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“l’Empire c’est la paix’ what did Napoleon Mean?

● Political Unity / peace

● Omnipotence, stop all uprisings with the help of the army
● The empire will be based on economic security and prosperity rather than conquests
glory sought in building roads, railways, canals, etc. And developing France.

What key principles governed Napoleon IIIs economic and social policy?

● Saint Simonianism
○ Economic prosperity is key to social progress
■ Economic prosperity should always be put first.
■ Boost industrialisation and especially modernisation
■ Interventionist state
■ Material prosperity more important than freedom, equality etc. Until
you have economic prosperity
■ Trickle down wealth
● If the rich people make a lot of money, that money will trickle
down to the poor.
● Social Policies
○ Falloux Laws
■ ‘in a country with universal suffrage, every citizen must know how to
read and write.’
○ Construction of reasonable dwellings to be let at economic rents
○ State subsidised organisation to assist the needy in times of sickness or to
help with the expenses of a death.
○ Legalisation of trade unions
○ Granting of the right to strike
○ Appeasement to the working class
● What were Napoleon III's aims and how did he attempt to carry them out?
● He wanted to expand his dynasty, so he attempted to marry into
Spanish royalty, who was extremely popular, this turned into
marriage however ended after the birth of Prince imperial which
nearly killed her.
○ He wanted economic prosperity.
■ Founded new credit banks to promote the
availability of finance.
● To then invest in public infrastructure e.g.
● Tries to encourage private investment in
working class work.
● Makes countryside less isolated, creates a
more mobile workforce.
● Creates jobs for the average working class
● Physical evidence that the emperor is trying
to improve lives.
■ They provided banks government loans for
■ New banks formed by the emperor
■ The Credit Foncier was given a monopoly in
mortgage financed and allowed the rebuilding of
■ Private banks developed, such as Credit Mobilier of
the pereire brothers, The Saint-Simmians, who
plunged heavily int french and foreign railways,
steamships etc.
■ France now has an extensive railway.
○ Evidence
■ Consumption of coal trebled
■ Price of steel halved
■ Production rapidly increased I.e. the Schneider
Brothers tripled production

Revolutionising towns
Employed Haussmann
● National prestige
○ Capital of his empire
● Prevent revolution
○ Barricades can be built easily in the narrow roads. Hard to have one in
the big streets.
● Paris is a public health concern.
○ Cesspit for disease
○ Reform sewer system
● He had justified financial methods but was unorthodox
○ People in those areas had to pay for the work done
● Built tonnes of opera houses
● Napoleon hosted world fair 1855-57
● Benefits the bourgeoisie as well
○ However it only really benefits the wealthier half.
■ The poorer Bourgeoisie are being priced out of the market.
● The poor suffered
● Modelled after the major cities of Europe
● Very uniform and militarily precise
○ Destroyed buildings and displaced the poor
○ Found bits of scrap to build their houses out of.
○ Built Ex-po (buildings that would just be torn down)

● What was his attitude towards the church?

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