemade wine making 84
Wine analysis and production 84

g) Cocoa and derivatives 84

The science of chocolate 84
Sweets made with sugar and chocolate 85
The science of candy 85
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.) 85
... since 1957 100
Editorial Acribia, SA 100
Health inspection of poultry meat 29, 61
Veterinary meat inspection 28, 59
Etiology food poisoning
microbial 14, 28
Introduction to fungal biotechnology 52
Introduction to biotechnology

Introduction to posco physiology and manipulation
harvesting of fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants
Introduction to food hygiene 3

CHEMISTRY, ETC.)...........1
The science of food..........1
from a to Z........................1
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Manual 1
food chemistry..................1
food chemistry..................2
Bender 's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology 2
Food science and technology 2

Manual of food chemistry and biochemistry 2

Food proteins....................2
FENNEMA Food chemistry 2
Maillard reaction..............3
Food flavors......................3
Physical foundations for food science 3
Edible oils and fats...........4
Physical properties of foods and processing systems 4
Agroindustrial biochemistry: Food revaluation of agricultural
Functional Foods..............4
Culinary creation:.............4
Introduction to food rheology 4
Food Science Laboratory Manual 5
food science......................5
Food texture......................5
Food preservation and biodeterioration 5
Food Science Fundamentals 6
Elements of descriptive food science 6
Food fats and oils..............6
Methods of analysis of the charcuterie industry 8
Food microscopy..............8
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 8
Drinking water quality......8
Lipid analysis....................8

Microbiological analysis. .8
of food and water..............8
Modern analysis methods. 9
Food analysis:...................9
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 9
Food analysis..................10
Food analysis..................10
Analysis of food nutrients11
Physical properties of foods 11
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 11
Analytical microscopy....11
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 11
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 12
Introduction to plant toxicology 12
Food hygiene and toxicology 12
Food allergy and intolerance 13
Food toxicology..............13
Compendium of food risks14
Introduction to food toxicology 14
pathogenic clostridia.......14
Food microbiology.........15

Practical guide to the microbiological analysis of milk and dairy

Clostridium botulinum....15
Food microbiology.........16
Food microbiology.........16
Food Microorganisms 2..18
The analysis system........19
of risks and critical points:19
Food Microorganisms 5..19
Food Microorganisms 6..19
Modern food microbiology21
Foodborne virus..............21
Cultivation of microorganisms for food production Obtaining,
applications and research21
Industrial microbiology. .21
Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables 23
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 23
Food microbiology.........23
HACCP. Practical approach 24
Microbiology of plant foods 24
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 25
Practical food microbiology 25
Food microbiology.........25
Veterinary meat inspection26
Hygiene and inspection of poultry meat 26

Food poisoning of microbial etiology 26

Veterinary food hygiene. 26
Food hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP 26
Health inspection of poultry meat 27
Hygiene course for food handlers 27
Food hygiene and toxicology 27
Microbiological analysis of food and water. 28
Food hygiene principles. 28
HACCP. Practical approach 28
Beef Safety and Quality Manual 28
Food health.....................28
Introduction to food hygiene 28
Reviews about science....28
and food technology.......28
Food Science and Technology Reviews 29
Cleaning and disinfection in the food industry 29
Food, fermentation and microorganisms 30
Nutrition and diet foods..30
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism 30
Nutrition manual.............30
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book 31
Nutrition, diet and health 31
Introduction to human nutrition 31
Nutrition and metabolism31

Nutrition Basics..............32
Simplified diet manual. . .32
Food hygiene principles. 32
Nutritional advice...........32
and dietary in the Pharmacy Office 32
Functional Foods............32
Nutrition and food science32
Nutrition and public health33
Nutritional value of meat (8) 33
Food antioxidants...........33
Practical Pediatric Nutrition 33
Quality and nutritional value of plant foods 34
Food composition tables.34
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition 34
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 34
Glycemic index...............35
Nutrition and sport..........35
Food fats and oils............35
a) Vegan science................36
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.36
vegan food......................36
Methods to measure physical properties in food industries 37
Non-thermal food preservation 37

Food dehydration............37
Food Engineering Laboratory Manual37
Food factories.................38
Quality Management Systems 38
in the food industry.........38
Food engineering operations 39
Food processing manual. 39
Food packaging in controlled, modified and vacuum atmospheres
Introduction to biotechnology 39
Packaging of widely consumed foods 40
Food science and technology 40
Deep freezing of food.....41
Bioprocess engineering principles 41
Science and technology of frozen foods 41
Food processing technology: Principles and practice 42
Enzyme technology........42
Biotechnology. Introduction with model experiments43
Process engineering applied to the dairy industry 43
Citrus processing............44
Food Biotechnology Fundamentals 44
ISO 9000 on the front line44
Agricultural plant biotechnology 44
Introduction to the calculation of pro food technological
Chemical food preservation44

Food industrial engineering45

Food industrial engineering45
Additives and manufacturing auxiliaries in agri-food industries
Genetic engineering and its applications 46
Food preservation manual46
Food industries manual...46
Basic biotechnology.......46
Thermal processing and packaging of foods 48
Heat treatment................48
of meat products (13)......48
Extruders in food applications 48
Thermal technologies for food processing 48
Food irradiation..............48
bottled water technology 49
Canning technology........49
Introduction to food engineering 49
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 49
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 49
Food Technology Fundamentals 50
Introduction to fungal biotechnology 50
Molecular biology and biotechnology 50
Practical manual for smoking foods 50
Treatment of waste from the food processing industry 51
Biochemical Engineering51

Organic food processing and production 51

Cooking and science.......52
Culinary chemistry.........52
Restaurants: Basic service52
Catering theory...............52
Culinary creation............52
Experiments in the kitchen53
Experiments with supermarket products 53
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 53
From science to the kitchen53
The secrets of the pouts. .53
Children in the kitchen.. .54
Pans and test tubes..........55
Basic cooking treatise.....55
Cooking... is love, art, technique 55
Veterinary meat inspection57
Analysis methods............57
of the charcuterie industry57
Industrialization of slaughter animal fat (10) 57
Technology of charcuterie and salted products 57
Artificial casings (4).......57
Sausage manufacturing...58
Veterinary food hygiene. 58
Meat products manual....58
Canning fish and meat....58

Freezing and meat quality59

Industrial slaughterhouses:59
Research in meat science (1) 59
Health inspection of poultry meat 59
Soy protein and formulas for meat products 59
Preservation of meat by cold 59
meat science....................60
Progress of science.........60
of the meat......................60
Artisan charcuterie manual60
Smoking (11)..................60
The curing (7).................60
Poultry products technology 60
Nutritional value of meat (8) 61
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 61
Industrialization of by-products of animal origin 61
Poultry meat science.......62
Bacterial cultures for meat industries 63
Homemade meat and sausage preparation 63
Evaluation of meat in the production chain 63
Meat and meat products..63
meat science....................63
Practical meat inspection 64
Blanched sausage technology 64
Normative values............65
of meat technology.........65

Fish quality control.........65

Advances in technology of fishery products 65
Canning fish and meat....65
Fish processing technology65
Seafood technology:.......66
Fish and krill protein technology 66
Introduction to fishery byproducts 66
c) Milk and dairy industries67
CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products 67
Production of yogurt and fermented milk 67
of cheese making............67
Dairy technology............67
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.67
vegan food......................68
Milk and dairy products..68
Introduction to technology68
cheese maker..................68
Industrial dairy products.69
Lactological microbiology69
Lactological microbiology69
cheese making................69
Milk and its components 69
lactation biology.............69
Artisanal production of butter, yogurt and cheese 70
Production of sheep and goat cheeses 70

Manufacturing of dairy products 70

industrial lactology.........70
Milk and dairy products..70
Milk science and dairy technology 71
d) Cereals and derived industries 72
bread making..................72
Cereals and derived products 72
Bakery products..............72
Pasta and semolina production technology 72
Cookie industry technology72
Organic cereals and legumes 73
e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries 74
fruit processing...............74
Vegetable processing......74
Artisanal preparation of fruits and vegetables 74
Refrigeration of apples and pears 74
Selection and packaging of apples 75
Production of fruits from temperate and subtropical climates75
Food legumes..................75
Biological bases of fruit quality 75
Citrus processing............76
Advances in ripening and post-harvest of fruits and vegetables
Vegetable science and technology treatise 76

Conservation of fruits and vegetables 76

Home preservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 77
Vegetable technology.....77
Minimally processed and refrigerated fruits and vegetables 77
f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks 78
Control of temperatures and quality of wines 78
Theory and practice of wine making 78
Water lighting.................79
Manufacturing of sparkling wines 79
Wine flavor chemistry....79
Enogastric tourism..........79
The wine.........................79
wine defects....................80
From cane to rum............80
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 80
Artisanal production of liquors 80
Scientific and technological bases of oenology 80
Scientific and technological bases of viticulture 81
Wine production:............81
Drinking water quality....81
Biotechnology of beer and malt 82
Wine making..................82
Sensory analysis of wines:82
fruit wines.......................82

Basic oenology treatise...83

Wine tasting agenda.......83
Practical oenology manual83
bottled water technology 83
Drinking water manual...83
The viticultural terroirs...83
Home brewing................84
Homemade wine making 84
Wine analysis and production 84
g) Cocoa and derivatives....84
The science of chocolate 84
Sweets made with sugar and chocolate 85
The science of candy......85
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.) 85
... since 1957............................100
Editorial Acribia, SA....100
Microbiology of meat preserved by
cold 27, 63
Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables 25
Food microbiology 17, 18, 19
Food microbiology. Introduction 25
CHEMISTRY, ETC.)...........1
The science of food..........1

from a to Z........................1
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Manual 1
food chemistry..................1
food chemistry..................2
Bender 's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology 2
Food science and technology 2
Manual of food chemistry and biochemistry 2
Food proteins....................2
FENNEMA Food chemistry 2
Maillard reaction..............3
Food flavors......................3
Physical foundations for food science 3
Edible oils and fats...........4
Physical properties of foods and processing systems 4
Agroindustrial biochemistry: Food revaluation of agricultural
Functional Foods..............4
Culinary creation:.............4
Introduction to food rheology 4
Food Science Laboratory Manual 5
food science......................5
Food texture......................5
Food preservation and biodeterioration 5
Food Science Fundamentals 6
Elements of descriptive food science 6
Food fats and oils..............6

Methods of analysis of the charcuterie industry 8
Food microscopy..............8
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 8
Drinking water quality......8
Lipid analysis....................8
Microbiological analysis. .8
of food and water..............8
Modern analysis methods. 9
Food analysis:...................9
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 9
Food analysis..................10
Food analysis..................10
Analysis of food nutrients11
Physical properties of foods 11
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 11
Analytical microscopy....11
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 11
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 12
Introduction to plant toxicology 12
Food hygiene and toxicology 12
Food allergy and intolerance 13
Food toxicology..............13

Compendium of food risks14

Introduction to food toxicology 14
pathogenic clostridia.......14
Food microbiology.........15
Practical guide to the microbiological analysis of milk and dairy
Clostridium botulinum....15
Food microbiology.........16
Food microbiology.........16
Food Microorganisms 2..18
The analysis system........19
of risks and critical points:19
Food Microorganisms 5..19
Food Microorganisms 6..19
Modern food microbiology21
Foodborne virus..............21
Cultivation of microorganisms for food production Obtaining,
applications and research21
Industrial microbiology. .21
Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables 23
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 23
Food microbiology.........23
HACCP. Practical approach 24
Microbiology of plant foods 24

Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 25

Practical food microbiology 25
Food microbiology.........25
Veterinary meat inspection26
Hygiene and inspection of poultry meat 26
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 26
Veterinary food hygiene. 26
Food hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP 26
Health inspection of poultry meat 27
Hygiene course for food handlers 27
Food hygiene and toxicology 27
Microbiological analysis of food and water. 28
Food hygiene principles. 28
HACCP. Practical approach 28
Beef Safety and Quality Manual 28
Food health.....................28
Introduction to food hygiene 28
Reviews about science....28
and food technology.......28
Food Science and Technology Reviews 29
Cleaning and disinfection in the food industry 29
Food, fermentation and microorganisms 30
Nutrition and diet foods..30
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism 30

Nutrition manual.............30
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book 31
Nutrition, diet and health 31
Introduction to human nutrition 31
Nutrition and metabolism31
Nutrition Basics..............32
Simplified diet manual. . .32
Food hygiene principles. 32
Nutritional advice...........32
and dietary in the Pharmacy Office 32
Functional Foods............32
Nutrition and food science32
Nutrition and public health33
Nutritional value of meat (8) 33
Food antioxidants...........33
Practical Pediatric Nutrition 33
Quality and nutritional value of plant foods 34
Food composition tables.34
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition 34
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 34
Glycemic index...............35
Nutrition and sport..........35
Food fats and oils............35
a) Vegan science................36

Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.36

vegan food......................36
Methods to measure physical properties in food industries 37
Non-thermal food preservation 37
Food dehydration............37
Food Engineering Laboratory Manual37
Food factories.................38
Quality Management Systems 38
in the food industry.........38
Food engineering operations 39
Food processing manual. 39
Food packaging in controlled, modified and vacuum atmospheres
Introduction to biotechnology 39
Packaging of widely consumed foods 40
Food science and technology 40
Deep freezing of food.....41
Bioprocess engineering principles 41
Science and technology of frozen foods 41
Food processing technology: Principles and practice 42
Enzyme technology........42
Biotechnology. Introduction with model experiments43
Process engineering applied to the dairy industry 43
Citrus processing............44

Food Biotechnology Fundamentals 44

ISO 9000 on the front line44
Agricultural plant biotechnology 44
Introduction to the calculation of pro food technological
Chemical food preservation44
Food industrial engineering45
Food industrial engineering45
Additives and manufacturing auxiliaries in agri-food industries
Genetic engineering and its applications 46
Food preservation manual46
Food industries manual...46
Basic biotechnology.......46
Thermal processing and packaging of foods 48
Heat treatment................48
of meat products (13)......48
Extruders in food applications 48
Thermal technologies for food processing 48
Food irradiation..............48
bottled water technology 49
Canning technology........49
Introduction to food engineering 49
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 49
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 49
Food Technology Fundamentals 50

Introduction to fungal biotechnology 50

Molecular biology and biotechnology 50
Practical manual for smoking foods 50
Treatment of waste from the food processing industry 51
Biochemical Engineering51
Organic food processing and production 51
Cooking and science.......52
Culinary chemistry.........52
Restaurants: Basic service52
Catering theory...............52
Culinary creation............52
Experiments in the kitchen53
Experiments with supermarket products 53
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 53
From science to the kitchen53
The secrets of the pouts. .53
Children in the kitchen.. .54
Pans and test tubes..........55
Basic cooking treatise.....55
Cooking... is love, art, technique 55
Veterinary meat inspection57
Analysis methods............57
of the charcuterie industry57
Industrialization of slaughter animal fat (10) 57
Technology of charcuterie and salted products 57

Artificial casings (4).......57

Sausage manufacturing...58
Veterinary food hygiene. 58
Meat products manual....58
Canning fish and meat....58
Freezing and meat quality59
Industrial slaughterhouses:59
Research in meat science (1) 59
Health inspection of poultry meat 59
Soy protein and formulas for meat products 59
Preservation of meat by cold 59
meat science....................60
Progress of science.........60
of the meat......................60
Artisan charcuterie manual60
Smoking (11)..................60
The curing (7).................60
Poultry products technology 60
Nutritional value of meat (8) 61
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 61
Industrialization of by-products of animal origin 61
Poultry meat science.......62
Bacterial cultures for meat industries 63
Homemade meat and sausage preparation 63
Evaluation of meat in the production chain 63
Meat and meat products..63

meat science....................63
Practical meat inspection 64
Blanched sausage technology 64
Normative values............65
of meat technology.........65
Fish quality control.........65
Advances in technology of fishery products 65
Canning fish and meat....65
Fish processing technology65
Seafood technology:.......66
Fish and krill protein technology 66
Introduction to fishery byproducts 66
c) Milk and dairy industries67
CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products 67
Production of yogurt and fermented milk 67
of cheese making............67
Dairy technology............67
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.67
vegan food......................68
Milk and dairy products..68
Introduction to technology68
cheese maker..................68
Industrial dairy products.69
Lactological microbiology69
Lactological microbiology69

cheese making................69
Milk and its components 69
lactation biology.............69
Artisanal production of butter, yogurt and cheese 70
Production of sheep and goat cheeses 70
Manufacturing of dairy products 70
industrial lactology.........70
Milk and dairy products..70
Milk science and dairy technology 71
d) Cereals and derived industries 72
bread making..................72
Cereals and derived products 72
Bakery products..............72
Pasta and semolina production technology 72
Cookie industry technology72
Organic cereals and legumes 73
e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries 74
fruit processing...............74
Vegetable processing......74
Artisanal preparation of fruits and vegetables 74
Refrigeration of apples and pears 74
Selection and packaging of apples 75
Production of fruits from temperate and subtropical climates75
Food legumes..................75

Biological bases of fruit quality 75

Citrus processing............76
Advances in ripening and post-harvest of fruits and vegetables
Vegetable science and technology treatise 76
Conservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Home preservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 77
Vegetable technology.....77
Minimally processed and refrigerated fruits and vegetables 77
f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks 78
Control of temperatures and quality of wines 78
Theory and practice of wine making 78
Water lighting.................79
Manufacturing of sparkling wines 79
Wine flavor chemistry....79
Enogastric tourism..........79
The wine.........................79
wine defects....................80
From cane to rum............80
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 80
Artisanal production of liquors 80
Scientific and technological bases of oenology 80
Scientific and technological bases of viticulture 81
Wine production:............81
Drinking water quality....81

Biotechnology of beer and malt 82
Wine making..................82
Sensory analysis of wines:82
fruit wines.......................82
Basic oenology treatise...83
Wine tasting agenda.......83
Practical oenology manual83
bottled water technology 83
Drinking water manual...83
The viticultural terroirs...83
Home brewing................84
Homemade wine making 84
Wine analysis and production 84
g) Cocoa and derivatives....84
The science of chocolate 84
Sweets made with sugar and chocolate 85
The science of candy......85
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.) 85
... since 1957............................100
Editorial Acribia, SA....100
Food hygiene principles 30, 34



CHEMISTRY, ETC.)...........1
The science of food..........1
from a to Z........................1
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Manual 1
food chemistry..................1
food chemistry..................2
Bender 's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology 2
Food science and technology 2
Manual of food chemistry and biochemistry 2
Food proteins....................2
FENNEMA Food chemistry 2
Maillard reaction..............3
Food flavors......................3
Physical foundations for food science 3
Edible oils and fats...........4
Physical properties of foods and processing systems 4
Agroindustrial biochemistry: Food revaluation of agricultural
Functional Foods..............4
Culinary creation:.............4
Introduction to food rheology 4
Food Science Laboratory Manual 5
food science......................5
Food texture......................5
Food preservation and biodeterioration 5

Food Science Fundamentals 6

Elements of descriptive food science 6
Food fats and oils..............6
Methods of analysis of the charcuterie industry 8
Food microscopy..............8
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 8
Drinking water quality......8
Lipid analysis....................8
Microbiological analysis. .8
of food and water..............8
Modern analysis methods. 9
Food analysis:...................9
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 9
Food analysis..................10
Food analysis..................10
Analysis of food nutrients11
Physical properties of foods 11
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 11
Analytical microscopy....11
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 11
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 12
Introduction to plant toxicology 12

Food hygiene and toxicology 12

Food allergy and intolerance 13
Food toxicology..............13
Compendium of food risks14
Introduction to food toxicology 14
pathogenic clostridia.......14
Food microbiology.........15
Practical guide to the microbiological analysis of milk and dairy
Clostridium botulinum....15
Food microbiology.........16
Food microbiology.........16
Food Microorganisms 2..18
The analysis system........19
of risks and critical points:19
Food Microorganisms 5..19
Food Microorganisms 6..19
Modern food microbiology21
Foodborne virus..............21
Cultivation of microorganisms for food production Obtaining,
applications and research21
Industrial microbiology. .21
Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables 23
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 23

Food microbiology.........23
HACCP. Practical approach 24
Microbiology of plant foods 24
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 25
Practical food microbiology 25
Food microbiology.........25
Veterinary meat inspection26
Hygiene and inspection of poultry meat 26
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 26
Veterinary food hygiene. 26
Food hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP 26
Health inspection of poultry meat 27
Hygiene course for food handlers 27
Food hygiene and toxicology 27
Microbiological analysis of food and water. 28
Food hygiene principles. 28
HACCP. Practical approach 28
Beef Safety and Quality Manual 28
Food health.....................28
Introduction to food hygiene 28
Reviews about science....28
and food technology.......28
Food Science and Technology Reviews 29
Cleaning and disinfection in the food industry 29

Food, fermentation and microorganisms 30

Nutrition and diet foods..30
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism 30
Nutrition manual.............30
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book 31
Nutrition, diet and health 31
Introduction to human nutrition 31
Nutrition and metabolism31
Nutrition Basics..............32
Simplified diet manual. . .32
Food hygiene principles. 32
Nutritional advice...........32
and dietary in the Pharmacy Office 32
Functional Foods............32
Nutrition and food science32
Nutrition and public health33
Nutritional value of meat (8) 33
Food antioxidants...........33
Practical Pediatric Nutrition 33
Quality and nutritional value of plant foods 34
Food composition tables.34
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition 34
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 34
Glycemic index...............35

Nutrition and sport..........35

Food fats and oils............35
a) Vegan science................36
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.36
vegan food......................36
Methods to measure physical properties in food industries 37
Non-thermal food preservation 37
Food dehydration............37
Food Engineering Laboratory Manual37
Food factories.................38
Quality Management Systems 38
in the food industry.........38
Food engineering operations 39
Food processing manual. 39
Food packaging in controlled, modified and vacuum atmospheres
Introduction to biotechnology 39
Packaging of widely consumed foods 40
Food science and technology 40
Deep freezing of food.....41
Bioprocess engineering principles 41
Science and technology of frozen foods 41
Food processing technology: Principles and practice 42
Enzyme technology........42

Biotechnology. Introduction with model experiments43

Process engineering applied to the dairy industry 43
Citrus processing............44
Food Biotechnology Fundamentals 44
ISO 9000 on the front line44
Agricultural plant biotechnology 44
Introduction to the calculation of pro food technological
Chemical food preservation44
Food industrial engineering45
Food industrial engineering45
Additives and manufacturing auxiliaries in agri-food industries
Genetic engineering and its applications 46
Food preservation manual46
Food industries manual...46
Basic biotechnology.......46
Thermal processing and packaging of foods 48
Heat treatment................48
of meat products (13)......48
Extruders in food applications 48
Thermal technologies for food processing 48
Food irradiation..............48
bottled water technology 49
Canning technology........49
Introduction to food engineering 49
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 49

Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 49

Food Technology Fundamentals 50
Introduction to fungal biotechnology 50
Molecular biology and biotechnology 50
Practical manual for smoking foods 50
Treatment of waste from the food processing industry 51
Biochemical Engineering51
Organic food processing and production 51
Cooking and science.......52
Culinary chemistry.........52
Restaurants: Basic service52
Catering theory...............52
Culinary creation............52
Experiments in the kitchen53
Experiments with supermarket products 53
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 53
From science to the kitchen53
The secrets of the pouts. .53
Children in the kitchen.. .54
Pans and test tubes..........55
Basic cooking treatise.....55
Cooking... is love, art, technique 55
Veterinary meat inspection57
Analysis methods............57

of the charcuterie industry57

Industrialization of slaughter animal fat (10) 57
Technology of charcuterie and salted products 57
Artificial casings (4).......57
Sausage manufacturing...58
Veterinary food hygiene. 58
Meat products manual....58
Canning fish and meat....58
Freezing and meat quality59
Industrial slaughterhouses:59
Research in meat science (1) 59
Health inspection of poultry meat 59
Soy protein and formulas for meat products 59
Preservation of meat by cold 59
meat science....................60
Progress of science.........60
of the meat......................60
Artisan charcuterie manual60
Smoking (11)..................60
The curing (7).................60
Poultry products technology 60
Nutritional value of meat (8) 61
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 61
Industrialization of by-products of animal origin 61
Poultry meat science.......62
Bacterial cultures for meat industries 63

Homemade meat and sausage preparation 63

Evaluation of meat in the production chain 63
Meat and meat products..63
meat science....................63
Practical meat inspection 64
Blanched sausage technology 64
Normative values............65
of meat technology.........65
Fish quality control.........65
Advances in technology of fishery products 65
Canning fish and meat....65
Fish processing technology65
Seafood technology:.......66
Fish and krill protein technology 66
Introduction to fishery byproducts 66
c) Milk and dairy industries67
CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products 67
Production of yogurt and fermented milk 67
of cheese making............67
Dairy technology............67
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.67
vegan food......................68
Milk and dairy products..68
Introduction to technology68
cheese maker..................68

Industrial dairy products.69

Lactological microbiology69
Lactological microbiology69
cheese making................69
Milk and its components 69
lactation biology.............69
Artisanal production of butter, yogurt and cheese 70
Production of sheep and goat cheeses 70
Manufacturing of dairy products 70
industrial lactology.........70
Milk and dairy products..70
Milk science and dairy technology 71
d) Cereals and derived industries 72
bread making..................72
Cereals and derived products 72
Bakery products..............72
Pasta and semolina production technology 72
Cookie industry technology72
Organic cereals and legumes 73
e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries 74
fruit processing...............74
Vegetable processing......74
Artisanal preparation of fruits and vegetables 74
Refrigeration of apples and pears 74

Selection and packaging of apples 75

Production of fruits from temperate and subtropical climates75
Food legumes..................75
Biological bases of fruit quality 75
Citrus processing............76
Advances in ripening and post-harvest of fruits and vegetables
Vegetable science and technology treatise 76
Conservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Home preservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 77
Vegetable technology.....77
Minimally processed and refrigerated fruits and vegetables 77
f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks 78
Control of temperatures and quality of wines 78
Theory and practice of wine making 78
Water lighting.................79
Manufacturing of sparkling wines 79
Wine flavor chemistry....79
Enogastric tourism..........79
The wine.........................79
wine defects....................80
From cane to rum............80
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 80
Artisanal production of liquors 80
Scientific and technological bases of oenology 80

Scientific and technological bases of viticulture 81

Wine production:............81
Drinking water quality....81
Biotechnology of beer and malt 82
Wine making..................82
Sensory analysis of wines:82
fruit wines.......................82
Basic oenology treatise...83
Wine tasting agenda.......83
Practical oenology manual83
bottled water technology 83
Drinking water manual...83
The viticultural terroirs...83
Home brewing................84
Homemade wine making 84
Wine analysis and production 84
g) Cocoa and derivatives....84
The science of chocolate 84
Sweets made with sugar and chocolate 85
The science of candy......85
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.) 85
... since 1957............................100

Editorial Acribia, SA....100

Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk. Vegan and homemade 38, 70
Culinary chemistry. Study of what happens to them
to food before, during and after
CHEMISTRY, ETC.)...........1
The science of food..........1
from a to Z........................1
HACCP. Certified Auditor's Manual 1
food chemistry..................1
food chemistry..................2
Bender 's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology 2
Food science and technology 2
Manual of food chemistry and biochemistry 2
Food proteins....................2
FENNEMA Food chemistry 2
Maillard reaction..............3
Food flavors......................3
Physical foundations for food science 3
Edible oils and fats...........4
Physical properties of foods and processing systems 4
Agroindustrial biochemistry: Food revaluation of agricultural
Functional Foods..............4
Culinary creation:.............4

Introduction to food rheology 4

Food Science Laboratory Manual 5
food science......................5
Food texture......................5
Food preservation and biodeterioration 5
Food Science Fundamentals 6
Elements of descriptive food science 6
Food fats and oils..............6
Methods of analysis of the charcuterie industry 8
Food microscopy..............8
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 8
Drinking water quality......8
Lipid analysis....................8
Microbiological analysis. .8
of food and water..............8
Modern analysis methods. 9
Food analysis:...................9
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 9
Food analysis..................10
Food analysis..................10
Analysis of food nutrients11
Physical properties of foods 11
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 11

Analytical microscopy....11
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 11
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 12
Introduction to plant toxicology 12
Food hygiene and toxicology 12
Food allergy and intolerance 13
Food toxicology..............13
Compendium of food risks14
Introduction to food toxicology 14
pathogenic clostridia.......14
Food microbiology.........15
Practical guide to the microbiological analysis of milk and dairy
Clostridium botulinum....15
Food microbiology.........16
Food microbiology.........16
Food Microorganisms 2..18
The analysis system........19
of risks and critical points:19
Food Microorganisms 5..19
Food Microorganisms 6..19
Modern food microbiology21

Foodborne virus..............21
Cultivation of microorganisms for food production Obtaining,
applications and research21
Industrial microbiology. .21
Microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables 23
Microbiological analysis of red meat, poultry and eggs 23
Food microbiology.........23
HACCP. Practical approach 24
Microbiology of plant foods 24
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 25
Practical food microbiology 25
Food microbiology.........25
Veterinary meat inspection26
Hygiene and inspection of poultry meat 26
Food poisoning of microbial etiology 26
Veterinary food hygiene. 26
Food hygiene, Microbiology and HACCP 26
Health inspection of poultry meat 27
Hygiene course for food handlers 27
Food hygiene and toxicology 27
Microbiological analysis of food and water. 28
Food hygiene principles. 28
HACCP. Practical approach 28
Beef Safety and Quality Manual 28
Food health.....................28

Introduction to food hygiene 28

Reviews about science....28
and food technology.......28
Food Science and Technology Reviews 29
Cleaning and disinfection in the food industry 29
Food, fermentation and microorganisms 30
Nutrition and diet foods..30
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism 30
Nutrition manual.............30
Nutrition and diet. Pocket book 31
Nutrition, diet and health 31
Introduction to human nutrition 31
Nutrition and metabolism31
Nutrition Basics..............32
Simplified diet manual. . .32
Food hygiene principles. 32
Nutritional advice...........32
and dietary in the Pharmacy Office 32
Functional Foods............32
Nutrition and food science32
Nutrition and public health33
Nutritional value of meat (8) 33
Food antioxidants...........33
Practical Pediatric Nutrition 33

Quality and nutritional value of plant foods 34

Food composition tables.34
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition 34
Nutritional supplements and functional foods 34
Glycemic index...............35
Nutrition and sport..........35
Food fats and oils............35
a) Vegan science................36
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.36
vegan food......................36
Methods to measure physical properties in food industries 37
Non-thermal food preservation 37
Food dehydration............37
Food Engineering Laboratory Manual37
Food factories.................38
Quality Management Systems 38
in the food industry.........38
Food engineering operations 39
Food processing manual. 39
Food packaging in controlled, modified and vacuum atmospheres
Introduction to biotechnology 39
Packaging of widely consumed foods 40
Food science and technology 40

Deep freezing of food.....41

Bioprocess engineering principles 41
Science and technology of frozen foods 41
Food processing technology: Principles and practice 42
Enzyme technology........42
Biotechnology. Introduction with model experiments43
Process engineering applied to the dairy industry 43
Citrus processing............44
Food Biotechnology Fundamentals 44
ISO 9000 on the front line44
Agricultural plant biotechnology 44
Introduction to the calculation of pro food technological
Chemical food preservation44
Food industrial engineering45
Food industrial engineering45
Additives and manufacturing auxiliaries in agri-food industries
Genetic engineering and its applications 46
Food preservation manual46
Food industries manual...46
Basic biotechnology.......46
Thermal processing and packaging of foods 48
Heat treatment................48
of meat products (13)......48
Extruders in food applications 48

Thermal technologies for food processing 48

Food irradiation..............48
bottled water technology 49
Canning technology........49
Introduction to food engineering 49
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 49
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 49
Food Technology Fundamentals 50
Introduction to fungal biotechnology 50
Molecular biology and biotechnology 50
Practical manual for smoking foods 50
Treatment of waste from the food processing industry 51
Biochemical Engineering51
Organic food processing and production 51
Cooking and science.......52
Culinary chemistry.........52
Restaurants: Basic service52
Catering theory...............52
Culinary creation............52
Experiments in the kitchen53
Experiments with supermarket products 53
Fundamentals of catering theory and practice 53
From science to the kitchen53
The secrets of the pouts. .53
Children in the kitchen.. .54

Pans and test tubes..........55

Basic cooking treatise.....55
Cooking... is love, art, technique 55
Veterinary meat inspection57
Analysis methods............57
of the charcuterie industry57
Industrialization of slaughter animal fat (10) 57
Technology of charcuterie and salted products 57
Artificial casings (4).......57
Sausage manufacturing...58
Veterinary food hygiene. 58
Meat products manual....58
Canning fish and meat....58
Freezing and meat quality59
Industrial slaughterhouses:59
Research in meat science (1) 59
Health inspection of poultry meat 59
Soy protein and formulas for meat products 59
Preservation of meat by cold 59
meat science....................60
Progress of science.........60
of the meat......................60
Artisan charcuterie manual60
Smoking (11)..................60
The curing (7).................60

Poultry products technology 60

Nutritional value of meat (8) 61
Microbiology of cold-preserved meats 61
Industrialization of by-products of animal origin 61
Poultry meat science.......62
Bacterial cultures for meat industries 63
Homemade meat and sausage preparation 63
Evaluation of meat in the production chain 63
Meat and meat products..63
meat science....................63
Practical meat inspection 64
Blanched sausage technology 64
Normative values............65
of meat technology.........65
Fish quality control.........65
Advances in technology of fishery products 65
Canning fish and meat....65
Fish processing technology65
Seafood technology:.......66
Fish and krill protein technology 66
Introduction to fishery byproducts 66
c) Milk and dairy industries67
CALCULATION of processes in milk and dairy products 67
Production of yogurt and fermented milk 67
of cheese making............67

Dairy technology............67
Cheese, yogurt, tofu, milk.67
vegan food......................68
Milk and dairy products..68
Introduction to technology68
cheese maker..................68
Industrial dairy products.69
Lactological microbiology69
Lactological microbiology69
cheese making................69
Milk and its components 69
lactation biology.............69
Artisanal production of butter, yogurt and cheese 70
Production of sheep and goat cheeses 70
Manufacturing of dairy products 70
industrial lactology.........70
Milk and dairy products..70
Milk science and dairy technology 71
d) Cereals and derived industries 72
bread making..................72
Cereals and derived products 72
Bakery products..............72
Pasta and semolina production technology 72
Cookie industry technology72
Organic cereals and legumes 73

e) Fruits and vegetables and derived industries 74

fruit processing...............74
Vegetable processing......74
Artisanal preparation of fruits and vegetables 74
Refrigeration of apples and pears 74
Selection and packaging of apples 75
Production of fruits from temperate and subtropical climates75
Food legumes..................75
Biological bases of fruit quality 75
Citrus processing............76
Advances in ripening and post-harvest of fruits and vegetables
Vegetable science and technology treatise 76
Conservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Home preservation of fruits and vegetables 76
Storage of fruits and vegetables in controlled atmospheres 77
Vegetable technology.....77
Minimally processed and refrigerated fruits and vegetables 77
f) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks 78
Control of temperatures and quality of wines 78
Theory and practice of wine making 78
Water lighting.................79
Manufacturing of sparkling wines 79
Wine flavor chemistry....79
Enogastric tourism..........79

The wine.........................79
wine defects....................80
From cane to rum............80
Selection and training guide for a panel of tasters 80
Artisanal production of liquors 80
Scientific and technological bases of oenology 80
Scientific and technological bases of viticulture 81
Wine production:............81
Drinking water quality....81
Biotechnology of beer and malt 82
Wine making..................82
Sensory analysis of wines:82
fruit wines.......................82
Basic oenology treatise...83
Wine tasting agenda.......83
Practical oenology manual83
bottled water technology 83
Drinking water manual...83
The viticultural terroirs...83
Home brewing................84
Homemade wine making 84
Wine analysis and production 84
g) Cocoa and derivatives....84
The science of chocolate 84

Sweets made with sugar and chocolate 85

The science of candy......85
Cacao ( Theobroma Cacao L.) 85
... since 1957............................100
Editorial Acribia, SA....100

Pasta and semolina production technology 74

Canning technology 51
Cookie industry technology 74
Enzyme technology 44
Vegetable technology 79
Fish and krill protein technology 68
Blanched sausage technology 66
Poultry products technology 63
Technology of delicatessen products
and salted 59
Seafood Technology: Resources
nutritional composition and conservation 68
Dairy technology 69
bottled water technology 51, 86
Food processing technology:
Principles and practice 44
Fish processing technology 67
Meat technology and hygiene Thermal 64
technologies for processing
of food 50
Catering theory 54
Theory and practice of wine making 81
Food texture. Measurement and perception 6
Food toxicology 15
Basic oenology treatise 85
Treaty on science and technology of vegetables.
Production, composition, storage and
processing 78
Basic cooking treatise 57
Treatment of industrial waste
of food processing 53
Heat treatment of meat products:
Fundamentals of calculations and applications 50, 64
Artificial casings. (4) 59
Gastronomic tourism
Integrating food, travel and terroir 82

Deep freezing of food 43

Nutritional value of meat (8) 35, 63
Normative values of meat technology 67
fruit wines 85
Foodborne virus 24
Vitamins and minerals in health and nutrition 36



ALVARADO, J. From d. 39, 69 FEHLHABER, K. 28, 60
CHANDAN, R.C. 69 FINK, E. 33
FOOTITT, R. J. 61, 67

COULTATE, T. Q. 2, 33
FORSYTHE, S. J. 19, 29
COX, P. M. 43
FORTIN, J. 9, 83
BALTES, W. 1 CROCE, E. and PERRI, G. 82 FRAZIER, W. c. 19
39, 40
DAHL, O. 59 GACESA, P. 44
DAHMER, S. J. 54 GENOT, CL. 61
BARTELS, H. 28, 59
DAVIES, F. S. 76 GIBNEY, M. J. 33, 34
GOAMAN, J. F. 77
BELITZ, H. d. 2 DENDY, D. TO. v. 74
BELL, Ch. 17 GRACEY, J. F. 61
BENDER, D. TO. 2, 32 DORAN, P. M. 43 GRAU, R. 61
BLOUIN, J. 81 DOYLE, M. Q. 18 GRAY, N. F. 9, 83
BOLTON, A. 40 DURAND Q. 59 GROSSKLAUS, d. 29, 61
BOULTON, R. b. 81 , .
GRUDA, Z. 45
BREMNER, A. S. 28 EARLY, R. 69
BRENNAN, J. g. 41 EDER, R. 82
BRODY, A. L. 41 EDWARDS, W. Q. 88 HALL, G. M. 67
BRUNETON, J. 14 ELEY, A. R. 14, 28 HAZELWOOD, D. 29
BUREAU, G. 42 EUZÉBY, J. 19 HIRASA, K. and 45 others
BUSS, D. 32 EVANS, J. 44 HERNÁNDEZ, B. 3, 45

HOBBS, B. c. 14, 29 MAFART, P. 47 RANKINE, B. 86

HORNSEY, I. S. 84 MAIER, H. g. 10 REES, J. TO. g. 50
HUGHES, P. S. 85 MAN, D. 15 REUTER, H. 65
HYGINOV, 20, 85 MANLEY, D. J. R. 74 RIAZ, M. N. 50
MARRIOTT, N. g. 30, 34 RICHARDSON, P., 50
ICMSF 20, 21, 22, 23 MATTHEWS, K. R. 25 ROBERTS, H. R. 31
MAZZA, G. 5, 34 ROBINSON, R. K. 71
J. MEAD, G. c. 10, 25 ROSENTHAL, A. J. 6
MÖHLER, K. 62, 63 RUITER, A. 68
JACKSON, R. S. 85 MOLL, M. 16
JAGNOW, G. 46 MORGAN, J. L. 5, 55 Yes
JASPER, W. 62 MORTIMORE, S. 11, 26, 30
JAY, J. M. 23 MOSSEL, D. TO. A., 26 SAHIN, S. 12
JOHNS, N. 29, 54 MULTON, J. L. 48 SATIN, M. 50
MÜLLER, G. 26 SCADE, J. 75
K MULLER, H. g. 5, 35 SCHIFFNER, E. 65
KAY, D. AND. 77 MÜLLER, M. J. 35 SCHLIMME, E. 71
KELLER, M. 38, 70 SCHMIDT, G. H. 72
KILL, R. c. 74 N SCHMIDT, K. F. 72
KIMBALL, D. TO. 46, 78 SCHOLZ, W. 72
KNEE, M. 77 SCHWEDT, G. 55
NOSKOWA, G. L. 27, 63
KOLB, E. 85 SENIOR, D. TO. g. 51, 86
SINGH, R. Q. 51
LAWSON, H. 4 OTT, D. b. 5
SMITH, L. 16
LEE, B. H. 46 OUGH, C. S. 85
LESSOF, M. H. 15 72
LIGHTFOOT, N. F. 9, 25, 30 POSKITT, E. M. AND. 36
LINDSEY, K. 47 PREUß, B. 64
LLOYD, L. R. 34 PRICE, J. F. 64
LÜCK, E. 47 R
LUQUET, F. M. 70
M RANKEN, M. d. 49

SPREER, E. 73 WOLOVER, T. M. S. 37
SUTER, V. 79


TAYLOR, E. 51, 55 ZILLER, S. 7, 37

THIS, H. 55, 56, 57, 58
THOMPSON, A. K. 12, 51, 79
TREVAN, M. d. 52

VARNAM, A. H. 66, 72,
VOGEL, W. 87

WALKER, J. M. 52
WANG, L. K. 53
WARRISS, P. d. 66
WEBB, F. c. 53
WEBB, G. Q. 13, 36, 37
WILEY, R. c. 79
WILLS, R. 80
WIRTH, F. 66, 67

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Editorial ACRIBIA, SA – Mariano Royo Urieta, 21 Local – 50006 ZARAGOZA (Spain)


... since 1957



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