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Alexandre Deulofeu's pending challenges and their

solutions according to Agustí Chalaux .

«Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the
tongue of the dumb will shout for joy. For
waters will be lighted in the desert, and
torrents in the steppe, the scorched earth will
be turned into a pool, and the arid land into a
spring of water.
(Isaiah 35, 6-7).

Presentation .

In this article, Brauli Tamarit invites us to get to know two universal Catalans of the 20th century who
have gone unnoticed, because they have dared to question the "politically correct" currents of thought.
But it not only introduces us to their surprising biographies and their heterodox theories, but also seeks to
establish a link between the questions and the answers they formulate.

At a time of global crisis, where all the models of the 20th century have broken, we have no references to
understand a history that seems to be drifting and a policy incapable of subduing the de facto powers that
run the mill. Reading the vital and intellectual adventure of Deulofeu and Chalaux opens up questions
about the validity of the schemes that have governed our collective thinking about history, politics and the
economy, and shows us the need to look beyond to formulate new models and not be trapped by the
mediocrity of day-to-day politicking.

Martí Olivella .

Alexandre Deulofeu's defense of peace during the Civil War of 1936-1939 .

Alexandre Deulofeu (1903-1978) was a multifaceted person: pharmacist, chemist, politician, philosopher
of history, musician, experimental peasant, bricklayer and poet who designed a cyclical theory of
imperialisms.1 and civilizations that his friend Francesc Pujols baptized with the name of The Mathematics
of History .

1 In this text we will use, instead of the expression empire , used by Deulofeu, the term imperialism
typical of the vocabulary used by Agustí Chalaux. The latter defends a language that is as univocal as
possible in the study and application of the social sciences. We leave the textual quotes intact. According
to Chalaux, empires are freely constituted by nations that congregate seeking shelter, protection... while
imperialisms are forcibly constituted by nations subject to the strongest. According to Chalaux, most of
what we historically call empires are in fact imperialisms.
Alexandre Deulofeu (1903-1978)
But before developing this theory, Deulofeu was a person committed to peace and understanding between
people of different ethnicities and ideology.

Deulofeu, as a left-wing, republican and Catalan person, wrote articles for the Figueres newspaper
L'Empordà Federal ( El Ampurdán Federal ), arguing with his political opponents from the other Figueres
newspaper La Veu de l'Empordà ( The Voice of Empordà ).

He was chosen councilor of the Figueres City Council by the ERC lists and, in the days of the military
revolt of July 1936, because the incumbent mayor was traveling to Barcelona to give a conference, he was
accidentally appointed mayor.2 .

From his new position he prevented the armed people loyal to the Republic from confronting the
undecided military of Figueres Castle.3 . It also prevented the looting and destruction of religious buildings
and works of art .4 , in addition to allowing his political opponents to flee to France. He promoted the New
Unified School Committee, which carried out fruitful work, later canceled by the continuation of the war .5

Subsequently, the Figuere s City Council was reconstituted 6 . As a counselor he participated in the
transformation of the School of Arts and Crafts into a School of Work 7 . Since the events of May 3, 1937,
he returned to the mayor's office, where he worked to clean up municipal finances. 8 . Later he resigned
from the mayor's office and took the position of Councilor of Culture. 9 . He was mobilized in September
1938 as a military medic.10 . With the Republican defeat, on February 5, 1939, he went into exile, leaving
his wife in Figueres to run the family pharmacy and take care of his two daughters.11 .

de la guerra i l'exili ( Memories of the revolution,

of the

2 Alexandre Deulofeu, Memories of the revolution, war and exile ), volume 1, page 14.
3 Ibidem, page 15.
4 Ibidem, page 16.
5 Ibidem, page 22.
6 Ibidem, page 23.
7 Ibidem, page 25.
8 Ibidem, page 30.
9 Ibidem, page 35.
10 Ibidem, pages 43-44.
11 Ibidem, page 110.
Once in exile, he was interned in the Perpinyà concentration camp, where he suffered the hardships of the
Catalan and Spanish republican refugees in France. 12 . One of the people with whom he argued through the
press and whom Deulofeu had helped flee to France when he was mayor of Figueres, – Mosén Barceló, a
Majorcan priest who was also a poet –, returned the favor to him and a group of colleagues. , facilitating
their release13 .

The cyclical theory of Alexandre Deulofeu .

Alexandre Deulofeu, influenced by Oswald Spengler and Arnold Toynbee, began to outline his cyclical
theory with his first book Catalunya i l'Europa Futura ( Catalonia and Future Europe ), published in
1934 and with a prologue by Antoni Rovira i Virgili.

But it was during exile that he refined this theory more precisely until, upon his return from France, he
decided to found his own publishing label, Editorial Emporitana , and publish the embodiment of this
theory throughout human history.

Alexandre Deulofeu equates historical cycles with the natural cycles of living beings. According to him,
civilizations or cultures have up to three cycles of approximately 1,700 years each. These cycles affect all
aspects of human life: art, philosophy, science, politics, economics, religion, etc.14 .

Each cycle of civilization or culture of 1,700 years begins with a phase called demographic fragmentation,
lasting about six and a half centuries, where political power is divided into small nuclei, but where the
maximum artistic, philosophical and scientific creation is developed. 15 . Subsequently, the phase called
great unification occurs, lasting about ten and a half centuries, where there is no new creation, but where
this previous creation does spread throughout the territory affected by this culture. At the end of the cycle,
people voluntarily renounce all manifestation of the spirit.

The transformations that occur from one stage to another frequently follow an oscillating process, in
which the most profound advances are alternated by less profound setbacks. It is what Deulofeu calls: Law
of two steps forward and one step back .16 .

Of the up to three cycles of 1,700 years that a civilization or culture can have, the first corresponds to the
imitation of the preceding culture. The second cycle is that of plenitude, where the true personality of the
culture involved is manifested. Finally, in the third cycle there is an imitation of the art, philosophy and
science of the two previous cycles, after which, the creative work of past generations is absolutely
forgotten.17 .

Throughout these cycles of civilization, different imperialisms appear that last approximately between five
and six centuries. These imperialisms have a first federal phase 18, after which comes a depression, then an
aggressive phase called absolutism, military defeat, the conservative phase of plenitude and finally
disintegration and death.19 .

The fulfilled prophecies of Alexandre Deulofeu .

As he outlined his theory, he also enunciated a series of predictions that did not originate in revelations or

12 Ibidem, page 116.

13 Ibidem, page 126.
14Alexandre Deulofeu, Naixement, grana i mort de les civilitzacions , ( Birth, greatness and death of
civilizations ) page 61, Catalan edition of 1970.
15 Ibidem, page 81.
16 Ibidem, page 90.
17 Ibidem, page 61.
18 What we can call an empire if it is freely constituted.
19 Ibidem, page 121.

paranormal abilities, but were based on the theory itself.

Already during his exile, Alexandre Deulofeu expressed his opinion that Germany, despite its aggressive
escalation, would be defeated in the Second World War.

But once the war was over, he announced that, in ten years, the defeated Germany would take the lead in
Europe, while French and English imperialism would decline.20 .

In his book La pau al món per la matemàtica de la història ( Peace in the world through the mathematics
of history ), Deulofeu added his prediction that, around the year 2000, the Soviet Union would collapse
to21 , while the two Germanys would be reunified.

Alexandre Deulofeu's defense of peace during the Cold War .

Warning that the United States of America could believe its own propaganda and turn its cold war with the
Soviet Union into a "hot" one, Alexandre Deulofeu convinced a Venezuelan NATO brigadier general,
Víctor José Fernández Bolívar, to spread the Deulofeunian theory in this organization, in order to convince
the Western bloc that its enemy would fall without a fight.

This is how the aforementioned general published a thesis at the Paris Higher War School between 1962
and 1964, partly based on the theories of Alexandre Deulofeu. The book in which he published this thesis
was considered a reference text in organizations such as the OTA N Defense College.22 .

Between them they did their bit so that Humanity could continue beyond the end of the USSR, which,
according to Deulofeu, continued the imperialism of the Tsars.

The pending prophecies of Alexandre Deulofeu: the case of China .

Alexandre Deulofeu made other predictions known, based on his cyclical theory.

The one that may have the most traumatic consequences for Humanity, in relation to the volume of
population affected, is the crisis that may occur in China.

In his first book of the most extensive version of the Mathematics of History23 warns us:

«(...) in recent years, with lightning speed we have seen all forces sink under the dominance of a
new hegemonic center that with its first aggressive process has achieved the conquest and
unification of China and continues its aggression against Korea and Indochina.

In the prologue to the summary book La Matemàtica de la Història ( The Mathematics of History ) from
1951, page 30, he states:

«With respect to Asia, the Chinese empire will continue its impressive upward process. It will be
protected from all the Russian possessions in Asia and will only find itself facing the other
colossus, the Japanese empire, which, like the German one, is now entering the era of imperial

In the ninth book of the most extensive version of The Mathematics of History24 , Alexandre Deulofeu
makes a description of some supposed coincident prophecies of the Great Pyramid and the Bible, which he

20 Alexandre Deulofeu, La Matemàtica de la Història ( The Mathematics of History ) book written in

1948, published in 1951 and based on a longer work completed in 1945.
21 Page 196.
22Víctor José Fernández Bolívar, The Mathematical-Historical Principles and the Evolution of Freedom .
23 Birth, greatness and death of civilizations , page 204, year 1956.
24 Alexandre Deulofeu. The Irano -Sumerian-Chaldean, Hittite and Egyptian cultures

then compares with what his theory allows him to predict. This ninth book was to see the light shortly
after his death, in 1978, and its publication was postponed until 2005.

On page 193 of this ninth book of the most extensive work on Mathematics , Deulofeu reminds us that
Chinese culture is at the end of its third cycle, but that a new Chinese imperialism has begun its aggressive
process, and after reunifying All of China threatens to overflow until it reaches the lands of Israel and the
Dead Sea. As a result of this overflow, a destructive clash would occur between Germany, guardian of
Europe, and this Chinese imperialist core.

Juli Gutiérrez Deulofeu, grandson of the previous one and defender of his grandfather's thought, also
warns us of this danger in his book Alexandre Deulofeu. The mathematics of history ( Alexandre Deulofeu.
The mathematics of history )25 .

On page 136 Juli Gutiérrez quotes sociologist Valerie Hudson who estimates that, if this continues, by
2020 in China there will be more than 40 million Chinese men without a partner, generating violence,
delinquency and organized crime.

We continue on page 137, where he describes the data on the internal situation in China:

«Analysts estimate that there have been more than 200,000 labor disputes in China since the end of
the 1990s. Conflicts that worsen as the differences between rich and poor increase. These social
differences are much greater in a China that still calls itself communist than in any Western
capitalist country. To the point that there are currently more than 10 million slaves in China, that
is, people who receive food in exchange for their work, but do not receive any salary. But the
situation of the 40 million unemployed people who wander the streets of the main cities in the
northeast of the country looking for an opportunity to survive is even worse. In fact they will have
few opportunities, since it is expected that before 2007 the number of unemployed will multiply by

Juli Gutiérrez continues and reminds us:

«To prevent a social outbreak with unforeseeable consequences from occurring, just as the rest of
the empires did, the Chinese power will go looking abroad for what it cannot get at home.
Deulofeu announced it; The internal reality of the country proves him right. Catastrophe is
imminent26 » .

The case of the United States of America .

Alexandre Deulofeu stated that the United States of North America constitutes imperialism in its federal
phase, where society is divided between capitalists and proletarians, the latter expressions using
Deulofeu's terminology.

Thus, Deulofeu writes:

«(...) Today the US They have reached the culminating moment of their splendor and glory typical
of the end of the first aggressive process. At these moments the empires give the sensation of being
invincible, and they would be, in fact, if they did not carry within themselves the germ of
disintegration and catastrophe. What is going to happen to the American empire? Neither more nor
less than what has happened in the other empires at the equivalent time. The symptoms are
perfectly visible. On the one hand, the accumulation of wealth in the hands of a class; on the other,
the discontent of the working class. These are the circumstances that until today have led all
empires to violent class struggle and have determined the fall of all of them into the hands of a

25 Llibres de l'Índex / Neopàtria, 2004.

26Juli Gutiérrez Deulofeu, Alexandre Deulofeu. The mathematics of history ( Alexandre Deulofeu. The
mathematics of history ), page 137.

dictator upon entering the unitary phase. Today the paths that lead to the great American empire
along these dangerous roads are clearly visible. The countless strikes show us the separation
between capital and labor in the US The hatred between capitalists and workers will become more
accentuated and will fatally lead to armed struggle. Taking advantage of a foreign war, the
American proletariat will rise up against the ruling class, as the German proletariat did during the
1914-1918 war. Then the great American power will experience infinite misfortunes. The horrors
of the French Revolution will be seen multiplied by some figures in proportion to the large
American population. A great depression will ensue followed by an outside invasion. There will be
years of destruction, exhaustion and struggle between rival factions. This state will lead to the
implementation of absolute power and new dreams of conquest and universal hegemony.
Consequently, there will be a new tragedy for Humanity d27 ».

Here he describes a depression that can lead the United States to a triple civil war: due to conflicting social
classes, due to conflicting ethnicities, and due to conflicting leaders. It is the equivalent of the War of
Succession in Spanish imperialism or the French Revolution in French imperialism. From this
confrontation, one faction would emerge victorious, establish a State on a unitary basis and begin an
aggressive absolutist expansion – the equivalent of the French Napoleon or the German Hitler – which
would stop with a military defeat that would dissuade this imperialism from conquering the entire world. ,
to later enter the phase of plenitude of said imperialism, of a paternalistic nature, where it would limit
itself to preserving the possessions it already has.

The case of Spanish imperialism .

In the year 2029, Spanish imperialism will celebrate 550 years of its existence 28 . It must be taken into
account that 550 years is the average duration of all imperialism, according to Deulofeu, but the situation
of this territory within the cycle of civilization is still within the phase of great unification, precisely at the
moment of maximum depersonalization of the being. human 29 . This makes a foreseeable lack of
understanding between the different nations of Spain, which will no longer depend on the imperialist body
to which they are still attached to become part of a Europe under the German umbrella.

By making an effort to foresee, it is evident that, with the good will of each party, different types of
solutions can be practiced as long as these possible conflicts mentioned, which Alexandre Deulofeu's
cyclical theory allows us to foresee, have minimal harmful consequences. But in this text we will discuss,
below, how they could be resolved according to the information provided by Alexandre Deulofeu himself
and, furthermore, using the political, economic and social model of Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.

Agustí Chalaux and Horace Finaly .

Agustí Chalaux de Subirà (1911-2006) was a restless teenager who, at the age of fourteen, attended a
conference titled The Role of Bankers in Society , in which the speaker was the banker Horace Finaly,
president of the National Bank of Paris. and the Netherlands (Paribas).

27 Alexandre Deulofeu, La matemàtica de la història ( The Mathematics of History ), first edition of 1951,
second edition of 1967, pages 203 and 204.
28 In the year 1479 is when the Catholic Monarchs were at the same time kings of their respective
29 Alexandre Deulofeu. Naixement, grandesa i mort de la civilitzacions ( Birth, greatness and death of
civilizations ), page 127.

Agustí Chalaux (1911-2006) .

During question time Agustí Chalaux asked to speak and at the end of the event Finaly attended personally
to young Agustí.

For fourteen years, both met at the banker's home and he explained facts, knowledge, and information
about the unknown inner world of his profession.

Three years after that first meeting, in one of the periodic interviews, a capital event occurred, related by
Agustí himself:

«The appointment was at eight thirty in the afternoon in Finaly's office. Upon arrival, an attentive
servant let me know that Monsieur Finaly was very sorry for not being able to assist me
immediately, because he had an important meeting. He asked me if I would wait for him in the

First of all, I entertained myself by consulting books. Afterwards I sat down at his office table and
mechanically confirmed that there were open drawers. The restlessness from the depths of my soul
did not prevent my daring to remove the drawers. Everything was very organized in well-titled
folders, some more interesting than others. My adolescent astuteness took precautions to keep the
folders in order. At the bottom of the bottom drawer I found a confidential folder. I read its
content without understanding much. It was pretty new to me. It was the report of an important
meeting held in Paris in 1919. I remember that the exclusive members of the meeting were J. Q.
Morgan, Sir Henry Deterding and Finaly as host. They participated in the meeting alone, but
sometimes they called different experts, whose names I don't remember, and asked them for
clarifications. What interested me most was a summary at the end.

The summary contained two points:

First . According to experts, but also according to the general opinion of the great economists
before and during the war of 1914, gold stocks only allowed us to cover war expenses for three
months. To overcome this difficulty, international bankers had suggested to governments that they
abandon the convertibility of their respective paper money into gold, at least within each State.

Second . If paper money, detached from gold, which had been advocated and implemented during
the war, was now, once it ended, rationalized , it would allow international bankers and those in
charge of the powerful classes – according to experts – to earn more money than if the
misinformative and anonymous currency was maintained then and until today.

Conclusion . The decision of those gathered was that they were not interested in rationalizing the
current irrational scriptural paper money because, first, they already had enough money and,
second, the current irrational paper money allowed them to play the (dirty) game of world
plutarchy .

While I was immersed in the passionate reading of this report I received a capital slap that knocked
me to the ground. For a while I didn't know what was wrong with me. Afterwards, Finaly,
changing his attitude, very gently helped me up and asked for my forgiveness. He made me see my
indiscretion in the trust he had shown me by leaving me alone in his library with the drawers open.
He was telling me that not even one of his servants would have dared to do what I had done. (I
doubt it, but surely he had more spies in other people's homes than the other way around).

After the incident we went to dinner. No one knew anything about Finaly's scandal. During dinner
he asked me what I had understood from the report.

I told him practically nothing.

– The word that caught my attention the most is “plutarchy.”

– Little by little –he said– I will explain it to you .

That day he didn't explain anything to me. Then he would be tempted to expand on all these heady
topics with me. He had the pleasure of opening his innermost brain to a thirsty teenager who, in a
dark intuition, had guessed the importance of knowledge kept hidden by this upper caste of great
bankers. Finaly opened my head with an ax (...).

Passionate about all these discoveries, I began to study Economic Sciences in Paris. Finaly took the
problems that my studies caused me with a certain amount of ridicule, since he considered the
economic knowledge taught at the university to be very unscientific.

Advised by Finaly and fulfilling my father's wish, I enrolled in the Mulhouse School of Chemistry.
In this school they ruined all the rhetoric, all the idealistic way of thinking that I had. They made
me say: phenomena are studied with a precise method, regardless of your ethical beliefs,
transcendent ideals, ideologies and passions you have. A phenomenon is a phenomenon, an
objective thing that can be studied and documented. When you focus on the study of a
phenomenon, you don't have to do anything other than this. Logic is used to study phenomena and
nothing else. Logic is a concentration camp: you come and go as you please (not like religion).
When you leave logic, do what you want, for ordinary life it is of no use . This basic instruction has
helped me a lot.

The discovery of this precise and rigorous scientific method, applied to physical and chemical
phenomena, allowed me to begin to focus on the study of social and economic phenomena with
similar precision and rigor.30 » .

Agustí Chalaux and Lluís Maria Xirinacs .

Agustí Chalaux lived his political experiences first within the world of left-wing Catalanism and then
within the libertarian movement, where he confirmed, in the revolutionary events of 1936 in Catalonia, the
uselessness of ideals if they are not accompanied by precise and rigorous solutions.

Faced with the Soviet occupation of Hungary in 1956, Agustí became convinced of the futility of
revolutionary violence because with violence the State is practically indestructible because it has all the
means to maintain itself.

In 1979 and 1980 he made contact with former senator Lluís Maria Xirinacs, and convinced him to study a

30Agustí Chalaux, Autobiographical notes .

new political, economic and social model alternative to capitalism and communism. Xirinacs abandoned
active politics and with his former followers and other people, they created, together with Agustí Chalaux,
the Joan Bardina Study Center, taking the name of the innovative pedagogue Joan Bardina i Castarà.

Lluís Maria Xirinacs (1932-2007) .

Historical precedents of the Agustí Chalaux model .

The model developed by Agustí Chalaux, Lluís Maria Xirinacs and their team aims to maintain individual
freedoms and at the same time ensure a minimum material subsistence for all people, proposing a regime
of economic transparency that makes corruption as difficult as possible, using the resource of telematics. ,
without its use degenerating into totalitarian tyranny.

The initial idea is based on the discovery that, at the time of the city-states of the first Sumerians, there
was a market based on temples that served as a bank, governed by priest-bankers. The inhabitants took
their products to the temple-bank to exchange them for monetary units that were recorded by various
procedures, including clay tablets. On these clay tablets, precursors of writing, the names of the seller and
buyer, the merchandise and the monetary units used were recorded.

Table of the 3rd millennium BC. C. of a population in Syria .

According to the oral Platonic tradition of the great bankers, which Agustí Chalaux learned from his
mentor Finaly, this system gave its name to a golden age, where the currency was neither gold nor silver
and where peace and responsibility reigned.

The mastery of alloys and the subsequent invention of metallic currency, radically anonymous, which

allows foul play, speculation and corruption, allowed King Sargon I of Akkad to eliminate the previous
system based on clay tablets and start a career of successive imperialisms that has survived to this day.
Imperialism and economic corruption made their appearance at the same time.

The political, economic and social model of Agustí Chalaux .

It is about reimplementing a system of commercial information transparency like that practiced by the
ancient Sumerians, stopping using the current anonymous coins and bills, but with the technical resources
offered by modern telematic systems.

In this system, every commercial transaction occurs through a contract called invoice-check, which
contains the data of the seller, buyer, merchandise and monetary units used. This check-invoice leaves
legal proof of its exchange .31 .

31 Magdalena Grau Figueras, Agustí Chalaux de Subirà, Assaig sobre Moneda, Mercat i Societat ( Essay
on Currency, Market and Society ) 2000 edition, chapter 4, section 1, page 69.

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Alexandre Deulofeu's pending challenges and their solutions according to Agustí Chalaux .......................1
Alexandre Deulofeu's defense of peace during the Civil War of 1936-1939 ............................................1
The cyclical theory of Alexandre Deulofeu ...............................................................................................4
The fulfilled prophecies of Alexandre Deulofeu ........................................................................................5
Alexandre Deulofeu's defense of peace during the Cold War ...................................................................5
The pending prophecies of Alexandre Deulofeu: the case of China ..........................................................5
The case of the United States of America ..................................................................................................6
The case of Spanish imperialism ................................................................................................................7
Agustí Chalaux and Horace Finaly ............................................................................................................7
Agustí Chalaux and Lluís Maria Xirinacs ..................................................................................................9
Historical precedents of the Agustí Chalaux model .................................................................................10
The political, economic and social model of Agustí Chalaux ..................................................................11
Invoice-check ...........................................................................................................................................12
Agustí Chalaux's model applied to China ................................................................................................13
Agustí Chalaux's model applied to the USA ............................................................................................14
The people of former Spanish Imperialism ..............................................................................................14
There is enough food for everyone ..........................................................................................................15
The intensive exploitation of the seas and oceans ....................................................................................16
Recycling, renewable energies and respect for ecosystems .....................................................................16
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................17

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Invoice-check .

These transactions are recorded through a set of community-owned telematic networks, under the control
of a justice system independent of the different executive and legislative political bodies. 32 .

To guarantee the independence of Justice, it automatically receives and administers a fixed percentage of
all the ordinary and extraordinary budgets of the State. With this telematic system, the statistical data of
the entire market is available to all its agents 33, while personal data are only available to the same person
and to Justice in the event of opening a process that the relationship and34 .

32 Ibidem, chapter 6, pages 89-90.

33 Ibidem, chapter 13, section 2, page 139.
34 Ibidem, chapter 6, page 90.

In order to guarantee the subsistence of all individuals in the market, it is proposed that an automatic
income system be established35 . This can mean a basic income or social salary for every individual who
does not have any income, in order to eliminate material misery.

To ensure this income system, a working hypothesis called the commercial common good is stated
according to which, if this more scientific economic system is applied, it must be possible to verify or
deny the existence of community wealth originated by inventions that no longer exist. patent rights are
taxed, generating production surpluses that would allow the invention of the money necessary to acquire
these same surpluses, without creating inflation.36 .

If this hypothesis is verified, Agustí Chalaux affirms that the culmination of his model would occur the
day that community income would give more than the private market itself, when what he calls libertarian
communism would occur.

For reasons of economic prudence, minimum taxes are maintained pending verification or denial of this
hypothesis, to be charged on each invoice-check.37 . In addition to a tax on private land property or38 .

Without summarizing it entirely, in the rest of the model designed by Agustí Chalaux and his team there
are a series of measures aimed at avoiding a concentration of power, such as a radical separation of the
executive and legislative branches of the State. 39 . It also determines the inclusion of each individual
person within only one of the following statutes to choose from: commercial, community-liberal or mixed-
artisan 40, where members of the liberal-community statute (such as teachers, lawyers or therapists) can
offer their services for free, remunerated with income from community origin41 .

When Alexandre Deulofeu warns us of the serious dangers that humanity and the entire planet may suffer,
dangers that may cause a significant setback in our degree of technological evolution, these possible
events could frustrate Agustí Chalaux's wish that telematics offer us a tool to establish an economy based
on transparency and that makes corruption, foul play and abuses of power much more difficult.

Agustí Chalaux's model applied to China .

Agustí Chalaux said sarcastically: «The rich don't bother me, the poor bother me. And with the poor there
are two solutions: either they kill themselves or they are given money, so they stop being poor and buy in
the stores of the rich.

Given the crisis that China may suffer as a result of the inability to supply basic products to the majority of
its population, an exemplary solution is the help of towns that produce surpluses of food acceptable to the
Chinese and other basic products for the indigent population. of the different peoples of China.

This solution raises a first problem. This avalanche of surpluses that must supply the unemployed and
indigent people of China, may be interrupted and not reach its destination, as has occurred in many aid
shipments from the people of the so-called First World States, to the peoples of the so-called Third World
States, due to the perverse action of some intermediaries, speculators or corrupt officials.

By applying a telematic monetary system that is mandatory and free to use that includes China, – taking
into account the advanced technological level that this society has –, it is possible to automatically know
which people have no income. The necessary money can then be invented so that, provided in the form of
a basic income, these same poor people can buy the surpluses, generating benefits for the final

35 Ibidem, chapter 14, section 4, page 151.

36 Ibidem, chapter 22, pages 226-227.
37 Ibidem, chapter 7, page 93.
38 Ibidem, chapter 14, section 5, page 155.
39 Ibidem, chapter 11, page 124.
40 Ibidem, chapter 10, pages 117-118.
41 Ibidem, chapter 16, section 3, page 182.

shopkeepers, the intermediaries and the same producers who generate these surpluses.

With an income system of this type, this announced resource crisis can be faced until the Chinese
themselves can resort to their own sources of production.

Agustí Chalaux's model applied to the USA .

Given the foreseeable crisis that he announced, Alexandre Deulofeu affirmed the need for the USA to
move from its federal phase to its unitary phase with the least possible disruption.

Between one phase and the other, a civil war, already mentioned above, may occur and must be avoided.
Alexandre Deulofeu already stated that the human being has been characterized by modifying the laws of
nature in his favor and that, therefore, he can also modify the Deulofeunian laws themselves, once these
laws are known by the human being:

«Now, if we compare the human process with that of irrational animals, we will observe a
fundamental difference consisting of the fact that they do not know how to get out of their
determinism, while man constantly breaks it. Cats and dogs, since time immemorial, defend
themselves with their nails or fangs, and on the other hand, man modifies his means of defense at
every moment. Similarly, animals since their origins have moved from place to place on their nails,
while man has discovered other means of locomotion. A similar phenomenon happens with plants.
Considered collectively, they will continue their evolutionary cycle in the same way throughout the
centuries, as long as the solar system is not modified, but man, as he has discovered the laws of
Nature, has modified his way of life and has progressed. . Consequently, why should man not
progress from a collective point of view the day he discovers the laws that govern the life of
collectives ?42 » .

Deulofeu proposed, among other measures, the transfer of the great fortunes of the USA to the State, the
transition to a unitary structure with a strong government and the abandonment of ambitions of conquest
so that the transition from one system to the other could occur.43 .

The establishment of the Agustí Chalaux model in a technologically advanced society like that of the
USA, allows the establishment of a much more scientific and rational economic system than the current
ones, without resorting to the stateization of great fortunes, but establishing a free market at the same time
transparent, where precise knowledge of market statistical data is available to everyone, making telematic
monetary networks and the ability to invent money, the latter until now in the hands of a private institution
like the Federal Reserve, from this moment of community-public ownership.

The social sectors without income within the US itself can then benefit from the income to acquire
surpluses of basic products, eliminating material misery and thus removing the specter of civil war.

The people of former Spanish Imperialism .

42 Alexandre Deulofeu. La Matemàtica de la Història ( The Mathematics of History ) page 213, first
edition in 1951, second in 1967.
43 Ibidem, page 34.

Both Alexandre Deulofe and44 , like Agustí Chalau x45 , like the latter's disciple Lluís Maria Xirinac s46 ,
are supporters of the confederal structure of political organization to resolve differences between all
nations and peoples of the Earth.

Once we know that Spanish imperialism, as we know it, has an approximate

validity date of five and a half centuries, we can avoid the conflicts inherent to this
expiration by allowing the different Iberian peoples who want to enter, peacefully
and with their own voice, as full states within the European institutions.

As Deulofeu said in the XIXè and last chapter of his first book Catalunya i
l'Europa Futura ( Catalonia and the Future Europe ): «in the future Europe there
will be a true League of Nations, which will make international armed conflicts
impossible.47 ».

Alexandre Deulofeu already informs us that the natural evolution of peoples is the
alternation between creative stages of fragmentation and stages of great unification
where there is no new creation, but where the creation of the previous stages is transmitted. The confederal
structure with its flexibility allows, therefore, the peaceful, but necessary, passage of this natural evolution
from one stage to the other and vice versa, in each of the places where these changes occur.

The culmination of the planetary political process will finally occur with the World Confederation, where
all the nations of the Earth, without exception, will maintain their freedom, but united in a common
political project that will remove the specter of war from the face of the planet.

There is enough food for everyone .

Since the time of the economist Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834), one of the greatest concerns of
demographers has been the growth of the world population and the possibility that there is not enough
food on our planet for all its inhabitants.

Malthus stated that the growth of food production followed an arithmetic proportion, while the growth of
population in his time followed a geometric proportion. If this continues, the number of human beings on
Earth could become excessive for its capacity to produce food.

In 1929, Warren Thomson48 and others later detected that in the most developed states a model of
demographic transition occurred, where countries went from a situation with high birth and mortality
rates, to a situation of low birth and mortality, as a result of their economic development.

This model of demographic transition has been spreading to other states, with the characteristic that the
latter are accelerating the stages in relation to the first to arrive. The forecast is that, if it continues without
major disasters, the world population will stabilize around the year 2050.

44Book Catalunya i l'Europa Futura ( Catalonia and Future Europe ).

45Assaig book sobre Moneda, Mercat i Societat ( Essay on Currency, Market and Society ).
46 During the constituent Senate of the years 1977-1979 in the Spanish State, the team of the independent
senator for Barcelona Lluís Maria Xirinacs, also collecting proposals of popular origin, proposed a
confederal constitution for the Spains, a text that was published in Catalan and Spanish. in the books
Constitució, packet d'esmenes and Constitución, packet of amendments , respectively. In these books he
shows his draft constitution compared with the outgoing text of the Congress of Deputies, which is not
exactly the final text voted in the referendum. When this attempt failed, Xirinacs defended the
independence of the Catalan Countries from Spain, France and Italy, but continued defending the
confederal model applied to all political levels, including continents such as Europe, and the entire world.
It is then that he claims a tree of assemblies constituted from the bottom up, from individuals, through the
different vernacular nations, such as the Catalan Countries, to the European and world assemblies.
47 Page 300.
48 W. S. Thompson. Population . American Sociological Review 34 (6): 959-975.

Furthermore, the team of Dr. Peter Rosset in Agroecology shows us that the territory of each state is
sufficient to produce the food that its people need, even in the most populated states. In fact, we produce
twice what is needed. He proposes, for this, to distribute what is produced well, not to use technologies
that go against the environment, to promote small farms, since they are actually the most productive, and
to respect the food sovereignty of each state.49 .

In this good distribution of food, the solution already mentioned, proposed by Agustí Chalaux's team, can
become a very efficient tool.

The intensive exploitation of the seas and oceans .

Apart from the proposed solutions of the aforementioned authors, the need to nourish Humanity with food
can be seen even more assured with the intensive exploitation of our seas and oceans.

In the Paleolithic, human beings lived from their work as hunters, gatherers and scavengers on land. The
Neolithic revolution established the transition to land exploitation based on agriculture and livestock.

Currently, humans still mostly apply a system similar to that of the Paleolithic to exploit our seas, based
on fishing and gathering. It would therefore be a matter of stopping preying on wild plants and animals in
the seas, to establish large areas for the cultivation of plant species and the breeding of marine animal
species, leaving the rest of the waters to natural ecosystems.

With these solutions we could solve the food supply of human beings without extinguishing natural
ecosystems, until all the peoples of the Earth have fulfilled their demographic transition model and the
human population on the planet is stabilized.

It is not necessary, therefore, to think that we have to let the possible conflicts foreseen by Alexandre
Deulofeu be useful to us in causing a decrease in the world population and thus allowing its maintenance
in the long run.

Recycling, renewable energies and respect for ecosystems .

Many voices warn us of the need for a transformation of the production and consumption systems of
human beings due to ecological factors.

A first necessary factor is the recycling of matter. If humans take into account all the cycles of matter
when producing and consuming, produce only recyclable products and recycle all waste matter, then from
a material point of view we would never run out of the planet.

A second factor is the exclusive use of renewable energies. If humans use only renewable energies, stop
using so-called fossil energies and nuclear energies, and establish the use of so-called free energies in the
event that these show their effectiveness, then, from an energy point of view, we would live also in
unlimited abundance50 .

A third factor is respect for natural ecosystems. Both on land and in rivers, seas and oceans, human beings
must respect the natural ecosystems that also allow our own subsistence.

A more scientific and responsible economic system, such as the one enunciated by Agustí Chalaux, can
decisively facilitate the progressive application of these ecological requirements mentioned. But Agustí

49 Peter Rosset, Twelve myths about hunger , Icària, cited in the article by Ima Sanchís. Every country can
feed its people . The vanguard. Saturday, April 16, 2005. The Contra, page 76.
50 Example: Greenpeace Renewables 2050 report, November 23, 2005, cited in press articles: Àngela
Rodríguez. Catalonia tea net energy in abundance ( Catalonia has clean energy in abundance ). Direct
Metro. Wednesday, November 23, 2005 and Renew or exhaust nature . Direct Metro. Friday, November
25, 2005.

himself warns us:

«Now, in order for man's relations with nature to change meaning, to go from the current
possessive and destructive orientation to an orientation of respect and admiration, a radical change
of mentality is necessary, which requires time and which cannot be improvise by law. It is here that
libertarian social structures can help speed up the process. A clear and transparent society,
monetarily responsible, with a lot of free time, with productive abundance and with great
community solidarity towards those who need it, is a society that does not put obstacles to ideas, to
social experiments, that does not condition mentalities. but rather it leaves them free and helps
them in their initiatives and, therefore, promotes mutation and social transformation. 51» .

At the same time, the application of these last-mentioned technical solutions would facilitate the
culmination of Chalaux's economic model towards what he called libertarian communism.

Conclusion .

Alexandre Deulofeu, with his theory, warns us of possible dangers and with his active work for peace, he
sets an example for us. Agustí Chalaux and his team, in parallel, give us a tool with their model.

With this tool and the solutions expressed, we can successfully overcome these challenges, demonstrating,
with this straightening of the course of humans, until now selfish in the short term, that we deserve to
continue existing. We can then elevate our planet and Humanity on the path of collective evolution.

Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.

Barcelona, Monday, March 8, 2010.

We hereby thank the people who have made amendments and corrections to this document for their work.

Text extracted from the website:

Alexandre Deulofeu website:

51 Magdalena Grau Figueras, Agustí Chalaux de Subirà, Assaig sobre Moneda, Mercat i Societat ( Essay
on Currency, Market and Society ), 2000 edition, chapter 18, section 3, page 204.


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