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In (locality) , at of…………. of 20..


On the one hand, as THE SELLING PART:

d............................,elderly of age, with NIF no. ................., and domiciled in

street ............., no. ......, CP..........

On the other hand, as THE BUYING PARTY:

d............................., of legal age, with NIF no. ............. and residing in

street ............., no. ......, CP..........

Both contracting parties recognize each other's legal capacity for this act, and intervene in
their own name and right.


I .- That both parties have agreed to formalize a purchase and sale contract without
guarantees of a used (car or truck, whatever you prefer, we will use a car from now on) :

(Describe in detail the car to be purchased: Commercial brand of the car, model name,
chassis number, license plate, Kilometers, official inspections, major accidents, year of
original purchase, relevant repairs it has had . )

(Insert extra additions that were made after purchasing the car)

II .- That the purchasing party states that it has been informed of the condition of the
vehicle, as a whole and that of its mechanical elements and fundamental components, its
age and mileage.

III .- It is also stated that the purchaser has personally and directly or through a third party
examined the car, and carried out, if appropriate, the tests that he freely deemed relevant.

IV.- That the vehicle that is the subject of this Purchase and Sale has been regularly
reviewed by the ITV (include information on the Authority of the Country where the car is
located and the Official inspections that it has passed) on the date , if applicable

Having stated the above, they agree to enter into this contract for the sale of the Vehicle in
accordance with the following:

FIRST.- The Seller sells to the Buyer the car he owns previously specified for the amount of
.............................................................. euros (....,... €), excluding taxes
corresponding, which will be the responsibility of the buyer.

(If the amount is high and you want to pay in installments, enter the deadlines, payment
dates and amount to be paid) .

SECOND .- The seller declares that the aforementioned vehicle does not have any burden or
encumbrance or tax, debt or penalty pending payment on the date of signing this contract,
and undertakes, if not, to regularize such situation at its sole expense. .

THIRD.- By this act, the buyer of the car is delivered (and other extra items that the vehicle
may carry that were added later, such as: new seats, sun protection sheets, cooling or
heating systems, GPS systems, equipment). radio, etc. The buyer is responsible from the
date of this document for any issues that may arise from the use or possession of the same,
including responsibilities, sanctions, contracting of insurance, technical inspections.

FOURTH.- . The buyer declares that he knows the current state of the vehicle and expressly
exonerates the seller from any liability for hidden defects or defects or possible breakdowns
that the good manifests in the future, provided that the seller acts in good faith and was not
aware of the existence of the defect. on the vehicle before the sale. (this clause only has
effect on sales between individuals, it cannot be applied to companies or professionals)

Nor will there be any responsibility of the seller for breakdowns or deficiencies of the car,
which appear after its delivery, when these circumstances occur or are motivated by its
improper use; or as a result of force majeure, robbery, theft, negligence, accident or lack of
maintenance recommended by the manufacturer, as well as defects existing at the time of
delivery of the vehicle, as long as they were known and consented to by the buyer.

FIFTH.- For any dispute that may arise between the parties regarding the interpretation or
fulfillment of this contract, they, with express waiver of the jurisdiction that may correspond to
them, will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of (locality)

And for the record, they sign this purchase and sale contract, in triplicate, on the date and
place indicated above.

Signature of THE SELLER Signature of THE BUYER

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