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Interpret the world

Interpret the world

1. Check the answer box for each of the questions below, these are related to the fragments of the story “The Disease of All

a) Horacio has cancer. He hasn't been to school for days. First because it was undergoing diagnostic studies. Now he has not come
because he is receiving a treatment that will surely take his life before the cancer does.

Yeah No
Is the language clear? ☒ ☐
Is it an everyday life situation? ☒ ☐
Is the idea clear? ☒ ☐
Does the claim about the treatment have scientific evidence presented by the person who claims it? ☐ ☒
Is the statement about the treatment a belief of the person who says it? ☒ ☐

b) Treatments have not been created to destroy health. On the contrary, they are a tool to strengthen it.

Yeah No
Is the language clear? ☒ ☐
Is it an everyday life situation? ☒ ☐
Is the idea clear? ☒ ☐
Does the claim about the treatment have scientific evidence presented by the person who claims it? ☐ ☒
Is the statement about the treatment a belief of the person who says it? ☒ ☐

c) All the lung cancer patients I have known have died.

Yeah No
Is the language clear? ☒ ☐

Interpret the world

Is it an everyday life situation? ☒ ☐

Is the idea clear? ☒ ☐
Does the claim about the treatment have scientific evidence presented by the person who claims ☐ ☒
Is the statement about the treatment a belief of the person who says it? ☒ ☐

d) Hereditary differences occur between members of a given species. Some of these variations increase the chances of survival,
while others decrease it.

Yeah No
Is the language clear? ☒ ☐
Is it an everyday life situation? ☒ ☐
Is the idea clear? ☒ ☐
Does the claim about the treatment have scientific evidence presented by the person who claims ☒ ☐
Is the statement about the treatment a belief of the person who says it? ☐ ☒

2. Answer the following questions. Your response should be between 3 and 5 lines long.

a) What do you think? Is cancer a disease that is caused by the lifestyle that the person who suffers from it leads, or is it because
they inherited it? Explain the reason for your opinion.
My opinion of cancer is that it is something alarming, worrying, since it deteriorates the lives of those who suffer from it and their
Cancer is a disease that occurs when normal cells transform into malignant cells; they are mutations that are generated as a
consequence of errors in DNA replication, due to free attacks and constant exposure to radiation or chemical carcinogens. , then my
answer to part a) is: both, it is produced by heredity and by the lifestyle that people lead.

b) Do you have any evidence for your previous answer, or is it just what you think? If you have any evidence, write it down. If it's just
what you think, write down what you need to get proof of what you say.

Interpret the world

My answer is supported by various research on cancer that I have read, from articles published on Facebook by medicine and cancer
research pages, to research carried out by the Faculty of Medicine part of the highest university UNAM where they emphasize that
Having cancer, in addition to being hereditary, can be contracted due to the bad lifestyle habits we have.

c) Write 2 different ways of seeing the origin of cancer that are presented in the reading.
The first would be that Ana has the concept that cancer is caused by a whim of life and that all cases, despite treatment, lead to
certain death. On the other hand, there is Matías who mentions that his grandmother assures that cancer is caused for holding a
grudge during his life.
3. Select 2 of the following Social Sciences and do what is requested in the sections:
 Economy
 Sociology
 Politic science
 Right
 History
 Anthropology

a) Research on the Internet what the 2 Social Sciences you selected say about cancer. Choose at least one text from each science.

b) Based on the information you researched, complete the following table:

Title of text Evidence presented by

Science recovered from science for what it says about References of the texts consulted
the Internet cancer

The etymology of In addition to the background Oswaldo Salaverry García. (jan. 2013). The etymology of
History cancer and its information presented in the text cancer and its curious historical case. March 20, from
curious historical on lesions that are confused Rev. Peru. med. exp. public health vol.30 no.1 Lima
case. with cancer, it reviews the Website:
confusion of ancient medicine script=sci_arttext&pid=S1726-46342013000100026
and the current conception of

Interpret the world

First sociological It shows that cancer is one of Spanish Society of Medical Oncology. (2007). First
study on the the most feared diseases due to sociological study on the perception of cancer in Spain. .
Sociology perception of the effects on treatment, the March 20, 2021, from SEOM Website:
cancer in Spain. course of the disease and the
effects of treatment. sociologico-sobre-la-percepcion-del-cancer-en-espana

c) Make a summary with a length of between 2 and 3 paragraphs, of 10 lines each, of what each of the Social Sciences you
investigated says about cancer and include the importance that the information they provide us has for people. .


This text shows how throughout history, according to different findings and interpretations, the first descriptions of cancer and the
multiple efforts to stop them were discovered.
Despite these efforts, cancer continues to be a global public health problem, where those affected are increasingly older and without
any distinction based on age, sex or general trait, medicine shows us through different studies and throughout history. history, not
only medical, but also social, how this disease arises historically at a specific time and circumstances; That is why a better strategy
was created to stop it as a contemporary problem, for example a controversy was created about whether prehistoric bone lesions
were really a consequence of cancer due to environmental changes or corresponded to other etiologies, since there are primitive
interpretations of the cancer but it allows us to demonstrate or at least assume that they were pathological manifestations attributed to
injuries such as trauma or identifiable causes far removed from some type of cancer or infectious diseases of juvenile cancer. There
are very few records found, they are only assumptions.

At the beginning of the 19th century, cauterization, used by doctors as an alternative to surgical excision, arose from surgery and the
poor understanding of cancer, which consisted of using mercurial and arsenic pastes, concentrated mineral acids including nitric and
sulfuric acid, potash, solid lime and others for a technique that stopped cancerous lesions, however this process caused a lot of
suffering in those who applied it, the change proposed by Canquoin in 1838 was achieved where he used only zinc chloride, other
methods emerged with that of Revaille in 1850 with solidified nitric acid and other methods even for specific cancers such as the
D'filhos method for cervical cancer, one of the most prominent in surgeons, recommended not only in isolated forms but also

Interpret the world

descriptive and used to date , with a more compound name that can generate improvement and less pain for the patient. The history
of treatments is more complex and much broader than what this review shows with this rational treatment, it teaches us that today
research continues to be able to stop cancer cells and perhaps search for an infallible method to stop it if it is an external agent or
being able to eradicate it from the genome.


The present text is a report on the qualitative study, whose objective is to analyze the social representation of cancer and the patient's
attitudes, describing the experience of patients in this disease, it was interpreted having as a theoretical framework the theory of
social representations, where It was found that cancer continues to be negative and how patients, family members and those who
have not had contact with any type of cancer are afraid of this disease. The experience of cancer is a feared illness due to the effects
of treatments and the course of the same disease, even if the person who suffers from it survives. The objective of the research is
mainly to reveal the meaning of cancer in Spain, which serves as a global representation. For example, 64% of Spaniards have
closely experienced the disease as their own illness or that of a family member, friend or acquaintance, according to this survey
carried out by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology among 2,100 citizens throughout the country, a survey that shows that
Cancer continues to be more feared than other pathological diseases that cause imminent death, such as those that directly affect the
cardiovascular system.

This sociological study also reveals that only 11% of those involved consider the risk of suffering from cancer to be high and 57% of
the cases have a direct association with hereditary cancers, the other 35% of the 2,100 consider it because they are potential
smokers and the another 29% due to exposure to solar radiation; Most of those interviewed are unaware of the real relationship
between cancer and other important risk factors, such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet or stress, not only due to smoking and
sun exposure or a bad genome, this problem also has other risk factors. as the first symptoms can alert the existence of better known
cancers, while others such as persistent cough, hoarseness could alert the existence of lung cancer, alteration of gastrointestinal and
urinary habits that are indicative of prostate and colorectal tumors, but these went unnoticed. This document also includes that the
respondents do not show interest in cancer prevention campaigns since they “have no effect” because they only address a specific
audience and not a general one, so the “not to me” is applied in colloquial terms. "It's going to happen to me", these data should
serve so that we can stop seeing cancer as a moral illness and be able to better guide people about the effects, consequences and
ways of contracting cancer not only by inheritance but also by a habit of life. .


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