Fire Ted Thompson

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Fire Packers GM Ted Thompson Category: Entertainment & Media Target: The Green Bay Packers Author: SamePageSports

( URL: Started: July 11, 2008, 3:59:15 pm Generated Date: November 20, 2011, 1:25:39 pm Total Signatures: 2500

Ted Thompson has made some pretty terrible decisions in recent history. Last seaso tt Favre lobbied for the Packers to trade a late round pick for Randy Moss (Who ended up leading the NFL in touchdowns and was second in receiving yards) and th e Packers did nothing. Today, Friday July 11th, news has broken that the Packers o rganization told Brett Favre, arguably the best thing to ever happen to Green Ba y that he is no longer welcome and that they would rather have Aaron Rodgers und er center than the 3 time MVP. This petition is to show show that Packers and fo otball fans in general have realized that Ted Thompson should be fired immediate ly. There are plenty of other poor decisions that were made by Thompson but these two are the obvious terrible judgment calls.

SIGNATURES: 1. Connor Nolte (7/11/08) 2. Benj Harris (7/11/08) 3. Jason Galloway (7/11/08) 4. Ted Schmelling (7/11/08) - I support this petition. 5. Joe Finch (7/11/08) - I support this petition. 6. Brady McDermott (7/11/08) - I support this petition. I've been a pac ker fan my entire life, what are you think Ted Thompson? No one in there right mind thinks that an unproven Aaron Rodgers will be better than Brett Favre this upcoming year. Isn't it about fielding the best team possible every year? You' re an idiot, I hope you get fired. 7. Aaron Sturm (7/11/08) - I support this petition. 8. Guy Lageman (7/11/08) - I support this petition. 9. G. Smith (7/11/08) - I support this petition. 10. Jerry Raygor (7/11/08) - I support this petition. iam 50 years old e very one a packer fan brett favre is the greatest packer of my lifetime,i could ramble 4ever about the greatest football player to ever play quaterback 11. Skeets Sommerfeldt (7/11/08) - I support this petition. 12. Curt Bauer (7/11/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted HOW! 13. j scheppe (7/11/08) - I support this petition.Get rid of him he make s me sick to my stomach. 14. Randy Berth (7/11/08) - I support this petition. 15. Chris Rayburn (7/11/08) - I support this petition. because I Think T ed Thompson is The Reason all this Brett Favre Stuff is Happening. I have also b een a Packer Fan since I was a Little Boy. SO Fire Ted Thompson NOW!!! 16. Chris Laubert (7/11/08) - Bring Back Favre! 17. Michael Lubinski (7/11/08) - I support this petition. Ted you are an arrogant ass. 18. Michael Leach (7/11/08) - I support this petition. This guy is a mor on who is more about power and control than about winning a championship. 19. Sarah (7/12/08) - I support this petition.

20. Josh Reading (7/12/08) - Is Ted Thompson and the rest of management really this stupid? If they actually release or trade him to another team I will have to root for that team over the Packers in disgust even if that team is a d ivision rival. 21. Allison K Boswell (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 22. Ryan Rathe (7/12/08) - Fire Ted Thompson now, or permanently alienat e a large percentage of Packer fans. Favre is the face of the franchise, whether you like it or not. Do what's right for the fans. 23. Tory Houriet (7/12/08) - I support this petition. How is it possible that Ted Thompson thinks the Packers are a better team with Aaron Rodgers at qu arterback? 24. Jackie Houriet (7/12/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is crazy to think that Aaron Rodgers could do better than Brett Favre!!!! 25. Cassie Houriet (7/12/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson, yo u are gonna be the most HATED MAN IN WISCONSIN!!!! 26. Robert Tedesco (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 27. Robert (7/12/08) - I support this petition. The GM and Coach will fr om this day forward shall be refered to as the Head D A in Charge(HDAIC)and his little fat perrot. What are these people thinking, that they are actually a 13 a nd 3 team. They played in the 2nd weakest division (AFC East is worst)in the wea kest conference (NFC). Philly,Minn.,Wash,NO,and Car are much improved teams. I g ave the HDAIC the bennefit of the doubt the year and understood what he was doin g but now I have no clue. If Brett wants back you let him back. 28. Mandi Smith (7/12/08) - Fire that dumbass! Bring Brett Favre Back! 29. maurice forgues (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 30. Chris Arrington (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 31. Heidi Berger (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 32. Jason Vandiver (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 33. Hayden H (7/12/08) - I support this petition. Get out Of Green Bay T ed!!! So what if Favre flip-flopped. He was unwelcome and felt it. He is a LEGEN D! 34. John Forchette (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 35. Kevin Beeman (7/12/08) - Brett Favre is the best thing that ever hap pened to the Packers. You should welcome him back with open arms. 36. Ashley W (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 37. Bella B (7/12/08) - Not letting Brett Favre play again is the worst decision a GM could make. Brett did great last year and he'll be great again. Th ompson needs to go if he won't let Brett start again. 38. Thomas Glisch (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 39. Paul D. (7/12/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted NOW! 40. JimG (7/12/08) - Calling for EMERGENCY SHAREHOLDERS MEETING. I can' t live through another 30 years with losing packer football. 41. Mike G (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 42. richard schwalb (7/12/08) - Either bring Brett back and give him a c hance to start of fire Ted Thompson! 43. Tom Dunleavy (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 44. Neil Hofman (7/12/08) - I support this petition. FIRE Ted Thompson Y esterday, he rates right up there with Dan Devine! Either bring Brett back and g ive him a chance to start! 45. Brian Hudson (7/12/08) - I support this petition. Ted is a moron wh o has tried to get rid of favre for 3 years, fire his gay ASS! 46. Kelly Hofman (7/12/08) - I support this petition. Take TED DOWN, le ave Green Bay NOW! This guy is a moron who is more about power and control than about winning a championship. 47. Bob Gierat (7/12/08) - It is sad how the entire organization is trea ting the greatest QB in NFL history. Brett wants to play, Aaron can't last 1 ga me without getting hurt and everyone wants to win. Support Brett - FIRE TED! 48. ray (7/12/08) - I support this petition. TT you are a complete idiot and a moron. TT you haven't made the FA moves that would have sealed a SB in G B. Your draft choices leave alot to be desired. Justin Harell over Greg olsen;

Brandon Jackson in the 2nd round? are you kidding me? Not pulling the trigger Moss when you know BF wanted are an arrogant jackass. I want you out of GB. You are an embarrassment to the packernation!!! 49. Jody Fameree (7/12/08) - I support this petition. 50. Linda E (7/12/08) - I support this petition. Brett come home--we mis s you. 51. Jeff Foytek Jr. (7/13/08) - I support this petition. 52. Bleedgreen (7/13/08) - I support this petition. Have the shareholder s at the next meeting tell Thompson & McCarthy and their egos to bring back Bret t. He is the best QB to win games in 2008. 53. packers 4 ever (7/13/08) - I support this petition. 54. Dan Norlander (7/13/08) - I support this petition. 55. heidi bender (7/13/08) - I support this petition. 56. Chris (7/13/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson and his ego are so busy attempting to put his stamp on this team that he is blind to the mar k he will truly leave. So shortsighted, so "run off" arguably the greatest talent to play the position just so he can have "his guy" on the fi eld. In time Ted will be remembered, that much is certain...but it will be with deep-seated animosity. is time for you to go. Coach Mac, lets bring Fav re back, and make a run for the Super Bowl. 57. S. Pliskin (7/13/08) - I support Ted Thompson! Let flip-flopper Fav re earn his job back. That's if he actually does un-retire. 58. Ang (7/13/08) - It is so sad that Favre is hurting himself this way. He could be so useful running a football camp or comentating, but this...this is sad. Brett you should have let things be........ 59. Dooster (7/13/08) - I'm Bill Kurtis 60. Amy (7/13/08) - I support this petition. 61. Megan (7/13/08) - I support this petition. 62. Randy Armstrong (7/13/08) - I support this petition. 63. Jill Miller-Custer (7/13/08) - Final straw! How bizarre to even thin k of putting Brett in a back up role. What is he smoking?? 64. Devin (7/13/08) - I support this petition. 65. bryan (7/13/08) - I support this your a idiot,bench bret t favre ya that will show him how you really feal about him!!! i hope rodgers ge ts hurt and brett hands the defence the ball if i was brett every time i got the ball i would kick it and pretend it was your head ted!!!!!! 66. Zarmina Khan (7/13/08) - I support this petition. Fire Thompson and BRING BACK FAVRE!!! 67. Tom Eddy (7/13/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted Thompson now. Bring back Brett Favre as a starter. 68. BRIAN WIEMERI (7/13/08) - I support this petition. 69. mark (7/13/08) - I support this petition. 70. Pete (7/14/08) - I support this petition. Brett is shooting from the hip again.. This time off the field! 71. Sylvia (7/14/08) - I support this petition. 72. kevin hannon (7/14/08) - I support this petition. Thompson has done nothing but send clear meesages to Brett that he doesn't care if he plays there or not. Ask any life long Packer fan what should happen and in my opinion Thomps on should have been let go when they let our pro bowl linemen go (nice decision) and a lack of support for your own Pro Bowl QB. Over and over again Thompson ha s shown that he does not respect Brett, the packers fans or the city of Green Ba y with his "I'm not here to stoke the ego of a grown man" attitude. Brett is the best thing to happen to Green Bay in decades and he deserves the respect. If yo u believe he is wishy washy then I would also belive what his brother says that he thought that since the packers didn't really care if he was there or not he m ight as well retire. At this point I am becoming more of a Brett Favre fan than a Packers fan and I have been a Packers fan since birth. Do the right thing Gree n Bay and demand that Favre get his job back, pay Aaron some more cash for sitti ng alittle longer and go out and compete for the damn superbowl!! 73. Mike Turnis (7/14/08) - I support this petition.

74. bill (7/14/08) - I support this petition. 75. J Steffenhagen (7/14/08) - I support this petition. 76. jean van (7/14/08) - BRING BRETT BACK!!! 77. Christopher Thalacker (7/14/08) - I support this petition. 78. Julie Vanne (7/14/08) - I support this petition. Brett has made the team and the Packers what they are now, and for someone to say he is not allowed to change his mind on such an important decision is unbelievable to me! We Love you Brett, and the PEOPLE of Wisconsin, who by the way we keep being told OWN t he team, want you back!!!!!!! 79. andy (7/14/08) - This petition is gay. Favre should just stay home. 80. Maggie (7/14/08) - I Knew it from day one, when I heard Brett speak about his retirement. What he was saying was he was sick of Ted's Bullshit! Get rid of him! Brett deserves all the respect in the world. Who else can do somethi ng amazing every game? 81. David (7/14/08) - Greenbay is owned by the public, not Ted. Stand up Wisconsin! Let the LEGEND, RETURN to the #1 spot! If we don't some other team w ill try. But I know Brett's heart is in Greenbay. Ted get out! 82. nathan kallsen (7/14/08) - I support this petition. 83. Amy Weber (7/14/08) - Ted Thompson needs to get a clue and get his a rrogant head out of his ass. 84. Tama (7/14/08) - I support this petition,With all of WISCONSIN ! 85. Joe (7/14/08) - LET THE LEGEND RETURN TO HIS HOME,FOR ONE MORE! 86. Texas Tornado (7/14/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is not the owner of the Packers, the shareholders are! Fire him now, before the Pa ckers return to the losing days between Lombardi and Holmgren. 87. Steve (7/14/08) - I support this petition. What is Thompson thinkin g?! 88. Nick Aageson (7/14/08) - Ted is jealous of Brett. Moreover he is ver y small minded 89. Nancy Howard (7/14/08) - I support this petition. 90. Bob Ollman (7/14/08) - Bring Brett back! 91. KATIE (7/14/08) - I support this petition.Wisconsin!Packer Nation! W e need to do something about this! Brett wants to come back. We need to let Favr e know that we have open arms opened for him. WE Love you! We are Packer Nation! The Green and Gold fans should have the final say in this one. Not Ted! Brett h as always given us 110+ percent. We WELCOME YOU BACK, BRETT FAVRE>>>>>> AS OUR S TARTING QUARTERBACK!-SIGNED-PACKER NATION! 92. Brian Vierthaler (7/15/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is not the man to lead Green Bay into the future. He is only worried about his legacy. Selfish little man. Brett gives Packers best opportunity to win. Don' t want a controversy, then trade Aaron Rodgers to Miami with a conditional 3rd R ounder for Jason Taylor. There, keep Brett for two years and let him develop Br ohm. There Ted Issue Resolved!!! You can give up one little 3rd Rounder. You build your legacy as Green Bay wins Super Bowl with the right starting QB. 93. Jason Gorski (7/15/08) - I support this petition. the goal is to wi n the superbowl NOW - bring back Favre ! 94. Margarita C. (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 95. Anthony Anderson (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 96. casey kabana (7/15/08) - you dont want brett favre, we dont want you . plain and simple 97. Jim (7/15/08) - Dump Ted Thompson. He's just another hack. 98. Jay Gutteridge (7/15/08) - I support this petition. Thompson has tre ated the greatest player in franchise history with no respect. He clearly isn't doing what's in the team's best interest to wim the Superbowl this season. 99. Petrit Pula (7/15/08) - I support this petition. Fire that chump 100. Sharon Gaitan (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 101. Nori Koenig (7/15/08) - Thompson has gravely ruined the image of th e Packers. After all Favre has done for that team, It's unbelievable that they won't make accomodations for him. Even from a business stand point, the purpose of the game is to win and go to the Super Bowl. How will this happen without Fa

vre. Get Real! 102. Neil (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 103. mike heller (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 104. CHRIS ROSENTHAL (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 105. (7/15/08) - I support this petition. Ted T co st us the SB last year when he wouldn't trade a 4th round pick for Randy Moss (w ho then breaks the TD record) Now he wants FAVRE to be a back-up???? is he out of his mind??? 106. Brion Henes (7/15/08) - I support this petition. This is the same Ted Thompson who let Mike Wahl and Adam Timmerman go the same year. 2 starting guards that took us two years to re-fill that gap including getting Amhan Grren injured. I can understand losing 1 through free agency but 2 and the Guard posit ion. That isn't big bucks. He's an idiot. Ok Brett he says you can come back a s a backup??? Did I miss something or did Rogers ride the bench all of last yea r because he of courese was the better QB. Isn't Teddy's job to put the best pl ayers he can on the field every Sunday? Looks like Teddy's personal agenda has nothing to do with putting the best team on the field it's look at me I'm Ron Wo lf NOT. Bring Favre back, let him compete for the job if he wins it give him th e job and at the same time Teddy try and muster some personality up and try to h ave a relationship with the best player you have cause that's your job as well. If Teddy doesn't bring Farve back and rogers goes down week 3 or 4 and the Pack ers end up like they did for the 20 years prior to Farve, the only silver lining will be that Packer managfement finnaly woke up and canned him. 107. NateO (7/15/08) - It sucks that Brett is putting us through this, w hy retire in the first place. But he is still Brett Favre and as far as I'm con cerned he should be welcomed back by the Packers. 108. Ryan Adamiak (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 109. Randy Petersen (7/15/08) - Very few people outside of Wisconsin wou ld care about the Packers if it weren't for Brett Favre. Favre is the face of t he NFL and Mr. Thompson is right, the fans will follow Favre to a new team. Good luck selling the Rogers jerseys! 110. Dan M (7/15/08) - I support this petition. There seems to be a lot of ego and emotion going into Thompson's handling of Favre. I thought the playe rs were the ones who acted like children, and the GM's were the cold-hearted bus iness logic behind the team. How can a logical business-minded GM look at that QB depth chart, and not want Favre on it? Ted Thompson would be wise to put hi s dog in the witness protection program. 111. Steve (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 112. Kathleen Hartman (7/15/08) - Brett Favre is the Packers. Given what he has done for the team, for Packers fans everywhere, and for the NFLK, he des erves much better. He should not have been asked to make a decision before trai ning camp. I desperately hope all this can be straightened out and that we will see him in a Green Bay uniform, leading the team to the playoffs yet again come September. It will be very hard for me to support the Packers this year or for s ome time if this "moving on" nonsense doesn't end. 113. Kristin Thomas (7/15/08) - I was born and raised in Wisconsin and h ave been a Packer fan since I was able to watch the games at a young age. If the y don't bring back Favre I am going to have to support another team. Brett IS a phenom. QB like no other and he is what MAKES the Packers. Without him my 30+ ye ars as a Packer fan will be over. Thompson needn't cut off his nose to spite his face...LET THE MAN COME BACK! 114. Mark Owens (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 115. spyro sakkas (7/15/08) - I support this petition. fire him NOW!!! b ring back favre 116. karolyn johnston (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 117. di phu (7/15/08) - I'm not sure he should be fired but he definitel y should be pressured to change some of the ways he does things. Namely he need s to have better communication with his players. 118. scott sorweid (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 119. Andy Sujecki (7/15/08) - Out with Thompson

120. Jason Weiss (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 121. bill (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 122. Lee Garver (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 123. christopher phillips (7/15/08) - boom! outta here 124. Ross Robinson (7/15/08) - I support this petition 110%. I want to k now EXACTLY what Rodgers has proven to make him start in front of Favre? Favre h as proven is he still an elite QB in the NFL, and YES not bringing in Moss was M ORONIC! Favre should stay in Green Bay, HE WANTS TO, LET THEM BATTLE IT OUT AT L EAST IN TRAINING CAMP! TELL FAVRE TO HEAD TO TRAINING CAMP AND PROVE IT!!!!!! AH HHHHH THIS MAKES ME SOOO MAD!!!!!!!! WHY EVEN QUESTION HIS RETURN?!?!?! 125. MaryLiedl (7/15/08) - What a disagrace this is to the whole Packer organization. Thompson has cut his nose off to spite his face to the detriment o f the fans, the team and to Favre. He's put us in a lose /lose situation. I sup port this petition. 126. Shawn Schwid (7/15/08) - protecting favre's legacy? how? by offerin g hima back-up job? at least let him battle rodgers in training camp...or let h im go like he requested, thompson isn't protecting anything. 127. Angel Eggers (7/15/08) - I support this petition. Packer fans are l oyal and so is Brett! Evidently, Mr. Thompson isn't. 128. Connor McHugh (7/15/08) - Ted Thompson and Packer management have l ost their minds, at least give Brett a chance to compete for the starting job! 129. Robert Hadley (7/15/08) - I support this petition. 130. dan thompson (7/15/08) - i own a small many employee s show up for work day after day for over 200+ consecutive times. I appreciate what brett has done and the packers organization should respect his work ethic a s well 131. Bruce Smith (7/15/08) - Ted must be Anti-American because in this c ountry it has ALWAYS been that you play your best players in sports. 132. Troy Ewer (7/16/08) - This is unreal. Why does Packers management not want Favre as the starting QB? It's not like his skills have diminished. I n March, Favre was good enough to come back to the team as the starter and the o rganization was all set to accept him back. He canceled and that was bad. Howe ver, now he sincerely wants to come back and is 100% committed and we no longer want him? Have some compassion and quit being so hard-nosed about this. Stop t rying to "teach" Brett a lesson and swallow some pride and accept him as the tea ms starter. Salvage this while you still can. We have one of the greatest QB's to ever play the game "wanting" to come back to play with the team he loves, th e Green Bay Packers. Brett's family and we are treating him poorly. Shame on t he Packers. Right or wrong, if Favre's the starter, the Packer Nation will acce pt the outcome. If Favre's not the starter this year, the Packer Nation will ha ve a hard time forgiving Thompson. We should be enjoying Brett; not alienating him. Ron Wolf wouldn't do this. Rodgers over Favre? Unreal. I support this p etition. 133. Linda E (7/16/08) - I support this petition. Enough is enough. Thi s is not the way to treat a legend. The Packer organization owe Favre. He broug ht the Superbowl trophy back to Green Bay. How many times have the Packers been to the playoffs since Favre came to Green Bay? What has Rodgers done?--get inj ured a few times. What have the Packers had between Lombardi and Favre?---NOTHIN G!! Thompson needs to go. 134. Brian Strasburg (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 135. Jana Strasburg (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 136. Alex Strasburg (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 137. Norma Riese (7/16/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted Thompson. Bring Brett Back!!!!! 138. Josh Frankel (7/16/08) - The legacy of Brett Favre is something tha t Ted Thompson doesn't understand, because he's only been there since 2005. If you don't bring him in as a starter, then at least show the guy the respect to l et him play where he wants. He only won a Super Bowl and 3 MVPs. He's done mor e for this team then Ted will ever know. 139. dale weitz (7/16/08) - I support this petition.

140. Matt McGovern (7/16/08) - I support this petition. TT is a douche with a hard-on for A-Rod. 141. Jon Doe (7/16/08) - IM 12 and no doubt that brett favre is the best thing that ever happened to the packers and ted tompsen in giving up a living l egend so you better fire him 142. Richard Riese (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 143. Chris Frank (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 144. Brad Homiston (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 145. Nick Mulcahy (7/16/08) - I support this petition. I would also lik e to see Ted Thompson removed from the organization. 146. Merrill Latta (7/16/08) - Not allowing Favre his release and tellin g him he can sit on the bench after all he has done is criminal. What they shou ld do is trade Rodgers to a team he can start for, bring back Favre with Brohm a s his understudy, and try and win a Super Bowl. Sorry, with Rodgers starting hi s first season, there likely won't be a Super Bowl this year. I thought that is what sports was about - winning - not playing favorites. 147. Linda Kleinschmidt (7/16/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompso n does not have the best interests of the Pakcers at heart. Fire Ted Thompson a nd bring Brett back!!! 148. kevin lewis (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 149. matt ferone (7/16/08) - Ted Thompson should be traded to the north pole and dropped off on one of the last remaining iceberg adorned only in a favr e jursey 150. adam (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 151. jess (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 152. puppy (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 153. Nick Petit (7/16/08) - I support this petition. His job is to make decision for the best interests of the team to win now, not his or others in the organizations job security. 154. pat hall (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 155. Darren Garbutt (7/16/08) - I support this petition. Brett Favre ha s done nothing wrong to anyone and it is terrible to think that one of the few N FL players who truly and obviously play for the love of the game and not solely for the money is being so poorly treated by a general manager/franchise. 156. Heinz (7/16/08) - I support this petition. In a day and age when te am loyalty is scarce and how much $$ can I make is first and foremost, Brett tak es us back to a time when the game was played because you loved it. Compared to some of the overpaid, undereducated athletes of today, Brett is not only the be st QB to play the game, he is a true role model for all who watch him play. Ted Thompson is an f'ing idiot. As others have said, sure Brett has been a bit wis hy-washy about retirement, but if what Brett says is true about management basic ally forcing him to make a decision, then this is all on Thompson. As Packer fa ns, we should be outraged. Is Thompson gone yet? 157. Desiree Hartman (7/16/08) - I support this petition. and Thompson n eeds to go and Favre needs to start at QB. 158. Teresa Brey (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 159. Mike Carpenter (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 160. Elizabeth Nohr (7/16/08) - I support this petition. Thomposn is an Idiot and need to Go! He has lided to Brett and the fans. He has made so many ba d decisions. It is time for him to go! 161. Karen Nohr (7/16/08) - I support this petition. Humm. Brett Favre o r Ted Thompson? I choose Brett Favre any day! 162. Dick Nohr (7/16/08) - I support this petition.Fire Thompson He has no idea what he is doing and has no clue what is best for the team. 163. DeRon (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 164. terry dunlay (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 165. William Wilberg (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 166. james kimmerle (7/16/08) - I support this petition. 167. David Biddick (7/17/08) - I support this petition.If they Don't, I and millions of other Favre Fans will be Supporting him and what ever new team h

e's at and not the Greenbay Packers 168. roger bills (7/17/08) - Ted Thompson must be let go. 169. Jordan Evert (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 170. Brian Schlagel (7/17/08) - My Uncle worked for the Packers with Bob Noel, Dad Brasier etc. All Thompson has added is controversy which they never h ad and which is what made the packers stand out from the crowd. Get rid of Thomp son and so will the controversies leave. 171. Larry Traaseth (7/17/08) - I support this petition. Randy Moss, Ma rco Rivera, Mike Wahle, Justin Harrell, Marquand Manuel, 0 notable FA's in the l ast 4 years, not drafting to win now with the best QB in Packers history still i n a uniform, trying to run said QB out of town. Just a few reasons to FIRE TED THOMPSON. 172. jan riese (7/17/08) - I support this petition.Ted thompson should b e fired immediately! He has lied about so many things. brett farve is one of the best things that has happened to the packers! 173. Deborah Cohn (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 174. Jamie Lockwood (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 175. Jill Weeldreyer (7/17/08) - Bring Brett back or leave Green Bay for ever! He is clearly the best option for a team that has a shot at the Superbowl . Being a jerk about it is purely ego. 176. Nathan Foster (7/17/08) - I support this petition. Ted, bring Bret t back or suffer the rath of Nate muther fuckin Foster!!! 177. luke shaner (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 178. Bloozman (7/17/08) - TT is doignwhats best for the Packers in the l ong run..if he allowes favre to start, he risks losing Rodgers. Then favre quits again next year, and whattya got?..nothing... 179. Amber Lalim (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 180. Ted Thompson (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 181. Kevin Canady (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 182. Patrick (7/17/08) - I support this petition. I understand your posi tion Ted, but Brett needs to come back. Aaron MIGHT be good, Brett WILL be good. 183. Big Dick Daddy from Cincinnati (7/17/08) - trade Aaron, Start Brett , groom Brohm...done deal, let's move on and talk about winning football games 184. David (7/17/08) - Fire Ted Thompson immediately and bring back Bret t Favre. Ted Thompson is not doing what's best for the team. 185. Gene Goode (7/17/08) - I support this petition. Hey Ted don't we ne ed a QB? And if we do a good one named Favre is avaiable! I think Favre has ear ned it! Coach McCarthy you are nothing w/o Brett! Anyone could have done your jo b and have the same results w/Favre as the QB! 186. Paul R Lois (7/17/08) - I support this petition. Put the best team out there...that is with brett at the QB. 187. Mike Prince (7/17/08) - Ted, Need a reminder on how ugly it can get here when you screw up? ask Dan Devine, or visit his old house where we shot hi s dog to send him a message! have any pets ted?? Last I checked your duties in G reen Bay as GM are to oversee and manage our team ther's a chain of command and your about to have it wrapped around your neck and jerked! stop trying to run th is team like you own it, get on your hands and kness & appologize to Brett ask h im nicely to come back & be the starter or you're gonna leave office the same wa y our jack-ass president is gonna leave office as the most hated man around! One more thing YOU SUCK AND YOU'LL ALWAYS BE THOUGHT OF AROUND HERE AS A FORMER BEA R! 188. Scott (7/17/08) - I support this petition. T.T. is a arrogant dumb ass!! 189. Matt Krill (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 190. Robin Parker (7/17/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson shou ld be fired at the July 24th Shareholders meeting. 191. larry (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 192. Barbara (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 193. Scott (7/17/08) - I support this petition.

194. ken Hietpas (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 195. packerfan (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 196. Fred Meyer (7/17/08) - I support this petition. 197. Bob (7/18/08) - I support this petition. Remember the Packers in th e 70's and the 80's? I do! Looks like we're headed that way again under the dire ction of ted thompson. 198. Jay (7/18/08) - I support this petition. Packers fan in Chicago...T oday's CHICAGO Tribune states "What has backup Aaron Rodgers ever done to justif y enough confidence that Thompson treats a hall of fame quarterback with possibl y two good years left like football flotsam?" How did Thompson even get to his c urrent position making bull-headed moves like this? He is not above Favre who is the face of the franchise, Arron Rodgers can't even hold Favre's Jock-Strap 199. alan cook (7/18/08) - I support this petition. 200. costas (7/18/08) - I support this petition. 201. Jon (7/18/08) - I support this petition. 202. Matt Nelson (7/18/08) - Thompson is the worst GM in pro sports get rid of him NOW 203. James Campbell (7/18/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson i s the worst thing to happen to the PAckers! Fire Ted Thompson! 204. Dan Berens (7/18/08) - I support this petition. If Favre is traded or let go I hope to God that the Packers TANK this season so that moron Thompso n is promptly fired! 205. Sue Voissem (7/18/08) - I support this petition. 206. Richard Smith (7/18/08) - This man has done more to destroy this te am than any player, and I mean ANY player in my life time. I'm 45 and have been a packer fan for 36 of those years. To trade SAM-BAM for Vernand Morency and not place Blackmon on IR should be enough, no consider Will Henderson... I could k eep going, but why... GET RID OF Ted NOW! I support this petition. 207. brian (7/18/08) - I support this petition. 208. brian (7/18/08) - I support this the pres is backing u p ted on all this what is wrong with this organation they can't see how ted has screwed up the team come on!!! the pack could have or have still randy moss,Marc o Rivera, Mike Wahle, Justin Harrell, Marquand Manuel,along with some damn good recievers they should have terry glen,etc open your eyes guys step off your high horse before the packers fans step on you!!!i'am a pack fan and i'am ready to s tart steppin and follow farve anywere he goes this pack organation has gone down hill and really starting to piss me off!!!! 209. Dave (7/18/08) - I support this petition. 210. Michael Allen (7/18/08) - I support this petition. 211. Nathan Hoernke (7/19/08) - Ted Thompson is an bum. Fire his ass an d bring the man that is the face of the Green Bay Packers back. BRETT FAVRE 212. david duncan (7/19/08) - I support this petition. 213. kim edwards (7/19/08) - I support this petition. This man is a comp lete moron. 214. Nobody U. Know (7/19/08) - I support this petition. 215. gordon casperson (7/19/08) - and the coach 216. Tony Venturella (7/19/08) - I am a Steeler fan, but I love and resp ect the game, and know that Brett Favre in a Packer uniform is the best thing fo r football! Ted Thompson in his own arrogance is trying to force one of the gam es greats out of the game before his time! Showing that it is HE that needs to g o and not Favre! The media is just as guilty! As soon as a player starts to es calate in age, ESPN starts talking about retirement! Let me tell you ESPN, it i s not your decision to make as to when a player should start thinking retirement ! Forget age as a number, but look at the skill!!! Brett's still got it! So T hompson, GET OUT! And ESPN, BACK OFF! 217. Randy S (7/19/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson has real ly got to be an idiot!!! What's he afraid of? If Brett is not allowed back in Green Bay, then let him go. He deserves to play the sport he loves whether it's in Green Bay or not. I think what Thompson's afraid of is that if he releases Favre to another team, and we play that team, the potential is very, very high t

hat Brett will beat the pants off of us. Admit it Thompson, that's why you won' t let him go. Afraid he'll make you look like an even bigger idiot than you alr eady are. You need to go. Go Pack Go!!! We want/need Brett back. 218. Bryan (7/19/08) - I support this petition. 219. sandra socha (7/19/08) - I support this petition. sandra socha 220. Ronald Rinehart (7/19/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson i s a softspoken turd who needs to be flushed immediately. Give the fans what THEY want not what your ego tells you. If I had known Ted was the reason Wahle left I would have been screaming this in 2006. He knows talent just not how to handle them or what to do in tough situations. Mark Murphy is just a BIG as a turd as Ted. I like McCarthy but he couldn't coach his way ot of a paper bag. COLD WEATH ER TEAMS PRACTICE OUTSIDE. Ever since Sherman got canned they started bringing i n more General disappointments. Ted should have hired then Def coordinator inste ad of McCarthy 221. Ken Lumberg (7/20/08) - I support this petition. 222. Renee Laufenberg (7/20/08) - I support this petition. 223. Mark Miazga (7/21/08) - I support this petition. 224. Kathy Houriet (7/21/08) - I support this petition. BOO TED THOMPSON !!! 225. brian (7/22/08) - I didnt realize T.T. was so arrogant.Bret has giv en his whole life to the packers.I ll take brett befor T.T 226. Luke Caygill (7/22/08) - I support this petition. 227. andy foslin (7/22/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson needs to go. 228. Richard Barrows (7/22/08) - I support this petition. 229. tom schmidt (7/22/08) - I support this petition. 230. Shelly Cronin (7/22/08) - Ted Thompson is a freakin' JOKE!!! He ne eds to be canned immediately!!! 231. Mike Long (7/22/08) - I support this petition. IDIOT! 232. Dona Seboth (7/23/08) - I support this petition. Get him out now!! 233. MARK HOOTEN (7/23/08) - I support this petition. 234. Scott Jameson (7/23/08) - I support this petition. 235. Lydia (7/23/08) - I support this petition. 236. Jeff R. Ripp (7/23/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of him N OW!!! 237. Robert Heaney (7/23/08) - I support this petition. 238. Jeanna Ranek (7/23/08) - I support this petition. 239. Joel Ruf (7/23/08) - I support this petition. 240. Todd Cushman (7/23/08) - I support this petition. 241. John Wright (7/23/08) - As a lifelong Packer fan, and a stock holde r I support this petition. 242. Linda St. Cyr (7/23/08) - I support this petition. FIRE THOMPSON NO W!!!!! 243. Wayne Sharkey (7/23/08) - I support this petition. I MORE than supp ort this petition. Get rid of THOMPSON ASAP! 244. Loren Mann (7/23/08) - I support this petition. FIRE HIM, He's soo egotistical, that's ALL it's about for him!!!!! 245. Vicky Waskiewicz (7/23/08) - GET RID OF HIM NOW!!!. 246. Bryan (7/23/08) - FIRE THE IDIOT! 247. Lynne (7/23/08) - DUMP HIS ASS!!!!! 248. Greg (7/23/08) - SEND TED PACKING!!!! 249. Nick (7/23/08) - I support this petition. 250. Jessica Barker (7/23/08) - Fire Ted!!! 251. Doug (7/24/08) - I support this petition. This guy is an idiot. We seriously need to run himout of Wisconsin. 252. Mark Polomis Jr. (7/24/08) - I support this petition. 253. Brian Stigler (7/24/08) - TT is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a life long Packer fan, but I plan on making BF's new team my team. Once TT and MM ar e gone, maybe the healing can start.

254. David Martin (7/24/08) - I support this petition. 255. Connie Thompson (7/24/08) - I support this petition. 256. Robert Hyatt (7/24/08) - I support this petition & agree TT is the worst thing to happen since Mike Sherman, but he's a lot dumber than Sherman. 257. Justin Hyatt (7/24/08) - Steping back from the Favre man-luv, let' s view this as a logical decision; 1.) Favre generates money, the NFL is about t o go uncapped in 2010 - truuuubble wen people stop buying your stuff because the yhate the GM 2.) Favre is without a doubt capable of leading this team to much g reater heights, perhaps higher than under Holmgren, to diss him is to say the Pa ckers are a great team without him and face it, they are NOT a 13-3 talent team without him. 3.) Ted Thompson was run out of Seattle, not just fired but escorte d off the premises by security guards. Now he wants to inflict the same sort of "I don't play well withy others" attitude in a city known for being about the co mmon man and respecting the traditions of the game? Exactly what IS Brett Favre - if not a Green Bay "tradition"? Does the word "loyalty" suddenly acquire a new meaning, that "loyalty" now means Aaron Glenn - er I mean Aaron Rodgers is more worthy of respect and "loyalty" than Brett Favre? What has he done to earn this "loyalty" 4.) Then we have the "he called Minnesota" scandal, except that now a ppears to be a LIE - told by Thompson to smear a great player's reputation just to win his pissing contest. 2 sources - 1 inside the NFL and 1 close to Fave 100 % deny Favre has a cell phone from the Pack, and it would be a salary cap violat ion if they had provided one. Either TT is a "cheater" like Belichick, for provi ding an off-the-record cell phone or he's a liar, take yer pick. 258. Lisa K Nelson (7/24/08) - I support this petition. 259. Carol Cross (7/24/08) - I think Ted will be done in GB as Brett sta ys retired, Rodgers gets hurt, and Brett won't come back to cover TT's behind ev en if TT is on hands and knees. 260. candy torres (7/24/08) - I support this petition. 261. doug Bears (7/24/08) - I support this petition. 262. Staci Schluechtermann (7/24/08) - Thompson has made nothing but poo r decisions since he came. He's the General MisManager of the Green Bay Packers . I used to pay extra $ to have Packer license plates, but am getting regular o nes. Ted is losing revenue for the team...See another person's signature on t he petition...she's right on track. 263. Christine C (7/24/08) - I support this petition. TT should be fire d. Brett has devoted his career to Green Bay, is an outstanding player, leader, and a special person for many reasons including all he has done for the people who live in Wisconsin. Lets prove that the Green Bay Packers and Wisconsin have still earned the reputation that this is a special city and team - unlike no ot her and do the right thing - bring Brett back and give him the respect he has ea rned. Otherwise, it may never be the same for a very long time. 264. A. Gonyea (7/24/08) - Ted Sucks! 265. Joleen (7/25/08) - This whole thing is just maddening. I can't beli eve there is even a problem with letting Brett come back. How can you put all yo ur faith behind Aaron Rodgers, back up to Brett Favre, over Brett Favre, legend and record breaker! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this one o ut! 266. Jodee (7/25/08) - I support this petition. 267. TIMOTHY MARTIN (7/25/08) - I support this petition.HOW CAN GREEN BA Y PACKER MANAGEMENT BE SO STUPID! COME ON! THIS IS BRETT FAVRE HE BLEEDS GREEN A ND GOLD! GIVE HIM THE RESPECT HE DSERVES AND LET HIM PLAY! IF THERES A CONFLICT BETWEEN BRETT AND TED BY ALL MEANS FIRE TED!!!!!! 268. Sandra (7/25/08) - I support this petition. 269. Diane K. (7/25/08) - Bring back Brett and fire Ted! 270. Matt Feyen (7/25/08) - I support this petition. 271. chuck farley (7/25/08) - I support this petition. No matter what Te d Thompson does, he's still going to have a very little penis. 272. Sean Maysonet (7/25/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is an embarrassment to the Packer organization. 273. Colleen Henrich (7/25/08) - I support this petition 100 %!!!

274. Jason Edens (7/25/08) - Should have been fired for not getting Rand y Moss, now choosing an unproven qb over a brett favre that was 2nd in mvp votes last year is absolutely stupid. That isn't even considering he is an icon for the NFL and Green Bay Packers. They pushed him out the door, I won't be a Gree n Bay fan much longer if they don't resolve this admirably. 275. Joyce D. (7/25/08) - Ted Thompson needs to put his selfish pride as ide and do what's right for the Packers. If he can't do that he needs to step a side 276. Dawn Bouwens (7/26/08) - GET RID OF AN ARROGANT TT 277. James D (7/26/08) - Fire Ted Thompson now! This bozo thinks he's a n f'ing genius and thinks Aaron Rodgers is going to be scare talented even thoug h there is ZERO EVIDENCE that it's true. And to cover up for that carpetbagger GM incompetience he is trying to make it so Packer legend Brett Favre is not all owed to play ANYWHERE. Sorry it's too late if Aaron ROdgers doens't take the Pa ckers to the Super Bowl Ted Thompson you scumbag and your fat lackey McCartney w ill be fired. Do the right thing and release Brett Favre if you and then hitch y our wagon to Mr soul patch. Otherwise you are cowards and deserve to be blackba lled when the Packers fail. 278. JOHN MARTIN (7/26/08) - I support this petition.What in Gods name i s Ted Thompson doing to the Green Bay Packers! i have been a Packer fan all my l ife and can not believe how Brett Favre is being treated!!!! Not only should the y fire Ted They should make him leave the state of Wisconsin!!!! What a shame!!! He has tarnished the name of the Green Bay Packers and made one of the dumbest moves in Packers history! Our whole Wisconsin family is just sick!!! FIRE HIM PL EASE!!!!!!!! 279. bryan (7/27/08) - I support this petition. MAN UP TED!!! release br ett you moron!! now brett is staying away from camp cause ted asked him to so no t too be a big distration to the team, brett is being to nice and is really tryi ng to end his career with the pack peacefully!! MAN UP TED RELEASE BRETT YOU PUS S!!!!! 280. Dawn Biering (7/27/08) - I support this petition. 281. Paul Biering (7/27/08) - I support this petition. 282. Dustin Olson (7/27/08) - I support this petition. 283. David Franken (7/27/08) - We want Favre back! 284. michael greilinger (7/27/08) - I support this petition. 285. Andew Cunnyngham (7/27/08) - I support this petition. 286. Paula O. (7/27/08) - Ted, Listen to the Fans...or start looking for a new job! You'll be the one held accountable when your not-so-ironman Aaron R odgers is on the injured reserve list (again) while Brett is taking another team to the playoffs!!!!! 287. MARK SEMANCIK (7/27/08) - I support this petition. They welcome bac k drug dealers but won't let a guy unretire. 288. Matt Luttig (7/27/08) - I support this petition. 289. Barbara Hanson (7/27/08) - I support this petition. 290. Judie Quella (7/27/08) - I support this petition. Brett was forced to retire; that's why he was so emotional when he announced his retirement. I think Ted and possibly, McCarthy, wanted him off the team for several seasons; t hat's why they are so adament about him not returning. I like Aaron and wish h im the best, but Brett is OUR QUARTERBACK!!!!!!! 291. Jenny Gruchow (7/28/08) - I support this petition. Ted is about mak ing himself famous, not whats best for the team. He has blemished the best team in history in the nations eyes forever. Go control someone who beleives in you. We are not the right team for your type of dictatorship. We are family 292. Nickolas Payovich (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 293. Jim Palmer (7/28/08) - I support this petition. Fire the smug ass! 294. Jim B (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 295. David L (7/28/08) - I support this petition, but would settle for a tar & feathering with reinstatement of #4 as starting QB. Sorry Aaron. 296. Chip Halverson (7/28/08) - I support this petition. Fire that egom aniac!

297. jess (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 298. Mark Konczel (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 299. Susan Burnett (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 300. Tom Vickerman (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 301. Andy Schultz (7/28/08) - TT is a disgrace to the organization and h as no right to turn our beloved packers into a national laughing stock. 302. Nick Pauley (7/28/08) - I support this petition. we could have a 3 time mvp or aaron rodgers. The choice he made deserves being firing or committed . 303. Tom Webster (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 304. karie fletcher (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 305. tre blohm (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 306. te'a blohm (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 307. trevor fletcher (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 308. dennis satorius (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 309. alianna satorius (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 310. dreu willis (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 311. Chris (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 312. David Klaus (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 313. Brian (7/28/08) - I support this petition. How long is this moron g onna be allowed to single handedly dismantle & destroy one of the greatest franc ises in football history. He's a feeeekin joke ... he belongs with Belacheat & t he Patriots!! 314. Shaun Combs (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 315. Russ Kahler (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 316. Lisa Liseno (7/28/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thomson is the king of idiots! He doesn't deserve to work for the Packers. Bring Brett Back! 317. John Liseno (7/28/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thomson is a f ool!! Brett is the best! 318. chet (7/28/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is a fucking self-centered asshole. All he can think about is himself. Why doesn't he let Fa vre into camp and have him and Rodgers compete for the QB spot. Favre is the bes t by far. Thompson is worried about getting fired if he lets Favre into camp, we ll he should get fired because he is a terribly dumb GM. 319. Robert Reich (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 320. Al Del Greco (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 321. john carter (7/28/08) - I support this petition, the Brett Favre si tuation is not the first mistake thompson has made. terrible GM and needs to be fired 322. frank b (7/28/08) - If Favre is no longer a packer after this seaso n I will turn my back on the green bay packers. 323. Karen Barr (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 324. j shifflet (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 325. mike bonney (7/28/08) - I support this petition. 326. Grover Three (7/28/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is really damagaing the whole Packer organization. All the good will the Packers h ave had over the years has been completely flushed down the toilet by Ted Thomps on. The damage has been done and the Packer organization will never recover fro m this. 327. Jeremy Stafford (7/29/08) 328. Charles Bower (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 329. Mike Schirmer (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 330. Andrew Balster (7/29/08) - Pack your bags. 331. JY (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 332. Bryan (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 333. nikki lather (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 334. sharon lather (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 335. don lather (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 336. Gregory Cooper (7/29/08) - Ted Thompson has finally crossed the lin e.

337. Cindy Downs (7/29/08) - I support this petition. Ted is an abominat ion! He needs to be shown the door. 338. Dustin Witter (7/29/08) - I support this petition. I COMPLETELY AGR EE! This arrogant butt wipe needs to realize, yeah brett retired, but rodgers co uld suck huge balls, he played all of like 2 games since being drafted and he go t hurt in practice. Plus, the year the packers had the tied for 1st o-line, he w sa hired and got rid of all but two of them!!! retard, send him on the short bus and drive it off a cliff. YOU DONT TRADE THE BEST QB OF ALL TIME!!! God i want to kill him in public. AGGGGGH! 339. T. Williams (7/29/08) - I support this petition. TT has demonstrat ed he does not, "Walk his Talk!" 340. maren Wanggaard (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 341. Brad (7/29/08) - I support this petition. Thompson needs to go! 342. Brian Johnson (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 343. Jordan Corning (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 344. Don Bradley (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 345. Clay Douglass (7/29/08) - Obviously not a very good GM! Get rid of the guy ASAP!!! 346. sallym (7/29/08) - I support this petition. 347. Tony (7/30/08) - I support this petition. 348. Judith and Daniel Dorchester (7/30/08) - I support this petition. 349. nate k (7/30/08) - I support this petition. 350. Adam (7/30/08) - Fire his ass. 351. corey drivas (7/30/08) - I support this petition. 352. Keith (7/30/08) - How does an organization turn their back on a QB that is clearly the best to ever play the position? Rogers is not the answer. Pu t his butt on the bench and start Favre damn it 353. Clint Berge (7/30/08) - Bring back Ron Wolf. 354. George Larson (7/30/08) - I support this petition. 355. Rita A. Fletcher (7/30/08) - I support this petition 1000%!!! Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy and apparently Mark Murphy, have something against a fantastic football QB who is a LEGEND and one of the top 5 QB's!!! I would LOVE for them to tell the fans WHY!?!?!?! This "we've gone on" just doesn't cut it! ! That is NO reason not to bring back Brett as the starting QB for as long as h e can play!! They have already pissed off most of the fans to the point that mo st will no longer support them after this....I'm glad I'm not the name in the re cord books that says they put an end to Brett Favre's career!! I don't know what you are all drinking but you'd better wise've killed the meaning and the respect that the GreenBay Packers are Legend for!! Happy Now?!?!? Also, wh at does Aaron Rodgers have on you guys that make you think he'd be better then a 17 yr QB who has given his all to the PACKERS and actually PROVED he's the best of the best!! Where's Ron Wolfe and Harlan??!?!?!? What are they saying??? T ed, ever since you came the packers have not been the same and you know....the y ears you've been here are the years that Brett has thought about retiring...had you not been hired....Brett would still be playing and he'd of had help and the pack would have had a Super Bowl by now!! Also, you've told so many lies to the fans, the public and to Brett that no one believes anything out of your mouth a nymore! That's not a GM!! FIRE HIM!!!! Quickly!!! 356. Erin Belongie (7/30/08) - I support this petition. 357. Packer Backer of Favre (7/30/08) - I support this petition. 358. S T Buechner (7/30/08) - I support this petition. The conduct exhib ited by the Packers Front Office in regards to Brett Favre has been an embarrass ment and complete disgrace. 359. Laurie Nitz (7/30/08) - I support this petition. 360. CAROL FRANZEN (7/30/08) - I support this petition. 361. Judy Franzen (7/30/08) Ted Thomphson needs to go before he r uins the PACKERS 362. steve provencher (7/30/08) - I support this petition. 363. Angie B (7/30/08) - I support this petition. I will personally dri ve to GB and escort him out of town. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but.

...if they don't want Favre to be their starting QB and want to continue to trea t him like he has no worth, then release him and let him play for the Vikes. I may no longer be a Packer fan after this debacle. 364. Alexander Regna (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 365. Danielle Johnson (7/31/08) - I support this petition. You've made some terrible decisions. Favre deserves to play. 366. Mabel Watkins (7/31/08) - I support this petition.I never did like Ted Thompson. He has never been personable in any of his interviews or dealings with the fans. I think he has made many bad decisions and always appears very ar rogant! The whole Packer organization would be better off without him! He has sh own disrespect for Bret and all Packers' fans. he must go now! 367. Paul Bartelme (7/31/08) - I support this petition. My family owns 3 shares of the packers ..this is really hurting our loved packer community ..fir e him ...just get rid of him ...terrible PR and horrible management. 368. Jeremy Zantow (7/31/08) - Ted, you are a genius with the draft, but you are an IDIOT when it comes to day to day operations. What's so wrong with f ree agents and how can you possibly keep your job by throwing away a hall of fam e QB, especially if he ends up on the VIKINGS!!!????!!! 369. Paul Bernard (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 370. JL (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 371. dmatt (7/31/08) - I support this petition. I'd love to be at Lambea u when the Packers loose their first game due to Ted and others stupidity. BRING FAVRE BACK. Got your banners printed yet? 372. Jeff Kaye (7/31/08) - I support this petition. IF TED THOMPSON TRA DES BRETT TO THE VIKINGS OR BEARS INSTEAD OF BRINGING BRETT BACK TO THE PACK, HI S REPUTATION IS ETCHED IN HISTORY! IDIOT! 373. William Spring (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 374. Paul W (7/31/08) - I support this petition. The GM can do what he wants but there is a limit. He's hit that limit by not welcoming Favre back. 375. Damon E. (7/31/08) - I support this petition. You know if Reggie wa s still alive and wanted to come back to play with the Packers there would be no second thought but because Ted has such a Hard On by rubbing Brett's great name in the dirt and not even letting him compete for his starting job then I think that says it all as to why Ted is the worst GM the packer have ever had. He turn ed down Rivera and Whale who have been packers for a decade or longer and then turned down Moss (Only one Draft Pick was all we had to give up) then not drafti ng Gregg Olson and keeping Franks only to release him the following year. Ted yo u have made a bunch of really bad choices and now your about to make the biggest one of all and screw up tradition and legacy which will take us 5yrs or more to dig out of the deep hole you have put the fans and the team in. I blame McCart hy and Murphy also because they don't have the Balls to stand and and let it be known that Brett is what's best for the team the town and the Great Sport of Foo tball. Save Brett Favre and Bring him Home where he belongs. 376. Tammy Paul (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 377. Dennis Cole (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 378. Jim steineke (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 379. Gabe Williams (7/31/08) - Do not just FIRE him, remove him from the city limits of GB, violently if needed. 380. pediatricia (7/31/08) - Fire Ted Thompson. Idiot is ruining Packer s reputation. 381. jason (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 382. Allan Esser (7/31/08) - I support this petition. If Farve plays fo r an NFC North Rival... bad things will happen. We wouldn't be in this spot if it wasn't for Thompson. Murphy need to get ride of him NOW!!! 383. j (7/31/08) - YOU OFFER 20M FOR THE FACE OF PACKER NATION TO STAY A WAY!!!WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THOMPSON, MURPHY AND FAT BOY MCCARTHY? 384. Mike W (7/31/08) - I at first believed that Green Bay was doing the right thing, but now this is a joke. What is Thompson thinking? He is thinkin g that he must win with over-rated Aaron Cal Rodgers (GAG ME) And by the way do we all know that Ryan Grant needs to get signed ASAP!!!Oh, but nevermind because

Thompson is a IDIOT. 385. Mike Stanczak (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 386. vicki berglund (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 387. jeff berglund (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 388. steve kent (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 389. Bill Hardy (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 390. Chuck B. (7/31/08) - I support this petition. The Green Bay Packer s have become the laughing stock of the NFL with the poor GM decisions concernin g Brett Favre. Ted Tompson will go down in Packer History as the WORST GM they have ever had, and it will result in a dramatic Loss of Revenue as former Packer fans no longer buy Packer merchandise. 391. Jon Bauer (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 392. Gene Schleusner (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 393. Jennifer Unglesbee (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 394. Justin (7/31/08) - I support this petition. 395. William Pochert (7/31/08) - are you kidding me? fire this goon NOW! 396. Michael (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 397. Robbie Giorgiani (8/1/08) - He accepted the award for best owner in football last year riding Brett Favre's coattails and now he bites the hand tha t feeds him. He's turning fans against the organization and all he can do is loo k in the camera like a surprised albino hedgehog saying this isn't a personal fe ud. What a croc, get him out NOW. 398. Car (8/1/08) - Stockholder who firmly believes Thompson should be c anned. 399. Dave M. (8/1/08) - Ted Thompson is an ego-driven, self-promoting st uffed shirt who lives in his own world and cares nothing about the franchise or the people in Green Bay. His penny-pinching with not getting Randy Moss or othe r key pieces and inflexibility regarding his total bungling, two-faced lying mis -management of Brett Favre has cost the Pack a chance at 2 Super Bowls. I wholeh eartedly support this petition. 400. Gary Sessler (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 401. Arthur Kohansky (8/1/08) - Ted Thompson is too busy thinking about his future and too busy enamored with his own draft picks to think about now, wh en Green Bay could have gone to the Super Bowl in '07 and '08 with Brett Favre. I support this petition. 402. Larry Janacek (8/1/08) - I support this petition.TT needs to be fir ed. Goodell needs to do it to show the NFL still has some backbone. TT has given the packers and the rest of the NFL a blackeye.RG needs to show GM's that they are not above all. the commish must do this or lose many thousand of loyal NFL f ans this is a joke the way GB has treated a pro bowl hall of fame QB. Brett brin g so much to the game. Its fun watching him even beat your team. Not many player s in any sport can say that.Thanks for listening 403. Brian Schaeffer (8/1/08) - Fire this clown now! I grew up in Ohio a lifelong Packers fan after being born and living in Madison, Wisconsin for 2 y ears. I also attended The University of Southern Mississippi following Brett Fa vre in the Fall of 1991. I followed USM sports as I was a baseball player who f ailed in an attempt to walk on the baseball team. I was friends and little leag ue baseball teammates with Scott Harper, who was a redshirted freshman tight end Brett Favre's senior year. I will not support the Green Bay Packers ever again because of Ted Thompson and the Packers ridiculous treatment of their best quar terback today, and probably best player in their history, and only 3 time NFL MV P Brett Favre. The Packers always sucked from the time I was born post Lombardi until Brett took over against my local Cincinnati Bengals in 1992. Rooted for Brett in that game all the way through last season. I am a Packer through and t hrough but cannot any longer if they unjustly and stupidly prevent Brett from pl aying again. They ought to be kissing Brett's ass and praying that he wants to come back. He led the Packers one play away from a 3rd Superbowl without gettin g the big name receiver he deserves. The Packers insist they are moving on, I q uess they mean they want to move on from greatness and become the perenial loser s they were before Brett got there. I have no choice but to relish in their imp

ending fate which will include losing records year after year similar to the 25 years before Brett showed up. I'm am going to laugh my ass off each time Aaron Rodgers gets hit hard or throws an interception. The Packers need to stop embar rassing themselves and their loyal fans who like me if they are real Packers fan s, will turn on them. The Packers are turning into a classless joke of the NFL! Not only did they show their ignorance on who their best quarterback is, they disrespected him every way possible, forgot what he did for them, and underestim ated the power and intelligence of the f 404. Pete Bayer (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 405. Patrick Tubbs (8/1/08) - 31 of 32 GMs would start the best QB in th e game today. 406. James Torun (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 407. Randy Zimmerman (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 408. mpratt (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 409. J Goldwyn (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 410. John Lettau (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 411. Kurt Harmon (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 412. Bill Cronk (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 413. mark miller (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 414. Brian Gridley (8/1/08) - He won't even allow Brett Favre to compete for the starting job. Yeah, Thompson is an idiot and should be fired. 415. mary e (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 416. Kendra (8/1/08) - TT is a complete idiot and I for one hope they fi re his ass. The longer he stays in GB the more harm he is doing to a great franc hise. 417. Frank Lozano (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 418. K Barkley (8/1/08) - I support this petition. 419. lifetimefan (8/2/08) - The only solution to this problem is for Ted to let Brett PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the pack and get us maybe a superbowl win. If TT does anything short of this he should be drug out of town!!!! anything sho rt of this is Ted will be remembered as the biggest GM IDIOT of all times. The only way Ted saves himself if Rodgers gets pack to superbowl.(Laughing my azz of f)If brett gets traded to vikes I sure would like to be there when Brett shoves it down the GB brasses throat. Just may become a Vikings fan for a year or two. 420. Bet in WV (8/2/08) - This man, with his nescient attitude, has divi ded the Packer fanbase. His unwillingness to allow Favre to compete for the star ting QB job is evidence that he doesn't want our ICON on the field! Favre is the most prolific, tenacious and exciting player to EVER grace the gridiron! Sure, they want Favre 'still involved in the organization'--MERCHANDISING!! Why?? Bec ause Favre fans are LOYAL and are the organization's CASHCOWS!!! Their mistreatm ent of Brett is DEPLORABLE! Favre DESERVES to be in Green Bay & Ted DESERVES to be FIRED!! 421. KYFAVREFAN (8/2/08) - Ted Thompson does not care about GB or Packer Fans! Send him "PACKING" elsewhere!! 422. Dan Baggio (8/2/08) - Ted has totally screwed up this Brett Favre s ituation. Brett was pushed to retire - and now he's being faulted for standing up and wanting to play? Favre is a blessing to the Packers, the NFL, and Americ an and international sports fans everywhere!!! Ted Thompson is an arrogant idiot - SACK HIM!!!!! 423. Mychaelah (8/2/08) - I support this petition. 424. Kimberley Wendt (8/2/08) - I support this petition. 425. gary Lawrence (8/2/08) - He has divided one of the greatest sport f ranchises in history!Has dishonered gbs fans and players Isnt the Nfl about comp etition And your telling one of the best QBS of all time he cant compete for a j ob hes has had for 16 yrs!!He is just totally clueless and lies i could go just to put it simploe hes an A@@@hole 426. bryan (8/2/08) - I support this petition.he's not doing a thing to keep grant but he'll offer 20 mil to keep brett off the feild!!! hmmmm ted this is a no brainer if you keep ar as a starter you might want some kind of runnin g ame!!!

427. bobby koval (8/2/08) - I support this petition and ted thompson and mark murphy need to be replaced 428. Jill E Burke (8/2/08) - I support this petition. Ted - you need to put aside your pride and pettiness and give the people what they want - Brett F avre. 429. andrew a. (8/2/08) - whats going on in green bay right now is truly a embarrassed to be a packer fan right now.ted thompson has embarrasse d the whole organization.we will now go down in history as the team that screwed the legend brett favre.brett favre is green bay just ask the fans,and the fans want favre.bring him back before its too late.dont let ted thompson ruin the leg acy and respect of the green bay packers.and not signing randy moss was a very b ad decision too.make the right decision now and fire ted thompson and bring back brett......FAVRE 4 LIFE! LAMBEAU 4 LIFE! 430. Dante Robinson (8/2/08) - FIRE TED THOMPSON 431. Julie Dreary (8/2/08) - I support this petition. 432. bruce grandchamp jr. (8/3/08) - I support this petition. 433. Lois Collier (8/3/08) - Ted Thompson has destroyed GB. What use to be the American team, is now a joke. I have been a Packer fan for over 40 years and I don't even live in Wisconsin. People from all over use to respect the Pack ers. No more! Thanks alot Thompson. You should be sent packing. Brett we love yo u and wish you would play with us again; but with TT running the show don't coun t on it. You'll probably be traded. Packers loss and someone elses gain. TT you have destroyed GB and it won't be forgotten. 434. Sharon De (8/3/08) - I support this petition. Get him out of Green Bay. Bring back Brett 435. Kevin Martin (8/3/08) - FIRE HIM!!! 436. G. Holder (8/3/08) - I support this petition. 437. page nelson (8/3/08) - I support this petition. 438. Stephenie Thompson (8/3/08) - I support this petition. 439. Randy Smith (8/3/08) - I support this petition. 440. Ken Warzon (8/3/08) - I support this petition. 441. mark friedman (8/3/08) - I support this petition. 442. Sandy (8/3/08) - Let's usher Thompson (with his lack of integrity, morals, ethics, and common football business sense) out the door. He's made the Packers the laughing stock of the NFL. Mark Murphy issued a carefully worded s tatement "welcoming" Brett back because Thompson has lost all credibility with t he team, the fans, the commissioner, and Favre. He's a joke - show him the door . 443. mk (8/3/08) - Ted Tompson,aka,Ostrisch face needs to get FIRED! We are the people who own this team! The city of GreenBay! Do we agree with everyth ing Mr. Ostrich face tompson says? We should instead speak as a united force an d bring back ,what family night was all about. True People who loved there famil y,and supported them all the way. Wake up Packer Nation and sign this! 444. Matt Sparland (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 445. Monica Witzel (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 446. tracy tenpenny (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 447. jon (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 448. Packers Fan (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 449. John Von (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 450. karen (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 451. Brian Slimmer (8/4/08) - I support this petition. Get him out! If they trade Brett to the VIKINGS of all people get rid of McCarthy and Murphy al so!!!!! 452. Tarvaris Jackson (8/4/08) - I support this petition. My boss had to get an unlisted number because of this fool ! 453. Brett Favor (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 454. Brett Favor (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 455. Brett Favre (8/4/08) - Yes!!!!!!!! 456. Angela Hoff (8/4/08) - I support this petition. The sooner he's out the better.

457. Dawn Smith (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 458. Amy (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 459. jen harrington (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 460. pamelasvec (8/4/08) - I support this petition. 461. chris sherman (8/4/08) - I support this petition.Fire ted thompson for obvious reasons 462. kathy Bureta (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 463. Lola (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Thompson needs to go. 464. Brett Favre (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Ted is screwing me and the Packer faithful, the best Packer QB should start. 465. Anthony (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 466. Delores Cal (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 467. Mary Indes (8/5/08) - GET HIM OUTTA HERE! 468. AV (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 469. Tomas (8/5/08) - fire his @ss - immediately 470. Mark K. (8/5/08) - Fire that idiot Ted Thompson Now! 471. Rick (8/5/08) - I support this petition. If RON WOLF were here this wouldn't be happening! FIRE THOMPSON AND THAT PUPPET McCARTHY! BRING BACK RON W OLF! 472. Steve Roberts (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 473. Dustin Burkwalt (8/5/08) - I support this petition. This guy is a t otal dick and needs to look at who he doesn't want to be QB. 474. Vincenza (Rick's wife!) (8/5/08) - I support this petition. If RON WOLF were here this wouldn't be happening! FIRE THOMPSON AND THAT PUPPET McCARTH Y! BRING BACK RON WOLF! 475. Sonny Crockett (8/5/08) - I support this petition. If McCarthy was a real man, he'd know that the best thing for the Green Bay Packers would be to start Brett Favre and end this whole nonsense. But Mike has no balls and will n ot stand up to that other weasel Thompson. 476. JR (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 477. Deb Kuster (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 478. Anna Hunt (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 479. M.Flan (8/5/08) - I support this petition. In exchange for the 17 y ears of joy that he has brought Packer fans everywhere, Favre deserves a free re ign to come back for as many years as he pleases. 480. Kari (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 481. Jonathan Baldwin (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 482. Dan Dougherty (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Fire him now.... I want another championship ring -- Brett's the best answer.... 483. ben (8/5/08) - It's disgusting that this worm of a man can decide t he fate of one of the greatest quarterbacks in nfl and packer history 484. Bob Missun (8/5/08) - Mr. Thompson is the most evil egotistical mor on on the face of this earth. Even ranks # 1 above George W. Bush. As a life lon g Packer fan, I can't believe this moron would rummage a chance to reach the Sup er Bowl for his ego. Simple decision on Brett: Do not bring him back if 1) the team is in decline or 2) his skills are in decline to the point where it is hampering the team Addressing #1 - the team was one step from going to the S uper Bowl and has most of the important nucleus back plus has youth on their sid e in most positions. Check mark - no decline Addressing #2 - Brett would have be en considered for MVP last year if not for Brady. He is still in the top 5-6 qbs today even though he is not Brady or P Manning at his age now. Check mark - no noticeable decline to hamper the team. Folks, this is a no brainer. Thompson fo rced his hand and is arrogant enough to sacrifice a 8-8 at best team with Rodger s at the helm. The outside chances for championships are slim in this business. Without Brett, well its back to the Forest Gregg era of mediocrity for a long ti me. Ted Thompson - hope you burn in hell. Leave Wisconsin when you can get out. And hide you pathetic piece of garbage. Hide! 485. Jim Olson (8/5/08) - I support this petition. TT must go. None of this would have happened if Bob Harlan and Ron Wolf were still with the Packers. There needs to be a management change.

486. Steve (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted Thompson and tak e McCarthy and Rodgers with him. The answer here is so obvious, its kiling me, all the Packers fans and the rest of the NFL. Can someone get this link to him and the Packers org.? 487. David Waters (8/5/08) - Ted Thompson is ruining the Green Bay Packe rs and he is acting like he owns this team. Guess what Ted, you don't and as fa r as I am concerned you have no right being in our beloved city. Brett should b e #1, Brohm #2 Rodgers will more than likely get hurt so he should be #3 488. Marty D. (8/5/08) - Thompson is an ego-maniac who puts his own self -delusions of genius & dictatorship needs in front of the good of the team, whic h could be a Super Bowl contender if Thompson wasn't so stubborn and blind and i nflexible. I support this petition. 489. Katie Clark (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 490. Jeff Hall (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 491. Cathy Van De Yacht (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 492. Keit Nielsen (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is ruining the Packers organization. I have been a die hard fan for over 30 years and this Management team is forcing me to rethink my allegiances. Bottom line t hey MUST do what will help the packers win NOW. Aaron Rodgers is not the answer hurt 3 times with less than a hundred snaps. 493. Jan Stoddard (8/5/08) - I support this petition. TT has had a grudg e against Brett since the beginning. Who wouldn't want to keep someone you has g iven everything to the game of football? If you keep AR as the starting QB you w ill be missing out on a trip to the Super Bowl, and losing alot of Packer Fans. t 494. Rebecca Dietz (8/5/08) - I support this petition....he should take Rodgers with him too. 495. Dan Harding (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 496. James Bergstrom (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 497. angela sanford (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 498. Diane Kalscheur-Cushman (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 499. Brock Hreon (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 500. Ruff (8/5/08) - I support this petition. I can't believe managemen t is treating Favre this way. They need to clean house in the front office star ting with Thompson. I am embarrassed to be a Packer fan right now and will wear a #4 jersey even if its for the Viks or Bears. 501. Bill Schultz Sr. (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 502. Brett Fan (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 503. Loren (8/5/08) - I support this petition. This is Brett Favre we a re talking about! Ted Thompson is arrogant and has an ego as big as a bears fan . In Wisconsin that in not acceptable! 504. Dan Austin (8/5/08) - Ted thompson is a big big big big loser and i wish i could kick him in the head...I support this petition. 505. John Fazio (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 506. amber black (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 507. Mark (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 508. Steve (8/5/08) - Fire that idiot. It doesn't take a rocket scientis t to see what TT is up to. 509. John Kreiner (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 510. Bill (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 511. Bill Umek (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 512. Rachel (8/5/08) - Screw you, Ted Thompson. Screw you. 513. sara holtschmeir (8/5/08) - run him and his pet AR out of Green Bay . 514. sumrak7 (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 515. David Arens (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 516. christine (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 517. Ruth (8/5/08) - I support this petition. I think Ted Thompson is a total idiot the way he is treating one of the greatest quarterbacks ever. I thi nk he should be fired just for all the bad publicity he has brought to this orga

nization. Brett Favre is the reason I watched football. 518. Brian Schukow (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 519. S. Smith (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 520. Jesse Bartmann (8/5/08) - Ted and the Packers hired Ari Fleischer t o help them with PR (presumably after they get rid of Brett). I think they shoul d have hired Jesus because it's going to take something miraculous to mend the r ift between fans and Packer management. If the Packers get rid of Brett, I encou rage everyone to: "BOYCOTT THE PACK UNTIL TT GETS FIRED". Money talks and whe n it stops rolling in, maybe then the Packers will realize how deeply TT has dam aged this franchise. What do you think???? 521. Scott Updike (8/5/08) - I support this petition. anyone who will no t take a proven winner is a ass 522. tracy (8/5/08) - I support this petition. FIRE THOMPSON! His gros s mismanagment is diabolical. As a long time season ticket holder from MKE, my seat is paid for, but it will be empty. A painful formal boycott measure agaist Ted Thompson. Where in the hell is the Packers Executive board? Be proactive, d o what is in the best interest of the Green Bay Packers. Fire Thompason and tha t puppet McCarthy. Bring Brett Back. 523. doreen (8/5/08) - I support this petition.Time for a management ch ange today!!! 524. james (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 525. inpackfan (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 526. Laurie Anderson (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 527. Stephanie F (8/5/08) - I MORE than support this petition. Ted Thom pson has to swallow his pride and get over himself and stop making a mockery of the Green Bay Packers organization! This is OUTRAGEOUS and bad for not only thi s season, for the FUTURE of the club. Not only that, you've put so much pressur e on 'your' QB, that you've just made it impossible for him to succeed, no matte r what he does. You should be ashamed of your foolish ways, TT. LEAVE TOWN. 528. scott wettstein (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 529. Spring (8/5/08) - Brett Favre gave us 16 spectacular years. TT is giving us nothing but a huge ego that is alienating alot of Packer fans. 530. mike roskopf (8/5/08) - Green Bay has some big management problems 531. gina haag (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 532. chuck aschenbrenner (8/5/08) - I am 65 yrs. old and have been a Pac ker fan my entire life.The only way I will ever back them again is if they fire Ted Thompson.He left us once with Holmgren and management was stupid enough to h ire him back in a higher position. Ted Thompson the turncoat then decides he is tired of the most popular sports personality in history of any sport. I am going to take my share of stock and burn it in the fireplace. This has to be yhe bigg est screwup in sports history. I hope Green Bay looses every game this year and can't wait for the fans to boo them out of Wisconsin. 533. Jon Raether (8/5/08) - Go be a waterboy for a little league Ted! T hat will be your legacy! You are nothing more than a too bit liar! 534. Ira Montambo (8/5/08) - Ted Thopmson can just kiss his job goodbye! I am going to celebrate as soon as Rodgers goes down! As a devoted Packer Fan f or over 20 years I can honestly say that I will no longer be untill Thompson,Mur phy, and MCcarthy are the hell out of GreenBay! Are they ever going to look reta rded when Rodgers goes down, which will almost certainly be by week 3. What a bu nch of MORONS, the Packers have for management. And to think that I once respect ed Mark murphy... 535. Jocelyn (8/5/08) - Brett should throw a football straight up this f **kers a**!! No one can hold us packer fans down!! TT, you are a piece of sh!t! You are making a circus out of our beloved team and you need to go.. BUHBYE, YOU WONT BE MISSED!!! 536. Gerry Maclean (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 537. Robert Hurley (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 538. mark ward (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 539. John (8/5/08) - Unbelievable. 540. Todd Klein (8/5/08) - I support this petition.

541. John Burke (8/5/08) - Thompson's job is to put a team on the field that gives the Packers the best chance to win a Super Bowl. There is no question in anyone's mind; fans, players, media, other NFL execs, as to who the better Q B is. A truly open competition for the job would make Thompson and McCarthy look like fools. You only have to look to the Milwaukee Breweres as to how a GM shou ld run a team. You you want to win, so do you go get one of the best guys in bas eball to pitch for (CC), you or do you bring up someone from AAA? Aaron Rogers i s still unproven. We want to win this season! We want Brett Favre to lead us to a Super Bowl!. We want Ted Thompson to go!! Thompson you will never be forgiven if are the man who trades Brett Favre away from the Packers. You think Dan Devin e had it rough in Green Bay? (poor doggie) Just wait. 542. scott haines (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Please fire Murph y and McCarthy too. Lifetime Packer fan--NO MORE until they are all gone 543. pat (8/5/08) - I support this petition.ted has turned the packers o rganization into the most classlesss team in sports 544. bob (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Rumor has it that Ron Wolf is planning to move back to Green Bay. Just in time to take over for the biggest liar in Wis. Ted Thompson 545. Alan Downs (8/5/08) - I support this petition, and hope that the Pa ckers organization rights this HORRIBLE injustice by firing the incompetent Ted Thompson!! 546. Lynette (8/5/08) - TT can't "manage" his way out of a paper bag. G et rid of him and let him take his beloved Rodgers with him!! 547. Jaso Hancock (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 548. Patricia (8/5/08) - I support this petition. His "spin" on the sit uation is insulting to Brett and to fans intelligence. I just listened to McCar thy's press conference. He may not be the spinmeister that Thompson is but he's following in those footsteps. 549. Jamey Jacobson (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 550. tom (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 551. Kelly (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 552. Jason (8/5/08) - WTF is Thompson doing? No one understands. Fire him now!!! 553. Tom (8/5/08) - Ted prides himself on ruining franchises, and we're next in line. 554. Shelby Martin (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 555. derek thorson (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Ted wants to prov e to the world that his guy, Rodgers, was the one to take the team to the superb owl. He wasn't here to see Favre build this franchise and doesn't care about him . 556. Catherine Wilkins (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 557. Barry Hudson (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 558. Jed Werth (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Thanks for ruining a legend Ted!!! 559. cw (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 560. michael ebersole (8/5/08) - I support this petition. I AM SO AHSAME D OF THE PACKER ORGANIZATION. TED THOMPSON MARK MURPHY AND MIKE MCCARTHY. HAVE B EEN A PACKER FAN SINCE THE AGE OF NINE AND NEVER WOULD HAVE DREAMED IT WOULD HAV E GONE THIS WAY. A STORIED FRANCHISE SOILED BY MEN WHO HAVE NO BUSINESS DOING AN D BEING WHERE THEY ARE. THOMPSON MURPHY AND MCCARTHY. 561. Kevin Maiers (8/5/08) - I wish I knew what happened behind the scen es that we are not hearing about between TT and BF. We are a better team withou t TT than we are without BF. 562. Jeff Schalla (8/5/08) - I strongly support and agree to this petiti on. 563. Tim (8/5/08) - Either welcome him back or BE A MAN and and grant hi m his release, just like the Packers did for Reggie White in 2000 when he unreti red. Ted decides to do neither, and everyone loses, including his team. That p oor decision will cost him his job. 564. Drew Sulzer (8/5/08) - I support this petition.

565. Eric Glisch (8/5/08) - I don't think you're allowed to treat Brett Favre that way. Enough said. 566. waneta kutzke (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 567. D. Davies (8/5/08) - I support this petition. And fire Mike McCarth y while you're at it. Another snake. 568. clava (8/5/08) - The uncaring, unfeeling, untalented, inexcusable T T must be shown the door. It appears to be too late for Brett. I will be a fan of Brett's no matter where he goes....Mark Murphy can redeem himself by canning TT and the puppet Mike McCarthy...Mike, shame on you! Ted, pray for forgivenes s from the Packer Nation, then pack your crap and leave our beautiful state fore ver. We love you Brett, no matter what or where.... 569. Annie Bussler (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 570. Kim McCormack (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Fire the lying SO B 571. beth gorak (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 572. M. Beyer (8/5/08) - I support this petition. What can I say. We w ant a winning team now and our best opportunity is with Brett. Arron will get h is chance later. Thompson needs to go. He appears to only be concerned with hi s ego and not the best for the Packers this year. I dread going into a season w ith such a talented team and a rookie under center. It is even worse knowing th at if he goes down our season is over. The Packers don't stand a chance with Br ohmn &/or Flynn. Our season is more than likely over before its begun. I just may become a Tampa fan, at least until TT leaves town. You can bet if Brett com es back to town to play Greenbay I'll be in his corner the whole way. Good luck Brett!! Thanks for giving us the most enjoyable football in Greenbays history. Again, until TT is gone the Packers have lost yet another fan. 573. Kevin Underwood (8/5/08) - get the hell out of here you ruined our team and town. 574. Corine Cass (8/5/08) - I support this petition. You have got to be kidding me. I feel like this is a bad joke or dream. Who does TT think he is m essing with? Trading Favre for Rodgers...he'll be hurt by the end of the first game. The Packers have lost my entire family as fans. 575. Mike McCarthy (8/5/08) - Thanks Ted T. for destroying the Packers, Packers fan base and the legacies of every great former Packer football player. 576. C R W (8/5/08) - Unreal what the 3 stooges have done. I am embarass ed to be a Packer fan today. What would Vince have done? 577. Mike Major (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson needs to be terminated immediately. Mark Murphy also needs to be terminated!! 578. Danny Brackett (8/5/08) - It is Ted Thompson job to put the best te am on the field. it takes no rocket scientist to know who is the better quarter back. ted thompson should go, Brett should come back and be welcomed. 579. Andy G (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 580. David gove (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 581. Renee Hoffmann (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 582. Mari Lewison (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Ted is and has bee n an embaressment to the Packers! 583. Alicia H (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 584. packermom (8/5/08) - I support this petition. Ted is the reason our #4 is heading out of town. Boycott the Pack until he is gone! 585. Rj Malchow (8/5/08) - I support this petition. His ego has got to g o 586. Lorraine L (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 587. Jacob Morrison (8/5/08) - I think it's terrible on what the Packers are doing with Brett Favre. Brett was the only reason that the Packers done so well last year. 588. Gary Knoke (8/5/08) - What a disgrace! Not welcome 3X MVP Brett Fa vre back to the team. Ted Thompson is building the Packers to be strong competi tion for last place in the NFL. FIRE HIM NOW! 589. DA Mattox (8/5/08) - you need to let your ego sit out on the side l ines when you make decisions regarding the team. The team comes first, your ina

bility to make the team good by adding favre to the roster is an incredible lack of judgement. And its not just this time, you have done this before when you f irst came in, blundered horribly, then fired mike Sherman. You need to step asi de. You dont deserve the right to be the general manager of this team. 590. Jason (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 591. tammy (8/5/08) - you should hang your head in shame for not rolling out the red carpet for OUR 3 TIME MVP. the fans (who OWN the team along with th e city) want brett back, so whats the problem???????????? ted, turn in your res ignation and go pick up mc carthys on your way to the office......maybe we shoul d try to bet back out beloved coach Mike Holmgren???? 592. Ray Jacoby (8/5/08) - I support this petition. 593. Sandy (8/5/08) - Ted Thompson is an EVIL, maniacal, lying, underhan ded scum bag. Who the HELL entrusted our team to this jackass? This is crimina l. I never trusted this jerk, but I had a SHRED of faith in Mike McCarthy. He' s as fricking evil and sick as Thompson is. Brett - no matter where you go, we will follow you and support you. THANK YOU TO YOU AND DEANNA FOR ALL THAT YOU'V E DONE FOR OUR TEAM AND OUR COMMUNITY. At this point in time, you are too class y, honest, and ethical of a person to be STUCK under the deplorable management o f the Packer organization. As for Teddy, Mikey and Mr. Murphy - KARMA IS A BITC H. Watch your back. What goes around, comes around. 594. Tyler (8/5/08) - I had thought that he was a terrible GM for years. I'm just happy to see everyone agrees with me now 595. nan (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 596. To hell with Brett (8/6/08) - I don't support this, give it up and support your team not some on again off again confused retired player 597. SUpport Management (8/6/08) - I support management not Brett. He sh ould have never retired, wasn't 100% and this is still obvious by his current ac tions. 598. Give it Up (8/6/08) - YOu are wrong! 599. Britt (8/6/08) - I support this petition. TED NEEDS TO GO! 600. bobby (8/6/08) - Boycott The Green Bay Packers until mcarthy, thomp son and murphy are out of office. 601. Tami Kreger (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 602. Milwaukee Lou (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Wholeheartedly. I will be a Brett Favre fan long after the Packers have lost with Ted Thompson' s handpicked team. He (Ted) has neglected Brett's requests in the past (inciden tally the best decisions for the team) including, but not limited to, the Randy Moss episode and Mike Wahl. It's very, very sad that I have to feel like this. I have been a Packer fan since I can remember (the late 70's?). I have been a Favre fan since Magic got hut. The two have been synonymous for so long. It's sad that because of Ted Thompson the two have to be torn apart. It's sad that I have to make a decision whether I'm going to root for the Packers or for the Je ts/Buccaneers/Vikings. Even if Brett isn't playing for one of those teams, I wi ll still feel a little hole in my heart when watching the Packers win or loose. I try to take my heart out of it and understand the business aspect. I can't. As subjectively as I can think I can't help but believe the Packers' organizati on is being hardheaded, and I regrettably hope it hurts them in the end. I'm 34 years old, and finally going to my first Packer game this year with my Dad. I' m just not even that excited about it. It's a shame. 603. Christopher D. Kluck (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 604. richard (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 605. Matt Zeise (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 606. Karen Schmidt (8/6/08) - I support this petition. TT and MM are wor se than George W. Bush. I can't stand the incompentency any more!!!!!! 607. Regge B (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 608. Cheng T (8/6/08) - Hire Me as the GM!!TT gotta go no MOSS, no Favre , NO SUPER BOWL ever under TT& MM 609. Real Pack Fan (8/6/08) - I support this petition. NOT How about sup porting the team, which is more than one person. How many games were won by pla yers other that the formerly great player who thinks he is bigger than the team

and who only orchested this for his own interests? Quite a few. Oh yeah, lets fire the GM after a 13-3 season. How about supporting the Pack now people inste ad of just being an enabler for whatever #4 wants. Wanting to play in the NFC N orth to play the Packers twice a year? Real team loyalty. As a Pack fan, here' s to hoping Favre has another 5 pick day if he plays against them, or have you a ll forgotten those. 610. Aaron Clark (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 611. EDDY C PRICE II (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 612. Heidi Eickstadt (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 613. MJ Christner (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 614. Jamie Zimmer (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 615. jan schmitt (8/6/08) - "bet the atlanta falcons wish they never tr aded b.f.- guess what-TT has made us the new falcons. this will go down as the biggest bonehead move in nfl history! 616. mike m (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 617. mary (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 618. Charles R. Schmidt (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 619. Michelle (8/6/08) - The man just looks like an egotistical idiot. I t is all a power play he wants to prove he has more power. Don't buy Packers stu ff or Tickets. Lets show him who has the power. 620. Michelle (8/6/08) - The man just looks like an egotistical idiot. I t is all a power play he wants to prove he has more power. Don't buy Packers stu ff or Tickets. Lets show him who has the power. 621. MIKE HENNEY (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 622. Jerid Peterson (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 623. Eric (8/6/08) - I support this petition. His management of the Fav re issue has been extremely poor. This is a win now league. Bottom line, lose the ego TT, bring back the best quarterback for this year or find a new job. 624. Gail from Madison (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Brett has hin ted at retiring for the last three years. Thompson hired Jan 2005, McCarthy hire d Jan 2006. Do you see any correlation here? 625. Greg (8/6/08) - Ridiculous handling of the situation. Why would an y GM not want to make another run at the Super Bowl? 626. Amber S (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 627. Douglas Mainor (8/6/08) - I support this petition. His attitude an d stance basically forced Brett Favre out of town. Brett has his Second best sea son ever last year, including the 3 League MVP years, why would you not want him as your starting QB. Get us a GM that knows what he is doing! 628. Steven Bartelt (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 629. Tony Vogt (8/6/08) - Ted has been the puppet master behind all this debacle and deserves to be searching for a new team as well. He has orchestrat ed this disaster by damaging the trust between Brett and the Packers front offic e to the point now Brett cannot move past the actions over the past 2 months lea ving Coach McCarthy no option but to move ahead with Rodgers. He should pay for the damage to not only the team this year, the chaos to the fans and Brett, but the embarrassment he has brought to the entire Packer organization and being vi ewed as a comedy of errors. This is no way to treat a future hall of famer who is still one of the best or the shareholders of the team. 630. Robin (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 631. William Londo (8/6/08) - TT is the one to blame for this fiasco. Ar rogant egotistical prick. FIRE HIM NOW!!! 632. Debbi (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Fire all 3 of them Murphy Thompson and McCarthy. McCarthy is just a puppet and someone else is workng hi s mouth. He couldn't even keep his story straight in the press conference yeste rday. Anyone who has seen the video of Brett arriving on Sunday night saw a man who was thrilled to be back in Green Bay. Then all of a sudden on Monday doesn 't have the mindset to be in Green Bay. I hope he goes to the Bucs I am a nativ e Floridian and will cheer for them when they have a good season. Packer: 4-12 633. Jamie (8/6/08) - I support this petition. FIRE TT!!!!!! 634. Jason Hancock (8/6/08) - I support this petition.

635. Jason (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 636. Alyssa (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 637. seheult (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 638. Josh (8/6/08) - I support this petition. FIRE TED THOMPSON THAT JER K. He's the man who's driving poor Brett Out Of Green Bay. Kick his $@#%# a*s 10 00000 miles from here. Brett Please STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. 639. National Packer Fan (8/6/08) - I support this petition. McCarthy's (thus TT) questioning Brett's mindset & heart to play for THE PACKERS is like questioning the Pope's allegiance to God! He's understandably hurt by TT (&M&M's) not REALLY wanting him back. The heart & mindset has nothing to do wit h wanting to play with the GB Packers, but everything to do with playing for TT. Thus, FIRE TT!!! Is TT the ONE person MOST RESPONSIBLE for the Packers unparal leled RETURN TO GREATNESS since 1992??? Hell NO! BRETT FAVRE DID & HE STARTE D EVERY GAME (even after father's death) & PLAYED 100% with A PASSION, TALENT, S UCCESS & FUN combination THAT NEVER HAS BEEN OR WILL BE EQUALLED by a QB in the NFL!!! Yea,he flip-flopped & struggled with the decision. Understandable for s omeone of his UNIQUE talent, succes & love for playing the game, especially afte r amazing year last year. ALL the FORMER great QB's, ETC., understand Brett's di fficulty retiring Brett. WHAT MADE HIM THE MOST EXCITING & FUN PLAYER IN THE NF L for 16 years (not to mention making his TEAM quite successful AGAIN), is EXACT LY WHAT MAKES IT SO HARD FOR HIM TO RETIRE. He EARNED LIFETIME RESPECT from ALL PACKERS, but TT, MM & MM have NOT GIVEN IT TO HIM. HE WANTS TO PLAY FOR THE G BP, but NOT TT!!! FIRE TT, NOT YOUR MOST SIGNIFICANT PACKER SINCE LOMBARDI ERA! 640. rinkratt2 (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 641. Andrea Semrau (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of him! I f he was a player, or any common person working, he would have already been gone for all the mistakes he has made. 642. Jim Ward (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 643. Steven Reigel (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 644. C. Brandt (8/6/08) - I support this petition. He does not have the professionalism or the Wisconsin compassion that is needed to manage our upper Midwest team. Thompson's had an agenda for a long time to push out the veterans and to have the players that he's picked run the show. How's that for fair, co mpetitive spirit in the NFL? 645. Tom Hannes (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Thompson will go dow n in history and the biggest idiot in football. Favre was the best thing to happ en to Green Bay in decades and all Thompson has done is make horrible decisions, bad draft choices and has destroyed our great reputation as the best home for f ootball. I hope they fire the whole front office! 646. Elliot Ladwig (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 647. K DeCleene (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 648. D Holland (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 649. Jeanette bomberg (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 650. lcrullman (8/6/08) - I support this petition. I can no longer sup port the Greenbay Packer management. Why aren't fans organizing and marchin g in Greenbay "on mass" to protest the treatment of Brett Favre by management? Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy are an embarasment to Wisconsin and to Green bay in particular. Shame on you both! 651. Mark Birschbach (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 652. Mark Field (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 653. Cathy Hannes (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 654. Mike L (8/6/08) - I support this petition. I also wanted to know if one has been done for Mark Murphy as well. Bring back Ron Wolf I say, hell, Mik e Holmgren will be available next year. Let's give him what he always wanted min us the whole drafting concept. 655. paul rojas (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 656. Nick Stamenkovich (8/6/08) - I support this petition!!!!! 657. Mike McClellan (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 658. Lisa Manthe (8/6/08) - I support this petition.How soon can he be g

one! 659. Brandi (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 660. Tlav14 (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 661. Scott Hozie (8/6/08) - Ted has failed at his main job duties of put ting the best team on the field. I definitely sense that there has been deceit on the part of Thompson as well. Please replace Ted to restore the luster to th e organization! 662. Rich Grimsley (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 663. Devoted Fan (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 664. Colleen Barry (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 665. Natalie (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 666. Donna Osacho (8/6/08) - Ted Thompson has proven to be incompetent a s GM of the Packers, please fire Ted and replace him with someone suitable for t he position. 667. Nicole Clausing (8/6/08) - Ted Thompson has changed the whole Packe r organization. He has tried to run Favre out of town since he came aboard. He has split Packer fans in half. GB needs a GM who knows how to run a well respe cted team. Favre should be starting this year. I know I'll support Favre where ever he plays and not the Packers until this management is gone. 668. julie (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 669. Diane Hamm (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 670. kari (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 671. Amanda Nortch (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 672. Amanda Nortch (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 673. cegelski (8/6/08) - I support this petition. We love Brett 674. Packerfannomore (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Ted need to go NOW he is totally incompetent and drives good talent away -- instead of acquiri ng talent to help the team win! 675. Rick Guild (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 676. C. Hoskins (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 677. Jack Smith (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted Thompson IM MEDIATLEY 678. Jack Smith 1501 Ravanusa Dr Henderson NV (8/6/08) - I support this petition. GET RID OF TED THOMPSON 679. Darlene (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 680. Joan Murphy (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 681. Mark Dicken (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 682. Frank Greenday (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Of course he wil l probably somehow erase my spot in line for season tickets, but at this rate what will there be to watch? 683. THERESA STEFFEK (8/6/08) - I support this petition. WHY WOULD THE PACKERS NOT WANT A QUARTERBACK THAT BROKE EVERY FOOTBALL RECORD POSSIBLE, THREW FOR 4200 YARDS LAST YEAR WAS RUNNER UP FOR MVP AND ALREADY HOLDS 3 MVP AWARDS. BRETT BROUGHT THE GLORY BACK TO TITLETOWN AND IF HE WANTS TO PLAY ANOTHER YEAR THEN LET HIM, HE SHOWED US LAST YEAR THAT HE CAN DO IT. 684. Susie Osacho (8/6/08) - Ted Thompson is inept as a football manager . His distrustful communication style, ego and one-sided decision-making has don e much damage to our storied franchise. Restore the respect and trust - get rid of Ted Thompson! 685. Julie Spanton (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 686. John M. Spanton (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 687. Rachel Spanton (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 688. McKayla Spanton (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 689. Luis Argerich (8/6/08) - I support this petition. If Favre wants to play and TT closed the doors TT needs to go I don't care if he is good or bad. 690. Jeannie Bohn (8/6/08) - Ted Thompson is a loser! I am DONE with Gre en Bay! 691. Jay Glynn (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Bad mannagment and me ssing with a legend!!!! 692. Brian (8/6/08) - I support this petition.

693. Lori Watt (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 694. Tad Kasten (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 695. CC Barnet (8/6/08) - Maybe we can get Millen and/or Angelo as our G M....they used to be look dumb...Ted has done a good job leveling the playing fi eld. 696. Joe Cleary (8/6/08) - I support this petition. This entire situati on is about 1 person's ego and becoming bigger than the organization and the nfl so Ted Thompson needs to go. Make MM the interum GM and Ron Wolfe to handle fo otball operation until a replacement can be found. How about a little loyalty t o the one of the greatest players in packer history and a living legend, this ha s been handled horribly from day 1. What if Denver had gotten rid of Elway befo re winning back to back SBs? 697. Greg Dedrick (8/6/08) - Why would the Packers not want Brett Favre back? What are they thinking? I can't believe they are treating Brett this way. I support this petition, FIRE Ted Thompson! 698. Wayne Gotz II (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Favre has made f ewer bad descisions in his career than thompson has mad in the past month. Trad e Thompson, Keep Favre 699. J Daniel (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 700. Kim Gotz (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Packer fans are loyal and obviously Ted Thompson is not one of us. He has made one poor decision aft er another, and this last one has affected not only Brett and his family, but al l of the Green Bay fans. FIRE TED, WE WANT BRETT BACK 701. Fred Gerhardt (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 702. Jessica (8/6/08) - I support this petition. This is worse than sen ding your 14 year old dog to the humane society to die alone. 703. Bill&Betty Hanna (8/6/08) - I support this petition.I was born and raised in Wi. and have been a G.B. all my life as well as the rest of my fam ily. The way I see this is that it all comes down to one question... Ted Thompso n WHAT HAVE YOU DONE OR BROUGHT TO "THE G.B. PACKER ORGANISATION?????? A super b owl?? how many playoff births??? how many players coming to the frozen tundra to play with you TED?????????????? Answer this question and it becomes quite obvio us what is best for the organisation!!!!! BRING BRETTE BACK!!!! SEE YA TED!!! 704. Sarafina (8/6/08) - I support this petition. We want Favre! 705. Jerome Strok (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 706. Brad Nowell (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 707. Bethany Long (8/6/08) - I support this petition. TT needs to at le ast speak to the media. Good Luck Brett! 708. Sharon Bridges (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 709. Leander Cloud (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 710. Traci Cloud (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 711. Brett (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 712. Loran Teich (8/6/08) - I support this petition. I think TT needs t o have his a* fired, I have said this all along, they just set Brett up and they are not acting with intelligence, integrity or rational. It is all an ego game for them. They don't care about the Packers or the fans. And what a way to treat a man the has been "the packers"-Brett for 16+years, what a slap in the face. T hey need to get rid of both TT and Mike McCarthy-that smart ass littl fat boy. 713. Helen Spallas (8/6/08) - Get rid of Ted and bring back Ron Wolf! P S. Ted is a chicken shit. He made his coach go out and do that press conference when it should have been his responsibility as he is the one created this mess. 714. K Ebbe (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 715. Kay (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 716. Kari (8/6/08) - I support this position 717. TJ Zweidinger (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 718. Jan Jungwirth (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson has made the Packer's organization into the joke of the NFL league. He is not actin g in the best interests of the Green Bay Packers. His appalling treatment of Bre tt Favre is shameful. I am truly embarrassed to be a Packer fan, much less a st ockholder.

719. Cheryl Manthey (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 720. Steven Manthey (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 721. Rich (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 722. Mike Ness (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 723. jason Baertlein (8/6/08) - I support this petition. i think thompso n is taking the packers in the wrong direction. also his tactics are very sketch y. Keep Favre and rid us of this " donkey " 724. Deen Brandow (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 725. Mike Warning (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 726. Dennis Cole (8/6/08) - I support this petition. His eyes are shifty 727. Sheri (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 728. Brett Favre (8/6/08) - I support this petition. What the hell are they doing getting rid of me. I put packers on the map. Revenge will be sweet against TT and Mac 729. Erika L (8/6/08) - Shame on you, Mr. Thompson. 730. Jamie (8/6/08) - I support this petition. It's a sad day in "Packer Country" when one of our family is no longer welcomed. That's what Ted Thompson has done to this organization. 731. Britt (8/6/08) - He will get fired for this. It may not be today. I t may not be this season. But eventually, this will come back to bite him. Keep Brett, Trade Ted! (and A-Rod, while you're at it. We, the Packer fans, will NOT get on board or shut up...) 732. Elbie S (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 733. Glen (8/6/08) - I was never a football fan until I saw my first Bre tt Favre game in person. How could the packers treat him this way? "I just hop e people understand how we got to this point," said Cook. "Yes, Brett changed hi s mind. What's wrong with that? How many people, in how many professions, change their mind? The Packers were pressuring him for an answer back in March. It's n ot a coincidence that he made his announcement at that time. They wanted an answ er. He gave them one. Then after he changed his mind, they no longer wanted him back. That's how we got to this point." 734. dallas smith (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 735. Judy Buss (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Ted better hope for a fantastic season or he'd better get out of town. 736. Justin (8/6/08) - Fire this guy! He is going to ruin the legacy tha t is the Packers. In a matter of months Ted Thompson manage to ruin a relations hip between the Packers and Favre that was built over 16 years. This is bad, I d ont see Favre coming back to Green Bay in the future until Thompson is long gone . It just sucks for us the fans. If Ted is going to do this to the best quarter back to ever play the game what is he going to do to other players on the team. If your a member of that team you have to feel that if they treated Brett this way, they won't hesitate to do the same to me in the future? 737. MELISSA MOEN (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson has drove the Packers org. into the ground and in my opinion if it's not addressed i mmediately he will taint the reputation of the Packers indefinately! This is NO T how Green Bay does football!!!!! 738. Tracy W. (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Ron Wolf would never h ave let this happen. Ted needs to go. He is bringing a bad name to the Packers that I love so much. 739. sherry arts (8/6/08) - I support this petition. This has gone from ridiculous to ludicrous to outrageous. We have 3 Stooges in Green Bay. 740. Terrie (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 741. David Sommer (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson shoul d be fired. 742. tami (8/6/08) - Will trade Ted Thompson "4" Favre. Pack it up.. 743. kari tenley (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 744. jennifer williamson (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 745. marion arts (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 746. rick allen (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 747. Kristin Patterson (8/6/08) - I support this petition.

748. Nicholas Kolyvas (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Fire that robo tic idiot. He is an egomaniac that is trying to destroy the legacy created by # 4, THE greatest player in Packers history. 749. Gina (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 750. Eric Coke (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 751. Nathan Lemmen (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 752. Nicole Winkel (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Run Larry, Moe an d Curly out of town. 753. Bob Winkel (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 754. jim (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 755. Scott Edwards (8/6/08) - Murphy should go as well. He did not lead TT and MM in the right direction in this mess. 756. Mike Burch (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 757. Valerie (8/6/08) - Since Ted Thompson has arrived on the Packers sc ene he has ruined everything that the Packers have built up in the past 16 years . Farve shouldn't be the one leaving, it should be Ted Thompson and anyone else that wants to take a 3xMVP and record breaker away from the Packers. 758. Peggy (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 759. Darrin (8/6/08) - I support this petition. I say fir Ted, Mike and Murphy 760. Don Schwalbach (8/6/08) - As of 12:25 pm today(8/6)Brett has left G reen Bay presumably because a trade is now a done deal.This whole thing has noth ing to do w/ football.It is a personal thing between BF and TT,which is pathetic .I'll take it one step further,Fire Thompson AND Packer president Murphy.After a ll he should have the final say in Packer operations.This whole thing is like a really long episode of Green Acres with TT playing Hank can't compar e Packer mgmt. to the Stooges,man the stooges were very cool! 761. Tim Dennis (8/6/08) - Horrible handling of this sad situation with Brett. He should be sent packing ASAP. 762. rich eberhardt (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 763. Carl Schwalbach (8/6/08) - Ted Thompson Great Football mind. Terri ble businessman. What vereran football star will come to GreenBay in the future with the way Thompson handled this! 764. Amie (8/6/08) - As a die-hard Packer Fan. I will support the team no matter who winds up at the QB position. I will not, however, support bad de cisions by egomaniacal managers! These decisions will only sabotage the Packers chance at another superbowl win. 765. Mark Ranum (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 766. Steve Prochaska (8/6/08) - Nobody wanted to come to Green Bay until after we had Brett Favre. Without Brett, we never would've had Reggie White, we wouldn't of won the Super Bowl either. Brett is one of the greatest quarterback s to ever play the game. Brett could've left the Packers years ago for a lot mor e money with another team. But he didn't, he was faithful & committed to the Gre en Bay Packers. What Ted Thompson did to Brett was despicable. He has ruined Bre tt Favre's legacy. He has also ruined the Packers reputation. Nobody will ever w ant to play in Green Bay anymore after what Ted Thompson has done to Brett Favre . Sure Joe Montana & some other quarterbacks played with other teams at the end of their careers, but the big difference here is that they were first injured. B rett has never missed a game. Would you rather have a 3 time MVP or a quarterbac k who played one game and was injured already! I've been a major Packer fan all of my life, and for the first time in my life, I now want the Packers to lose ev ery game they play with Rogers at quarterback. I was ready to support Rogers aft er Brett retired, but when Brett changed his mind, I couldn't wait for Brett to come back. What I would like this site or site to do is: Call for an all out Boycott of all Packer games until either Brett is back or T ed Thompson is Fired! We fans have got to strike back at Ted Thompson! If we all stop going to the Packer games, and stop buying all Packer merchandise (except Brett Favre merchandise) for this whole season, we will send a big message to th e Packer organization. That way, maybe next time they will listen to the Fans! B ecause without the fans, there wouldn't be a NFL. So Please everybody, stop goin

g to Packer games, and don't buy a thing this season until Brett is back or Ted Thompson is fired, and maybe our message will finally be heard. 767. Joel Pare (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Fire his a$$ 768. Kevin (8/6/08) - Thompson's handling of this was classless. He hel ped embarass the franchise with the aid of the coach and team president. The re pricussions will be felt for years as we become the place that other's threaten to trade players to again. Shameful. 769. Gregg Gustafson (8/6/08) - I support this petition. TT has wanted him out of there since he got hired. He is deceitful and speaks out of both sid es of his mouth. Unbelievable. 770. Kim Gundlach (8/6/08) - I support this petition.You are to egotisti c and in love with your Golden Boy Rodgers, to see what we shoudl be doing with Favre, winning. 771. Jennie Pawlowsky (8/6/08) - I support this petition. The guy clear ly does not know how to run an organization. 772. Rhonda Liebetrau (8/6/08) - I support this petition.Ted Thompson is a selfish idiot! 773. Leah (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 774. SJ W (8/6/08) - Time for TT to be fired and he can take Mike (Malar key) McPuppet with him. The Pack could then truly move forward after their bungl ing of this matter...the way this was handled is just despicable they are the ones without a proper mindset in my opinion. If I was Brett, I wouldn't play for TT i f he crawled on broken glass for 10 miles on his hands and knees...make that 100 miles of rough terrain on broken beer bottles . I am so sad to lose Brett but wi sh him well in his venture with another team--and I hope he wins the Superbowl t his year --no matter WHERE he is I will be rooting for him!!! So sad for the Pac k though. What a blight on Green Bay Packer management I would be ashamed to call myself a Packer fan with this type of management style running amuck until there is a buh-bye now to TT managing the Pack, no Packer fan here BRETT FARVE FAN 4-EV ER!!!!!!!!!! 775. Rob Davis (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Can we trade Ted Tho mpson to Tampa Bay???? 776. jj (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Not only do i support it, bu t i think tt and dumbass mike need to go. isnt this a publicly owned team? how are the share holders letting this happen to there biggest icon, post bart starr . the green bay organization is going to eat this one so hard. and the fans, ye ah thanks for the show of nothing. your all just like the eagle fans. i have so me batteries you can buy. 777. Angel Cruz (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted, Mike, and Murphy. They make me feel ASHAMED of the entire organization. The players and the fans deserve better!! These kinds of actions should not be tolerated! I, along with other Packers fans, will NOT support this franchise under the leaders hip of Ted, Mike, and Murphy. 778. Sherry McCarthy (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 779. Tom Huffman (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 780. Joan L. Desrochers (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 781. Matthew Becker (8/6/08) - I support this petition. If TT really bel ieves A-Rod is better than Farve, just trade Farve to the Vikings. What does he have to be afraid of if he really believes A-Rod is better. 782. chester (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 783. Kari Lee Fournier (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 784. Robin (8/6/08) - I support this petition. This guy has too be the a ** of football. Who would ever let someone like Brett GO! Ted has his head up hi s a**! Letting Brett go has too be the dumbest move this guy has ever made in hi s career. Bring BRETT BACK! Let him start so we can go to the SUPER BOWL! 785. TOM BAETEN (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 786. Steve Swanson (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 787. Mary Struck (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 788. Lisa Lamb (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Thompson is an embarr assment to the fans and a detriment to the Packers organization. He should be gi

ven his pink slip. The sooner the better. 789. Lucas Grishaber (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 790. Matt Paler (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 791. Terry March (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 792. Tracy Phelps (8/6/08) - I support this petition. He has destroyed the greatest sports team in history. Get off my team and get out of my state. Take the coaching staff with you. 793. The Monkey (8/6/08) - TT has been slowly undermining the organizati on since he came to town. As long as there are NO remaining Wolf/Holmgren parts left he's a happy guy. He'll do ANYTHING to make this HIS team....OFF WITH HIS H EAD!!! 794. jackass (8/6/08) - I dont support this petition. 795. Lita Clarke (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 796. mary sides (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 797. Chris Murphy (8/6/08) - Ted Thompson is the worse thing that ever h appened to the Packer organization and if he's not fired, then he should at leas t do us fans a favor and kill himself. I support this petition. 798. Travis Thompson (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 799. The beast (8/6/08) - I DONT support this petition. i don't support this petition. Brett Favre is a prissy diva who got his little feelings hurt. He was only a distraction to the orginization. ted thompson has the packers best i ntrest in mind. Brett is the Cher of football. The only way for the packers to b e sucessful in the future is to move on with out brett. If you people are real p acker fans you would support the packers decision. you dont have to agree with t heir decision but you should still support it. Maybe you should get your facts s traight before you all rag on the packers and you call yourselves the packer fai thful who are you people kidding? Find a different team to chear for instead of going to training camp harrasing the team. Maybe you people should try and get a real job! 800. Tim Lium (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 801. Mike Welsing (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 802. Patty Welsing (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 803. Kathlyn Morrey (8/6/08) - I wholeheartedly support this petition. 804. rocky (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 805. Wayne Rohde (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Get Thompson out o f this state, and bring Brett back! 806. Tricia (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 807. Brett (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 808. Jack (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 809. Kaveh (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 810. Bryan Wills (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 811. Jake Pettey (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 812. Jake Pettey (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 813. Deidre Freimuth (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 814. Eric Swanson (8/6/08) - I support this petition. The mismanagement of the Brett Favre situation is too much. Although when his "boy" Aaron Rogers and the Packers go 5-11 we won't need this petition. This will be a long season and it hasn't even started. Ashamed in Denver, CO. 815. Jim Clayton (8/6/08) - I support this pettion. Ted Thompson you are a self-centered,arrogant, pompous idiot. Just remember when you're fired take A aron " I can't complete a pass " Rodgers with you. 816. suzy (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 817. Ashley Jacobsen (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 818. Mike Bosi (8/6/08) - I support this petition. This guy is an intell ectual lightweight ... he's equivalent to the multitudes of middle corporate man agers that occupy positions they don't deserve or fully grasp. What they do gras p is that they need to look like they know what they're doing. Fire his incompet ent ass! 819. Rick Roach (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 820. al Harding (8/6/08) - I support this petition.

821. Rick Schadle (8/6/08) - I support this petition. I am ashamed of be ing a Packer fan if this is how the front office is run. Is Murphy scared of Ted dy! 822. Dan Clausing (8/6/08) - Bring back Ron Wolf!!!!Thompson is a joke. Brett is the best thing to ever happen to Green Bay. 823. Johnny Rebel (8/6/08) - FIRE THAT SCUM NOW ! ! ! 824. Jim Schiefelbein (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 825. Wanda Stankowski (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 826. Dan Sizer (8/6/08) - I 100% support this petition. 827. Gini Jager (8/6/08) - Favre is a legend we should not have let go o f. I blame Thompson completely. The man obviously has his head up his..... 828. jeffery schenk (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 829. G. Wolf (8/6/08) - I support this petition. You watch, TT will drag his feet on a trade to stick to Favre, and keep him from another camp. The long er he is kept away from reporting, the longer it will take him to get up to spee d. Make the trade to Tampa now TT so Brett can get on with his life. you are the one who lower his trade value by stating you did not want him in the first plac e. 830. Cindy Schilling (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 831. Katie Gunther (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Ted,what does the inside of your belly button really look like?? I mean, everybody knows you've g ot your head stuck so far up your own a** to play some silly games with the be st thing that has happened to GB! TRADE THOMPSON & BRING BRETT BACK!!! Better yet, just fire the moron!!! 832. J. Verhoven (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 833. Patrick Eberle (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 834. Kim Pechinski (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 835. Drew Rodgers (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 836. Susan Schilling (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 837. mike nitz (8/6/08) - I support this petition. TT is making the pac ker organization look like idiots. The guy is not Ron Wolf, as much as he would like to be. Is he going to get fined from the packers for not showing up to pr ess conferences and hiding behind mccarthy? the players get fined if they don't show up. 838. mike (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 839. Christopher G Young (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 840. Ken Van Ryzin (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 841. Trevor (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 842. Nicki (8/6/08) - Thompson & McCarthy are basically hanging themselv es. What a legacy they are creating for themselves. They will forever be known a s the 2 that drove Favre out of Green Bay--get rid of them both!! 843. Todd Asmuth (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 844. Toby Smythe (8/6/08) - Get out and take A-Twad with you! 845. Amy Waegner (8/6/08) - BOYCOTT ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING PACKERS UNTI L THIS LOSER IS GONE!!! 846. R TRIGG (8/6/08) - HEY TED... RESIGN NOW !!!!! 847. patrick lubbering (8/6/08) - I support this petition. ted is a bone head and needs to go. his ego gets in the way instead of making the best deal f or the team this year. remember the years before favre? you will relive them soo n and for a long time. goodbye teddyboy you wimp!! 848. Mari Brown (8/6/08) - I support this petition. With all that has be en going on over the years it is time for a GM, who actually stand up behind his decisions. Not keep making mistakes and avoiding questions, Ted is very much a possum in this respect. The cameras come in he plays dead and just keeps hanging around. 849. Saige DeCleene (8/6/08) - ahhhhhh!! 850. Tom LeMonds (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 851. nick (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Go Brett! 852. Tim Smith (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 853. Tippy LaFave (8/6/08) - I support this petition.

854. Ruth (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is self-servi ng-gee he's going w/ Rogers! What a surprise given his poor judgment. 855. GREG HAYNES (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Fire everybody, coa ches and Teddy T! They have forever tarnished Titletown USA! I can't wear my Pac kers gear anywhere without everyone laughing at me. FIRE TT & MM! Restore Green Bay pride ane excellence! 856. Ron Carpenedo (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Also fire Mark Mu rphy. 857. Sara Pursel (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 858. Mike Wilson (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 859. lynn dachel (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 860. Jeanne Albrecht (8/6/08) - I support this petition. I didn't trust TT from day one. 861. mary (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 862. Jon H (8/6/08) - Ted Thompson has done little to engender ANY loyal ty from me. Favre has given the Packer organization 16 years of success. Any m anager who believes an unproven commodity, like A. Rodgers, is a better bet than last year's runner-up MVP, would be FIRED in my company. Wake up people! Yes, Brett has his issues, but he's a proven WINNER! Fire Ted NOW. 863. L Cody (8/6/08) - To make Brett Favre unwanted is a disgrace. He n eeds to be fired and stay out of the NFL. 864. Justin Schmidt (8/6/08) - Too little too late but TT's job should d irect depend on the success of this season and his lone decision to NOT welcome Brett Favre back to the team. I support this petition. 865. Dan (8/6/08) - This guy is a very poor manager and complete PR idio t. He may know football talent but if he can not get anyone to trust him it won 't matter. 866. Dante2000 (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Must be something in the water coolers up there!!! 867. Gary (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 868. Lee Weiland (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 869. Kathi (8/6/08) - Thanks for nothin' Ted. 870. ray nelson (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Just when you though t dumb and dumber could not get any dumber, TT and McCarthy confirm they are wit hout a doubt the dumbest minds in professional football! The packers front offic e pushes there own legendary QB under the bus. McCarthy does not think Brett "ha s the right mind set to play for the packers" What are you kidding me? He is a l eader, the world turns on Monday night football just to watch him play and see t he love he has for the game. Simply ignorant and a lack of class by GBP manageme nt. 871. dale sitts (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Maybe the dumbest pe rson on the planet 872. Orion Hussein (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Fire TED faster t hen a Favre fastball finger breaker. Rodgers is a joke and will be the laughing stock of Wisconsin. 873. Cindy Piper (8/6/08) - I support this petition. TT is the worse th ing that has happened to the Green Bay Packers. MM is second. Not going after M oss last year? Now Favre this year?? What a couple of idiots. Best of luck to Favre - I hope you find yourself on a team to play against the Packers and you kick butt. And that comes from a life long Packer fan. 874. Will GIbbs (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Screw TT! 875. Ray Gantenbein (8/6/08) - Please fire the piece of crap that is sol ely responsible for driving Brett Favre out of Green Bay, Teddy Thompson. Brett should have stayed in GB this week until he got his way, either to play in GB o r MN. He folded like the Packer fans have folded when they let Thompson systemat ically take over the people's team. That SOB Thompson even got to dictate where Favre went, to a team(Jets) that has no chance of making the playoffs or has a c hance of playing the Packers. To hell with the petition, get out the pitchforks and run Thompson out of town. If I still lived in the state of WI, I'd be lead ing the way. OK, I wouldn't, but you get the gist.

876. Jan Goldberg (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 877. James (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Good god how are you so stupid. i frikin hate thompson. wow thanks, favre is now a jet. and what made me more mad was all his bullshit quotes that favre didnt want to play for the pa ckers. you know damn well he did thompson, you just stood in the way 878. Gary Kasper (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 879. Taylor (8/6/08) - So much for a publicly owned team 880. Sean (8/6/08) - I support this petition. TT just drove one of the g reatest qbs ever out of GB. This is quite possibly the worst move the franchise has ever made. 881. Brett (8/6/08) - I support this petition. Go to hell Ted and take M carthy with you 882. Mike Chandler (8/6/08) - I support this petition. 883. Brent Starr (8/6/08) - Ted Thompson's arrogance and inability to fl ex his position on Brett Favre's return, after his pressure caused Favre to make a quick decision last spring, will damage the Green Bay Packers. He should be h eld responsible if the team falters this year. 884. Byron Jacobson (8/7/08) - FIRE TED THOMPSON NOW! His AGENDA is not good for the future of the packers! 885. Kyle Patterson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 886. Chris Powell (8/7/08) - Hey Ted, Thanks for getting rid of Favre, n ow when the Pack TANKS this season, it is one step closer to replacing you with a GM with common sense committed to winning not ego. 887. Jeffery Clark (8/7/08) - While I will always be a Packer fan, I fee l totally betrayed by the current Packers regime. They just traded the game's gr eatest active QB for nothing, all because someone couldn't swallow their pride a nd hold a truly OPEN competition. 888. bill (8/7/08) - I support this petition.I have only one question. W here and the hell are Bob Harlan and the Green Bay board of diretors? Don't any of you have any balls? 889. Wes (8/7/08) - TED TOMPSON needs to pay for this selfish act and ne eds to be fired and humiliated with they way he has disgraced our legend! TT is a selfish egomaniac and he is messing with the game I love. TT must pay for this !!!!!! 890. Wes (8/7/08) - TED TOMPSON needs to pay for this selfish act and ne eds to be fired and humiliated with they way he has disgraced our legend! TT is a selfish egomaniac and he is messing with the game I love. TT must pay for this !!!!!! 891. Paul Wiesehuegel (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 892. Jerry Nelson (8/7/08) - I will not put another dime into my life lo ng favorite team until your gone. I live in Denver n have been to every Packer-B ronco game since I moved out here 14 years ago. For the last 2 years I've gone b ack for the last regular season home games to see Brett play. What a complete su cker I am. NOT ANYMORE !!!!!!! Thanks Ted for showing me the light. 893. joe (8/7/08) - Can we convince Ron Wolf to come out of retirement? 894. John Barth (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 895. Steve (8/7/08) - I support this petition. The Packers are dead to m e until Ted Thompson, Mark Murphy and Mike "the mouthpiece" McCarthy are long go ne. 896. gramzy (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 897. Jim Curtis (8/7/08) - I support this petition. This is the darkest day in Packer History. As hard as it iwas to hve Brett retire. Thompson and McCa rthy actions now are unforgivable. They tuned away and now sent away perhaps the Packers greatest legend for their choice that hey have been trying to get on th e field since day 1. I feel bad for rogers as he will feel the wrath of those wh ose anger is really toward Thompson and McCarthy. Thompson should go, preferrabl y to the Bears. 898. Pissed Off (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson is a coward. Favre's not good en ough for him but too scary to play against. I never thought I'd want the Pack to go 0-16 but it'll be the fastest way to get rid of Ted, Mark, and Mike. Favre i

s the reason I became a Packer fan, and the way he was treated is the reason I c annot continue to be one until these morons are screwing up some other team in t he league. 899. Mary Jillian (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 900. Matt Danbeck (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson = SlingBlade 901. Eric Beaumia (8/7/08) - Someone already stated that a boycott shoul d take place against everything Packers. What is better than that.....HOW ABOUT ANY PACKER FANS THAT GO TO HOME GAMES....WEAR NUMBER 4 JETS JERSEYS!!!! Just i magine the effect that would have on the media frenzy that has already taken pla ce. I've loved the packers for as long as I can remember knowing how to watch f ootball. I was 11 years old when I started seeing Favre energize this franchise . I'm now 27 and I don't feel bad that I'll be a JETS fan this season. Our tea m HAS been givin into the hands of a piece of shit GM...who's only claim to fame will be the guy who ousted Favre from Green Bay. Talk about a self defeating a ccomplishment. The Power of the Packer Fans should take charge of this shit and pray for an absolutely horrible season just to get a management change. Sad to see a legendary era come to an end. I truly hope for bad things to happen to Te d Tompson. 902. Luke Heier (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 903. Zimmerman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. This has been misman aged from the day that Brett announced his retirement. Moving ahead... while li stening to Mark Murphy and Ted Thompson after the "Family Night" scrimmage, anyo ne in their right mind could surmise that these two were well coached by Ari Fle ischer. If their plan was to move on (which apparently it was from day one), so be it, but not at my or any other Packer fans' expense. These three(including McCarthy) have lied, cheated and disgraced the franchise, it's members- present and past, stockholders and most important of all it's fan base. This shouldn't be, just, a fire Ted Thompson site; it should encompass Mark Murphy as well as a head coach that "towed the company line" rather than do the right thing and wel come back a legend in the making. Whether you believe it was time to "move on" and Rodgers is the "guy" or Brett should've been the "starter", one thing I do k now is he deserved, at the least, the chance to play for the Green Bay Packers - the team he really wanted to play for. He EARNED that right for his accomplis hments over the course of his career, let alone, for his play last year -- plain and simple -- case closed. You might not agree with that but too bad, it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. So now we have to move on, Yes we do. I am a nd always will be faithful to the Green Bay Packers -- just to many good memorie s. What has been tarnished/trashed is the manner in which Mark Murphy, Ted Thom pson and Mike McCarthy (and any of the other Packer Management, that had a hand in this) conducted their business. For this, all Packer fans need to sign this and any/every petition to remove management. Shareholders and fans need to go i n writing with the Packer organization, Board of Directors, Management.... and l et them know just how poorly this was handled. As a note to Ari Fleischer, yo u certainly didn't earn your pay or respect from a fan's per 904. danny wojo (8/7/08) - I support this petition. ted thompson should fuckin die. 905. Brad W (8/7/08) - Thompson doesnt want to win a SB this yr. 906. Josh Delk (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 907. ThankGodForTed (8/7/08) - I support Ted Thompson. Job well done. Congratulations on winning executive of the year. You've turned this franchise from financial ruin to a Favre interception away from the Superbowl. Keep up th e great work. Go Pack! 908. brandesm (8/7/08) - Welcome back to the 70s and 80s. 909. Colleen Sullivan (8/7/08) - I never saw two people more full of the mselves than Mike McCarthy and Ted Thompson. Mike is a Bill Belicheck wanna-be. You can't win by analyzing film and satellite photos. That might help, but te chnology will never be enough. Winning is always about extraordinary people. I hope everyone boycotts Packer merchandise, even the $4 jersey that helped build the beautiful facilities Ted, Mike, and Mark enjoy working in. Without Brett, Reggie and their supporting cast they have nothing. I hope for failure for all

of them, and failure for whatever process gives the stockholders no power to rem ove them from their positions and keep this trade from going through. I guess H olmgren saw something was off and that is why he left. Boycott Packers merchand ise - even the Farve jersey! They deserve to have a season in the red for their misjudgement. Don't even buy beer at Lambeau. Bring your own flask as well, i f you have to attend the games. Eat your own brats in the parking lot before th e games. Heck, eat cliff bars and drink water from the sinks. 910. Tim Smith (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is an As * and has negatively affected peoples feelings all involved, Favre, Rodgers, and the Packers. Nothing but Negative Feelings All around! He should be fired. No matter what, he has made things worse for the Packers and if they really like R odgers why would you make it so difficult for him to be accepted. I will always love the b Pack but I will hate Rodgers no matter what he does for no fault of his own. Way to go Ted!!! Leave we don't want you here. I ask All to watch the Packers But BOYCOTT ALL PACKERS MERCHANDISE! Hitting them in the pocket book m ay be the only way they will listen, to get rid this as* Ted Thompson. All he ha d to do was say welcome back from the beginning and all of this could have avoid ed. Go Jets!! FIRE Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy, these are Our (Stock Holders , fans and the people of Wisconsin) Green Bay Packer not yours we were here befo re you and we will be here long after your gone. O.K. I m done now sorry for any misspellings or grammatical errors but I am pissed, disgusted, ashamed and bewil dered by the way things played out. 911. Brad Niemi (8/7/08) - Ted has ruined football for me... and probabl y many other fans. Thanks jerk. Oh... and Go Jets!! 912. ChipThome (8/7/08) - For the damage done to the franchise from TT' s fiasco of the Favre situation, he must be removed. This is no longer about who is right, it is about the damage and fall out created by this current managemen t. Winning or losing is secondary to preserving the history and mystique of Lamb eau and Green Bay. TT has caused serious damage to both of those, and that alone is inexcusable. 913. Rick Hamilton (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 914. SCOTT LAWRENCE (8/7/08) - I support this petition. AND TED THOMPSO N IS A PIECE OF SHIT 915. Sid Varma (8/7/08) - I support this petition.I can't understand why a guy with less then a full game of experience can be chosen over a man with 16 years of experience..... makes 0 sense 916. Nate D (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 917. Todd Teller (8/7/08) - The Jets will win the superbowl... you know why? (hint) 3 time mvp qb 918. Rod Sayas (8/7/08) - Fire Ted Thompson, Mike McCarthy, Mark Murphy. Please make sure that door does hit them in the ass on the way out. 919. Tyler G (8/7/08) - I support this petition. The packers are nothin g but a logo on a helmet now - they have lost their soul. One less out-of-state packers fan. 920. Greg (8/7/08) - Mark Murphy is an ass, and Thompson is the piece of crap. I will support Rodgers. This whole mess is not his problem. He's just a g uy trying to do his job. TT and MM have messed with a great organization for too long. It's time to flush. 921. Patrick F. (8/7/08) - I support this petition! Ted Thompson is the one who isn't in the right mindset, not Favre. The right mindset is: WIN! WIN! WIN! The fans want Favre!! 922. Sharon Treptow (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson has totally disrespected one of the greatest players who has ever picked up a football. What did he think h e was doing? It is even more obvious that Ted Thompson is all about money. It is all he understands. But he is also extremely terribly short sighted. He h as failed to understand that Brett Favre is all about heart.Full of joy when he does well, never giving up. Ted Thompson is all business. But he made a terrib le mistake when he rebuffed Favre's need to play (heart) with money. I doubt th at Bret is that concerned about money he just wanted to play. In the long run T ed Thompson's pigheaded behavior will cost the Green Bay franchise millions of d

ollars because I doubt Favre will ever allow them to franchise his name or like ness after this mess (It was worse than a divorce it was a amputation -- minus t he anesthetic). Think of all those green and gold Favre shirts, pictures,and fo otball paraphenalia that the Packers will not be selling. Other than his paren ts, who is lining up for an Aaron Rodgers shirt? What number is he? Can he play even one game without getting hurt ? How many games did Favre play injured or u ninjured Personally, I have found this latest Ted Thompson hack job disgusti ng. Thompson is supposed to be a professional who obviously needs some sensiti vity training (assuming he has a soul). No doubt the fans will still fill the s tands, but when Aaron Rodgers fails to measure up and the PAckers go 3-13 this y ear.... Ted Thompson and Mike Murphy will feel the pain. 923. Todd Olsen (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I have been a lifelong Packer fan. As a kid, the 60's were a great time to be a Packer fan. As I grew up, the 70's & 80's were hard years to be a Packer fan. Then, when Ron Wo lf, Mike Holmgren and Brett Favre came around (& MAINLY Brett Favre), it was alm ost as good as those early years of being a Packer fan. I will have Sundays fre e this year because I no longer want to watch this team, good or bad, for what i t did to Favre. Once Mark, Ted & Mike are gone, I will be watching again. I re ally believe Bob Harlan would NEVER have allowed this clown show to happen, so M ark Murphy, you let it happen. As for Ted, I can only think he did not want to try and win a championship with Brett at the helm because it wasn't "his" guy an d he probably would have felt he was on Ron Wolf's coattails. As for Mike, yeah , I know he has to toe the company line, but to me, he was just as stupid as Ted Thompson was in this whole mess. Do I think Brett was faultless? Hell, no. I know it was a hard decision, but he should have known himself and his need for competition. He knew he'd never be happy on the outside while he still had the skills to be at the top of his game. As for Aaron Rodgers, he showed his true c olors in the SI article and this whole mess has set him up for a huge fall. If he gets injured AGAIN or falters at all, fans will be calling for his head in ad dition to the 3 stooges running this show. This is a sad day for Packer fans. I know it will be hard to stay away, but I will. Maybe I'll watch some Jets gam es to ease the pain. Thanks Mark, Ted and Mike! 924. jim Lubbad (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 925. Windal Allen (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is th e worst GM this franchise has ever seen. I hope he gets the axe sooner than late r. I will be wearing my #4 Brett Favre jersey to any Packer game I go to. 926. Dave Immel (8/7/08) - UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! Fire Farmer TED NOW!!!!!! 927. Todd (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 928. Kevin Burns (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 929. Jay Gorzelany (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson's recent management decisions are a disgrace and an embarrassment to the Green Bay Packers organization. I w ill NOT support the Green Bay Packers again until Ted Thompson is fired. Signed - Another Shareholder. 930. Frank J, Schnabl (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 931. rob spiers (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 932. Edward Spiers (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 933. ty coon (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 934. General Fuckwad (8/7/08) - I DO NOT support this retarded petition. 935. Danny (8/7/08) - You are all idiots... Yeah, trading Javon Walker w as bad too huh? I am glad some of you won't support the Packers.. Remember that when they are on their way to the playoffs... ONCE OFF!!! STAY OFF THE DAMN BAN DWAGON! YOU ARE NOT PACKER FANS... YOU'RE FARVE FANS. People get old...FARVE IS ! 936. Michael Hunt (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted loves the tast es of arod cum. 937. XDANNY (8/7/08) - DON"T FIRE TED THOMPSON... FIRE ALL OF YOU IDIOT PACKER FANS! YOU'RE NOT THE GM! The Packers decided that they did NOT think Br ett Farve could win them a Superbowl this they are going to season A -ROD and since they only have 1 starter NOT under contract (Tauscher) they have this season and next season for A-Rod to make his name and bring home the Lombar

di Trophy! And all of you whom want to hang Ted now... Remember how stupid you are acting today when those of us PACKER FANS... Stand by the TEAM!!!! Not one 38 yr old hasbeen QB! 938. Patrick Page (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson SUCKS. His testicles should b e removed with dental tools. 939. jerry delvaney (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 940. David Pearson (8/7/08) - Brett, come back when Ted is gone... see y ou next year (if not sooner!) 941. Jon Wagner (8/7/08) - I support this petition. TT is obviously ine pt in every facet of his job. If that is not enough of a reason to hand the guy his walking papers then how about his being an arrogant ass? 942. Levi Bell (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is extr emely arrogant. I really hope that this blows up in his face. 943. Annie Mills (8/7/08) - Mafia Ted is NOT welcomed in Green Bay any longer. Go find a hole someplace else. He IS the reason that Brett was forced i nto retirement in March, and earlier. Damn shame too. Thompson you have brought ridicule to our wonderful organization. Leave now. 944. Ffej Atrab (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Fire that idiot Ted NOW. 945. bob pilling (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 946. Dean Bush (8/7/08) - He's made some good moves. And not made some moves (Moss). But the Favre mess must be cleaned up. One of many changes that need to be made to move on is to Fire Ted. Another is trade with the Jets to ge t Brett back. 947. Kris Wagner (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 948. KKB (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 949. M Treutel (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 950. Steve and Michelle (8/7/08) - We support this petition. After being Packer fans all our lives, we are done. We are now Jets fans because we are Fav re fans. SHAME on Packer so-called management! You need to check out SaveBrett.n et to see what Favre fans think of you! 951. Kim Niznik Goff (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Only a fool wo uld make such a mockery of a team and a living legend. Go Jets! 952. anthony miller (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 953. bruce armstrong (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 954. Brenda Sagunsky (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of that man 955. maddie (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Can you take Mike McCart hy with you Teddie? 956. Gloria (8/7/08) - It is a shame that Brett poured everything he had for many years into a team that would snuff him so easily. I hope all the best to Brett and Deanne. I'm just a Cincinnati gal who WAS a packer fan. After this fiasco I don't want to watch Aaron loose any games. It will be salt in the wound . 957. L. Erikson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 958. todd cabe (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 959. wesley wald (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 960. timmy p (8/7/08) - I DO NOT support this petition. Great Move.. Tim e to start a new era 961. Derek Kunesh (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 962. Phil (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 963. jodi kramp (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 964. david kramp (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 965. shannon Buggs (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 966. Erik (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted Thompson, Mark M urphy and Mike McCarthy. I'm a Packer fan above a Favre fan but this is crap. 967. Jason Stratman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 968. M Costa (8/7/08) - I support this petition. TT is an a**. Go Pack, and Go Brett! 969. R M Dunn (8/7/08) - I support this petition to fire Ted Thompson.

His great lack of integrity for the organization I have enjoyed for nearly 50 ye ars is both sad and disgusting. 970. Tom Tevlin (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 971. john wells (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 972. Rosi JAcobson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. They need to fire the entire organization. Sad time in Green BAy and for fans 973. C. Buckley (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted T, Mark Murphy. Have to GO! 974. Sandi Hall (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 975. D Eastman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 976. B. Schumacher (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I will be wearin g a Jet's Farve jersey to any home Packer game I go to. 977. TOM CLIFFORD (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 978. Benny Tammelin (8/7/08) - I wholeheartedly support the firing of GM Ted Thompson. He is ruining a great organization. He has no lyalty and makes poor decisions. His poor drafting decisions and the handling of Brett Favre sho uld earn him a permanent spot on the unemployment line. He pushed favre out the door and got nothing in return. A 4th round conditional pick? For a top 5 QB in the league? Thompson is a joke and Murphy needs to fire him immediately. I f not, then Murphy is a part of the problem. Hire me, I'll do the job for free. 979. Melissa Borowski (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 980. L. Smith (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 981. Andy Wabiszewski (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 982. Alan Rickert (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 983. rick (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 984. Only in Green Bay! (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 985. James Genske (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 986. Nikki Stuhl (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 987. Crystal Hawks (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I wish Mark Murp hy would have looked at what Ted Thompson did in Chicago before he hired him to ruin our team as well 988. Christina (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 989. Andy Dronberger (8/7/08) - TT must be shown the door! Fire him or r isk losing fans, simple as that. Hell of a PR job guys! Jeez. 990. Jennifer L (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I think this is a h uge mistake for the Packers. Maybe they should have traded Aaron Rodgers to sol ve the problem. Oh wait, nobody wants him. 991. Bryan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Is TED THOMPSON HIGH when he is making these decisions? Our last piece of SUPER BOWL 1996 is gone. Favre was a living legend in GREEN BAY and will be missed. Anyone else hate manageme nt?!?! 992. B Parsons (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 993. Jerry Kust (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted showed a lack of professionalism. I do think Favre is being somewhat of a spoiled brat by not be ing able to let the way Ted has acted. Just play ball. I will be surprised if Br ett does well in Jets land! 994. Alika C. (8/7/08) - I support this petition. He has embarrassed us as fans, and also made a glorious career end in such a tragic way. Way to go.... Jack asss... 995. suzie (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 996. Chris T (8/7/08) - Trade Thompson: Keep Favre 997. Mike Peltier (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson just does not understand who a nd what the Green Bay Packers are all about. 998. REESE STOLL (8/7/08) - TED THOMPSON HAS JUST OFICIALLY TARNISHED ON E OF THE MOST STORIED FRANCHISES IN NFL HISTORY. HE MUST BE FIRED. 3 QUARTERBACK S WITH 0 STARTS BETWEEN THEM. NUFF SAID...... 999. Tracy Dahl (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,000. Mark Powers (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,001. KJ (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,002. bill (8/7/08) - What a spectacular failure of a human being.

1,003. Cliff Henes (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,004. Evon Smith (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,005. Ron Fischer (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,006. Kyle (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,007. Jennifer Peterson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. You have ab solutely nothing to gain by letting him go this season. 1,008. Seth Markantony (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,009. PAINE_IN*THE_BUTT (8/7/08) - EEEYYYEEEAAYYAHH.....WTH is going on here? Ted Thompson not only looks clueless he is clueless. I think THOMPSON NE EDS TO GO PACK GO! URENT.....Also MIKE MCCARTHY is an ASSHOLE TOO. I think he n eeds to hit the weight watchers program. 1,010. Bonnie Forbes (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,011. Scott Rygh (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson is responsible for tearing apa rt the proud Packer Nation. Eat S*#t Thompson. 1,012. Marie (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,013. Nancy Heberlein (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,014. Lisa and Paula (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,015. Fireball (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy are totally id iots. They have taken our proud feelings towards the packers and tarnished them. I think they both should be kicked to the " F***** Curb!!! 1,016. Mickey Mouse (8/7/08) - Go BEARS!!!! 1,017. Ron Wolf (8/7/08) - Its Deja vu all over again. 1,018. Scott (8/7/08) - I support this petition. We should get this don e during the preseason! 1,019. Susan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,020. Adam Forman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,021. Wayne Donar (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Insensitive, arr ogant, stubborn and just plain stupid is the best way to describe the man. 1,022. Latricia E. Gill-Brown (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,023. Jessica Schmidt (8/7/08) - Get him the hell out of GB 1,024. Amanda (8/7/08) - I support this petition. How could you just let go the guy that almost got us to the super bowl last year. i don't care if he r etired then came back and even if he would have changed his mind 12 times. this is bull crap and you know it. Farve as a Jet. I love the Packers, but its hard t o want to go to a game this year like I usually do because i don't know if i wan t to support them that much. maybe if we don't you will get fired you idiot. 1,025. yvette (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,026. Paul Fischer (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,027. David Waters (8/7/08) - I fully support this petition. And to P acker "fan" Danny (#940); good luck with Aaron Rogers as your "Super Bowl quarte rback". Enjoy your 6-10 season, you retard. 1,028. Eric Marr (8/7/08) - I support this petition. The Packers were n othing until Favre arrived. They owed it to him to give him what he wanted. 1,029. Jolene Gill (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,030. Troy Bilodeau (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I love the Pac kers. I hatED the Jets until midnight last night. I'm still a Packers fan but it's going to be tough routing for Brett and the Jets in the playoffs while the Packers miss the playoffs. What team in the NFC North is paying this guys salar y anyhow? He just made his team a much weaker force in the conference. He must go. In all honesty I wish Aaron Rodgers the best and hope the Packers continue to do well. 1,031. ESTHER MILLER (8/7/08) - DROP DEAD TED !!! 1,032. joseph stiles (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,033. RON (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,034. Alison Blakely (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,035. Nate Heller (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,036. Cynthia Dils (8/7/08) - I support this petition because the Green Bay Packers are a team not Ted Thompson. They got rid of the wrong guy ... shou ld have been Thompson! Lambeau and Lombardi are rolling in their graves for sure !

1,037. Bob Thompson (8/7/08) - Remember the Mosey Cade/Forrest Gregg Pac kers? Here we go again. TT sure knows how to count the $. Think how many thugs we can get to play for us now that Brett's salary is gone. TT will now try som e bone-headed trade to make up for this fubar of his own making. Does anyone ha ve John Hadl's phone number? 1,038. Michelle (8/7/08) - Now a Jets Fan....Go Brett 1,039. Patrick (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I belive that you ha ve just done in the packers for years to come.? Even if they win 1 or 2 games we do not want TT here at all he is not a good person period. When he is gone in t he next few days we all should fight to get Brett back to play for the packers e ven if it is just for 1 or 2 more years. He is a better man then TT will ever be . FIRE TT NOW!!!!!!!!!! We cant even call them the packers because all they are is just a few people who call themselves Management. Management just lost over 4 ,000,000 MILIION FANS . We'll see when Lambeu field is at 10% of Capacity and TV ratings are down and the packers now become the SLACKERS. 1,040. Bed head Fred (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy should b e ashamed of themselves, they are lying b*sT*rds, that need to be run of WISCONS IN!!! 1,041. George Hausladen (8/7/08) - Moe Murphy, Larry Thompson, & Curly M cCarthy. I will proudly wear my new Kelly Green and White Brett jersey. Thomps on and McCarthy just got huge raises and contract extensions this year because o f their "excellent management" of the team. All I know if the Packers are not 11-5 or better this year, that train leaving town better have the three stooges on it. 1,042. dan becker (8/7/08) - I support this petition.49 years old,41as a packer fan and i've never seen a time when i was ashamed to say so until anks ted 1,043. Rainer Grossy (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Completely!!!!! !! 1,044. susan sayeed (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,045. Katye Long (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Get Thompson out o f there! Find a way to get Favre back from the Jets! 1,046. KIM CONRADT (8/7/08) - I support this petition. This guy is a leg end in his own mind. I think he forget who he really works for. Can't wait to be in line to see him run out of town!! 1,047. Billy Joe McInnis (8/7/08) - Fire the pratt 1,048. Peg Thompson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,049. Chris Kutner (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,050. Susie Pretti (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,051. teresa cooper (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,052. Ian McInnis (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is s traight garbage! 1,053. michelle lee (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,054. Stephanie (8/7/08) - I support this petition. What a yutz. Anyo ne know if there's a petition for McCarthy and Murphy??? 1,055. Randi Friedman (8/7/08) - Thompson should burn for what he's done ! I cannot believe this, long time Packer fan no more. When Rodgers chokes or ge ts injured before the preseason's even over, there'll be hell to pay. Get rid of Thompson now! 1,056. SALLY DISANTO (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Green BAy Packe rs management should be ashamed of how they disrespected Brett. The only way TT comes out look good is if the packers have a great season. Time will tell. Do n't look for Green Bay to see the Super bowl this year 1,057. Jeff Zuelsdorf (8/7/08) - its gonna be painful to watch my belove d Packers suck for the next few years, how do you banish the greatest football p layer of all time? 1,058. BD (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,059. Scott Sutton (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,060. Ed Malsh (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,061. Brennon (8/7/08) - I totally agree. Folks, it's time to relive th

e 70's-80's. 1,062. Michelle (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,063. DIKE (8/7/08) - I the dike say get rid of mike. I love watching football, my favorite team was the GREEN BAY PACKERS. Now i'm gonna resort to c alling them the PUKERS. Damn coaching staff, they dont know good player if they slapped them in the face and voluneteered to play for FREE. THey traded him fo r a 4th round draft pick. We need to get rid of the personal lickity split!!! 1,064. Aaron (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,065. Jeanne Karl (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,066. H.J. Mroz (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,067. Andy (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,068. Angel (8/7/08) - I support this petition. What a heartbreaker. 1,069. Bronco Freecloud (8/7/08) - start packing teddy 1,070. Kim Steffel (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I didn't like th e guy when they hired him I really think he's a screw up now. I certainly hope that the relationship between Brett and the Packers can at least be salvaged eno ugh for him to want to sign a one day contract with us someday to really retire as a Green Bay Packer which is what he is and always will be. Good Luck Brett w e'll miss you here in Titletown - Good Luck number 4! 1,071. Karen Petersen (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of th e guy!!! He doesn't know what he is doing. 1,072. Autumn (8/7/08) - HE NEEDS TO GO!!!!!!! 1,073. Mike Winters (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Thanks TT, OUR B rett will go into the hall of fame as a JET! 1,074. Heather Schumacher (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thomps on, Mark Murphy & Mike McCarthy all need to go- How could they trade Favre- They really want us to lose !!! I am now a JETS fan !! 1,075. Kelly Kiewert (8/7/08) - Are you freakin serious? Really? How cou ld you trade the heart and soul of the packers away? And why? So you could prove who makes the decisions...well this decision will prove to be the stupidest one ever made in the NFL. And your press release regarding this trade shows me that Brett was telling much more of the truth than your side ever was. It is the mos t arrogant and transparent thing I have read so far in this sorry turn of affair s. My heart is broken and my mind still cannot grasp the idiocracy of a team...A NY team-much less the packers...would not want Brett. What great staff picks you have made...the press secretary one was brilliant...he has really worked wonder s for Bush. You Ted Thompson are the stupidest man in football and after this yo u should consider yourself lucky to sell peanuts in any stadium. Trading a hall of famer that has given his all, the most beloved packer player ever...really??? 1,076. PJ Morriarty (8/7/08) - Do not support an organization that does not support its fans. Don't give them any of your hard earned money. When they are hit hard in their wallets is the only time they will know just how badly th ey underestimated the devotion us fans had to Brett. Our loyalty is not with Te d Thompson, get him out of there and until that happens, I am no longer a Packer fan. 1,077. Christopher Loy (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,078. J Kroll (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Watch your back Tedd y...we want you GONE! 1,079. Amy S (8/7/08) - I am now a Jets fan. I cannot believe what a ho rrible mistake was made by trading Brett. He has brought so many great things t o the team and WI. I don t understand why they aren t appreciative. Ted SUCKS!! S o does Mike. The packers will never be the same. I ve lost all my respect for th e team!! I LOVE BRETT and Brett comes before some foney ass management! I hope Aaron Rodgers helps you win at least one game so you guys don t look like complet e ass holes!!! 1,080. tonette (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,081. Stacy Blavat (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,082. Scott A. (8/7/08) - I support this petition! I want to hear what Bob Harlan and Ron Wolf have to say about this whole situation. With the three s tooges in charge, I have no respect for the management.

1,083. Bryant Perkins (8/7/08) - Goodbye, Brett. 1,084. mary (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,085. kimcon22000 (8/7/08) - Fire Ted Thompson! He's as evil as Obama! Maybe he could be Obama's VP. :) Suck it up! Go J-E-T-S JETS! JETS! JETS! 1,086. Cathy Kane (8/7/08) - I have been a Packers fan for 30 years but I am disgusted at how they treated Brett, I'm sure the Packers record at the en d of the year will tell the tale ( 0-16). Stupid jerks. I support this petitio n. 1,087. DONNA YENCH (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Been a Packer Fan all my life; was impressed with and loved Brett from the very first time he pla yed with the Pack but now, I will no longer cheer for the Packers until the time Ted T. leaves...hopefully that will be SOON! What an arrogant Idiot. 1,088. Randy Beauregard (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,089. Kimberly Wittock (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,090. Marg C (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson has ruined the Packers with his eg o and m misguided vision of what HE wants, not wahgt is best for the team or fra nchise. I TOTALLY support this petition, and wish that the Pack's Board of Direc tors was not too old & senile to be victimized by the snake oil that Ted is sell ing them. 1,091. Barbara Tabb (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I cannot believ e that the best quarterback the Packers have ever seen, recognizable worldwide a s the symbol of Green and Gold, was traded to the Jets. How DARE Ted Thompson l et this happen. A sad day indeed. 1,092. M Busha (8/7/08) - I support this petition whole heartedly. 1,093. Justin Brown (8/7/08) - I support this petition! 1,094. Kariann Young (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Who trades the best quarterback of all time?! 1,095. rbender (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,096. Steph Hogeboom (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is like a cancer that spreads. 1,097. Kent Lee (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,098. bill (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,099. Patti Neddef (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,100. Jon (8/7/08) - This remindes me of Babe Ruth i think Ted should b e Gone. New York is going to be good. 1,101. dale albertson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,102. Ryan Schuster (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,103. Jim Smith (8/7/08) - Good bye Brett. Please take these petitions and fans with you. 1,104. Ernie Allen Jr. (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,105. VOlson (8/7/08) - I support this petition to fire Ted Thompson... . I want Brett,the Packer players and coaches to be successful, but Ted Thompson does not deserve to walk on our football field.. 1,106. Michael Drella (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,107. Abby (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,108. Bob (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Your ego just cost the O UR team an quarterback legend. 1,109. Ian R. Colle (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson ha s been trying to drive Brett Favre out of GB for years - what a jerk. 1,110. Brett (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,111. Brian Carmody (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is an ass clown. 1,112. Jaime Derouin (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of Ted Thompson now!!! 1,113. Roger L. Chemel (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,114. Paul Ruby (8/7/08) - I support this petition. worst decision ever y made back a member of the packer brass. fire all three of them!!!! 1,115. nmpackfan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. It is hard to love the Packer organization after what they've done to a legend. Which game will Ro gers go down?

1,116. Mark Brown (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,117. Vince would say (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Shame on you GB Packers management/coaching staff. 1,118. BIll Kellar (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Teddy and tollboo th Mike both forgot that their job is to win. Favre or Rogers? the result shoul d get people FIRED cuz thats the nature of this game... FIRE "EM 1,119. rjh (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,120. Erin (8/7/08) - I support this petition 100%. Fire Thompson, Rodg ers, and McCarthy. 1,121. Will Minor (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Back to average fo otball for us. Thanks alot mngt. 1,122. Matt (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,123. Ryan Sargent (8/7/08) - GUESS WHAT, PEOPLE? ONLINE PETITIONS AR E WORTHLESS AND THIS ONE WON'T MAKE A DAMN DIFFERENCE JUST LIKE ALL THE REST. 1,124. howie Taggart (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,125. Jean Goodwin (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,126. Christopher (8/7/08) - I support this petition. TT and the two MM 's are not "packer people"! 1,127. Jerry Swanson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson ha s ruined the reputation of the Green Bay Packers! I support Favre!! 1,128. Megan C (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,129. Brian (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 3 time MVP. Put Packers back in football. TT decides to bring us back to the dark ages. 1,130. Traci Hunt (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,131. Liz (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,132. Beth Zimemrman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson w anted Brett gone, now Thompson should be gone. He treated Brett terribly. 1,133. Ann Richmond (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson...I hate you! Go Jets!!!!!! !!!! 1,134. Jeff Peer (8/7/08) - Being one of the extremely few homosexual Pa cker football fans around, I support this petition. 1,135. John Caya (8/7/08) - Embarrassing...Packers represent a community , not a single owner or an arrogant GM. Time to go TT. 1,136. STEVEN MILLER (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,137. Tom P (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,138. Mark Swiekatowski (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,139. Brooke (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of HIM!!!!!!! 1,140. Packzilla (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Fire the 3 stooges ASAP!!! 1,141. Jamie Yunk (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,142. Marissa Hanson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,143. Trudy Druschba (8/7/08) - I support this petition. What a frickin idiot - take McCarthy with you!! 1,144. Dan (8/7/08) - It is all about winning and the Packers best chanc e was with Favre. FIRE HIM NOW!! 1,145. Jill Steppe-Ries (8/7/08) - No draft pick is worth HALF the value of Brett Favre to this organization--the Jets got the greatest deal EVER! 1,146. Tammy Jones (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,147. Alex West (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Fuck Ted Thompson. I am guessing that he gets on his knees for Rodgers 1,148. Kara Sullivan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,149. Dan MIller (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,150. Chris (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Thompson, you need to spend ALOT of time in the basement at Lambeau walking through the HOF. You've t aken a storied franchise and turned it into a horror story. 1,151. KELLY (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,152. Ted Lizee (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,153. Susan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is an ego maniac and if the Packers him outta town!!!! 1,154. Pam Guyer (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted FAILED all of

Wisconsin and should loose his job 1,155. Mike Chowaniec (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,156. Diane Deering (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Fire TT!! 1,157. Jackee Lema (8/7/08) - I support this petition. WHAT A JERK- Let' s get TT away from our Packers!! 1,158. clint Christiansen (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,159. The Captain (8/7/08) - I support this petition. How do you let th e best QB to ever play the game and our best shot at the Super Bowl this year Go ? I hope Rodgers does well but it's a BIG mistake to let Favre go! 1,160. steven evans (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Brett is a legen d who is entitled to make a mistake and un-retire! And for all he he has done fo r the Packers yes they should have welcomed him back open arms. Fire TT 1,161. zombie ted (8/7/08) - I support this petition. ted eat dick 1,162. Anne Ross (8/7/08) - I support this petition. He does not deserve to have his job. What kind of idiot treats one of Green Bays best quaterbacks l ike this.He should have listened to the fans and welcomed Brett Favre back with open arms. 1,163. jenny townsend (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,164. tommy (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted-- good luck with Br ian Brohm after "A-Rod" gets injured in the pre-season... you have NO back-up pl an for an injury to your un-proven starter. As a Packer fan - I'm worried about the state of the team! 1,165. Rod Lewandowski (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Is it too la te to trade General Managers? 1,166. steven evans (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Now how do we ge t this petition to TT or the Board of Directors? 1,167. nathan berg (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,168. Chad Kucik (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,169. h.whaples (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,170. Margaret Marik (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,171. jeff patmythes (8/7/08) - What a bunch of egomaniac jerks. All th e guy wanted to do was play football. There jobs are to field the best team poss ible for the Packer fans. I'd say they are grossily negligant in their duties. A ny of us would get fired from our jobs for such dereliction. So why are they not held to the same. Fire the Three Stooges 1,172. Adam (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Being a share holder, i f it comes down to the stockholders voting to fire him or not, im all for firing him. 1,173. Tom DesJarlais Jr. (8/7/08) - I DO NOT support this petition. You people need to get a life. Be a Packer fan first! 1,174. Mike (8/7/08) - I support any of you wanting to get rid of your s eason tix, please email me at 1,175. Bob Zehner (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,176. Frank Caliendo (8/7/08) - I DO NOT support this petition. Go to N ew York with the diva family. The bridges are higher to jump from! 1,177. Kelly Tollefson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,178. michael morales (8/7/08) - fire this stupid, non-thinking ego-man iac, he just broke thousands of packers fan's hearts.. 1,179. Megan Bruckschen (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,180. Dean Nelson (8/7/08) - Fire that sob 1,181. nick mollgaard (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,182. rick snelling (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,183. Norm Nepp (8/7/08) - Thanks TT for another 30 years of losing foo tball. 1,184. Dave (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Please fire Ted!!!! 1,185. Brian Coppersmith (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,186. Sherann Glorfield (8/7/08) - I support this petition. TT has mad e GB the laughing stock of the league. Even most of our Packer Hall of Famers s aid he was "nuts" to let Brett go. His ego has got in the way of "the best inte rest of the team." I cannot and will not support the Pack as long as TT is in t

he GM position because we cannot trust this man's words or actions. If we can, why did the Pack have to hire spin master, Ari Flischer? 1,187. anonymous (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,188. James Gilligan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,189. Erick (8/7/08) - I DO NOT support this petition. I hate the Packe rs, I hope Ted keeps his job and runs the team into the ground. 1,190. David Anderson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,191. anonymous (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I am now a NY Jets Fan. 1,192. Mary Simon (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,193. linda (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,194. Curt Bardouche (8/7/08) - I support this petition. This is not th e best way for the Packers to move forward. 1,195. Andrew DeVries (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,196. larryb (8/7/08) - I support this petition.t.t. needs to be run ou t of town and he can take his puppet m.m. with him. I will be a packer fan again when hes fired. untill then my favroite team is everybody that whips the packer s. I never thought i would say thatBUT TED THE JERK HAS TO go!!!!! 1,197. Brian Rodriguez (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,198. Louis (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,199. joe De Maio (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,200. Christopher (8/7/08) - GM Ted Thompson has shown me and my dad th at he's an idiot and trading Brett Favre is the final straw. I can't cheer for t he Packers until THOMPSON IS GONE!!! Until then, go COLTS! 1,201. anonymous (8/7/08) - I support this petition. TT, you and your e go have betrayed the greatest fans in the league and the greatest QB of all time . You've played this very slimy. Favre's stats speak for him. What are your s tats? You have a job because of him. Lambeau is renovated because of him. Int ernational fan support was because of him. You've been driving away OUR QB sinc e you got here. You should have gotten over yourself and done what is best for all involved--not just for your own legacy. Why would any player want to come b ack to a team that would pay him millions to sit on his couch. You just gave th e Packers fans' spirit to the Jets fans. I feel sorry for the position you are putting Rodgers in, as well. In your quest to "move forward" you just sent the Packers flailing backward and got rid of a huge fan base. Nice job! Go Jets!! 1,202. william pochert (8/7/08) - I will never watch, support, or care a bout the packers again until this S.O.B. is gone as well as his PR mouth piece M ike Mccarthy.. at least half of the fanbase has been alienated ... time to pay t he price boys 1,203. Terry Beem (8/7/08) - I support this petition and will be wearing my "Fire Ted Thompson" t-shirt at the Dallas game. He is nothing but a lying w orm and has shown that to the world during the last month. Fire all three of th e worms!!! 1,204. Steven Gold (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,205. Amanda N (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,206. JoAnne Sukus (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,207. Katie Borman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,208. Mark Winters (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,209. Al Tisdale (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Thompson just cur sed the franchise. He is dishonorable and bad at his job. You don't throw Favr e out of Green Bay. 1,210. Lori Mountford (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,211. Patricia Burger (8/7/08) - I am now a JET until Ted is GONE. He has destroyed all of my faith in our organization! I am a shareholder and WI na tive but feel totally lost with Brett's trade! 1,212. Tony Butler (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,213. Bobbi (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I will always follow my team but as long as TT and MM are there I will not purchase anymore Packer merc handise. We the fans need to hit them in there pocket book that is the only way to get rid of TT and MM. I wonder how many games it will take for our looser QB

to lose before TT and company are gone 1,214. Rudy Curiel (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson is an idiot...don't buy the s pin...he takes great pride in the fact that he traded Farve. 1,215. Paul Merkle (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,216. S. L. Degner (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Absolutely disgr aceful behavior. Very poor choices made by two egocentric individuals in TT and his ingratiating minion, McCarthy. They will be haunted by their actions for th e remainder of their GB tenure and deservedly so. 1,217. Kayla Johnson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,218. Vernon Cranor (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,219. Charity S (8/7/08) - I support this petition. MOST DEFINITELY DO I SUPPORT IT! I am packing away my Packer gear until he is GONE! Go JETS! 1,220. Dean Berndt (8/7/08) - I support this petition. However, I am not a Brett Favre supporter, I say fire TT for the good of the Packers. Mark Murphy can go too. Let's give Rodgers a chance, we gave Favre a chance, and look what he did for us, maybe Rodgers is next. 1,221. Eric Lokemoen (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,222. Marilyn Joseph (8/7/08) - Here in Louisiana we support Brett. 1,223. Dawn Crapser (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,224. dan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. for the good of the team, the packers just gave up a huge revenue stream in BF. TT is a class a egomaniac , and while mccarthy seems to be a darn good coach... just one of his butt kissi ng toadies. MURPHY DEFINATELY NEEDS TO GO... along with the entire board. You kn ew we were in trouble when the board tried to exclude harlan from joining the se arch for his successor. Folks... this IS the packers of the 70's now... packers fan for 27 years, stockholder... it will all be boxed away until sanity and comm on sense is restored in GB. GO JETS! 1,225. Brett Favre (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,226. Sandi (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson does not deserve to stay with the Packers. His behavior is disgraceful. All three of th em should be fired. They're all full of themselves! My heart goes out to Bett and Dianna and the rest of their family. He will be missed greatly! I will not be spending several thousand dollars buying tickets on Ebay this year! BIG MIS TAKE! 1,227. Lete Carlson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I know that Bret t Favre has been a rollercoaster for green bay nation, but to treat a man like t his and want to get rid of him becaseu you want to finally see how your number o ne draft pick performs is the most egotistical thing that anyone in the nfl has ever done. May you burn in hell because you have broken one of footballs most ca rdinal signs and that is where you belong. 1,228. Daniel Heckmann (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson's job as GM is to put the best possible team on the field. Obviously, his job description is beyond his c omprehension. When an employee proves incompetent in the performance of his duti es, standard procedure is to fire him. I am definitely still a Packers fan, and I encourage fellow fans to direct their wrath not at their team but at the one m an most responsible for disrespecting the greatest player in the history of our franchise as well as damaging both our team and its reputation. Ted Thompson and his ego need to go. While insisting that the Packers are bigger than one player , apparently he forgot that they are also bigger than the general manager. 1,229. Lesley Siemer (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,230. Craig W. Seman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted has ruined a storied franchise. and forever will be known as the man who traded BRETT FAVR E. 1,231. sam d (8/7/08) - time and time again he's made some bad decisions . He needs to be fired. tax payers pay for the greenbay packers and greenbay cit izens should have their voice heard. 1,232. Dan (8/7/08) - The three stoges just proved it today how much the y really didn't want Brett in camp. They are a bunch of liars and old Teddy sho uld be canned. Ted's doesn't deserve to be in Green Bay. 1,233. michelle (8/7/08) - I support this petition.

1,234. Kris Anderson (8/7/08) - The TTs and 2 M&Ms need to hit the road. I listened to the 3 stooges for their press conference - what a joke!!! Brett will one day tell his side of the story. Until then - Brett see you September 2 2 at SD. 1,235. Jon G (8/7/08) - I think Ted Thompson is a disgrace to the Packer s,and their history. Most experts feel that your handling of the Brett Frave sit uation is at best odd, and somewhat egotistical. I however believe you are deran ged. You are heading into this season with a quarterback who has made one start, subbed once and was injured shortly after both stints. His backups have never p layed a down in the NFL. This is the most irresponsible thing I have ever seen a GM do. You need a brain transplant becuase the one your using is shot. 1,236. beri platz (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,237. phl (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,238. jeff (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Go New York BRETTS...I mean jets! 1,239. Jackson (8/7/08) - The most inept handling of a player situation - and most of all disrespect to the history of the packers organizatrion, the in telligence of the fans, and the legacy of players who gave and give it up on the field of play for the team and those who "used to" stand by it. Ted Thompson. J oke - and not a funny one. 1,240. Sheila (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,241. Jaime Domski (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,242. Frank Castka (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,243. mary (8/7/08) - I strongly support this petition. 1,244. edward kim (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,245. Stephanie Janiczek (8/7/08) - I have lost all respect for the ent ire organization because of what this man did to the team. He is not good for th e franchise...he needs to go! 1,246. Tree (8/7/08) - I like cake. 1,247. Michael Deeley (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,248. Susan Tiedemann (8/7/08) - From a FORMER life-long Packer fan. I support this petition. Go New York Jets!!!!! 1,249. minnesota Pkr fan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I can't be lieve the pack. It is a sad day for the nfl and most of all the dedicated packer s fans. We bled green and gold but no more! As much as I HATE the vikes, I hope they humiliate the packers. Now I am a devoted Jet fan. Go brett, jets, and t he packers management defenately needs to GO! 1,250. babybrett (8/7/08) - You all need to get a life. Brett was offere d to come back and compete for his position, and he said NO! Blame Brett not the Packers. Brett was tough on the field, he is a crybaby off the field. I still h ope that Brett does well in N.Y. and Aaron does well in GB. 1,251. Kimberly Deeley (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,252. Chris C (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,253. mary (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,254. Love the Pack (8/7/08) - Move on people. True Packer fans will be there cheering on the team AND cheering for Brett in N.Y. As someone said, Bret t had his chance to come back and compete and lead the Packers once again, he sa id no because his feelings were hurt. He needed to get over it and play for the Pack. Blame Brett for this! Life goes on, join it! 1,255. KMA (8/7/08) - CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS CRAP!!! WELL TT GET USE TO I T!!! YOU ARE GOING TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE UNTIL YOU PACK YOUR BAGS AND GET OUT OF TOWN!!! Murphy, Thompson, McCarthy Talk About Favre Trade (WFRV) GREEN BAY (A P/WFRV) - Green Bay Packers general manager Ted Thompson admits he's not comfort able that he will, historically, be known as the man who traded away Brett Favre . Thompson says he, in fact, didn't want to be the one who signed the trade pap ers when they arrived at the Green Bay Packers' offices, but knew he had to. 1,256. Stephanie (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,257. Brian Eck (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,258. Scott V (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,259. Emily (8/7/08) - bravo ted...thanks for trading one of the best Q

Bs of all time for potentially a fourth round pick 1,260. Favrerules (8/7/08) - As a FORMER diehard Pack fan I will be chee ring for nothing but losses until this idiot is removed from the GM position!! 1,261. Maureen O (8/7/08) - I support this petition because Ted Thompson is a COMPLETE AND UTTER DISGRACE TO THE PACKER FRANCHISE!!!! Get him OUT! I ca n't stand the sight of him and take both MMs with you. Nice job guys, you've rip ped apart the heart, soul and spirit of the Packer Nation by trading OUR Brett. Fire them all, NOW! They've brought shame and disgrace to Packer fans nationwide . 1,262. Dave (8/7/08) - I support this petition. If it is just business, then you keep the biggest money maker in the NFL. Yes Brett made his own mistake s but management should have anticipated and planned for it in advance. Hes a QB , they are management.....but fan desires should have been considered too. 1,263. Dawn Shulke (8/7/08) - I SUPPORT this petition and I HATE Ted Tho mpson. I just watched the press conf and I have one more question....I want to k now when the definition of "open competition" means keeping a playbook from a pl ayer, locking them out of the locker room, paying someone off all while telling the media that Rodgers is your guy and you moved on. I am sorry Brett that after years of enjoyment watching you play that you are gone, it's not fair. Sunday's won't be the same because I can't support my favorite team until this bonehead Thompson is gone! 1,264. Wendy G (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,265. Nancie H (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,266. Dan Helding (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson shou ld be escorted out of Green Bay ASAP!!!! What an idiot!!!! 1,267. Todd Prutzman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. How can you tra de the guy who put the Pack back on the NFL map after 20 plus years of mediocure play from the 70's to the early 90's. For a man running a business who is supp ose to make business decisions, this choice that Brett Favre needs to go, became personal and he overstepped his job duties. If you think he can look me and al l Packer fans in the eyes and say Rodgers is better QB for the Pack than Brett r ight now, he'd be lying and we all know that! If this team does not get to the NFC Championship or better this year, then he failed and he did not do his job. Will the organization do to Ted Thompson what they did to Brett Favre if that d oes not happen? If they don't, I am done with them. 1,268. Roger Ezzell (8/7/08) - Moron is the only reference that comes to mind for Ted Thompson. He must go before he destroys what's left in Green Bay. Go Jets. Where does Green Bay go now when Rodgers gets hurt, and HE WILL!! 1,269. Eric Hasselbacher (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,270. Kendra L. (8/7/08) - Brett made football fun to watch and he will be missed by fans. TT needs his ass run out of town with his 2 little flunkeys with him. They have turned a great football team into a joke. I for one have bou ght my new Favre jersey. Jets have a new fan. 1,271. George Hansen (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Thompson is a bum and should be fired when at the end of this year Aaron Rodgers has only won 5 games. 1,272. Vern Johnson (8/7/08) - The Three Stooges have all surfaced in Gr een Bay. But this is a good start. I support this petition. 1,273. Adrienne Cranor (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,274. Mr T (8/7/08) - I pity the fool that doesn't wanna fire this guy. 1,275. Ray Charles (8/7/08) - Even I can see this guy is incompetent. 1,276. JOHN YOUNG (8/7/08) - Since TT likes conditions(i.e. Brett's trad e to the NYJ) If Aaron Rodgers doesn't play in 50% of the 2008 Season, TT will r esign. IF the Packers don't win at least 60% of their games Dueces MM resign als o. I support this petition. 1,277. frank scott (8/7/08) - I support this petition. What in the world does any football observer really think that Ted Thompson has ever done for the green bay packers? understand that the packers are the most unique franchise i n all of professional sports. they are not owner dependant, butr rather fan sup ported and dependant. we as fans care little if anything about the ego and big

business attitudes of the ted thompsons, mike mccarthys and mark ??'s of this or ganization. it used to be a matter of pride to be a packer fan and supporter. remember us, we bought the millions of dollars of worthless stock so that we cou ld upgrade our stadium. remember bret, the nobody quarterback who got his chanc e when it came to him and never complained. your right, bret didn't regenerate the packer fever by himself and he sure had a fabulous history to build on. it took the likes of reggie white, sterling sharpe,mark chumura and a long hisoty o f others to make the packers through the thin and thick years. but thru it all remained the fans, who believed, supported and never waivered. what ted thompso nhas served to do to the packers is to create a rift, no a grand canyon between, players and fans, fans and fans, board members and fans, news casters and fans. i'd rather have 1 more year of a loosing bret then ten more of the crap that t ed thompson has done to our football team. 1,278. John Keberlein (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson has been trying to push Brett out for quite some time just so he can make his ma rk on the franchise with his players (i.e. Aaron Rodgers). I have been a Packer fan for 53 years and I have never been so disgusted with the organzation. Ted mu st go. He put his own selfish interests above that of the team. 1,279. Judy Goodman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,280. Carrie (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,281. emily (8/7/08) - Ted thompson is an egomaniac who is destroying t he great Packer organization that Brett Favre helped create. Fire Ted Thompson i mmediately! 1,282. Joe Demaldo (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,283. dan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. what a dumb as. This wa s all about your Huge Ego. You should have just come to accept that Brett has a bigger voice than you. No one will remember you but for this- Why the hell did you do that to yourself. This guy took you to the Conference finals- COME ON. 1,284. mike (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson must go! He is a coward and has a pe rsonal vendetta agaist Favre. This is no way to lead a team! 1,285. Matt Strenz (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,286. Jesse (8/7/08) - Hey, Ted. Now your name can be mentioned in the same breath as Jerry Glanville. You pompous a-hole. Don't worry, we'll leave the light on for you. Sincerely, Hell. 1,287. Bernice O (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Favre traded??? Thi s is BULL***T! What happens when Rodgers is injured - hand over the reigns to on e of two rookies? TT needs to go = EXTREMELY poor management. Can we get Favre b ack by claiming 'GM Insanity'? He has got to be crazy to trade one of the most t alented players in the NFL and the Packer's biggest marketing $$$ maker. BIG mis take! 1,288. ckelly (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,289. Andrew Pratt (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,290. Wyatt (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Not one of the most tal ented Bernice...THE most talented of all freakin time!!!! I am so upset with thi s whole thing I just don't know what to do! 1,291. Misty Thompson (8/7/08) - This is shocking. What amazes me is the number of fans that have decades behind them...and they won't support the Pack til Ted is gone. YOU ALL ROCK!!! Ted and Mike just took away our midwest values and brought "corporate" right into this decision. While Brett did make some miss teps, he CERTAINLY did not deserve this type of parting. WEAK MEN MAKE WEAK LEAD ERS!! WHERE is the board in all of this? Mike and Ted better dig the media atten tion because this is what they will not only be remembered is the last time either one will receive this type of attention and they are only kidding th emselves if they think the MAJORITY of the team and fans are behind them...Ted a nd Mike deserve to be in pink tutus. 1,292. Rick V (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,293. Roger (8/7/08) - I don't know who is more stupid. Ted Thompson, or some idiot (the beast?, #802) who signs a petition that he doesn't support? Maybe he should follow his own advice and get a job. But then again working doe s require some semblence of intelligence. Should I explain semblence to you, be

ast? 1,294. XL (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,295. Kevin (8/7/08) - I support this petition. - TT is a cluster $((&* of a GM - I am a Packer Fan and will be torn all season wanting TT fired so roo ting for losses - and for AR - don't get to good cause if they like you more tha n TT and his little ego gets threatened you will be a Jet also very soon ... 1,296. Vince (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,297. Big Dog (8/7/08) - I support this petition. F-U- Ted. U R a rat! 1,298. Gene Scullion (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,299. Jeff Walsh (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson has to go. The Packers are ab out family, history, integrity, and doing the right thing. He is no Packer. Mc Carthy and Murphy are next. I actually used to like McCarthy, now I can't stoma ch watching him either. None of these three deserve to be associated with, much less employed by, The Green Bay Packers. 1,300. kelly b (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,301. joe clennon (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Brett Favre behav ed like a gentlemen by not going to camp or creating a circus atmosphere and Tho mpson rewards the greatest player in franchise history with no otherr choice but a trip to a team he doesn't want to play for, and which has little chance to wi n. As it turns out, Favre should have gone to cxamp and forced Thompson's hand. 1,302. Ann Sutton (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,303. Matt (8/7/08) - I support this petition. What happened to the fa ns team? 1,304. Andy Bell (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,305. Mike (8/7/08) - I support this petition. This guy is an absolute idiot. They dont understand what it means to run the packers, this is supposed to be the only team owned by the fans, I think all the stockholders should orga nize a meeting and fire murphy and mccarthy and kill ted thompson! I hope the d umbass realizes he will never be liked by packer fans ever, i just hope brett do esnt hate the packers, just the peice of shit thompson 1,306. Dennis Fritz (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,307. Jamie Davister (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,308. Steve Nelson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,309. Tilly Rachal (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted T. is a demo n. I will not be a fac of the Packers until him and Mike M. are removed from fro nt office. They make me sick. GO JETS. 1,310. Shannon (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,311. Todd S Elliott (8/7/08) - Hey Ted, not only did you make a horrib le football decision, but you also just cost the team millions of dollars in Far ve merchandise sales. Losing the best QB for the team and losing money for years to come. You idiot. 1,312. Stephanie Hughes (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,313. Luke (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted is the biggest idiot in the freekn world. He has got his head so far up his but that he has no idea what is going on. He only wants Rodgers to play because it's his first round dr aft pick. Just wait until he realizes how much he really sucks. Ted sucks fire him! 1,314. Aidan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,315. KATY RAINS (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,316. Kevin (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Thompson got rid of Fa vre so he would have the power. But the power is in us my fellow Cheeseheads. Don't just sign a petition, have rallies, boycott games and merchandise. We can get rid of Ted if we try before it's too late(Looks like it already is.) 1,317. Douglas Hunt (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson has made horrible decisions in the past few seasons, its time for him to begone. 1,318. Lauren S. (8/7/08) - I support this petition. CONGRATULATIONS THO MPSON!!!!! Somehow you took one of the greatest franchises in ALL sports that to ok almost 100 yrs to build and put it in the toilet it in less then a few weeks. I hope as your reward you are handed your pink slip!!! You traded away a 3x MVP

for a 4th round draft pick. Oh yea, we have 3 QB's who have never started in a game and THAT'S our future! It's a sad day in Packer nation indeed. Thanks for t he memories Brett, we Fans will miss you!! FIRE TED THOMPSON and send the 2 M&M' s with him!!!!! 1,319. Mark M (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Treating Brett that wa y and letting him go will eventually lead to Thompson's fall. I am a Jets fan un til Thompson is gone. 1,320. Robert Morris (8/7/08) - Not a fan of TT since he took office wit h the packers as the "proclaimed" draft guru from the seahawks...haven't been ov erly impressed with his drafts so far as well as his refusal to sign free agents when we have the money. The non attempt to get moss, the cutting of darren sha rper and ryan longwell, the trade of corey williams for a draft pick when KGB is overrated,Harrell is injured/injury prone, and Jolly is now in trouble with the law, all topped the list of problems with Thompson even before the whole Favre thing. 1,321. Michael Simpson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,322. Mark (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Green Bay management ju st sent the jets the packers best chance of going to a Super Bowl. Here's cheer ing for Brett Favre. 1,323. Mike Cannavo (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson needs to be fired asap. unti l then i am not a packers fan. i will root for brett because he should be are QB 1,324. Nikki Johns (8/7/08) - Get this guy out of the Packers organizati on once and for all!! He is the worst G.M. we have EVER had!He is a poor communi cator,draft picker,and business man.I believe most of the fans dont like him,and now..he is just HATED! Talk about your "walking garbage"!Oh yeah,how about that 'lawyer boy" mark him too!! F-ing IDIOTS!!After being a Packers fa n for 50 years...I am truly DISGUSTED with Both of these "people?" Good riddence !! 1,325. TSfromtrevor (8/7/08) - All of Ted Thompson excuses, decisions an d facial expressions have had a scent of old rotten limburger cheese.Better repl ace the cheddar wedge hat with a limburger wedge hat because it is obvious that is your style. 1,326. Angela Hogan (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,327. Marlene Wegner (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,328. MaryA (8/7/08) - I support this petition. My train left the stat ion this morning and is heading to New York to be a Jets fan this year. Go Brett ! Thanks for the memories! 1,329. Diane K. Brunette (8/7/08) - Shame on you Green Bay. What a horri ble way to treat our hero. I am now a Jets fan and the Packers can shove it. 1,330. Nick mills (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,331. SE from GB (8/7/08) - I support this petition. TT won't be happy until all guys on the team are his draft picks. Donald Driver, Chad Clifton, M ark Tauscher, look out you are next. I will have a hard time rooting for the Gr een Bay Thompsons this year. A sad, sda, end to a sad episode. The NFL is supp osed to be entertainment. There hasn't been much that's been entertaining recen tly. Fire Ted!!!! 1,332. Craig (8/7/08) - I support this petition. He is an arrogant a$$. Someone tell me how if the people own the franchise with shares why can't the pe ople who own it make decisions as a whole. Ridiculus, is Ted's boss some people on a board and doesn't that mean we are those people's Boss?? 1,333. Chris London (8/7/08) - Aaron Rodgers? Really Ted Thompson?? 1,334. paula (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,335. Anne Karch (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,336. Pat (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,337. Steph VP (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted you really screw ed up driving our LEGEND out of town! Thanks for making the packers look like ev ery other NFL team that only cares about "business"! Enjoy watching Brett in the superbowl! 1,338. L. M. Radel (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,339. Jeffrey Fassbender (8/7/08) - I support this petition.

1,340. cory smith (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,341. Linda K (8/7/08) - Incredibly bad business decision, Ted. Way to go. And, ditto on all Lauren S. (#1321 below) stated. Well said... I support th is petition. 1,342. Matt Ammerman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Way to go Ted, Brett was loved around here! 1,343. Jessa (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,344. J Lindh (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Does Ted realize wha t implications this will have on all or any free agents he actually might go aft er in the future. You have told every veteran in the NFL it doesn't matter who you are you may be cut by our smallest market in the NFL. There is no way White would have ever came to GB it Ted was GM at that time. 1,345. MITCH (8/7/08) - I support this petition.WHILE YOU ARE DOING THIS GO AHEAD AND SEND MIKE & MARK TO 1,346. Eileen H. (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I hope for his sake , they do well this season,but without Brett, I am afraid that will be lost. He was the leader of the team and Aaron is not. He is not a fan person, and I have supported the Packers since I was 5. It will take alot of repair from Aaron to m ake up what he has already said in the press. I hope when he tells us to shut up , that he realizes we are the ones who pay his salary and buy the merchandise. M y next jersey will be a 4 for the Jets. Good Bye Ted and get back Ron Wolf. 1,347. Stacy Swanson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,348. 1tickedxfan (8/7/08) - UNBELIEVABLE disrespect. You think that's the way to run a "business" you have a LOT to learn. The Packers are not your typical business. They represent good Midwestern values and morals and you've f lushed that down the toilet. I've been a Packer fan since I was born. Been to h alf a dozen games, bought all their merchandise and never missed a game on Sunda y. You've taken the NATIONS favorite "good-'ol boy" and ran him into the ground before the entire NFL. I can now say with certainty that as long as TT and MM are at the helm of this historic and beloved team, I will HATE the Packers and R UE the day I heard the news that Favre was traded to the Jets. GO JETS! 1,349. Renell Richey (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson needs too come clean and te ll us the TRUTH about this situation. The reason Brett Favre isn't in a Packers uniform is because of a "personal" issue between him and Ted Thompson. I am OUTR AGED that Ted, Mike and Mark are just beating around the bush and not telling th e real truth to the fans. Those 3 are very tight lipped and continue to sweep th eir dirty little secrets and dirty little lies under the the carpet but it is on ly a matter of time before the real truth comes out. Your a louse Ted..and you s hould be fired and get out of Green Bay before the angry mob of fans get you! 1,350. James Zoltak (8/7/08) - How could Ted let the greatest QB leave t he packers 1,351. Jason Mayer (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,352. D Brian (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,353. Tim Larkey (8/7/08) - I support this petition.Ted is a retard!!!H e will probably draft some other slug with broken bones with the pick!!! 1,354. Lola (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I can't believe I'm see ing the name Favre on a Jets jersey. What a sad day for Packers. Thompson, you are a liar and the devil. McCarthy, if you honestly think that no one will rem ember this 5 years down the road, you are f'in kidding yourself. Murphy, you ne ed to go too. You 3 have single handedly ruined our beloved team. You have bro ught disgrace to the Packers organazation. What's next? A little road trip for the 3 of you so you can piss on Lombardi's grave? I am ashamed at how Favre wa s treated by you. You have disgraced our beloved Packers in front of the whole nation. I will not turn my back on my Packer players because I know they had no thing to do with your poor decisions. But rest assured, I will be watching the Packers wearing my #4 Jets jersey. I hope Favre does well in New York and the f ans enjoy him as much as we have. Well Mr. Thompson, you wanted your fame and n ow you got it. You will forever be known by Packer fans as the a@#hole who trad ed Favre. Great Job! Good luck to Favre and know you are still loved by Packer fans!

1,355. Linda Kaehler (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,356. Bree (8/7/08) - Get rid of Ted, Mark and Mike!!!!!! 1,357. DB (8/7/08) - YES! However Brett should have shown up to camp an d practiced until they released him and then he could have signed with a team of his choice, not the Jets. Maybe the Bears. I am a Packers fan but will not su pport them until the Murphy, Thompson, and McCarthy are gone. 1,358. Luke Guindon (8/7/08) - I support this petition 110% 1,359. ron gibson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,360. pam (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,361. nancy kibbe (8/7/08) - Time to get NFL network - I'm done with th e Packers - GO JETTS!!!!!! 1,362. Josh Rabska (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Say goodbye to th e face of the Packers organizition for the past 16 years the player who took the m from the laughing stock of the NFL to the winningnest team in the past two dec ades. because of Teds stubborness and bullheadedness so long 1,363. Jenna Fameree (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is an idiot. 1,364. Darren Kramer (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson is a complete idiot. Unrea l. Fire him now. 1,365. Lisa Maniscalco (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,366. George C. (8/7/08) - I never thought I'd see the day when I WAS N OT looking forward to Packer season...Today's the day....Thank you Ted Thompson for ruining the Packer franchise for many, many years to come. I support this p etition 111 percent, and will be a New York Jets fan until you are fired or unti l Mr. Favre, the greatest player to ever wear a Packer uniform, really retires, whichever comes first. 1,367. Gary Lauterbach (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,368. Ryan Heffner (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,369. Mike Cary (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Thompson should ha ve immediately told Brett that if he wanted to come back, he was welcome to comp ete for the starting position. Brett would have won, and all would be great. 1,370. Joni Ganzow (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,371. Nick Brudnowski (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,372. Pam De Wane (8/7/08) - I support this petition! 1,373. Patrick Thidemann (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I am not a packer fan or favre fan. This is just a stupid decision. Go Skins 1,374. Jeffrey Bice (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Thompson must re ally hate Farve not to bring him back and then trade him to out side the divisio n because thompson knows he is still a great q-backand would probley get beat if he had to face him in a different uniform FIRE THOMPSON 1,375. Turd Ferguson (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson i s the biggest idiot in the world. After watching the press conference today it was easy to see that Brett wanted to be a packer but was not welcome. Fire Ted, hes a moron and shouldnt have a job he obviously cannot handle. Kick his sorry ass to the curb. 1,376. Cassandra Hasenour (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Brett Favr e is a legend!!!! 1,377. Kevin Hasenour (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,378. Mark Skoyen (8/7/08) - Time to run Ted out of town. 1,379. Kelly (8/7/08) - I SUPPORT THIS PETITION!!!!!! Words cannot descr ibe how furious and disgusted I am with the disrespect shown to THE FACE OF THE PACKERS by this lowlife, egomaniacal, shrew. It is high time that Ted Thompson g ets run out of town, He obviously doesn't realize the passion Packers fans have for the game and OUR TEAM, or the love we have for OUR QUARTERBACK! Well Ted... you stated repeatedly that it wasn't personal between you and Brett.... guess wh at? It's personal now between you and the Packer nation and I for one HATE you. Rot in Hell you miserable piece of filth!!! 1,380. Ann Sherman (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Please get him ou t of there! What he did to Brett Favre should be criminal. 1,381. laura d (8/7/08) - get thompson out. this was such a bad decisio

n on his part, he should lose his job. 1,382. Eric Bakken (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson ran Brett Favre out of town a fter one of his best seasons ever...Now it's time for the Packers to step up and do the same to Thompson!! 1,383. Todd (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,384. Toni Dakins (8/7/08) - Bye Ted 1,385. J Fondlezzzzz (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Fuck this nigga !!!!!! 1,386. Grant Willrett (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,387. Bill DeBord (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,388. Jason Holm (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,389. Kyle Krumwiede (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,390. Kurt Peterson (8/7/08) - Every moment that idiot is in Green Bay is one too many. He has always wanted Brett out of GB, now he finally got it. I will not support the Green and Gold any more until he is GONE!!! GO JETS!!!!!! 1,391. M Leigh (8/7/08) - Can him! 1,392. Sharon (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,393. Jason Sterling (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,394. Dennis Gillaspie (8/7/08) - Ted has got to go. He can take Rodger s with him since he loves him so much. 1,395. Brad Kaspar (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,396. john titel (8/7/08) - What the heck were the thinking oh wait, th ey weren't 1,397. Jim (8/7/08) - I want all three of these liars ran out of town. T hey are destroying our team GET OUT OF TOWN NOW!!! 1,398. mike stutte (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,399. Mary Ann (8/7/08) - As of today, I am no longer a Packers fan. Go Jets Go! I can't wait to get my Farve Jets jersey and wear it proudly in Wiscon sin. I can't wait to see Farve get the vindication he deserves and Thompson, McC arthy and Murphy get what they deserve -- to get run out of Green Bay and soon. Who in their right mind would bank their career on Rodgers? 1,400. Jennifer Buchac (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of hi m! Favre should have been welcomed back with open arms!!!!! Go FAVRE!!!! GO JETS !!! 1,401. Todd Buchach (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of him! Favre should have been welcomed back with open arms!!!!! Go FAVRE!!!! GO JETS!!! 1,402. Steve Leggett (8/7/08) - I support this petition.Get rid of the u seless bastard. There is a reason he only lasted 1 year in Seattle. Bring back R on Wolf and Bob Harlan 1,403. Kim Weber (8/7/08) - Today I purchased my Brett Favre Jets jersey and I will wear it proudly. 1,404. cheryl spurley (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,405. josie (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,406. Rochelle Luker (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,407. Steve W. (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,408. chad (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,409. Chris Jaensch (8/7/08) - I fully agree with everything Kelly has posted. I've disliked this man since he got rid of Darren Sharper, now I down ri ght hate him! Down with Ted Thompson, get the torches as pitchforks and lets run this idiot out of town! 1,410. Michelle Denny (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,411. Zolrak (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,412. Zolrak (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,413. KENDRA (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,414. Janice Greene (8/7/08) - I support this petition. This is a sad d ay in Wisconsin, letting Brett Favre go to another team was the most idiotic thi ng management could have done. Get rid of Ted Thompson and who ever else was in volved in this decision. 1,415. Angie A (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,416. Marcus (8/7/08) - I support this petition.

1,417. Devon Michael (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,418. michael martins (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,419. hm (8/7/08) - Does Ted have kids? Did the Packers really think t hat a guy like Brett could stay retired? No experienced parent believed that... It seems that every sports broadcaster is trying to figure out how losing Brett is a good thing, and what could the Packers be thinking? Aaron is a super supe r guy but Brett is sort of a phenomonom of nature, sort of like Katrina or Princ ess Di ... They come about only once and where everyone is trying to figure out how to get him on their team, we think we are better off without him ??? 1,420. Sarah S (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,421. Catherine Heidke (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,422. BIG JOHN (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,423. Steve Havard (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,424. Michael J Steeno (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,425. patrick (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,426. Tyler Foster (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,427. Ruth Gernentz (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted can not be a true Packer, if he was Brett still would be! 1,428. HBIC (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,429. Shelley Lidstone (8/7/08) - I support this petition. TT, MM and MM are the definition of stupidity. They should all be fired. Brett made this organization what it is and TT wants to take the credit. TT can now take the cr edit for this organization going down. It is a sad day in Packerland. I hop e Brett has the best season of his life. I hope TT has nightmares for the rest of his life. 1,430. Nancy (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,431. Kathie Grycki (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted, you've ov erstayed your welcome. Time for you to go! We lifetime Packers fans don't like t he way you treated one of the greatest and most loved quarterbacks of all time, #4, Brett Favre (a name synonymous with GREEN BAY PACKERS FOOTBALL). You never l iked him, you lied and treated him like crap, and then thought you could smooth it over with that PR baloney. You can take Mark & Mike with you! 1,432. TAS (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson made a huge mistake and it is going to take the Packer Organization a long time to recover f rom this. Its a sad day. Brett gave his heart and soul to the team for 16 year s it would have been nice if he got some of that in return. I am now a JETs fan ... 1,433. Tim Gifford (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is SATAN. 1,434. Marco (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,435. Patricia Neumann (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,436. Cindy (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,437. Linda (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,438. T. L. Williams (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,439. Dominic Zignego (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,440. Eric Hill (8/7/08) - It's time the Packers move on... get in the right mindset... and fire Ted Thompson! 1,441. KARLA BLANK (8/7/08) - I support this petition. They owed that MA N he fought thru soo many hurdles and was still there when it was game time for the fans and team! 1,442. Kassie Wedig (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Go JETS!!!! 1,443. Scott Marx (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Even if Ted gets l ucky and build a team that wins many Superbowls, he will always be known as " th e man that drove Brett Favre out of Green Bay ". 1,444. Robb Scott (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,445. Dan Long (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,446. Jo Ransom (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,447. Mary Long (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,448. Amanda Cefalu (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,449. Marcy (8/7/08) - I support this petition. FIRE THEM ALL...WHY STO

P AT TED THOMPSON...THE WHOLE CREW MUST GO!!! I am now the proud owner of a #4 N Y JETS #4 Brett Favre jersey bought today!!! J! E! T! S! BRETT! BRETT! BRETT! 1,450. Mary (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson has made th e Packers the laughing stock of the NFL. He needs to go. I will actually be root ing against the Pack for the first time in my life just so all the fans can see what a "distraction" Ted has become, it's time to move on away from Ted Thompson . 1,451. Bill Mc. (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Thompson needs to go . From a Minnesota based Packer fan. 1,452. Chris Boone (8/7/08) - Thanks to Ted, I'm a new JETS fan. J-E-TS JETS JETS!!! 1,453. Dan Becerra (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,454. Scott Thorpe (8/7/08) - I am turning my back on the Packers until Thompson is fired. I have already sold off my season tickets. I will pull for t he NY Jets till Thompson is let go. Worst GM ever. 1,455. Leann (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,456. Peyton Manning (8/7/08) - Way to got TEDDY!!! RUN OUT ONE OF THE GREATEEST PLAYERS TO EVER STRAP ON A PACKER HELMET. THIS FOOL HAS GOT TO GO!!! 1,457. U. See (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I've been a diehard P acker fan for almost 30 years, but not anymore with the Three Stooges running th e team. I will root against the Packers for the first time so that all of them can get their ass fired after this season! 1,458. U. See (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I've been a diehard P acker fan for almost 30 years, but not anymore with the Three Stooges running th e team. I will root against the Packers for the first time so that all of them can get their ass fired after this season! 1,459. kirk strong (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Thompson should be publically flogged. 1,460. Tom (8/7/08) - I do NOT support this petition. It is a vindictiv e, childish attempt to embarrass a great GM who is doing his job and looking out for the best interests of the Green Bay Packers football team. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. 1,461. Nino Herrera (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,462. Jerry Roberts (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted, you've do ne more to sully the proud reputation of this franchise in a matter of months th an all of your predecessors did in the past 86 years. 1,463. Scott (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,464. Stephanie (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,465. Jennifer (8/7/08) - I support this petition. GET RID OF TT. 1,466. Leslie Talley (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,467. gary pigford (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,468. Rishy Studer (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,469. T-MAC (8/7/08) - I support this petition. TT's ego has gotten in the way!! Murphy is a lame President and this will be the downfall of the Packer s. I think TT wants to see AR play, because he is unsure of him and will thne tu rn it over to Brohm!!!! 1,470. Mandy (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,471. Kate Long (8/7/08) - I support this petition. It's time to get ri d of Thompson! This team belongs to the fans, thus the name Green Bay Packers. T hompson seems to think that they are the "Ted Thompson Packers." He needs to go! 1,472. jaime Reichert (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,473. doug ebert (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,474. Craig (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,475. Eric Grahn (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,476. Eric (8/7/08) - Move on and fire Ted. Mark and Ted are a losing pair. 1,477. Laura Tomaszewski (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,478. Amy Radtke (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,479. Dennis (8/7/08) - Can't wait for the first big free agent to say "go where they drove Favre out of town...never!" I support this petition.

1,480. Laura Tomaszewski (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,481. steve pascuzzi (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I used to hate two teams before Teddy ran #4 out of town, the Yankees and the Raiders. Now I have another team to despise. Thanks Teddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,482. Noa (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,483. Matt Kust (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,484. Bonnie Kust (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,485. rachid idrissi (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,486. Stacy Gentile (8/7/08) - I support this petition. HE RAN BRETT OU T OF TOWN..ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!! FOR WHAT...HIS EGO...A ROD???? 1,487. lisa gdaniec (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,488. Ted Thompson (8/7/08) - I think the whole situation stinks! I am not on any side but what I am bitter and pissed off the way management of the p ackers has treated him in this situation it s real simple Play him or cut him! if he isn t good enough to start for the packers let him go to the Vikings or any oth er team that he wants ! I think he deserves and earned it! And if he comes bac k and kicks that packers asses then tough shit move on! Or who knows he might th row 3 piks who knows and who cares!(so swallow your pride and cut him!) Aaron Ro dgers is your guy. That s what pisses me off! He never held out, never demanded more money, gave his heart and his life to the organization, and the game and th is is how they treat him? Not to mention he started every game. Screw them! (Hu rry up retire his number FedEx his locker down to MS, don t get anyone in free age ncy run him out of town thanks Ted Oh I know draft A Rod, Justin Herrell, and jo rdy great draft picks or perhaps draft the best available player in the first ro und). Having a good QB in the NFL is tough and if you are lucky you get one! I f it wasn t for Ron Wolf and Mike Holmgren who rebuilt the organization we would still suck! Just like we did after Vince left. That s the way I see it many coach es and management have been riding the Favre coat tails for years! Who s going t o bring in players into Green Bay now Samkon Gado? I rejoiced and cursed at Fa vre through out the years! But one thing is for certain the packer organization no longer has any class as far as I am concern! You or anyone will never con vince me that he was run out of town, Ted Thompson s ego is bigger then his brain and he, Mike and Mark will go down in packer and NFL history as the stupidest ma nagers of all time. We were one game away for the big dance I would have given Brett one more try to redeem himself one would wonder if Moss would have put us over the edge thanks Ted! 1,489. Leslie (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,490. Sean Lee (8/7/08) - I support this petition. I hope that ego mani ac dies. 1,491. John Dembiec (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Thompson should have man up here and put his ego aside. Though I wasn't there right after the Lo mbardi era, I have a feeling this is going to be similar in the fact this Packer is era is done and will go back to the so-so teams from the 70's and 80's. 1,492. Jory (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Fire McCarthy first, the n Thompson, then Murphy. I am done with the Packers because of them. 1,493. Chuck S. (8/7/08) - Ted Thompson will always be remembered as the person who got rid of Brett Farve from the Packers. His excuse for trading on e of the best is because of "lack of communication"? Get rid of Ted for the sha me he has brought to the Packer franchise. The stupidity of the Packer GM and C oach has put hardships on all the players, especially Aaron Rodgers. Their lack of ability to handle this situation has tarnished the Packer organization forev er. It doesn't matter what their record is or will be because the leadership ha s shown the world that they are "losers"! 1,494. mike andersen (8/7/08) - I support this petition.Ted Thompson nee d to be released! 1,495. Jeff Zaporowski (8/7/08) - I support this petition. Mr. Thompson has made a terrible decision for the organization. It is time for him to take the next 'train' out of town. Mr. McCarthy may be next in line. 1,496. Charles Hampton (8/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,497. Phily 911 (8/7/08) - Ted needs to try and pull his head out of hi

s %^# 1,498. Ron Meyers (8/7/08) - Idiocy of the highest magnitude. Fire the m oron. 1,499. Mark Lenz (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,500. dave reinhart jr (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Fire Thomps on and Murphy. Keep McCarthy. The Pack was the team that was in most need of F avre, 1 play away from the superbowl last year. We will be lucky to make the pl ayoffs with Mr Rogers. 1,501. Joe Ebner (8/8/08) - I support this petition. The management need s to go...God help the Pack! 1,502. sg (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,503. Sha Boi (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,504. Steven P Lachman (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,505. Andrew Richer (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Thompson and Mu rphy have to take responsibility for this madness. 1,506. Ben R (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,507. John Wuethrich (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,508. Daniel Bulich (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,509. David Craft (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,510. Beth Olson (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,511. Unhappy In Green Bay (8/8/08) - TT+M&M could have given GB a grea t year: a shot at the Super Bowl, a GREAT 3xMVP-HOF QB, and increased field pres ence for AR. They could have had a super-motivated team, the admiration of ALL P acker fans, and the national media spotlight that BRINGS MONEY to Green Bay. Ins tead, their confused and cloudy "mindsets" will be questioned for years to come, and their desire to jump on a derailing train will be the "brutally honest" su bject of books and films. For today all we have are the shattered pieces. 1,512. Joe Bartmann (8/8/08) - I feel the three of them should be fired! I just ordered my New York Jet #4 jersey and can't wait to wear it proudly. Get these clowns ( TT, MM, MM )out of town and show the world Green Bay is better t han these assholes. Congratulations on scaring the GBP organization forever. I'm not a fan anymore, at least until the 3 stooges are fired! 1,513. Dan Sturgis (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,514. Gordon Mengelt (8/8/08) - I will not support the Packers until he is gone along with McCarthy 1,515. Rocco (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,516. Steve Gussert (8/8/08) - I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS. You arm chair QB' s and GM are idiots. Brett farve true colors showed in the past month. It's all about Me. Bart Starr never was in AA, or addicted to drugs, and never cheated on his wife. Plus he won 5 NFL titles. 1,517. matt karst (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is an idiot. 1,518. george danton (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,519. Art Regal (8/8/08) - Fire Thompson, McCarthy and Murphy. I suppor t the petition 1,520. Steve Vice (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,521. Christina Smith (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Fire all thr ee stooges, McCarthy, Murphy and Thompson! 1,522. Danielle Reich (8/8/08) - I very much support this petition. 1,523. Dennis Mullen (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson mu st go. 1,524. Janis (8/8/08) - I support this petition. All of the management s hould be fired. Mark Murphy - and the entire board (who never said a word during this whole thing) Ted Thompason, and Mike McCarthy (TT's puppet). Put them all on the "train" and let it leave town!!!! Good luck to Brett -- God speed!!! 1,525. Jonathan Martin (8/8/08) - TT's success has been more fluke luck than anything. Watch and see. I wish Aaron Rodgers all the best. He's the per son that gets the worst of all of this. 1,526. jim howland (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,527. shane moore (8/8/08) - I support this petition. I wish I could s

ign this 1,000,000 times myself, he needs to go NOW! What a disgrace. 1,528. Michelle Forsmo (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,529. GERALD REKOWSKI (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,530. john lucci (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,531. Lois (8/8/08) - I support this petition. What a way to treat a 3 time MVP and the QB who took them to the SuperBowl twice and won one. Sad day for the Packers. At least Brett is getting his wish - to play again. New York and the Jets family have welcomed him with open arms. The Packers could learn s omething from that kind of respect. 1,532. Gary Rowland (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,533. Cyndi Phillips (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,534. Jeff in the Morning (8/8/08) - I support this petition. This woul d not have happened under Bob Harlan's watch! 1,535. Lucy Aldrich (8/8/08) - I support this petition. TT needs to go. .... 1,536. Ticked Off (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,537. Matt (8/8/08) - I support this petition. FIRE TED NOW!!! 1,538. gary (8/8/08) - I support this petition. TT has got to go 1,539. Jim James (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,540. Dennis Steuck (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,541. Chris (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,542. Sara (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Totally agree that Ted Thompson didn't want Brett anymore. didn't want the ron wolf era. He needs to go! He needs to be ran out of Wisconsin 1,543. Wendy (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,544. Danielle (8/8/08) - F-U Ted! You = 100% dumb ass! 1,545. John Smith (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,546. Patrick Haupt (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,547. David Myrick (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,548. John Latz (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,549. Dominic (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,550. JL (8/8/08) - TT - Go back to da bears!! 1,551. simon (8/8/08) - I support this petition. THe only way to save t he franchise from 30 years of sucking is to fire tt 1,552. Jason Krueger (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,553. Bill Walker (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,554. Arlette Schmits (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,555. Peter Bertier (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,556. Tom Turner (8/8/08) - I support this petition. I am a Viking fan . What the Green Bay Packers have done to Brett Favre is beyond believe. 16 ye ars and this is what your management did. Why would you not want the best leade r in the game back this year. Your francise is a proud one for certain but this will be forever the biggest black eye in football for what your management has done. The Packer fans will suffer for a long time becuase they had a chance to really make another run to the Super Bowl this year with Brett. The fans around the country can't believe what this management has done to a legend. 1,557. Corinne (8/8/08) - In what management program are you taught to r emove your most recognizable, marketable and important team player? And in anot her brilliant move hire the man (Ari Fleischer) who couldn't sell U.S. citizens on the existence of weapons of mass destruction. Good move, Ted, good move! Yo u will get yours eventually and when it happens you will be unemployable in the NFL! 1,558. Jeff Wolfe (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,559. Danielle Moore (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,560. Garry Rodenberger (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,561. Patrick M (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Thanks for making u s the laughing stock of the NFL. Thanks for turning a model franchise into a jok e. Get over yourself 1,562. Holly Hoffmaster (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,563. Liz Gerner (8/8/08) - I support this petition.

1,564. Jim Reineck (8/8/08) - Get rid of this asshole. He has ruined Bre tt Favre's legacy. He has ruined the Packers. He has killed my love of the game. Get the f out of here. 1,565. Peter Salamone (8/8/08) - I support this petition. All three of t he stooges need to be held accountable for the disgrace they have brought on thi s once proud franchise, but most of all "Moe" TT. 1,566. Jen Flannery (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Thompson's an i diot. 1,567. Aaron Rodgers (8/8/08) - My dong gets so spicy and solid at the t hought of Brett Favre NOT in Green Bay 1,568. Tom Egstad (8/8/08) - After yesterday, there is not doubt Ted Tho mpson is a complete ass clown !!! 1,569. Roxanne LaMarche (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,570. kelly baillargeon (8/8/08) - I support this petition. how could you give up on brett favre?? 1,571. Kathy Smith (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,572. Terri (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,573. Greg Bogosian (8/8/08) - I support this petition. I am from New E ngland and the only other team I have ever rooted for is the packers because i l ove Bret Farve. What your organization did to him is shameful. I am no longer a packers fan. I never thought i would see the day but i just bought a JETS jersey . 1,574. Jolie Snow (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Even if this was a "business" decision and not a personal ego trip for you Ted, you have shown tha t you will only run the Packers like Enron and screw everyone over to make a per sonal gain. I am withdrawing my support of the Packers until Ted, Mark & Mike go . 1,575. Eric Schaumberg (8/8/08) - I support this petition. If Ted Thomp son stays in Green Bay, we may need to add on to Lambeau field. There currently isn't enough room in the facility for Ted and his ego. 1,576. Janice Yurek (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,577. Anne Smith (8/8/08) - This move by Ted only goes to shoe the rest of the team that if Ted takes a disliking to you, you will be shipped out regar dless of your production during the year! 1,578. Clemens Tierie (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,579. M. Sterzinger (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Fire Murphy and McCarthy as well. 1,580. Bob Thompson (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,581. Scott Gostisha (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,582. Jan Schingen (8/8/08) - Fire Thompson 1,583. susan (8/8/08) - I support this petition. This situation was brou ght on by TT ego. He looks out only for his own, not the good of the whole team and fans by keeping Brett Favre. Why can't he see this? 1,584. mark bantz (8/8/08) - Ted can't carry Brett's jock strap 1,585. Kathy (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Ted makes Wisconsinite s look like a bunch of yahoos! How stupid can one management team be? Fire the m all!!! 1,586. Brian Berndt (8/8/08) - Ted and the whole upper management need t o take a hike!!! 1,587. Dan Potzsch (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of Ted, Mike and Mark. Moving the team foward! Bulls@%t. Those 3 will move the team to the bottom 5. I wish the best for the players but can't support the "front off ice"! 1,588. Diane Jenkins (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,589. MS (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,590. Jared Gundlach (8/8/08) - EGO 1,591. Robert Turner (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,592. Scott S. (8/8/08) - TT is obviously not interested in making a ru n for the Championship!! His personal issues have come before the good of the TE

AM! He should be FIRED and McCarthy needs to get some BALLS and stop being a PUP PET. 1,593. Tonya Salter (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,594. joe (8/8/08) - FUCK THIS PETITION I KNOW SOMEONE'S GONNA READ THI S! BRETT FAVRE IS A SELFISH SOB WHO SHOULDA STAYED UNRETIRED IF HE WANTED TO PLA Y. 1,595. Sherry Nolle (8/8/08) - I support this petition. It is obvious th at Ted Thompson does not want to put the best possible team on the field. The go al every year should be to get to the SuperBowl now not later....and the best ch ance Green Bay had this year was with Brett. I wonder how Bob Harlan and Ron Wol ff feel about the new management? 1,596. Bill Onarheim (8/8/08) - I support this petition. The new managem ent is running the Packers back into the ground. Fire the lot of them. Good luck Brett. 1,597. Joyce Goode, Wisconsin (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Favre was such a part of Wis. that it is like we've had a death in our family. 1,598. Bob Dodge (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,599. Deb W (8/8/08) - My Packer flag is flying at half-staff and upsid e down until EGO-man is gone!!!!! 1,600. Matt B (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,601. Arthur Hill (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,602. bob ellison (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,603. Dan Maroo (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,604. adam johnson (8/8/08) - What a crock all of management has turned into! 1,605. Laura W. (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,606. Justin Schuttenhelm (8/8/08) - What have they done to the Ron Wol f legacy? Fire this clown. 1,607. Michael Wilson (8/8/08) - I support this petition. The Packers sh ould do it now before he screw up some more. 1,608. rick miller (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,609. Brown Packer (8/8/08) - Telling Packer Fans they were going to br ing the Veteran Favre back and use this "to their advantage" and then not lettin g back in the locker room during family night game was a slap in the face to eve ry packer fan- piss off ted 1,610. Chris Selley (8/8/08) - I support this petition 100% This man mak es horrific decisions and should be held accountable. 1,611. Bernie DeSiena (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,612. Dave (8/8/08) - His ego would fit the cowgirls better than the pa ck. 1,613. jade (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,614. Mark Lange (8/8/08) - TT+EGO=LAST PLACE. And to think only one ga me away from the Super Bowl only 7 months ago. Get ready for QB hell....Don Majk owski, Randy Wright, Mike Tomczak, Blair Kiel, Jerry Tagge, Allan Risher, David Whitehurst, Lynn Dicky, John Hadl, Zeke Bratkowski, Bart Starr. SUNDAY=RAKE LEAV ES/SHOVEL SNOW 1,615. Ray Sandberg (8/8/08) - I support this petition. I have grown up a packer fan. I have never voted for another team in my life but now thanks to t his a$$hole I have been forced to go with the jets. I hope we lose every game th is year so can be fired and we can get a real GM back who is for the fans. 1,616. Bryan J. Applekamp (8/8/08) - I support this petition. I WAS a l ife long Packer fan! 1,617. Chad Tress (8/8/08) - After that slap in the face... 0-16 baby!!! We can do it!! Ba bye Teddy!! 1,618. Brian (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Thompson wanted to make a name for himself with a new team, new QB. What happen to the Parkers being th e peoples team? The fans wanted Favre back, but not Mike or Ted. Why do they sti ll have jobs? Where is the fans, the members who own part of the team? Favre wil l always be remembered as a Packer can we, so what he changed his mind. People c hange minds everyday. Wasn't a 100% sure he was committed....huh sure looks like

it but its for the Jets. I'll miss Brett in the green in gold like most, I wish him the best also. 1,619. nancy l.t. rosenbower (8/8/08) - having grown up with vince, bart , paul horning, etc. i find ted thompson much less than packer. hey, i thought the people that own the pack were the "packer organization". i am embarassed at the swagger used by thompson in his dismissal of favre. - though i must say ra ndy moss was not a loss when it comes to good people. i live in minnesota now a nd i was appalled with moss' behaviors. moss may have been a reasonable player , but his ego and disregard for others is so, so reprehensible. the pack doesn 't need to sell out to cheap tricks so they can maybe win a superbowl. we don' t need no stinkin' creeps on the team. let's win with class. 1,620. forrest a rosenbower (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,621. Scott Keith (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,622. Jamison Hanson (8/8/08) - This petition is the biggest crock of g arbage I've ever seen. Because TT didn't cater to your girlfriend doesn't mean that he should be fired. Would a reasonable person side with Ted's peers, who v oted him Exec of the Year, or more with you fanatics, who forgot that the Packer s are a TEAM. Even Brett realized that the disruption was too much at the end. Now all you ladies want someone to blame. I'll be cheering for the Packers thi s year, and also for Favre out in New York, while the rest of you lament and loo k for any sign to fire Thompson. Are anyone of you qualified to make ANY judgem ent whatsoever of an NFL GM? Don't start in with the "publicly owned" crap, bec ause that just doesn't fly. Your voice isn't heard, because it isn't worth hear ing. Pound that through your weepy skulls, Favre disciples! 1,623. rb (8/8/08) - I support this petition. ted thompson just couldn' t get past the line he drew long ago. he made up his mind then, that brett was not going to come back no matter what. he wants to create his own dynasty. even if aaron rogers leads the league this season, it will not make the packers trea tment of brett right. he deserved an honest welcome back. 1,624. Toni Sabby (8/8/08) - I support this petition. He blew PACKERS c hance for a superbowl bid this year, because he is a stubborn mule. FIRE HIM, A ND all who could have stoppped him!! 1,625. george thompson (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,626. Janet Scott (8/8/08) - I wholeheartedly support this petition. 1,627. Brett Farve (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Ted is the bigges t liar in Wisconsin. He lied to me about moss, he lied to me about coming back a nd as i understand, he even lied about not wanting to sign my contract to be tra ded. I love you Wisconsin. Ted and Mike are just liers. I'm not saying boycott t he games just know that both Mike and Ted will lie to you the fans without blink ing an eye. 1,628. Astonished (8/8/08) - It was Murphy's responsibility to look-out for the long-term interests of the team. He could have stopped the entire mess e ven on the 11th hour! Mcarthy was advised to paint Favre as an "emotional wreck and has-been". (I hope he gets a glimpse of the star treatment he's getting in N YC, all the money Favre's making for the Jets, and the excitment that the trade has brought to NYorkers.) His foolish train anology will come to haunt him over and over agian. Ted Thompson just wanted to bury the Ron Wolf legacy...and he di d. We need Packer leaders that have a little vision before these three drive us to the bottom of the NFL! 1,629. Theodore Thompson (8/8/08) - I do not support this petition as it affects me personally. I would ask every one of you to refer to Brett's press c onference yesterday in Cleveland, where he refers to last years team and this ye ars as the most talented he has played on or seen. Well, I guess I done good! 1,630. tom miller (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,631. Deb Pietrangelo (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,632. Jeff Pietrangelo (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,633. Kathy Week (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,634. Michelle Andrews (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,635. scott vanderloop (8/8/08) - I support this petition. fire tt now 1,636. diana Kraus-anderson (8/8/08) - I support this petition. This sta

in brought to GB is unconscionable. 1,637. robert r. reeves (8/8/08) - I love the GBP, but TT and his pathet ically poor leadership skills must go. 1,638. David Williams (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,639. Michelle Palmateer (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,640. john (8/8/08) - Fire Mark and Ted both. 1,641. joe (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,642. Eric Bakken (8/8/08) - Vince Lombardi would be ashamed of this ma n and his work. The Packer Nation wants him GONE! 1,643. Steve Gribble (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted Thomps on!! 1,644. Nikki (8/8/08) - I am and always will be a Green Bay fan, I will route the Packers team on this year, but the decisons that the head office made are not excusable. The point of playing is to get to the Super Bowl, we could ha ve done that with Brett!! Ted Thompson needs to be fired, he will never live thi s down. And to Brett, I wish him luck, he will always be a Green Bay Packer!! 1,645. Joe Herrig (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,646. Brian (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,647. Sandi R (8/8/08) - I support this petition. How can he look in th e mirror knowing he traded Brett! 1,648. Sandi R (8/8/08) - I support this petition. How can he look in th e mirror knowing he traded Brett! 1,649. LC (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,650. Dan Devine (8/8/08) - I Do NOT support this petition. Ted is maki ng me look good. 1,651. Robert Bobich (8/8/08) - I support this petition.The 3 stooges ha ve embarassed the once proud organization and made them the laughing stock of th e NFL.It's a sad day in Packer History. 1,652. Phoebe (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,653. Chad Pennington (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,654. Chad Pennington (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,655. Maggie C. (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Thompson must go. 1,656. al brown (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,657. Joe Nameth (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,658. Rachel (8/8/08) - GB ticket holders, you should all buy #4 Jet Je rseys and wear them to the 1st home game against the Vikings! That outta make ma nagment look like the Laughing Stock of GB & THE NFL !!!!!! {{{{ Go Brett the Jet }}}} 1,659. LAURI CLOPE (8/8/08) - Get rid of Thompson before he gives away t he statues of Curly and Vince! He is an idiot! 1,660. LAURI CLOPE (8/8/08) - Get rid of Thompson before he gives away t he statues of Curly and Vince! He is an idiot! 1,661. LAURI CLOPE (8/8/08) - Get rid of Thompson before he gives away t he statues of Curly and Vince! He is an idiot! 1,662. Steve Bishop (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,663. Mike Olson (8/8/08) - I support this petition. So much for loyal ty. Thompson is an idiot. 1,664. shari (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,665. christina langdon (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,666. Matt Van Grinsven (8/8/08) - Fire Thompson, Murphy, and Mccarthy. 1,667. Gleo Huyck (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,668. Jason Fredrick (8/8/08) - screw ted thompson 1,669. Nick (8/8/08) - Get rid of that Fool 1,670. Eric Moss (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,671. Aaron Meyers (8/8/08) - I support this petition. People think I'm a douchebag, but I'm practically a saint compared to Ted Thompson. 1,672. Christopher (8/8/08) - Offering Favre $20 million to not show up in Green Bay is an act of sabotage. Anyone who supported this should be fired. 1,673. mark (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,674. Toni Pawlowsky (8/8/08) - I support this petition.

1,675. TT c (8/8/08) - I support Ted Thompson. Does that count? 1,676. Denise K. Anderson-Coes (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,677. Johnathan Friess (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Ted are you dumb? If I did something this dumb I would be fired at work! 1,678. randy spaude (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,679. Steve Shaw (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Mike McCarthy: "B rett is only 1 of 80." Bull!...He was the face of the franchise. Fire the 3 stoo ges. 1,680. james blank (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,681. PACKER PAUL (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,682. terry larson (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,683. Nathan kozak (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,684. Wayne Nelson (8/8/08) - I support this petition. Brett Favre has been the heart and soul of Green Bay and deserved to be treated better than he w as. Fire the 3 idiots that let him go. I won't support the Packers again until t hey are gone. 1,685. Vanessa Nelson (8/8/08) - I support this petition. I have been a fan for almost 50 years. Brett made the Packers SO much fun to watch, and we l ove him. I am now a Jet's supporter, and won't support the Packers until the cu rrent coach/management are fired! 1,686. scott zimmermann (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,687. jennifer zimmermann (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,688. Ted T. (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,689. Slawman (8/8/08) - I support this petition. If the Packers falte r this year, Ted should lose his job just like a player who has underperformed! 1,690. Jackie (8/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,691. ted the man (8/9/08) - I would like the poeple of green bay I hav e sobered up since my press comference and I um have as er much respect for um y ou um as I have for um Brett.Oh hell my pr man left, fire my ass 1,692. Steph (8/9/08) - I support this petition. thompson is an idiot! 1,693. Diana (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,694. Bob Baldwin (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,695. Bill Sincere (8/9/08) - I support this petition. I will not feel the same for the Packers until Ted and his yes men are gone!!!! 1,696. Sandra Johnson (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,697. Chris Walker (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,698. Tim Smith (8/9/08) - the three stooges(mccarthy,murphy,thompson) all need to be fired!!!!! 1,699. Marlene Machut (8/9/08) - I support this petition. He's a jackas s that must be psychotic to have thought this would be accepted by the Packer fa ns. Take McCarthy with him -- he is just doing what TT wants to save his own bu tt. Get rid of him, the sooner the better to repair and save the hallowed Packe rs organization's reputation. Unfortunately, the biggest sin of all, pushing Br ett out, can no longer be reversed, but we can get rid of this cancer before it totally kills the organization for ever. 1,700. christine (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,701. Ron &Margaret Witt (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,702. steve (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,703. briana (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,704. mike v (8/9/08) - go jets 1,705. jason (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,706. angie (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,707. cindy (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,708. theresa (8/9/08) - Ted hope you are a pompous ass 1,709. brandy (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,710. Richard Neuville (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,711. Paul Neuendorf (8/9/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is more concerned with credit for building a team than with giving that team the best chance to win. He's given the best team in football a black eye and he ne eds to go.

1,712. Gerri L. Hanthorn (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,713. Todd Thomas (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,714. Rachel Zellmer (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,715. Marty Maule (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,716. Brent Huppert (8/9/08) - I can't believe what a horrible media ev ent this turned into. The Packers coaching and management staff have only one g oal, when it all boils down, to win the Super Bowl. What are the odds of doing that with Aaron Rodgers versus Brett Favre? Base the decisions on facts, not fe elings. Ted lied, Mark Murphy lied, plain and simple. 1,717. B Cook (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,718. Thomas Boyd (8/9/08) - I support this petition. Two words sum it up <HIS EGO!!!!> 1,719. Selina Toonen (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,720. Kathleen (8/9/08) - I support this petition. Former Wisconsinite living in Green Bay. 1,721. Garyd (8/9/08) - Hopefully the last people to board the train wil l be Ted, Mike and Mark. Go Brett!!! 1,722. Christine Edwards (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,723. mike s. (8/9/08) - I typically don't comment on blogs, but I have to right now. This is directed at every one of you so called Packer fans that i s happy with the fact that the Packers sh*t on the greatest Packer ever and slam med the door in his face long before any of this stuff in the media. I am goin g to drop some knowledge right now, so just shut up and listen: As we all know, Ari Fleischer is now on the Packers payroll. Do we all remember Ari Fleischer? Yes, that s right, he s one of the main players in the selling of the war in Iraq to the gullible American public based on information that they knew was false. Not going to dive into that. But, think about one of the main tactics they used whe n selling the war: discrediting and disparaging anyone, and I mean anyone, who s poke out against them. So, don t you find it at least interesting that every story that has leaked from the Packers side has made Favre look bad? Oh, that s just coin cidence you say. Well let me go here. In this whole stupid saga, which side real ly had more to lose based on how this was viewed in the public eye? Favre? I thi nk not. He simply wanted to play football. He admitted to retiring early, and, a s always, he took the blame for this. Even though we know now that he was pressu red into that decision. His legacy as the greatest Green Bay Packer to ever play the game, and one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play the game, is intact forever, no matter how he plays in NY. He has been open and honest, just he was for 16 years. Remember that? For 16 years you all loved Favre because he was an open, honest, down-to-earth guy who wore his heart on his sleeve. Oh, but all o f the sudden he s a cry baby whiner? Really? So for 16 years he was fooling the wo rld. Wow, maybe he should go into acting while he s in NY. Okay, now what about th e Packer organization? Um, yeah! Think about it. These people knew that they wan ted Brett gone, and they knew how to make it happen. They would give him no indi cation that th 1,724. Rob Aerts (8/9/08) - I support this petition. Whole heartedly 1,725. shirley kocovsky (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,726. Mike &amp; Sue Lovell (8/9/08) - I support this petition. GO JETS !!!!!! 1,727. Glorianne Neuville (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,728. tom lepp (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,729. john hill (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,730. Garrett Haise (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,731. Kevin Magee (8/9/08) - I support this petition.TT needs to go,.. so do the m&m's 1,732. Thad Johnson (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,733. Kevin Rood (8/9/08) - Way to go trading away the greatest player in franchise history all because your ego can not be contained within the confin es of Lambeau Field. Every dead Packers legend is rolling in their grave right now. I support this petition. 1,734. Thad Johnson (8/9/08) - For those that are saying this is just "b

usiness".....keep in mind that the idea of "business" means NOT getting rid of y our greatest asset. How did this dope get here? You're an absolute embarrassment to the fans, the Packer franchise, and the legacy of the Packers. Anyone who fo llows NASCAR will remember when Teresa Earnhardt stiff-armed Dale Jr. at contrac t time last year. Keep in mind Dale Jr. has been voted the most popular driver i n the sport the last 4 or 5 years. She let Jr. go, because of her greed involvin g ownership at DEI. Now Teresa can't hardly get drivers or sponsorship at Dale E arnhardt Inc. Teresa is running Dale Sr's company into the ground because of her greed and it is a total shame. Now we have Thompson doing the same thing to the Packers. I'm absolutely ashamed of Packer management. I will watch again went T hompson is fired. This stupid decision will paralize the organization for awhile . Go Jets. 1,735. Jim Jenkins (8/9/08) - What?! Fire Thompson?! He just secured us the #1 pick in the 2009 draft, I would think we should be a LITTLE bit grateful. 1,736. Lou Neshak (8/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,737. Justin Brett (8/9/08) - Ted Thompson has ruined the Packers. HO W DARE HE TREAT BRETT FARVE THIS WAY. Who does Thompson think he is? Letting g o of Mike Wahle and Marco Rivera...pretty idodic. Thompson has been trying to r un Farve out for years. DItto about Ari Fleisher. This lying scumbug sob is ex actly the one who helped sell the war in Iraq and apologize for the Bush crime f amily. Fleisher should be tried with the rest of the Bush Administration as war criminals. I support this petition. 1,738. Brian Stanley (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,739. megan miller (8/10/08) - OFF WITH HIS HEAD! 1,740. chase gallaway (8/10/08) - I support this petition. TED is a fuck ing idiot for letting a fucking legend go. Im a packers fan and I hope Rodgers F UCKING is a FLOP Cause FAVRE didnt desirve this.. FUCK YOU TED 1,741. Jon Oldenburg (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,742. Sheryln Colter (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,743. marc artrider (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,744. Kelly George (8/10/08) - I support this petition. Wht a dummy!!!! !!!!!!!!! 1,745. tim white (8/10/08) - I support this petition.we need him more in chicsgo where he can really help the pack get rid of taht coach, too 1,746. Michael Steinmetz (8/10/08) - I support this petition. Fire TT no w!! Its obsurd to pass up a talent like Randy Moss! 1,747. mike b (8/10/08) - I think mike and ted forgot that green bay won some games last year because of the play of brett, i know teams win games, with that being said brett makes guys around him better. green bay will be licky to win 7 games this year. 1,748. Bryan Beasley (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,749. Anthony Noll (8/10/08) - He has destroyed the Packers, their uni queness in football, the fans, and the organization. 1,750. marc engle (8/10/08) - I live in pa heard about this from a frien d in green bay,I'm amazed at the total disregard shown to one of the biggest nam es in the nfl 1,751. Renee Baumgardner (8/10/08) - I agree completely. 1,752. Erin Abitz (8/10/08) - I agree completely. 1,753. Josh Noll (8/10/08) - I agree 100% 1,754. Jessica Noll (8/10/08) - NEW MANAGEMENT NEEDED! 1,755. ted t (8/10/08) - 1755 and counting come on people we can do bett er contact everyone u know to sign, hopefully this will make it the packer offic es somehow. 1,756. Dennis L (8/10/08) - I back the Pack I don't back the management, I agree with all the comments about the assholes 1,757. bernard m (8/10/08) - why any who is a packer fan would back ted is a brainwashed zombie who are ignoring the facts 1,758. SHILOH DEBAUCH (8/10/08) - get him thye hell out of here and find a way to get favre back!!!!!!! 1,759. Nick SImon (8/10/08) - I support this petition.

1,760. KJB KJB (8/10/08) - I will alway be a Packer fan, some idiot and I do mean IDIOT!!!(Thompson) in the Packers front office won't stop that. But I do have a new favorite AFC team GO JETS!!! As for Aaron Rodgers, don't blame him , he just wants to play like Favre does, blame the people that make the dumbest decision in a franshises history. 1,761. Sisto Maximo (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,762. Julie C (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,763. jerry b (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,764. christian olson (8/10/08) - I support this petition and the firin g of McCarthy and Murphy. Getting rid of the team's finest player is lunacy. R odgers has only proven he can hold a clipboard and the tendency to get injured. 1,765. brio kelley (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,766. Amber DeCleene (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,767. Pamela Celesnik (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,768. Vince Brooks (8/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,769. Chris Martin (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,770. christina watson (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,771. Jeni Jacoby (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,772. Kurt Manske (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,773. Paul Schubring (8/11/08) - Fire all 3 of these morons. Thompson, Murphy, and McCarthy must go. Get some people who know Green Bay tradition and k now what it means to stand up and proudly say "I am a Packer fan." 1,774. Christina Shadid (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,775. Lori Carpenter (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,776. Mindy Sackett (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,777. Tona Moore (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,778. Sharon De Falco (8/11/08) - Ted is an embarrassment to shareholde rs and a disgrace to our beloved team. 1,779. Paul Jones (8/11/08) - Get the pitchforks out and Run the Rat out of town! 1,780. Annette K (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,781. Mary M (8/11/08) - I support this petition. Did you read the art icle on JSonline today? AR did all things right in the off season - such as hav e team functions at his home! My gosh - they've spent a lot of time grooming hi m & all off-season. Fire Thompson & Murphy. I bet McCarthy looks for another j ob - he can't be happy his ticket to a winning season was not allowed back, he d id not look happy in the press conference 1,782. RICKY B (8/11/08) - FIRE THE FOOL 1,783. mary carol (8/11/08) - I support this petition. Ted, your only jo b is to put the best players on the field...goodbye, turn in your key! 1,784. william nommensen (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,785. Tim Raether (8/11/08) - Get rid of him 1,786. Margie Getchel (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,787. NEIL DORNER (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,788. john waters (8/11/08) - i support the firing of the man who ruine d the only untouchable thing in sports 1,789. gerry siemens (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,790. douglas woodeen (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,791. alex S (8/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,792. Nancy Nielsen (8/11/08) - I have been a packer fan all my life an d I am a Brett Favre fan also. Ted needs to get canned as soon as possible. I ha ve bought my new Jets jersey and I will wear it proudly. 1,793. Camille Talia (8/11/08) - I support this petition. I think Ted T hompson's ego is bigger than the heart of the team's best interest. He must go! For now on ,its bad blood.It is so on! 1,794. Matt Busky (8/12/08) - I support this petition. I am sending thi s link to all packer fans that I know and to the Board of Directors. 1,795. jim simpson (8/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,796. Mary Fagan (8/12/08) - Rid the Packers of TT the sooner the bette

r. 1,797. neil swanson (8/12/08) - Ted Thompson is a beady eyed rat 1,798. dave finger (8/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,799. Tim Kelley (8/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,800. brandon stokes (8/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,801. nick strebig (8/12/08) - ted is a good gm turn a team that sherma n ran into the ground into a contender! packers will be 11-5 this year. (with a harder schedual then last year) jets will be 7-9. GO RODGERS! 1,802. Joseph Lovell (8/12/08) - I support this petition. what he is doi ng is notin the teem best interast or the fans that are supost to own the them 1,803. bruce p (8/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,804. David Woodward (8/12/08) - I support this petition. Fire both Tho mpson and McCarthy NOW! 1,805. ally Curry (8/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,806. E Muccini (8/12/08) - I support this petition. Indeed I support this peition, the three stooges should be tared and feathered. How will they sp in Rogers on the sideline in October with a injury or just bad play? Maybe they will say that "Aaron is just not in the right mindset" 1,807. J B (8/12/08) - What a bunch of idiots. Wanting to to fire the b est GM this team has ever had. The GM that finialy got rid of the egotistical p rima donna that through away every big game since Holmgren left. 1,808. Cassie K (8/12/08) - Hey JB - First of all, do you really think T hompson is better than Ron Wolf? Secondly, if you are going to make an ignorant statement regarding recent playoff least spell it correctly - Favre d idn't "through" away the games - he *threw* them away. After all, I guess 4th an d 26 and Al Harris's poor attempts at covering Plaxico Burress were all Brett's fault... 1,809. Peter Fourness (8/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,810. Jon Peterson (8/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,811. Dan &amp; Kathy Butterfield, Ed Adler Butterfield (8/12/08) - Wha t happened to fair competition in putting the best players at each position on t he field? Guess what? It isn't Aaron's Brett Favre for at least t wo years. TT you have embarrassed us long enough. 1,812. J Hegerman (8/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,813. Alexa Larsen (8/13/08) - you took away something that wasnt yours to take. you took away our best super bowl chance; you took away someone we've looked up to and loved like family for 16 years; you took away memories, dreams, and hopes. you damaged the most respected team in NFL history. you broke our he arts. your obligation is to the green bay packers and their world class fans, no t your own ego. i have NEVER been more disappointed or brokenhearted. the tough years pale in comparison to this. the least you could have done was shown some r espect to the man who brought back the organization, gave up 16 years for this t eam, played through injuries, heartache, and devastation, who retired early in a n attempt to protect the organization from what would happen if he wasnt ready t o play come fall, rather than just taking the $11 million and hoping he would be ready. you owe brett favre, the packers, and titletown a HUGE apology. and then you should be run out of town just the way you drove out the best player in fra nchise history. enjoy your tainted legacy. 1,814. robert conklin (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,815. Glenn Greil (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,816. gary Lewison (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,817. Doris Duchac (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,818. Andy Hare (8/13/08) - I support firing the idiot who made this pe tition. Rodgers is the future, cry over Favre all day...he's gone, great decisio n to stick up for this franchise's future. Ted Thompson is the man in Green Bay. Go root for your Jets. Two shares of stock - two votes for the GM! 1,819. MAUREEN NORMAN (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,820. Portia David (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,821. David Heraly (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,822. Grant Noakes (8/13/08) - I support this petition without question

!!!!!!!!!!! 1,823. Ken Winter (8/13/08) - I support this petition. I'll always back the Pack. Aaron was going to take over eventually so we have to support him. H OWEVER, what Ted and Mike did was reprehensible. Even if the Pack go to the Sup er Bowl, you don't treat the greatest QB in Packer history that way. 1,824. Francis Karel (8/13/08) - I support this petition.BIG TIME! What a breath of fresh air to see 1827, an growing, TRUE Packer fans who aren't swoon ed by the P/G lapdog sports scribes! They put up a poll for readers to rate the Packers play in the 1st of their 20 coming losses for the year. I couldn't vote because the choices didn't go low enough!! Yeah, "Woof" Murph (the puppy dog),"C hopper TT (the hatchetman),& "Porky"MM(the waterboard dude) need to go. They hav e successfully turned a Favre-led TEAM into a no-leader COLLECTION!! Confusion r eigned supreme at Lambeau for the pre-season opener. It wasn't even good high sc hool play..not even Pop Warner! Please..may Providence take a Devine hand and re store Titletown to "idletown". What a disgrace "the board" has invited by search ing out and hiring such a pitiful set of IMPORTS! "They" passed over Gil Brandt, John Wied, Wolf the younger, even Holmgren, Packer stalwarts all. Then "They" e mbellished the rot by allowing, without a whimper, the Favre carnage. How can th ey go around town with their face hanging out? So, who's gonna pay any heed to these petitions? Can you believe this "board"? Wow. 1,825. dan kijner (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,826. s k (8/13/08) - I support this petition. I hope this petition has someone take notice. I would not have been so eager to see him go if they weren 't so John Edwards like in the lying about it all. 1,827. doug brandau (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,828. shawn heiser (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,829. jake neuman (8/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,830. Jason Miner (8/14/08) - Fire the bum. He let Favre go and now he needs to go! 1,831. Les Hoiberg (8/14/08) - I support this petition. 1,832. dennis woodward (8/14/08) - I support this petition. Fire the jac k a$$ 1,833. Jeff Wayland (8/14/08) - I support this petition. 1,834. SiCC SiCC (8/14/08) - I support this petition. 1,835. Joe CARUFEL (8/14/08) - I support this petition. 1,836. Barbara Schmidt (8/14/08) - I support this petition. 1,837. michael conrad (8/14/08) - I support this petition. 1,838. Jon Montgomery (8/14/08) - Ted Thompson rules the Packers with th e sole purpose of making sure he looks good and is praised for his wonderful man agement skills. He refused to return Brett's text messages, the same Brett that has been warmly welcomed by the entire state of New York. Brett deserves to be e mployed by an organization that knows what it has and treats him accordingly. Ta king Brett out of the equation, you only need to speak two words that justify th e firing of Ted Thompson. Justin Harrell. Way to pick an injury-prone 1st round draft pick. What a surprise, he's injured again. Quite the prognoticator, aren't you Ted? 1,839. jim manolias (8/15/08) - I support this petition. fire TT,MM,AND ALSO MURPHY. disgusting way to treat a legend and a runner up mvp. he didnt los e the championship game. the coaching staff did.EVER HEAR OF ADJUSTMENTS? thats what halftimes for mccarthy not devouring hot dogs. how the hell do you leave bu rress single covered? no one seems to realize the packers brought this on themse lves by leaving bretts locker in tack forever.why wouldnt brett think they wante d him back.TT always hated favre.they should all rot in hell.classless re them all now!!! 1,840. Brian Harris (8/15/08) - I support this petition. 1,841. Jane Arnold (8/15/08) - I support this petition. 1,842. Love Favre (8/15/08) - I support this petition. 1,843. charles Elser (8/15/08) - I support this petition. Run the M.F. out of GB. I hope he dies of cancer and dies slowly and painfully and his wife a nd kids get to watch. The f...prick. die for what you did. Hot dog boy is next b

ut his kids die first and he watches! 1,844. Tammy Ording (8/16/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted Thom pson NOW before more damage is done to our team! Brett put his blood, sweat, an d tears into Green Bay. I totally support Brett!!! 1,845. gordon vick (8/16/08) - Just watched Brett playing his first game with the Jets. I got this feeling in my gut just like when i saw my now ex-wif e screwing the guy next door. Thanks TT you MFing Idiot!!!!!!!!! you robbed us a ll of a couple more years of a TRUE football player. I dont care what AR s not the point we wanted to see a legend one more time its that simple you moro n.I will not after watching the Pack for 40+ years support them till the three s tooges are gone. 1,846. Stephen Ganschow (8/16/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompso n is a moron. After tonight's horrid display - I'd like to hear him come out one more time and say "Aaron Rogers (career back up) is our guy!" I'll still be wat ching the Pack - I'm no fair weather fan - but my good buddy Brett still has my eye. At least he scored a TD tonight! 1,847. Jeff Erickson (8/17/08) - I support this petition. What an idiot . 1,848. jo jo k (8/17/08) - I support this petition. 1,849. Julie Nolte (8/17/08) - I support this petition. 1,850. Justin Rebarchek (8/17/08) - I support this petition. 1,851. Maggie Donahue (8/17/08) - I support this petition!!!!! Run TT, M M, and Murphy out of town on the now-infamous train on which they deserted Favre . 1,852. Fred Carpenter (8/19/08) - I support this petition. I grew up in Milwaukee and have been a Packer fan for over 40 yrs. I've never been so embarr assed by Packer management! 1,853. carlos villan (8/19/08) - I support this petition. 1,854. alan wylie (8/20/08) - I support this petition. 1,855. DARLENE SANDMANN (8/21/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompso n needs to be gone. You do not treat a legend like he did Brett. Brett deserve s so much better for everything he has done for The Packers, Wisconsin and the N FL - Let him be known as "The guy who traded Brett and got fired for it!!" 1,856. DIANE GOLETTO (8/21/08) - I support this petition. Ted must go no w. I 1,857. Leanndra Haro (8/21/08) - I support this petition. Ted never like d Brett to start with. Brett is a class act something Ted could never be. I say fire all 3 stooges. McCarthy is a back stabber and is almost as bad as Thompson. Even though I have been a Packers fan for 30 yrs, I can not in all honesty root for them now with the horrible mgmt they have now. Will be somewhat rewarding t o see them flop. 1,858. Otto Stephens (8/21/08) - I support this petition. The Packers l oss is the the Jets gain. Thompson is such an idiot. How can you GB people stand him? Run him out of town and the other 2 with him. Go Jets, we love you Brett a nd always will. 1,859. Gary Glander (8/22/08) - I support this petition. Packers go 133 and they dont want Bret back. I hope the Packers go 0-16 and Favre has a great year. GO JETS! 1,860. james cecire (8/23/08) - I support this petition.i agree get rid of the three amigoes. send them back to mexico where ther is still dictatorship maybe too cubia castro would love them then maybe even execute them. 1,861. roni g (8/24/08) - I support this petition. 1,862. jerry neilson (8/24/08) - go jets 1,863. tom hughes (8/30/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson has no right to push out a legend and has no respect for any veterens. 1,864. Bobby olson (9/1/08) - I support this petition. He just released john ryan and let go a legend for rodgers please get him outta office 1,865. mike denicola (9/2/08) - I support this petition. 1,866. Brad Hoernke (9/3/08) - I support this petition. 1,867. Amanda Douglass (9/3/08) - tt resign you fucking brett favre sell

out!!!!!!!! 1,868. Brad Booth (9/3/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is ma king some pretty risky decisions. Trade Brett Favre, Cut Abdul Hodge, Not sign a veteran backup QB. Eat shit Ted. 1,869. Geoffrey Bailey (9/7/08) - I support this petition. He's i jackas s 1,870. Heidi Ramsey (9/7/08) - Who pushes Brett Favre out for Aaron Rodg ers?? Idiot!!!! 1,871. Scotti Wenz (9/7/08) - I support this petition. Screw Ted! 1,872. Scott Cheese (9/7/08) - I support this petition. F*ck you Ted Co c*sucker! 1,873. John Kirkeeng (9/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,874. Ryun Bibro (9/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,875. Ed Przybyla (9/8/08) - I support this petition. The sooner the be tter. He has already descimated our team. It will take years to recover. I know. I've been here before. 1,876. Greg Bruchman (9/8/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted Thomps on! 1,877. Leslee Schneider (9/8/08) - I support this petition. 1,878. garrett glen (9/14/08) - I support this petition. 1,879. Kristina Lema (9/15/08) - I support this petition. 1,880. Julie Klacan (9/19/08) - I support this petition. 1,881. Merne Asplund (9/28/08) - I support this petition. What are you thinking going into an NFL season with 2 rookies and Aaron Rodgers? Rodgers got hurt today against the Bucs...what is to come now Ted? Hopefully its your pink slip. 1,882. Dale Weinke (9/28/08) - I support this petition. 1,883. Blakk Heim (9/28/08) - Just think if Favre had Driver and Jenning s instead of the Jet's recievers in the way he's playing this year :O. I support this petition. 1,884. Robert Graves (9/28/08) - Everyone needs to fwd this page to ever y packer fan they know! Ted should have been fired before he ran Favre out of town! It will down as the worst move in sports history. You don't trade your mvp franchise player. Insane move, FU ted! 1,885. Jeff Thoma (9/29/08) - Ted Thompson has been trying for years to run Favre out of town. He knew that if the Packers ever got to the superbowl wi th Favre, he wouldn't get the credit. He fancies himself the next coming of Ron Wolf. Well guess what Thompson, you got your wish. We went from a team with o ne of the strongest quarterbacking groups in the NFL to the least experienced. I suspect we will begin to see over the next several weeks how inexperienced we really are. Great job teddy, you suck! The only good news is, you have to live with your decision. I can't wait until they day they run your arrogant ass out of town! Good Luck Brett and congratulations on a career high 6 TD's in a game ! (BTW - that is as many as Rogers has after 4 games!) 1,886. Lyndsey Jones (9/29/08) - I support this petition. 1,887. Mary Jo Gagnon (9/29/08) - I support this petition. 1,888. kevin thomas (9/29/08) - I support this petition. 1,889. KellytheSinger s (9/29/08) - Good to know others feel how I do ab out this guy....I support this petition. 1,890. George C (9/29/08) - One need not have a degree in Physics to pre dict that this was going to happen....I said as much two months ago.....This sea son is only 1/4 over, and already the meltdown has begun....How I wish Brett was still our quarterback!!! Mr. Thompson's decision will certainly go down as one of the worst (if not the worst) in Packer history....You don't trade a Mercedes (even a 39-year old one) for a Yugo! 1,891. Todd Kryzanski (9/29/08) - I support this petition. 1,892. p dog (9/29/08) - fire TT! 1,893. Robert Hambly (9/29/08) - Dump the "3 Stooges". 1,894. mike wiggins (9/29/08) - I support this petition. 1,895. joe jackman (9/29/08) - Ted you f*******ing idiot I predicted 6-1

0 when you dumped BF. China Rodgers is now breaking we all said this when you ra n a MVP QB out of town. The packers could sell tickets for your hanging. How's A ri the spin doctor going to lie your way out now. A 12 year old kid could have e xplained the risk going into a season with a piece of glass QB and 2 rookie's Id iots of the century award for you Ted,Mark and mark. 1,896. Al Lamb (9/29/08) - Ted Thompson makes Matt Millen look like Ron Wolf. Hopefully Thompson has a seat on the outbound train next to Millen. 1,897. gregory owen (9/29/08) - I support this petition. 1,898. John Miller (9/30/08) - Come on everyone.Why would TT get a back up QB to Rodgers. Rodgers never gets hurt right? Now if Brett threw for 7 Td's yesterday I could see we should have kept him, but only 6 td's... not good enou gh. TT is an idiot!!!!! 1,899. Jack reinhart (9/30/08) - I support this petition. 1,900. Daniel Dischler (10/1/08) - I support this petition. 1,901. David Bergum (10/1/08) - I support this petition. 1,902. Shannon Cloke (10/2/08) - I support this petition. 1,903. Jill McNamer (10/2/08) - I support this petition. 1,904. Person With A Life (10/2/08) - What a bunch of douchebags. Do yo u think Brett cries as much as all of you do? If so, does he use $12mil tissues to dry his eyes? 1,905. Ed Smelser (10/3/08) - Ted Thompson you are an idiot who is now s tuck with damaged goods in Aaron Rodgers.You should have stuck with Brett Favre, the iron man of all nfl quarterbacks.I hope you enjoyed BF highlights while your boy is injured. 1,906. Bradley Hoernke (10/4/08) - Mark Murphy should be fired for auth orization of Thompsons lobotomy and McMcarthys castration. 1,907. jerome frizzelle (10/5/08) - I support this petition. 1,908. johnny brickmeyer (10/5/08) - 2-3 send thompson on a train out of town.what a idiot!!!! 6-10 at best cant beat Falcons at home with a rookie QB. Whats the excuse this week? Pad level too high? injuries? etc etc. Ill tell you whats wrong TT mm sold out a player that gave his all to the pack and dont thin k for a moment the rest of the team didnt see it. I say suit up the three stoogi es and put them on D line and get their brains bashed in. Ill buy a ticket to se e that. and all you TT lovers and BF haters you can play too. most of the loud m ouths on these sights either never played the game or havent a clue.China rodger s is a piece of glass!!!! 1,909. Jeremiah Boughton (10/5/08) - I support this petition. 1,910. Tim McCormick (10/6/08) - I support this petition. 1,911. eric sunstrom (10/6/08) - I support this petition. 1,912. ras souljah (10/6/08) - I support this petition. 1,913. Nathan Dutcher (10/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted is a idio t, lets hire Dick Vemeil as GM, would be awesome baby, GO PACK!! 1,914. Paul Van Lanen (10/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,915. Jill Schroeder (10/7/08) - I support this petition. 1,916. Jan Mandel (10/8/08) - I support this petition. Ted shows no com munication skills, is to one sided in building a team through draft only, made s ome critical errors affecting defense & offensive lines, 2 rookie back ups at OB and of course how he mis-handled Brett, he's rolling to many dices...he's gotta go.... 1,917. Kevin Smith (10/8/08) - I support this petition. Getting rid of a legend that can still play, for a fragile decent qb who cant last 5 games, let alone a season, cannot be forgiven. 1,918. Zack Sigmund (10/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,919. Harry Delcambre (10/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,920. Clay Bucher (10/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,921. Jon Ryan (10/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,922. Tracy White (10/9/08) - I support this petition. 1,923. Brian Rasch (10/10/08) - I support this petition. 1,924. brian Kuikman (10/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,925. Terence Jannke (10/12/08) - I support this petition.

1,926. Harlan Laws (10/12/08) - Fire him!!! TT and MM would have probabl y traded Babe Ruth too. And those qb sneaks at the goal line with a injured qb prove Arod is not ready! Go Fuk yourself. TT and MM 1,927. Bob Kenney (10/14/08) - Get your fire Ted Thompson shirt at cafep ress. com/popculturehumor/6077887 1,928. Josh Mayhew (10/15/08) - I support this petition. And now he refu ses to trade a 2nd rounder for the greatest tight end of all time, Tony Gonzalez ...GET OUT OF TOWN TED!!!!!! 1,929. Nicholas Rentmeester (10/16/08) - micheal turner, randy moss, bre tt farve, and tony gonlazezs could all be wearing green and gold right now 1,930. Steve Smith (10/24/08) - I support this petition. Thompson...You lose! 1,931. a 1xfan (11/2/08) - I support this petition. 1,932. Julia Reynold (11/3/08) - I can't believe it. Now TT & the 2 M&M s have let KGB go and signed Rogers to a 6 year contract. Unbelievable. When a re the shareholders going to wake up and fire TT & the 2 M&Ms? 1,933. jj fad (11/9/08) - I support this all your draft pick s suck. 1,934. Matt Jacobus (11/10/08) - FIRE HIM NOW!!!!!!! 1,935. Terri Whealen (11/10/08) - Ted Thompson sucks! He just wants his own regime with Rogers. Brett is Wolf's find and Thompson hates it. He'll nev er be a Ron Wolf!! 1,936. Aaron Gochee (11/11/08) - I support this petition. Fire him NOW! 1,937. Joe Post (11/11/08) - I support this petition. It's impossible n ot to see how it is Thompson, not Favre who is putting himself and his own aspir ations above the best interests of the team and their fans. 1,938. scott henry (11/11/08) - I support this petition. 1,939. Henry schoenborn (11/12/08) - Just lost to Vikes,keep giving the one year wonders and unproven players big money,The good players busting their butts will be hurt. We could have Tony G,Randy moss and others for the money TT is trowing away on unprovens Hell Brett said he would have played for free.Your ego TT just cost us a chance at a SB this year now maybe we will get a high draf t pick. Thats what you really like anyway.TT you are the biggest dumb azz moron in pro sports History!!!!!! 1,940. Hauke Adam (11/12/08) - I support this petition. 1,941. jim larson (11/13/08) - I support this petition. 1,942. Nichole Jahnsen (11/13/08) - I support this Petition. 1,943. Kevin Abplanalp (11/13/08) - Last year the Jets were at the botto m of their division and the Packers were in the NFCCG. This year, to date, the J ets are 7-3 and are #1 in the East. The Packers are 4-5 and in 3rd place. What c hanged for both teams? Good call Ted! 1,944. David Walsh (11/14/08) - Ted Thompson is rubbish. Packers wont b e playing in the playoffs this year while the New York Brets are doing just fine . Hmmmm... 1,945. peter zimmermann (11/14/08) - Ted only cares about Ted. He think s with his ego not his head. Its all about Ted. Who in there right mind woul d let a MVP QB and have an unproven QB start. What an idiot. Better start warm ing the tar and get a bag of feathers. Run Ted out of town!! Go brett!! go Jet s!!! 1,946. Brian Johnson (11/14/08) - I still can't believe somwhere in TT's brain he concluded that in order to get over the hump into the Super Bowl was t o dump their future hall of fame QB!!! Look at all the teams in the league who have "great" QB's that just dont pan out. Sitting with a known commodity the id iot rolls the dice. TERRIBLE 1,947. tyler nuss (11/14/08) - I support this petition. 1,948. Andy Kennard (11/14/08) - I support this petition. 1,949. Jeff grotjahn (11/14/08) - I support this petition. 1,950. Mike Marano (11/14/08) - I do not support this petition. You peop le are retarded. 1,951. John Lukas (11/14/08) - I support this petition. When he failed t

o get Tony Gonzalez, that was it for me. 1,952. Peter Longrod (11/14/08) - I, being of sound mind, can NOT suppor t this idiotic petition. Do you morons actually watch and cheer for the Packers or was it all about Lord Favre? 1,953. Edward Wobensmith (11/14/08) - I support this petition completely . 1,954. tim cochran (11/15/08) - I support this petition. 1,955. Chris Brown (11/16/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted Thomps on, he is corrupting this franchise. 1,956. Mark Sumner (11/16/08) - He's garbage! 1,957. gerald d (11/16/08) - I support this petition. 1,958. cynthia b (11/16/08) - I support this Petition. 1,959. Kaarin Gust (11/19/08) - I support this petition. Ted needs to go . He is no longer making decisions in the best interest of the Green Bay Packers . He doesn't deserve to be their GM. Then we have to find a GM who will bring Br ett back. 1,960. charles entringer (11/21/08) - I support this petition. 1,961. Stephen Colwell (11/23/08) - I support this petition. 1,962. Abigail Gilsinger (11/23/08) - I support this petition. 1,963. Larry Richardson (11/24/08) - I support this petition. 1,964. Mary Mueller (11/24/08) - I support this petition. 1,965. mark senn (11/24/08) - I support this petition. 1,966. Dan Harnowski (11/24/08) - I support this petition. 1,967. Beth Narloch (11/24/08) - I support this petition 1000%. 1,968. Tyler Franz (11/24/08) - Ted Thompson is awful. 1,969. Brian Schreiber (11/24/08) - I support this petition. 1,970. Mitchel Meton (11/24/08) - I support this petition. 1,971. Sam Breazeale (11/24/08) - My god did you see the Saints game? Th at was tragic, on Monday night at that. How do you let a team with 50 total rush ing yards do nothing but Sandbox Streaks down the field.. top down management, c oaching disaster. 1,972. Jerimiah Nichols (11/24/08) - I support this petition. 1,973. Fresh Trooper (11/24/08) - I support this petition. 1,974. Barry McCockinher (11/24/08) - I support this petition. 1,975. greg adamczak (11/25/08) - I support this petition. 1,976. William A Ferg Jr (11/25/08) - I support this petition. 1,977. Mike Hughes (11/25/08) - FIRE HIM NOW! 1,978. Brad A (11/25/08) - This is the team Ted wanted...Now hes got it. FU TT. 1,979. Brent Kuker (11/25/08) - I support this petition. 1,980. Turd Thompsin SUCKS! (11/25/08) - I hope after seeing last night' s game against the Saints everybody has now sobered up to the reality that Turd Thompsin is completely retarded. But if any of you nutsacks are still blowing hi m, maybe the Pack will lose to Houston and/or Detroit too & change your tiny lit tle mind. 1,981. D Valenti (11/25/08) - Teddy Von-Thompson and his master plan is not working so well it it? I support this petition. 1,982. joel taddes (11/25/08) - I support this petition. 1,983. Bruce Saille (11/25/08) - I support this petition. 1,984. ell saille (11/25/08) - YOU SUCK : ( . 1,985. Scott Parkinson (11/25/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompso n is not the only person that deserves to be fired though. McCarthy should go to o. Terrible draft picks - Harrell, B. Jackson, 2 quarterbacks Brohm, Flynn (only months later to sign Rodgers to an extension Romo-calibur). Then lets talk abou t refusing Randy Moss trades, trading the Greatest Quarterback of all time for a conditional pick, that at best gives you the last pick of the first round, and failing to use millions of cap-space to acquire free agents to help the terrible team. Packers fans: It's time to fire Ted Thompson. I'm only a GM of fantasy football, but I'm certain I know more about putting together a winning team than Ted Thompson. With the Packers sitting at 5-6, and looking up at the Bears and

Vikings, I say - Give him the boot. 1,986. Linda Pelletier (11/25/08) - I support this petition, it's time f or the moron to go. 1,987. Courtney Butzine (11/25/08) - He should have been gone a long tim e ago. 1,988. Troy Dawson (11/25/08) - I support this petition. 1,989. Brenda Smith (11/25/08) - Did you see Thompson at the game last n ight? We was sitting there like a deer in headlights. He is making this time a joke. He didn't want to be remembered as the guy who let Brett Farve go. Not only will he be remembered for that but for also messing up a great football tea m by having 3 interception Rodgers be the driver of the offense. And McCarthy w ill never admit that they made a mistake. So sad for the fans. 1,990. Roger Baxter (11/25/08) - I support this petition. 1,991. Greg Lynch (11/26/08) - I support this petition. GB you were the team America loved to watch. I can't believe you pissed it all away. 1,992. Greg Lynch (11/26/08) - I support this petition. GB you were the team America loved to watch. I can't believe you pissed it all away. 1,993. Jeremiah Johnston (11/26/08) - I support this petition. 1,994. J.J. Moede (11/26/08) - I support this petition. 1,995. Andy Koepel (11/27/08) - I support this petition. 1,996. Laura Sariego (11/27/08) - Da B-o-o-o-t! 1,997. Dan Baggott (11/27/08) - I support this petition. 1,998. Mike Kurtz (11/27/08) - I support this petition. 1,999. Karley Vogt (11/27/08) - I support this petition. 2,000. musa Ghanayem (11/28/08) - I support this petition. 2,001. moira delaney (11/28/08) - I support this petition. FIRE TEDDY! HE IS DESTROYING THE PACKERS!!!!!! 2,002. Adam Dahl (11/30/08) - I support this petition. 2,003. neil cornelius (11/30/08) - I support this Petition. 2,004. Royce Strickland (11/30/08) - I support this petition. 2,005. Colin Smith (11/30/08) - I support this petition. 2,006. Don Ewald (11/30/08) - I support this petition. 2,007. Scott Zarnke (11/30/08) - I absolutely support this petition. 2,008. Austin Gardner Gardner (11/30/08) - I support this petition. from 13-3 and NFC Championship to 5-7. What changed? No Brett. FIRE HIS ASS 2,009. Chelsey Vance (11/30/08) - I support this petition. 2,010. Mary Drayna (11/30/08) - I support this petition. He has to be he ld accountable. 2,011. Karl Stueck (11/30/08) - I completely support this petition. Ted has made some good moves for Green Bay, but just like his work in Seattle the t eam reached its pinnacle last year and came up short. Now things are coming apar t and much of the blame falls to Ted's stubborn pride. He had the money to make moves in the off-season (Alan Faneca to help a poor O-line). Ted, you are a canc er that will only destroy this team if you stay, take that staunch pride of your s and please leave, and while you are going take that puppet Mike McCarthy with you. Both of you are destroying a team adored by many and its too painful to wat ch. I don't want to end up like Detroit (or Seattle for that matter). 2,012. Juano Olveda (11/30/08) - TT your job as GM is to put the best pl ayers on the field possible that will provide a competitive edge to get the team to its goal - which at last count has been the same for the last 43 years - "T he Super Bowl"! Ted do you not know this is what we are playing for? Winning i s about now - not 8 years from now, Ted. McCarthy --- lacking confidence in y our offensive and defensive teams at the 1 yard line = pack your bags buddy. 2,013. Jon Burkhardt (11/30/08) - I support this petition. 2,014. Michael Ries (12/1/08) - I support this petition. 2,015. Gene Chouiniere (12/1/08) - I support this petition. TT has a mi sguided and self-serving agenda to remake the Pack into his own team to create h is own legacy. He has ruined this team in an effort to satisfy his own ego and should be fired immediately. 2,016. Robin Chouiniere (12/1/08) - I support this Petition.

2,017. Brian Engleson (12/1/08) - I support this petition. 2,018. John Cordio (12/2/08) - I support this Petition. 2,019. Mark Zurbuchen (12/2/08) - I support this petition. 2,020. Mark Ernst (12/2/08) - I support this petition. Might as well get rid of McCarthy too. He can't seem to put together a solid offensive plan that balances pass and run. 2,021. Cory Dalmata (12/2/08) - I support this petition. 2,022. John Booker (12/2/08) - I support this petition. 2,023. Steve Klemm (12/3/08) - I support this petition. Thompson has got to go. One bone headed move after another. No key free agents signed or trades for help. Now 5 & 7 much as expected. It's not Aaron's either. 2,024. Will Tester (12/4/08) - Brett Favre has done so much for Green Ba y and the community. To be thrown away like a piece of garbage says alot about T ed Thompson, McCarthy and the Packer organization. 2,025. Ian O'Brien (12/4/08) - Thompson actually did well in the past, drafting rodgers and jennings and trading for grant, but he also made one of the stupidest moves by drafting justin harrell and not taking randy moss. he shoul da kept favre and forgiven him too. the jets could actually go to the super bow l this year. that should be enough to get him fired. 2,026. Heather Wimmer (12/4/08) - I fully support this petition. 2,027. Patti Meintz (12/4/08) - I support this petition. 2,028. Jerry Lemke (12/5/08) - I support this petition.Obviously Teddy i s gay.I think Mr.Rodgers is too and how about Mc Carthy.Nothing against gays but now can you see why he got rid of Brett!!!! 2,029. KELLY KIREILIS (12/5/08) - I support this petition. 2,030. Cliff Clavin (12/6/08) - I support this petition. This man has si ngle-handedly destroyed this team. We should have known when his pick was all bu t laughed at when it was announced. He wasnted Favre gone, well he got his way. And a losing football team to go along with it!!!!! 2,031. James Waters (12/6/08) - I support this petition. 2,032. Seth La Tour (12/7/08) - I support this petition. 2,033. James Carlise (12/7/08) - I support this petition. 2,034. Patrick Steele (12/7/08) - I support this petition. 2,035. William Lange (12/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thomspon made the wrong decision in letting KGB go...the only pass rusher we really had o n the team. Then when he got Derrick Frost as the punter, what was Thompson thi nking? The guy was not that great of a punter. Frost had so many bad punts tha t the opposing teams generally had great field position. He needs to go and hop efully the stock holders in the team will get his ass canned for good. 2,036. Charles Smith (12/7/08) - I support this petition. 2,037. Barb Braunschweig (12/7/08) - I support this petition. 2,038. Matt Gottis (12/7/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson has singlehandedly ruined the Green Bay Packers, by trading the Greatest Quarterbac k to ever to the New York Jets, thus taking a 13-3 team to a sub .500 team!! WHA T A JOKE! FIRE THIS BUM! 2,039. Greg Giese (12/7/08) - I support this petition. 2,040. Jacquelyn Jackson (12/7/08) - I support this petition. 2,041. Tristin Cauwels (12/7/08) - I support this petition. 2,042. Darren Kuhn (12/7/08) - I support this petition. 2,043. Charles Braley (12/7/08) - I support this petition. It's time so meone hold Ted T. and Mike M. accountable for the horrible condition of this tea m and organization. 2,044. Joey DelVecchio (12/7/08) - I support this petition. 2,045. Blake Ostrem (12/7/08) - I support this petition. I know its been less than a year since Favre left but Ted Thompson stupid decisions date back t o when he allowed darren sharper to sign with the vikings..i've hated TT ever si nce 2,046. Tom Bell (12/7/08) - I support this petition. Any business or te am that has leader with an ego will ALWAYS lower morale, and performance. 2,047. nate dopp (12/7/08) - I support this petition. as of today, nothi

ng would make me happier than to see this prick leave. he secretly has it out to destroy the packers franchise, and hes proven that by releasing the greatest pl ayer in nfl history. 2,048. Barry Turnmeyer (12/8/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of h im already. His draft strategy is TERRIBLE and the guy hasn't the slightest clue as to how to manage a team! 2,049. Simon Dewitt (12/8/08) - I support this petition. Get him out. 2,050. dennis cole (12/8/08) - I support this petition. 2,051. Jessica Mattox (12/8/08) - I support this petition. 2,052. Paul Koziol (12/8/08) - I've seen enough. I can no longer sit by and watch our team be distroyed by the EGO's in the front office. Ted Thompson must go! 2,053. Richard Ninmann (12/8/08) - I support this petition. 2,054. L SCHWITZ (12/8/08) - The Pack is community owned, not TT owned let's remind him of that. Fire him now. 2,055. Robert Goetter (12/8/08) - I support this petition. 2,056. Ryan Tonies (12/8/08) - The Packer organization owes it to the f ans, city of Green Bay and myself to dismiss Ted Thompson and MIke McCarthy at s eason's end. There is no conceivable way that either of them should be on the P acker's payroll next season. Ted Thompson is single-handedly ruining this organ ization and this MUST stop. McCarthy is a terrible coach and the proof is in th e pudding; 13-3 team in 2007 to a sub-500 team in 2008 with nearly the same team minus the greatest quarterback of all time! Give Ted and Mike the sack!!!!! 2,057. Grant Offermann (12/8/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompso n must go. He made the packer organization the laughing stock of the league dur ing the Favre situation, got rid of KGB to clear up more $$ for his pockets, and has drafted way too many undersized linemen (who are not meant to pass block fo r this passing team). Get out of town TED! 2,058. Robert Carriveau (12/8/08) - I support this petition. Time for hi m to get on the train that just left the station. 2,059. Kevin Murphy (12/8/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson i s worse than Hitler 2,060. Wayne Larson (12/8/08) - I support this petition. 2,061. Tom De Grave (12/8/08) - I support this Petition. 2,062. David Bass (12/8/08) - I support this petition. 2,063. Carol Triplat (12/8/08) - I support this petition. 2,064. Gerald Johnson (12/8/08) - I support this petition. 2,065. Andrew Ball (12/8/08) - I support this petition. 2,066. Greg Ringelstetter (12/8/08) - I support this Petition.. I suppo rt Ted Thompson finding another place to live, like anywhere not in Wisconsin! 2,067. Curt Ashenbremer (12/8/08) - I support this petition. 2,068. Clint Hackbarth (12/9/08) - I support this petition. 2,069. John Borkovetz (12/9/08) - I support this petition. 2,070. Jamie Shiner (12/9/08) - As far as I am concerned the coach can g o right with him. 2,071. John Davis (12/9/08) - Fired Mike Sherman to fill his agenda. Go t rid of two key linemen. Ran Brett off after years of trying to give him no li ne support or running game. His whole tenure has been an attempt to establish a legacy for himself with no regard for the PACKER legacy. He is a joke and a di sgrace. 2,072. mark schoone (12/9/08) - I support this petition. 2,073. Chris Taylor (12/9/08) - I support this petition. And tell McCar thy to keep his bags packed too. 2,074. Kinsey Kopp (12/9/08) - I support this petition. 2,075. Roger Schlachter (12/9/08) - Despite a few good decisions, it is clear that Ted should no longer be the GM of the Packers. I know Vikings fans wh o are actually happy to see Ted as the GM of the Packers. That just is not acce ptable. Any football fan can see how foolish Ted is. 2,076. Keith vohwinkel (12/9/08) - I support this petition. 2,077. Mike S (12/9/08) - I support this petition. As a fan, I cannot e

ndure anymore of Ted Thompson. From his handling of the Brett favre situation, drafting Justin Harrell, our pithetic play on defense, and our underachieving t eam. How do we go from being 14-4 to currently being 5-8?!?! It's astounding!! The Packers can't play in the cold weather anymore, TT and MM refuse to practi ce outdoors, which is why we look like a team from the south during cold weather games. We need all the signatures that we can get. From, An diehard and em otional Green Bay Packer fan 2,078. Mike S (12/9/08) - I support this petition. As a fan, I cannot e ndure anymore of Ted Thompson. From his handling of the Brett favre situation, drafting Justin Harrell, our pithetic play on defense, and our underachieving t eam. How do we go from being 14-4 to currently being 5-8?!?! It's astounding!! The Packers can't play in the cold weather anymore, TT and MM refuse to practi ce outdoors, which is why we look like a team from the south during cold weather games. We need all the signatures that we can get. From, An diehard and em otional Green Bay Packer fan 2,079. G Schuman (12/10/08) - I support this petition. How much more are packer fans suppose to endure. TT and MM share the same brain;.... or the same space where their brain should be. 2,080. Thomas Sweet (12/10/08) - I support this petition. 2,081. Rob Muilenburg (12/10/08) - I support this petition. 2,082. Allan Frey (12/10/08) - He is an idiot. I just hope the Packers do not give him as much of a chance to ruin the organization as Detroit gave Mat t Millen. 2,083. C Hillary (12/10/08) - I support this petition. 2,084. Larry Wood (12/10/08) - I support this petition. 2,085. Jeremy Barth (12/10/08) - I support this petition. 2,086. Annalise Rogers (12/11/08) - I support this petition. 2,087. Roger Mynatt (12/11/08) - I support this petition. 2,088. Brian Allan (12/12/08) - I support this petition. 2,089. Chris R (12/12/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is a h orrible GM. The Justin Harrell draft was one of the worse picks I think I may ev er see to go first round. I see him playing a handful of times a game, and now I heard he's injured AGAIN. Then it takes them 12 weeks to realize Derrick Frost is a bad punter, and the whole Favre thing too, but im not going to hate on Aaro n Rodgers cuz I think he's playing good football. You can blame this season on t he defense for always giving up them big plays late in the fourth quarter. Get r id of THOMPSON!!! 2,090. Aaron C (12/13/08) - Man, if this guy worried less about money an d more about actually winning games we would be good but he dosent and also he g ot a contract extinsion to 2012 this is unacceptable!!! 2,091. JOE SADOWSKI (12/13/08) - I support this petition. 2,092. Corey Krenz (12/13/08) - I support this petition. 2,093. becki rattenbach (12/14/08) - I support this petition. 2,094. randy schueler (12/14/08) - I support this petition. 2,095. rudy gutierrez (12/14/08) - I support this petition. 2,096. Angela Close (12/14/08) - I support this petition. 2,097. Scott Emmers (12/14/08) - I support this petition. 2,098. Nathan Morin (12/14/08) - As a life long Packer fan, I cannot be lieve what has happened. Sure the 80s and most of the 90s sucked for us, but we finally had a good thing going and he messed it up. Get rid of him! 2,099. bob hext (12/14/08) - I support this petition. 2,100. brett favre (12/14/08) - the wisconsin media is scared of ted t. all they do is brown nose. a good example of that is 1250 wssp fm a milwaukee ra dio station they are ridings his balls pretty bad.they defend teddy t every chan ce they get its fn pathetic. wheres the outrage 2,101. ed velden (12/14/08) - I support this petition. 2,102. Krister Nevin (12/14/08) - They only good thing about this season is hopefully the board of directors for the Packers will no choice but to sh-t can TT. 2,103. Sam McCoy (12/14/08) - I support this petition.

2,104. Merrill Feiker (12/14/08) - I support this petition. 2,105. Ancient Packfan (12/14/08) - Fire McSpankie too. These 2 guys ar e trying to show how smart they are. We won games in the past cause we played t o win. Now we play not to loose. 2,106. chad wester (12/14/08) - I support this petition.Fire TED now 2,107. Dan E. (12/14/08) - Harrell was an awful draft choice, AJ Hawk is not a playmaker, and he let go of Corey Williams, leaving the D-Line toothless. Not to mention driving Favre out of town, and the winning mentality seemed to leave with him. 2,108. Pat Burkhardt (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,109. TONY RUIZ (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,110. Brian Ronk (12/15/08) - I support this petition. They're only go ing to be worse next year. 2,111. Crystal Huhn (12/15/08) - I support this petition. We will never be back in the PlayOffs with his type of poor decision making and negotiation sk ills! 2,112. Randall Nodorft (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,113. Brian Newgent (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,114. Rick Kuharske (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,115. Erik Ohlen (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,116. Lewis Harrington (12/15/08) - Fire Ted Thompson now! I don't live in GB. Why hasn't someone from GB done something to this idiot. I'm not talking bodily harm or anything. However maybe someone could throw a shoe at him or som ething. 2,117. Randy Trelka (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,118. Curt P. (12/15/08) - I support this petition. Get rid of McCarthy and the defensive coach as well. 2,119. James Davis (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,120. JOHN Zarling (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,121. Jaime Ramlow (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,122. Patrice Burnette (12/15/08) - I support this petition. 2,123. Tim Campbell (12/15/08) - BOTH TT AND MM NEED TO GO NOW!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! 2,124. Ann Walkington (12/15/08) - Now that we all had a preview of TT's idea of rebuilding, for the is that future looking now?? All the w ork to get us 13-3 and now straight in the toilet...we keep these clowns around and it is going to be very depressing, to be a fan of the Green Bay is obvious, management has no idea how to put together a WINNING team!! 2,125. Rick Jacobs (12/16/08) - If TT doesn't draft for team needs. and doesn't like to sign free agents. we have no future... 2,126. Ryan Bilskemper (12/16/08) - I support this petition. 2,127. bob schulz (12/16/08) - I support this petition. 2,128. Steve Sheppard (12/16/08) - I support this petition. Not knowing that he was pushing the person with the most elusive of all traits...that intan gible thing called charismatic leadership, out the door, is cause enough to can TED, but there have been lots of other bad decisions that have made this team bo ttom feeders this year. 2,129. Jake Vetter (12/16/08) - I support this petition. 2,130. Tim Casey (12/16/08) - I support this petition. 2,131. nate Denzin (12/16/08) - I support this petition. kick ted out a nd higher one that goes after free agents 2,132. dave vandenbush (12/16/08) - I support this petition. 2,133. Isaiah Muenzberg (12/16/08) - Taking an NFC championship team and turning them into a team that doesn't even make the playoffs? Of course I supp ort this petition! Not to mention passing over Steve Mariucci for the worst off ensive coordinator in the league as the head coach, wasting a draft pick on an i njured DT instead of picking up Adrian Peterson, passing over Randy Moss, forcin g KGB out of the organization, and forcing Favre to leave. Way to go Ted! 2,134. KENNETH PIEL (12/16/08) - I support this petition. 2,135. ken boucher (12/16/08) - I support this petition.

2,136. Joe Hanson (12/16/08) - The guy doesn't do anything when it come s to signing FAs or Trades (well he does trade any player for a draft pick as we 've found out, even our best players). Lets go our good players ( Wahle, Sharper , FAVRE!, etc.) The guy needs to grow some balls and start doing something to im prove our team. 2,137. David Ravie (12/16/08) - I support this petition. 2,138. William Lambries (12/16/08) - I am a stock holder and I support this petition 100%. 2,139. Debra Okrzesik (12/17/08) - I support this petition. 2,140. Rodney CHiodo (12/17/08) - I support this petition. 2,141. b chellew (12/17/08) - I support this petition. I agree, wth are they thinking? if they want to put a team togehter to win a SB why would u let any one go from a 13 -3 team!!!! all you had to do was to fill the gaps, NOW U H AVE TO FILL the many HOLES!!!!!!!!!! 2,142. Richard Jackson (12/17/08) - I support this petition. 2,143. Kathy Brady (12/17/08) - I support this petition. 2,144. ron leventhal (12/17/08) - I support this petition. 2,145. Criss Cliver (12/18/08) - I support this petition. 2,146. Evan Sveum (12/18/08) - I support this petition. 2,147. aj hawk (12/18/08) - Aaron Rodgers rules!!!!!!! 2,148. Bryan Glass (12/18/08) - I support this petition. 2,149. jimmy destaffno (12/19/08) - I support this petition. 2,150. joseph ard (12/19/08) - I support this petition. 2,151. Edward wittbold (12/20/08) - I support this petition. 2,152. players union (12/21/08) - I support this petition. 2,153. jeff brigham brigham (12/21/08) - I support this petition. 2,154. shelby null (12/21/08) - I support this petition. 2,155. Tony Holzer (12/22/08) - I support this petition. Kick McCrappy a nd Mark Murphy out too! Neither of them were gutsy enough to stand by the one m an that could have helped the packers get to the SB this year... #4! 2,156. mike oneill (12/22/08) - I support this petition. 2,157. Paul Preston (12/22/08) - I support this petition. Fire the coac h and Ted Thompson...they are RUINING the packers. 2,158. S P (12/22/08) - I support this petition. 2,159. w m (12/22/08) - I support this petition. 2,160. Gary Evans (12/22/08) - I support this petition. 2,161. Matt Albrecht (12/22/08) - I support this petition. 2,162. Ray Henry (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,163. Eric Swanson (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,164. DIana Wrobel (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,165. DANNY Wrobel (12/23/08) - FIRE TED THOMPSON!! 2,166. Tyler O'Neill (12/23/08) - Congratz Ted!! you have your team now !! Its all yours lets see if you can at least beat detroit! Type up your resume chump!! 2,167. Deborah Cohn (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,168. Paul Kluesner (12/23/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted, Mi ke and Mark, lets clean house. 2,169. kyle vyse (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,170. Spencer VanStraten (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,171. Jim Hays (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,172. Jim Hays (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,173. Rich Campbell (12/23/08) - I support this petition. clean house! 2,174. nick beyersdorff (12/23/08) - I support this petition. Fire Mike Mccarthy also. He has proven to be a terrible game manager and leader. 2,175. gregory reynolds (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,176. Robert Thomas (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,177. tom ulatowski (12/23/08) - I support this petition. 2,178. Dave Carew (12/23/08) - I support this petition. Fire Ted! Fire M ark Murphy! We want our team back! 2,179. james mccollough (12/24/08) - I support this petition 100%. Get h

im the hell out! He's on an ego-trip and would rather have it his way than be ri ght. Get Mike McCarthy out of there while we're at it. He makes more stupid call s than any coach ever in GB. 2,180. Mohammad Hassan (12/24/08) - I support this petition. I've been a die hard Packers fan all my life and I think Ted Thompson is a classless jackas s!!! 2,181. Todd Gadow (12/24/08) - I support this petition. 2,182. brett favre (12/24/08) - I support this petition. 2,183. ryan landaal (12/24/08) - I support this petition. 2,184. Nick Borth (12/24/08) - I support this petition. 2,185. Miguel Sanchez (12/25/08) - I support this petition. 2,186. Bob Fuerst (12/26/08) - I support this petition. TT decimated th is team... ruined the special teams by dumping Ryan, then Tracy White... plus al l the other documented failures he used to replace proven veterans... TT is a l oser, and hopefully has not ruined the Packers forever 2,187. Amanda Kraft (12/26/08) - I support this petition. 2,188. Meghan Schuetz (12/26/08) - I support this petition. 2,189. Ryan Peot (12/26/08) - Worst. GM. EVER.!!!! 2,190. Gunnar Bray (12/28/08) - I support this petition. 2,191. David McCambridge (12/28/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thom pson is a poor manager and should be dismissed along with the rest of the coachi ng staff. 2,192. chip shields (12/28/08) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson b lows ass 2,193. Mike Murphy (12/28/08) - I support this petition and will fire Th ompson Monday morning. 2,194. Ted Thompson (12/28/08) - I agree; I should be fired right away. We beat the lions, but barely. FIRE ME! And you know what, fire McCarthy, Sander s, and Stock right along with me! 2,195. mike prokop (12/29/08) - I support this petition. 2,196. Mike Murphy (12/29/08) - I Mike Murphy have no idea what I'm doi ng as head of the Packers. I come from a college that isnt good at any sport qui te frankly and have not had the pleasure of witnessing a winning season at North western. My ass kissing ability has done wonders for my career and I hope Thomps on and McCarthy have learned from me when they are in the unemployment lines in the near future! 2,197. Paul Lee (12/29/08) - I support this petition. 2,198. Brett Maxwell (12/30/08) - I support this petition. SCREW TED THO MSON! 2,199. M J (12/30/08) - I support this petition. However, I strongly di sagree that letting Brett Favre go was wrong. 2,200. Josh Russell (12/30/08) - I support this petition. And think that his drafting choices and influence with the draft are just as bad. 2,201. chad zambarda (12/30/08) - I support this petition, and think all coaches need to go. Furthermore the only reason they won games was because grea t defense and some huge athletic plays. Rogers stunk it up. 2,202. Bob in Sheboygan (12/31/08) - I support this petition. However, I feel that Mac should stay. And I also want to say that under the circumstances, Aaron Rodgers had an excellent rookie season. Hopefully with new offence and DFence coaches the real talent on this team will be dominant. Can't wait for next season! GO PACK GO!!! 2,203. Janae Goodrich (12/31/08) - I support this petition. 2,204. Ann Byne (12/31/08) - Albino Barn Owl needs to GO NOW! 2,205. Sean Nicholson (1/3/09) - I support this petition though not for the Brett Favre decision. Brett Favre tried to hold this team by the balls. Ted Thompson has not done a thing with our first round draft pick the 3 out of th la st 4 years. 2,206. Ryan Gette (1/3/09) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson riune d the last two years Brett Favre was with the Packers. He is solely responsible for the decline of the defensive line.

2,207. Ralph Orsini (1/4/09) - I support this petition. 2,208. jerry maass (1/4/09) - I support this petition. 2,209. luke losinski (1/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,210. Ted Thompson (1/5/09) - You are all crazy. Get off my back alrea dy. You need to fill your perscription of anti-crazy medication again. 2,211. Nathan Schmitz (1/5/09) - 6-10 2,212. Rob Demeuse (1/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,213. jorden perez (1/9/09) - I support this petition. a fourth round p ick for randy moss i'd give up a second or third round for him. he would have fi t in perfectly with greg jennings donald driver. two legitamite deep threats in greg jennings and randy moss. it would have been over. 2,214. Eric Eberhardy (1/10/09) - I support this petition. 2,215. Daniel Matatics (1/10/09) - I support this petition. 2,216. adam ruetz (1/10/09) - I support this petition. The arrogant ass . 2,217. Troy Volbrecht (1/13/09) - I support this petition. 2,218. Garrett Larson (1/13/09) - I support this petition. GET THOMPSON THE HELL OUT OF GB!!!!!! 2,219. Tim Jonson (1/14/09) - I support this petition. Fire the coach a s well. 2,220. Blake Hoftad (1/20/09) - I support this petition. 2,221. Jacob Martin (2/1/09) - I support this petition. 2,222. Colton Brack (2/4/09) - I support this petition. 2,223. Tim FireThompson (2/5/09) - www . FireTedThompsonNow . com for al l your up to date Thompson bashing needs! 25 articles and growing! 2,224. william klemz (2/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,225. Mark klemz (2/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,226. Minor David (2/20/09) - I don't support this petition. We are st uck with him and rodgers get over it and see the upsides 2,227. Ghost of Irv Farve (2/20/09) - get bent 2,228. Thomas Smith (3/1/09) - I support this petition. After today he h as lost me as a supporter. And for those who still do, you are really just ones that give up. 2,229. steve quindlen (3/1/09) - I support this petition. 2,230. Alex Cherchian (3/3/09) - I support this petition. I support TT b eing fired, While you're at it get rid of the Pillsbury Dough Boy also. 2,231. AJ Turner (3/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,232. Jeff Haberer (3/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,233. Al Urban (3/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,234. Brett Favre (3/7/09) - I'm still a whiny bitch. 2,235. Brian Strasburg (3/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,236. Kevin Bertetto (3/9/09) - I support this petition. No question, t his guy has got to go. Forget about the Favre mess, just look at the rest of his ridiculous personnel moves. 2,237. jeffery brice (3/11/09) - I support this petition. 2,238. Joel Jorgensen (3/11/09) - I support this petition. 2,239. Jeremy Begle (3/15/09) - I support this petition. I hate the fac t that TT never does anything in FA not one move and if we do sign someone its a no no namer. I want a GM who will step in and look for key acquistions like reg gie white type players not saying he has to break the bank but at least look for someone to make an impact 2,240. brett favre (5/3/09) - This petition sucks. I\'m the most overra ted QB ever in the nfl. My first pass was an interception and so was my last. T ed is a genius 2,241. J.D. Kirkman (5/7/09) - I support this petition. Thompson soon y ou\'ll be Karma\'s Bitch! Rot in Hell, Go Vikings! 2,242. Bob Smith (5/16/09) - I support this petition. 2,243. Kyle Hicks (5/18/09) - I support this petition. 2,244. Ashton Hall (5/30/09) - I support this petition. 2,245. Tony Schoepf (7/2/09) - I support this because I am a huge Brett

Favre fan, Favre is my hero. Ted Thompson ran a legend out the door, tried to b ribe Brett into going away... offering Brett $25 million dollars to go away come on. Packers 13-3 and minutes from the Super Bowl in 07-08 with Favre and Packer s 6-10 in 08-09 without Favre. 2,246. TIM COCHRAN (7/19/09) - HE\'S A BACKSTABBING CORPORATE WEISEL 2,247. Darryl Booker (7/19/09) - I support this petition. 2,248. Jen ClARK (7/23/09) - I support this petition. 2,249. dave peterson (7/27/09) - I support this petition. 2,250. Sharon Randall (8/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,251. Greg N (8/7/09) - I support this petition. Fire the Bum or do we need Donald Trump to do it? 2,252. Ron Clements (8/8/09) - I support this petition wholeheartedly. 2,253. James Wolff (8/12/09) - I support this petition. Fire Ted \"the g uru\" Thompson. 2,254. M gEIS (8/18/09) - I support this petition. 2,255. Adam Jeffery (8/19/09) - I support this petition. 2,256. L G (8/19/09) - He is no Ron Wolf. He probably slaps babies, kick s dogs, and pushes old people down when he isn\'t busy ruining the Packers organ ization. 2,257. Tina Lesperance (8/20/09) - I support this petition. Get rid o f the arrogant jerk! He got rid of one of the BEST quarterbacks in the history of football....BRETT FARVE! BOOOOOOOOOOO Ted Thompson! 2,258. mary larson (8/20/09) - I support this petition. 2,259. Robert Goll (8/20/09) - I support this petition. 2,260. brett farve407 (8/24/09) - come down to the sideline ted my first pass is for you and if i cant find you i\'am sure i can find that fat a@@ dough boy pay back is hell boys!! 2,261. Josh Figler (8/26/09) - I support this petition. 2,262. Kevin Kennedy (8/31/09) - Fire Thompson and the other two stooges so I can watch the Packers again 2,263. Brian Kuchcinski (9/16/09) - I support this petition. 2,264. Mike Krason (9/21/09) - I support this petition. 2,265. Brian Salentine (9/21/09) - I support this petition. Ted\'s team just can\'t compete week in and week out. And that\'s the point. 2,266. Dalton Ziegler (9/29/09) - I support this petition. 2,267. tim doyle (10/1/09) - I support this petition. 2,268. Philip Starkey (10/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,269. James Hansel (10/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,270. Bruce Bonner (10/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,271. Brent Kryzanski (10/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,272. Jes O\'Neal (10/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,273. Todd Hallett (10/6/09) - I support this petition. It is a sad day that I had to cheer for the Vikings because of this clown!!!!He and McFarty nee d to be removed immediately. These two stooges need to pack up and take their cl own show out of our state!!!Go Favre for a SuperBowl and sweet revenge!! 2,274. shawn koukol (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,275. nathan henry (10/6/09) - I support this reminds of m e of corporate america trying to get rid of good vets. somewhere marco rivera, w ahle,sharper, longwell,bubba franks , mike sherman , nail diggs, ahmad green are smiling. thanks tt . 2,276. Ben Hatcher (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,277. Corey west (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,278. Russ Fennick (10/6/09) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson ha s taken a winning organization and dismantled it himself, only to say it needed rebuilding. Ted needs to go!!! 2,279. Steve Hadon (10/6/09) - I support this petition. Fire this a-hole . 2,280. Bret Tollefson (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,281. Andy Dempsey (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,282. ryan cartwright (10/6/09) - I support this petition.

2,283. Dean Antilla (10/6/09) - I support this petition. Can him! 2,284. Cis Whittenberger (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,285. mike kuenzi (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,286. Bernie Cenney (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,287. Matthew Grube (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,288. gary ficek (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,289. jon jonsson (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,290. Royal Cumings (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,291. Keri Ford (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,292. bob gramm (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,293. Darren Gauger (10/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,294. Steve Rogers (10/6/09) - I support this petition 100%. Let\'s ta ke back this team! 2,295. Sue B562 (10/6/09) - I support this petition. Please Send a fa x to Mark Murphy - Green Bay Packers, Inc. (920) 569-7301 asking to fire Ted Tho mpson. Something has to change, and change fast. Let\'s start by getting Ted T hompson out. Spread the word - it is time to be heard! 2,296. Jodie Geracie (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,297. Doug Richter (10/7/09) - I support this petition. I think letting Bret go was the dumbest move in NFL history! You do not let a man of this calib ur go ever. He had reservations because of the main office not because of his ab ilities. He LOVES this game! Let him play and let Ted pay, with his job! 2,298. Linda Gerlach (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,299. garry hamilton (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,300. Tanya judkins (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,301. ron parisi (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,302. lynn simonis (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,303. Ann Berard (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,304. Norman Graeber (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,305. Pat Lauscher (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,306. Nancy Grothe (10/7/09) - I support this petition. Let\'s get a GM that does not have his own agenda and that knows something about the game. 2,307. crystal conley (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,308. Keith Richardson (10/7/09) - I support this petition. 2,309. BRANDON PYKA (10/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,310. Nate Sones (10/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,311. KARL SIMONIS (10/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,312. Ray McNitchske (10/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,313. M K (10/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,314. David Rosenbaum (10/18/09) - I support this petition. 2,315. David A Forgianni (10/19/09) - I support this petition. Yah, tel l the greatest QB in NFL history to beat it, good call Ted, thanks for nothin\'! 2,316. Shannon Sernau (10/20/09) - I support this petition. 2,317. Sherri Johnson (10/22/09) - I support this petition. 2,318. Dean Krezge (11/1/09) - I support this petition. Football is abou t winning now, not some\"for the future\" junk. 2,319. jeffrey Thompson (11/1/09) - Fire Ted Thompson 2,320. jim buckley (11/1/09) - I support this petition. 2,321. richard kunde (11/1/09) - I support this petition. 2,322. Jerry Manners (11/1/09) - I support this petition. 2,323. Ken Arntson (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,324. Tony Paladino (11/2/09) - I support this petition 100% 2,325. ed docter (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,326. larry pesch (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,327. Jason West (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,328. Melody Rabus (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,329. wendy victoria (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,330. Ethan Kruszka (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,331. Tom Eley (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,332. Ruth Overman (11/2/09) - I support this petition.

2,333. chad bennett (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,334. RICHARD CUPP (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,335. rob tallinger (11/2/09) - I support this petition. 2,336. Jason Kopplin (11/3/09) - I support this petition. 2,337. Cody v (11/3/09) - Ted Thompson is the worst GM Green Bay could h ave! Who runs a future HOF QB out of town that still is playing like a HOF\'er. Then Brett comes and beats Green Bay twice! WAKE UP GB! 2,338. Dave Lindow (11/3/09) - Thanks TED! 2,339. kevin hannon (11/3/09) - I support this petition. Nice job Ted, B rett stuck it to you good. Your no good for the Pack and take Mike with you when you go, or ar you going to pull the srtings on your puppet before you get the a xe! 2,340. Diane Olson (11/4/09) - I support this petition. 2,341. Steven Babcock (11/4/09) - I support this petition. I am a share holder and sickened by his performance as GM 2,342. Thomas Consolazione (11/4/09) - I support this petition. YES, YE S, YES, YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT 2,343. Robert Ladwig (11/5/09) - Justin Harrell, Justin Friggn Harrell. If the Justin Harrell debacle wasn\'t enough this SOB ran HOF Brett Favre out of town. 2,344. Rick Nelson (11/5/09) - I don\'t care if Brett wanted to come bac k on the last day of training camp. He\'s been in the system for 16 years! Doe sn\'t anyone remember how bad Green Bay was before Brett? Move on from the best Quarterback to ever lace\'m up..............You\'ve got to be kidding me. FIRE TED NOW! 2,345. Stephen Hayes (11/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,346. JEFF ROTHBART (11/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,347. Cathy Larson (11/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,348. Peter Maier (11/5/09) - I support this petition. 2,349. Amy Velasquez (11/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,350. Paul Benton (11/6/09) - I support this petition. 2,351. Dan Baggio (11/7/09) - I support this petition. Read Jason Whit locks column titled: \"It\'s the Truth: Favre\'s proving Thompson wrong\" You c an google it - he is spot on!!! 2,352. Dan Moody (11/8/09) - I support this petition. The Packers will b e at best average as long as Ted is GM. Rogers will not last a year because stu pid cheap Ted will not get an OL. 2,353. Debra Colgan (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,354. Matthew Kroeger (11/8/09) - Ted Thompson has been nothing but a c ancer to the great legacy of Green Bay, also get rid of McCarthy. 2,355. Phil Gustafson (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,356. Chris Day (11/8/09) - I support this petition. Get rid of this c lown. I have had enough. Get rid of McCarthy and Slocum. I have tried to maintai n faith but all is lost now. Unbelievable. Clean house, maybe in 5 years we will repair all of the damage starting over. He should just resign. Today. 2,357. garrett anderson (11/8/09) - I support this petition. fire all th e coaches now..... 2,358. patrick bentley (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,359. Jim Schmidt (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,360. Michael Muirhead (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,361. brandon baird (11/8/09) - I support this petition. Fire ted then draft an O-linemen first round, second round then trade the third and forth for another O-linemen in the second round. 2,362. brian kutzke (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,363. Kathy Bergs (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,364. Connie Lamprech (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,365. Howard Wiese (11/8/09) - I support this petition. You can act lik e an A hole if you win. Sorry Ted, but winning hasn\'t been one of your strength s. 2,366. Mick Smits (11/8/09) - I support this Petition.

2,367. Keith Romback (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,368. sagar manda (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,369. James Ward (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,370. Shelli G (11/8/09) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is a joke...along with a crappy offensive line. And while you are at it, get rid of M cCarthy too! Disgusted is an understatement for how I feel after the loss to Ta mpa Bay. Start packing your bags boys!!!! 2,371. Terry Amerine (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,372. Greg Wiener (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,373. bill davidsseion (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,374. Dave Gallagher (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,375. Brian Jones (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,376. Michael Toivonen (11/8/09) - He has made several bad mistakes in which a normal person would get terminated. He needs to go. 2,377. JASON RUBIN (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,378. Alex LeRoy (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,379. Erik Fisher (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,380. E. Henrichs (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,381. Richard Fait (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,382. Thomas Leslie (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,383. Priscilla Strek (11/8/09) - I support this petition. 2,384. terry417 (11/8/09) - I support this petition! Ted Thompson has sc rewed the Pack up since day one.. McCarthy.....Well lets just say Ray Rhoads mig ht have been a better choice. 2,385. Christopher Goetsch (11/9/09) - I support this petition. TT is a pox on the organization, and took a perfectly good team and has begun to warp it into \"his team\" which will not be complete till he has pushed out all of the greats we have come to love (read: Driver, Collins, Barnett, etc.) 2,386. Alex Albrecht (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,387. herb bruce (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,388. Bob Holehouse (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,389. Ken Sabo (11/9/09) - The Packers TOTALLY suck. Fire Thompson and McCarthy 2,390. Chris Wolff (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,391. jarred meyer (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,392. Tre Stange (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,393. Tim Label (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,394. C. Henrich (11/9/09) - FIRE Ted Thompson and his sidekick Mike M cCarthy! Hmmmm, do I hear that train whistle? Mike & Teddy, soon you will be on that train leaving GB for GOOD!! GOOD RIDDANCE!! 2,395. fgf fdfg (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,396. Doug Veal (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,397. Russell Orr (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,398. Andrew Learned (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,399. Chris Pastorek (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,400. Jonathon Hansen (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,401. david giese (11/9/09) - Enough is enough, fire the entire coachin g staff!!! 2,402. Dan Franke (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,403. chase mckahan (11/9/09) - I support this petition. **** Ted Thom pson, i hope the stupid ass gets hit by a bus!!! 2,404. Diane Johnson (11/9/09) - I support this petition!!!! About time ...! 2,405. Theresa Young (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,406. Jeff Crane (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,407. charles bowe (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,408. Chuck Frees (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,409. Shannon Dearth (11/9/09) - Get rid of da schmuck! 2,410. Ryan Priebe (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,411. James Bickers (11/9/09) - I support this petition. Thompson and M

cCarthy out now!!!! 2,412. Monica Jaco (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,413. Jenny Brenneman (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,414. Jim Chance (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,415. Michelle Meier (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,416. Bill Otto (11/9/09) - Murphy wake up...\"Sorry Ted we have to let you go...\" 2,417. Joe Schuetz (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,418. Jake Hurley (11/9/09) - I support this petition. Don\'t let the door hit you on your way out...wait, let it hit you, thats fine. 2,419. Kurtus Blodgett (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,420. Jeff Jaco (11/9/09) - I support this petition. Scratch your head and figure out the next dumb move! 2,421. Dave M (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,422. doug anderson (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,423. John Belanger (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,424. John Farmer (11/9/09) - I support this petition. 2,425. Robin Winter (11/10/09) - I support this petition. 2,426. Mark Moberg (11/10/09) - I support this petition. Ted is a joke, get rid of him now, do not wait tell the end of the season. Take Mike M with him , enough excuses. 2,427. kevin peterson (11/10/09) - I support this petition. 2,428. D Hills (11/10/09) - I support this petition. Good Rid-dens!!! 2,429. Alan Bublitz (11/10/09) - I support this petition. 2,430. John Wright (11/10/09) - I support this petition. 2,431. Seth Rogge (11/10/09) - I support this petition. Fire HIM! 2,432. Brian Strasburg (11/10/09) - I support this petition. 2,433. lee zsorod (11/10/09) - I support this petition - wholeheartedly. He really screwed up Favre\'s desire to continue with the Packers, and it\'s b een downhill all the way since. 2,434. Cheryl Harles (11/10/09) - I support this petition. 2,435. sarah lynn (11/10/09) - He said that he isnt concerned with winni ng the Super Bowl now, he is looking ten years down the road? He really thinks h ell be the coach that long? And what about what the team wants? 2,436. Nick Wiedeman (11/10/09) - I support this petition. Fire them du mba$$ 2,437. Andy Schroeder (11/10/09) - I support this petition. 2,438. Janet Christman (11/10/09) - I support this petition. 2,439. Linda Pedersen (11/11/09) - I support this petition. 2,440. Lisa Myatt (11/11/09) - I support this petition. 2,441. Len Harris (11/11/09) - I support this petition. 2,442. Brad Schommer (11/11/09) - I support this petition. 2,443. Nick Jeppson (11/11/09) - I support this petition. Get him out of here and give us someone who knows what he\'s doing. 2,444. Scott Van Pay (11/11/09) - 5 years at the helm and we are REALLY getting worse as a team. trade down to keep getting medicore talent draft picks. Justin Harrel are you kidding me. OMG Ted ! We will never win with you as the b oss. 2,445. chip hook (11/11/09) - I support this petition. 2,446. Greg MacFarlan (11/11/09) - I support this petition. 2,447. Adam Dolan (11/11/09) - I support this Petition. 2,448. jason lenich (11/11/09) - I support this petition. 2,449. bryan voldahl (11/12/09) - I support this Petition. 2,450. Mike Boyer (11/12/09) - I support this petition. Time to make a c hange. The state of this franchise and the level of incompetence is simply amazi ng. Get a GM that will use all the tools in the modern NFL to field a balanced s quad and hire a decent coach. 2,451. Bryan Rick (11/12/09) - I support this petition. 2,452. chris mccarthy (11/12/09) - I support this petition. 2,453. Matthew Whitsitt (11/12/09) - HE IS A NOOB!@

2,454. Matthew Ray (11/12/09) - I support this petition. TT as the GM ha s slowly bled the life from a very proud franchise. It has been time for a chang e for years now. Get it done! 2,455. Daniel Miller (11/12/09) - I support this petition. Not only is T ed useless so is Mcarthy and that silly mad magazine inbred president 2,456. heidi becker (11/13/09) - I have to say this guy is not only not the brightest bulb in the pack, I don\'t think he can even rise to on level with a bulb 2,457. Elizabeth Oates (11/13/09) - I support this petition!!!!! His e go is too big for a wonderful city like Green Bay. 2,458. Kathy Kuritz (11/13/09) - I support this petition. 2,459. Jeffrey LaBelle (11/15/09) - I support this petition. 2,460. Andrew Malecha (11/15/09) - I support this petition. 2,461. Karen Kluge (11/16/09) - I support this petition. 2,462. dan mater (11/16/09) - I support this petition. 2,463. Edgardo Sberanis (11/17/09) - I support this petition. 2,464. Josh Satterwhite (11/18/09) - I support this petition. 2,465. Ryan Sandbulte (11/21/09) - I support this petition. Ted Thompson is a moron. 2,466. james kramer (11/22/09) - I support this petition.#4 showed you t wice how smart you are.and he will do it again next year. 2,467. LISA LAVEY (11/23/09) - I support this petition. 2,468. Shawn Connelly (11/23/09) - I support this petition. 2,469. Paul Combs (11/23/09) - I support this petition. 2,470. JJ Hatestedthompson (11/23/09) - I support this petition. Ted Tho mpson is a joke. End of story. 2,471. rick zehren (11/25/09) - I support this petition. 2,472. rick499 (11/25/09) - I support this petition. 2,473. Jean Myers (11/30/09) - I support this petition. 2,474. Bianca McClre (12/20/09) - I support this petition. Restore Gree n Bay to it\'s previous glory! 2,475. kathryne hayter (12/21/09) - I support this petition. 2,476. Jackson Gundlach (12/21/09) - I support this petition. 2,477. Bill Rozina (1/2/10) - I support this petition. 2,478. Cody Keith (1/10/10) - I support this petition. 2,479. Jesse Kangas (1/10/10) - I support this petition because Ted Thom pson is a ****ing idiot. He drafts like ****, never picks up any free agents. Great ****ing defense this week TED. Nice ****ing job. Maybe Kurt Warner can g ive you a good recommendation at the ****ing grocery story he worked at. 2,480. Mike Nowak (1/11/10) - I support this petition. 2,481. mary nichols (1/16/10) - I support this petition. 2,482. brett farve the great king (1/17/10) - how ya like me now ted i\' am taking the vikes all the way!!!! i told you to get your head out of your a@@ 2,483. CJ Larson (1/19/10) - I support this petition, and GET TED OUT! 2,484. Alex O\'Hern (2/11/10) - I support this petition. 2,485. You people are idiots (3/25/10) - Do you people really think Pack ers management cares about a stupid petition with 2,500 signatures. Ted Thompson has been a great general manager for the packers. I\'m glad he had the stones t o say no thanks to #4. Aaron Rodgers will be a great qb for years to come. 2,486. d hazer (3/28/10) - I support this petition. Bring back Holmgren as GM! 2,487. Jerry Ahrens (4/10/10) - I support this petition. 2,488. AxelSky (5/11/10) - I support this petition. 2,489. John Rich (5/15/10) - I support this petition. 2,490. Kenny Baack (8/18/10) - I support this petition. 2,491. Josh Pike (10/5/10) - I support this petition. 2,492. Joshua Welch (10/6/10) - I support this petition. 2,493. Cole McCaulley (10/6/10) - I support this petition. 2,494. C J Bolssen (10/6/10) - I support this petition. Thompson is way too egotistical to be a gm in the nfl!

2,495. 2,496. 2,497. 2,498. 2,499. 2,500.

Jeb Hoffman (10/8/10) - I support this petition. Todd Capra (10/11/10) - I support this petition. brian henry (10/18/10) - I support this petition. Jerry Lee (11/28/10) - I support this petition. Hinor Chen (12/12/10) - I support this petition. Dale Jellings (1/28/11) - I support this petition.

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